DeLanda - Non-Organic Life
DeLanda - Non-Organic Life
DeLanda - Non-Organic Life
York: Zone Publishers, 1992.
Nonorganic Life
Manuel DeLanda
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Nonorganic Life
denly turn completely red, then blue, and back to red, according to a
perfectly regular rhythm. In order to perform such a feat, the billionsof
interacting molecules must somehow act in concert, since only by coor-
dinating their movements could they produce rhythmic motions with
such precision. According to the old paradigm, this spontaneous coop-
eration among molecules was so unlikely that, until very recently, it was
thought to defy the laws of classical thermodynamics. Indeed, while the
reign of the previous paradigm lasted, such chemical clocks were for all
practical purposes invisible:
[The chemical clock effect was] first reported in 1921 by William Bray, in
the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen, with an
iodine catalyst. But chemists then believed wrongly thatthe laws of
special thermodynamicconditions necessary for the emergence of order
out of chaos. At equilibrium, he says, matter is blind, but in these far-
fromequilibriumconditions, as he calls them, it becomes capable of
perceiving weak gravitational and magnetic fields.4
In other words, at the onset of a process of self-organization (when
a chemical clock begins to assemble, for example), the mechanisms
involved become extremely sensitive to minor fluctuations in the envi-
ronment. A small change in external conditions, one that in thermody-
namic equilibriumwould have had negligible consequences caused
fied and directs the kind of chemical clock that is assembled (the period
of its oscillations, for example),thereby naturallyselecting one self-
assembly pattern over another. Thus, because of their extreme sensitivity
to initial conditions, spontaneously emerging chemical patterns in the
primeval soup could have become beneficiariesof the pruning process
of a prebiotic natural selection.
This idea has been developed by Peter Decker, a German researcher
of selforganizing phenomena. Decker calls any chemical system sensi-
tive to small fluctuations during its self-assembly a bioid," which he
defines as an open system capable of generalized Darwinian evolution.
Unlike the chemical reactions used by Prigogine as examples of self-
organization, which have been criticized for the ratherartificial condi-
tions under which they occur,5 Deckers could have actually occurred
in certain reactions that were present in the primeval atmospheric con-
ditions on Earth. The onset of one such reaction (the formal reaction)
and the self-organizing processes to which it might have given rise rep-
resent, according to Decker, the acquisition of the very first bit of evo-
lutionary information on the planet.6
Of course, the kind of information that may be generated by chem-
ical oscillations is rather meager and repetitive when compared with
even the most primitive organisms. Yet, according to other recent find-
ings, the same systems that pulsate regularly under some conditions are,
under other conditions, capable of oscillating in extremely intricate pat-
terns. Because these patterns make the behavior of the chemical system
essentially unpredictable, they have often been described as chaotic.
For our purposes, what matters is that these chaotic oscillations, under
the right conditions, could have generated the complexity we observe in
the living world. Prigogine, for example, invites us to imagine a chaotic
chemical reaction in which, at certain points, some of the chemicals
precipitate or diffuse outside the reaction space. If we also imagine that
these chemicals accumulate on a tape some kind of natural storage
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relegated to the realm of anomalies. The first person to study these phe-
nomena was John Scott Russell, a Scottish engineer and ship designer.
In 1834, he witnessed the spontaneous emergence of a soliton in the
surface of a canal near Edinburgh, and after chasing the coherent mass
of water for several miles, he became convinced he had seen something
extremely important. But science was not ready for this discovery, even
though a mathematicalexplanation for it was available as early as 1892
(the Kortwegde Vries equation).9 As the components of a new scien-
tific paradigm began to consolidate in the 1960s, solitons were recog-
nized everywhere. In the ocean, for instance, they are called tsunamis:
Tsunamis are formed when a strong seismic shock occurs in the ocean
floor. The wave, only a few inches or feet high, can travel intact across the
ocean for many thousands of miles. The human problem begins when
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coherent identity over time and in some cases, even after collisions
withother solitons.
