The Hardwood Handbook: An Illustrated Guide To Appalachian and Southern Lumber
The Hardwood Handbook: An Illustrated Guide To Appalachian and Southern Lumber
The Hardwood Handbook: An Illustrated Guide To Appalachian and Southern Lumber
Compiled by the Southeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association, Inc. staff under the direction of the Hardwood Marketing
Photography: J.S. Garner and U.S. Forest Service.
The southeastern lumber industry relies on
a renewable resource trees to make a Suppose America stopped harvesting its
variety of lumber products for shelter, furniture, trees to make lumber and other wood
industrial uses and other needs for the products. Let's consider what effect this
people of the Southeast, the nation and the would have on our environment. What could
world. Now, and even more so in the we use as a building material for homes and
future, the world will look to the nation, furniture, or paper for books and stationery?
and to the Southeast in particular, to meet Would we substitute steel, aluminum,
the expanding demand for lumber and other masonry, or plastic products? Buy wood
from other countries? Or do without?
forest products. Because of a vast forest of
fast growing trees, advanced management,
If we substituted non-wood building
refined manufacturing techniques and
products, the environment would be the
excellent transportation facilities, we should
clear loser. Those non-wood products are
be able to meet the demands for wood
environmentally expensive. The supplies of
products domestically and for overseas ores and petroleum for their production are
consumption indefinitely. finite; once gone, they are gone forever.
Wood, on the other hand, is a renewable
Over 26 percent of the country's forested acres resource from an endless succession of
some 194 million acres is in the South. trees. Non-wood products require far more
This land, and its timber resources, provide energy to manufacture than wood: nine
nearly half of the wood used in the pulp times as much to make a steel stud as a wood
industry, almost a third of that used in the stud for example. That further depletes
lumber industry and about two-fifths of that finite supplies of fossil fuels and coal, not to
consumed in the veneer and plywood mention greater pollution of the air and
industry. The importance of the South as a water while adding to the potential of global
source of timber has increased in recent warming through the greenhouse effect.
years. Further, it appears that most of the
expansion in the forest products industry Wood is reusable, recyclable, and biodegrad-
will likely be based on the timber resources able. Inorganic materials call for yet
of the southeastern United States. additional energy drains to recycle or
otherwise dispose of them when use has
Forest Statistics of the United States, 1992, been terminated.
shows that the U.S. grows far more
hardwood timber than is harvested each Contrary to popular opinion, we are not
year. In fact, there are 82 percent more running out of trees by harvesting so many
of them. Each American does use the
hardwoods now than there were 40 years
equivalent of a 100 foot, 18 inch diameter
ago. Total U.S. growing stock now amounts
tree every year for wood and paper products.
to over 336 billion cubic feet as compared
But 6 million trees are planted every day,
to 180 billion cubic feet in 1952. Currently, which works out to nine trees for every
the United States is growing almost twice as American. Countless additional seedlings are
much hardwood sawtimber volume as is regenerated naturally on managed lands. As
being used. a result, more wood is grown each year in
the U.S. than is harvested and/or lost to lumber is used annually to manufacture
disease, insects and fire. Growth exceeds millions of railroad crossties which are used
harvest by 33 percent. It is no surprise, in new construction and the maintenance of
then, that the nation has more trees today existing track.
than it had 70 years ago.
Finally, millions of board feet of hardwood
Forests are oxygen factories and greenhouse lumber are used each year in the
exchangers. Growing just one pound of manufacture of fine hardwood flooring,
wood in a vigorous younger forest removes trim, paneling, and timbers.
1.47 pounds of carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere and replaces it with 1.07
pounds of life-sustaining oxygen. Carbon
dioxide accounts for about half the world's ABOUT THIS BOOK
greenhouse gases, which traps solar rays.
An old forest reverses the process, removing 1 Working Properties
oxygen and emitting carbon dioxide. On page 6, we list 26 of the commonly
produced lumber species grown within
As long as America continues to plant and the southeastern region. This chart gives
regenerate new trees for wood products, the easy reference for most of the relative
environment will be the big winner So in a working properties for these listed
very real sense, wood products are the most species.
environmentally responsible building
material available. 2 Physical Properties
Pages 7 & 8 list specific gravity, average
shipping weight, average shrinkage,
modulus of rupture, modulus of
APPALACHIAN AND SOUTHERN elasticity, and side hardness. All these
HARDWOOD LUMBER physical properties are listed in English
and metric measurements.
Everyone is familiar with fine furniture
manufactured from high-quality white oak, 3 General Description
red oak, ash, walnut and cherry lumber Beginning on page 12, we give a represent-
which is grown and manufactured in the ative photographic sample of each listed
southeastern region. The unmatched species. In addition, the relative working
warmth and traditional good looks of this properties and general narrative
furniture are unmistakable. description of each species are provided
adjacent to the photograph.
Although furniture manufacturing often
takes the limelight in regard to hardwood 4 Glossary
lumber, many other categories consume vast Pages 26-31 contain commonly used
amounts of hardwood lumber. For instance, terminology associated with hardwood
billions of board feet of lumber are used and softwood lumber products as
each year in shipping (containers, wooden derived from the USDA's Agriculture
pallets, blocking and bracing). Wood pallets Handbook #72.
alone account for over 5 billion board feet
of lumber within this category annually.
Nearly a billion board feet of hardwood
Species Machining sp=sgtlinIckiling Nail-Holding Gluing
ASH Excellent Good Excellent Good
GUM, Sap, Red 0.52 838 533 15.8 86,000 11,300 3,800
* Nominal sawn lumber is usually converted to cubic measure by same factors. There are approximately 638
board feet of nominal sized lumber in a cubic meter, making the mathematically correct conversion factors
1.57 and .638.
