Mtt16 Dummy RR
Mtt16 Dummy RR
Mtt16 Dummy RR
In a landslide
VOL. 125, NO. 16 THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 2017 SINGLE COPY PRICE: $1.25
End of an era
allow the meeting to continue in and enforce zoning.
a room in the town hall that had Another reasons not to opt
an official capacity of 150. out is that it puts too much con-
No one spoke in favor of opt-
ing out, while several people
TOWN, page 6
came to a microphone to say
there was no good reason to
withdraw from county zoning.
The town would be working
with a new, untested zoning or-
dinance and contracting with a
no rezone
firm outside of Dane County to
Photo by Jeff Martin
for proposed
would be better to wait three
years, watch the experience an
apartment on
Century Ave.
There was a public celebration of Kurt Sonnentags decade-long tenure as mayor on Wednesday, April 12, from 5:30-7:30
p.m. at the Pleasant View Golf Clubhouse. Sonnentag, who took over as mayor for Doug Zwank 10 years ago, opted not to
seek another term in the Spring Election earlier this month. Throughout his time in the citys highest office, Sonnentag was
by CAMERON BREN known for an absence of bombast almost unheard of in the realm of politics. He was replaced by new Mayor Gurdip Brar,
Times-Tribune who took the oath of office on Tuesday of this week after defeating Hans Hilbert in the April 4 election.
According to city administrator Mike Davis, Sonnentag served honorably and ably as a public servant during his time
as mayor, and during his time on the city council before that. His sunny disposition, hearty laugh and smile have all enabled
From left: Julian Engle (Middleton High School), Michael Chiaverini (Glacier Creek Middle School), Rachel Reichard (Krom-
VACT presents
rey Middle School), Elizabeth Engle (Middleton High School), Carly Schiff (Kromrey Middle School) and Jackson Walkington
Photos contributed
Julian Engle, of Middleton, is in the blue checkered shirt
(Middleton High School).
WIAA award at other Big Eight Conference current Madison resident, is a dust in a beam of light, gives us house gas emissions under the half. In a finding that shatters
sends message
schools, WIAA Director of writer, educator, activist and needed scale and relevance. To Climate Action Plan. the myth that carbon pricing
Communications Todd Clark the founder of Outdoors 123, me, it is a sobering reminder of The most important of these would destroy the economy, the
and black
creating community through
have an impact on the lives of the outdoors is precious and is all that we carbon dioxide emissions from million jobs.
young people. have. With the astronomical U.S. power plants 32 percent by A similar plan was proposed
really dont
player that posted the unfortu- ready unfolding around us and sential element in the U.S. com- Leadership Council (CLC), a
something, and yes, students facilitate it, we should care and accord, whereby America publican luminaries that in-
blue dot...
can learn from these teachable do something about it. Find a pledged to reduce greenhouse cludes former Secretaries of
moments. They need to talk voice and get involved in Madi- gas emissions 26 percent to 28 State and Treasury George
What happens when a bas-
about these issues and see the Letter to the Editor: son Climate March this Earth percent by 2025. Shultz and James Baker. While
ketball player posts an inappro-
impact of their actions. Middle- Day, April 22nd. Join others Without the CPP, the U.S. is the CLC plan is slightly differ-
priate message on Instagram
ton did take action and appar- With their hundredth day in with the same desire to speak unlikely to meet its Paris com- ent the price starts higher and
about the opposing team?
ently the team responded. office closing in, the current ad- out at 2pm at Capital Square, mitment, a tremendous setback increases more slowly the
You give her team a sports-
However, this action by the ministration has been unortho- where we will start the march. in global efforts to keep temper- basic pillars are the same: Put a
manship award.
WIAA glosses over everything. dox to say the least. Of all the Whether you come for your- atures from warming more than fee on carbon and give the rev-
Last week the Middleton
The school can put a feather in issues and tensions that have self, your family, or the future 2 degrees Celsius above pre-in- enue back to households.