Chemical clocks (periodic and chaotic) and solitons exist within our
bodies. An important chemical reaction in our own metabolism, which
serves to transform glucose into useful energy (glycolysis),has been
shown to generate spontaneouslyrhythmic oscillations.11 Chaotic oscil-
lations, on the other hand, occur in neural activity associated with the
control of the heartbeat and the secretion of some hormones. (Apparently,
nonperiodic oscillations are more adaptable and flexiblethan rigidly
periodic ones, lending them, perhaps, a functional advantage. 12) Solitons,
for their part, are helpful in understanding how energy is conveyed
throughout the human body: since regular waves dissipate their energy
too rapidly to be of any metabolic use, coherent pulses that maintain
their identity could explain how energy produced in one part of the
body fuels processes in another, distant part. Solitons traveling along
the backboneof certain proteins could be the answer to this puzzle.
Similarly,electrical signals travel through the nervous system too fast to
be accounted for by the traditional understanding of incoherent waves;
thus, solitons have been proposed as the most likely mechanism for
neural signal transmission, and in this regard they have been described
as constituting the elementaryparticles of thought.14 In short, it seems
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from typical [in nature]. But if you decide that only linear equations are
worth thinkingabout, selfcensorship sets in... Your textbooks fill with
triumphs oflinear analysis, its failures buried so deep that the graves go
unmarked and the existence of the graves goes unremarked.'7
Thus, one of the main causes of the paradigm shift thathas allowed
us to see matter as capable of self-organization is an advance in the
technology that materially supports mathematics,and with it mathe-
matical technology. Needless to say, this will not be an overnight re-
placement, and much of science (classical and quantum) will remain
linear. But nonlinear science has begun to reveal new and startling facts
about matter, in particular, that the behavior of entirely different mate-
rial systems can exhibituniversal features. Physicists, for example,
have known for some time that phase transitions in matter (from liquid
to solid, from magnetic to nonmagnetic, from conductor to
ductor) display a common mathematicalstructure despite the diversity
of their actual physical mechanisms. More recently, it was found that
the onset of turbulence in a flowingliquid (a self-organizing process) is
also closely related to such phase transitions, as well as to the onset of
coherence in laser light. In a very important sense, then, all these tran-
sitions may be said to be mechanism independent: one and the same
mathematicalmechanism can account for all these events that would
seem otherwise to be wholly unrelated. 3
functions as a clock that regulates the assembly of other separate cells
into one large multicellular organism. Nonlinear oscillations have been
observed in fields as diverse as electronics, economics and ecological
relations (such as predatorprey systems). Soliton phenomena, as we
saw, occur at every scale, from ]upiters Red Eye to tsunamis, to atomic
charge-density waves, and in every kind of energy flow (heat, light,
sound). This startling universality of the mathematicsof self-organiza:
tion is one of the most revolutionary elements of these new theories:
There is no better, there is no more open door by which you can enter
into the study of natural philosophy,Michael Faraday has written, than by
considering the physical phenomena of a candle. Although the wisdom of
this remark lay unrecognized for well over a century, it is now rather widely
understood that the study of nonlinear diffusion in a candle. is closely
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thatsolid state physicists and electrical engineers use to describe the prop-
agation of magnetic flux quanta (called fluxons) is also employed by
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taking into account the coordinated motion of its different parts (han-
dlebars, front and back wheels, right and left pedals) is a system with
about the systems behavior by looking at its phase portrait. They cannot
make precise quantitative predictions about the system, but they can
use the phase portrait to elicit qualitative insights about the general
traits governing the systems long-term tendencies. In particular, there
are certain special spots in phase space thattend to attract or repel all
tendency to snap into one of its points of equilibrium. In fact, the spe-
cific form of the nonlinear equation modeling the system will reveal this
before its specific trajectory has been calculated.
Attractors, though, do not necessarilyappear as points. For example,
an attractor with the shape of a closed loop (called a periodic attrac-
tor or limit cycle) will force all trajectories passing nearby to wrap
around it, to enter into an oscillating state, like a pendulum. If the phase
portrait of a physical system has a periodic attractor embedded in it, we
know that no matter how we manipulate the behavior of the system, it
will tend toward an oscillationbetween two extremes.
These two attractors, points and closed loops, were the only types
known before computer screens opened windows onto phase space.
What followed was the discovery of a much wilder array of creatures
Nonorganic Life
crete physical mechanisms. This is not to say that attractors and bifur-
cations exist in some platonic realm waiting to be realized rather,
they are intrinsicfeatures cfthe dlvnamics qfpb}/sical systems, and they have
no independent existence outside cjltbose physical systems. Yet, attractors
and variability.Or to put it more philosophically,attractors are veritable
figures of destiny, for they define the future of many systems.
For instance, when the dynamics of a physical system are governed
by a periodic attractor, it is as if the very flows of matter and energy
rushing through the system were bindingit, or destining it, to an oscil-
latory future. And yet, for several reasons, this iron-clad determinism
should not be given too mechanistic an interpretation. For one thing,
the phase portraits of most systems usually contain more than one at-
tractor, which means that the system in question has a choice between
several destinies. Then, there is the freedom built in to chaotic attrac-
tors. When a systems dynamics are caught in a strange attractor (deter-
ministic chaos), that system is bound to be creative, that is, to explore
all the possibilitiesof a small region of phase space. Furthermore, even
if we are destined to follow the attractors guiding our dynamical behav-
ior, there are also bifurcations, critical points at which we may be able
to change our destiny (that is, modify our long-term tendencies). And
becauseminuscule fluctuations in the environment in which a bifurca-
tion occurs may decide the exact nature of the resulting attractors, one
can hardly conclude thatall actions we undertake
as individuals or
From the physicists point of view this involves a distinction between states
of the system in which all individual initiative is doomed to insignificance
on one hand, and on the other, bifurcation regions in which an individual,
an idea, or a new behaviour can upset the global state. Even in those regions,
amplification obviously does not occur with just any individual, idea, or
behaviour, but only with those that are dangerous that is, those that
can exploit to their advantage the nonlinear relations guaranteeing the sta-
bilityof the preceding regime. Thus we are led to conclude thatthe same
nonlinearities may produce an order out of the chaos of elementary pro-
cesses and still, under different circumstances, be responsible for the de-
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tors. Again, though, in both cases a critical point in the balance of power
between physical forces brings about the alteration of the systems long-
term tendencies and so I shall refer to both as bifurcations. A more
complete theory of the machinic phylumwould have to address these.
issues in detail, but this rough picture of the mathematicsof self-organi-
zation will suffice for our purposes here: defining the concept of nonor-
ganic life and the theoriesthat connect it to our own organic bodies.
cipitate a whole set of new attractors, which specify the virtual orbits
that electrons may occupy. The passing electrons that become trapped
in them are, in a sense, actualizationsof these virtual orbits. When all
of these orbits are filled that is, when all the attractors have been
out of formless matter, order emerges out of chaos, through the incar-
nation of bifurcations (critical temperatures) and the actualizationof
the resulting attractors.
Although this hypotheticalcrystal planet would hardly look like a
real planet, even at this stage, the simple cooling process in the plasma
could give rise to complex patterns. Control parameters, other than the
one I have described (temperature) as driving the bifurcations, would
complicate the emerging forms; pressure and volume are two obvious
factors. Because these would vary over the surface of the planet, they
would disrupt the formation of a homogeneous crystal, producing
instead regions of gas, liquid and solid in different parts of the planet
(and perhaps even areas where all three phases coexist). Moreover, the
possible paths to solidificationwould depend on which element we
chose: some elements (for example, silicon) have a choice of solidify-
ing either as crystal (quartz) or as a glass (opal, an amorphous solid).
The result that is actualized, the path taken, will depend on how fast
the bifurcation is crossed in any given area: if the solidification is rapid
wave. (a process called quenching),the result will be a glass, but if it is slow
(annealing),it will be more or less perfect crystal.
plate under laboratory conditions.) With this addition, new phase transi-
tions are created, like those at the onset of chemical reactivity. In other
on words, the different elements will begin to interact and form new sub-
setling stances. Furthermore, the gas, liquid and solid phases of the materials
may enter into Complex mixtures called colloids examples of
sand which are a solid and a gas (an aerosol), a solid and a liquid (gel), or
any other, more complex combination.The colloidal state of matter
fine is indeed very common.
Clearly, if we admit enough such additions to our original scenario,
Grains the result will be a more realistic planet. Any extra details we add will
simply increase the numberof possible bifurcations available to matter
as, for instance, the novel phase transitions of the colloid state (like
the bizarre mutations from solid to liquid we observe in quicksand a
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interactingwith one another. A real planet, on the other hand, has moun-
tains, valleys and other geological formations. Were we to peer inside
the mountains, for example, we would find folded layers of different
types of stone. In short, we would observe a historical structure not
of the ocean. The sediment already has a structure, since the sorting
process causes matter to deposit in distinct layers. When these layers
are buried under further deposits, they undergo a transformation: the
pebbles and grains that form these layers are cemented together into
sedimentary rock (for example, sandstone or limestone). When these
rock layers are folded under the pressure of movements of the Earths
crust, mountains emerge which are then sculpted by erosion, and so
on ad infinitum.3
into permanent structures (cementation or hardening). Because the
end result of these two operations is geological strata, this process of
double articulation has been given the name of stratif1cation.33
According to Deleuze and Guattari, processes of stratification occur
not only in theworld of geology but in every sphere of reality. In other
words, any sphere of reality the hydrosphere, the biosphere and so
can be defined in terms of flows of matter and energy and the
reservoirs driving those flows. At any given point in time, portions of
these flows will be involved in any numberof activelyself-organizing
processes; other portions of the flows, however, will have sedimented
or hardened into more or less stable structures. Thus, we can describe
Organic stratification, which gives rise to our own bodies (among other
things),unfolds through chemical reactivity that is, the onset of a
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being affected raise the thresholds or lower them, and in this way
In a very literal sense, catalysts are the first form of matter that can
affect directly the control parameters driving bifurcations, either pre-
venting or acceleratingtheir actualization. (More precisely, catalysts
push systems away from their attractors and toward the border of their
basin of attraction, where small fluctuations can push them into the
domain of a different attraction.35) In some cases, a substance can cat-
alyze its own production (autocatalysis);in others, two or more sub-
stances can cooperate with one another by catalyzing each others
reactions (crosscatalysis). Chemical clocks arise only in these kinds of
reactions. Among all the elements, the most powerful catalysts are met-
als, and for this reason metals have been said to beara privileged status
in the machinic phylum:
[W]hat metal and metallurgy bring to light is a life proper to matter, a vital
state of matter as such, a material vitalism that doubtless exists everywhere
but is ordinarilyhidden or covered, rendered unrecognizable. [M]etal
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[They do not] depend, within wide limits, on the rate of reading or writing,
or on the rate of energy or matter flow in the symbol-manipulatinghard-
tions is exerted through the selective control of rates. For example, the rate
of reading or translating a gene does not affect the determination of which
protein is produced. However, the synthesis of the protein as instructed by
the gene is accomplished through the selective control, by enzymes, of the
rates of individual reactions.
These separate roles played by DNA and nonlinear, self-organizing
processes can perhaps be best illustrated by looking at the way in which
the genetic information contained in a fertilized egg is slowly converted
into a fully developed individual of a given species. This is the process
known as embryogenesis. Roughly speaking, during embryogenesis
two kinds of processes occur: those mediated by DNA, thus subject to
genetic control, and those governed by attractors and bifurcations, thus
constrained but not created by genetic information.