1. If lumber is full sawn, or volume is computed on actual sizes, multiply the board footage
expressed in thousands of board feet (MBF) by 2.358 to find cubic meters:
MBF x 2.358 = M3
2. If lumber volume is based upon nominal sizes, divide the actual cross section (thickness x
width) by the nominal cross section (thickness x width), then multiply by 2.358. Multiply the
total board footage (MBF) by this figure to find the total cubic meters:
Actual Cross Section x 2.358 x MBF = M3
Nominal Cross Section
3. If the lumber is trimmed to a specified length, but billed on even foot basis, as in presicion
end-trimmed studs, then account for this difference by multiplying the total cubic meters by an
additional factor. To find this factor, divide the actual trim length by the nominal length, then
multiply the total cubic meters by this number:
Actual Trim Length x M3 = total M 3
Nominal Length
111 Appalachian Region
Southern Region
fit i ' 3/4. .
. ,
A --
':. '' ,,,,
. .. Z . 1
' ''''
%ad TV 4 '
. rill 'Aft.:
** 4 r mar . -
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Commercial white ash is a group of species that consists mostly
of white ash and green ash, although blue ash is also included.
Heartwood of commercial white ash is brown; the sapwood is
light colored or nearly white. Second-growth trees have a large
proportion of sapwood. Old-growth trees, which characteristically
have little sapwood, are scarce.
Second-growth commercial white ash is particularly sought
because of the inherent qualities of this wood; it is heavy
(421bs./cu.ft.), strong, hard, stiff, and has high resistance to
Ash is used for furniture,
cooperage, handles, oars, vehicle
parts, baseball bats, and other
athletic goods.
(Tilia americana)
Basswood grows in the eastern half of the United States from
the Canadian provinces southward.
The heartwood of basswood is pale yellowish-brown with occa-
sional darker streaks. Basswood has wide, creamy-white or pale
brown sapwood that merges gradually into the heartwood.
When dry, the wood is without odor or taste. It is soft and light
in weight (261bs./cuit.), has fine, even texture, is straight-grained
and easy to work with tools. Shrinkage in width and thickness
during drying is rated as large; however, basswood seldom
warps in use.
Basswood lumber is used mainly
in sash and door frames,
moulding, woodenware, and
(Fagus grandifolia)
Only one species of beech,
American beech, is native to
the United States. It grows in
the eastern one-third of the
United States and adjacent
Canadian provinces.
Beech varies in color from nearly white sapwood to reddish-
brown heartwood in some trees. Sometimes there is no clear
line of demarcation between heartwood and sapwood. Sapwood
may be 3 to 5 inches thick. The wood has little figure and is of
close, uniform texture. It has no characteristic taste or odor.
The wood of beech is classed as heavy (441bs./cult.), hard,
strong, high in resistance to shock, and highly suitable for steam
bending. Beech shrinks substantially and therefore requires
careful drying. It machines smoothly, is an excellent wood for
turning, wears well, and is rather easily treated with preser-
vatives. Easy to stain, paint or bleach.
Largest amounts of beech go into flooring, furniture, handles,
veneer, woodenware, containers, cooperage, and laundry ap-
pliances. When treated, it is suitable for railway ties.
(Betula alleghaniensis)
The important species of birch
are yellow birch, and sweet
birch (Betula lenta). Yellow and
sweet birch grow along the
Appalachian Mountains to
northern Georgia. They are the
source of most birch lumber
and veneer.
Yellow birch has white sapwood and light reddish-brown heart-
wood. Sweet birch has light-colored sapwood and dark brown
heartwood tinged with red.
Wood of yellow birch and sweet birch is heavy (361bsicult.),
hard, strong, and has good shock-resisting ability. The wood is
fine and uniform in texture.
Yellow and sweet birch lumber and veneer go principally into
the manufacture of furniture, boxes, baskets, crates, woodenware,
cooperage, interior finish, and doors. Birch veneer goes into
plywood used for doors, furniture, paneling, radio and television
cabinets, aircraft, and other specialty uses.
(Prunus serotina)
Black cherry is sometimes known as cherry, wild black cherry,
or wild cherry. It is the only native species of the genus Prunus
of commercial importance for lumber production. It is scattered
from southeastern Canada throughout the eastern half of the
United States.
The heartwood of black cherry varies from light to dark
reddish-brown and has a distinctive luster. The sapwood is narrow
in old trees and nearly white.
The wood has a fairly uniform texture and very good machining
properties. It is moderately heavy (361bs./cu.ft.), strong, stiff,
moderately hard, has high shock-resistance, and moderately
large shrinkage. After seasoning, it is very stable dimensionally.
Black cherry is used principally
for furniture, fine veneer panels
and architectural woodwork.
Other uses include caskets,
woodenware, novelties, patterns,
and paneling
(Castanea dentata)
Before American chestnut was attacked by a fungus blight, it
grew in commercial quantities from New England to northern
Georgia. Practically all standing chestnut has been killed by blight,
and most supplies come from dead timber. Although there are
very limited quantities in the Appalachian Mountains, chestnut
logs are available because of natural resistance to decay.
The heartwood of chestnut is grayish-brown or brown and becomes
darker with age. The sapwood is very narrow and almost white.
The wood is coarse in texture; the growth rings are made
conspicuous by several rows of large, distinct pores at the beginning
of each year's growth. Chestnut wood is moderately light in
weight (311bs./cu.ft.), moderately hard, moderately low in strength,
moderately low in resistance to shock, and low in stiffness. It
seasons well and is easy to work with tools.
Chestnut was used for poles, rail-
road crossties, furniture, caskets,
boxes, crates, and core stock for
veneer panels. It appears most
frequently now as "wormy
chestnut" for paneling, trim
and picture frames.
