Vertu RM389V User Manual
Vertu RM389V User Manual
Vertu RM389V User Manual
CLEAR THE CACHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
VERTU SERVICES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
VERTU SELECT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
CITY BRIEF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
VERTU FORTRESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
TRAVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
SET UP MANUAL ROAMING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
VERTU CONCIERGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
NAVIGATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
CAMERA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
CAMERA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
VIDEO RECORDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
GALLERY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
GALLERY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
DIGITAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
ACCESSORIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
WALL CHARGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
BATTERY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
DATA CABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Register your Vertu phone Contact your service provider for more information about networks.
Vertu aims to provide you with the very best service possible. Conventions used in this guide
To enable us to do this, please register your Vertu phone by using M e n u Represents text that appears on your Vertu phones
the Menu option R e g is t e r in the Ve r tu S e r vi ce s menu, or by display, for example, From the Home screen, press
visiting, or by calling Vertu Concierge M e n u .
using the dedicated key on your phone. S E N D Represents a Vertu phone key, for example, Press the
S EN D key to make the call.
Important information relating to safety.
Vertu package contents
Represents useful information or a quick way to access or
1 Vertu Constellation phone RM-389V operate a feature.
1 Battery Represents points to be aware of when using your
Wall charger (comprising wall charger plug & data cable) Vertu phone.
plus international adaptors
1 8GB micro SD memory card (fitted in phone)
1 Authenticity card
4 - WA Y Move the cursor up, down, left and right by
1 Constellation guide
S CR O LL key pressing on the key edges.
1 Warranty and safety information CENTRE Press this key to select an item.
S EL E CT key
1 CD-ROM NUMBER keys The keys that are used to enter text or
1 Data cable numbers.
Default Initial product setting as supplied by Vertu
The package contents may vary slightly in accordance with regional when the phone leaves our workshop.
regulations. SIM card Subscriber Identity Module. This is a small card
supplied by your service provider to insert into
your Vertu phone for a network connection.
CD-ROM Service provider The provider of your SIM card and all
associated network services.
The CD-ROM provided with your Vertu phone contains the Network service A feature which is made available at the
following items: discretion of your service provider.
Home screen The screen that appears on the inner display
> An option to register your Vertu phone. when your Vertu phone is switched on, with
M e n u displayed at the bottom. The screen
> Vertu PC Suite (for PC only)
that displays when you repeatedly press the
> iSync Plug-in (for Macintosh only) E N D key.
PIN number A Personal Identification Number that allows
> An electronic version of the Reference Manual only authorised access to your Vertu phone
and SIM card. We strongly recommend that
> A link to set up multimedia messaging (MMS) and Internet
you set these up when you receive your new
> A link to download the Map Loader application. Vertu phone and SIM card.
For more information please see CD-ROM on page 11.
Inner display
Light sensor
Power key
Outer display
Battery cover
Twin LED flash release D-ring
Battery cover
Antenna area
connector for
charging and
data transfer
Outer display A n s w e r i n g c al l s w it h a h e a d s e t
Calls can be answered from the outer display with the phone closed
while you are using a headset. To end the call, double-tap to re-
activate the display and press the End call icon.
M u s i c p l ay e r
The music player can be controlled (but not started) by touching the
icons on the outer display.
A l a r m c l o ck
The alarm clock can be snoozed or stopped by touching the outer
You can also activate the snooze by turning the phone over (see
page 47 for more details).
O u te r d i s p l ay b u tt o n s
A c c u r at e tim e
Previous Silence
Pause Alarm
Accurate time is controlled by an atomic clock, which is the most
accurate timekeeping device in the world, located in the Vertu high
security bunker. If you are travelling and you have set the clock up
appropriately with the Setup Wizard, the larger analogue clock Stop (music Snooze
shows the local time and the smaller digital clock shows the time at player and alarm
your home location. clock)
Accurate time automatically adjusts whenever you cross a time zone
and also knows when to add daylight saving time. Unlock
If you prefer to set the date and time manually, select Dual Fixed
Zone to display the time at two locations of your own choice.
R e j e c t i n g c al l s
Calls can be rejected from the outer display by first pushing the
sliding key up (to activate the display) and then pressing the Reject
Inserting the SIM and memory card Be careful when handling, inserting or removing the SIM card.
Selection keys
The S E L E C T IO N keys
1 enable you to select the
Lower the battery cover
into position (1) until it options displayed at the
clicks into place. The bottom of the inner display,
cover should close tightly directly above the keys.
using only light pressure.
M a kin g a c a l l
When you switch on your Vertu phone for the first time you will be Use the NU MB ER keys
guided through certain setup options by the Vertu Setup Wizard. (shaded) to enter the
telephone number you want
This enables you to quickly and easily set up the following functions:
to call.
> Accurate date and time
Press the S E N D key (1) to
> Home location begin your call.
A d j u s ti n g l i st e n i n g v o l u m e > Enter the emergency number, for example 000, 08, 110, 112, 118,
119, 911, *911, 999, *999 or other official emergency number.
To change the earpiece > Press the S E N D key.
volume while you are in a
call, move the sliding key up
or down. Emergency numbers vary by location and those listed above
may not be supported by your current network.
If certain features are in use, you may first need to turn those
features off before you can make an emergency call. For more
information consult your local service provider.
When making an emergency call, remember to give all the
While in a call, you can use the speaker phone for a hands-free necessary information as accurately as possible.
call. Use the SELECTION keys to press Lo ud s p . to switch to
speaker phone. Remember that your phone may be the only means of
communication at the scene of an accident do not end the call
En di ng a c all until given permission to do so.
Simply close the phone to end a call.
Your can also Icons and indicators
Icons and indicators on the inner and outer screens show the
Press the EN D key to end a current status of your Vertu phone.
M a k in g a n e m e rg e n c y c a l l
Your Vertu phone, like any wireless phone, operates using A USB lead is connected.
radio signals, wireless and landline networks as well as
user-programmed functions. Because of this, connections
in all conditions cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, you
should never rely solely upon any wireless phone for The F l ig ht profile is selected. You can use functions of the
essential communications, for example medical phone that do not require a network connection.
> If the phone is not on, switch it on. Some networks require that a
The S i le n t profile is selected. Audible alerts are disabled
valid SIM card is properly inserted in the phone.
and there is no ringing tone when you receive a call.
> Press the E N D key as many times as necessary to return to the
Home screen.
Contacts menu
Bluetooth is switched on.
> Names
> Add new
> S e tt in g s
A bluetooth headset is connected. > G rou ps
> S p e e d d ia ls
> M y n um b e r s
> S e r vi c e n um b e r s
Accurate time may not be available. > D e l . a ll c o n t ac t s
> M o ve c o n t ac t s
> C op y c o n t a ct s
Settings menu
Enter *#06# from the Home screen to find the IMEI serial
number. Make a note of your IMEI serial number and keep it in > D a t e a n d t im e
a safe place. > P rof ile s
> Th e m e s
S e tt i n g a P I N c o d e > Ton e s
> D i s pl a y
We recommend that you use a PIN code to prevent unauthorised
> M y s ho r t c ut s
use of your Vertu phone and SIM card. > C on n e c ti vit y
> Using the 4 - WAY S C R O L L key and the C EN T R E S EL E C T key > C a ll
> P ho n e
go to:
> A c c e s s or ie s
M e n u S e t ti n gs S e c ur i ty P I N c od e re q ue s t O n
> C on f ig ur at io n
> S e c ur i ty
> Wor ks ho p re s e t
The main menu > S y n c a n d b ack up
> S e tu p wi z a rd
The main menu displays all the top level menu categories, from
which you can access all the functions of your Vertu phone. Additions menu
> Games
Messages menu > C a lc ul a to r
> M e d ia pla y e r
> C re a te m e s s ag e > E q ua li s e r
> I n b ox > Vid e o re c o rde r
> E - m ai l > Voic e re c o rde r
> D r a f ts > N o te s
> O u tb ox > C ol le c t ion
> S e n t it e m s > S t o pw at ch
> S a v e d it e m s
> D e li ve r y re p or t s Calendar menu
> Vo ic e m e s s a ge s
> I n f o m e s s a ge s See Chapter 8
> I Ms
> S e r v. c om m a n d s
> D e le te m e s s a ge s
> M e s s a ge s e t t in g s
You can also use also voice commands to activate menu functions
Alarm clock menu
on your Vertu phone. Please see Voice dialling on page 11 for
See Chapter 9 more information.
> Ve r tu S e le c t U s i n g G o to s ho r t c ut s
> C it y Br ie f You can set up the G o to menu so that it automatically customises
> Tr a ve l
itself to your needs.
> Ve r tu Fo r t re s s
> Ve r tu C o n c ie rge There are two ways to use the Go to shortcuts in your Vertu phone.
> R e g is t e r
> A ut o s o r t in g o n dynamically displays the top four most
Navigate menu frequently used and the two last used functions, and also a link
to the To n e s directory.
> L as t m a p
> A ut o s or t in g o ff allows you to pick and choose which menu
> F i n d a dd re s s
options you want to see on the Go t o list.
> S a v e d lo c a t ion
> R e c e n t l oc at io n s To turn on automatic sorting press G o t o O pt ion s A u to
> C urre n t G P S po si tio n s or t in g o n
> P l a n ro u t e
> E x t r a s e r vi c e s To turn on manual sorting press Go t o O pt io n s Au to
> S e t ti n gs s or t in g o ff
See Chapter 9 To customise the options available on the Go to list, display the list
as above and select O pt io n s S e le ct op ti on s . Pick the options
that you want to display on the Go t o list.
You can also set up the 4 - WAY S C R O LL key to access shortcuts.
Gallery menu On the Home screen press and hold one of the S C R O LL keys and
select an option to associate with the key.
> Images
> Vid e o c li ps
Using the Go to menu
> M us ic fi le s
> The m e s To use the G o to shortcuts, from the Home screen, press the Go
> G r a ph ic s t o S EL E C TI O N key.
> To n e s
> R e c ord in g s Use the 4 - WAY S C R O L L key and the C EN T R E S E L E C T key to
> R e c e iv e d f il e s select the desired shortcut.
Some of the most useful Go t o shortcuts are:
O pe n in g th e m e n u
> Toggle Bluetooth on and off
From the Home screen, press the C E N T R E S E L EC T key to open
the Me n u and display the main categories. Use the 4 - WAY > Operator select (to select a network operator with a GPRS
roaming agreement with your home network operator).
S C R O L L key to move through the menus.
N a v i g a tin g th ro u g h th e m e n u s
When navigating through the menus, press B ack to return to the
previous menu without saving changes. Press E x it to return to the
Home screen from the top-level menu.
Press the E N D key to return to the Home screen from any menu without
saving changes.
Left - Create message > Scroll slowly through the ringing tones list. When you hear a ringing
tone that you would like to use, press S e l e c t .
Right - Calendar
To change these to your favourite menu options go to M e n u
S e t tin g a n ala r m
S e t ti n gs M y sh ort c ut s Your Vertu phone has a simple to use alarm clock.
Your Vertu phone comes with various themes containing different Enter the time on the screen, and press the O pt ion s S E L E C TI O N
colour schemes and wallpapers to use as display backgrounds. key to set snooze and repeat features.
A red alarm indicator is displayed on the face of the clock, showing
Changing the theme
the time that the alarm is set for.
> Select M e n u S e t tin g s The m e s o r u s e t h e G o t o
To turn the alarm clock off, press M e n u Al a r m c l ock Tu r n
shortcut. a la r m of f . .
> Select a theme from those available. Even if the phone is switched off, the alarm will sound at the
specified time. Please remember this if you are in a restricted
> Select A p pl y to change the theme.
If you select a personal wallpaper (see page 35) this will replace the
To activate the snooze function turn the phone onto its front. If the
theme wallpaper.
phone was already on its front when the alarm sounded, turn it
If you are using Accurate time, the travel wallpaper will replace the through 360 degrees and place it on its front again.
theme wallpaper.
Ta ki n g ph o t os
Prof iles
You can take photos and record video clips with the camera and
Your Vertu phone has several different profiles that enable you to send them by message to your friends, or save them in the memory,
change the ringing tone, ringing volume and vibrating alert all at from where they can be transferred to your computer.
once. Profiles can be timed, for example you can set the S ile n t
1. To start the camera press the CA M E R A button.
profile while you attend a meeting and, if you have set it, the
2. To zoom in and out move the 4 - WA Y S C R O L L key up or
G e n e r a l profile will resume after the meeting.
Use flight mode in radio sensitive environments, for example on 2. To zoom in and out move the 4 - WA Y S C R O LL key up or
board aircraft or in hospitals. down.
