Electronic Principles PDF
Electronic Principles PDF
Electronic Principles PDF
Electronic Principles
11. Electronics Fundamentals........................................................................................................ 11
201. Metric Notation..................................................................................................................................11
202. Electronics Theory.............................................................................................................................14
12. Electronic Circuits.................................................................................................................. 112
203. Circuit components..........................................................................................................................112
204. Types of circuits ..............................................................................................................................119
205. Circuit configurations ......................................................................................................................120
206. Laws ................................................................................................................................................122
13. Electronics Testing, Troubleshooting, and Repair .............................................................. 125
207. Electronic test equipment ................................................................................................................125
208. Diagrams..........................................................................................................................................128
209. Electronics troubleshooting .............................................................................................................134
210. Electronics preventive maintenance and repair ...............................................................................139
S AN AEROSPACE technician, you will often find yourself working with electrical systems
and occasionally having to troubleshoot them as well. Therefore, having a thorough
understanding of basic electronic principles will be essential somewhere in your line work.
This unit contains lessons designed to help you understand the fundamentals of electronics as well as
introduce some of the more common electronic circuits and components you will be dealing with.
Our last lesson will introduce some common test equipment as well as circuit analysis and
troubleshooting methods used in the field of electronics.
For example, the mass of the earth is about 5,973,600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 grams (g). That
is a pretty big number to work with. To convert that to a power of ten, we first shift the decimal point
to the left while counting each number of position changes.
After moving the decimal point 27 places to the left, we end up with a coefficient of 5.9736 and a
positive exponent of 27.When written in scientific notation, it is 5.9736 10 27 g.
How about an extremely small number? The mass of a proton is 0.0000000000000000000000016726
grams. To convert that to a power of ten, we first shift the decimal to the right while counting each
number of position changes.
After moving the decimal point 24 places to the right, we end up with a coefficient of 1.6726 and a
negative exponent of 24. When written in scientific notation, it is 1.6726 x 10 24 g.
To convert a powers of ten number back to its original format, simply reverse the above steps by
counting the appropriate number of decimal spaces right or left of the coefficient, filling in zeros
where needed.
For example, to convert 6.8 x 10 6 back to its original number, we would count six decimal spaces to
the right (remember, move the decimal to the right if the exponent is positive and to the left if the
exponent is negative), and we end up with 6,800,000.
Scientific Notation
Scientific notation is a form of powers of ten numbering. Scientific notation uses the same basic
procedures for manipulating numbers as powers of ten with one noticeable differencethe final form
expressed has a coefficient of greater than or equal to 1 but less than 10. To write a number in
scientific notation, put a decimal after the first digit and drop the zeroes. The exponent will be the
number of places from the decimal to the end of the number.
Example: 76.45 x 10 3 = 7.645 x 10 2
Engineering Notation and Prefixes
Engineering notation is another form of the power of ten numbering system that is more commonly
used in electronics. Engineering notation is accomplished using the previous methods of moving the
decimal point to any convenient position in the numerical coefficient as long as the resulting exponent
is either zero or a multiple of three. Exponents such as 9, 6, 3, 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12 allow you to
express values with the International System of Units (SI) prefixes. Prefixes such as pico, mega, kilo,
and so on simplify written and spoken expressions of electrical quantities. Table 11 shows several
common powers of ten, their metric prefix, and metric symbol.
Its common practice to use prefixes to represent these quantities. Think of the metric prefix as a
shorthand way to express a large or small number.
Example: 26.2 x 10 2 watts = 2.62 x 10 3 watts = 2.62 kilowatts
Expressing powers of ten as different numbers
What if your power of ten number does not contain the exact exponent you need to express it? You
must know how to convert numbers between the different powers of ten. For example, lets say you
want to express the number 12.34 x 10 2 in kilos (103)?
To do this, you simply subtract the original exponent from the new exponent that you want to end up
( 3) ( 2) = 1
If the result is positive, you move the decimal point to the left by the number of positions equal to the
1.234 x 10 3
The same rule applies if you want to express a power of ten number as a regular decimal number. Just
subtract the original exponent from the new exponent (remember that 100 is used to represent the
number one).
Example: Express 6.984 x 10 4 as a regular number.
( 0) ( 4) = 4
Since the result is negative, you now move the decimal point to the right the number of spaces equal
to the result.
Performing calculations with powers of ten numbers
The advantage of using power of ten notation is that it makes addition, subtraction, multiplication,
and division of very large or small numbers easier.
Addition and subtraction
To add or subtract numbers expressed in power of ten formats, the decimal point on either or both
numbers must be adjusted until the exponents of the power of ten are identical. Addition or
subtraction of the numerical coefficients are performed as usual, and the power of ten will be identical
to the common exponent.
Multiplication and Division
Multiplication and division of numbers expressed in power of ten formats are more straightforward.
First, perform the desired calculation on the numerical coefficients as usual. Then calculate the
appropriate power of ten. For multiplication calculations, the power of ten for the result is the sum of
the powers of ten exponents. For division calculations, the power of ten for the result is the difference
of the divisor and dividend (numerator and denominator) exponents.
Electric Charge
Electric charge is a property of certain subatomic particles that interact with electromagnetic fields
and causes attraction and repulsion forces between them. Protons have a positive electrical charge
while electrons have a negative electrical charge. Neutrons remain neutral. The atom in figure 11
shows that electrons travel around (orbit) the nucleus. When more than one electron is the same
distance from the nucleus, those electrons have the same amount of energy as each other and,
therefore, are considered to be in the same shell and have the same energy level as each other. When
several electrons travel in their own orbit and are the same distance from the nucleus, they have the
same amount of energy. The electrons with the same amount of energy are in the same shell or the
same energy level (orbit).
The difference between atoms is that they contain different numbers of the same particles. An atom is
electrically neutral when it contains the same number of positive charges in the nucleus as it has
negative charges in its orbits. If they are not neutral, they are called ions. Ions are either positive or
The atom (shown on the left of fig.12)
shows six protons in the nucleus and six
electrons in the outer shell. Since opposite
charges (+ and ) cancel each other, the
entire atom itself is considered electrically
neutral or balanced.
The atom (shown in the middle of fig. 12) Figure 12. Neutral atom, positive ion, negative ion.
shows six protons in the nucleus, but only
five electrons in orbit. The five negative
charges do not cancel the six positive charges, so the atom is not neutral. Rather, it has one more
proton than electrons, which causes the atom to have a positive charge and is therefore called a
positive ion.
The atom (shown on the right of fig.12) shows
six protons, but now there are seven electrons.
Having more electrons than protons causes the
atom to have a negative charge and, therefore,
is called a negative ion.
So how do atoms give up or receive electrons?
In order for an electron to fall to a lower shell,
there must be room in the next lower shell, and
the electron must give up a definite amount of
energy. In certain instances, that energy is
given up in the form of light. Similarly,
electrons can move from one shell to a higher
shell if there is room in the next higher shell,
and the electron can absorb enough energy.
The energy needed to cause an electron to
move to a higher shell can come from several
external sources. Figure 13 shows sources like
heat energy, light energy, magnetic energy,
pressure energy, chemical (dry-cell battery)
energy, and friction (static) energy. Figure 13. Sources of energy.
In order for an atom to become an ion, it must lose or gain electrons in its outer shell. This gain or
loss is called ionization. Figure 14 shows an atom with electrons in four shells. The inner shell (see
fig. 11) has the most attraction to the nucleus and has the least amount of energy. The outer shell
(fig. 14) has the least attraction to the nucleus and the most amount of energy. The electrons in the
outermost shell are called valence electrons. If a valence electron absorbs sufficient energy, it
attempts to move to a higher shell. In the process of moving, it can escape the attraction of the
nucleus and becomes a free electron. The amount of energy needed to free an electron from an atom
is determined by the type of the atom. Free electrons randomly drift around in the material. Some
solid materials such as copper, gold, and silver literally have billions of free electrons randomly
drifting about throughout the
The movement of electrons
transfers energy from point to
point. When a valence electron
absorbs energy and becomes a
free electron, the charge balance
of an atom is upset. If one
valence electron leaves the shell
of a neutral atom, then the atom
will be left with more protons
(+) than electrons (). Thus, the
overall charge of the atom is
now positive making it a
positive ion.
Once a valence electron ()
escapes the shell of an atom and
becomes free, it no longer has a
counterbalancing effect of a
corresponding proton (+) in the
Figure 14. Atom. nucleus. The free electron may
lose energy and fall into a shell
around a neutral atom. When
this occurs, the atom that the electron falls into will have one additional orbiting electron () than
corresponding protons (+) in the nucleus. The overall charge on the atom will be negative making it a
negative ion.
Positive ions, negative ions, and free electrons are all important concepts in the study of electronics.
When an electron moves from one neutral atom to another, the original atom becomes a positive ion,
and the receiving atom becomes a negative ion. The free electrons are capable of moving from one
atom to another. This movement of free electrons is known as electron flow.
How energy moves from one point to another was briefly explained. Electronics is based on this flow
of energy. How a circuit is designed and what a circuit does is dependent on controlling electron flow.
A good example is the difference of current flow in conductors, semiconductors, and insulators. In the
study of electronics, the association of matter and electricity is important. Since every electronic
device is constructed of parts made from ordinary matter, the effects of electricity on matter must be
well understood. As a means of accomplishing this, all elements of which matter is made may be
placed into one of three categories depending on their ability to conduct electricity: conductors,
semiconductors, and insulators. Conductors are elements such as silver, copper, gold, and aluminum,
which conduct electricity very readily. Insulators are those materials, such as wood and glass, that
oppose the conduction of electricity. All matter between these two extremes may be called
semiconductors. Semiconductive materials such as germanium and silicon are widely used in todays
electronic circuits because of their ability to have their electrical properties controlled by external
forces such as temperature and voltage.
Conductors have many free electrons that move easily in the material. The electrical conductivity of
matter is dependent upon the atomic structure of the material from which the conductor is made. How
easily electrons will move through a conductor has to do with the amount of opposition the conductor
offers to the movement of electrons. In solid materials such as copper, the atoms which make up the
molecular structure are bound firmly together. At room temperature, copper will contain a
considerable amount of heat energy. Since heat energy is one method of removing electrons from
their orbits, copper will contain many free electrons that can move from atom to atom. Remember,
free electrons are those valence electrons that have escaped from their outer orbit.
Electrical potential, or voltage, is the force or electrical energy required to move electrons from one
place to another.
Symbol for Voltage: Letter E
Unit of measurement: Volt
Symbol for unit of measurement: Letter V
The difference in electrical potentials between two points in an electric field (the space surrounding
an electric charge) is known as the electrical potential difference. This difference is proportional to
the electrostatic force that tends to push electrons or other charge carriers from one point to the other.