(Populus deltoides)
Cottonwood includes several
species of the genus Populus. Most
important is eastern cottonwood
(P. deltoides and varieties). Eastern
cottonwood and swamp cotton-
wood grow throughout the
eastern half of the United States.
Greatest production of lumber is
in the Southern and Central states.
The heartwood of cottonwood is grayish-white to light brown.
The sapwood is whitish and merges gradually with the heartwood.
The wood is comparatively uniform in texture, and generally
straight-grained. It is odorless when well-seasoned. Eastern cotton-
wood is moderately low in bending and compressive strength,
moderately stiff, moderately soft, and moderately low in ability
to resist shock. Eastern cottonwood has moderately large shrinkage
and light in weight (241bs./cu.ft.).
Some cottonwood is difficult to work with tools because of fuzzy
surfaces. Tension wood is largely responsible for this characteristic.
Cottonwood lumber and veneer go largely into boxes, crates,
baskets, and plates.
(Ulm us spp.)
Six species of elm grow in the
eastern United States: American
elm, slippery elm, rock elm,
winged elm, cedar elm, and
September elm. The supply of
American elm is threatened by
two diseases, Dutch Elm and
phloem necrosis, which have killed hundreds of thousands of
trees. American elm is also known as white elm, water elm,
and gray elm. Slippery elm is also known as red elm, or basket
The sapwood of the elms is nearly white and the heartwood
light brown, often tinged with red.
The elms may be divided into two general classes, hard elm
and soft elm, based on the weight and strength of the wood.
Soft elm is moderately heavy, has high shock resistance, and is
moderately hard and stiff. Hard elm species are somewhat
heavier than soft elm. Elm has excellent bending qualities.
Elm lumber is used principally in boxes, baskets, crates, and
slack barrels; furniture, agricultural supplies and implements;
caskets and burial boxes; and vehicles. The hard elms are
preferred for some uses where more strength is required.
GUM - Sap Gum, Red Gum
(Liquidambar styraciflua)
Sweetgum grows from southwestern Connecticut westward into
Missouri and southward to the Gulf. Lumber production is
almost entirely from the Southern and South Atlantic states.
The lumber from sweetgum is usually divided into two classes
sap gum, the light-colored wood from the sapwood, and red
gum, the reddish-brown heartwood.
Sweetgum often has interlocked grain and must be carefully
dried. When quartersawn, the interlocked grain produces a ribbon
stripe that is desirable for interior finish and furniture. The wood
is rated as moderately heavy (361bs./cu.ft.), and hard, moderately
strong, moderately stiff, and moderately high in shock resistance.
Sweetgum is used mainly for
lumber, plywood, and railroad
crossties. The lumber goes
principally into boxes and crates,
furniture, interior trim, and
(Celtis occidentalis)
Hackberry and sugarberry (C. laevigata) supply the lumber known
in the trade as hackberry. Hackberry grows east of the Great Plains
from Alabama, Georgia, Arkansas, and Oklahoma northward,
except along the Canadian boundary. Sugarberry overlaps the
southern part of the range of hackberry and grows throughout
the Southern and South Atlantic states.
The sapwood of both species varies from pale yellow to greenish
or grayish-yellow. The heartwood is commonly darker. The
wood resembles elm in structure.
Hackberry lumber is moderately heavy (501bs./cult.), moderately
strong in bending, moderately weak in compression parallel to
the grain, moderately hard to hard, high in shock resistance,
low in stiffness, moderately large to large shrinkage, but keeps
its shape well during seasoning.
Most hackberry is cut into lumber,
with small amounts going into
dimension stock and some into
veneer. Most of it is used for
furniture and some for containers.
( Carya spp. )
True hickories are found throughout
most of the eastern half of the
United States. The species most
important commercially are
shagbark, pignut, shellbark, and
mockernut. The Southern and
South Atlantic states produce nearly
half of all hickory lumber. Species of the pecan group include
bitternut hickory, pecan, water hickory, and nutmeg hickory.
The sapwood of hickory is white and usually quite thick, except
in old, slow-growing trees. The heartwood is reddish. The wood
of pecan resembles that of true hickory.
The wood of hickory and pecan is exceptionally tough, heavy,
hard, strong, and shrinks considerably in drying.
The wood of true hickory is used for tool handles, ladder rungs,
athletic goods, agricultural implements, dowels, gymnasium
apparatus, poles and furniture. Knotted, low grade hickory is
useful for pallets and similar items. Hickory sawdust, chips, and
some solid wood are used to flavor meat by smoking.
(Magnolia grandiflora)
Commercial magnolia comprises
three species southern magnolia,
sweetbay (M. virginiana), and
cucumbertree (M. acuminata). The
lumber produced by all three is
simply called magnolia. The natural
range of sweetbay extends along
the Atlantic and Gulf coasts from Long Island to Texas, and that
of southern magnolia from North Carolina to Texas. Cucumbertree
grows from the Appalachians to the Ozarks northward to Ohio.
The sapwood of southern magnolia is yellowish-white, and the
heartwood is light to dark brown with a tinge of yellow or green.
The wood, which has close, uniform texture and is generally
straight-grained, closely resembles yellow poplar.
The wood of magnolia is moderately heavy (321bs./cult.),
moderately low in shrinkage, moderately low in bending and
compressive strength, moderately hard and stiff, and moderately
high in shock resistance.
Magnolia lumber is used principally in the manufacture of
furniture, boxes, pallets, sash, doors, veneer, and millwork.
MAPLE, HARD - Sugar Maple, Black Maple
(Acer saccharum, A. nigrum)
Five of the 13 species of maple native to the United States are
important timber trees. Two are in the hard maple category,
three are in the soft maple category.
