Edss 450 Lesson Plan 6
Edss 450 Lesson Plan 6
Edss 450 Lesson Plan 6
Lesson Objective, Historical Thinking Skill, California Content & Common Core
Lesson Objective: Students will understand the nature of imperialism inSouth East Asia,
China, or the Middle Eastby producing a country/region profile.
World History Sourcebook
Historical Thinking Skill:
1. Evidence & Interpretation
Common Core Standard:
1. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including
vocabulary describing political, social, or economic aspects of history/social science.
Materials / Equipment
1. Douwes Dekker, MaxHavelaar,1860
2. The Earl of Cromer, Modern Egypt, 2 Vols., (New York: Macmillan, 1908), Vol. I.xvii-xviii.
Scanned by: J. S. Arkenberg, Dept. of History, Cal. State Fullerton
3. Chinese Repository, Vol. 8 (February 1840), pp. 497-503; reprinted in William H. McNeil
and MitsukoIriye, eds. Modern Asia and Africa, Readings in World History Vol. 9, (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1971), pp. 111-118.
Prompt:In which continent (the Americas, Europe, Africa, or Asia) did the following crops
1. Tea
2. Pepper
3. Wheat
4. Sugar
5. Garlic
6. Oats
7. Spinach
8. Lettuce
9. Almonds
10. Onions
We will share answers as a class and then I will disclose that each of these crops actually
originated in different parts of Asia. The warm-up is intended to produce a level of cognitive
dissonance and help students to see that many of our commonly eaten foods were transferred
to the U.S. through long distance trade and imperialism.
I will allow students to choose Southeast Asia, the Middle East, or China to focus on during this
lesson. Once students have selected their regions, they will individually read a few pages from
their textbooks and take Cornell notes to gain background knowledge about the topic. Then,
they will move into groups of four other students with the same focus region to read the
associated primary source and complete the APPARTS handout.
1. Southeast Asia
Read selected textbook pages individually and take notes.
In groups of four, read excerpt from DouwesDekkers Max Havelaarabout the
presence of the Dutch in Java and complete APPARTS handout.
2. Middle East
Read textbook individually and take notes.
In groups of four, read excerpt from Earl of Cromers, Why Britain Acquired
Egypt in 1882 and complete APPARTS handout.
3. China
Read selected textbook pages individually and take notes.
In groups of four, read excerpt from Commissioner Lins Letter to Queen
Victoria, 1839 and complete APPARTS handout.
To support this, I will give students a condensed version of the primary sources written
in simpler language. I will also predefine any challenging words. For further support, I
will give students a summary of the primary sources.
To extend this, I will have students look at real country/region profile of their focus
region through a quick Google search.
Pair-share: In your opinion, what was Europes primary motivation for colonizing your focus
Students share answers as a class and engage in a discussion about how different driving
forces shaped imperialism in different countries (i.e. Europes interest in China was purely
economic rather than social or humanitarian)
Students will reflect on their understanding of the topic by writing a few sentences about what
they have learned and any questions they still have. I will collect these questions and try to
answer as many as I can in the remaining time.
Douwes Dekker was a Dutch colonial official who served in the East Indies for nearly
twenty years. In 1860, he published a critique of the Dutch colonial system that had
an impact in the Netherlands similar to that of Harriet Beecher Stowes Uncle Toms
Cabin in the United States. In the following excerpt from his book, Max Havelaar, or
Coffee Auctions of the Dutch Trading Company, Dekker described the system as it
was applied on the island of Java, in the Indonesian archipelago.
1. Husbandman: farmer
2. Allure: to attract
3. Cultivation: the working of land
Who created the source? What do you know about the author? What is the
authors point of view?
Where and when was the source produced? How might this affect the
meaning of the source?
Beyond information about the author and the context of its creation, what do
you know that would help you further understand the primary source? For
example, do you recognize any symbols and recall what they represent?
For whom was the source created and how might this affect the reliability of
the source?
Why is this source important? What inferences can you draw from this
document? Ask yourself, So what? in relation to the question asked.
Place and Time:
Prior Knowledge:
The Earl of Cromer:
Why Britain Acquired Egypt in 1882, (1908)
Lin, high imperial commissioner, a president of the Board of War, viceroy of the two
Keng provinces, and Tang, a president of the Board of War, viceroy of the two
Kwang provinces, and vice-president of the Board of War, lieut.-governor of
Kwangtung, hereby conjointly address this public dispatch to the queen of England
for the purpose of giving her clear and distinct information on the state of affairs.
We find that your country is distant from us about sixty or seventy thousand
miles, that your foreign ships come fighting with the other for our trade, and
for the simple reason of their strong desire to reap a profit. By what principle
of reason then, should these foreigners send in return a poisonous drug,
which involves in destruction those very natives of China? Without meaning
to say that the foreigners harbor such destructive intentions in their hearts,
we yet positively assert that from their hunger for economic gain, they are
perfectly careless about the injuries they inflict upon us!
We have heard that in your own country opium is prohibited with the utmost
strictness and severity---this is a strong proof that you know full well how
hurtful it is to mankind. Since then you do not permit it to injure your own
country, you ought not to have the injurious drug transferred to another
country, and above all others, how much less to the Inner Land! Of the
products that China exports to your foreign countries, there is not one that is
not beneficial to mankind in some shape or other. There are those that serve
for food, those that are useful, and those that are calculated for re-sale; but
all are beneficial. Has China ever yet sent forth a poisonous article from its
soil? Not to speak of our tea and rhubarb, things which your foreign countries
could not exist a single day without. If China were to grudge you those things
that yield a profit, how could you foreigners scheme after any profit at all?
Our other articles of food, such as sugar, ginger, cinnamon, silk piece goods,
and chinaware are necessities of life for you! On the other hand, the things
that come from your foreign countries are only to make presents of, or serve
for mere amusement. It is quite the same to us if we have them or not. If
then these are of no material consequence to us, what difficulty would there
be in prohibiting and shutting our market against them? It is only that our
heavenly dynasty most freely permits you to take off her tea, silk, and other
commodities, and convey them for consumption everywhere, without the
slightest stint or grudge, for no other reason, but that where a profit exists,
we wish that it be diffused abroad for the benefit of all the earth!
Our celestial empire rules over ten thousand kingdoms! Most surely do we
possess a measure of godlike majesty that ye cannot fathom! Still we cannot
bear to slay or exterminate without previous warning, and it is for this reason
that we now clearly make known to you the fixed laws of our land. If the
foreign merchants of your said honorable nation desire to continue their
commercial intercourse, they then must tremblingly obey our recorded
statutes, they must cut off for ever the source from which the opium flows!
Let then your highness punish those of your subjects who may be criminal,
do not endeavor to screen or conceal them, and thus will you more than ever
display a proper sense of respect and obedience, and thus may we unitedly
enjoy the common blessings of peace and happiness. What greater joy! What
more complete felicity than this!
Valuable Commodities:
Colonial Impact: