Bussiness Idea: Farmfresh: Submitted By: Gaurav Chaturvedi Mudit Khanpuri
Bussiness Idea: Farmfresh: Submitted By: Gaurav Chaturvedi Mudit Khanpuri
Bussiness Idea: Farmfresh: Submitted By: Gaurav Chaturvedi Mudit Khanpuri
Submitted By:
Gaurav Chaturvedi
Mudit Khanpuri
Business Idea:
DATA & INTERNET is the next big thing of the 21st century, and there is no
denying in the fact. The way predatory competition is shaping up in the
internet service providers industry, it is certain that more and more
people would can upgrade their transaction platform from manual to
digital. The surge in the online trading has gone up to such levels that
marketers have identified online selling as the third channel of marketing
after direct selling and indirect selling.
The biggest internet based company of the world Facebook is valued at a
whopping 242 billion USD. This is the power of Internet and online
connectivity. Digitization has disrupted markets for newspapers,
televisions, ticket windows in railways and bus -stations, dining, payment-
virtually everything. In this era, Indian Government is pushing its
campaign of digitizing India and demonetization has given the initiative a
greater stimulus. This digitization surge has given rise to zillions of
opportunities for businessmen to take their business to the third
dimension of marketing- Online Selling or e-selling.
Our business India is to directly connect Farmers and poultry producers
with nearby restaurants and college messes in urban & semi urban areas.
Our approach will be to create a B2B model. Farm fresh will be an app &
Internet based fruit & vegetable market place. Our motive will be to
provide fresh Fruits and Vegetable from the farm to the customers and to
reduce middlemens in the process which will result in higher profit margin
for farmers.
Our app will provide a tool by which farmers will put their produce on the
app for sale, and different restaurants and business owners can buy that
from there according to the requirement. Logistics & quality testing will be
in scope of FARMFRESH and will be added to the final price of the
product. After delivery, online invoice will be generated and we will use
UPI payment interface system. Weekly payment will be done to farmers
and will be transferred directly to their account. Weekly online payments
will be collected from restaurants with option to pay instantly and longer
credit period can be provided to large restaurants. We will tie up with local
cold storages to store fruits and vegetables for just in time delivery to
restaurants. Restaurants can schedule delivery of food and vegetables
from the app or website as per their requirement.
Current Scenario:
Today, India ranks second worldwide in farm output. Agriculture and allied
sectors like forestry and fisheries accounted for 13.7% of the GDP (gross
domestic product) in 2013, about 50% of the workforce. The economic
contribution of agriculture to India's GDP is steadily declining with the
country's broad-based economic growth. Still, agriculture is
demographically the broadest economic sector and plays a significant role
in the overall socio-economic fabric of India.
Out of this market 67% market is Unorganized market which we will target
for our business. As Indian restaurants will move toward efficient
operations, we will provide them efficient supply chain and fresh
vegetables. Total market size of organized restaurant market is INR
2,07,103 Crores.
Launch Strategy:
We will launch our product in 3 Phases. 1 st Phase will be test run and
development phase of the product. In this phase, we will test our app and
website. In this phase, we will develop core competencies and enter key
partnerships with Farmers, cold storage warehouses and Restaurants. In
2nd phase we will expand our services to other major markets in India. 3 rd
Phase will be to expand our services to retail and data analytics.
Ist Phase: We will launch our product initially in the New Delhi region
as it has large numbers of restaurants and its nearby Haryana and UP
which are major producer of fruits and vegetables in India. Steps in
launching the first phase will be
1. Raising Funds from banks & investors
2. Set up a office
3. Developing app and web interface and entering partnership with
web hosting service
4. Developing of ERP system and CRM.
5. Partnering with restaurants and agricultural products producers
of Punjab & Haryana. Farms will be in bordering areas of New
Delhi. Also, partnerships will be done with cold storage
warehouses and logistics partners.
6. We will partner with mobile handset manufacturers and Mobile
internet providers to provide cheap smartphone and internet
services to the farmers.
7. Partnering with
8. Starting operations in New Delhi
9. Getting into new partnership and expanding operations
2ndPhase: In this phase, we will expand our services in top 25 cities in
India one by one based on GDP and number of restaurants. We will use
the key competencies developed during the test phase to expand and
raise capital. We will also provide support to farmers by providing them
recent trends.
3rd Phase: In 3rd Phase we will try to expand into tier 2 cities in India
based on market response.
High Margins available Very efficient logistics support
Market potential is Unutilized required
Ist Mover Advantage Cold storage warehouses are not
Acceptance rate will be high as available in most of the cities.
farmers will get high margins and
restaurants will get fresh food
Changing demographics and
eating habits will only cause
restaurants business to grow.
High mobile internet penetration
and cheap internet.
Agricultural product and will result Current middlemens in supply
in low taxation chain can oppose our service due
Increasing Health Consciousness to fear of losing business and will
among Indian consumers & Faced try to influence farmers for not
Pace lifestyle will result in market partnering with us.
growth Crops are susceptible to various
Aligned with Govt. initiatives diseases and pest attack which
Digital India Initiative will cause can cause problems in supply
more villages to be connected by chain.
internet. Substitute products.