The two hard maples are sugar maple and black maple. Black
maple grows in the upper Mississippi Valley while sugar maple
grows in the Eastern U.S. excluding the southeastern coastal plains
The wood of all hard maples is similar. It has a cream to light
reddish-brown colored heartwood, with a thin white sapwood
tinged slightly with reddish-brown. The wood is heavy
(441bs./cu.ft.), strong, stiff, and has high shock resistance. Shrinkage
during seasoning is large. It takes stain satisfactorily and polishes
well. Although usually straight-grained, maple occasionally has
a curly, wavy or birdseye grain.
Used for lumber, wall paneling,
flooring, furniture, handles,
interior finish, cabinets, wooden-
ware, and novelties.
The heartwood is usually light reddish-brown, but sometimes
considerably darker. The sapwood is commonly white with a
slight reddish-brown tinge.
The wood of all the soft maples is similar. Although 25 percent
softer than hard maple, soft maple is suited to most of the same
uses. The wood possesses about the same finishing properties as
hard maple and is suited for enamel finishes and brown tones.
Soft maple is moderately heavy (381bs./cu.ft.).
A large portion is used for flooring,
furniture, pallets and crates, shoe
lasts, handles, woodenware, spools,
bobbins and novelties.
(Quercus spp.)
Most red oak comes from the
Southern states, the Southern
mountain regions, the Atlantic
coastal plains, and the Central states.
The principal species are: northern
red oak, scarlet oak, Shumard oak,
pin oak, Nuttall oak, black oak, southern red oak, cherrybark oak,
water oak, laurel oak, and willow oak.
The sapwood is nearly white and usually 1 to 2 inches thick.
The heartwood is brown with a tinge of red. Sawed lumber of
red oak cannot be separated by species on the basis of the char-
acteristics of the wood alone. Red oak lumber can be separated
from white oak by the size and arrangement of pores in latewood
and because, as a rule, it lacks tyloses in the pores. The open
pores of red oaks make them unsuitable for tight cooperage.
Wood of red oak is heavy (471bs./cuit.). Rapidly grown second-
growth oak is generally harder and tougher than finer textured
old-growth timber, and shrinkage in drying is fairly large.
The wood of red oak is largely cut into lumber, railroad crossties,
and veneer. It is remanufactured into flooring, furniture, general
millwork, boxes, pallets, and crates, agricultural implements,
caskets, woodenware, handles, and railroad cars and boats.
(Quercus spp.)
White oak lumber comes chiefly
from the South, South Atlantic, and
central states, including the Southern
Appalachian area. Prinicpal species
are: white oak, chestnut oak, post
oak, overcup oak, swamp chestnut
oak, bur oak, chinkapin oak,
swamp white oak, and live oak.
The heartwood is generally grayish-brown, and the sapwood,
which is from 1 to 2 or more inches thick, is nearly white. The
pores of the heartwood are usually plugged with tyloses. This
tends to make the wood impenetrable by liquids. It is therefore
suitable for tight cooperage.
The wood of white oak is heavy (481bs./cult.), averaging somewhat
higher in weight than that of red oak. The heartwood has moderately
good decay resistance.
White oak is used for furniture, railroad crossties, cooperage, mine
timbers, flooring, pallets, railroad cars, millwork and many other
products. An important use of white oak is for planking and bent
parts of ships and boats, heartwood often being specified because
of its decay resistance.
(Liriodendron tulipifera)
Yellow poplar is also known as poplar and tulip poplar and
grows from Connecticut and New York southward to Florida
and westward to Missouri. The greatest commercial production
of yellow poplar lumber is in the South.
The sapwood is white and frequently several inches thick. The
heartwood is yellowish-brown, sometimes streaked with purple,
green, black, blue, or red. These colorations do not affect the
physical properties of the wood.
The wood is generally straight-grained and comparatively uniform
in texture. It has moderately large shrinkage when dried from a
green condition, but is not difficult to season and stays in place
well after seasoning.
Lumber goes mostly into furniture,
interior finish, siding, and struc-
tural components. Boxes, pallets,
and crates are made of lower
grade stock.
(Sassafras albidum)
The range of sassafras covers most of the eastern half of the
United States from southeastern Iowa and eastern Texas eastward.
The wood of sassafras is easily confused with black ash, with
resemblance in color, grain, and texture. The sapwood is light
yellow and the heartwood varies from dull grayish-brown to
dark brown, sometimes with a reddish tinge. The wood has a
distinct odor on freshly cut surfaces.
Sassafras is moderately heavy (311bs./cuit.), moderately hard,
moderately weak in bending and endwise compression, quite
high in shock resistance, and quite durable when exposed to
conditions conducive to decay.
It was highly prized by the Indians
for dugout canoes, and some
sassafras lumber is now used for
small boats. It is also used in
limited quantities as paneling and
general millwork.
(Platanus occidentalis)
American sycamore grows from
Maine to Nebraska, southward
to Texas, and eastward to
The heartwood of sycamore is reddish-brown and the sapwood
is lighter in color and normally 1 1/2 to 3 inches thick.
The wood has fine texture and interlocked grain. It shrinks
moderately in drying. Sycamore wood is moderately heavy
(351bs./cuit.), moderately hard, moderately stiff, moderately
strong, and has good resistance to shock.
Sycamore is used principally for lumber, veneer and railroad
crossties. Sycamore lumber is used for furniture, boxes (par-
ticularly small food containers), pallets, flooring, handles, and
butcher's blocks. Veneer is used for fruit and vegetable baskets,
decorative panels and door skins.
The heartwood of black walnut varies from light to dark brown,
and the sapwood is nearly white and up to 3 inches wide in
open-grown trees.
Black walnut is normally straight-grained, easily worked with
tools, and stable in use. It is heavy (391bs./cu.ft.), hard, strong,
stiff, and has good resistance to shock. Black walnut is well
suited for natural finishes.
