Romeo Juliet Unit Plan
Romeo Juliet Unit Plan
Romeo Juliet Unit Plan
Unit Overview: In this unit, students will read and explore Summative Assessment(s)
Shakespeares play Romeo and Juliet. Through close reading, Group modernization of a scene
they will understand what a tragedy is and how Shakespeare Scenes pre-selected by teacher
uses those components to further the play. Students will focus on Can use references but cannot be copied word for
the relationships and choices described in the play and how they word.
affect the rest of the text. At the end of the unit, students will Literary analysis of a passage from the play chosen
modernize a scene from the book and construct a literary by the teacher.
analysis of a passage chosen. Formative Assessments
Exit slips
Class discussions
Check for understanding
Informal reflection
Resources: List texts, teaching materials, videos, and other Rigor & Intervention Strategies
supplementary resources you will visit. - Translation
- Zeffirelli Version of Romeo and Juliet
- Baz Lurhmann Version of Romeo and Juliet
- Maroon 5 Daylight
- Chagalls Romoe and Juliet Painting
CC W.9-10.4 Produce clear and coherent - Produce writing with - Clear and coherent writing
writing in which the development, appropriate organization to - Appropriate writing to task, purpose,
organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. and audience
task, purpose, and audience. - Writing with development,
organization, and style
Here you can list any supporting standards you will draw on in the unit. These standards will not be the focus of the
assessments or lessons in your unit but may be important to the overall unit.
Aims Calendar
Here you should list daily objectives for the unit. You should block out non-instructional days. You may also want to list
focus texts or activities for these days. The overarching theme for the week should be the focus for the week or how the
daily objectives move you toward your overarching goals.
Overarching theme for week: Students will understand the themes that are presented in Romeo and Juliet. Students will
also recognize a variety of vocabulary that is necessary to understand Shakespearean plays.
Overarching theme for week: Students will begin reading Romeo and Juliet. Students will understand the literary devices
that Shakespeare uses in the prologue and the drama aspect in the play.
SWBAT close read SWBAT understand SWBAT perform and SWBAT identify SWBAT log into their
the prologue of Shakespeares life summarize act one Shakespearean insults Khan Academy accounts
Romeo and Juliet and why scene one. Students will and how different tones and start doing lessons
and respond to Shakespeare is still also be able to identify affect how the audience that will assist in PSAT
the sonnet in a talked about in and understand the use views these different prep.
critical way. schools. of oxymorons in tones throughout the
SWBAT Romeos speech in the plays.
understand how scene.
tone is presented
in a variety of
of this prologue
in films.
Overarching theme for week: Understanding Act One. Students will start gaining ideas regarding the play and identify
different themes present.
SWBAT. SWBAT read and SWBAT read and perform SWBAT read and SWBAT use their
perform Act one Act one Scene four. perform Act one Scene previous knowledge to
NO SCHOOL Scene 2 and 3. SWBAT identify how five. SWBAT make review Act One in their
SWBAT summarize different characters think claims about tone in Act One quiz.
the events and make of love. this scene after
predictions on what watching both movie SWBAT follow a teacher
they think will versions. led discussion on how to
happen next. close read and make a
passage analysis.
Overarching theme for week: Students will use the movie versions of the play to identify tone and also work as a
compare/contrast to themes present in the play.
SWBAT read and SWBAT make their SWBAT display skills in KHAN ACADEMY SWBAT read, perform,
perform Act 2 own Valentine's (or analyzing and close analyze, and summarize
scene 1 and 2. anti-valentines) and reading Romeos Act 2 scene 3 and 4.
SWBAT compare use a variety of monologue in Act 2.
how the different Shakespearean SWBAT identify how
movie versions of language to theme is presented
Romeo and Juliet construct cards. differently in the 3
portray the versions of the play we
balcony scene. have been viewing.
Use of Venn SWBAT identify literary
Diagrams will terms in the balcony
help organize the scenes.
SWBAT read and SWBAT use their SWBAT read and SWBAT. SWBAT read and
summarize Act 2 previous knowledge summarize Act 3 scene 1. KHAN ACADEMY summarize Act 3 scene
scene 5 and 6. to review Act Two in 2 and 3. SWBAT analyze
their Act Two quiz. SWBAT explore the Chagalls painting of
conflicting motivations of Romeo and Juliet and
SWBAT follow a Mercutio, Romeo, and determine what
teacher led Tybalt. - Who is to blame Chagalls painting
discussion on how to for Mercutios death? choices mean in relation
close read and make to the play.
a passage analysis. SWBAT understand how
the death affects Close read a painting.
character development
and become aware of
how these events
advance the tragic plot.
Overarching theme for week: Students will use drama based pedagogy and rhetorical devices to analyze the section we
are reading in class.
SWBAT read and SWBAT read and SWBAT use their previous KHAN ACADEMY SWBAT close read lines
summarize Act 3 summarize Act 3 knowledge to review Act 89-126 of Act 4 scene 1
scene 4. SWBAT scene 5. SWBAT close Three in their Act Three in groups.
have a better read and use quiz.
understanding of rhetorical devices to SWBAT read and
the previous analyze a speech. SWBAT read and summarize Act 4 scene
scenes and summarize Act 4 scene 1 2 and 3.
themes through and especially focus on
Tableau. lines 44-88 to close read.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Date: 3/6 Date: 3/7 Date: 3/8 Date: 3/9 Date: 3/10
Overarching theme for week: Ideas are presented for the outcome of the play. Analyzing how fate is prominent and how
that works with the ideas that make up a tragedy.
