The retail store is the place where the customers take a decision on
the purchase of the products offered by the retailer. The store also
influences the perception that customers form in their minds about
the store, the products, services and staff. From the managements
point of view, operations of the store and a major element of the
cost. As a consequence, the store itself becomes a critical asset of
the retail business and it is imperative that the operations are
managed well to achieve and sustain customer satisfaction and be
cost effective. Managing store operations for a small retail business
of any size or complexity from the neighborhood grocer to the
national retail chain is a challenging task
Retailing consists of the sale of goods or merchandise from a fixed
location, such as a department store, boutique or kiosk, or by post, in
small or individual lots for direct consumption by the purchaser.
Retailing may include subordinated services, such as delivery.
Purchasers may be individuals or businesses. A "retailer" buys goods
or products in large quantities from manufacturers or importers,
either directly or through a wholesaler, and then sells smaller
quantities to the end-users / consumers. Retail establishments are
often called shops or stores. Retailers are at the end of the supply
chain. Manufacturing marketers see the process of retailing as a
necessary part of their overall distribution strategy. The term
"retailer" is also applied where a service provider services the needs
of a large number of individuals, such as a public utility, like electric
History of Nesto
help Nesto to set new records and create history in the retail
The main objective of the project is to study the retail store operations in
Nesto hypermarket.
To identify the factors that can explain the different techniques to save the
To calculate the average amount of purchasing/day of the customers and to
measure the number of customers visiting NESTO.
To analyze the growth and development trends of retail store.
To identify key areas and shortcomings to focus in order to improve the
performance of organized retail store Nesto.
Oman is a developing country consumers spend a larger share of
their income on food. Food and Grocery is the second-largest
segment of the retail industry in Oman. This retail segment is
expected to accurately reflect the performance of organized retail
and hence the scope of study is limited to organized retail formats
with Food and Grocery as the major product category. Many factors
contribute to a retailers overall performance. Literature indicates
that retail performance should be judged on multiple dimensions:
based on customer perception, based on operational efficiency, and
based on financial performance (Stem Neill and Gregory M. Rose,
2004; Michael and Barton, 2004). The present research study is
limited to performance evaluation of organized retail formats on
customer based parameters.
Supermarkets and the Identification of the efficiency Drivers
surveyed that supermarket and hyper-market retail markets
had higher efficiency as compared to other retail formats.
indicators on the basis of which retailers decide to go for a
specific type of retail format are: Price, Sales Personnel,
Quality of Merchandise, Assortment of Merchandise,
Advertising, Services and other Convenience Services.
5. Piyush Kumar Sinha and Sanjay Kumar Kar (2007) 35, Indias
retail development is inevitable. Most of the organized
retailers in India are harping on quality, service, convenience,
satisfaction and benefits to lure shoppers into the store.
Retailers should create value for the consumer and must
decide suitable vehicle to deliver desired consumer value. No
doubt, that retail format is one of the vehicles to deliver value
proposition and it helps to position the store in the mind of
target shoppers. Retailers certainly need to be innovative in
designing the value proposition and deciding the format to
deliver that to the consumer. It is not all about deciding the
format but all about serving the consumer better, faster and
at less cost. Retailers can use their store as an indicator of
what they stand for and what value they offer. Retailers have
to out think consumer in providing service and value. Now,
most of the retailers are concerned about growth in number of
stores rather than creating value for consumer.
7. Alexander Chemev and Ryan Hamilton (2009) 57, in their
research paper majorly focused on the important decision that
retailers always involves in selecting the number of items
constituting their assortments. A key issue in making these
decisions is the role of assortment size in determining
consumers choice of a retailer. The authors address this issue
by investigating how consumer choice among retailers
offering various-sized assortments is influenced by the
attractiveness of the options constituting these assortments.
The data show that consumer preference for retailers offering
larger assortments tends to decrease as the attractiveness of
the options in their assortments increases and can even lead
to a reversal of preferences in favour of retailers offering
smaller assortments. This research further presents evidence
that the relationship between assortment size and option
attractiveness is concave, like the marginal impact of
assortment size on choice decreases as the attractiveness of
the options increases. Data from eight empirical studies.