To make an emergency call in flight mode, make the call as 3. Select R e c ord or press and hold the CA M E R A button. To
normal and answer Ye s when asked Ex i t fl ig ht p rof il e ? pause the recording, select P a u s e ; to resume the recording,
select Co nti n ue . To stop the recording, select S to p .
To deactivate flight mode, select any other profile.
U s i n g B l u e to o th
To change profiles quickly, briefly press the P O W E R key.
Bluetooth technology enables you to easily share images and video
Press and hold the # key to toggle between S ile n t and clips, and take advantage of wireless connectivity by using a
G e n e r a l profiles. compatible Bluetooth headset. You first need to pair with the other
device which should be within 10m of your Vertu phone.
The full Bluetooth menu is located in M e n u S e tt in g s
C on n e c tiv it y .
Using the options on these menus you can turn Bluetooth on, make Tr a v e l w al lp ap e r s
your phone discoverable, search for active devices and pair your
phone with other Bluetooth devices, for example your Bluetooth When you travel to other time zones and you have selected
headset. accurate time, the wallpaper of the inner display changes to reflect
the country that you have travelled to.
Switch off Bluetooth if its not being used, to maximise battery
performance. If you would prefer to use another image for your wallpaper and you
want to turn travel wallpapers off, see page 35.
Use the G o t o menu to toggle Bluetooth on and off.
The media player
Adding a new cont act
To quickly add a new contact, enter the number on the Home Your Vertu phone includes a media player for listening to music
screen and then press the CE N TR E S E LE C T key. Enter the tracks, recordings or other MP3, MP4, AAC, eAAC+ or Windows
contact name and S av e the contact. Media Player sound files that you have transferred to your Vertu
phone. Music files can be received via Bluetooth, MMS or using the
Vo i c e d i a l l i n g File Manager in Vertu PC Suite.
Your Vertu phone can access menu options and dial contacts using To open the media player scroll to M e n u A dd iti on s M e dia
voice commands. p la ye r .
> Press and hold the right S EL E C TI O N key on the Home screen or Music files that you transfer to your Vertu phone are automatically
press and hold the down volume key. added to the list of songs in the media player.
> Say clearly the name of the contact or menu option you want to When you have started the media player and have a track playing,
access. you can use the controls on the outer display. See page 4 for more
> Select the option you require from the displayed list. If you dont
Press the Stop button on the outer display or press and hold the
make a selection within 5 seconds, the option at the top of the list
E N D key to stop the media player.
will be automatically selected.
B ro ws in g t h e We b CD-ROM
Only download and use files from sources that offer
adequate security and protection against harmful software. The Vertu CD-ROM works on a compatible computer with a
CD-ROM drive, with Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft
You can access mobile Internet services with the Web browser on Windows XP or Microsoft Vista installed. You need at least
your Vertu phone. You can view pages that use wireless markup 250 MB of free disk space and administrator rights to the PC.
language (WML) or extensible hypertext markup language
The Vertu CD-ROM works on a Macintosh computer with Mac
OS X 10.4.6 (or later) and iSync 2.2 (or later) installed.
Depending on which service provider you use, your Vertu phone
might already have Internet settings installed so you might be able Connecting to a computer
to browse the Internet straight away. If you cannot connect to the You can connect your Vertu phone to a computer with either a Vertu
Internet, please contact Vertu Concierge or visit micro-USB data cable (CA-101V) or Bluetooth.
and download your settings.
Ve rt u P C S u it e
To open the Web browser select Me n u We b or press and hold
the 0 key. Vertu PC Suite includes the following applications to extend the
functionality of your Vertu phone:
Location based features > Backup > Contacts
C e r am i c s a n d s a p ph i re
Ceramics and sapphire are very hard materials but are also brittle
and can be scratched by harder materials or objects. They can also
be damaged if dropped.
Avoid the following:
> Contact with other hard materials such as diamond jewellery,
nail files, abrasives, and mineral crystals.
> Dropping or knocking the product on hard surfaces.
> Repeated rubbing against hard surfaces.
Le a th e r
All Vertu leather products are made by expert craftsmen. Each
leather hide is unique and has natural markings which should be
considered part of the individuality of fine leather. All leather can be
damaged and should be treated with care.
Avoid the following:
> Exposure to water and high humidity.
> Dropping, rubbing or knocking on hard surfaces.
> Exposure to extreme temperatures.
> Contact with oily substances, make-up and solvents.
Barring password
The call barring password is used to limit access to the call barring
service. To obtain the barring password, contact your service
To change your barring password:
3. When prompted, enter your new barring password and then press Closed user group
4. Enter your new barring password again to verify and then press O K . The closed user group is a network service that allows you to
A confirmation message is displayed. specify a group of people you can call and who can call you.
Contact your service provider for more information about using this
Fixed dialling function.
When outgoing calls are limited to closed user groups, calls may be
Fixed dialling is a network service that allows you to restrict possible to the emergency number programmed into your Vertu
outgoing calls to only the numbers you specify in a fixed dialling list. phone, for example 000, 08, 110, 112, 118, 119, 911, *911, 999,
Contact your service provider for more information about using this *999 or other official emergency number.
To enable or disable a closed user group:
When fixed dialling is enabled, it may still be possible to call the
emergency number programmed into your Vertu phone, for example 1. From the Home screen, press M e n u S e t t in gs S e c ur it y
000, 08, 110, 112, 118, 119, 911, *911, 999, *999 or other official C lo s e d u s e r g ro u p .
emergency number. 2. Scroll to O n to enable the closed user group, O ff to disable it, or
D e f a ul t to specify that the people included in the group, which you
You will need to key in the PIN2 code to save and edit
have agreed with the service provider, can call you and you can call
numbers in the fixed dialling list or to call numbers not in the
them and then press S e le c t .
list. The PIN2 code is supplied with some SIM cards. For
more information contact your service provider. 3. If you are enabling a closed user group, enter the group number
when prompted and then press O K . A confirmation message is
To enable or disable fixed dialling: displayed.
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u S e t ti n gs S e c ur i ty
F i x e d di al lin g . Authority certificates & user certificates
2. Scroll to O n to restrict calls to the fixed dialling list, O ff to disable
fixed dialling, or N u m be r li s t to view the numbers in your fixed For information about A ut ho r it y c e rt if ic a t e s and U s e r
dialling list and then press S e le c t . c e r tif ic at e s downloaded onto your Vertu phone. See WEB on
page 48.
If you are using fixed dialling for the first time, it is recommended that
your select Number list to add numbers to your list before enabling
fixed dialling. You will receive two warning messages.
3. When prompted, enter your PIN2 code and then press O K .
4. Either enter your number manually and then press O K , or press
S e arch to select a name from your contacts list and then press
S e le c t .
5. If you entered a number manually, enter a name for the number and
then press O K .
6. A confirmation message is displayed and you are returned to the
fixed dialling list. Add additional numbers to your list in the same way.
Press B ack when you have completed your list.
7. Scroll to O n to enable fixed dialling.
Info messages
You can receive messages on various topics from your service
provider (network service). For more information, contact your
service provider.
Text entry
Your Vertu phone provides extensive messaging functionality to
You can enter text using traditional or predictive text input. When
allow you to send and receive messages of many types, where
using traditional text input, press the N U M B E R keys repeatedly until
supported by your service provider.
the desired character appears. In predictive text input you can enter
Because delivery of messages can fail, you should not rely a letter with a single keypress.
upon them for essential communications.
When you enter text, the icon will appear at the top of the inner
display if predictive text input is turned on (see Predictive text
Text messages input on page 16). If traditional text input is enabled the icon will
be displayed.
Text messages (also known as SMS) are basic messages
containing only text, of up to 160 characters. Your Vertu phone One of the following icons will appear next to the text input icon to
supports the sending of text messages beyond the limit for a single signify which character case is enabled:
message. Longer messages are sent as two or more messages.
Your service provider may charge accordingly. This is the most Indicates upper case is used in editing
common form of messaging, is compatible with the widest range of
phones and is available in most countries. Indicates mixed case is used in editing
Audio messages If the next letter you want is located on the same key as the present
one, wait until the cursor appears, or briefly press the 4 - WAY
You can use the multimedia message service to create and send an S CR O LL key and enter the letter.
audio message. Multimedia messaging service must be activated
before you can use audio messages. The most common punctuation marks and special characters are
available under the 1 key. For more characters, press * .
E-mail messages
Predictive text input
E-mail messages can be sent to and received from other devices,
for example PCs. E-mail messages can be received by some mobile To turn predictive text on or to revert to traditional text input:
phones, provided the recipient has a correctly configured phone. 1. With the cursor in the Te x t : field, press O pt io n s .
2. Select P re dic t io n o pt io n s .
3. Select O n for predictive text or select O ff to turn predictive text off.
With Instant Messaging chat you can send short, simple text
messages to online users. You have to subscribe to a service and To quickly set predictive text input to On or Off when writing
register with the IM service you want to use. You should check the text, press and hold O pt io n s or press and hold # and select
availability of these services, pricing, and instructions with your P re d i c t io n o n or P re d i c ti o n o ff .
service provider.
Using predictive text input Setting the font size for messages
Predictive text input allows you to write text quickly using the phone Your Vertu phone supports different font sizes for viewing your
NU MB ER keys and a built-in dictionary. messages. Your font size setting affects both messages being
composed and messages received, but does not affect how the
Start writing a word using the N U M B E R keys. Although the key has
recipient views the message.
a number of letters associated with it, press each key only once for
one letter. The phone displays * or the letter if it separately has a To set the font size for your messages, contacts, display and web
meaning as a word. The entered letters are displayed underlined. pages:
To insert a special character or smiley, press and hold * , or press 1. From the Home screen, press M e n u S e t t in gs D is p la y
O p tio n s I n s e r t s ym b o l Ch a r a c te r or S m ile y . Scroll to a Fo n t s i z e .
character or smiley, and press U s e . 2. Scroll to S m a ll f on t , N or m al f on t or L a rge fo n t and then
To accept the suggested word, press the zero N U M B E R key to press O K .
add a space. A message confirms that the font size has been updated.
If the ? character is displayed after the word, the word you intended G ro u p s
to write is not in the dictionary. To add the word to the dictionary,
press S p e ll . Complete the word (traditional text input is used), and If you frequently send messages to a fixed group of recipients, you
press S a ve . can define a group to simplify the process.
To write a compound word, enter the first part of the word, and When you send a message to a group the phone automatically
scroll forward to confirm it. Write the next part of the word, and sends the message separately to each recipient in the list. Sending
confirm the word. a message using a group will incur charges for each recipient in the
list. See Groups on page 29.
Numeric input U n d e l iv e re d m e ss ag e s
Numeric input is the standard method used whenever number entry If you send a message and it fails to be delivered, your Vertu phone
is required, for example, when dialling a phone number. Press the behaves in different ways depending on the type of message sent.
key with the corresponding number to enter it.
Some service providers do not allow international sending or
When using a text input feature, for example sending a text receiving of text messages. For more information contact your
message, you can switch to numeric input (for entering telephone service provider.
numbers for instance) using a single key press:
1. With the cursor in the Te x t : field, press and hold the # key until the Single recipient messages
menu is displayed. If a message you have sent to a single number fails, your screen will
2. With Nu m be r m o de highlighted, press S e le c t . display M e s s a g e s e n di n g fa i le d. C he ck de t a il s .
3. Use the N U MB ER keys to enter the numbers you require. 1. Press O K .
4. Press and hold the # key again to return to the previous text entry 2. The unsent message will appear in your O u tb ox .
mode. 3. With the message highlighted, either press O pe n to read the
If you only need to enter a single number, press and hold that message or press O p ti on s , scroll to one of the options and then
number key and the single number will be entered into your press S e le c t :
message. R e t r y s e n di n g resends the message to the original recipient
D e l e te removes the message from the Outbox
Special character input
S e n d c op y sends the message to an alternative number
Most common special characters, for example, punctuation marks, E di t enables you to modify the message or the recipients number
can be inserted by pressing the 1 N U M B E R key. Other special
M o ve moves the message into an alternative folder
characters can be inserted in your text at any time using the special
characters input mode: U s e de t a il makes use of any numbers, e-mail addresses or Web
addresses from the current message when creating new messages
1. With the cursor in the Te x t : field, press the * key (or press and hold or contacts
if predictive text input is On) until the special character menu is
C op y a s te m p la te saves the message as a template for use
when composing future messages
2. Scroll to the required special character and press U s e .
M e s s a ge d e t ai ls displays message data for example the time
Special characters take up more space than basic characters and if and date when sent
there are special characters in your message, the indicator may not
N e w m e s s a g e opens a new message
show the message length correctly. Before the message is sent, the
device tells you if the message exceeds the maximum length M a r k marks the message for future deletion
allowed for one message. You can cancel sending by selecting M a r k al l marks all messages for future deletion if the Outbox
Cancel or you can save the message in the inbox. contains more than one message.
Group messages E ra s i n g m u l t i p l e t e x t a n d m u l t i m e d i a
If a message cannot be sent to one or more of the recipients in a m e ss a g e s
group, a new group will be added to the list with the name You can erase all of the text and multimedia messages from any of
U n d e li ve re d . the standard or personal folders, or from all of the folders at once.
To view the undelivered message(s) options: To delete multiple messages:
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u C on t a c ts Gro up s 1. From the Home screen, press M e n u M e s s a ge s De l e te
U n de l ive re d O p tio n s . messages.
2. Scroll to one of the options and then press S e le c t : 2. Scroll to one of the options and then press S e le c t :
R e se nd to l ist resends the message to the recipients on the B y m e s s a ge enables you to navigate into folders and delete
undelivered list individual messages
Vie w l is t displays the list of recipients to whom the message B y f old e r enables you to delete all messages in a selected folder
sending failed
A l l m e s s a ge s deletes all messages currently stored on the
D e l e te lis t removes the undelivered list from your Vertu phone phone. You will be given the opportunity to save unread messages
Vie w m e s s a g e displays the failed message. before deleting.
3. Confirm the deletion when prompted. You cannot recover deleted
M e s s ag e fo l d e r s messages.
All text and multimedia messages stored in your Vertu phone are
organised in folders. In addition to the default folders, you can Te x t m e ss ag e s
create new folders to organise your messages. Standard text messages can be up to 160 basic characters in
length. Linked messages can be used to create larger messages.
To browse your message folders:
M e s s ag e s e tt i n g s Wr i t i n g a n d s e n d i n g t e x t m e ss a g e s
When you write or reply to a text message, your Vertu phone uses a
sending profile that defines how the phone will handle the message A flashing message icon on the Home screen indicates
that the message memory is full. Before you can receive or
sending interaction with your service provider. For most service
send any more text messages you must erase some of your
providers you will not need to modify these settings as the
existing text messages or move them to a personal folder.
necessary information will be obtained from your SIM card
automatically. Depending on your SIM card, you may be able to The C re a t e m e s s a ge option allows you to write and send text
store more than one set of message profiles. messages.
To edit the message settings: To write a new message:
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u M e s s a ge s M e s s a ge 1. From the Home screen, press M e n u M e s s a ge s C re a t e
s e tt in g s Te x t m e s s a ge s . message.
2. Scroll to one of the options and then press S e le c t : 2. Use the NU MB ER keys to enter the recipients phone number in the
R e q u e s t re p or ts requests that the network sends you delivery To: field.
reports for your messages. These are stored in M e s s ag e s 3. Alternatively, to retrieve a phone number from Contacts select A dd
D e l ive ry re po rt s followed by:
M e s s a ge c e n t re s enables you to examine, modify and add the Press < Fa v ou r it e > to define easily available message recipients
details of the message centre(s), used for sending text messages. or groups when sending messages
You should obtain this number from your service provider
Press R e c e n t ly u s e d to send a message to a recently used
M s g . c e n tre in u s e enables you to select which message centre number
should be used by your Vertu phone to send text messages
Press C a ll re gi ste r to access contacts from the Call log
M e s s a ge va l idi ty enables you to define how long the network
Press C o n t a c t s to send a message to number in your Contacts list
attempts to send your messages before it gives up
Press C on t a c t g rou ps to send a message to multiple recipients
M e s s a ge s s e n t vi a enables you to select the message type as
Te x t , P a gin g or Fax . Your service provider may have limited saved as a group in your Contacts list. See Groups on page 29.
support for different message types This operation can be repeated to add a number of recipients
U s e pa ck e t d a t a determines whether or not GPRS is the for the text message.
preferred SMS bearer
C ha r a c t e r s up po r t and then select Fu ll ensures all characters 4. Scroll down and use the N U M B E R keys to write the message in the
are sent as viewed or select R e du c e d where characters with marks Te x t: field.
for example accents may be converted to other characters 5. Press O p tio n s in the Text field while creating a message to display
R e p . vi a s a m e c e n tre allows the recipient of your message to the following options:
send you a reply using your message centre (network service). S e n d to send the message immediately
I n s e r t enables you to insert multimedia content as an attachment
Message overwrite A d d re c ip ie n t to add another person to the recipient list
When the message memory is full, your Vertu phone cannot send or A d d su bje c t to add a subject field to the message
receive any new messages. To avoid this, you can set your phone to C le a r fi e ld deletes the text that has been entered into the
automatically replace the oldest messages in the Sent items folder message field
when new ones arrive or are sent.
I n s e r t c o n t a c t de t a il selects a name from your Contacts list
To enable automatic overwrite in Sent items: and insert it into the message body
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u M e s s a ge s M e s s a ge I n s e r t s ym b o l displays all the available symbols and smileys you
s e tt in g s G e n e r a l s e t ti n gs S av e s e n t m e s s a ge s can use in the message
Ye s . E di tin g op tio n s to cut, copy or paste text.
2. From the G e n e r a l s e t ti n gs menu, press O v e r w r it e s e n t Wr it in g la n g ua ge selects one of the alternative languages stored
i te m s A ll ow e d . on your Vertu phone to compose your message
P re di c tio n op tio n s configures predictive text entry see
Predictive text input on page 16 for more information about
Predictive text
C ha n g e m s g. t yp e to change to email, flash or audio message.
C ha n g e t o m u lti m . to change text message to multimedia
S av e m e s s a g e saves the message in your Saved messages
S e n din g op tio n s enables various settings when sending the Refer to the Text message, multimedia message, Flash message
message: and Audio message sections of this guide to complete and send
M e s s ag e pr i or i ty can be set to N or m al , H i gh or Low your reply.
D e li ve r y re po r t enables you to request a delivery report for
this and all other text messages Multimedia messages
S a ve se nt m e ss ag e enables you to save a copy of the
A multimedia message (MMS) can contain text, sound, video and
message in the Sent items folder
pictures. Your Vertu phone supports multimedia messages that are
M e s s ag e va li di ty enables you to select the length of time that up to 600 KB. If the maximum size is exceeded, the phone may not
the network attempts to deliver your message be able to receive the message. Depending upon your network, you
M e s s ag e s e n t v ia enables you to send the message via may receive a message that includes an Internet address where you
Te x t , P a g in g or Fa x can go to view the multimedia message. Pictures are scaled to fit
E x it e d ito r leaves the text entry environment (you will be asked if the display area of the phone. Your Vertu phone has a multimedia
you want to save any incomplete messages). message viewer for playing messages and an Inbox for storing all
saved messages.
6. Once the message is complete, press S e n d .
Copyright protections may prevent some images, ringing tones, and
R e a d i n g an d re p l y in g to te x t m e s s ag e s other content from being copied, modified, transferred, or
When you receive a message, you will receive an information note forwarded.
on the outer display. Multimedia messaging functions can only be used if
A message icon will appear on the display and will remain on supported by your service provider. For availability and a
subscription to the multimedia messaging service, contact
the display until you read the message.
your service provider. Only compatible devices can receive
By default there is also an audible message alert. and display multimedia messages.
1. Open the fold and press S h ow to open the message. Multimedia messaging supports a wide range of standards for each
of the following formats:
2. To ignore the message and view it later, press E x i t .
> Picture: JPEG, GIF, animated GIF, WBMP, BMP, and PNG
If your Vertu phone memory is full, you may have to delete
messages from your Inbox or Outbox before you can send or
receive further messages.
> Sound: SP-MIDI, AMR audio, MP3 and AAC
To read a stored message: > Video: clips in H.263 format with SubQCIF image size and
AMR audio
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u M e s s a ge s I n b ox .
2. The most recently received message will be highlighted. Scroll to the If a received message contains unsupported attachments, these
message you want to read and press O pe n . may be replaced with a message.
To view the list of available options while reading a message: You cannot receive multimedia messages if you have a call in
1. Press O p tio n s . progress, a Java application running, or an active browsing session.
If you are sent a multimedia message while you are on a call of any
2. Scroll to the required option and then press S e le c t : type, receipt will be delayed until your Vertu phone becomes free.
R e p ly to reply to the message
R e p ly a s to reply and change the type of message to be sent
M M S s e tt in g s
D e l e te removes the message you are viewing from your Vertu Depending on which service provider you use, your Vertu phone
phone might already have MMS settings installed. If you encounter any
difficulties, please contact Vertu Concierge or visit
C a ll to call the sender of the message
and download your settings.
U s e de t a il makes use of any numbers, e-mail addresses or Web
addresses from the current message MMS configuration settings
Fo r wa rd sends the message to another recipient of your choosing
To update your configuration settings:
E dit enables you to edit the message before sending or saving
M o ve enables you to move the message to another selected folder 1. From the Home screen, press M e n u M e s s a ge s Me s s a ge
s e tt in g s M ult im e d ia m e s s a ge s C on f ig ur at io n se tt .
C op y to C a le n d a r creates a reminder note in the calendar
C on f ig ura t ion .
C op y a s te m p la te saves the message as a template for use
2. Select one of the available options.
when composing future messages
M e s s a ge de t a il s displays the senders name and phone
Message settings
number, the message centre used, and the date and time sent.
To reply to a message being read: In addition to your connection settings, there are several other
settings that control your multimedia messaging functions. To
1. With the message open, press R e pl y . modify these settings:
2. The To: field displays the senders number. The type of message
1. From the Home screen, press M e n u M e s s a ge s Me s s a ge
defaults to the same type as you have open.
s e tt in g s M ul ti m e di a m e s s ag e s .
2. Scroll to one of the options and then press S e le c t :
To ignore the message and view it later, press E x it . You can use the multimedia message service to create and send an
audio message. Multimedia messaging service must be activated
If you have unread messages in your Inbox, the envelope icon before you can use audio messages. See MMS settings on
will remain on the Home screen. page 20.
To manually enter your connection settings or to modify your current 2. Highlight an e-mail and press O pt io n s D e le t e .
settings: 3. Select from Fro m p ho n e to delete e-mails from your Vertu phone
only. Deleting an e-mail from your phone does not delete it from
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u M e s s a ge s Me s s a g e the e-mail server.
s e tt in g s E - m ai l m e s s a g e s Ed it m a il b ox e s A dd .
4. Select A ls o fro m s e r ve r to delete e-mails from your Vertu phone
2. Scroll to each of the options and modify the parameters with the and also from the e-mail server.
information supplied by your service provider and/or e-mail provider. To delete more than one e-mail message:
Due to the complexity of entering all of the settings manually, 1. From the Home screen, press M e n u M e s s a ge s E - m a il . The
it is strongly recommended that you use the order ettings link e-mail application is started.
from your CD-ROM to take you directly to the appropriate
page on the Vertu website to obtain the settings for your Vertu 2. Press O p ti on s Ma rk or M ar k a ll .
phone. 3. Mark the e-mail or e-mails for deletion.
Press O pt io n s D e le te m ar k e d . The marked messages will be
Wr i t i n g a n d s e n d i n g e - m a i l m e s s ag e s
deleted from your Vertu phone.
You can create e-mail messages and also attach images and video
clips. You can write your e-mail message before connecting to the
e-mail service; or connect to the service first, then write and send
IMs (Instant Messaging)
your e-mail.
With IMa (Instant Messaging) you can send short, simple text
To write and send an e-mail message: messages to online users. You have to subscribe to a service and
register with the IM service you want to use. For more information
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u M e s s ag e s C re a t e contact your service provider.
m e s s a ge .
IMs support DRM2.
2. Press O p tio n s C ha n g e m s g. t yp e . E - m a il m e s s a ge .
3. Follow the instructions for composing a text message.
4. To send the e-mail message, select S e n d . To log in to IMs:
5. If more than one e-mail account is defined, select the account from 1. From the Home screen, press M e n u M e s s a ge s I M s .
which you want to send the e-mail.
2. Select from the following options:
6. To edit or continue writing your e-mail later, select E x i t Ye s . The Log in - to log in to IMs
e-mail is saved in Dr a ft s .
S av e d c o n ve r s a ti on s to access your stored message
After sending a message, your Vertu phone may display conversations.
Message Sent. This is an indication that the message has
been sent by your Vertu phone. This is not an indication that
the message has been received at the intended destination. Voice messages
D o w n l o a d i n g a n d re a d i n g e - m a i l The voice mailbox is a network service and you may need to
subscribe to it. For more information and for your voice mailbox
To download your e-mail messages: number, contact your service provider.
4 CONTACTS C o p y i n g b e tw e e n m e m o r i e s
The copying feature allows you to copy names and numbers
between the phone memory and the SIM card memory.
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u C on t a c ts S e tt in g s 4. Select Ke e p o r ig in a l and then press S e l e c t to keep the
M e m o r y in us e . contacts in both memories.
