BP Opt Vent 508
BP Opt Vent 508
BP Opt Vent 508
Perspecti v e S ta n d a r d tions, ventilation rates are stipulated in terms of floor area
Practi ce
Table 1, below, lists typical design codes that are often Standards
used as ventilation-rate guidelines:
ANSI/AIHA Z9.5 The specific room The latest version of the American National Standards Institute and the American Industrial
ventilation rate shall be Hygiene Association standard (ANSI/AIHA Z9.5-2003, Section 2.1.2) states that a method
established or agreed upon based on air changes per hour is not the appropriate concept for designing containment
by the owner or his/her control systems. Contaminants should be controlled at the source. ANSI/AIHA also states
designee. that the air changes per hour do not reflect actual mixing factors of a particular room.
NFPA-45-2004 Minimum 4 ACH According to the National Fire Protection Associations Standard NFPA 45, Appendix A:
unoccupied; occupied A8-3.5 (NFPA 45 2004), room air currents in the vicinity of fume hoods should be as low as
typically greater than 8 possible, ideally less than 30% of the face velocity of the fume hood. Air supply diffusion
ACH. devices should be as far away as possible from fume hoods and have low exit velocities.
ACGIHInd. Vent. 24th Ed.2001 The required ventilation This standard from the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists states
depends on the generation that Air changes per hour or air changes per minute is a poor basis for ventilation
rate and toxicity of the criteria where environmental control of hazards, heat, and/or odors is required. The
contaminant, not on the impact of the laboratorys ceiling height is identified as one reason why an air change
size of the room in which approach does not adequately address the required contamination control (Section 7.5.1,
it occurs. Air Changes).
ASHRAE Lab Guide2001 4-12 The ASHRAE Laboratory Design Guide includes suggestions relating to the following:
Recirculation considerations
OSHA 29 CFR 4-12 The Occupational Safety and Health Administration specifies a room ventilation rate of 4 to
Part 1910.1450 12 air changes per hour, which is normally adequate general ventilation if local exhaust
systems such as hoods are used as the primary method of control. This range is extremely
broad and provides a designer with little guidance.
Studies of laboratory facilities have demonstrated hour (ACH) has a minimal effect on aerosol concentration
that the room air change rate has less effect than a room of microorganisms in the first few minutes after release.
air diffusing system or other ventilation characteristic on
environmental conditions. Designers need specifications Adjusting ventilation is not the only way to control
that are tailored to a laboratorys air circulation arrange- environmental conditions. For instance, Memarzadeh
ment, because many conventional design parameters (1999) has shown that controlling the humidity in animal
and recommendations should not be universally applied; rooms is more effective than using high air change rates in
for example, they may not relate to microenvironmental managing the production of ammonia from animal urine.
(e.g., cage) conditions in a laboratory (Zhang et al., 1992; This has allowed users to decrease the air change rate
McDiarmid, 1988). from 15 to as low as 5, while improving the welfare of the
Other studies show that air dilution or replacement
does not protect personnel from exposure to concentrated
bursts of aerosols in biological laboratories. For example, P re p a rat i o n P ro c e s s
O ve r vi e w
Crane (1994) quotes Chatigny and West (1976), who say that
increasing ventilation rates from 6 to 30 air changes per
Determining a laboratory facilitys ventilation rate is
not an exact science; therefore, a precise answer cannot
Ventilation Dilution* be the only goal of the ventilation system designer. More
The principal device used to contain harmful emissions from chemicals within important is the process carried out by the ventilation sys-
a laboratory is the chemical fume hood. Such hoods come in various sizes, but tem designer to resolve an appropriate ventilation rate. At
a typical internal working surface dimension is 66 inches wide and 26 inches
deep. If one assumes an 18-inch sash opening, and an average face velocity the initial (conceptual) level, the designer should consider
of approximately 100 fpm, approximately 850 cfm of air is induced through the the following four-step process:
hood by the laboratory exhaust system. Furthermore, for hoods designed in
accordance with the guidance provided in Appendix A.6.4.6, NFPA 45-2000,
a minimum of 300 cfm of dilution air is admitted when the sash is fully closed.
For laboratory ventilation systems designed in accordance with the guidance
Step 1 : R eview Design Intent
provided in Appendix A.6.3.5 of NFPA 45-2000, room air current velocities in Study and support the features embodied in the facil-
the vicinity of the hood should ideally be less than 30 fpm.
itys design intent document. The document should
Given the hood dimensions and ventilation system design guidance described include three main categories, which are followed by
above, consider an accidental one-liter spill of hydrogen fluoride or hydrogen
chloride in the vicinity outside of the fume hood. In calculating the concentra the designers actions:
tions resulting from either of these spills, it can be shown that the contaminant
threshold limit value IDLHImmediately Dangerous to Life and Healthis User programming:
exceeded regardless of sash position. Additional results are summarized below:
Characterize the buildings mission.