High Schools girls basketball
its cap and add to the many gnawed and divided We the of humanity, I urge you all to re- dustrial levels. Crossing the 2C What are the chances that a
team, coached by Jeff Kind,
things that they are doing to cre- People since then, an underly- member our pale blue dot. threshold, scientists warn, will Republican-controlled Con-
was awarded the WIAA sports-
ate an inclusive school. All of ing theme has persisted; a bla- lead to catastrophic conse- gress will consider climate leg-
manship award for girls basket-
this looks great on paper. tant distrust of Science and of Jesse Ellgren quences that the world is ill-pre- islation? Much better than most
ball for exemplary
Meanwhile, people like Ray- group consensus. This has been City/Town of Residence: pared to handle food people realize.
sportsmanship during the 2017
ford are not convinced and nei- most evident in the denial of cli- Middleton shortages, coastal flooding, epi- With each week, more and
state tournament.
ther am I. More work needs to mate change and the repeal of demics, mass migrations, desta- more Republicans are joining
This is the same team where
As White House
be done at the school and at the environmental regulations and bilized nations. the bipartisan House Climate
a player posted a note on Insta-
WIAA. A sportsmanship award milestones; such as retracting With the executive branch Solutions Caucus, a place free
gram several months ago that
rolls back
is not going to change that. EPA regulations and green now shirking any responsibility of the toxic rhetoric surround-
accused Madison East of in-
Middleton has a history of to deal with climate change, ing the climate issue, where
climate rules,
tentionally trying to hurt two of lighting the Keystone XL and
racially motivated incidents. In the Dakota Access Pipelines. As Congress must step into the equal numbers of Republicans
our players and then laughing
addition to the two listed above, breach. America can meet its and Democrats come together
Congress must
about it with the hashtag overwhelming as the vigor of
a Middleton JV football player this denialism has been, I am obligation and then some to listen to one another, share
step in now...
allegedly used a racial slur on reminded of with a market-based solution ideas and find common ground
the field toward a La Follette a quote from the great Carl that appeals to policymakers for effective solutions to climate
While the post was quickly
player last fall. And no one has Sagan. The famous astronomer across the political spectrum: a change. The caucus currently
removed and apologies were
forgotten the 2006 incident in and science advocate, who per- steadily rising fee on carbon has 38 members, 19 of them
given all around, one really
which Middleton fans chanted Earth Day arrives this year with revenue returned to house- from the GOP side of the aisle.
does have to ask: What message fectly framed the setting of our
food stamps, food stamps and with serious questions about holds. This Earth Day, as we take
does this send to other schools existence on our pale blue dot.
Os-car May-er. While this Americas commitment to pre- Known as Carbon Fee and stock of the state of our world
who participated in the tourna- Look again at that dot.
specific behavior has stopped, serve a clean environment and Dividend, the policy would as- and the steps needed to preserve
ment and had exemplary sea- Thats here. Thats home. Thats
the roots of the behavior go limit the risks posed by climate sess a fee on the carbon dioxide a hospitable climate, Americans
sons? What message does it us. On it everyone you love,
back years. I should know be- change. Thats because on content of fossil fuels coal, oil should be alarmed by the cal-
send to East High School and everyone you know, everyone
cause I graduated from Middle- March 28, President Trump and gas at or near the first lous disregard the current ad-
players of color? you ever heard of, every human
ton High School in 1979 and we signed an executive order to point sale. The fee would start ministration has toward the
Sheree Alyce Rayford will being who ever was, lived out
were chanting Os-car May-er start the process of dismantling at $15 per ton of CO2 and in- threat of global warming. For-
tell you. She alleges she was the their lives. The aggregate of our
back then. several initiatives under the crease $10 per ton each year, tunately, we have another
victim of mocking by fans at a joy and suffering, thousands of
The bottom line is this: Obama administration to reduce sending a powerful signal to the branch of government that can
Middleton-LaFollette boys bas- confident religions, ideologies,
Teams who do the right thing pollution that drives climate marketplace that moves invest- correct Trumps misguided poli-
ketball game at Middleton in and economic doctrines, every
one time should not be awarded change, pollution that also af- ments and behavior toward cies. By enacting a fee on car-
February. She posted to her hunter and forager, every hero
sportsmanship awards. Teams fects the air we breathe and the clean energy and efficiency. At bon with revenue returned to
Facebook account when she and coward, every creator and
that do the right thing consis- water we drink. the same time, revenue from the households, Congress can avert
heard the news about the award. destroyer of civilization, every
tently should be awarded These initiatives became nec- fee would be returned equally to disaster, create jobs and reassert
I think this is a wonderful king and peasant, every young
sportsmanship awards. essary when Congress failed in all households, shielding fami- U.S. leadership on the greatest
example of how black voices couple in love, every mother
I agree with Rayford. This 2010 to enact legislation to lies from the economic impact challenge humanity has ever
are muted. This season alone and father, hopeful child, inven-
award sends a clear message price carbon. When control of of the carbon fee, with many faced.