2. Scroll to one of the following options and then press S e l e c t : 5. Or select Mo ve o r ig in a l and then press S e le ct to delete the
original information.
P ho n e a n d S I M to save new contacts to the phone and display
contacts from the phone and SIM A message confirms that the number has been copied.
C h eck m e mo r y st at us B: Go to command
You can check your Vertu phone's memory to see how much If your contacts is one of the most used functions on your phone,
information is stored and how much free space is available. N a m e s is displayed in the Go t o shortcut menu (see My
shortcuts on page 36). You can use the left S EL EC TI O N key to
To check the memory status:
open the shortcut menu and display your contacts list:
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u C on t a c ts S e tt in g s
1. From the Home screen, press G o to N a m e s .
M e m o r y s t a t us .
2. Key in the first letter of the contact name.
2. Scroll to either P h o n e or S I M c a rd and then press S e le c t .
3. The first name starting with that letter is highlighted.
If P h o n e is selected the phone's contact free memory and used
memory is displayed as a percentage of the available memory 4. Scroll to the desired name.
If S I M c a rd is selected the absolute number of free contacts and C: Selection key
contacts in use for the SIM card is displayed.
If your right S ELE C TI ON key has been configured as N a m e s (see
3. Press B ack to exit the screen.
My shortcuts on page 36) you can use the following method to
SIM card memory capacity is defined by your SIM card, not display your contacts list:
by your Vertu phone. For more information contact your
1. From the Home screen, press the right S ELE C TI O N key.
service provider.
2. Key in the first letter of the contact name.
Adding contacts 3. The first name starting with that letter is highlighted.
4. Scroll to the desired name.
To add a contact:
The following instructions use Method A to access your
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u C on t a c ts A dd n e w . contact name list however, the other methods can be used if
2. Press S e l e c t and then use the N U M B E R keys to enter the your SEL EC TI O N keys have been configured correctly.
contacts first name. Scroll down to the next field.
3. Use the N U MB ER keys to enter the contacts last name. Scroll Deleting contacts
down to the next field.
4. Use the N U MB ER keys to enter the mobile phone number. Scroll To delete a contact:
down to the next field. 1. Select your contact name as in Accessing contacts.
5. Use the N U MB ER keys to enter the home phone number. Scroll 2. Press O p ti on s De l e te D e le te c on t a c t .
down to the next field.
3. Press Ye s to confirm deletion.
6. Use the N U MB ER keys to enter the email address. Scroll down to
the next field. A message confirms which contact you have deleted.
7. Scroll right or left to open the image gallery and select an image to
associate with this contact.
8. Select S a v e to confirm your entry, or press C a n c e l .
A message confirms which memory you have saved the contact
details to.
Accessing contacts
There are several ways to access a contact, giving you flexibility to
use your Vertu phone in the way that suits you best.
A : Fo l l o w m e n u p a t h
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u C on t a c ts Na m e s .
2. Key in the first letter of the contact name.
3. The first name starting with that letter is highlighted.
4. Scroll to the desired name.
1. Select your contact name as in Accessing contacts. N o r m a l n a m e li s t displays five contacts at a time
2. With the contact name highlighted, press D e t a ils . N a m e a n d n u m be r displays one contact with the default number
3. Press O p tio n s . N a m e an d im a ge displays one contact with an associated
4. Scroll to A dd d e t a il and press S e le c t .
To set the type of view:
5. Scroll to N um b e r and press S e le c t .
6. Scroll to the type of number you want to add and then press S e le c t . 1. From the Home screen, press M e n u C on t a c t s S e t tin gs
7. Key in the phone number. C on t ac t s vi e w .
8. Press N e x t until the S a ve option appears. Press S av e to confirm 2. Scroll to the required view and then press S e le c t .
the number, or press O p ti on s and scroll to S a v e . Press S e le c t A message confirms that the contacts view has been selected.
to confirm.
S e t tin g th e n am e d is p la y
A message confirms that the details have been saved to the phone
memory. To select whether the contacts first or last name is displayed first:
To search for an entry and call the default number: When you receive a business card a message appears on the outer
display. An audible alert sounds if your Vertu phone is set up for
1. Select your contact name as in Accessing contacts. audible alerts.
2. Scroll to the required name and press the SEN D key.
When you open the phone a message tells you there is a business
To search for an entry and call a number other than the default card.
number (using the phone memory only): To display a received business card:
1. Select your contact name as in Accessing contacts and press Press S h ow to display the business card.
D e t a il s .
To save a business card to your directory:
2. Scroll to the required number.
Press S av e . A message confirms that you have saved the business
3. Press the SE ND key or press C al l to make the call.
Te x t m e s s ag e s To discard a business card without saving it:
When you have a contact open, you can send them a text message Press E x i t then press Ye s to confirm. A message confirms that you
without returning to the main menu. have discarded the business card.
B u sin e ss c ard s
The business card function allows you to send and receive contact
information, via text message, multimedia or Bluetooth. This function
can be used with both the phone memory and the SIM card
memory, although the SIM card memory only allows you to send the
default number.
Adding numbers to the speed dial list Deleting speed dial numbers
To add a number to the speed dial list from within a contact: To delete speed dial numbers using the speed dial menu:
1. Select your contact name as in Accessing contacts and press 1. From the Home screen, press M e n u C on t a c t s S pe e d
D e t a il s . d ia ls .
2. Scroll to the required number and press O pt io n s . 2. Scroll to the desired speed dial and press O pt io n s .
3. Scroll to S p e e d di al and then press S e le c t . 3. Scroll to D e le te and then press S e le c t .
4. Scroll to an empty speed dial key, or one that you want to overwrite 4. Press Ye s to confirm.
(see below). A message confirms which speed dial number key has been
5. With the desired key highlighted, press A ssi gn . deleted.
A message confirms which speed dial number key has been Vo ic e t ag s
Your Vertu phone can make a call to a contact using a voice tag.
To add a number to the speed dial list using the speed dial menu: Voice tags are automatically added to all contacts.Your Vertu phone
This method can add contact details and assign a speed dial can store up to 2000 voice tags.
number key at the same time.
Very short names do not work well for voice tags. Use longer
unique names, for example Vertu Concierge Service.
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u C on t a c ts S pe e d
d ia ls .
Using voice tags
2. Scroll to the desired speed dial key and press As sig n .
3. Key in the P h on e n um b e r : or press S e arch to select it from the To make a voice tag call:
Contacts list and then press O K . 1. Press and hold the down the right SE LEC T IO N key.
4. Enter the F ir s t n a m e : if creating a new contact. 2. Speak the voice tag clearly into the microphone.
5. Enter the L a s t n a m e : of the contact. 3. A list of possible matches is displayed briefly giving you a chance to
6. Scroll to S a ve and press S e l e c t . scroll to the correct one or Q u it if it is not on the list.
A message confirms which memory the contact has been saved to, 4. After about 2 seconds your phone will automatically dial the number.
followed by a message that confirms which speed dial number key
has been assigned. Playing voice tags
To play a voice tag from within a contact:
Changing speed dial numbers
1. Select your contact name as in Accessing contacts and press
To change speed dial numbers from within a contact:
D e t a il s .
1. Select your contact name as in Accessing contacts and press 2. Scroll to the contact name within the details and press O p t ion s .
D e t a il s .
3. Scroll to P l a y vo i c e t ag and then press S e le c t .
2. Scroll to the required number and press O pt io n s .
The voice tag is played.
3. Scroll to S p e e d di al and then press S e le c t .
4. A message confirms that a speed dial already exists for the contact. Groups
5. Scroll to the desired speed dial key and press As sig n .
A message confirms which speed dial number key has been Use groups to associate a contact name to a group. The group
assigned. name appears on the display when a member of a group calls you.
You can assign a different ringing tone to each group for easy
To change speed dial numbers using the speed dial menu: recognition of incoming calls.
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u C on t a c ts S pe e d Vie w i n g g ro u p s
d ia ls .
To view groups:
2. Scroll to the desired speed dial and press O pt ion s .
3. Scroll to Ch a n ge and then press S e l e c t . From the Home screen, press Me n u C on t a c t s G rou ps .
4. Enter the new P h on e n u m be r : by keying it in or by pressing The Groups are displayed.
S e arch and then selecting an existing number.
5. Enter the F ir s t n a m e : if creating a new contact and then press
C re a tin g a g ro u p
Next. To create a contact group:
6. Enter the contact L a s t n am e : then press N e x t . 1. From the Home screen, press M e n u C on t a c t s Gro up s .
7. Scroll to S a ve and press S e l e c t . 2. Press A dd . If you have existing groups listed, press O pt io n s and
A message confirms which memory the contact has been saved to, then Ad d n e w g rou p .
and which speed dial number key has been assigned. 3. Add a Group name.
4. Add a Group image and tone (if required).
5. Press S a v e .
A message confirms that the group has been added.
A d d i n g c o n t a c ts to a g ro u p S e t ti n g g ro u p r i n g i n g to n e s
To open a group and link contacts to it: All groups initially have a default ringing tone. To set a distinctive
ringing tone for each group:
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u C on t a c ts Gro up s .
2. Scroll to the desired group and press Vi e w . 1. From the Home screen, press M e n u C on t a c t s Gro up s .
3. Press A dd to display your contacts list. 2. Scroll to the desired group and press O pt io n s G ro u p de t a il s .
4. Scroll to the desired name and then press S e le c t . Repeat for each 3. Scroll to G rou p to n e : .
contact to be added to the group. 4. Press O pt io n s C ha n g e to n e and select your ringing tone from
A message confirms that the contact has been added to the group. D e f a ul t / O p e n G a lle r y / To n e do wn l oa d s .
5. Press S a v e .
Ed i t i n g g ro u p n am e s
A message confirms that the group ringing tone has been selected.
To edit group names:
The default ringing tone for the caller groups is the ringing
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u C on t a c ts Gro up s . tone set up in the profiles menu.
2. With the group name to be edited highlighted, press O p ti on s .
3. With Gro up d e t a ils highlighted, press S e l e c t . Options on contact numbers
4. With Gro up n a m e highlighted, press S e le c t .
Add detail
5. Key in the new name for the group and then press O K .
A message confirms that the group has been renamed. Scroll to one of the following categories and press S e l e c t to add
more details:
D e l e tin g c o n t a c ts fro m a g ro u p
> N um b e r
To delete contacts from a group:
> Internet
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u C on t a c ts Gro up s .
2. Scroll to the desired group and press Vi e w . > M ul tim e d ia
3. Scroll through the group members to the desired contact and press
O p ti on s . > Pe r s on a l in fo
4. With Re m o v e m e m b e r highlighted, press S e le c t .
Vo i c e c a l l
5. Press Ye s to confirm.
A message confirms that the contact has been removed from the Press S e le c t to call the contact.
group. Send message
A d d i n g g ro u p d e t ai l s t o a c o n t ac t Select a type of message and then press S e le c t . See the chapter
To open a contact and add group details: MESSAGES on page 16 for further instructions on sending
1. Select your contact name as in Accessing contacts and press
D e t a il s . Add image
2. Press O p tio n s . Press S e le c t to open the Gallery and select an image. See Adding
3. Scroll to A dd t o gro up and then press S e le c t . contacts on page 26.
4. Scroll to the desired group and then press S e le c t . E di t
A message confirms that the contact has been added to the group.
1. Scroll to E d i t and then press S e le c t .
D e l e tin g g ro u p d e t a i l s f ro m a c o n t ac t 2. Press C le a r as many times as necessary to delete the number to
the left of the cursor.
To delete group details from a contact:
3. Key in the new number.
1. Select your contact name as in Accessing contacts and press
4. Press S a v e to save the new number.
D e t a il s .
2. Scroll to the group name and press O pt io n s . De lete
3. Scroll to R e m ov e f rom gro up and then press S e le c t . 1. Scroll to D e le te and then press S e le c t .
4. Press Ye s to confirm. 2. Scroll to either D e le t e n um b e r to remove the number but retain
A message confirms that the contact has been removed from the the other contact details or D e le t e c o n t a c t to remove all of the
group. contact details and then press S e le c t .
3. Press Ye s to confirm the deletion.
S e t a s de fa ul t
Highlight a number in the list and press S e t a s de f a ult . A
message confirms that number has been set as default.
C h ang e ty p e
Allows you to redefine the number type as G e n e r al , M ob il e ,
H o m e , O f fi c e or Fax . Press S e l e c t and a message will be
displayed to confirm the change.
C o py n u m b e r
1. Select Ke e p o r ig in a l or M ov e o r i gin al .
2. Press S e l e c t .
3. A message confirms that the number has been copied.
S e n d b u si n e s s c ard
Select a transmission method and then press S e l e c t . See
Business cards on page 28 for further instructions on sending
business cards.
A d d to g ro u p
Press S e le c t to add the contact to a group. Adding contacts to a
group on page 30.