If room air current velocities in the vicinity of a hood are increased
above the minimum recommended level (as noted above), emission
Differentiate between needs and wants.
rates from the spill increase, as do the resulting concentration levels
of contaminants in the air flowing toward the fume hood.
Evaluate client statements.
If the volumetric airflow rate in the vicinity of the hood is increased,
as in the case of opening the sash of a variable air volume (VAV) List research goals.
hood, lower concentration levels result.
Unfortunately, ventilation airflow rates have to increase by at least Occupancy classification:
one or two orders of magnitude above those induced through the
fume hood to keep from exceeding life-threatening threshold levels. Interpret municipalitys building code.
Furthermore, ventilation systems designed to provide such airflow
rates are impractical because they are physically constrained by the Determine occupancy classification requirements.
size of the building.
Consequently, ventilation dilution is not the solution to pollution Analyze energy-use impacts.
resulting from an accidental spill of hazardous chemicals within a
laboratory. Relate findings to the project design team.
Finally, the above results point to the importance of handling chemi
cals safely before delivering them to chemical fume hoods. Essential building functions and systems:
Note: IDLH was established by the National Institute for Occupational Safety Identify architectural features.
and Health. It is defined as the concentration of airborne contaminant that
poses a threat of death, immediate or delayed permanent adverse health
Evaluate engineering approaches.
effects, or effects that could prevent escape from such an environment.
*Courtesy of John L. Peterson, P.E., Office of Facilities Planning and Itemize main design elements and characteristics.
Construction, University of Texas System
Determine boundaries for design.
Ste p 2 : I d e n t if y A u t h o r it y H a ving Programming
Start Here: Review Design Intent Document
Juri s d i c ti on Schematic
Design Codes or ?
Ensure that the authority is identified and involved,
Identify: Authority Having
and has a clear understanding of the difference between Jurisdiction. Adopted Standards or ?
codes and standards: Gather: Ventilation rate
required by the authority from:
Industry Standards
Have force of law. Scope: Owners Priorities
Building occupancy class
Are restrictive. Determine design teams level Employee/user safety
of support in charrette by Buildings value
Require compliance. discussing: Sustainability design goals
Priority for optimizing vent rate
Standards: Availability of resources Budget: Value Engineering
Cost/benefit analysis
Are open to interpretation. Cost versus safety
First cost versus life-cycle cost
Have a wide span of acceptable values. Added engineering costs
Constrained design: Restricted, or constrained by factors), thereby reducing the guesswork involved in stan-
building code. dard practice, and ensuring that the facility will perform
well during emergencies.
Standard design: Conventional practice that
employs design standards guidelines.
L A B S F O R T H E 2 1 S T C E N T U RY 7
provide real-time variable-air-volume ventilation control. chemicals, the control band can specify what activities are
DCV differs fundamentally from typical practice, which permissible at a room air change rate, require local ventila-
blindly sets a fixed ventilation rate based on anticipated tion, and must be conducted in a fume hood at a particular
(but not verified) pollutant levels. Some key challenges in flow rate. (Chemicals with the highest risk are handled at
DCV design are correct sensor choice and placement. hood flows set for optimum containment, or performed
in a glove box.) A laboratory might optimize airflows for
A notable benefit of DCVin addition to energy work up to a prescribed control band, or designate specific
savingsis the introduction of monitoring equipment that hoods, based on airflow and contaminant containment,
can detect hazards and provide alarms and reporting. In for work within a certain control band.
addition to monitoring for spills and other accidents, DCV
can also help identify malfunctioning fume hoods or poor This new approach to classifying chemical hazards is
lab practice (e.g., chemicals left out of fume hoods) that being increasingly applied worldwide. For example, the
could otherwise go undetected. United Kingdom has incorporated control banding into
its recommended tools for compliance with regulations by
Hazardous Control Banding: Classifying Chemicals the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health.
and Hazards
During the design of a new lab building and retrofit of
Control banding is a strategy for classifying and han- an existing one, the University of Rochester (UR) recently
dling chemicals and hazards according to their associated used control banding to identify a hazard level for each of
health risks. A control band score is calculated by weigh- its labs. After performing a detailed review and analysis of
ing a chemicals level of toxicity, scale of use, and ability hazards being used in the universitys labs, the UR Health
to become airborne under certain conditions. The control and Safety Officer used control banding to create a new air
band score directs the user to appropriate control strate- change rate standard. Based on this approach, an A lab
gies. (See sidebar on Control Banding.) has 8 ACH when it is occupied, and 6 ACH when unoc-
cupied (8/6 ACH); a B lab has 6/4 ACH, and a C lab
has 4/2 ACH. Control banding can also be done on a basis
Control Banding for Optimizing Laboratory Ventilation Rates* of CFM/ft2.