there have been SEVERAL tor and explorer, every teacher
that black lives and black expe- the House of Representatives households actually coming out
(people) who spoke out against of morals, every corrupt politi-
riences really do not matter. We shifted to Republicans in 2011, ahead. Sincerely,
Middleton and this is the re- cian, every superstar, every
need to do a better job of hold- efforts to legislate climate solu- A study released in 2014 by Mark Reynolds
sponse from WIAA No wor- supreme leader, every saint
ing our schools accountable. tions came to a screeching halt. Regional Economic Models,
ries, I hear it loud and clear. and sinner in the history of our
Faced with numerous impacts Inc., examined this proposal to Editors note: Mark Reynolds
An article posted April 14 by species lived there-on a mote of
Sincerely, from climate change rising determine its environmental and is executive director of Citizens
the Wisconsin State Journal said dust suspended in a sunbeam.
seas, warmer temperatures, economic impact over a 20-year Climate Lobby.
that When notified via email I truly love this quote. To
Diane Schwartz more severe weather, wildfires, period. The REMI study found
that the selection of Middleton paint the entire existence of hu-
health risks Obama took sev- that after 20 years, the policy
was drawing negative Twitter manity and everything that
Editors note: Schwartz, a eral steps to reduce U.S. green- would cut CO2 emissions by
comments from student-athletes shares it as living on a speck of
Can Film Festival to features
trol in the hands of the five-member town board, said a resident, has exercised. After Town Administrator David Shaw announced the totals, he
which allows controversial zoning decisions to be made by a ma- Also, they are the experts, we are not, he said. gave Board Supervisors Richard Oberle, Richson and Renteria the
jority of three people. If the town wants to take control over its zoning it should con- oath of office.
Tom Wise called placing zoning solely in the hands of the town sider incorporating into a village, and idea Renteria said he will re- Richson thanked those still in attendance for coming and urged
board that may also have development interests a recipe for cor- search this year. them to participate in town government by coming to meetings and
ruption. Residents voted by paper ballot and many did not stay to hear volunteering to serve on communities and commissions.
Recently re-elected Board Supervisor Brent Renteria said the the results, assuming the status quo would win by a landslide. David Feel free to speak up on matters of interest to the town, she
town is generally happy with the zoning authority Dane County Salmon said he would be surprised if people voted to opt out. said.
Fond farewell for Mayor Kurt
City leaders gathered to say thank you to Kurt Sonnentag as he prepared to leave office
There was a public celebration of Kurt Sonnentags 10-year tenure as mayor on Wednesday, April 12, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Pleasant View Golf Clubhouse. Clockwise from top left: Mayor
Photos by Jeff Martin
Kurt with Police Chief Chuck Foulke; Susan West, President of Middletons Common Council, pays tribute to departing Mayor Kurt; Part of the crowd that attended Mayor Kurts farewell
party at the Pleasant View Golf Course clubhouse; State Representative Dianne Hesselbein presents a Citation by the Wisconsin Senate commending Sonnentag on his long service to the City of
Middleton; City Administrator Mike Davis reads the Citys Proclamation declaring April12th to be Kurt Sonnentag Day in Middleton; Sonnentag with Al Ripp, Executive Director of Middleton
Outreach Ministry.
Follow Rob
Reischel on
Twitter at
Softball Cardinals
for the first time in 23 innings Schulz was terrific, allowing
and tied the game up. just four hits and two earned Times-Tribune photo by Mary Langenfeld
Ryan Land had a leadoff Zach Shipley and Middletons baseball team won their first Big Eight Conference game of the year last Saturday.