Use number
This makes a copy of the selected number allowing you to save it
under a new contact record.
Press S av e and then use the NU M B ER keys to enter a name for
the new contact.
S p e e d d i al
Select a speed dial key and press As sig n . A message confirms
which speed dial key has been assigned.
The Call history feature allows you to view information about calls 2. Scroll to one of the options and then press S e le c t :
that you have missed, received and made. You can also view
This operation will take immediate effect without requiring
information (volume of data / session duration) for packet data
confirmation. Once log lists have been cleared the information
transfer and number of messages sent and received (both SMS and cannot be recovered.
A l l c al l lis ts removes all information from your Vertu phone log
The call history M i s s e d c a l l s removes details from the Missed calls log
R e c e i ve d c a lls removes details from the Received calls log
The call history stores information about your most recent missed,
D i al le d n u m be r s removes details from the Dialled numbers log
received, and dialled calls. When the list is full, the most recent call
replaces the oldest. M e s s a ge re c ip ie n t s removes details from the Message
recipients log.
To ensure that the call history is able to store your received and
missed call information, your service provider must support caller
ID, and it must be enabled. If the callers number is not available, for Viewing call duration
example if the caller withheld their number or the network did not
transmit the number, N o n um b e r appears in the calls list. To view information about the duration of calls made and received
by your Vertu phone:
The call history can only store information about calls that are
actually received by your Vertu phone. If you do not have a signal or 1. From the Home screen, press M e n u C a ll hi sto r y Ca ll
if your calls are blocked, any incoming calls will not be stored. d ur a tio n .
2. The following information will be available for examination:
Viewing the call history L a s t c a l l shows the length of the last call regardless of type
R e c e i ve d c a lls shows the total combined duration of all received
To view recent call information: calls
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u C al l his to r y A ll c al ls . D i al le d c a lls shows the total combined duration of all dialled calls
2. The calls will be listed in chronological order. A l l c a lls shows the total combined duration of all calls to and from
your Vertu phone
Viewing missed calls 3. C le a r t i m e r s it will be necessary to enter your security code to
complete this operation. See SECURITY on page 13.
To view details of calls that have been missed:
From the Home screen, press M e n u C al l h is to r y Mi ss e d
Viewing the packet data counter
c a ll s .
To view approximate information about the volume of data sent and
Viewing received calls
1. From the Home screen, press M e n u C a ll hi sto r y Da t a
To view details of calls that have been successfully received by your c o un te r .
Vertu phone: 2. The following information will be available for examination:
From the Home screen, press M e n u C al l h is to r y Re ce iv e d S e n t i n l a s t s e s s i o n is the amount of data in bytes, sent in the
c a ll s . last transmission
R e c e i ve d in la s t se s s . is the amount of data in bytes, received
Viewing dialled numbers in the last transmission
A l l s e n t da t a is the total amount of data in bytes, sent in all
To view details of numbers that have been dialled from your Vertu transmissions
phone: A l l re c e iv e d d at a is the total amount of data in bytes, received in
From the Home screen, press M e n u C al l h is to r y D ia lle d all transmissions
n u m be r s .
This where you can customise the dual time clock settings. The dual 1. From the Home screen, press M e n u S e t t in gs D at e a n d
time clock is available when you are travelling. The larger analogue t im e D a te a n d ti m e f or m at Ti m e .
clock shows the local time and the smaller digital clock shows the Ti m e f or m a t enables you to set the time in 24-hour or 12-hour
home time. format
A c c ur a te displays dual time when you are travelling. Set up the Profiles define how your Vertu phone reacts when you receive a call
home location as below and the travel clock displays automatically. or a message, how your N U M B E R keys sound when you press a
S i n gl e f ix e d z o n e (only available for manual set-up) enables you
key, and more.
to select a location for the large clock. A c t i v a tin g a p ro f i l e
D u al fi x e d z o n e (only available for manual set-up) enables you to
select a location for the small clock. You can change your profile at any time to ensure that your Vertu
phones alerts are appropriate to your surroundings.
Select a home location Timed profiles can be used to prevent missed calls. For example,
you attend an event that requires your Vertu phone be set to S i le n t
From the Home screen, press M e n u S e t ti n gs D at e an d
before the event starts, but you forget to return it to G e n e r a l until
t im e Tim e m an ag e m e n t H o m e lo c a t io n
long after the event. During this time, you might miss several calls
This enables you to set up a home location for manual and because the ringing tone is silent. The F li gh t profile cannot be
automatic time keeping. timed.
With the timed profile feature, you can set a profile to expire after
Select an alternate location any length of time up to 24 hours. When the timed profile expires,
From the Home screen, press M e n u S e tt in g s D a te a n d t im e your Vertu phone automatically returns to the original profile.
Tim e m an ag e m e n t A l te r n at e l oc at io n To change your current profile from the Home screen:
This enables you to set up a second location for manual time 1. Press the power key once briefly.
2. Scroll to the desired profile and then press S e le c t .
To change your current profile using the menus:
To ensure interoperability between other devices supporting Select O pt io n s to access available options depending on the status of
Bluetooth technology, use Vertu approved enhancements for this the device and the Bluetooth connection.
model. Check with the manufacturers of other devices to determine
their compatibility with this device. GPS
There may be restrictions on using Bluetooth technology in some This is where you can set up a connection to another GPS device
locations. Check with your local authorities or service provider. that you want to use, and set preferences for Internet Assisted
Using your Vertu phone as a modem, you can connect your PC to 2. Select O n or O f f and then press O K .
the internet even if you cannot connect using your regular ethernet
A n y ke y a n s w e r
Anykey answer allows you to answer an incoming call by briefly
1. Install Vertu PC Suite (supplied on the CD-ROM) on your computer.
pressing any key except the PO W E R key, S E L E C TI O N and E N D
2. Connect your Vertu phone to your computer using Bluetooth or a keys.
micro-USB cable.
To change the anykey answer setting:
3. Open Vertu PC Suite and click on Connect to the Internet. The One
Touch Access application will get you connected to the Internet. 1. From the Home screen, press M e n u S e t tin gs C a ll A n y k e y
a n s we r .
Call settings 2. Select O n to enable Anykey answer, or O f f to disable it and then
press O K .
You can personalise the way your Vertu phone behaves during a
call by using the call settings. A u t om at ic re d ial
Occasionally, your network may experience heavy traffic, or the
C al l d i v e r t
called party is busy and you might not be able to make a call. With
The call divert feature redirects your incoming voice and video calls automatic redial activated, your Vertu phone redials the number up
to another number, for example your voice mailbox number. to 10 times, and notifies you once the network is available.
When a call is diverted your Vertu phone does not give any To change the automatic redial setting:
indication of an incoming call. The call divert feature is managed by
1. From the Home screen, press M e n u S e t t in gs Ca ll
your service operator and is not phone specific. The call divert
A u to m at ic re di al .
feature may remain active even if your SIM card is not currently in a
phone. 2. Select O n to enable automatic redial, or O ff to disable it and then
press O K .
To manage your call divert settings:
Vo i c e c l a r i t y
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u S e t ti n gs Ca ll C a ll
d iv e r t . This feature enhances speech intelligibility especially in noisy
2. Scroll to one of the divert options: environments.
A ll v oi c e c al ls forwards all calls to the number you specify To change the voice clarity setting:
I f b us y forwards all calls when you are in a call 1. From the Home screen, press M e n u S e tt in g s Ca l l Voi c e
c l a r it y .
4. Press O p tio n s then scroll to En d al l c a lls and then press When the keyguard is on, calls still may be possible to the
S e le c t to end all calls. official emergency number programmed into your device.
C al l d u r a t i o n d i s p l a y S e c u r i ty ke y g u a rd
This displays the call duration during each call. To set your Vertu phone to ask for the security code when you
To change the display setting: unlock the keyguard:
From the Home screen, press M e n u S e t tin g s C a ll C al l 1. From the Home screen, press M e n u S e tt in g s P h o n e
du ra t ion d isp la y . S e c ur i ty k e y gu a rd .
2. Enter your Security code (see Security code on page 13) and
Select O n or O ff and then press O K .
select O n .
S u m m a ry a f t e r c a l l Vo i c e re c o g n i t i o n
Your Vertu phone can display the time spent on a call.
You can call contacts and carry out phone functions by speaking a
To change the call summary setting: voice command.
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u S e t ti n gs Ca ll Voice commands are language-dependent. Select M e n u
S u m m a ry a ft e r c a ll . S e t ti n gs P ho n e Voic e re c o gn i tio n R e c o gn i ti on la n g .
and your language before using voice commands.
2. Select O n to enable summary after call, or O f f to disable it and then
press O K . From the Home screen, press Me n u S e t ti n gs P ho n e Voi c e
re c o gn i tio n Vo ic e re c og . tr a in in g to train the voice
recognition of your phone to your voice.
D o wn l . ph on e so ft w. enables new phone software to be This option is shown only if supported by your SIM card.
downloaded Accessing these services may involve sending messages or
In st a ll so ft w. up da te enables newly downloaded software to making a phone call for which you may be charged.
be installed on your phone
S o ft w are up da t e p rov id e r displays your software update Accessories
A u to m at ic S W u pd a te ch e ck enables your phone to This menu is shown only if the phone is or has been connected to a
automatically check for updates E ve r y m on t h , E v e r y 3 compatible mobile accessory, such as a charger or headset.
m o n th s or N e v e r .
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u S e tt in g s A c c e s s or i e s .
2. Scroll to one of the options and then press S e le c t (available
options will depend upon the accessory selected):
D e f a ult p rof il e enables you to select the profile that you want to To configure your security settings:
be automatically activated when you connect to the selected
accessory 1. From the Home screen, press M e n u S e t t in gs S e c ur it y .
A u to m at ic an s w e r sets the phone to answer an incoming call 2. Scroll to one of the following options and then press S e l e c t :
automatically after 5 seconds. If Incoming call alert is set to B e e p P I N c o de re q u e s t lets you select whether a code is required
o n c e or O ff , automatic answer is off when switching on your phone. The SIM card may require that the
L ig ht s sets the lights permanently O n or select Au to m a tic to set
code is always asked for
the lights on for 15 seconds after a key press. C a l l b a r r i n g s e r v i c e restricts incoming calls and outgoing calls.
A barring password is required
Configuration C lo s e d u s e r gro up specifies a group of people you can call and
who can call you
You can configure your Vertu phone with settings that are required S e c ur i ty l e ve l sets the security code whenever a new SIM card
for certain services to function correctly. These services include is inserted into the phone
multimedia messaging, synchronisation, e-mail, streaming and A c c e s s c od e s changes the security codes that protect the phone
browser. Use the Order Settings link from your CD-ROM to take and memory. Change either the C re a te s e c u r it y c od e ,
you directly to the appropriate page on the Vertu web site to obtain C ha n g e P I N c o de , Ch a n ge P I N2 c od e or the C ha n g e
the settings for your phone. barring pass.
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u S e t ti n gs C od e in us e selects whether the PIN code is active
C on f ig ur at io n . P I N 2 c od e re q u e s t selects whether the PIN2 code is required
2. Scroll to one of the options and then press S e le c t : when using a specific phone feature which is protected by the PIN2
We b c on f ig . se t ti n gs only the configurations that support the code. Some SIM cards do not allow the code request to be turned
browsing service are shown. Select a service provider, Default, or off
Personal configuration for browsing. A u th or i ty c e r ti fic a te s displays the list of authority certificates
D e f a ult c on f ig . s e t t. displays the service providers saved in the downloaded into your phone
phone. Scroll to a service provider, and select De t a i ls to view the U s e r c e rt if ic a t e s displays the list of user certificates
applications that the configuration settings of this service provider downloaded into your phone
support. To set the configuration settings of that service provider as S e c ur i ty m o du le s e t t. See Security module on page 14.
default settings, press O p t ion s S e t a s de f a ult . To delete
configuration settings, select D e l e te .
Workshop reset
A c ti v. de f . in a ll ap p s . activates the default configuration
settings for supported applications
To restore your Vertu phones original settings:
P re fe r re d ac c e s s pt . displays the saved access points. Scroll
to an access point and press O p tio n s . With De t ai ls highlighted, 1. From the Home screen, press M e n u S e t t in gs Wo r k s h op
press S e le c t to view the name of the service provider, data bearer, re s e t R e s to re s e tt in g s o n ly
and packet data access point or GSM dial-up number for that 2. Use the N U M B E R keys to enter the security code.
access point
C on n e c t t o s up po r t downloads the configuration settings from Data you have entered or downloaded, for example names
your service provider if this is supported by the service provider and phone numbers saved in Contacts, are not deleted.