Control banding is a means of classifying and grouping substances used in a
process or activity by health risk for the purpose of determining an appropriate In the example of the University of Rochester, the use
control strategy. Risk is most often described as a function of the likelihood of control banding is a step in the right direction, but it still
and consequences of an event. For control banding, chemical classification
has a similar risk basis. Toxicity (with consideration of the potential for skin
reinforces the conventional wisdom that more is better.
absorption) is a measure of the consequence of exposure. The scale of use As described later, better ventilation design and evaluation
(quantity) and the ability to become airborne (volatility for liquids, or dispersibil
strategies will provide greater protection from airborne
ity for solids) are measures of the likelihood of exposure. Combinations of the
different levels of toxicity, scale of use, and ability to become airborne under chemical hazards than simply increasing air change.
the conditions of use yield a score that equates to a control band. The control
band, combined with the tasks involved, directs the user to the appropriate
control strategies. Strategies are based on four key approaches: Task Ventilation Control
Employ good industrial hygiene practice; Special-purpose laboratories provide an opportunity
Use local exhaust ventilation; for designers to apply localized ventilation devices suited
Enclose the process; or for a labs particular use. Examples include animal labs
Contact a professional industrial hygienist. using cage ventilation as a task-specific ventilation or local
The control-banding concept can easily be applied to laboratory chemical
exhaust ventilation (LEV) strategy, electronic clean rooms
operations, where the chemical use quantities tend to be small, and chemical
toxicity and ability to become airborne vary widely with the chemicals of inter using mini-environments, or biomedical labs using bio-
est. For a specific process and associated chemicals, the control band might logical safety cabinets (BSCs).
specify activities permitted with various room air change rates, activities that
require local ventilation, and activities that must be conducted in a fume hood
at various flow rates, with the highest risk at hood flows set for optimum con In the case of animal labs, studies such as those by
tainment of airborne contaminants. A laboratory might have airflows optimized Memarzadeh (1999) have shown that increasing a rooms
to do work only up to a certain control band, or specific hoods might be desig
nated for work within a certain control band, based on airflow and contaminant
ventilation rate does not have a significant effect on cage
containment. ventilation. In addition, Riskowski et al. (1996) identified
Courtesy of John Piatt, Pacific Northwest Laboratory cage type as an important factor in determining the
ventilation rate in an animal facility, and Zhang et al.
8 L A B S F O R T H E 2 1 S T C E N T U RY
(1992) found that providing a quality environment for Eliminating stagnant dead zones in which air
animal studies was more dependent on cage design, recirculates or there exist lazy airflow patterns.
room ventilation system design, and animal management
Examining numerous What if? scenarios.
practices than on room air exchanges.
Good practice therefore involves tailoring ventilation This virtual model can also be the basis of a full-scale
to a specific task, and to a location within a laboratory construction of a laboratory space.
equipped with LEV. When this is done, general ventila-
CFD simulation methods can help determine the labs
tion rates may be relaxed without compromising safety or
airflow characteristics, spill clearing performance, and
comfort at the location of the task. Note that LEV systems
mixing factors including removal of fugitive emissions,
can increase energy use if improperly designed, installed,
e.g., small continual releases from an evaporating solvent
or operated due to high ventilation system pressure drop
in an uncovered beaker outside a fume hood. Importantly,
requirements, leaking devices, and open unused LEV
CFD models can predict plume patterns of spill scenarios,
and the required clearing time following a spill before it
Be tte r Pra c t ic e S t r a t e g ie s : CFD modeling methods are useful for evaluating the
Si m u l a ti o n Me t h o d s dynamic effects of HVAC system features, layout, and
operation. Room geometry, HVAC system equipment,
In an effort to optimize ventilation system layouts diffuser placement, and laboratory equipment as well
and laboratory designs, better-practice strategies apply as operational procedures all influence air movement in
real or virtual laboratory models that permit airflow pat- the laboratory, particularly around the fume hood sash
tern simulations. These performance-based approaches opening. A CFD model simulates the interaction of all of
evaluate a simulated environments hazards, e.g., they these variablesas well as the turbulence caused by a
determine a chemicals clearing time by calculating the lab workers movementsto provide data that can be used
spaces mixing factors for a given spill scenario rather to understand a laboratorys temperature, air movement,
than simply applying a universal, prescriptive air change relative pressure, regions of turbulence, and contaminant
rate. This is an iterative process that accounts for facility concentrations. In addition, this modeled information
design features that influence one another. The following can be further analyzed to study fume hood containment
simulation methods may be applicable: capabilities, challenges to the hoods containment, e.g.,
CFD simulations supply temperature variations, residence time of air mov-
ing through the modeled lab, placement of ventilation
Tracer gas simulations inlets and outlets, and other factors.