BASEBALL, page 12
starting to roll
Middleton wins two out of three
Verona loaded the bases come up with Hannah
with nobody out after two Edingtons shallow fly ball.
Times-Tribune walks and a hit in the first The Cardinals extended
inning. But Kopp got Emma their lead to 4-0 in the fourth.
Middletons girls softball Kleinsek to ground to third Anderson and Buss singled to
team won two of its first three baseman Ashley Bindl, who start the inning and advanced
Big Eight Conference games. threw home to get the first out. on Edingtons groundout. After
The Cardinals defeated A strikeout and a ground out to Rachael Roberts struck out,
Verona, 6-4, last Tuesday and Banke at shortstop ended the Banke looped a fly into shal-
fell to Janesville Craig, 7-2, threat. low right that scored both run-
last Friday. We told the team that was a ners.
Middleton then upended huge win for us and it had to be Veronas Savannah Rainey
Madison West, 11-2, on deflating for them, Middleton belted a three-run home run in
Monday. coach Perry Hibner said. You the fifth to pull the Wildcats
Heres a recap of the could feel the momentum shift within 4-3. But Middleton
Cardinals week. to us. pushed its lead back to 5-3 in
Middleton 6, Verona 4 Middleton took a 2-0 lead in the bottom of the fifth when
The Wildcats have been a force the second. Hanna Fisher sin- Jessica Parente singled to left
in the league for years now. But gled to left off Meghan and later scored on an
Middleton got the best of Anderson with one out. Anderson grounder.
Verona last Tuesday. After Katrina Anderson The Wildcats closed within
Junior Lauren Banke had struck out, Brianna Buss dou- 5-4 in the sixth, but Middleton
three hits and drove in two bled to left center and Fisher responded with a run in the bot-
Times-Tribune photo by Mary Langenfeld runs, while senior Makenzie advanced to third. Both players tom of the inning. Banke led
Kopp scattered eight hits as the scored when center fielder off with a triple to right and
Lauren Banke (right) and Makenzie Kopp celebrate during the Cardinals win over Madison host Cardinals beat the Kasie Keyes wasnt able to
West on Monday. Wildcats. SOFTBALL, page 12
Middleton plays well at
Beloit, Edgewood Invite
by ROB REISCHEL middle 70s.
Middleton also counted 82s
from both senior Ross
Johnson and sophomore
There was progress, Chandon Thomas. Senior
growth and improvement. Colin Butler shot an 85 that
And right now, was discarded.
Middletons boys golf coach Middletons lineup remains
Tom Cabalka can live with far from settled. And Cabalka
that. hinted that freshman Tommy
The Cardinals finished in Krewaldt who shot 79 at a
second place at last Tuesdays JV meet put himself in the
Beloit Memorial Triangular hunt for a varsity spot.
held at Krueger Haskell Golf We need those three play-
Course. Madison Memorial ers whoever they may be
edged Middleton for first to drop a few more
place, 318-319, while the host strokes, Cabalka said of the
Purple Knights were a distant bottom of his lineup. (Then)
third (350). we can get our total down to
Middleton also placed where we can be competitive
fourth at the 20-team Madison with the better teams.
Edgewood Invite held At the star-studded
Monday at Blackhawk Edgewood Invite on Monday,
Country Club. Eau Claire Memorial won the
Consistency has been our team title with a 317. Madison
biggest problem so far, Edgewood (320), Verona
Cabalka said. We need to (327), Middleton (329) and
play smarter and eliminate the Edgerton (331) rounded out
doubles and sometime triple the top five.
bogeys, to get the scores that Butler led the Cardinals
each are capable of shooting. with a 4-over-par, 76. Both
Good holes and then bad Wipfli and Mitch Giroux shot
holes dont often translate into 84s and Zucker carded an 85.
good scores. Weve got to get
our players to believe that April 11
bogeys are not all that bad, Beloit Memorial Triangular
Team scores: Madison Memorial
and turning a double or triple 318, Middleton 319, Beloit Memorial
into a bogey will lower their 350.
score substantially. Madison Memorial: Knecht 80,
Middleton senior Brett Danielson 81, Cagnazzo 76, Simmerson
81. Middleton: Wipfli 77, Johnson 82,
Wipfli, who recently moved to Zucker 78, Thomas 82. Beloit
No. 1 in the lineup, carded a Memorial: Klobucar 76, Polgaze 86,
team-low 77 at Beloit. Wipfli Davis 93, Jensen 95.