Pe r s o n al c o n fi g. s e tt . enables you to add new personal To restore all your Vertu phones original settings and delete user
accounts for various services, and to activate or delete them. To add data, e.g. phonebook entries:
a new personal account if you have not added any, select Ad d ,
otherwise, press O p tio n s and with A d d n e w highlighted, press 1. From the Home screen, press M e n u S e t t in gs Wo r k s h op
S e le c t . Select the required service type and then press S e le c t . re s e t R e s to re a ll .
Use the N U MB ER keys to enter each of the required parameters. Use the N U M B E R keys to enter the security code.
The parameters differ according to the selected service type. To
delete or activate a personal account, select it, press O pt io n s ,
select either De le te or A c t iva t e and then press S e le c t . Sync and backup
Due to the complexity of entering all of the settings manually, To synchronise or backup your Vertu phone data with another
it is strongly recommended that you use the order settings device:
link from your CD-ROM to take you directly to the appropriate
page on the Vertu website to obtain the settings for your Vertu Select M e n u S e tt in g s S y n c a n d b a ck u p and from the
phone. following options.
P h o n e s wi tch to synchronise or copy selected data between
Security your phone and another phone using Bluetooth
C re at e ba cku p to create a backup of selected data
Your Vertu phone includes security options for the phone, SIM card,
R e st ore ba ck up to select a backup file and restore it to the
memory and calls.
phone. Select O pt ion s D e t ai ls for information about the
When security features that restrict calls are in use (such as selected backup file
call barring, closed user group, and fixed dialling) calls are D a t a tr a n s f e r to synchronise or copy selected data between
still possible to the official emergency number programmed your phone and another device, PC or network server (network
into your device. service).
Da t a t r ans fer
Synchronise your calendar, contacts data, and notes with another
compatible device, for example a compatible PC, or a remote
Internet server (network service).
Your Vertu phone allows data transfer with a compatible PC or
another compatible device when using the phone without a SIM
card. Note that when you use the phone without a SIM card, some
functions appear dimmed in the menus and cannot be used.
Synchronising with a remote Internet server is not possible without
a SIM card.
Press # to enter a decimal point. When you open the media player menu, the details of the first track
on the default track list are shown.
Press * to display more functions.
3. Use the 4- way s c roll key to select the function you want to
4. Enter the second number.
5. Press the = sign to display the result.
To start a new calculation select C le a r .
M e d i a pl aye r s e tt i n g s E di t e q u a l i s e r s e t ti n g s
To change the media player settings: To edit equaliser settings:
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u A dd it ion s M e di a 1. From the Home screen, press M e n u A dd it io n s E q u a l i s e r .
p la ye r . 2. Scroll to an equaliser set and press O pt io n s .
2. Press O pt ion s from the media player menu and scroll to one of the 3. Scroll to E d i t and press S e le c t .
4. Scroll up or down to adjust each equaliser channel.
D o wn l oa d s to access tracks from the following options:
5. Scroll left or right to change channels.
Bo ok m a rk s to open the web bookmarks
6. Press S a v e to save your changes. A message appears to confirm
G o to a dd re s s to enter the address of a mobile Internet service your new settings.
and then press O K
Press A c t iv at e to select your new equaliser set. A message confirms
S t re am i n g s e t ti n gs to set the connection settings for the your equaliser setting.
media service. Contact your service provider for information about
connection settings. You may receive the streaming settings as a Not all settings can be edited.
connection settings message from the Vertu web site for your
service provider.
R e n am e e q ua l i s e r s e t t i n g s
U pd at e l ib r a r y to update your music library with your latest
downloads To rename equaliser settings:
M u sic lib r. d e t a ils to view data on the number of songs stored 1. From the Home screen, press M e n u A dd it io n s E q u a l i s e r .
on your phone, memory used and last updated date.
2. Scroll to an equaliser set and press O pt io n s .
3. Press O p tio n s while a track is playing and select one of the
following: 3. Scroll to R e n a m e and press S e le c t .
G o to M e d ia m e n u to return to the main media player menu 4. Use the N UM B ER keys to enter a new name.
N o w pl ay in g to show details of the current track Press O K to confirm your changes. A message confirms your new
equaliser set name.
S e tt in g s to access the following features:
Not all settings can be edited.
E q u a l i s e r to select from N o r m a l , Po p , J a z z , Cl as sic a l or
S e t % N and S e t % N for your own custom settings while the
track is playing
S h uf fle to play a random choice of your stored tracks Video recorder
R e pe a t to repeat a track
See Video recorder on page 56.
D o wn l oa d s to access tracks via the web
M u te au di o to mute the current track Voice recorder
We b pa g e to access a Web page associated with the currently
played track. Dimmed if no Web page is available You can record speech or an active call, and save the recordings in
P la y vi a Bl ue t oo th connects to a Bluetooth audio accessory the gallery. This is useful, for example, when recording a name and
phone number to write down later.
Equaliser R e c o rd s o u n d
You can control the sound quality when using the music player by To make a voice recording:
amplifying or diminishing frequency bands.
1. From the Home screen, press M e n u A dd it io n s Vo ic e
C h a n g e e q u a l i s e r se t ti n gs re co rde r .
2. To start the recording, with the R E C O R D button highlighted, press
To change the equaliser settings:
S e le c t and then record your message.
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u A dd it ion s E q u a lis e r . 3. To stop the recording, with the S T O P button highlighted, press
2. Scroll to an equaliser set and press A c t iv at e . Choose from S e le c t . The recording is saved in the R e c ord in g s folder of the
N o r m a l , Po p , J az z , Cl as sic a l or S e t % N and S e t % N for Media memory by default.
your own custom settings.
R e c o rd a p ho n e c a l l
A message confirms your equaliser setting.
To record a phone call:
Vie w e q u a l i s e r se t ti n g s
1. During a call, press O p tio n s .
To view equaliser settings: 2. Scroll to R e c ord and then press S e le c t . While the call is being
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u A dd it ion s E q u a lis e r . recorded, all parties to the call can hear a beeping sound every five
2. Scroll to an equaliser set and press O p t ion s .
3. To stop recording, with the S T O P button highlighted, press S e l e c t .
3. Scroll to Vie w and press S e l e c t .
The recording is saved in the Recordings folder of the gallery.
When recording a call, hold the phone in the normal position near to
your ear.
Sending notes
You can send a note to another phone using Bluetooth or the
messaging service or convert it to a message.
To send a note as a text message:
Your Vertu phone has a calendar where you can add notes about To select a day that the week starts on:
meetings, calls, birthdays, memos and reminders. You can also
1. From the Home screen, press M e n u C a le n d ar O pt ion s
create a To-do list and check your memory status from the O pt io n s
S e tt in g s We e k s t a r t s on .
2. Highlight the required day and then press S e le c t .
O pe n i n g t h e c al e n d a r A message confirms which day the week starts on.
To open the calendar:
Selecting a calendar tone
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u C al e n da r .
To select a tone for the calendar:
2. The current month is displayed, with today highlighted. Press the 4 -
WAY S C R O L L key to move to different dates. 1. From the Home screen, press M e n u C a le n d ar O pt ion s
When there is a note associated with a date, the date will be S e tt in g s C a l e n da r to n e .
highlighted. 2. Select S t a n d a rd for standard tone or O p e n G a ll e r y to choose
from a tone stored in the Gallery folders.
C al e n da r se t ti n gs
3. Press S e l e c t to confirm the new settings.
On the S e tt in g s menu you can change the following
characteristics of the calendar:
Calendar Notes
> D at e & t im e s e t ti n gs
> Select the D e fa u lt v ie w Notes enables you to make a note associated to a date and time.
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u C al e n da r M e e t in g - enables you to use the NU M B ER keys to enter details
about a meeting: subject, location, start and finish date and times and
2. Press O p tio n s and scroll down to S e tt in g s . set an alarm
3. Press S e l e c t and D a t e & t im e s e t ti n gs . C a ll - enables you to use the N U M B E R keys to enter details about
4. Scroll to one of the following options and then press S e l e c t to a phone call: phone number, name and time details and set an alarm
customise the time settings: B ir th da y - enables you to use the N U M B E R keys to enter details
D a te : enables you to use the N U M B E R keys to set the date on the about a birthday: name, year of birth, and set an alarm
phone A n n i ve r s a r y - enables you to use the N U M B E R keys to enter
Tim e : enables you to use the N U M B E R keys to set the time on the details about an anniversary: name, occasion, date, year and set an
clock alarm
Tim e z on e : enables you to set the valid offset from GMT M e m o - enables you to use the N U M B E R keys to enter details
D a yl ig ht s av in g : enables you to select between Wintertime or about a memo: subject, start date, end date and set an alarm
Summertime (+1 or +2 hours) daylight saving periods.
5. Scroll down and select S a ve to confirm your settings.
If there are notes for a day, the date will be highlighted. You can Your Vertu phone can delete notes automatically. Notes can be
view notes for a particular day or for the whole week. deleted after one day, one week or one month.
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u C al e n da r . 1. From the Home screen, press M e n u C a le n d ar O pt ion s
2. With the required day highlighted, press Vi e w . S e tt in g s A ut o- d e le t e n ot e s .
3. The notes for that day will be displayed. 2. Highlight the required frequency, or N e v e r and then press S e l e c t .
A message confirms whether auto-delete is activated or not.
Viewing notes for a week
To view notes for a week: To-do list
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u C al e n da r . The To-do list enables you to create notes for tasks you have to do.
2. Scroll to a day in the week of interest. You can send a to-do note to another phone as a text message, or
3. Press O pt ion s We e k vi e w . as a multimedia message or by Bluetooth. You can also save a to-do
4. The week is displayed showing any notes. note to the calendar.
Editing notes O p e n i n g t h e t o -d o l i s t
To edit a note: To open the to-do list:
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u C al e n da r . From the Home screen, press Me n u C a le n d a r O p ti on s Go
t o to - do l is t .
2. With the required day highlighted, press Vi e w . The notes for that
day will be displayed. Any to-do notes will be displayed.
3. Press O p tio n s E dit to open the note for editing.
C re a t i n g a t o - do l i st
4. Edit the details as required and press S a v e .
To create a to-do list:
Moving notes
1. From the Home screen, press M e n u C a le n d ar O p ti on s
You can move a note to a different date and time. G o t o to - do l is t .
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u C al e n da r . To change the priority, view the to-do note and select the deadline
option. You can also mark notes as done, edit and delete them.
2. With the required day highlighted, press Vi e w .
3. Press O p tio n s S e n d n ot e Vi a c a le n da r . Deleting a to-do list
4. Key in the phone number or press S e a rch to use the C o n t ac t s To delete a to-do list
1. From the Home screen, press M e n u C a le n d ar O pt ion s
5. Press O K to send the note.
G o t o to - do l is t .
C o py in g n o te s 2. Scroll to the desired to-do note and press O pt ion s .
You can copy a note to another date and time. 3. Scroll to D e le te or D e le t e a l l n o te s and then press S e le c t .
4. Press Ye s to confirm.
To copy a note:
A message confirms the deletion.
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u C al e n da r .
If you mark your to-do notes as completed when you have
2. With the required day highlighted, press Vi e w . finished your tasks, you can select D e le t e d on e n ot e s to
3. Press O p tio n s C op y . delete all the completed to-do notes at once.
4. Key in the new date and then press O K .
5. Key in the new time and then press O K .
A message confirms that the note has been copied.
9 ALARM CLOCK C an c e l l i n g t h e a la r m
To cancel the alarm:
1. From the Home screen, press M e n u A la r m c lo ck Tu r n
a l ar m o ff .
A message confirms that the alarm has been turned off..
Tu r n in g o f f th e a lar m
To turn off a ringing alarm:
1. When the alarm sounds press the stop icon on the outer display.
2. If your Vertu phone is switched off when the alarm sounds, a
message asks if you want to switch the phone on. Press Ye s to
Your Vertu phone contains a simple to use alarm clock. switch the phone on or press No to leave the phone switched off.
If you are using the accurate time clock feature, when you are Do not press Yes when wireless phone use is prohibited or
travelling the phone automatically adjusts to the local time and any when it may cause interference or danger.
preset alarms sound at the usual time wherever you are. You do not
need to reset your alarm clock at your destination. A c t iv a t i n g t h e s n o o z e f u n c t io n
The alarm will sound even if your Vertu phone is switched off. To activate the snooze function:
1. When the alarm sounds turn the phone over onto its front. If the
Setting the alarm phone is already on its front, rotate it through 360 degrees.
2. The alarm will sound again after the Snooze time-out duration defined
To set the alarm:
when setting the alarm.
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u A la r m c lo ck . 3. If you leave the alarm ringing, it will ring for approximately one minute
2. Use the N U MB ER keys to enter the time you want the alarm to and then go into snooze mode.
3. Press O p tio n s and use the 4-way scroll key to set the alarm
A la r m use the 4-way scroll key to toggle the alarm on and off.