9. Piquet (2002) 12 in his study titled, Retail Marketing in
Emerging Countries highlights that, with the second largest
retail market, ($202.6 billion) among emerging countries, next
only to China ($388.6 billion), India is an attractive destination
for global retails. However, India has been ranked only sixth in
a global retail development index (recently developed by AT
Kearney, Slovak Republic, Hungary, The Russian Federation,
Morocco) and of course, China has been rated as more
attractive than India. Ten years ago, the top 20 global retailers
had operations in 11 countries. Today they are present in 82
countries. India is not on that list yet. However, with once
promising South America now losing their original appeal due
to market saturation and economic risk, India is a serious
coretender for FDI (Foreign Direct Investment). But that will
depend on whether policy-makers will heed the Chinese
success and allow FDI.
The term 'retail' is derived from the French word retailer which
means 'to cut a piece off or to break bulk'. In simple terms, it implies
a first-hand transaction with the customer.
the final consumer is presumed to be the final user of a 45 purchase
unlike a customer who may have bought the goods for their own
use, as a present or as part of their own business activity.
Functions of Retailing
Retailers perform various functions like sorting, breaking bulk,
holding stock, as a channel of communication, advertising, storage
and certain additional services such as:
quantities. Retailers are able to balance the demands of both sides,
by collecting an assortment of goods from different sources, buying
them in sufficiently large quantities, and selling them to 46
consumers in small units.
Holding Stock: Retailers also offer the service of holding stock for
the manufacturers. Retailers maintain an inventory that allows for
instant availability of the product to the consumers. It helps to keep
prices stable and enables the manufacturer to regulate production.
Consumers can keep a small stock of products at home as they
know that this can be replenished by the retailer and can save on
inventory carrying costs.
and display, shoppers learn about the characteristics and features of
a product or services offered. Manufacturers, in their turn, learn of
sales forecasts, delivery delays, and customer complaints. The
manufacturer can then modify defective or unsatisfactory
merchandise and services.
2) Cyclical where change follows a pattern ad phases can have
definite identifiable attributes associated with them.
Environmental Theory:
Cyclical Theory
structure and low profit-margin requirements, offering some real
advantages, such as specific merchandise, which enables them to
take customers away from more established competitors.
always exists
of similar
formats or
within broad retail categories. It is believed that retail innovation
does not necessarily reduce the number of formats available to the
consumer; instead, it leads to the development of more formats.
Retailing thus evolves through a dialectic process, i.e., the blending
of two opposites to create a new format.
Primary Data Collection: Primary data was collected with the help
of a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was administered
to the selected 50 respondents.
Sample size:I took one month data from the Nesto Store It
included Total Footfall, Total Customers, Total Sales, Average
Sales per Customers, No. of items sold and Conversion Ratio.
For the questionnaire filling I took a sample of 30 people from
the nearby locations (Muscat region). I also interviewed those
who visited the store regarding the Store Ambiance,
Assortments of products and the Services provided.
Sampling techniques: For the purpose of determining
population characteristics instead of enumerating entire
population, the individual in the sample are only observed.
Then the sample characteristics are utilized to approximately
to determine the population. The type of Sampling Procedure
which I have chosen is Convenience Sampling. Convenience
sampling is a generic term that covers wide variety of Adhoc
procedures for selecting respondents. Convenience Sampling
means that the sampling units are Accessible, Convenient,
easy to measure, co-operative and articulate. Considering the
accessibility factor I selected Muscat area for the study .I
interviewed the customers and analyzed the given data
through my own convenience and expertise.
Age Group
18 25 years 4
25-35 years 6
35-60 years 18
60 and above 2
From the above chart it can be interpreted that majority of the
respondent (60%) are in the group of 35-60 years, followed by 25-
35 years (20%) ,18 25 years (13%) and 60 and above with (7%).
Male 14
Female 16
male; 34%
female; 66%
From the above chart it can be interpreted that majority of the
customers are females (66%) and the rest are male (34%).
Employee 14
Business person 5
others 11
Others; 37%
Employee; 47%
It was found that (46%) of the respondents are Employees, (17%)
are business person and the others constitutes (37%) as customers.
Weekly 1
Monthly Twice. 7
Monthly once 8
Daily 0
Weekly; 40%
The chart depicts that (40%) of the respondents purchase weekly,
(32%) of the respondents visit Monthly once and monthly twice
constitutes to (28 %.)
