Object Representation of Patients in Diagnosis Expert Systems
Object Representation of Patients in Diagnosis Expert Systems
Object Representation of Patients in Diagnosis Expert Systems
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Object representation of Patients in Diagnosis Expert Systems
Figure 1:Class representation of patients and humans with B. Abstraction: Now to explain abstractions, consider the ball
inheritance object and we have a task to find the volume of it. In this
case only the mass and density of the ball are the
This way in an expert system a patient can be seen as an attributes that decide the volume of the ball, hence other
object with some properties and attributes some of which are attributes like color or price can be simply ignored,
inherited from the parents. providing us the facility to concentrate only on relevant
things and ignoring unimportant things. Exactly in the
B. Symptoms as Attributes same way, to find out the reason for a simple headache for
An object can have several properties, for example a football a patient, we can simply ignore the leg-pain and
has several features like, its weight, radius, and color etc., at concentrate on the other relevant issues.
a particular time. These attributes can get modified over the
time. In the same way if a human is sick at any point of time
in his life the sickness can be thought of the phase of time
when the human has one more attribute which are the
symptoms of the disease. These symptoms define the state of
the disease and can help in deciding the cause and the cure of
it. Also due to the disease some of other attributes can get
affected. After the treatment the disease attribute of the
patient can be removed or suppressed so it does not affect the
human any more.
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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-5, May 2014
network with the help of serialization. One of the benefits of
saving the state of a patient object is that it can be referenced
in future treatments. Also transmitting the saved object to
other system can enable different users to share, help, and
analyze the disease.
As we have seen, real world problems are fairly easy to solve
as compared to completely virtual problems, this can make
system design much simplified in contrast to the traditional
functional designs. Also saving and sharing of objects can
help physicians to keep track of medical history of the patient
and reach more solid causes and treatments.
[1] Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight Artificial intelligence 3ED(SIE)
[2] Dennis deChampeaux, Doug Lea, Penelope Faure Object Oriented
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[3] Hayes-Roth, Frederick, Donald Waterman, Douglas
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[4] Man, Marriage and Machine Adventures in Artificial Advice, part
[5] J.P. Hamilton Object-Oriented Programming with Visual Basic .NET
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