Times-Tribune photo by Mary Langenfeld
At Krueger Haskell GC, par 70.
struggled on the front nine
with a 43, but played the back April 17 Brett Wipfli and Middletons boys golf team finished fourth at the 20-team Madison Edgewood Invite on Monday.
nine at even-par, 34. Madison Edgewood Invitational
Wipfli also had just 24 Team scores: Eau Claire Memorial
317; Madison Edgewood 320; Verona
putts in his round. 327; Middleton 329; Edgerton 331;
Brett is a very good put- Madison Memorial 332; Janesville
ter, Cabalka said. Parker 335; Monona Grove 336;
Junior Andy Zucker shot a
Onalaska 343; Sun Prairie 344; Beloit
Memorial 348; Mount Horeb 348;
78 and had a day somewhat Milton 350; Janesville Craig 352;
similar to Wipflis. Zucker Monroe 359; Stoughton 359; Fort
shot 44 on the front nine, but Atkinson 361; Oregon 361; Madison
LaFollette 370; Madison West 371.
carded an even-par 34 on the Top 10 individuals: 1, Hudecek,
back. ECM, 75; 2, Butler, Mid, 76; 3, Fladten,
It was great to see those ECM, 77; 4 (tie), Gierhart, MEd,
two fight adversity and finish
Schroeckenthaler, MG, Erickson, Edg,
and Kaegi, Ver, 78; 8 (tie), Klobucar,
the round with some great BM, and Gilmore, MEd, 79; 10 (tie),
play, Cabalka said of Zucker Gilles, MEd, Klus, Ore, Zimmerman, JP,
and Wipfli. If we can get Rufenacht, Ver, and Buyze, ECM, 80.
Middleton scores: Butler 76;
them to be more consistent, Giroux 84; Wipfli 84; Zucker 85.
they are both very capable of At Blackhawk Country Club, par
shooting some rounds in the 72.
DSHA tops Cards
Girls soccer
try. our team. She elevates every-
team falls to
DSHA is very good team, one around her. She read and
Middleton coach Mary Duffy stepped up into DSHAs passes
said. They moved the ball to move into the offense.
well quickly and efficiently. Duffy was also quite
Their field was very wide, pleased with the play of sweep-
state champs
which played well into their er Lauren Hendricks and out-
ability to switch the point of side back/forward Lexi
attack.We were out-played for Schultz.
the majority of the game, how- And despite the loss, Duffy
by ROB REISCHEL ever, we were able to get some believes her team isnt far away
Times-Tribune opportunities to score as well. from great things.
The Dashers got a goal from When we pressed together
Middletons girls soccer all-state player Megan as a defensive team, we were
team saw the best last Tuesday. Crevoiserat in the 35th minute. able to keep them locked into
Now, the Cardinals fully The Cardinals then controlled our offensive half, Duffy
understand the level they need play in the early part of the sec- said. We struggled when we
to reach to eventually become ond half as both Tyler Wilson booted the ball out of our
the best. and Tessa Grywalsky had ter- defensive half and did not work
Middleton traveled to rific scoring opportunities, but the ball up the field through
defending WIAA Division 1 couldnt finish. possession. It goes back to our
state champion DSHA and Finally, DSHA notched an previous weekends relation
dropped a 2-0 decision to the insurance goal in the 58th that we need to work on pos-
mighty Dashers. minute. Afterwards, Duffy sessing the ball up the field
The Cardinals fell to 2-1 on praised the work of midfielder instead of playing direct.
the young season, while DSHA Kalli Acker, who was sensa- On deck: Middleton was
improved to 4-2-1. DSHAs tional in defeat. at Madison Memorial Tuesday,
only losses, though, have come She dominated the middle then hosts Sun Prairie
during an out-of-state tourna- of the field, Duffy said of Thursday at 7:30 p.m.
ment featuring some of the best Acker. Her calm composure
high school teams in the coun- and field presence is vital for
File photo
Kalli Acker (14) and Middletons girls soccer team fell to DSHA last Tuesday.