Groceries and Fresh 14
Home Ware 6
Health Care 5
Fashion Accessories 2
Consumer Electronics 3
Healthcare; 16%
Homeware; 19%
The chart depicts that (45%) of the respondents purchase Groceries
and Fresh Food, (19%) of the respondents purchase Homeware ,
(16%) purchase Healthcare ,(13%) purchase consumer electronics
and Fashion Accessories constitutes to (7 %.)
Frequently 3
Rarely 16
Never 4
On requirement 7
Frequently; 7%
On requirement; 44%
rarely; 39%
Never; 10%
The chart depicts that (39%) of the respondent says Customer
service interacts rarely, (44%) of the respondents says customer
services interacts on requirement, (10%) says Customer service
never interacts and (7%) says Customer service frequently.
Very low 0
Low 12
Almost 13
High 5
Very high 0
High; 12%
Low; 29%
The chart depicts that (59%) of the respondent says price of the
products are Almost same, (29%) of the respondents says price of
the products are Low, (12%) says price of the products are High and
no one says the price is very high and very low.
Less than 2 mints 0
2 5 mints 4
6 10 mints. 8
More than 10 18
The chart depicts that (67%) of the respondent says billing time
takes more than 10 mins, (22%) of the respondents says billing
time takes 6-10 mins, (11%) says billing time takes 2-5 mins and no
one says less than 2 mins.
6. Which is the best part of the Nesto Hypermarket?
The chart depicts that (67%) of the respondent says Discounts are
the best in Nesto, (19%) of the respondents say about Quality of
the products is best ,(9%) says availability of products and (5%)
says the environment of the store.
7. Which in your opinion needs improvement in NestoHypermarket?
The chart depicts that (49%) of the respondent saysEnvironment of
the store to be improved in Nesto, (17%) of the respondents
saysQuality of the products to be improved, (10%) says packaging
of products to be improved, (7%) says the discount and (13%) says
the availability of the products.
8. Which offer do you like the most?
others; 13%
The chart depicts that (50%) of the respondent says buy 1 get 1
free, (18%) of the respondents saysgift voucher is best,(23%) says
others and (9%) says the Reward Points is the most.
9. How much distance do you have the store?
0-5 Km 15
5-10 km 7
10- 15 Km 5
More than 15 Km. 3
The chart depicts that (43%) of the respondent comes from 0-5 Km,
(29%) of the respondents comes from 5-10 km , (18%) comes
from10- 15kmand (8%) come from more than 15 km.
11. Would you recommend Nesto hypermarket Store to your
Yes 17
No 4
Not sure. 9
no; 11%
The chart depicts that (46%) of the respondent says they will
recommend Nesto to their neighbours, (43%) of the respondents
says that not sure and (11%) of the respondents says they will not
recommend Nesto to their neighbours.
Finally analyzing all the factors responsible for increasing sales and
the number of customers in NESTO hypermarket, through various
data analysis like correlation and regression analysis, I came to a
conclusion that Nesto should give emphasis on the measures taken
to increase the Footfall , Ticket Size and Catchment area. Nesto does
not provide any Advertisement about its products and Services
whereas its main competitor LULU does. So, the company should
focus on the tools present to analysis its customer and various other
Also the group has a major focus on achieving customer needs and
their satisfaction level and not to those who made it possible. There
are multitudinous programs and events taking place to attract a
large amount of crowd from the respective locations. But the
industry should also keep in mind the integrated efforts made by the
team i.e. the CSAs, Store Supervisors, Store Manager and the
people involved in store activities for the enhancement customers
attraction by the store and finally maximization of revenue.
Because, ultimately it is the sales personnel of any background
upon whom the future of the organization depends
Most of the respondents purchase Groceries and Fresh Food
and it would be better to improve the other segments like
consumer Electronics and Fashion accessories.
A study on Retail store operations on
Nesto Hypermarket.
Please answer the questions below:
Name :
Gender : MaleFemale
a) Weekly
b) Monthly Twice
c) Monthly once.
d) Daily
a) Frequently.
b) Rarely.
c) Never.
d) On requirement.
Q4.As compared to other stores, what do you think of the pricingof
the products of Nesto hypermarket?
a) Very low.
b) Low
c) Almost Same.
d) High.
e) Very high.
Q5. In your experience, how long is the time taken for the billing?
e) Discount and Incentives on the products ( )
( )
a) 0-5 Km
b) 5-10 km
c) 10- 15 Km
d) More than 15 Km.
a) Yes
b) No
c) Not sure.
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