Potential difference, electrical potential, and electromagnetic force are measured in volts, leading to
the commonly used term voltage.
To have an electrical energy source, such as a battery (fig. 15), one terminal must be more positive
or more negative than the other. This condition may be referred to as a difference of potential, an
electromotive force, a potential, or a voltage. All of the terms are correct; however, voltage is the
most commonly used.
Battery terminals (or any other points) having
unequal electrical charges have the capacity
to move electrical charges through a
resistance because of this difference of
potential energy. An automobile battery has
an electromotive force, potential difference,
or voltage of 12 volts. It is correct to say that
the automobile battery voltage equals 12
volts, or E = 12 Volts.
Electric current flow is the movement of free Figure 15. Common batteries.
electrons through a conductor. The rate of
movement is measured in amperes. One
ampere represents the movement of a specific number of electrons (6.28 x 10 18 electrons = 1 coulomb
= unit of electric charge) past a certain point in a conductor in one second.
Symbol for Current: Letter I
Unit of measurement: Ampere
Symbol for unit of measurement: Letter A
When controlled by an external force, the electrons move generally in the same direction. The effect
of this movement is felt almost instantly from one end of the conductor to the other. The electron
movement is called electric current.
Electric current, defined historically as conventional current, is the term used for current flow from
the most positive part of a circuit to the most negative part. However, to simplify circuit analysis,
most electronics illustrations depict electron current flow from the most negative part of a circuit to
the most positive part since it is only the negatively charged electrons that actually flow.
It should be noted that depending on the conditions, an electric current can consist of a flow of
charged particles in either direction or even in both directions at once.
A direct current (DC) is a unidirectional flow, while an alternating current (AC) reverses direction
Resistance is the opposition a device or material offers to the movement of electrons and is measured
in ohms.
Symbol for resistance: Letter R
Unit of measurement: Ohms
Symbol for unit of measurement: Greek Letter Omega ()
When there is current in a material, the free electrons move through the material and occasionally
collide with atoms. These collisions cause the electrons to lose some of their energy and restrict their
movement. The more collisions mean the more opposition to the flow of electrons. The higher the
resistor value, the greater the opposition to current flow.
Electrical impedance, or simply impedance, is a measure of the combined opposing forces to an
alternating electric current.
Symbol for impedance: Letter Z
Unit of measurement: Ohms
Symbol for unit of measurement: Greek Letter Omega ()
Unlike electrical resistance even though both are measured in ohms, the impedance of an electric
circuit can be a complex number because it is determined by the vector sum of a circuits resistance,
capacitive reactance, and inductive reactance.
Electric power is the rate at which electrical energy is produced or consumed and is measured in
Symbol for Power: Letter P
Unit of Measurement: Watt
Symbol for unit of measurement: Letter W
Energy is typically defined as the ability to do work or, more specifically, the work resulting from a
force acting on mass over a distance. Electrical energy is the energy thats stored in an electric field or
transported by an electric current. Some examples of electrical energy include:
The energy that is constantly stored in the earths atmosphere and is partly released during a
thunderstorm in the form of lightning.
The energy that is stored in the coils of an electrical generator in a power station and is then
transmitted by wires to the consumer; the consumer then pays for each unit of energy
The energy that is stored in a capacitor and can be released to drive a current through an
electrical circuit.
The operation of electrical circuits involves force (voltage) acting on mass (electrons) over a distance.
As mentioned, energy is the capacity to do work, so in electrical circuits, energy is transformed into
heat energy. When electrons flow through a conductor, the free electrons lose energy as they collide
with atoms in the material. When there is current through a resistor, energy is converted to heat.
Power, therefore, can be viewed as the measure of how much energy is being converted to heat.
A common example of this is the light bulb. The current through the filament that produces light also
produces heat because the filament has some opposition to current. All electrical devices dissipate or
consume power. When an electrical component such as a light bulb or a stereo is connected to and
draws current from a voltage source, the component is considered a load on that voltage source.
Every load device has a certain amount of resistance. This is load resistance. Load resistance is the
resistance or opposition of the load device to current. Load current is the current drawn from the
voltage source by the load device.
Inductance is an effect which results from the magnetic field that forms around a current-carrying
conductor. Electrical current through the conductor creates a magnetic flux proportional to the
current. A change in this current creates a change in magnetic flux that, in turn, generates an
electromotive force (EMF) that acts to oppose this change in current. Inductance is a measure of the
generated EMF for a unit change in current.
Symbol for Inductance: Letter L
Unit of Measurement: Henry
Symbol for unit of measurement: Letter H
Capacitance is a measure of stored energy between two conductive electrodes, or plates, separated by
an insulator (otherwise known as a capacitor). A capacitor can store electric energy when
disconnected from its charging circuit, so it can be used like a temporary battery.
Symbol for Capacitance: Letter C
Unit of Measurement: Farad
Symbol for unit of measurement: Letter F
Reactance is the imaginary part of impedance and is caused by the presence of inductors or capacitors
in the circuit. Reactance produces a phase shift between the electric current and voltage in the circuit.
Symbol for Reactance: Letter X
Unit of Measurement: Ohms
Symbol for unit of measurement: Greek Letter Omega ()
Inductive reactance (symbol XL ) is caused by the fact that a current is accompanied by a magnetic
field; therefore, a varying current is accompanied by a varying magnetic fieldthe latter gives an
electromotive force that resists the changes in current. The more the current changes, the more an
inductor resists it: the reactance is proportional to the frequency (hence zero for DC). There is also a
phase difference between the current and the applied voltage.
Capacitive reactance (symbol XC) reflects the fact that electrons cannot pass through a capacitor, yet
effectively alternating current can: the higher the frequency the better. There is also a phase
difference between the alternating current flowing through a capacitor and the potential difference
across the capacitors electrodes.
Self-Test Questions
After you complete these questions, you may check your answers at the end of the unit.
(2) 250,000.
(3) 0.00038.
(4) 0.049.
(2) 15 x 105.
5. What makes scientific notation different than other powers of ten numbers?
6. What makes engineering notation different than other powers of ten numbers?
(2) 68,475.
(3) 0.0000453.
Power sources
All electronic circuits require some source of energy in order to operate. Some of the more common
sources for providing power are batteries, generators, and power supplies.
A battery is a device that converts chemical energy to electrical energy. A multicell battery consists of
two or more cells in a series (connected end-to-end). The negative terminal of one cell is connected to
the positive terminal of another cell and so on to increase the batterys voltage potential. Batteries can
also be wired in parallel to increase their capacity.
An electrical generator is a device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy, generally
using the principle of electromagnetic induction. A force is required to provide the mechanical energy
necessary to turn the rotor shaft of the generator and produce an electrical output. The driving force
producing this mechanical energy input is called the prime mover. The prime mover can be any
source of rotary motion such as that provided by waterfalls, windmills, steam engines, diesel engines,
aircraft engines, or nuclear driving sources. Generator output is independent of the type of prime
mover used, other than the requirement for a relatively constant rotational speed. A generators output
voltage is controlled by a voltage regulator. A voltage regulator changes the output voltage by
varying the resistance of the generators field circuit. Generators are rated in voltage amperes; in
other words, how many volts they can produce at how many amps per phase.
Power supplies
A power supply, sometimes known as a power supply unit (PSU), is a device or system that supplies
electrical or other types of energy to an output load or group of loads. The term is most commonly
applied to electrical energy supplies such as rectifiers and inverters. Rectifiers are used to convert AC
to DC while inverters are used to convert DC to AC.
Load devices
A load is any device or circuit that absorbs power. Appliances plugged into a wall outlet are common
examples of load devices. There are many electrical components that fit into this category, so we will
only discuss a few of the main ones.
A lamp produces light from electricity and is often used to provide a visual indication of current flow.
There are a wide variety of lamps used in electronics from standard filament-type lamps to light
emitting diodes (LED). Refer to figure 16 to see the circuit symbol for a lamp.
A resistor is a passive device used to regulate current in a circuit. Electronic equipment uses a wide
variety of resistors made of resistive wire, metal film, or carbon composition. The two most common
types of resistors are fixed and variable.
Fixed resistor
Many fixed resistors use a pattern of four, five, or six colored stripes (or bands) painted around the
body of the resistor to indicate their resistance and tolerance values. The top half of figure 17 shows
three resistor examples with the four, five, and six colored bands.
Figure 17. Resistor color codes. (Reproduced by permission of University of Colorado, Bolder, CO,
Being able to read and understand what these colored bands mean will be important for you as a
technician when you troubleshoot and replace components.
To determine a resistors value from the color bands, you must first know from which end to start
reading. For example, lets use the top resistor shown in figure 17 with the following colored bands:
brown, black, orange, and gold.
First, find the tolerance band of the resistor which will actually be the last band you need to be
concerned with. The tolerance band is typically gold or silver; however, on those resistors with five or
six bands, it can be any color except black, orange, yellow, or white. Once the tolerance band is
found, position the resistor so that the tolerance band is on the right.
Starting from the left side of the component with the first color band brown, use figure 17 to find the
corresponding number. Since brown corresponds with the number 1, write down the number 1.
Now read the second color band, black, and write down the number 0.
Now read the third color band, orange, and write down that number of zeros (orange is three zeros, so
write down three 0s).
We end up with 10,000 or 10K, which is the amount of the resistors resistance in ohms.
NOTE: If the multiplier is black, do not write down any zeros. If the multiplier band is gold, you
would move the decimal point one place to the left. If the multiplier band is silver, you would move
the decimal point two places to the left.
Notice that the fourth color band is gold. That band is the tolerance band which indicates how close to
the previous three color bands the actual resistors value can be. According to figure 17, gold
happens to represent 5 percent, so the actual value of the resistor can be anywhere from 9,500 ohms
to 10,500 ohms.
Resistors having a sixth color band use that last band to represent the temperature coefficient of the
component. The temperature coefficient indicates up to how much the components resistance can
change per degree of temperature change.
An easy way to remember which colors equal which numbers
is to use a mnemonic. A mnemonic is a memory aid that
associates the first letter of a series of words with the first
letter of the color codes in ascending order. For example, Bad
Boys Ravish Our Young Girls Behind Victory Garden Wall.
The word Bad is associated with the first color black0,
Boys with the second color brown1, and so on up to
Wall being white9. There are many variations on the
resistor color code mnemonics, but the important thing is to
use one that is easy for you to remember.
Variable resistor
The variable resistor (fig. 18) is a resistor whose resistance
value can be adjusted, which in turn allows a circuits current
value to be increased or decreased. Variable resistors, also
called potentiometers or rheostats, are operated by turning a
shaft or sliding a control. A common use of variable resistors
is for dimming lights.
Figure 18. Variable resistor.