Because of its properties and interest-
ing grain pattern, black walnut is
used for furniture, architectural
woodwork, decorative panels,
gunstocks, cabinets, and interior
(Salix nigra)
Black willow is the most important of the many willows that
grow in the United States. It is the only one to supply lumber
to the market under its own name. Most black willow is pro-
duced in the Mississippi Valley from Louisiana to southern
Missouri and Illinois.
The heartwood of black willow is grayish-brown or light
reddish-brown frequently containing darker streaks. The sapwood
is whitish to creamy yellow.
The wood of black willow is uniform in texture, with somewhat
interlocked grain. The wood is light in weight (321bs./cuit.), and
is moderately soft and moderately high in shock resistance. It
has moderately large shrinkage.
Willow is cut principally into
lumber. Black willow lumber is
remanufactured principally into
boxes, pallets, crates, caskets, and
(Taxodium distichurn)
Baldcypress is commonly known as southern cypress. About
one-half of cypress lumber comes from the Southern states. It is
not as readily available as it was several decades ago.
The sapwood is narrow and nearly white. The heartwood color
varies, ranging from light yellowish-brown to dark brownish-
red, brown, or chocolate.
The wood is moderately heavy (301bs./cuit.), moderately strong,
moderately hard, and moderately small in shrinkage. The heartwood
of old-growth timber is one of our most decay-resistant woods,
but second-growth timber is only moderately decay resistant.
Baldcypress has been used prin-
cipally for building, siding and
porch construction. It is also used
for caskets, sash, doors, blinds,
and general millwork, including
interior trim and paneling, and
shingles. Other uses include tanks,
vats, ship and boat building,
refrigerators, railroad cars,
greenhouses, and cooling towers.
The heartwood of eastern white pine is light brown, often with
a reddish tinge. It turns considerably darker on exposure. The
wood has comparatively uniform texture and is straight-grained.
It is easily kiln dried, has small shrinkage, and ranks high in
stability. It is also easy to work and can be readily glued.
Eastern white pine is light in weight, moderately soft, moderately
low in strength, and low in resistance to shock.
Practically all eastern white pine
is converted into lumber, which is
put to a great variety of uses. A
large proportion which is mostly
second-growth knotty lumber of
the lower grades. goes into con-
tainer and packaging applications
Higher grades are used in sash,
doors, furniture, trim, knotty
paneling, finish, toys, and dairy
and poultry supplies.
A number of species are included
in the group marketed as
southern pine lumber. The four
major southern pines, and their
growth range are:
The wood of the southern pines is quite similar in appearance.
The sapwood is yellowish-white and the heartwood reddish-brown.
The sapwood is usually wide in second-growth stands. Heartwood
begins to form when the tree is about 20 years old. In old,
slow-growth trees, sapwood may be only 1 to 2 inches in width.
Longleaf and slash pine are classed as heavy (38-451bs./cult.),
strong, stiff, hard, and moderately high in shock resistance.
Shortleaf and loblolly pine are usually somewhat lighter in
weight than longleaf. All the southern pines have moderately
large shrinkage, but are stable when properly seasoned.
The denser and higher strength southern pine is used extensively
in construction of houses, factories, warehouses, bridges,
trestles, and docks in the form of stringers, and for roof trusses,
beams, posts, joists, and piles. Other clear grades of southern
pine are used for furniture, millwork paneling, finish and a
number of other specialty items. Lumber of lower grades is used
in boxes, pallets, and crates. Southern pine is easily treated with
preservatives and is used as pilings, poles, decking and fencing.
Annual Growth Ring. The layer of wood growth Cambium. A thin layer of tissue between the
put on a tree during a single growing season. In bark and wood that repeatedly subdivides to form
the temperate zone the annual growth rings of new wood and bark cells.
many species (e.g., oaks, and pines) are readily
distinguished because of differences in the cells Cant. A log that has been slabbed on one or
formed during the early and late parts of the more sides. Ordinarily, cants are intended for
season. In some temperate zone species (black resawing at right angles to their widest sawn face.
gum and sweetgum) and many tropical species, The term is loosely used. (See Flitch.)
annual growth rings are not easily recognized.
Cell. A general term for the anatomical units of
Bark Pocket. An opening between annual plant tissue, including wood fibers, vessel
growth rings that contains bark. Bark pockets members, and other elements of diverse structure
appear as dark streaks on radial surfaces and as and function.
rounded areas on tangential surfaces.
Cellulose. The carbohydrate that is the principal
Bird Peck. A small hole or patch of distorted constituent of wood and forms the framework of
grain resulting from birds pecking through the the wood cells.
growing cells in the tree. In shape, bird peck
Check. A lengthwise separation of the wood that
usually resembles a carpet tack with the point
usually extends across the rings of annual growth
towards the bark; bird peck is usually
and commonly results from stresses set up in
accompanied by discoloration extending for
wood during seasoning.
considerable distance along the grain and to a
much lesser extent across the grain. Compression Wood. Abnormal wood formed on
the lower side of branches and inclined trunks of
Birdseye. Small localized areas in wood with the softwood trees. Compression wood is identified
fibers indented and otherwise contorted to form by its relatively wide annual rings (usually
few to many small circular or elliptical figures eccentric when viewed on cross section of branch
remotely resembling birds' eyes on the tangential or trunk), relatively large amount of summerwood,
surface. Sometimes found in sugar maple and sometimes more than 50 percent of the width of
used for decorative purposes; rare in other the annual rings in which it occurs, and its lack
hardwood species. of demarcation between earlywood and latewood
in the same annual rings. Compression wood
Board Foot. A unit of measurment of lumber shrinks excessively lengthwise, as compared with
represented by a board 1 foot long, 12 inches normal wood.
wide, and 1 inch thick or its cubic equivalent. In
practice, the board foot calculation for lumber 1 Conditioning (pre and post). The exposure of a
inch or more in thickness is based on its nominal material to the influence of a prescribed
thickness and width and the actual length. atmosphere for a stipulated period of time or
Lumber with a nominal thickness of less than 1 until a stipulated relation is reached between
inch is calculated as 1 inch. material and atmosphere.