An egg consists of a nucleus (containing genetic information) and
cytoplasm.Traditionally,the latter was regarded simply as a source of
energy and nutrients for the developing embryo, but it is now known
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Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the regulation of
cell differentiation, the process through which a group of essentially
similarcells for example, an eg after the first few divisions gives
ated, their DNA changed as well, guiding the development of various sets
of proteins and enzymes for various cell types. It was found, however,
that DNA remains essentially the same in cells of totally different types.
What, then, accounts for cell differentiation? One general hypothe
sis holds that during embryogenesis certain chemical patterns emerge
and guide cells to produce specific proteins at specific times. There are,
in fact, several theories about exactly how chemical patterns accomplish
this task, which differ mainly in the importance they attribute to genetic
information in the guidance of these processes. On the one hand, the
positional information hypothesis asserts that simple gradients of
chemical concentrations are interpreted by differentiating cells according
to a very complex genetic code. On the other, the nu ,.aa:terii hypothe-
sis asserts that chemical patterns are very complex, and tlirf genetic code
with which the cells interpret them is very simple. Clearly, there is a
trade-off here: the greater the complexity one attributes to a self-orga-
nizing chemical pattern, the less the genetic information one need pos-
tulate for its interpretation, and vice versa.
For a long time, the latter hypothesis was favored because a mecha-
nism for spontaneously forming simple chemical patterns seemed much
more likely than one for complex patterns. But, as I suggested at the be-
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is, energy budgets are met by all living creatures by eating and avoiding
being eaten. In all ecosystems, planets are at the bottom of these food
chains, constituting a reservoir of solar energy stored chemically
(throughphotosynthesis). On top of this layer of primary productivity
come several layers of consumers (herbivores, carnivores). The specific
job that an animal or plant performs in an ecosystem (what is called its
niche) is defined by its position in one of these circuits for the circu-
lation of biomass. So in this sense, organic strata are, like any other
strata, composed of temporary coagulations of matter (the bodies of
plants and animals), themselves the product of the ceaseless flow of
energy through ecosystems. And yet, animals and plants are unique
in that they must also meet a second budget, a genetic budget that com-
pels them to try to spread their genes as far and wide as possible. For
these creatures, meeting their energymatter budget is, in a sense, of
secondary importance. They must eat and avoid being eaten only to
endure until the mating season, when the main objective of their lives is
revealed: the continuation of a genetic line, the preservation of the por-
tion of the gene pool theyencapsulate. The gene pool of a species may
be seen as a veritable reservoir driving flows of genetic material through
the bodies of its individual members. More specifically, a gene pool sup-
plies the raw materials for the pruning process of natural selection. It
contains the stored experience of the species over many generations,
the knowledge of how to survive successfully in a given environment.