Inductors are passive devices commonly used in signal processing circuits for their property of
inductance, which, as you may recall, oppose changes in current. An inductor is usually constructed
as a coil of conducting material, typically copper wire, wrapped around a core either of air or of
ferromagnetic material. Core materials with a higher permeability than air confine the magnetic field
closely to the inductor, thereby increasing the inductance. The opposition offered by a coil to the flow
of alternating current is called inductive reactance.
A capacitor is a passive electrical device that opposes changes in voltage and can be used to store
energy in the electric field between a pair of closely spaced conductors called plates. When voltage is
applied to the capacitor, electric charges of equal magnitude, but opposite polarity, build up on each
plate. They can also be used to differentiate between high-frequency and low-frequency signals, and
this makes them useful in electronic filters.
Semiconductor devices
Semiconductor devices are electronic components that exploit the electronic properties of certain
semiconductive materialstypically silicon, germanium, and gallium arsenide. They use electronic
conduction in the solid state by introduction of an electric field or from exposure to light, pressure, or
heat; thus, semiconductors can make excellent sensors.
A diode is an active component that restricts the direction of movement of charge carriers.
Essentially, it allows an electric current to flow in one direction but blocks it in the opposite direction.
Thus, the diode can be thought of as an electronic version of a check valve.
A transistor is a semiconductor device that uses a small amount of voltage or electrical current to
control a larger change in voltage or current. A transistor can be thought of as an electronic version of
a switch and is the fundamental building block of the circuitry that governs the operation of all
modern electronics.
Electromagnetic devices
Electromagnetic devices exploit the properties of the region of space where electric charges
experience a physical influence. This region is commonly called the electromagnetic field. The term
electromagnetism comes from the fact that electrical and magnetic forces are involved
simultaneously. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, which provides for the operation of
electrical generators, induction motors, and transformers, is based on the principle that a changing
electric field generates a magnetic field. Similarly, a changing magnetic field produces an electric
A transformer is a device that is used to transfer electrical energy from one circuit to another by
means of an electromagnetic field. One circuit is connected to a power source and is referred to as the
primary. The other circuit is connected to a load device and is referred to as the secondary.
Transformers operate using the principles of mutual induction and electromagnetism as there are no
direct connections between the primary and secondary windings. A transformer may perform several
functions depending on its purpose in the circuit; it may increase (step up) voltage and decrease the
current, decrease (step down) voltage and increase current, isolate circuits, match impedance of
different circuits, or shift phases between circuits. Accordingly, transformers come in a range of sizes
and can be classified in many ways such as by its power level, frequency, voltage class, or by a ratio
of the amount of voltage required to step up or down.
Solid Solid wire or solid-core wire consists of one piece of metal wire.
Cables Cables are two or more wires that are bound together, typically in a common protective
jacket or sheath.
Twisted Twisted-pair cabling is a form of wiring in which two conductors are wound together for
pairs the purposes of canceling out radio frequency interference and electromagnetic
interference (RFI/EMI) from external sources and cross talk from neighboring wires.
Coaxial Coaxial cable is made up of two wires: a wire conductor in the center and a
circumferential outer conductor with an insulator separating the two conductors. The
dimension and material of the conductors and insulation determine the cables
characteristic impedance and attenuation at various frequencies.
Fiber- Fiber-optic cables are not made out of metal but rather glass or plastic fibers that are
optic designed to guide light along the fiber length by total internal reflection. A layer of
cladding surrounds the fiber to redirect light and keep it within the core. Fiber-optic
cables are often used as a medium for telecommunication and networking because
they offer the advantages of improved bandwidth and noise immunity over traditional
types of wiring.
Standard wire sizes are determined by various gauges. The American Wire Gauge (AWG) is
commonly used as a standard method of denoting cable and wire diameters. Increasing gauge
numbers give decreasing wire diameters. For example, a 22AWG wire has a smaller diameter than an
18AWG wire. The primary consideration when selecting any electric wire or cable size is the cables
current-carrying capacity and its allowable voltage drop. Fiber-optic cables, which will be talked
about in more detail later, are rated by size a little differently that standard wires. Fiber-optic cables
are sized according to their core and cladding sizes. For example, a number of 62.5/125 micrometers
(m) would indicate the cables core and cladding sizes, respectively, in microns (mc.).
Soldering is a method of joining metal parts using a filler
material (solder) that has a low melting point, typically below
450 degrees Celsius (450 C) (842 Fahrenheit [F]). In the
soldering process, heat is applied to the parts to be joined
causing the solder to melt and be drawn into the joint by
capillary action. The most frequent application of soldering is Figure 19. SPST schematic symbol.
assembling electronic components to printed circuit boards
(PCB). PCBs are used to mechanically support and electrically connect electronic components using
conductive pathways, or traces, etched from copper sheets laminated onto a nonconductive substrate.
Control devices
Control devices allow the operator to control the aspects of
the circuits operation. The most common control device is
the switch. A switch is a device for changing the flow of
current in a circuit; a switch, when closed, provides zero
resistance to the circuit while an open switch introduces an
infinite amount of resistance. Switches are commonly used to Figure 110. SPDT schematic symbol
Protective devices
Protective devices provide current limiting with the purpose of protecting circuits from the harmful
effects of excess current flow. Excess current, if permitted to flow, can cause circuitry to become hot
and melt, resulting in an open circuit and possibly damaging components along the way. Current
limiters can reduce the peak current flowing in a circuit by taking the excess current for a short period
until the fault clears or until additional protective devices activate. The most common protective
devices are fuses and circuit breakers.
A fuse is a type of overcurrent protection device. Its critical component is a thin metal wire that will
melt when heated by a prescribed electric current, opening the circuit of which it is a part, and so
protecting the circuit from an overcurrent condition. Fuses are rated with current and voltage ratings
that indicate the maximum circuit current and voltage in which the fuse can be used. Fuses should be
replaced with only suitable substitutes even though many fuses are physically the same size. You can
replace a blown (open) fuse with another having the same size, voltage, and current characteristics, or
it is permissible to use one with a larger voltage rating and/or a smaller current rating. For example,
fuses carrying a 250V rating can be safely used in a 125V circuit, but a 125V fuse cannot be used in a
250V circuit as the fuse may not be capable of safely interrupting the arc in a circuit of a higher
voltage. Conversely, fuses carrying a 2 amp rating can be safely used in a 5 amp circuit, but a 5 amp
fuse cannot be used in a 2 amp circuit.
Circuit breakers
A circuit breaker serves the same purpose as a fuse, but it works a little differently. When excessive
current passes through a circuit breaker, it energizes and creates a break in the circuit. When this
happens, the circuit breaker is said to have tripped or popped. An advantage of the circuit breaker
over the fuse is the ability to reset and reuse the circuit breaker after the overload has been removed,
while the fuse must be replaced.
Digital systems offer some key advantages over analogue circuits in that they interface well with
computers and are easy to control with software. It is often possible to add new features to a digital
system without changing hardware and to do this remotely just by uploading new software. Design
errors or bugs can be worked around with a software upgrade after the product is in customer hands.
Information storage is also much easier in digital systems than in analogue ones. In particular, the
great noise immunity of digital systems makes it possible to store data and retrieve it later without
degradation. In an analogue system, aging and wear and tear will degrade the information in storage,
but in a digital system, as long as the wear and tear is below a certain level, the information can be
recovered perfectly. Digital signals can thus be regenerated to achieve lossless data transmission,
within certain limits. Analogue signal transmission and processing, by contrast, always introduces
noise. Theoretically, there is no data loss when copying digital data. This is a great advantage over
analogue systems, which faithfully reproduce every bit of noise that makes its way into the signal.
Digital circuits tend to use more energy than analogue circuits to accomplish the same calculations
and signal processing tasks, thus producing more heat as well. In portable or battery-powered
systems, this can be a major limiting factor, but in a situation where power is plentiful, a digital
system is often preferred because of all the advantages listed above, especially that of
(re)programmability and ease of upgrading without requiring hardware changes.
Another disadvantage of digital circuits is that they are sometimes more expensive, especially in
small quantities. Fragility is also a potential disadvantage of digital systems, in that if a single piece of
digital data is lost or misinterpreted, the meaning of large blocks of related data can completely
Mixed signal
Mixed circuits contain both analogue and digital components. Some
analogue circuitry these days may use digital or even microprocessor
techniques to improve upon the basic performance of the circuit. This
type of circuit is usually called mixed signal.
Typically, mixed-signal chips perform some whole function or
subfunction in a larger assembly such as the radio subsystem of a cell
phone or the read-data path and laser-sled control logic of a DVD
player. They often contain an entire system on a chip.
Because of the use of both digital signal processing and analogue
Figure 113. Series circuit. circuitry, mixed-signal integrated circuits (IC) are usually designed for a
very specific purpose, and their design requires a high level of expertise.
Because there is only one path for current to flow, all elements in a series connection have equal
currents. This can be expressed in formula as:
I total = I L1 = IL 2
Each lamp, however, offers a certain amount of opposition or resistance to current flow. Therefore,
the total resistance in a series circuit is the sum of all of the individual resistances. This is expressed
in formula as:
R total = R L 1 + R L 2
Parallel circuits
The parallel circuit is a little more complicated than the
series circuit. In a parallel circuit, the load devices are
connected in parallel with each other and the voltage
source. It is often necessary to connect electrical
devices so the entire source of voltage is across each
device. This forms multiple paths or branches for
current to flow. This physical electrical interface where
many devices share the same electric connection is Figure 114. Parallel circuit.
sometimes called an electrical bus.
Figure 114 shows a practical DC parallel circuit. Notice at the top of the circuit, L1 and L2 are
showed connected together and are electrically one point when the switch is closed. Similarly the
bottoms of L1 and L2 comprise another electrical point. The applied voltage appears between the top
and bottom of both lamps. This is an important point to remember about parallel circuits. When
components are connected in parallel across a voltage source, each branch has the same voltage.
Therefore, voltage is common among branches in a parallel circuit. The voltages in this parallel
circuit can be expressed as follows:
ESource = EL 1 = EL 2
As shown in figure 114, there are two separate and complete paths for current to flow. Current will
divide among the branches in the parallel circuit in a manner depending on the amount of resistance
in each branch and then come back together after they go through the branches. Branches with low
resistance will draw more current than branches with high resistance as current will follow the path of
least resistance.
The total current in the parallel circuit shown is the sum of the currents in the individual branches and
may be expressed mathematically as follows:
I total = I L 1 + I L 2
Example: If I L 1 is 2A and I L 2 is 3A, then I total = 2A + 3A = 5A.
The total resistance of all the components in a parallel circuit is the reciprocal of the sum of the
individual reciprocals of each resistance of each component. This is mathematically expressed as
Series-parallel circuits
The series-parallel circuit is a combination of series and parallel circuits. It is a group of parallel
resistances connected in series with other resistances, meaning current has both single and multiple
paths for electron flow. A series resistance is the one with total current (I t o t a l ) flowing through it, so
it is easy to locate. The current distribution in a series-parallel circuit is shown in figure 115.