Girls lacrosse
team now 6-0
runs in 5 2/3 innings against the ly batting below .200. But the
No. 1 team in the state. But the situational hitting just isnt
Cardinals committed six errors happening right now.
including four by Ticknor at Traditionally, weve
shortstop. always hit around .300, or bet-
Schulz threw strikes on 62 ter. Im still confident well get
of 101 pitches (61.4%), had it going.
four strikeouts and just one Madison West 8,
walk against a Craig team that Middleton 0 The Cardinals
already has four Division 1 managed only one hit and were
recruits. blanked by the Regents last
Carsen was hitting his Tuesday.
spots, Tom Schmitt said. He Jimmy Frusciante lasted just
was changing location and two innings and took the loss
pitches and that was something for Middleton.
that hes showed us he can han- On deck: Middleton host-
dle. ed Janesville Parker Tuesday,
Ticknor had three errors in then is at Madison La Follette
the first inning and Middleton at Warner Park Thursday at 5
had four overall as Craig p.m.
scored an unearned run and
took a 1-0 lead. April 11
The Cougars had another Madison West 8, Middleton 0
Middleton .............. 000 000 0 0 1
unearned run in the second, 1
then pushed their lead to 3-0 Madison West ... 001 304 x 8 9 2
with another unearned run in Pitchers (ip-h-er-bb-so) M:
the fifth. Craig then added two
Frusciante (L; 2-4-4-4-2), Reisdorf (3-3-
3-2-2), Schmitt (1-2-0-0-1). MW: A.
runs off of Schulz and reliever Burgess (W; 6.1-1-0-5-5), Cotham (0.2-
Luke Ballweg in the sixth. 0-0-0-0).
Middleton, meanwhile, Leading hitters MW: Treichel
2x2, Frehner 2x3, Hill 2x4. HR Hill
missed out on several golden 2.
opportunities to make the top-
ranked Cougars really sweat. April 13
Janesville Craig 5, Middleton 0
The Cardinals put runners Middleton . 000 000 0 0 6 6
on second and third in the first, Janesville Craig 110 012 x 5 5 1
but couldnt score. Middleton Pitchers (ip-h-er-bb-so) M:
put the leadoff man on in the Schulz (L; 5.2-4-2-1-4), Ballwag (0.1-1-
0-1-0); JC: Woelfle (W; 5-3-0-2-3),
Times-Tribune photo by Mary Langenfeld
fourth and fifth inning, but Berghammer (2-3-0-2-2).
Middleton softball coach Perry Hibner (left) talks to standout Rachel Everson during the Cardinals win over Madison West on couldnt take advantage. Leading hitters M: Shipley 2x3,
Monday. Then in the sixth, with the Ticknor 2x3. 2B Brennan (JC).
Cardinals still trailing just 3-0, April 15
they loaded the bases with Middleton 2, Verona 1
nobody out. But Ballweg Verona ... 010 000 0 1 6 0
continued from page 12 popped up on the infield, Noah Middleton ..... 001 001 x 2 7 0
Pitching (ip-h-r-er-bb-so) V:
Casali struck out and Ticknor Bishop (L, 6-7-2-2-3-1) M: Schmitt (W,
scored on Bindls grounder to gles along with a wild pitch. grounder by Buss that was grounded out to short. 7-6-1-1-4-2).
second. Middleton cut the deficit to thrown away and allowed both April 11 I thought going into the Leading hitters V: McClure 2x2,
Verona was able to load the 2-1 in the fifth when Lauren runners to score and an RBI Middleton 6, Verona 4
Verona ..... 000 031 0 4 8 3
season, wed hit the ball and
Teskey 1x4, Largent 1x2, Slonim 1x2
(R) Bishop 1x3 (RBI) M: Roden 3x3 (R,
bases on two singles and a Banke doubled to left-center single by Schafer. Middleton Middleton .... 020 211 x 6 8 2 score some runs, said Tom RBI), Belleveau 2x2, Land 1x2 (R ),
catchers interference call in with one out and scored on added four runs in the fifth on Pitchers (ip-h-er-so-bb): Anderson Schmitt, whose team is current- Ballweg 1x2 (RBI).
the seventh. But Kopp got Eversons double to left center. four hits and two errors. (L; 6-8-3-9-2), Kopp (W; 7-8-3-7-5).