Neutrally buoyant bubble simulations
Although costly, building a full-scale model of a
laboratory module can be justified when the module will
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulations be replicated many times in one facility or in multiple
For this better-practice approach, a geometric rep- facilities. Performance-design methods including pre-
resentation of the lab space is built within a computer. construction CFD modeling and full-scale lab modeling,
Then, a simulation of the airflow patterns inside the lab followed with in situ evaluations, can make laboratories
is modeled using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) safer and more energy efficient.
computer program. Results from the model help design-
ers determine a labs airflow characteristics by: Tracer Gas Simulations
Developing answers to spill scenarios. Once a scaled or full-size mockup is built, a labs
ventilation system can be determined by using a tracer gas
Estimating residence time of a hazard. test, according to the ASHRAE Laboratory Design Guide.
Evaluating the placement of major design ele- The tracer gas is evenly distributed throughout the labora-
ments, such as hoods, benches, registers. tory, and the rate of decay in the tracer gas concentration
is used to calculate air changes per hour (ACH). To imple-
L A B S F O R T H E 2 1 S T C E N T U RY 9
Pe rf o rm an c e E x am p l e s
250 85.0
100 True North
0 65.0
Velocity [fpm] Temperature [F]
Short throw and large Effect of global air circulation
drop of supply air jets in the lab, flow towards windows Thermal stratification
(draft risk)
CH3CL (mole)
Time = 1620.0
C omm i ss i o n i n g
Laboratory equipment process load and lighting Crane, J.T. Biological Laboratory Ventilation and
load. Architectural and Mechanical Implications of Biological
Safety Cabinet Selection, Location, and Venting, ASHRAE
Energy recovery systems, when present. Transactions, 100(1):12571265, 1994.
A recommended procedure in ANSI Z9.5-2003, the Maghirang, R.G., G.L. Riskowski, L.L. Christianson, L.L.
Ventilation and Environmental Quality in Laboratory
System Mode Operational Test (SMOT), should be part of
Animal Facilities, ASHRAE Transactions, 102(2):186194,
a good practice effort. This test procedure is a system-
wide functional verification that examines how well all of
the individual lab components and design features work Marshall, J.W. Health Care Ventilation Standard: Air
together as a whole. Adequate and measured responses Changes per Hour or CFM/Patient? ASHRAE Journal,
by the central HVAC system to normal lab operations are 38(9): 2730, September 1996.
evaluated during a SMOT. An HVAC system must respond McDiarmid, M.D. A Quantitative Evaluation of Air
directly to actions performed in a lab space, e.g., How Distribution in Full Scale Mock-Ups of Animal Holding
12 L A B S F O R T H E 2 1 S T C E N T U RY
article also appears in Laboratory HVAC, 1995, 8994, A c k n o wl e d g m e n t s
ISBN 1-883413-25-7.)
A uthor
Memarzadeh, F. Of Mice, Men, & Research. Engineered
Systems, 16(4), April 1999. Geoffrey C. Bell, P.E., M. Arch.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Mills, E., H. Friedman, T. Powell, N. Bourassa, D. Claridge,
T. Haasl, and M.A. Piette. The Cost-Effectiveness of
The author is very grateful to the following people for
Commercial-Buildings Commissioning: A Meta-Analysis of
their important contributions and thoughtful reviews:
Energy and Non-Energy Impacts in Existing Buildings and
New Construction in the United States. Lawrence Berkeley John Piatt, P.E., Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
National Laboratory Report No. 56637, 2004.
John Peterson, P.E., University of Texas System
Riskowski, G.L., R.G. Maghirang, W. Wang. Development
of Ventilation Rates and Design Information for Laboratory Otto Van Geet, P.E., National Renewable Energy
Animal Facilities. Part 2 - Laboratory Tests. ASHRAE Laboratory
Transactions, 102(2): 195209, 1996.
Paul Mathew, Ph.D., Lawrence Berkeley National
Zhang, Y., L.L. Christianson, G.L. Riskowski, B. Zhang, G. Laboratory
Taylor, H.W. Gonyou, P.C. Harrison. A Survey of
Laboratory Rat Environments. ASHRAE Transactions, Lou DiBerardinis, Massachusetts Institute of
98(2): 247253, 1992. Technology
13 L A B S F O R T H E 2 1 S T C E N T U RY
For M ore In fo r ma t i o n
O n O p t i m i z i n g Ventilation S y s tem s
Geoffrey C. Bell, P.E., M. Arch.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
One Cyclotron Road, MS 90-R3111
Berkeley, CA 94720