The total current leaves the negative side of the battery
and divides into currents IL 1 and I L2 . It recombines after
passing through both branches to become total current
through IL 3 and returns to the positive side of the
Since a series-parallel circuit is a combination of both
the series and the parallel circuits, the voltage
Figure 115. Series-parallel circuit. distributions are going to be determined using the
characteristics of both circuits. Since the series
component is between the power source and the parallel circuit, some of the applied voltage will be
dropped across the series component. What is left is distributed across all of the parallel components
just as in a parallel circuit.
The total resistance is also figured out using a combination of the same formulas and calculations
used for series and parallel circuits. For example, in order to find the total resistance of the above, we
would have to first figure out the total resistance of the parallel circuit, and then add that value to the
resistance of the series portion of the circuit.
Example: R L 1 = 50
R L 2 = 75
R L 3 = 100
R Total = 100 + [1 / (1/50) + (1/75)] = 130
206. Laws
A number of electrical laws apply to all electrical networks. The most common of these include
Ohms Law and Kirchhoffs Current and Voltage Laws.
Ohms Law
Ohms Law states that in an electrical circuit, the current passing through a conductor is directly
proportional to the potential difference applied across them provided all physical conditions are kept
As long as two of the three values are known, Ohms Law can be manipulated to solve for the
unknown value. For example, to find the actual voltage drop across each resistor in figure 116 (since
R1 and R2 are of different values), we would use the formula (E = I x R), or in this case ER1 = IR1 x
R1. By substituting 2A and 5 for R1 or 10 for R2 into the formula, the voltage drops across R1 and
R2 can be calculated as follows:
ER1 = 2A x 5 = 10V
ER2 = 2A x 10 = 20V
Notice the larger the resistance, the larger the voltage drop.
Remember, voltage follows resistance. The individual voltage
drops add together to equal the total, or applied, voltage.
Kirchhoffs Laws Figure 116. Series circuit 2.
Kirchhoffs Voltage and Current Laws are used to find
unknown quantities of current and voltage in any part of a series circuit.
Voltage law
Kirchhoffs Voltage Law states that the directed sum of the electrical potential differences around a
circuit must be zero. In other words, the sum of all voltage drops across the loads in the circuit will
equal the source voltage. This can be seen using the previous example:
ESource = ER1 + E R2
ESource = 10V + 20V = 30V
Current law
Kirchhoffs Current Law states that the sum of all currents entering a
node is equal to the sum of all currents leaving the node.
The three ammeters shown in figure 117 would show how much
current is flowing at various points in the circuit. Since this is a series Figure 117. Series Circuit 3.
circuit, all the ammeters will read the same amount of current.
Remember that current is common in a series circuit. In other words, the total circuit current equals
the current through Lamp1, which equals the current through Lamp 2. It doesnt matter how many
lamps are in the circuit.
Self-Test Questions
After you complete these questions, you may check your answers at the end of the unit.
2. What is the value of a resistor with the following color bands: yellow, blue, red, and silver?
3. Match the description in column A with the component in column B. Items in column B may be
used once, more than once, or not at all.
Column A Column B
5. What is soldering?
7. What does the Law of Electric Charges state about charged matter?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of analogue circuits as compared with digital circuits?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of digital circuits as compared with analogue circuits?
2. Why do all elements in a series circuit have equal current flowing through them?
2. What is the current flowing in a circuit with a power source of 12 volts and a total resistance of
4K ohms?
desired form and voltage. This typically involves converting 120 or 240 volts AC supplied by a utility
company to a well-regulated, lower-voltage DC for electronic devices.
Signal/function generators
A signal generator, also known variously as a test-signal generator, function generator, tone
generator, arbitrary waveform generator, or frequency generator, is an electronic device that generates
repeating electronic signals (in either the analogue or digital domains).
Pulse generators
Pulse generators allow control over the various characteristics of pulses (such as the frequency, pulse
width, rise time, fall time, and the high- and low-voltage levels), which can then be inputted as stimuli
into electrical circuits.
Measurement test equipment
Measurement test equipment is used to analyze the various characteristics or responses of the DUT
and provide meaningful data on those characteristics to the technician. Measurement equipment
includes meters, oscilloscopes, counters, and logic probes.
A voltmeter is an instrument used for measuring the potential difference, or voltage, between two
points in an electric circuit.
An ohmmeter is an electrical measuring instrument that measures electrical resistance.
An ammeter, also known as a galvanometer, is an instrument used to measure the flow of electric
current in a circuit. Ammeters must be inserted into the circuit and become part of it in order to
measure current. However, a clamp meter, or clamp-on ammeter, is a type of ammeter that measures
electrical current without the need to disconnect the wiring through which the current is flowing.
Multimeters, also commonly called volt-ohm-milliameters (VOM) as shown in figure 120, digital
voltmeters (DVM) or digital multimeters (DMM) as shown in figure 121, typically combine the
capabilities of the three meters listed above and can measure voltage, resistance, and current. Some
multimeters are capable of measuring frequency as well.
Figure 121. Digital multimeter. (Reproduced by permission of Fluke Corp., Everett, WA, http://www.fluke.com.)
An oscilloscope (fig. 122), sometimes
abbreviated CRO for cathode-ray
oscilloscope, or commonly just scope or O-
scope, is a piece of electronic test
equipment that allows electrical signals to
be viewed, usually as a two-dimensional
In most applications, the graph (fig. 123)
shows how signals change over time. The
vertical (Y) axis represents voltage and the
horizontal (X) axis represents time. The
intensity or brightness of the display is
sometimes called the Z axis.
A counter measures signal frequency and
Figure 122. Oscilloscope.
the number of events occurring within a
specific period of time.
Logic probes
A logic probe is a hand-held pen-like probe used for analyzing and troubleshooting the logical states
(Boolean 0 or 1) of a digital circuit. There are typically three lights on the probes chassis; two of the
lights represent the two possible voltage states (high/low) while the third light is for pulses or single-
occurring events.
208. Diagrams
This lesson begins by stating, It is one thing to look at wiring diagrams and another to be able to read
and interpret them. What category are you? As a technician, you may use many different types of
wiring diagrams to depict the electrical circuits and components in portable generators and power
plants, as well as automatic transfer panels. Do you really understand what these diagrams are telling
you? In this lesson you will be provided information to help you in your wiring diagram endeavors.
Wiring diagrams are identified according to the degree of detail they show. They have a threefold
1. Show system components.
2. Allow you to understand system operation.
3. Aid in the troubleshooting of electrical systems.
The first time you ever looked at a wiring diagram you probably thought, I will never understand
these things! As you have progressed in your career, you probably found that the first step to
understanding wiring diagrams is to identify the power source and what energizes the various
components. Then, you must know what components are in the circuit and how they operate. The best
place to find this information is in an equipment manual.
Understanding diagram symbols
The most important key to reading and understanding wiring diagrams is an ability to read symbols.
There is no getting around the fact; you must be able to identify and read wiring diagram symbols in
order to successfully interpret wiring diagrams. In a way, symbols are the language of diagrams. To
be able to read diagrams, you must know the language. With a sound knowledge of these symbols,
you can install and/or trace circuits and locate malfunctions with ease.
Space is often at a premium in diagramming, so abbreviations are used. Figure 124 shows the typical
symbology for circuit components. By using symbols and abbreviations, you can make wiring
diagrams tell the story of the circuitry.
Diagram types
Wiring diagrams are detailed drawings that show how the wires of a circuit connect the components.
As such, they are the roadmaps for electrical circuitry. There are three basic types of wiring
diagrams you will use as an electronics technician. They are as follows:
1. One-line or block diagram.
2. Schematic/elementary diagram.
3. Interconnection diagrams.
Each diagram is classified according to its function.
One-line (block) diagram
The most basic of the diagrams is the one-line type. This type of diagram is also called a block or
flow diagram. It gives you a general view of the entire system. An example of a block diagram is
shown in figure 125.The lines show the general functional scheme that connects each box or circle
and the arrows show the path of the signal. You can use this diagram along with a schematic diagram
for a better understanding of a systems operation when you are troubleshooting or extracting circuits.
Remember the one-line diagram does not show the connections or internal wiring of devices.
Schematic/elementary diagram
Of all the wiring diagrams, the schematic, or elementary, is the most important and most useful for
troubleshooting and extracting circuits. The schematic, or elementary, diagram continues the idea of
showing all circuit components in a straight line, without regard for physical location or relationship.
Along with the one-line diagram, it is one of the simplest forms of diagrams. As such, it gives you an
overall view of a particular system, shows circuit operations, and shows where the functions within a
circuit occur in an exact sequence. Figure 126 is an example of a schematic diagram. A schematic
diagram usually includes different elements (solenoids, relays, contacts, meters, and mechanical
linkage); it is easier to trace the circuit and its operation. The schematic diagram can also contain a
legend that identifies the device numbers.
A thorough understanding of schematic diagrams can simplify troubleshooting of any electrical
system. Keep in mind that some schematic diagrams do not have the internal wires numbered, but
they do contain the connections for all contacts numbered. Partial wire numbers may also be included
on some, but not on all, schematic diagrams.
NOTE: The internal wiring of devices is usually separate from the schematic diagram, and it does not
show the source of power to the device.
Interconnection diagram
An interconnection diagram (fig. 127) shows complete connections between equipment units, unit
assemblies, and associated apparatus. It is a complete diagram, using pin numbers for transistors,
integrated circuits and color-coded designators, and part numbers for all components. This diagram
also uses standard circuit symbols showing all equipment or circuit connections. Heavy lines
normally show the main power circuits, medium lines show exciter and field circuits, and light lines
show the smaller wiring. Dotted/dashed lines outline the panel sections. Circuit tracing and extracting
The ability to trace and extract circuits is indispensable when you troubleshoot the electrical circuitry
of this equipment. By using wiring diagrams, you can trace electrical circuitry and determine where to
connect test equipment for checking electrical operation.
Tracing circuits
In tracing circuits on a schematic or wiring diagram for troubleshooting or repairing, it is often easier
to extract (make a simple drawing) only the specific circuit in which you are interested. It is easier to
work on a system with this simple drawing than with a large bulky wiring diagram. As you follow the
circuit operation explanation in the appropriate manual, trace the circuit on the schematic diagram. It
is a good idea to color code the circuit for easy identification and a clear understanding of that
particular circuit. Include on your drawing all wire numbers, device code numbers, and area
The following are three well-established rules for tracing electrical circuits.
Rule 1 Use the appropriate technical reference to understand circuit operation. This is the most
important step in circuit extractions. If you do not understand how the circuit operates, you will
encounter numerous problems during the extraction and troubleshooting process.