SWBAT read Act 4 SWBAT use their SWBAT read and KHAN ACADEMY SWBAT find quotes and
scene 4 and 5. previous knowledge summarize Act 5 scene 3. ideas in the play that
SWBAT identify to review Act Four in SWBAT understand fate demonstrate why
and make claims their Act Four quiz. through a variety of Romeo and Juliet is a
on who is actually SWBAT read and quotes (Daniel Defoe, tragedy.
responsible for summarize Act 5 Napoleon, and
Juliets death scene 1. Shakespeare).
through SWBAT view the tomb
analyzing the scene and identify how
text. fate is presented.
Overarching theme for week: Students will start to work on their final performances and also look at rhetorical devices
that will assist in their passage analysis from the reading.
SWBAT identify SWBAT analyze SWBAT use their previous KHAN ACADEMY SWBAT demonstrate
the three types of Maroon 5s song knowledge to review the their skills in writing an
irony and how Daylight. SWBAT play of Romeo and Juliet analysis of a passage
they are present identify rhetorical in a Final Quiz. from the play.
in Romeo and devices and look for
Juliet. similar themes that SWBAT follow work in
are presented in groups to write a passage
SWBAT Romeo and Juliet. analysis.
modernize the
entire play in a SWBAT close read SWBAT identify what an
short 8-10 line the lyrics and A passage analysis
rap. SWBAT compare it to close looks like.
perform their rap reading in class.
and analyze the
validity of other
Overarching theme for week: Students will work on their modernization of the scene and perform for the class.
SWBAT present SWBAT present their SWBAT present their own SWBAT present their SWBAT present their
their own group own group group modernization of own group own group
modernization of modernization of the the play. modernization of the modernization of the
the play. play. play. play.
Dates 2.22.17
Essential ?s Is any single person or idea (fate) at fault for the outcome of this play?
Who is at fault for Mercutios death? Tybalts death?
How does the prologue predict and explain what is happening in the play
Lesson SWBAT read and summarize Act 3 scene 1.
Objective(s) SWBAT explore the conflicting motivations of Mercutio, Romeo, and Tybalt. - Who is to blame for
Mercutios death?
SWBAT understand how the death affects character development and become aware of how these
events advance the tragic plot.
Standards CC RL.9-10.1
CC RL.9-10.2
CC RL.9-10.6
Resources/Material Each student needs a copy of his/her own text
s Needed
Time Learning Task Methods or Procedures
10 Journal Is revenge ever permitted?
20 Reading Act 3 scene 1 as a While the volunteers/actors are reading, the audience members will move the
min class actors where they should be as we are reading.
Students will be arranging their classmates in Tableaux poses in order to
represent the themes and emotions through the posing.
5 min Students will update summaries in their composition books
15 Group discussions Ask students to respond to this scene.
Provide students with questions on the board to assist in starting the discussions
and in case some are stuck
How do the greetings that Tybalt and Romeo exchange in lines 59-64 advance the
What effect is created with the greetings between Tybalt and Romeo?
How is Romeos character developed in this scene? What about his interactions
between him and Mercutio?
What central idea is developed through the repetition of [a] plague a both your
5 min Exit Slip How does Shakespeare develop Romeos character through his interactions in
this scene?
Summative Your Unit Assessment(s) Your Unit Assessment(s) Your Unit Your Unit Assessment(s)
and clearly aligns with the unit mostly helps you determine Assessment(s) does not help you
Formative objectives. The purpose of if students have somewhat helps you determine if students have
Assessment the assessment connects to demonstrated how the unit determine if students demonstrated how the unit
s students lives. objective(s) has been met. have demonstrated objective(s) has been met.
how the unit
objective(s) has been
Standards Standards are clearly tied to Standards are clearly tied to Standards are tied to Standards are not clearly
unit overarching goals. unit overarching goals. unit overarching goals. tied to unit overarching
Unpacking of standards Unpacking of standards Unpacking of standards goals. Unpacking of
shows clear understanding shows some understanding shows some standards does not show
on the part of the teacher of on the part of the teacher of understanding on the understanding on the part
what specific standards ask what specific standards ask part of the teacher of of the teacher of what
of students. of students. what specific standards specific standards ask of
ask of students. students.
Calendar Calendar and daily lesson Calendar and daily lesson Calendar and daily Calendar and daily lesson
and Daily plans show how activities plans show how activities lesson plans show plans do not show how
Lesson and formative assessments and formative assessments some evidence how activities and formative
Plans string together cohesively to string together cohesively activities and formative assessments string
scaffold students toward to scaffold students toward assessments string together cohesively to
overarching goals of the unit. overarching goals of the together cohesively to scaffold students toward
Daily lesson plans are unit. scaffold students overarching goals of the
thoughtfully constructed to toward overarching unit.
scaffold students toward goals of the unit.
formative and summative