A la r m ti m e : displays the time the alarm is set for and can only be
changed as above
R e p e a t: use the 4-way scroll key to toggle the repeat feature on
and off. Setting the repeat feature to O n means that the alarm will
sound every day at the specified time
R e p e a t da ys : press O pt io n s and C ha n g e to select the days
on which you want the alarm to repeat. This option is only available if
R e p e a t: is switched O n
A la r m to n e : use the 4-way scroll key to select an alarm tone
S t a n da rd is the default alarm tone
O p e n G al le r y enables you to select a tone from the gallery files
on your Vertu phone
To n e d ow n l oa ds enables you to select and download a tone
from the website
S n oo z e t im e -o ut : use the N U M B E R keys to enter the snooze
time-out in minutes
4. Select S a v e when complete.
A message confirms that the alarm is on, and a red marker is visible
on the clock at the alarm time.
Go to address
To enter a web page address:
1. From the Home screen, press M e n u We b G o to a dd re s s .
2. Use the N U M B E R keys to enter the service URL.
Browse pages
You can access various Web services on your Vertu phone. While you are browsing the Internet, the function of the phone keys
Important: Use only services that you trust and that offer may vary. Follow the text labels on the phone display and see below
adequate security and protection against harmful software. for more information.
is shown on the top left of the display during browsing. If you
Check the availability of these services, pricing, tariffs, and are on a 3G network you can call and browse at the same time.
instructions with your service provider. However on other networks if you receive a call or a text message
while browsing, indicates that the Internet connection is
Automatically setting up Web browsing suspended while you receive the call or text message. When the
call or text message ends, your Vertu phone reconnects the
Depending on which service provider you use, your Vertu phone browsing session.
might already have Web settings installed so you might be able to
browse the Web straight away. If you cannot connect to the Web, B ro w se w i t h ph o n e k e y s
please contact Vertu Concierge or visit on your To browse through the page, scroll in any direction.
computer and download your settings.
To select a highlighted item, press the C A LL key, or press S e le c t .
Important: Use only services that you trust and that offer
adequate security and protection against harmful software. To enter letters and numbers, press the NU MB ER keys. To enter
special characters, press *.
Check the availability of these services, pricing, tariffs, and
instructions with your service provider. O p tio n s w h i l e b ro w sin g
Press O pt io n s to open a new list of options for browsing:
Manually setting up Web browsing Press H o m e to return to your start page
First, ensure that the correct configuration settings of the service Press B oo k m ar ks to access the list of bookmarks
that you want to use are activated. Press G o to a d dre s s to enter a specific web page address
To select the settings for connecting to the service: Press A dd b o ok m a r k to save the page as a bookmark
Press N a vi ga t ion to view browsing history, downloads or to
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u We b We b s e tt in g s reload the current page
C on f ig ur at io n s e tt .
Press Th is pa g e to show the list of options for the active page
Only the configurations that support the browsing service are shown.
Select a service provider or Default for browsing. Press Too ls to show a list of other options
Press S e t t in gs to view or change browsing settings. See
2. Scroll to A c c ou n t and highlight a browsing service account
contained in the active configuration settings and then press Settings on page 48.
S e le c t . Press Q u it to disconnect from a service.
The service provider may also offer other options.
Vertu Mobile R e c e i v e a b o o km a r k
Vertu Mobile is Vertus presence on the Mobile Internet, tailored for When you have received an address that is sent as a bookmark, the
handsets and carefully designed for being accessed on the go. message 1 b o ok m a r k re ce iv e d is displayed. The received
bookmark is saved automatically to R e c e i ve d f ile s . To view it,
To open Vertu mobile:
press S h ow and select Bo ok m a rk s .
From the Home screen, press M e n u We b Ve r tu M o bil e .
The following options are available: Settings
> Discover contains the latest Vertu news A p p e a r an c e s e tt i n g s
> Where to buy enables you to find an authorised Vertu retailer 1. From the Home screen, press M e n u We b We b s e t tin g s .
wherever you are in the world 2. Scroll to D is pl ay and then press S e le c t .
3. Scroll to one of the following options and then press S e l e c t :
> About Vertu contains information about Vertu
Press S h ow i m ag e s and No to hide pictures on the page. This D o wn l oa di n g s e t t. enables you to allow or disallow software and
can speed up the browsing of pages that contain a lot of pictures configuration updates in the home network.
Press S ho w p a ge t it le and N o to hide the page title on the page. C on f ig ura t io n s e tt . only the configurations that support the
This saves screen space. browsing service are shown. Select a service provider or default for
M in i m a p zooms out while you are scrolling to enable you to browsing.
navigate the web more easily. If you select O ff , while scrolling the
pages are displayed in full size view. Clear the cache
Press W M L t e x t w r a pp in g and O n to set the text to continue on
the next line on the display. If you select O f f , the text is abbreviated A cache is a memory location that is used to store data temporarily.
Scroll to Ge n e ra l and press S e le c t . If you have tried to access or have accessed confidential
information requiring passwords, empty the cache after each use.
4. B a ck s t e p . op e n s hi s t. enables you to open the visual history The information or services you have accessed is stored in the
when you go back a page. cache.
Press A ut o- fil l and E n ab le to enable your Vertu phone to
To empty the cache:
complete fields for you
Press U n i c o de ( U T F - 8 ) a dd r. and O n to set the phone to send From the Home screen, press Me n u We b C le a r th e c a ch e .
a URL as a UTF-8 encoding. You may need this setting when you
access a Web page created in foreign language B ro w se r s e c u r ity
Press C o n te n t e n c o di n g to select the encoding for the browser Security features may be required for some services, for example
page content online banking or shopping. For such connections you need
security certificates and possibly a security module, which may be
Press J a va S c r ipt and E n ab l e to enable the Java scripts.
available on your SIM card. For more information, contact your
S e tt i n g th e f o n t s i z e fo r w e b p ag e s service provider.
To set the font size for your messages, contacts and web pages:
Security module
1. From the Home screen, press Me n u S e t ti n gs Di s p la y
The security module improves security services for applications
Fo n t s iz e .
requiring a browser connection, and allows you to use a digital
2. Scroll to S m a ll fo n t , N or m al f on t or L a rge fo n t and then signature. The security module may contain certificates as well as
press O K . private and public keys. The certificates are saved in the security
A message confirms that the font size has been updated. module by the service provider.
To view the list of the user certificates downloaded into your Vertu
From the Home screen, press M e n u S e t ti n gs S e c ur it y
U s e r c e r ti fi c a te s .
This icon is displayed during a secure browsing session
Digital signature
You can make digital signatures with your Vertu phone if your SIM
card has a security module. Using the digital signature can be the
same as signing your name to a paper bill, contract, or other
To make a digital signature:
1. Select a link on a page, for example, the title of the book you want to
buy and its price. The text to sign, which may include the amount and
date, is shown.
2. Check that the header text is R e a d and that the digital signature
icon is shown.
3. If the digital signature icon does not appear, there is a security breach
and you should not enter any personal data, for example your signing
4. To sign the text, read all of the text first, and press S ig n .
5. The text may not fit within a single screen. Therefore, make sure to
scroll through and read all of the text before signing.
6. Select the user certificate you want to use. Use the NU MB ER keys
to enter the signing PIN (see PIN code on page 13), and select
O K . The digital signature icon disappears, and the service may
display a confirmation of your purchase.
Vertu services contains software and services available only to In order to download the latest flight, currency and weather
Vertu owners. information, you must be subscribed to the Travel application
Important: Use only services that you trust and that offer service.
adequate security and protection against harmful software.
N a v i g a t i n g t he sc re e n s
Your Vertu phone comes with12 months complimentary Vertu Use the N AV IG AT IO N key and the CE N TR E S E LE C T key to move
Select and City Brief services and 5 years complimentary Travel between screens and also move between fields on a screen.
service. You will need to register with Vertu to enjoy these
complimentary services. U p d at i n g fl i g ht , w e a th e r an d c u r re n c y
To use Vertu services:
Press the O p ti on s S EL E CT I ON key to display a menu.
1. Go to
2. Register your Vertu phone or login (if you have previously registered). Select the U pd a te .. . option to open a GPRS connection and
download latest information to your Vertu phone.
3. Use the menu on the website to select your choice of services.
You must also have valid Internet settings on your Vertu phone and C h an g i n g s e t ti n g s
there must be GPRS network coverage in your current location.
Press the O p ti on s S E L E C T IO N key to update settings, change
Depending on which service provider you use, your Vertu phone city, and change settings.
might already have Internet settings installed. If you cannot connect
S e t ti n gs include time format, date format, temperature scale and
to the Internet, please contact Vertu Concierge or visit
the space character (decimal point). and download your settings.
Your service provider will charge you for the amount of data We ath e r
transferred by GPRS so please check their tariff first. This screen displays five-day weather forecasts. If the weather
information is no longer current and you want to update it, press the
Vertu Select O p ti on s S E L EC T IO N key and select U p d at e w e a th e r .
C u r re n c y
An exclusive service available only to Vertu owners where you can
access: This screen displays three different currencies and enables you to
convert sums of money between them. Press the O p ti on s
> Online information and exclusive downloads such as additional
S EL E CT IO N key to select a new currency.
games, applications, Vertu themes and Vertu ringing tones.
Currency rates fluctuate daily. To obtain current currency rates,
> Links to the best web pages available on the mobile internet. press the O pt io n s S E L E C T IO N key and select U p da t e r a t e s .
Fli g ht st atu s
City Brief
This screen enables you to search for the latest flight information for
Where possible, City Brief channel provides RSS Feeds over 75 leading airlines. You can see current information on
information about your destination, the moment you arrive. schedules, gates, terminals, delays and aircraft type.
Select an A ir l in e , F li gh t n u m be r and D a te , and then press G e t
Vertu Fortress f lig ht s t at us .
Vertu Fortress enables you to wirelessly transmit important Queries you have previously made are stored for reuse in the
R e c e n t Q u e r ie s list.
information from your Vertu phone to a high security data storage
facility. You can back up all contact information, calendar details WorldMate is provided by MobiMate.
and tasks in this way.
When you have synchronised your data with the secure server, you
can update it from our website and, if necessary, transfer it to
another phone you have registered.
Your Vertu phone will display all the locally available networks. For
information on configuring the Vertu Select, Vertu Fortress and
Travel applications, GPRS coverage and roaming agreements,
please contact Vertu Concierge.
Not all network operators have GPRS roaming agreements with
other network operators.
Vertu Concierge
Vertu Concierge is an exclusive service for people who believe that
quality matters. Our aim is to bring you only the very best, whether it
be music, art, travel or food.
Vertu Concierge provides you with a highly personalised range of
services including:
> Lifestyle services such as restaurant recommendations and
reservations, travel assistance, and tickets for theatre shows,
concerts or sporting events.
C al l i n g Ve r t u C on c i e rg e
The C O N C I ER G E key is
located at the bottom of the
keypad of your Vertu phone
as shown in this illustration.
S a ve d loc a tio n s to use the details of a location that you To change the selection of maps on your memory card, use the Map
bookmarked previously. Loader to delete all maps on the memory card and download a new
selection to ensure that all maps are from the same release.
R e c e n t lo c a t ion s to display the most recent maps you have been
looking at. Downloading maps may involve the transmission of large amounts
of data through your service providers network. Contact your
C u r re n t G P S po s it io n to display your current position on a map. service provider for information about data transmission charges.
P l an rou te to provide directions for your journey. You need to
M a ps a n d G P S
enter the Starting point and the Destination. This provides the map
only. If you want voice guidance this is purchased separately (see You can use the Global Positioning System (GPS) to support the
below). Navigate application. You can find out your location or measure
distances and plot co-ordinates.
E x t r a s e r v i c e s to purchase voice guided navigation.
Once the internal GPS receiver in your phone locates a satellite
S e t ti n gs to display General settings, Network settings and
signal, it may take several minutes for the phone to display the
Routing settings.
current location. Subsequent connections should be faster, but if
> General settings displays unit of Measure for the map, Points you have not used GPS for several days, or are very far away from
of Interest displays types of places to view, Lights enables you the last place you used it, it may take several minutes to detect and
to select from the following options: Automatic, On for display your location.
Navigation and Always On, and Voice Guidance lets you
You can upgrade to a full voice-guided navigation which requires a
select which language you require.
regional licence.
> Network settings - Allow network usage, Yes, In home, No or To purchase a navigation service with voice guidance, select M e n u
Ask when opening. If you allow network usage you can get N a vi ga t e E x t r a s e r v i c e s P u rch a s e n av ig a tio n and
faster and better search results. follow the instructions.
> Routing settings. this is where you select the type of route, for To use navigation with voice guidance you must allow the maps
example whether to use motorways or not. application to use a network connection.