Understanding circuit operation includes an understanding of how each component operates,
the identification of the power source and units of resistance, and electron flow in the circuit.
Rule 2 Identify or highlight all circuit components on the schematic diagram. This enables you to locate
the components when you begin the actual tracing.
Rule 3 Trace the circuit on the schematic diagram as you are reading the circuit operation. This
procedure allows you to gain a clear understanding of the circuit. First, locate the power source
of the circuit. Next, locate the unit or units of resistance on the schematic. A unit of resistance is
defined as the component or components that provide action. Normally, the name of the circuit
identifies the unit of resistance. For example, in a panel light circuit, the unit or units of
resistance are the panel lights.
It is important to remember all switches, contacts, relays, and other electrical devices can be shown in
the energized or de-energized position. Eventually, you will trace the circuit through contacts of
relays. To maintain circuit (tracing) continuity back to the power source, the contacts must be closed.
This means the relay controlling the normally open contacts must be energized for the contacts to
close. Trace the relay circuit from one side of the power source, through the relay, to the other side of
the power source. Once the relay circuit is traced back to the power source, hypothetically, the relay
is energized. This allows the normally open contacts of the relay to close, thus allowing you to
continue circuit tracing of the circuit. This situation may repeat itself every time you trace through
open contacts of relays.
Extracting circuits
Now that you have traced the circuit on the schematic diagram, you can extract the circuit. Both the
schematic and interconnection diagrams are very important when extracting circuits. The schematic
diagram is your guide through the interconnection diagram. The schematic shows where you are,
where you are going, and from where you came. When one of these factors is not known, extraction
of complex circuits becomes difficult or almost impossible. There are three rules to follow when
extracting circuits.
Rule 1 Identify and label all circuit components, conductors, wire numbers, connection points, terminal
boards, and contacts. Identify and label the state of relays, solenoids, and switches in the
circuit as either normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC) until they are acted upon.
Rule 2 Set all switches to the desired position and close the appropriate contacts of all relays. When
tracing through switches that have several contacts, you need to know which contacts close
when the switch is repositioned. Some diagrams provide switch schematics showing this
Rule 3 Know how meters are energized and connected to the source of power. Lets assume you
need to trace a circuit through a meter. Meter circuits are perhaps the hardest circuits to trace
on a wiring diagram because most meters are connected through multiple selector switches.
For example, you know that a voltmeter is connected in parallel with the source of power, but
when the same meter is used to measure different phase voltages, the circuit gets complex,
requiring a selector switch. The legend on the diagram shows the contact positions of the
switch and must be consulted when you trace this circuit. Often, the source of power is not
readily apparent in an AC power system. That is why its sometimes better to start at the meter
and trace back through the switch to the power connection.
troubleshooting, some of the more common electrical malfunctions you will be dealing with, and
preventative measures to eliminate damage caused from electrostatic discharge events.
Basic troubleshooting steps
The purpose of troubleshooting is to enable you, the technician, to maintain equipment in peak
operating condition. Electrical troubleshooting is defined as a step-by-step procedure of analyzing,
locating, and correcting electrical malfunctions. The five fundamental steps of troubleshooting are as
1. Perform an operational check.
2. Analyze the malfunction.
3. Locate the malfunction.
4. Perform corrective action.
5. Perform an operational check.
Since troubleshooting is a step-by-step procedure, its effectiveness depends on a good understanding
of basic electrical theory and an understanding of the specific equipment on which you are working.
A person can be taught everything, but the actual troubleshooting. The ability to troubleshoot depends
on the capability to think clearly and apply basic electrical theory.
To troubleshoot effectively, you must follow a systematic procedure. It is systematic because it is
based on a plan of action, not on haphazard here-and-there checking. It is a plan that helps you
track down the trouble in a minimum amount of time. Your first step is to study the symptoms of the
problem thoroughly and ask yourself these questions:
1. What were the warning signs preceding the problem?
2. What recent repair has been done?
3. Has a similar problem occurred before?
Perform an operational check
The first step in troubleshooting is to perform an operational check of the equipment to determine if
an actual problem exists. In starting and operating the equipment you are troubleshooting, there are
certain checks and procedures that must be accomplished to prevent further malfunctions and damage
to the equipment.
Proper inspections and correct operating procedures ensure efficient operation and a long life for
equipment. On the other hand, improper inspections and incorrect operating procedures could cause
electrical troubles, inefficient operation, and possible damage or destruction of equipment. In your
inspections and operating procedures, you must follow the step-by-step procedures in the systems or
technical manual for your particular item of equipment.
A thorough visual inspection of the electrical components often reveals minor discrepancies that can
be corrected and prevented from developing into major electrical problems. Check such items as the
wiring harness for breaks, worn or cracked insulation, or any signs of rubbing against any metal parts.
Check transformers, resistors, relays, and terminals for loose connections, evidence of overheating,
cracks, corrosion, or any signs of damage. Inspect other components for obvious damage from
overheating, wear, or abuse. Make a listing of all symptoms you note so that the chances of
overlooking possible malfunctions are reduced.
Analyze the malfunction
The second step in troubleshooting is to analyze the malfunction. Using your senses, such as sight,
sound, smell, or feel can help detect the trouble. Once you are aware of a malfunction, consult the
proper systems or technical manual for normal circuit operation. This will help you get a clearer
picture of how the circuit involved should be working normally. Also, check the troubleshooting
flowchart or table in the manual for probable causes and remedies. This step alone could reduce your
efforts to a few simple checksinstead of a long and hard search throughout the entire circuit.
If the troubleshooting chart or table proves to be of no help, use the circuit description and wiring
diagrams to extract that particular circuit. After you have extracted the circuit, you must then check
this circuit with the proper test equipment. It is in this step that you must determine the type of trouble
in order to determine the type of test equipment to use.
Locate the malfunction
Once you have analyzed the malfunction and have determined what type of test equipment to use, you
will need to extract the suspected circuit or component in order to avoid erroneous readings and begin
locating the cause of the malfunction. Locating the cause of a problem is usually the most difficult
task you have to accomplish and requires much thinking. However, if you extract the circuit, select
the proper test equipment, and have a complete understanding of what you are doing, finding the
cause of a trouble can be easy.
Perform corrective action
After you find the cause of the problem, a neat, permanent-type repair is a necessity. Slipshod repair
can only worsen a situation. Use original replacement-type parts, not something jerry-rigged. If you
do not intend to properly repair the cause of the trouble, then why go to the effort of hunting for the
problem in the first place?
Perform an operational check
Performing a final operational check is required to prove your work and to ensure the equipment is in
proper working order before you return it to service. If you do not prove the work you have
accomplished, you can never be sure that you fixed the problem. Also, there may be another problem
with the equipment that requires attention before the unit can be placed back in service.
Lets take a look at some of the most common types of electrical malfunctions.
Electrical malfunctions
The most common types of electrical malfunctions are opens, shorts, grounds, and low power. In this
area, you will learn each malfunction in depth to include causes, symptoms, and procedures for
locating each malfunction.
The cause for an open is an incomplete path for current flow within the circuit. Opens can occur when
a conductor becomes broken, a fuse opens, relay or switch contacts fail to close properly, or when any
other device in the circuit fails to provide a complete path for current flow.
Naturally, if there is an open, there can be no current flow. Consequently, the unit will not operate. If
the fault is an open, the following applies:
1. Circuit is inoperative.
2. Protective device will not activate.
3. Indicator lamps do not illuminate.
The possible location of an open can be anywhere in the circuit; however, using a digital multimeter
can help you find the open. Remember a multimeter is connected in parallel with the circuit or
component. When using a digital multimeter, set the meter to read voltage; the meter should indicate
the difference in potential voltage when connected across two points that are positive and negative.
This is because one connecting lead is attached to a potential of, lets say, 24 volts, while the other
lead is connected to 0-volts potential. With a difference in potential between the two points, a reading
of 24 volts will be indicated on the multimeter.
A multimeter connected from negative to negative or from positive to positive indicates 0 volts. This
is because there is no difference in potential between the two connection points. When both meter
leads are connected on the conductor at 24-volts potential, or 0-volts potential, there is no difference
of potential for the meter to indicate.
When using a multimeter to locate an open, the equipment you are troubleshooting must have its
power supply turned on. Place the black lead on the negative conductor or frame. Place the red lead
on the positive conductor of the main unit of resistance in the circuit. Check the remaining positive
terminals in sequence, moving towards the power source until the voltage indication on the voltmeter
changes from the applied voltage to 0 volts. The open electrical malfunction is located between the
last applied voltage reading and the first point 0 voltage reading.
Using the multimeter setup to read resistance can also find opens. With this setup, you must observe
the following two very important precautions:
1. Turn the power to the circuit being tested to off. This is to prevent damage to the meter.
Because multimeters have their own power supply, any voltage or current that is encountered
by the meter causes damage to its internal components.
2. Isolate the circuit components and conductors to prevent erroneous readings. If you do not
isolate the circuit, the multimeter detects any devices that contain an appreciable amount of
resistance. The resistance reading could fool you into thinking you have located the problem.
The multimeter indicates continuity (uninterrupted good connection) when the display reads 0.00 and
OL, meaning out of limits or overload, when the circuit is open. When using a multimeter to locate
an open in a circuit, place the meter leads across segments of the circuit until you find the open. The
open is located between the last 0.00 indication and the first OL indication. Remember, whenever you
use a multimeter to measure resistance, the power to the circuit must always be off.
There are three types of electrical shorts: (1) direct, (2) cross, and (3) shorted control.
There are certain basic symptoms that indicate some type of short has occurred. They are as follows:
1. Circuit inoperative.
2. Protective device actuated.
3. Two or more circuits operate from one control device.
4. Circuits cant be turned off.
Direct short
Positive and negative conductors making direct contact cause a direct short. The short provides a
shortcut for the current back to the power source, bypassing the unit of resistance. As the unit of
resistance is bypassed, current flow increases to a point at which the protective device is actuated.
The indications of a direct short are an inoperative circuit and the protective device has actuated.
Also, if the excessive current remains in the circuit long enough, the insulation on the wires may
begin to melt or even burn. You may smell smoke and see burnt conductors.
The location of direct shorts is between the positive and negative conductors and between the power
source and unit of resistance. Use either a digital multimeter or an ohmmeter in order to locate all
shorts, as these are the only true methods of isolating the exact location of the short. When symptoms
indicate a direct short, isolate the positive conductors in the circuit. Turn off the power to the circuit.
Using the multimeter, place one meter lead on the negative conductor and move the other lead from
one positive conductor to another in the circuit until the direct short is found. An OL display on the
multimeter indicates a good (no short) component. A 0.00 reading on the multimeter indicates the
location of the direct short.