Individual animals and plants are like temporary experiments with
which gene pools probe current environmental conditions to make sure
Nonorganic Life
that past successes are still viable (in other words, that energymatter
budgets can still be met as bcfore).50
Although gene pools are designed to replicate themselves very accu-
rately (and thereby preserve past experience intact) random copy-error
(mutations) and sexual shuffling of gene groups (recombination)gener-
ate enough variation so thatthese genetic reservoirs can respond to new
environmental challenges. In short, thanks to variation, gene pools can
evolve and be submitted to historical processes of stratification. Roughly
speaking, mutation and recombinationplay the role of erosion and
weathering that is, they provide the raw materials for the sorting pro-
cess of natural selection. In the simplest case, for example in the case
of selection by climatic conditions, this process merely sorts out the fit
from the unfit, or more generally, the stable from the unstable. And yet,
like the hydraulic computers mentioned above, selection pressures are
also patterned by nonlinearities. For instance, some pressures may add
some directionality to evolution, as in the case of natural arms races:
ing of the claws and teeth in its predatory counterpart, which in turn
puts pressure on armor designs to get even thicker. Similar catalytic
loops occur between parasites and hosts, or between male decorations
and female sexual choice. In other cases, when the fitness of a parti-
cular trait or behavior is nonlinear (that is, when selection pressures
depend on how frequent that behavior is exhibited in a population),
behavioral patterns come to be stabilizedby attractors (the socalled
evolutionary stable strategies)
Thus, selection pressures of many kinds play the same role that pro-
cesses of sedimentation perform in the case of rocks. They select the
stable from the unstable, and then sort out whats left into the layers of
a food chain. The analogy does not end there. Like patterns in the sedi-
mentary deposits that form at the bottom of the ocean, the accumu-
lated patterns of adaptive traits and behaviors brought about by natural
selection are very ephemeral. They slowly sediment over many genera-
tions but they can be wiped out by a single large-scale bifurcation, like
the onset of the ice age. 50 what then corresponds here to the process
of cementing togetherloosely accumulated pebbles into hardened sedi-
mentary rock? The answer, according to the discipline of macroevolu
tionary dynamics, is the process of speciation, that is, the birth of a
new species. When a portion of a population becomes reproductively
isolated from its parent group, the information contained in its gene
pool becomes permanently injected into the larger phylogeneticlineage
to which both groups belong. Speciation acts like a ratchet, preventing
accumulated adaptations from being eroded away. In this form, what
was a loosely bonded set of anatomical and behavioral traits is now hard-
ened into the more or less permanent structure of a particular species.
Thus, the simple images of developing eggs and cooling plasmas,
thoughgood illustrationsof the action of self-organizing processes, must
always be complemented by a description of the actual historical pro-
cesses of stratification thathave determined how attractors and bifurca-
tions have been actualized. These images are also misleadingin another
sense. On the one hand, eggs and plasmas are good metaphors for the
As the extreme of limb regeneration indicates, though,
phylum does not vanish or become irrelevant in the aftermathof the
systems early development. On the contrary, as with the nonorganic
systems described above, the phylum remains immanent throughout
the organisms development: it can be found whenever a process of self-
organization occurs whenever a phase transition takes place or an
Nonorganic Life
oscillations can be understood as a bifurcation in which a set of separate
limit cycles transform themselves into a single attractor. Entrainment is
common in living systems because periodic attractors are their main
form of organization. Indeed, one crucial difference between geological
and organic strata is the formers tendency to develop around points of
of static equilibrium (minima of energy, point attractors), as opposed
to the latters tendency to make use of forms of dynamic equilibrium
(periodic and even chaotic attractors). Were one to track the flow of
matter around the planet, one would see how it becomes stratified
along these lines. For example, although the key element of life, carbon,
is for the most part locked in rocks, some of it notably in the form of
turn, is trapped cyclicallyby plants (throughphotosynthesis),captured
in theirbiomassand released when their leaves fall in autumn.
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to his size, man had the typical mammalian metabolism and roaming range
of about 25 miles/day,cultures separated on the order of 50 miles would
have little interaction. The 70- to 100-mile separation of populations, as
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types have far more leeway in how they develop stable configurations.
developed mechanisms to prevent actualizingsuch a bifurcation. This,
of course, is not to say that we should return to some lost paradise of a
savage state, a bygone era of greater innocence and harmony. Rather,
we must work on the society in which we find ourselves, tracking the
flows of matter and energy, destratifying hardened institutions, setting
into flux human practices that have sedimented in short, we must
find the right viscosity for our fluxes, the exact consistency that would
allow humanity to self-organize withoutthe need for coercion and war.