Bow. The distortion of lumber in which there is a Cooperage. Containers consisting of two round
deviation, in a direction perpendicular to the flat face, heads and a body composed of staves held
from a straight line from end-to-end of the piece. together with hoops, such as barrels and kegs.
Slack Cooperage Cooperage used as
Burl. (1) A hard, woody outgrowth on a tree, containers for dry, semidry or solid products.
more or less rounded in form, usually resulting The staves are usually not closely fitted and
from the entwined growth of a cluster of are held together with beaded steel, wire, or
adventitious buds. Such burls are the source of wood hoops.
the highly figured burl veneers used for purely Tight Cooperage Cooperage used as
ornamental purposes. (2) In lumber or veneer, a containers for liquids, semisolids, and heavy
localized severe distortion of the grain generally solids. Staves are well fitted and held tightly
rounded in outline, usually resulting from with cooperage grade steel hoops.
Cup. A distortion of a board in which there is a Earlywood. The portion of the annual growth
deviation flatwise from a straight line across the ring that is formed during the early part of the
width of the board. growing season. It is usually less dense and
weaker mechanically than latewood.
Cut Stock. A term of softwood stock comparable
to dimension parts in hardwoods. (See Dimension Edge Grain. (See Grain.)
Cuttings. In hardwoods, portions of a board Equilibrium Moisture Content. The moisture
having the quality required by a specific grade or content at which wood neither gains nor loses
for a particular use. Obtained from a board by moisture when surrounded by air at a given
crosscutting or ripping. relative humidity and temperature.
Decay. The decomposition of wood substance by Finish (Finishing). Wood products such as doors,
fungi. stairs, and other fine work required to complete a
Advanced (or Typical Decay) The older stage building, especially the interior. Also, coatings of
of decay in which the destruction is readily paint, varnish, lacquer, wax, etc., applied to wood
recognized because the wood has become surfaces to protect and enhance their durability or
punky, soft and spongy, stringy, ringshaked, appearance.
pitted, or crumbly. Decided discoloration or
bleaching of the rotted wood is often apparent. Flitch. A portion of a log sawn on two or more
Incipient Decay The early stage of decay that faces commonly on opposite faces leaving two
has not proceeded far enough to soften or other- waney edges. When intended for resawing into
wise perceptibly impair the hardness of the lumber, it is resawn parallel to its original wide
wood. It is usually accompanied by a slight faces. Or, it may be sliced or sawn into veneer, in
discoloration or bleaching of the wood. which case the resulting sheets of veneer laid
together in the sequence of cutting are called a
Density. As usually applied to wood of normal flitch. The term is loosely used. (See Cant).
cellular form, density is the mass of wood substance
enclosed within the boundary surfaces of a wood- Grain. The direction, size, arrangement, appearance,
plus-voids complex having unit volume. It is variously or quality of the fibers in wood or lumber. To
expressed as pounds per cubic foot, kilograms per have a specific meaning the term must be qualified.
cubic meter, or grams per cubic centimeter at a Close-Grained Wood Wood with narrow,
specified moisture content. inconspicuous annual rings. The term is some-
Diffuse-Porous Wood. Certain hardwoods in times used to designate wood having small
which the pores tend to be uniform in size and and closely spaced pores, but in this sense the
distribution throughout each annual ring or to term "fine textured" is more often used.
decrease in size slightly and gradually toward the Coarse-Grained Wood Wood with wide con-
outer border of the ring. spicuous annual rings in which there is
considerable difference between springwood
Dimension Parts. A term largely superseded by and summerwood. The term is sometimes used
the term "hardwood dimension lumber." It is to designate wood with large pores, such as oak,
hardwood stock processed to a point where the ash, chestnut, and walnut, but in this sense
maximum waste is left at the mill, and the the term "coarse textured" is more often used.
maximum utility is delivered to the user. It is Cross-Grained Wood Wood in which the
stock of specified thickness, width, and length, or fibers deviate from a line parallel to the sides
multiples thereof. According to specification it of the piece. Cross grain may be either diagonal
may be solid or glued up, rough or surfaced, or spiral grain or a combination of the two.
semifabricated or completely fabricated. Curly-Grained Wood Wood in which the
fibers are distorted so that they have a curled
Dote. "Dote," "doze," and "rot" are synonymous with
appearance, as in "birdseye" wood. The areas
"decay" and are any form of decay that may be
showing curly grain may vary up to several
evident as either a discoloration or a softening of
inches in diameter.
the wood.
Diagonal-Grained Wood Wood in which
Dry Rot. A term loosely applied to any dry, crumbly the annual rings are at an angle with the axis
rot but especially to that which, when in an advanced of a piece as a result of sawing at an angle
stage, permits the wood to be crushed easily to a with the bark of the tree or log. A form of
dry powder. The term is actually a misnomer for cross-grain.
any decay, since all fungi require considerable Edge-Grained Lumber Lumber that has
moisture for growth. been sawed so that the wide surfaces extend
approximately at right angles to the annual Gum. A comprehensive term for nonvolatile
growth rings. Lumber is considered edge viscous plant exudates, which either dissolve or
grained when the rings form an angle of 45 swell up in contact with water. Many substances
to 90 with the wide surface of the piece. referred to as gums such as pine and spruce gum
End-Grained Wood The grain as seen on a are actually oleoresins.
cut made at a right angle to the direction of
the fibers (e.g., on a cross section of a tree). Hardwoods. Generally one of the botanical
Fiddleback-Grained Wood Figure produced groups of trees that have broad leaves in contrast
by a type of fine wavy grain found, for to the conifers or softwoods. The term has no
example, in species of maple; such wood being reference to the actual hardness of the wood.
traditionally used for the backs of violins.