Cross short
The positive conductors of two or more independent circuits making contact cause a cross short. The
contact causes units in all the shorted circuits to operate when only one control device is turned on.
The symptom of a cross short is when two or more independent circuits operate from one control
device. In addition, the protective device may or may not actuate. This depends on the current rating
of each circuit. Cross-short malfunctions are not as common as direct shorts but are more complex to
troubleshoot because they can affect more than one circuit.
The possible location of a cross short is between the control devices and units of resistance of two or
more independent circuits. When you use multimeters (setup for resistance) for locating electrical
short malfunctions, the power to the circuit must be off. Isolate the positive conductors of the circuits
involved. Place one meter lead on a positive conductor of one circuit and the other lead on the
positive conductors of the other circuit or circuits, one at a time. If you do not find the cross short,
move the first meter lead to another positive conductor in the first circuit, and then move the other
lead through the other circuit as you did before. Repeat these procedures until the location of the cross
short is isolated. A 0.00 indication on the meter indicates the location of the cross short.
Shorted control
The contacts of a switch or relay being welded cause a shorted control. Shorted controls are usually
the result of overcurrent conditions or dirty contacts. The symptoms of a shorted control are that the
circuit continues to operate with the control device in the OFF position and the protective device does
not actuate.
When the symptoms indicate a shorted control, turn off power to the circuit and isolate control
devices. Using a multimeter setup to read resistance, place the leads across the contacts of the control
device or switch, with the control device or switch in the OFF position. An OL indication on the
meter indicates proper switch or control device operation. A 0.00 display on the meter indicates a
shorted control device or switch.
If the positive conductor in a one-wire circuit makes contact with the conduit, frame, chassis, or any
other metallic part of the wiring system, the circuit is grounded.
A ground has the same symptoms as a direct short; that is, the circuit is inoperative and the protective
device is actuatedpower bypasses the unit of resistance and goes to ground, causing the protective
device to actuate.
The location of a ground can be between the positive conductor and the frame, somewhere between
the power source and unit of resistance. The procedures for locating a ground are identical to the
procedures for locating a direct short with one exceptionthe frame is substituted for the negative
Low power
Weak batteries are the common cause of low power, although a loose connection, dirty switch
contacts, or conductors too small to carry the load can also cause low power. The symptoms of a low-
power condition can be an electric motor thats running sluggishly, dim lights, or chattering relays.
The possible location of a low-power condition could be anywhere in the circuit. When locating a
low-power condition, supply power to the circuit. Use a multimeter to measure the voltage drop
across each wire, component, and connection in the circuit. A 0-volt reading on the meter indicates
the wire, component (provided it does not normally have a voltage drop), or connection being tested
is good. A voltage reading indicates the location of the low power.
Defect types
When a defect is attributed to component damage caused by ESD, it can be categorized in three ways:
catastrophic, intermittent, and latent.
Catastrophic Total failure of electronic parts, assemblies, and equipment. These defects are the easiest
to diagnose and repair.
Intermittent Intermittent or erroneous signals. These defects are the hardest to troubleshoot because
the fault seems to keep moving.
Latent (soft) Items already having been partially damaged by an ESD event can check out electrically
on a repair/test bench but fail when subjected to stresses of wide temperature ranges,
mechanical shock, high g-forces, or by applying normal operating voltages. These faults
are considered the most dangerous because the failure is not detected until it occurs
during the items operation.
ESD control
An effective ESD control program consists of the proper handling and storage of ESDS components.
Handling ESDS items
Any time you are required to handle an ESD-sensitive item, you must first ensure your work area is
set up for this type of work. In order to safely handle these sensitive components, your work area
must be set up as follows:
The worktable must have a conductive work surface.
Flooring that you will stand on while working must also be conductive.
Both the work surface and floor surface must be grounded to the facility ground with a
minimum series resistance of 250,000 ohms. This is not just a straight ground to the earth; the
resistance is roughly that of the human body and is required to ensure there is not a difference
in potential between the workstation and the person working at the workstation.
Anyone working within three feet of ESDS items must use wrist straps or leg straps that will
limit current to 5 milliamps maximum for personnel safety. This is accomplished by a 1-
megohm resistor in the wrist strap that makes direct contact with your skin. The method of
ensuring the strap will limit current is to design it with a fuse or with a very small wire that
will burn out above the 5-milliamp level.
Hand tools must have insulating material removed.
Remove any static-producing materials such as plastic, vinyl, or foam packaging material
from the work area.
Before touching an ESD-sensitive item or any component containing one, touch the test leads
to the ground.
Another issue you must be concerned with is humidity. As the air gets dryer, the likelihood of static
electricity grows. The ideal humidity for working with ESD-sensitive items is between 40 percent and
60 percent relative humidity. Any level higher than this is conducive to corrosion problems and
anything lower than this is too dry.
These guidelines are commonly accepted by all who handle ESD-sensitive items although you should
become familiar with your work areas local requirements and ensure they are followed.
Storing ESDS items
One of the handling procedures for ESD-sensitive items is the method of packaging. The procedure
required to properly protect an ESD-sensitive item is as follows:
1. Install a shunt or shorting bar on the connectors of components or circuit boards.
2. Place item in a conductive shielded bag.
Wire-bending tools
Wire-bending tools used to connect wires to
terminals should have a smooth bending
surface that will bend wires and part leads
without nicking, ringing, or causing other
damage to the lead part.
General soldering of electronic connections
shall be accomplished using flux-cored-wire
Figure 130. Mechanical wire stripper. solder with an approximate ratio of 60 percent
tin and 40 percent lead.
Flux is used to remove any surface oxidation,
provide a protective cover to prevent surface
reoxidation, and to promote wetting action of
the molten solder.
Basic solder connections
There are several types of solderable terminal
connections you may come across. We will
discuss some of the more common types of
terminals as well as some post-solder-
connection inspection criteria that you should
be familiar with. Keep in mind that the
minimum insulation clearance for wire
connected to all terminal types is such that the
Figure 131. Turret terminal connections insulation does not become damaged or
otherwise imbedded in the solder joint. The
maximum insulation clearance of wires
connected to all terminals shall be no more than
two wire diameters, including the insulation.
Wires or part leads attached to turret terminals
shall wrap around the turret a minimum of 180
degrees as shown in figure 131.
A properly soldered turret terminal connection
will look like the illustration shown in figure 1
Wires can be attached to bifurcated terminals
by way of bottom, top, and side (fig. 133)
Figure 132. Acceptable turret terminal solder connection routes.
Figure 133. Bottom, top, and side route connection on bifurcated terminal.
A properly soldered side-routed bifurcated terminal connection should look like the illustration shown
in figure 134.
Wires attached to hook terminals (fig. 135) shall wrap around the terminal a minimum of 180
degrees and a maximum of 270 degrees.
A properly soldered hook connection should look like the illustration shown in figure 136.
Surface mounts
Wires or component leads mounted flat must make contact
with the terminal, and the contour of the wire must be visible
under the solder coating. The solder must also form a concave
fillet, called a knee fillet, on each side of the wire, and the
fillet must blend into the terminal surface in a smooth,
continuous feathered edge. Figure 137 shows the cross Figure 137. Cross section of acceptable
solder connection.
section of an acceptable solder connection on a flat surface.
When soldering a stranded wire into a cup, ensure that the wire bottoms
out in the cup as depicted in figure 138.
Note that the contour of the wire is visible from the insulation termination
to the point of entry into the cup as shown in figure 139.
Basic soldering techniques
All solder pads and device terminals must be clean in order for good
wetting and heat transfer to occur. Always clean the terminal or pad using
an abrasive material such as a pencil-style typewriter eraser until the
surface is bright and shiny and wash the cleaned surface with a solvent
immediately prior to wire or part lead attachment and soldering. This will
help ensure a secure solder connection. The soldering iron, as well as any Figure 138. Wire placement
stranded wire to be soldered, must be clean and pretinned with solder; in solder cup terminal.
Be sure not to move the joint while it is cooling. Doing so will result in a fractured joint. Do not blow
air onto the joint while it is cooling; instead, let it cool naturally, which will occur fairly rapidly. A
good solder joint will be smooth and shiny with the lead outline clearly visible. Before soldering a
new joint, clean the soldering iron tip of any residual flux or excess solder but allow a small coating
of solder on the tip to aid in the heat transfer for the next joint. This will also help prevent oxidation
from forming on the tip.
After finishing all of the joints, remove excess flux residue from the board using alcohol, acetone, or
other organic solvents within 30 minutes and trim the excess leads leaving only a length equal to the
radius of the pad. If a poor connection requires rework, it is good practice to remove any solder from
the joint prior to resoldering as solder should never be reused. During soldering, some of the base
metal dissolves into the solder. Once the solders capacity for the base metal has been achieved, it
will no longer properly bond with the base metal and will usually result in a brittle, cold solder joint
with a crystalline appearance.
To remove solder from a connection, use desoldering wick or vacuum desoldering equipment, if
available. Desoldering wicks contain plenty of flux that will lift the contamination from the copper
trace and any device leads that are present. This will leave a bright, shiny, clean junction to be
In the event electrical wiring repairs are needed, use flexible stranded wire whenever practical. Solid
wire should only be used if it is insulated, and it will be held firmly in place preventing possible
equipment failure due to normal in-service vibrations and shock. Wire smaller than 22AWG should
be avoided for use unless specific procedures prescribe otherwise.
Wiring passing through metal partitions or shields less than 1/8 inch (in.) thick should be protected by
installing the appropriate-sized grommets in the holes or by punching and rolling the hole. Protect
wiring that passes through metal partitions or shields more than 1/8 in. thick by installing grommets
in the holes or rounding edge of holes to a minimum radius of 1/16 in. Route conductors and cables as
needed to avoid contact with heated or abrasive areas. Unused conductors in a cable or harness should
be insulated or capped at both ends. Cables should also be securely tied to cable trays to prevent
movement due to shock or vibration.
It is also important to consider the minimum bend requirements of wiring and cables in order to
prevent damage to them. The minimum bend radius is the radius below which a cable should not be
bent. This is of particular importance in the handling of fiber-optic cables, which are often used in
telecommunications. The minimum bending radius will vary with different cable designs, but the
guidelines below are a good rule of thumb. For example, to figure out the bend radius of a typical
RG6/U coaxial cable (single conductor with shielding) with a diameter of 0.332 in., you would
simply multiply 0.332 in. by 12 as shown below. The result (3.984 in.) is the minimum bend radius
that the cable should be subjected to. In other words, the cable can be safely bent around a diameter of
approximately 8 in. (remember, the radius is half of the diameter).