Leading hitters: Keyes (V) 2x4,
Brenna Gladding to ground Brandt then got Parente to We werent as clean as I Banke (M) 3x4, Buss (M) 2x3. HR:
back to the mound to end the ground out to short to end the would have liked in the field Rainey. 3B: Banke. 2B: Banke, Buss,
game. inning. and we let too many quality Keyes.
It always feels a little better The Cougars broke the pitches go by in the first couple
to beat a team like Verona game open in the fifth, scoring of innings but I was proud of April 14
Janesville Craig 7, Middleton 2
because they have such a solid five runs on four singles, a dou- how we battled, Hibner said. Middleton ... 000 010 1 2 6 3
program, Hibner said. We ble and a Middleton error. We reminded the girls its Janesville Craig .... 000 250 x 7 8 2
felt like we were better defen- We gave them extra outs easy to get fired up for Pitchers (ip-h-er-so-bb): Kopp (L;
sively, and after the first inning and they took advantage, Janesville Craig, Sun Prairie
6-8-3-3-0), Brandt (W; 7-6-1-3-3).
Leading hitters: Cox (JC) 2x4,
did a much better job of bat- Hibner said. And twice we left and Verona but this game is Humphrey (JC) 2x3. 2B: Everson (M),
tling at the plate. runners on third with less than every bit as important. We can Banke (M), Oren (JC), Brandt (JC).
Janesville Craig 7, two outs. You cant do that if certainly play better. April 17
Middleton 2 Craig senior you want to be at a good team, On deck: Middleton was Middleton 11, Madison West 2
Jenna Brandt, the Big Eights and Janesville Craig is a really slated to play five conference Middleton .. 023 042 0 11 13 3
player of the year in 2016, scat- good team again this year. games this week and is in the Madison West ... 101 000 0 2 2 7
Middleton 11, Madison
Pitchers (ip-h-er-so-bb): Kopp (W;
tered six hits to lead the host midst of a stretch of 15 games 7-2-1-11-3), Balas (L; 7-13-2-3-2).
Cougars over the Cardinals. West 2 Senior Makenzie over the next 15 days. Leading hitters: Wettstein (M) 2x5,
Brandt is really, really Kopp pitched a two-hitter and The Cardinals were at Everson (M) 2x5, Parente (M) 2x3, Buss
good, Hibner said. She does- struck out 11 and eight players Madison La Follette Tuesday (M) 2x3. 2B: Fisher (M).
nt throw the hardest, but she had hits as the Cardinals beat and hosted Sun Prairie
has great location, changes the host Regents Monday after- Wednesday. Middleton is at
speeds and has very good noon. Beloit Memorial Thursday at
movement on her pitches. Junior Brianna Buss singled 4:30 p.m., then hosts Janesville
Middleton had runners on to center with one out in the Parker Friday at 5 p.m.
first and second with two outs second, stole second, advanced Our players tell me all the
in the second, but Brianna Buss to third on a wild pitch and time they enjoy practice but
struck out to end the inning. scored on Sophie Schafers they love the games, Hibner
The Cardinals had runners on bunt to tie the game at 1. said. Well, they are going to
second and third with one out Schafer advanced to second on love the next three weeks.
in the third, but Brandt got a throwing error and scored on
Rachel Everson to strike out Lauren Bankes single.
swinging and Jessica Parente to The Cardinals added three
ground out to end the threat. runs in the third on a single by
Craig took a 2-0 lead in the Jessica Parente, a double by
fourth on a double and two sin- Hanna Fisher a two-out
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