Fine-Grained Wood (See Grain.) Heart Rot. Any rot characteristically confined to
Flat-Grained Wood Lumber that has been the heartwood. It generally originates in the living
sawed parallel to the pith and approximately tree.
tangent to the growth rings. Lumber is
considered flat grained when the annual Heartwood. The wood extending from the pith to
growth rings make an angle of less than 45 the sapwood, the cells of which no longer participate
with the surface of the piece. in the life processes of the tree. Heartwood may
Interlocked-Grained Wood Grain in contain phenolic compounds, gums, resins, and
which the fibers put on for several years may other materials that usually make it darker and
slope in a right-handed direction, and then for more decay resistant than sapwood.
a number of years the slope reverses to a left-
hand direction, and later changes back to a Kiln. A chamber having controlled air-flow,
right-handed pitch, and so on. Such wood is temperature, and relative humidity for drying
exceedingly difficult to split radially, though lumber, veneer, and other wood products.
tangentially it may split fairly easily. Compartment Kiln A kiln in which the
Open-Grained Wood Common classification total charge of lumber is dried as a single unit.
for woods with large pores, such as oak, ash, It is designed so that, at any given time, the
chestnut, and walnut. Also know as "coarse
temperature and relative humidity are
essentially uniform throughout the kiln. The
Plainsawn Lumber Another term for flat- temperature is increased as drying progresses,
grained lumber. and the relative humidity is adjusted to the
Quartersawn Lumber Another term for needs of the lumber.
edge-grained lumber. Progressive Kiln A kiln in which the total
Side-Grained Wood Another term for flat- charge of lumber is not dried as a single unit
grained lumber.
but as several units, such as kiln truckloads,
Slash-Grained Wood Another term for that move progressively through the kiln. The
flat-grained lumber. kiln is designed so that the temperature is
Spiral-Grained Wood Wood in which the lower and the relative humidity higher at the
fibers take a spiral course about the trunk of a end where the lumber enters than at the
tree instead of the normal vertical course. The
discharge end.
spiral may extend in a right-handed or left-
handed direction around the tree trunk. Spiral
Knot. That portion of a branch or limb that has
grain is a form of cross grain.
been surrounded by subsequent growth of the
Straight-Grained Wood Wood in which
stem. The shape of the knot as it appears on a cut
the fibers run parallel to the axis of a piece.
surface depends on the angle of the cut relative to
Vertical-Grained Lumber Another term
the long axis of the knot.
for edge-grained lumber.
Encased Knot A knot whose rings of
Wavy-Grained Wood Wood in which the
annual growth are not intergrown with those
fibers collectively take the form of waves or
of the surrounding wood.
Intergrown Knot A knot whose rings of
annual growth are completely intergrown with
Green. Freshly sawn or undried wood. Wood that those of the surrounding wood.
has become completely wet after immersion in Loose Knot A knot that is not held firmly
water would not be considered green, but may be in place by growth or position and that cannot
said to be in the "green condition." be relied upon to remain in place.
Pin Knot A knot that is not more than 1/2
Growth Ring. (See Annual Growth Ring.) inch in diameter.
Sound Knot A knot that is solid across its Side Lumber A board from the outer
face, at least as hard as the surrounding wood, portion of the log - ordinarily one produced
and shows no indication of decay. when squaring off a log for a tie or timber.
Spike Knot A knot cut approximately Structural Lumber Lumber that is
parallel to its long axis so that the exposed intended for use where allowable properties
section is definitely elongated. are required. The grading of structural lumber
is based on the strength or stiffness of the
Lignin. The second most abundunt constituent of piece as related to anticipated uses.
wood, located principally in the secondary wall Surfaced Lumber Lumber that is dressed
and the middle lamella, which is the thin by running it through a planer.
cementing layer between wood cells. Chemically it Timbers Lumber that is nominally 5 or
is an irregular polymer of substituted more inches in least dimensions. Timbers may
propylphenol groups, and thus no simple chemical be used as beams, stringers, posts, caps, sills,
formula can be written for it. girders, purlins, etc.
Yard Lumber A little-used term for lumber
of all sizes and patterns that is intended for
Lumber. The product of the saw and planing mill
general building purposes having no design
not further manufactured than by sawing, resawing,
property requirements.
passing lengthwise through a standard planing
machine, crosscutting to length, and matching. Manufacturing Defects. Includes all defects or
Boards Lumber that is nominally less than blemishes that are produced in manufacturing,
2 inches thick and 2 or more inches wide. such as chipped grain, loosened grain, raised
Boards less than 6 inches wide are sometimes grain, torn grain, skips in dressing, hit and miss
called strips. (series of surfaced areas with skips between
Dimension Lumber with a nominal thickness them), variation in sawing, miscut lumber,
of from 2 up to but not including 5 inches and machine burn, machine gouge, mismatching, and
a nominal width of 2 inches or more. insufficient tongue and groove.
Dressed Size The dimensions of lumber
after being surfaced with a planing machine. Millwork. Planed and patterned lumber for finish
The dressed size is usually 1/2 to 3/4 inch less work in buildings, including items such as sash,
than the nominal or rough size. A 2- by 4-inch doors, cornices, panelwork, and other items of
stud, for example actually measures about 1 1/2 interior and exterior trim. Does not include
by 3 1/2 inches. flooring, ceiling, or siding.