Single or multiple conductor cables 8x the overall cable diameter
without metallic shielding
Single conductor cables with shielding 12x the overall cable diameter
Multiple conductor cables with individually 12x the individual cable diameter or 7x the overall cable
shielded conductor diameterwhichever is greater
Fiber-optic cables 10x the overall cable diameter (multimode cables) or 20x the
overall diameter (single-mode cables)
Identify noncoded wire used in the repair and maintenance of electronic equipment by using a wire-
stamping machine. It marks the non-color-coded wire either at each end of the wire close to its
termination point or at intervals along the full length of the wire with a letter color code and the
wire number from the equipment wiring diagram. For example: BK111 (black wire no. III); BL121
(blue wire no. 121); R-Y24 (red wire with yellow tracer no. 24).
The intervals between the identification codes placed
on the wire are determined by the length of the wire but
are limited to a maximum of 15 in. In addition, stamp
wires within 3 in. of each junction (except permanent
splices) and at each terminating point. For wires 3 in.7
in. long, stamp them in the center; wires less than 3 in.
long need not be stamped.
Splicing is a method of joining two wires together.
Splicing wires is normally accomplished by either
crimping or soldering them together.
If several splices are to be located in an
electrical wire bundle, stagger splices along the
length of the bundle Figure 140. Preinsulated permanent copper
Do not splice aluminum wires. Damaged
aluminum wire must be replaced.
Crimping is a method of making an electrical connec-
tion by joining two pieces of metal together by de-
forming one or both of them to hold the other. The
bend or deformity is called the crimp.
A permanent splice should be performed on broken
copper wires sized AWG 22 through 10 by using a
preinsulated, permanent copper splice (fig. 140).
The crimping operation must be done twice, once for
each end of splice. After crimping, check that wire
ends are still visible through the inspection hole of
the splice.
When a permanent splice is not available, the barrel
of a terminal lug (fig. 141) can be used, provided the
barrel is large enough to accommodate both wires.
To use a terminal lug as a splice, first install a piece
of insulation sleeving about 1 in. longer than the
terminal lug barrel, and of the proper diameter to fit
loosely over the insulation, on one piece of the
broken wire. Next, cut off the terminal lug tongue and
prepare the wires by stripping the insulation. Then,
insert the wires from opposite ends of the barrel so
that each wire protrudes through the barrel 1/32 in.
Crimp the barrel in the center and slide the sleeving
down over the connection so that it extends about 1/2
in. past each end of the crimped barrel. Finish by
tying it with nylon cord at each end.
Another form of crimping is used during connector
repair. The crimping tool shown in figure 142 is Figure 141. Terminal lug barrel splice.
electrical connection by improperly fitting RF bending, nicking, and breaking the braided shield
wires. This can cause
premature failure or equipment damage if the cable is used in a transmitting system. Degraded signal-
carrying capability can occur in a receiving or data transfer system. If any rotational movement is
found between the RF connector and cable, the connector should be replaced.
Figure 145. Plug body and jack body of an Figure 146. Grounding sheath termination for
improved N connector. shielded wire.
slide both forward over the braid and the inner sleeve until only 1/32 in. to 1/16 in. of inner sleeve
and braid protrude. The ground wire may extend from the front or back of the outer sleeve as
required, but keep in mind that excessive lengths may result in acting like an antenna for picking up
interference. Finally, crimp with a hand tool and the correct die. Remember that every extra
connection in a coaxial cable means a loss of efficiency, so repaired coaxial cables shall be replaced
at the earliest possible time.
Single conductors should be bound into a cable or harness whenever practical. Cables or harnesses
are made by binding wires together by lacing, spot tying, or by using plastic self-clinching cable
straps to hold them together.
Cable lacing should be performed with 1/8 in. nylon ribbon or equivalent ribbon-type lacing cord
instead of round-type cord to minimize the possibility of insulation damage.
To make a cable lace, start by cutting a length of cord 2 times the length of the proposed harness.
Lay one end of the cord alongside the principal cable, pointing in the direction of the proposed
harness. Secure the cord end by winding approximately four turns of cord over it, and wrap until a
total of 12 turns is wound about the principal cable (fig. 147).
Secure the wrap with a lock stitch made by forming a loop, passing the cord over the loop, then
through the loop, and finally pulling the cord tight as shown.
Lacing may also be started with a square knot, followed by two lock stitches (fig. 147). Tighten
lacing sufficiently to prevent slippage of conductors, but do not cut or deform the conductor
Form secure stitches by lacing the cord over the loop, never under, to form the lock stitch (fig. 148),
which results in the cord being locked under each loop. Lock stitches at approximately 1/2 in.
intervals thereafter; secure other loops in the same fashion.
As lacing advances, reform the wires to ensure a neat and firmly bound cable as shown in figure 1
48. Arrange conductors to lie parallel without crossovers except when twisting is required. All lacing
should follow the top of the harness. All knots, splices, or other irregularities should be hidden from
view when the cable is installed in the equipment.
Terminate lacing by the procedure illustrated in figure 149. Wrap four turns of cord adjacent to the
last lock stitch. Form a separate piece of cord into a 2 in. loop and lay alongside the cable. Wrap eight
turns of lacing about the loop and draw the end of the lacing cord through the loop. Pull both ends of
the loop to carefully draw the cord end underneath and out of the wrap. Pull the cord end tight,
locking the wrap, and cut the end to approximately 1/8 in. or 1/4 in. Lacing may also be terminated
with a lock stitch followed by a square knot.
Branches and sub-branches, including single leads, are usually referred to as breakouts. A wire
breakout should have a spot tie, closing stitch, starting stitch, or plastic wire wrap immediately before
and immediately after the breakout. Precede single-lead breakouts with a lock stitch, without variation
in the distance between stitches (fig. 150). Lace any breakout of two or more wires. When a group of
wires is branched from a cable as seen in figure 150, wrap a lock stitch six turns firmly about the
principal cable adjacent to the new stitch, and then, make another lock stitch adjacent to the new
turns. After a branch is secured, continue the running stitches along the main cable.
Spot Tying
Another procedure for
lacing, spot tying (fig. 1
51), consists of making a
series of individually bound
wraps at equidistant points
along the cable. Cut the
lacing cord 2 in. longer than
the length required to make
12 turns about the harness.
To spot tie a cable, first form
one end of the cord into a 1
in. loop and place it flat on
the harness, parallel to the
wiring. Wind 12 turns
tightly over this loop, and at
Figure 149. Cable lace termination. Figure 150. Cable branching. the last turn, push the cord
end through the loop that
extends from under the
wrap. Pull the end of the looped cord until the loop is under the wrap, but only so far that the two
loops intersect at the approximate center of the wrap, and trim any loose cord ends.
Self-clinching cable straps
Self-clinching cable straps are adjustable, lightweight, flat
plastic straps used for tying and supporting cable assemblies
and wire bundles. The strap configuration is shown in figure
Straps are not to be used in temperature environments that
exceed 185 F (85 C) or on coaxial cables or bundles
Figure 151. Spot tie. containing coaxial cable that contain air or air foam dielectric.
only at their cores. This is known as a physical contact (PC) polish. The curved surface may be
polished at an angle in order to make an angled physical contact (APC) connection. Such connections
have higher loss than PC connections, but greatly reduce back reflection because light that reflects
from the angled surface leaks out of the fiber core; the resulting loss in signal strength is known as
gap loss.
Optical fibers may be connected to each other by connectors or by splicing the two fibers together to
form a continuous optical waveguide. The generally accepted splicing method is fusion splicing,
which melts the fiber ends together with an electric arc. For quicker fastening jobs, a mechanical
splice is used.
Fusion splicing
Fusion splicing is done with a specialized instrument (fig. 155) that typically operates by enclosing
the two cable ends inside a splice enclosure that protects the splices while the fiber ends are stripped
of their protective polymer coating (as well as the sturdier outer jacket, if present). The ends are cut
with a precision cleaver to make them perpendicular and are placed into special holders in the splicer.
The splice is usually inspected via a magnified viewing screen to check the cleaves before and after
the splice. The splicer uses small motors to align the end faces together and emits a small spark
between electrodes at the gap to burn off dust and moisture. Then the splicer generates a larger spark
that raises the temperature above the melting point of the glass, thus fusing the ends together
permanently. The location and energy of the spark is carefully controlled so that the molten core and
cladding dont mix, and this minimizes optical loss, backscatter, and reflection. A splice-loss estimate
is measured by the splicer by directing light through the cladding on one side and measuring the light
leaking from the cladding on the other side. A splice loss under 0.1 decibel (dB) is typical. The
complexity of this process is the major thing that makes fiber splicing more difficult than splicing
copper wire.
Figure 155. Fiber-optic cable fusion splicer. (Reproduced by permission of Fiber Instrument Sales, Inc., Oriskany,
NY, http://www.fiberinstrumentsales.com.)
Mechanical splicing
Mechanical fiber splices are designed to be quicker and easier to install, but there is still the need for
stripping, careful cleaning, and precision cleaving. The fiber ends are aligned and held together by a
precision-made sleeve, often using a clear gel that enhances the transmission of light across the joint.
Such joints typically have higher optical loss and are less robust than fusion splices, especially if the
gel is used. All splicing techniques involve the use of an enclosure into which the splice is placed for
protection afterward.
Self-Test Questions
After you complete these questions, you may check your answers at the end of the unit.
2. Match the description in column A with the electronic test equipment in column B. Items in
column B may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
Column A Column B
____ (1) Generates repeating electronic signals. a. Counter
____ (2) Used for measuring electrical resistance. b. Ammeter
____ (3) Provides electrical energy to an output load. c. Voltmeter
____ (4) Used for measuring signal frequency. d. Ohmmeter
____ (5) Allows signal voltages to be viewed as a two-dimensional e. Multimeter
f. Logic Probe
____ (6) Allows control over the various characteristics of pulses.
g. Oscilloscope
____ (7) Used for measuring the potential difference between two
h. Power supply
points in a circuit.
i. Pulse generator
____ (8) Used for measuring the flow of current in a circuit.
j. Signal generator
____ (9) Also called a volt-ohm-millimeter (VOM).
k. Time domain reflectometer
____ (10) Used for analyzing and troubleshooting logical states of
digital circuits.
____ (11) Locates faults in cables by transmitting a pulse along the
208. Diagrams
1. What are the purposes of wiring diagrams?
2. What is the most important key to reading and understanding wiring diagrams?
5. What does an effective electrostatic discharge (ESD) control program consist of?
6. Soldering irons of what wattage rating are commonly used for electrical connections?
9. What type of wire should be used (when practical) for all electrical repairs?
11. What should be done after crimping a preinsulated, permanent copper splice?
12. What two methods are used to verify a crimping tool is ready for use?
13. How much insulation should be stripped when preparing to splice a wire using the soldering
15. Why should coaxial cables requiring repair be replaced at the earliest possible time?
16. What should a self-clinching plastic strap be checked for once it has been installed?
3. (1) 6 x 103.