Iberall pictures the flow of goods along trade routes as an example
of convective flow, as thoughprecapitalist markets were indeed self-
organizing structures creating order out of chaos. We may have to dis-
cover in the history and present of human practices those institutions
that realize best the workings of the machinic phylum, or, more pre-
cisely, the degrees of stratificationof each of its components: those
flowing more or less freely, those sedimented into more or less supple
structures and those rigidified into permanent institutions (entrenched
political hierarchies, inflexiblebeliefsystems). The geological strata
teach us that even the seemingly most rigid structures can flow (how-
ever slowly), mutate (metamorphic rocks) or even be reincorporated
earities that guarantee the stabilityofa given social system. The work of
Deleuze and Guattari is exemplary for the creation of such maps: they
show how our lives may be viewed as a composite of rigid structures
(family,school, military service, office, marriage), supple structures
(temporary alliances, transitory love affairs, loosely knit groups) and,
finally, lines of flight, the bifurcations that could allow us to change
our destinies as defined by those two types of structures. In every area
of human reality (art, politics, love), they attempt to measure the
degrees of stratification of the flows of matter and energy at work in
these domains. For example, after showing how music originates from
the expressive powers of matter itself (in particular, the self-organizing
processes of animal territories that give rise to bird songs), they argue
Marching formation that music has a greater capacity to destratify than does painting. It is
at Nazi rally. as though the modulated flows of air that we experience as music have a
greater capacity to set our emotions and thoughts into fluxthan do the
more viscous, spatial flows of form and color found in painting.
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from the conflictingconstraints imposed by many attractors (local
energy minima) and from the possibilityof being trapped by an
attractor that prevents the optimal use of energy. Markets function like
glass in that, in the presence of imperfect conditions (imperfect deci-
sion making), they can be trapped in suboptimalequilibria like a
will bring prosperity, and the downswing a period of recession and high
Cloverleaf intersection. unemployment. This behaviorhas been accounted for by models that
generate these nonlinear dynamics through a periodic attractor:
Kondratieffcycles, for example, in which prices and interest rates fol-
low a fifty-twoyearlong-wave motion which has been operating for
real markets must be able to cope with life far from equilibrium, and
indeed, to create special buffering structures (inventories, retail stores,
banks) for this purpose. In short, to the extent that markets emerge
and operate spontaneously,they are incapable of achievingoptimal
equilibria on their own. Other kinds of human organizations, on the
other hand the State, sedentary armies, large corporations are
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generally, strategies of life. Ecologist C. S. I-Iolling, for example, distin-
guishes betweenthe notions of stability(defined as being locked into
an attractor) and resiliency (defined as existing at the border of a basin
of attraction). In his view, ecosystems (whether natural or humanmade)
are not so much stable as resilient. In other words, the abilityto main-
tain a steady or cyclic state is not considered by him to be as important
as the abilityto switch rapidly between stable states (attractors),thus
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nents by pushing them away from their attractors, toward the border of
theirbasin of attraction, where small fluctuations can then tip the sys-
tem into acompletely new regime. In the lithosphere, for example, this
role is played by metallic catalysts: by interactingwith various other ele-
ments and therebyallowing them to transform each other chemically,
they enable inert matter to explore the space of possible chemical com-
binations, in a nonconscious search for new machinelikesolutions to
problems of matter and energy flow. It is as though catalysts were, to use
Deleuze and Guattaris term, the Earth's own probe heads, its own
builtin device for exploration; and indeed, to the extent that autocat-
alytic loops and hypercycles were part of the machinery involved in the
discovery of life, these probe heads allowed physicochemical strata to
transform themselves and their milieus into completely new worlds.
We ourselves must become this kind of probe head in our own strata,
and allow society to explore and experiment with the possible machinic
solutions to its own problems. We must create stratometers of every
kind mathematicaland nonmathematical and get to work mapping
1. Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of$cienzific Revolutions (Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1970), p. 116.
2. Ian Stewart, Does God Play Dice? The Mathematics(J Chaos (Oxford: Basil
Blackwell, 1989), p. 186.