Factory and Shop Lumber Lumber
intended to be cut up for use in further Mineral Streak. An olive to greenish-black or
manufacture. It is graded on the basis of the brown discoloration of undetermined cause in
percentage of the area that will produce a hardwoods.
limited number of cuttings of a specified
minimum size and quality. Modified Wood. Wood processed by chemical
Matched Lumber Lumber that is edge dressed treatment, compression, or other means (with or
and shaped to make a close tongue-and-grooved without heat) to impart properties quite different
joint at the edges or ends when laid edge to from those of the original wood.
edge or end to end.
Moisture Content. The amount of water
Nominal Size As applied to timber or
lumber, the size by which it is known and contained in the wood, usually expressed as a
sold in the market; often differs from the percentage of the weight of the ovendry wood.
actual size. Moulding. A wood strip having a curved or
Patterned Lumber Lumber that is shaped projecting surface, used for decorative purposes.
to a pattern or to a molded form in addition to
being dressed, matched, or shiplapped, or any Old Growth. Timber in or from a mature,
combination of these workings. established forest. When the trees have grown
Rough Lumber Lumber that has not been during most if not all of their individual lives in
dressed (surfaced) but which has been sawn, active competition with their companions for
edged, and trimmed. sunlight and moisture, this timber is usually
Shiplapped Lumber Lumber that is edge straight and relatively free of knots.
dressed to make a lapped joint.
Shipping-Dry Lumber Lumber that is Pallet. A low wood or metal platform on which
partially dried to prevent stain and mold in material can be stacked to facilitate mechanical
transit. handling, moving, and storage.
Peck. Pockets or areas of disintegrated wood Seasoning. Removing moisture from green wood
caused by advanced stages of localized decay in to improve its serviceability.
the living tree. It is usually associated with Air-Dried Dried by exposure to air in a
cypress and incense-cedar. There is no further yard or shed, without artificial heat.
development of peck once the lumber is seasoned. Kiln-Dried Dried in a kiln with the use of
artificial heat.
Pitch Pocket. An opening extending parallel to
the annual growth rings and containing, or that Second Growth. Timber that has grown after the
has contained, pitch, either solid or liquid. removal, whether by cutting, fire, wind, or other
agency, of all or a large part of the previous stand.
Pitch Streaks. A well-defined accumulation of
pitch in a more or less regular streak in the wood Shake. A separation along the grain, the greater
of certain conifers. part of which occurs between the rings of annual
growth. Usually considered to have occurred in
Pith. The small, soft core occuring near the center the standing tree or during felling.
of a tree trunk, branch, twig, or log.
Shaving. A small wood particle of indefinite
Pith Fleck. A narrow streak, resembling pith on dimensions developed incidental to certain
the surface of a piece; usually brownish, up to woodworking operations involving rotary
several inches in length; results from burrowing of cutterheads usually turning in the direction of the
larvae in the growing tissues of the tree. grain. This cutting action produces a thin chip of
varying thickness, usually feathered along at least
Plank. A broad board, usually more than 1 inch one edge and thick at another and generally
thick, laid with its wide dimension horizontal and curled.
used as a bearing surface.
Shear. A condition of stress or strain where
Plywood. A glued wood panel made up of parallel planes slide relative to one another.
relatively thin layers of veneer with the grain of
adjacent layers at right angles, or of veneer in Soft Rot. A special type of decay developing under
combination with a core of lumber or of very wet conditions (as in cooling towers and boat
reconstituted wood. The usual constructions have timbers) in the outer wood layers, caused by
an odd number of layers. cellulose-destroying mocrofungi that attack the
secondary cell walls and not the intercellular layer.
Radial. Coincident with a radius from the axis of
the tree or log to the circumference. A radial Softwoods. Generally, one of the botanical groups
section is a lengthwise section in a plane that of trees that in most cases have needlelike or
passes through the centerline of the tree trunk. scalelike leaves, the conifers, also the wood
produced by such trees. The term has no
Rays, Wood. Strips of cells extending radially reference to the actual hardness of the wood.
within a tree and varying in height from a few
cells in some species to 4 or more inches in oak. Specific Gravity. As applied to wood, the ratio of
The rays serve primarily to store food and the ovendry weight of a sample to the weight of a
transport it horizontally in the tree. On volume of water equal to the volume of the
quartersawed oak, the rays form a conspicuous sample at a specified moisture content (green, air-
figure, sometimes referred to as flecks. dry, or ovendry).
Reaction Wood. Wood with more or less Stain. A discoloration in wood that may be caused
distinctive anatomical characters, formed typically by such diverse agencies as micro-organisms,
in parts of leaning and crooked stems and in metal, or chemicals. The term also applies to
branches. In hardwoods this consists of tension materials used to impart color to wood.
wood and in softwoods of compression wood. Blue Stain A bluish or grayish
discoloration of the sapwood caused by the
Sapwood. The wood of pale color near the outside growth of certain dark-colored fungi on the
of the log. Under most conditions the sapwood is surface and in the interior of the wood; made
more susceptible to decay than heartwood. possible by the same conditions that favor the
growth of other fungi.
Saw Kerf. (1) Grooves or notches made in cutting Brown Stain A rich brown to deep
with a saw; (2) that portion of a log, timber, or chocolate brown discoloration of the sapwood
other piece of wood removed by the saw in of some pines caused by a fungus that acts
parting the material into two pieces. much like the blue-stain fungi.
Chemical Brown Stain A chemical Weathering. The mechanical or chemical
discoloration of wood, which sometimes disintegration and discoloration of the surface of
occurs during the air drying or kiln drying of wood caused by exposure to light, the action of
several species, apparently caused by the dust and sand carried by winds, and the alternate
concentration and modification of extractives. shrinking and swelling of the surface fibers with
Sap Stain (See Stain.) the continual variation in moisture content
Sticker Stain A brown or blue stain that brought by changes in the weather. Weathering
develops in seasoned lumber where it has does not include decay.
been in contact with the stickers.