(2) 25 x 104.
(3) 38 x 105.
(4) 49 x 103.
4. (1) 0.00046.
(2) 1,500,000.
5. The coefficient is always greater than or equal to 1 but less than 10.
6. The exponent is either a zero or a multiple of 3.
7. (1) 12.45 x 103.
(2) 68.475 x 103.
(3) 45.3 x 106.
(4) 983 x 106.
8. (1) 65.84 x 103.
(2) 6.4179 x 105.
(3) 78.03 x 105.
(4) 30.2 x 105.
1. (1) f.
(2) l.
(3) h.
(4) d.
(5) e.
(6) a.
(7) b.
(8) g.
(9) i.
(10) k.
(11) j.
(12) c..
1. A power source, load device(s), and conductor(s).
2. 4.6K ohms (+/ 10 percent).
3. (1) g.
(2) l.
(3) b.
(4) i.
(5) j.
(6) k.
(7) e.
(8) m.
(9) n.
(10) c.
(11) d.
(12) f.
(13) a.
(14) h.
4. The American Wire Gauge (AWG) is commonly used as a standard method of denoting cable and wire
diameters. Increasing gauge numbers give decreasing wire diameters.
5. Soldering is a method of joining metal parts using a filler material (solder).
6. A switch.
7. Like charges repel each other while unlike charges attract each other.
1. Analogue, digital, and mixed signal.
2. Analogue circuits are faster than digital circuits but also are much more susceptible to noise.
3. Digital circuits interface well with computers and can achieve lossless data transmission. However, digital
circuits tend to require more energy than analogue circuits and are sometimes more expensive and fragile.
1. Series, parallel, and series-parallel.
2. Because there is only one path for current to flow.
3. Voltage is common among all of the branches.
4. Total resistance is calculated by taking the reciprocal of the sum of the individual reciprocals of each
individual components resistance.
5. It will have the circuits total current flowing through it.
6. By first figuring out the resistance of the parallel portion of the circuit and then adding that resistance to the
total series resistance.
1. In an electrical circuit, the current is directly proportional to the voltage. Mathematically this can be written
several ways such as: V=IR.
2. 0.003 amps (or 3 milliamps).
1. Stimuli equipment provides operating power, signals, or other inputs to the device under test (DUT) while
measurement equipment analyses the various characteristics or responses of the DUT.
2. (1) j.
(2) d.
(3) h.
(4) a.
(5) g.
(6) i.
(7) c.
(8) b.
(9) e.
(10) f.
(11) k.
1. To show the system components; to allow you to understand system operation; to aid in the troubleshooting
of electrical systems.
2. The ability to read symbols.
3. (1) One-line (block) diagramgives a general view of the entire system.
(2) Schematic/elementary diagramshows all circuit components without regard to physical location or
relationship, circuit operations, and where the functions within a circuit occur in an exact sequence.
(3) Interconnection diagramshows complete connections between equipment units, unit assemblies, and
associated apparatus.
Note to Student: Consider all choices carefully, select the best answer to each question, and circle
the corresponding letter. When you have completed all unit review exercises, transfer your answers to
ECI (AFIADL) Form 34, Field Scoring Answer Sheet.
Do not return your answer sheet to AFIADL.
1. (201) Which of the following is true for numbers expressed using scientific notation?
a. The coefficient is less than or equal to one.
b. The resulting exponent must be a zero or multiple of two.
c. The resulting exponent must be a zero or a multiple of three.
d. The coefficient is greater than or equal to one but less than ten.
2. (201) Which of the following is true for numbers expressed using engineering notation?
a. The coefficient is less than or equal to one.
b. The resulting exponent must be a zero or multiple of two.
c. The resulting exponent must be a zero or a multiple of three.
d. The coefficient is greater than or equal to one but less than ten.
3. (201) What is the metric prefix for 1,000?
a. Milli.
b. Kilo.
c. Mega.
d. Giga.
4. (202) What is the term for the movement of free electrons through a conductor?
a. Power.
b. Current.
c. Voltage.
d. Inductance.
5. (202) What is the unit of measurement for impedance?
a. Ohms.
b. Watts.
c. Farads.
d. Henries.
6. (202) Which of the following electrical components acts like a battery?
a. Resistor.
b. Inductor.
c. Capacitor.
d. Transformer.
7. (203) What is not a requirement for a simple circuit?
a. Load device.
b. Conductors.
c. Power source.
d. Protective device.
8. (203) What does not provide the motion necessary to be considered a prime mover?
a. Waterfall.
b. Windmill.
c. Generator.
d. Steam engine.
9. (203) What does the fourth colored band of a four-banded resistor indicate?
a. Tolerance.
b. Reliability.
c. Multiplier.
d. The fourth digit of the resistors value.
10. (203) What does the fourth color band of a six-banded resistor indicate?
a. Tolerance.
b. Multiplier.
c. Reliability.
d. Power rating.
11. (203) What potentiometers value is adjusted by turning its shaft?
a. Wattage.
b. Tolerance.
c. Reliability.
d. Resistance.
12. (203) Where is energy stored in a capacitor?
a. In a series of cells.
b. In the ferromagnetic core.
c. Between conductive plates.
d. In the magnetic field of the coil.
13. (203) What type of materials are silicon, germanium, and gallium arsenide considered?
a. Insulators.
b. Conductors.
c. Nonconductors.
d. Semiconductors.
14. (203) What device is used to transfer electrical energy from one circuit to another by means of an
electromagnetic field?
a. Inductor.
b. Capacitor.
c. Transistor.
d. Transformer.
15. (203) What is the purpose of a motor?
a. To convert mechanical energy to electrical energy.
b. To convert electrical energy to mechanical energy.
c. To convert chemical energy to electrical energy.
d. To convert electrical energy to chemical energy.
16. (203) What wire characteristic is indicated by an increasing gauge value?
a. An increasing diameter.
b. A decreasing diameter.
c. An increasing cladding size.
d. A decreasing cladding size.
17. (203) Which switch would be best suited for a radio AM/FM selector switch?
a. Single-pole single-throw (SPST).
b. Single-pole double-throw (SPDT).
c. Double-pole double-throw (DPDT).
d. Double-pole single-throw (DPST).
18. (203) Which if the following fuses could be used as a substitute for a fuse rated at 150 volts / 2
a. 100 volts / 1 amps.
b. 100 volts / 3 amps.
c. 200 volts / 1 amps.
d. 200 volts / 3 amps.
19. (204) What type of circuit is the most common physical representation of Boolean algebra?
a. Series.
b. Digital.
c. Parallel.
d. Analogue.
20. (205) What is a basic type of circuit configuration?
a. Digital.
b. Analogue.
c. Mixed-signal.
d. Series-Parallel.
21. (205) What is the name of the physical interface where many devices share the same electric
a. Electrical Bus.
b. Electrical joint.
c. Parallel circuit.
d. Series-Parallel circuit.
22. (205) What value is common among the branches in a parallel circuit configuration?
a. Voltage.
b. Current.
c. Resistance.
d. Impedance.
23. (206) What is true concerning Kirchhoffs Laws?
a. Current is directly proportional to voltage.
b. Current is directly proportional to resistance.
c. The sum of the voltage drops in a circuit must equal the circuits total resistance.
d. The sum of all currents entering a node is equal to the sum of all currents leaving a node.
24. (207) What is a Galvanometer used for?
a. Measuring resistance.
b. Measuring frequency.
c. Measuring current flow.
d. Measuring the potential difference between two points in an electric circuit.
25. (207) What axis is used to represent time on an oscilloscope?
a. W.
b. X.
c. Y.
d. Z.
26. (207) What is not visually indicated by the lights on a logic probe?
a. Pulses.
b. Frequency.
c. Voltage states.
d. Single occurring events.
35. (209) What type of short is characterized by two or more independent circuits making contact
with each other?
a. Cross.
b. Direct.
c. Coupled.
d. Shorted control.
36. (209) What is not a symptom of a low power condition?
a. Dim lights.
b. Sluggish motor.
c. Chattering relays.
d. Dirty switch contacts.
37. (210) What material is most capable of generating large amounts of electrostatic voltages?
a. Wood.
b. Silicon.
c. Plastic.
d. Copper.
38. (210) What is the minimum series resistance between electrostatic discharge work surfaces and
facility ground?
a. 0 ohms.
b. 100,000 ohms.
c. 250,000 ohms.
d. 1,000,000 ohms.
39. (210) ESD wrist straps must be able to limit current to how many amperes for personnel safety?
a. 1 milliamp.
b. 5 milliamps.
c. 10 milliamps.
d. 100 milliamps.
40. (210) What is the ideal relative humidity range when working with electrostatic discharge
sensitive items?
a. 10 20%.
b. 30 50%.
c. 40 60%.
d. 60 70%.
41. (210) How far can component leads be bent in order to help retain them to printed wiring boards
during soldering?
a. 10.
b. 30.
c. 45.
d. Component leads cannot be bent at all.
42. (210) Once soldered, to what length should excess component leads be trimmed?
a. Flush with the circuit board.
b. Equal to the radius of the solder pad.
c. Less than the radius of the solder pad.
d. No more than twice the radius of the solder pad.
43. (210) Which of the following is not true concerning shielded cables?
a. The shield acts as a Faraday cage.
b. The shield reduces electromagnetic radiation.
c. The shield shall be removed with mechanical strippers only.
d. The shield minimizes inductively coupled noise from other sources.
44. (210) Which of the following should be used when performing cable lacing?
a. 1/16 nylon ribbon.
b. 1/8 nylon ribbon.
c. 1/16 nylon cord.
d. 1/8 nylon cord.
45. (210) Which is true concerning self-clinching cable straps?
a. Excess strap must be trimmed to a minimum of 1/16 with the boss surface.
b. Straps should not be used in environments where temperatures exceed 85F.
c. Straps should not cause noticeable distortion of the wire insulation on coaxial cables.
d. The harness-bundle diameter determines how far the strap is placed from a connector.
46. (210) What types of connections are not used with fiber optic cables?
a. Crimped.
b. Threaded.
c. Push and click.
d. Turn and latch.
47. (210) What is not true concerning the polishes used on fiber optic cables?
a. Physical contact polishes ensure that the fibers touch only at their cores.
b. Polishes ensure the fibers are free from cracks, scratches, and edge chips.
c. Fiber ends are typically polished with a slight curvature on multimode cables.
d. Polished physical contact connections that are angled result in higher optical loss than non-
angled physical contact polishes.
48. (210) What is an advantage of mechanically splicing a fiber optic cable as compared with fusion
splicing a fiber optic cable?
a. They are easier to install.
b. They offer lower optical loss.
c. They do not require precision cleaving.
d. They are more robust than fusion splices.