There are several settings options available once you have found a
D e t a ils to display details about the location
13 CAMERA D e l e tin g a p h ot o
To delete a photo immediately after taking it:
Press the C E N T R E S EL E CT key to delete the photo.
To delete a photo from the gallery:
1. From the Home screen, select M e n u G a lle ry and the storage
location of the photo.
2. Open the file or view the preview
3. Press O p ti on s D e l e te to delete the photo.
C am e ra o p tio n s
To change the camera settings:
1. Start the camera using one of the above methods.
Your Vertu phone incorporates a 3 Megapixel camera with integral 2. Press O p ti on s and select from the following options:
LED flash. Vie w im a ge s to view any stored photos
Warning! When checking the flash, make sure to hold the Vid e o re c o rd e r takes a video instead of a photo
phone facing away and pointing down. S e tt in g s to access the following options:
I m a g e /v id e o s t o r a g e determines where the image is to be
There is a powerful 8x digital zoom which together with the 16
stored. The choices are phone memory (Ga ll e r y I m a ge s
million colour HVGA screen produces crisp, high quality images.
folder), media card or a specific folder in the G al le r y .
You can take photos and record video clips with the camera, send D e f au lt t it le to have the phone automatically assign a title to
them by message to your friends, or save them in the Ga ll e r y , from the image. Select M y ti tle and use the NU MB E R keys to rename
where they can be transferred to your computer. the default title
The camera produces pictures in jpg format and you can shoot still I m a g e q u a lit y is the compression ratio which affects the
images or video images using the camera application. image file size. Choose from H ig h (large file), N or m al or B as ic
(smaller file)
Across the top of the screen you can see some indicator icons. The
value for these can be changed in the S e tt in g s menu. You can I m a g e s iz e to select the pixel size of the captured image.
also see the number of images remaining in the top-right hand Choose from options ranging from 2408x1536 (largest) to
corner of the viewfinder. The number of images remaining depends 160x120 (smallest)
on the chosen resolution and quality settings. Higher resolution and I m a g e pre v ie w ti m e to select a preview time to display the
quality settings result in larger file sizes and fewer images. File sizes taken images. During the preview time, select B ack to take
may also vary due to the image compression process. another image or S e n d to send the image as a Multimedia
Ta kin g a p h ot o
C am e r a & v id . s o un d s to turn the camera sounds on or off.
To take a photo using your Vertu phone: F la s h to turn flash on and off
1. From the Home screen press the C A M ERA button or select S e lf - ti m e r to set the camera to capture an image automatically
Menu Camera after a preset number of seconds
2. To zoom in or out press the 4 - WA Y S C R O L L key up or down. I m ag e s e q u e n c e o n to capture a sequence of pictures in one
3. To take an image, press the C A ME RA button or use the go
C E N T R E S EL E C T key to select C a pt ure . The phone saves B r i gh tn e s s enables you to increase or decrease the brightness of
the images in the memory. the screen
4. Once you have captured an image, press O pt io n s and choose E ff e c ts to add special effects to your captured image. Apply one of
from one of the following: the following settings:
N e w i m ag e to take new picture N o r m a l - default setting for colour images
S e n d to send to contact G re ys c a le - use for black & white images
Vie w i m a ge s to display other images S e p ia - use to give images an aged effect
R e n a m e to rename image from default name N e g at iv e - use to reverse the colours
U s e im a ge to set image as wallpaper, attach as contact image, Wh it e b a la n c e to select a white balance function best suited to
create new contact and attach, set as group image the light conditions at the time of shooting select one of the following
Z o om to enlarge an image. Scroll up, down, left and right to move options:
around the image A ut o - adjusts white balance automatically and reproduces
S e t co n t r a s t . Scroll left and right to adjust the image contrast natural colours
settings D a yl ig ht - use when taking pictures outside
E dit i m a ge to insert text, images, frames, clipart etc. Tun g s t e n - use when taking pictures under electric lighting
P r in t to print image to attached compatible printer F l uo re s c e n t - use when taking pictures under fluorescent light
D e t a il s to view image details
L an ds c a pe fo r m a t changes the orientation of the viewing Vid e o re so lu ti on to select the pixel size of the captured video.
screen. Choose from options ranging from 640x480 (largest file size) to
128x96 (smallest file size)
Video recorder I m a g e q u a lit y is the compression ratio which affects the
image file size. Choose from H ig h (large file), N or m al or B as ic
(smaller file)
Recording a video Vid e o pre v ie w to play back the video as soon as you stop
You can record video clips in 3gp format. Available recording time recording.
depends on the video clip length and quality settings.
C am e r a & v id . s o un d s to turn the camera sounds on or off.
The length and file size of the clips may vary depending on the M u te to view the video clip without recorded sound
selected quality and available memory.
B r i gh tn e s s enables you to increase or decrease the brightness of
R e c o rd a v id e o c l i p the screen
E ff e c ts to add special effects to your captured image. Apply one of
To record a video clip:
the following settings:
1. From the Home screen press the C AM E RA button or select Me n u N o r m a l - default setting for colour images
Ca m e r a or M e n u A d dit io n s Vid e o re c ord e r . G re ys c a le - use for black & white images
2. To zoom in or out move the 4 - WAY S C R O L L key up or down. S e p ia - use to give images an aged effect
3. To pause the recording, select P au s e to resume the recording, N e g at iv e - use to reverse the colours
select Co nti n ue .
Wh it e b a la n c e to select a white balance function best suited to
4. To stop the recording, select S t op . the light conditions at the time of shooting select one of the following
5. By default the recording is saved in the Vid e o c lip s folder in the options:
G a lle r y . A ut o - adjusts white balance automatically and reproduces
Using a video clip natural colours
D a yl ig ht - use when taking pictures outside
When you have recorded a video clip you can perform the following
actions on it: Tun g s t e n - use when taking pictures under electric lighting
F l uo re s c e n t - use when taking pictures under fluorescent light
1. Press O p tio n s and select from the following:
L a n ds c a pe fo r m a t changes the orientation of the viewing
Vie w i m a ge s to view any stored video clips
U s e vid e o c li p to set as incoming call video or set as contact
D e l e te to delete the highlighted video clip
S e n d to send the video clip to a contact
R e n a m e to rename the video clip from the default name
D e t a il s to view the file details
Ty pe of v ie w to view the files in a list or a grid format
S o r t to specify which order to show the files in.
Vid e o o p ti o n s
To change the video settings:
1. Select video mode using one of the above methods.
2. Press O p tio n s and select from the following options:
Vie w v id e os to view any stored video clips
C a m e r a changes back to the camera mode
S e tt in g s to access the following options:
Im a ge / v ide o sto r a g e determines where the video is to be
stored. The choices are phone memory (Ga l le r y Vi de o c l ips
folder), media card or a specific folder in the Ga l le r y .
D e fa u lt t itl e to have the phone automatically assign a title to
the image. Select M y tit le and use the NU MB E R keys to rename
the default title
Vide o c l ip le n gt h on Fo r M M S m e s s a g e setting means
that the file size is limited to fit into a Multimedia message.
M a xi m um a va il ab le setting means all available memory is
used. Available memory depends on where the video clip is stored
Vide o c l ip q u a lit y sets the compression ratio. Choose from
H i gh (large file), N or m a l or B a s ic (smaller file)
Fo ld e r s
To browse the folders in your Vertu phone:
1. From the Home screen, press M e n u G a lle r y .
Gallery A list of folders is displayed
You can save images, video clips, graphics, ringing tones and <Memory card NO NAME>
recordings to folders in the gallery, and add new folders to the ones I m ag e s
already there. You can download images and tones using MMS, Vid e o c li ps
mobile Internet sites, or Vertu PC Suite. Your phone contains two M u s ic fi le s
types of memory: phone memory and the memory card. Files can be
Th e m e s
stored on either memory, but there is much more storage space
available on the memory card. G r a p hic s
Ton e s
Your Vertu phone supports a digital rights management system to R e c o rdi n gs
protect content that you have acquired. A piece of content, for
R e c e i ve d f il e s
example a ringing tone, can be protected and associated with
certain usage rules, for example, the number of usage times or a These are preset in the phone. Other user-defined folders may also
certain usage period. The rules are defined in the content activation be shown.
key that can be delivered with the content or separately, depending 2. Scroll to a folder, and press O pe n to view the folders and files it
on the service provider. You may be able to update these activation contains.
keys. Always check the delivery terms of any content and activation 3. Or, press O pt ion s to see a list of the actions you can perform on
key before acquiring them, as they may be subject to a fee. the folder:
D o wn loa d s to view downloads stored on your Vertu phone.
Digital rights management Choose from Graphic, Tone, Video, Theme or Music downloads.
D e l e te f old e r to delete a folder you have created. You cannot
Copyright protection may prevent some images, ringing tones, and delete a preset folder.
other content from being copied, modified, transferred, or
forwarded. M o ve f ol de r to move the selected folder into another folder. After
selecting M ov e fo lde r , scroll to another folder, and then press
Digital rights management (DRM) is copyright protection, designed O pt ion s . With Mo ve f old e r highlighted, press S e le c t . You
to prevent modification and to limit distribution of protected files. cannot move a preset folder.
When you download protected files, such as sound, video, themes, C op y f old e r to copy your folder to another folder. You cannot
or ringing tones to your phone, the files are free, but locked. You pay copy a preset folder.
for the key to activate the file, and the activation key is automatically
sent to your phone when you download the file. R e n a m e f ol de r to rename a folder you have created. You cannot
rename a preset folder.
To view the permissions for a protected file: D e t a il s to show the name, size and date of creation of the selected
> Scroll to the file, and select O pt io n s A c t iv at io n keys. For folder.
example, you can see how many times you can view a video Ty pe of v ie w to determine how the content of the folder will be
or how many days you have left for listening to a song. displayed, either L is t wi th d e t ai ls , Lis t or G r id .
S or t to sort the contents of the selected folder B y n a m e , B y
To extend the permissions for a file: d a te , By f or m at , or By s iz e .
Scroll to the file, select O pt ion s , and the corresponding option for A d d fo ld e r to create a new sub folder for your files.
the file type, such as Ac t iv a te th e m e . M e m o r y s t at us to examine how the memory in your Vertu phone
You can send certain types of protected files to your friends, and is being used and how much you have left.
they can buy their own activation keys. S e arch to enter a filename or part of a filename to search for in this
If your device has OMA DRM protected content, the only way to
back up both the activation keys and the content is to use PC suite. M a r k to select a folder.
Other transfer methods may not transfer the activation keys which M a r k al l to select all folders.
need to be restored with the content for you to be able to continue
the use of OMA DRM protected content after the device memory is
formatted. You may also need to restore the activation keys in case
the files on your device get corrupted.
M e m o r y c ard o p ti o n s
15 ACCESSORIES M a x i m i s i n g b at te r y p e r fo r m a n c e
Certain functions in your Vertu phone can be switched off if not in
use, to help maximise your battery performance, for example
C h arg in g t h e b att er y
Wall charger
The battery for your Vertu phone is rechargeable and requires
The wall charger supplied with your Vertu phone should be charging at regular intervals.
appropriate for your region. However, you should always check that
Only use the approved charger and battery designed
the electrical rating of the AC outlet is appropriate for the charger
specifically for your Vertu phone.
before you attempt to plug it in.
Never attempt to use a damaged charger. Contact Vertu
Concierge to obtain a replacement. Insert the micro-USB
charger connector into
your Vertu phone as
Battery shown. Please ensure that
the connector is inserted
Never dispose of batteries in a fire.
correctly, with the
Always dispose of batteries according to local regulations. connector symbol
Please recycle when possible. Do not dispose of batteries uppermost. Connect the
as household waste. charger body to a powered
AC outlet.
Always charge the battery until it is fully charged. When the battery
is fully charged, the battery charge indicator stops animating and, if
your Vertu phone is switched on, a P ho n e is fu lly ch arg e d,
pl e a s e un p lu g th e cha rg e r confirmation message is briefly
If your Vertu phone is not charging, try the following:
> Disconnect the charger from the AC outlet.
> Check that the electrical rating of the AC outlet is compatible with
your charger.
> Verify that the AC outlet has power and that it is switched on. For
example, in many hotel rooms, AC outlets are used for lighting and
may be switched on and off from remote locations in the room.
> Wait for at least 10 seconds and then reconnect the charger to the
AC outlet.
> Use another nearby AC outlet that you know is providing power.
> If charging still fails, contact Vertu Concierge for further advice.
Data cable
The micro-USB data cable transfers data between your Vertu phone
and a compatible computer, for example when you are using Vertu
PC Suite, and between your Vertu phone and a compatible printer
supporting PictBridge.
A t t ach i n g t h e d at a c a b l e to t he ph o n e
A t t ach i n g t h e d at a c a b l e to t he c om p ut e r