3. Hans Degn, Lars Olsen and John Perram, Bistability,Oscillationand Chaos
in an Enzyme Reaction, in Okan Gurel and Otto Rossler, eds., Bifurcation Theory
and Applications in Scientific Disciplines (New York: New York Academy of Sciences,
1979), p. 623.
4. Ilya Prigogine and Isabelle Stengers, Order out of Chaos (New York: Bantam,
1934), p. 14.
5. See, for example, Philip W Anderson and Daniel L. Stein, Broken
Symmetry, Emergent Properties, Dissipative Structures, Life: Are They Related?
in Eugene Yates, ed., SefOrganizin(g Systems (New York: Plenum, 1987), p. 454.
6. Peter Decker, Spatial, Chiral and Temporal Self-Organizationthrough
Bifurcation in Bioids: Open Systems Capable of Generalized Darwinian Evolution,
in Gurel and Rossler, eds., Bifurcation Theory, p. 236.
7. Gregoire Nicolis and Ilya Prigogine, Exploring Complexity (New York:
Freeman, 1989), p. 187.
8. David Campbell, Nonlinear Science: From Paradigms to Practicalities,in
Necia Grant Cooper, ed., From Cardinals to Chaos (Cambridge, Eng: Cambridge
University Press, 1989), p. 225.
9. john Briggs and F. David Peat, Turbulent Mirror (New York: Harper and Row,
I989), p. 121.
10. Ibid., p. 123.
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Nonorganic Life
Here, the term singularities" refers to phase transitions and other bifurcations;
traits of expression are the emergent properties that arise in material systems
when their global behavior is guided by attractors; and emergentproperties are
those synergistic properties that distinguish a whole as being more than the sum of
its parts (properties that cannot be deduced from the components properties, but
only from their interactions).
21. Many may well have seen nonorganic life long before the advent of com-
puters: Deleuze, for example, credits several philosophers (from the ancient Stoics
to Spinoza, Nietzsche and Bergson) with having tracked the machinic phylum in
various ways.
Ralph Abraham divides the historical study of bifurcations into three periods,
according to the instrument of study used: The period of direct observation may
be much older than we think, but let us say that it begins with the musician Chladni,
contemporary of Beethoven, who observed bifurcationsof thin plate vibrations. . ..
ments, which I shall call the analog period, begins with the triode oscillator. The
pioneering work of van der Pol (in the l920s) produced a flexible analog com-
. . .
methods were implemented from the start, and graphical output began to appear in
the literature. The pioneering papers of Lorenz, and Stein and Ulam, are still stud-
ied (Dynasim: Exploratory Research in Bifurcations Using Interactive Computer
Graphics, in Gurel and Rossler, eds., Bifurcation Theory, p. 676).
22. Useful introductions to phase space can be found in: Stewart, Does God Play
Dice?, ch. 5; James Gleick, Chaos: Making a New Science (New York: Viking, 1987),
pp. 49-52; and Ralph Abrahamand Christopher Shaw, Dynamics: The Geometgz of
Behavior, The Visual MathematicsLibrary (Santa Cruz, Cal.: Aerial Press, 1985),
vol. 1.
23. Prigogine and Stengers, Order out of Chaos, p. 206.
24. Sec Campbell, Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamics, in Stein, ed., Lectures
in the Sciences gfComplexity, p. 26.
25. A more detailed account of phase transitions from plasma to crystal can be
found in Hans Gutbrod and Horst Stocker, The Nuclear Equation of the State,
Scientific American 265.5 (Nov. 1991), p. 61.
26. Although the transition from plasma to gas is not in fact sharp in the same
way that those from gas to liquid or from liquid to solid are, this does not substan-
tially affect this example.
27. According to quantum physics, the virtual orbits around naked nuclei are
not attractors but minima of free energy that is, the equations of quantum physics
are linear, and hence do not give rise to self-organization as nonlinear equations
do. Many of the pioneers of quantum physics, though Enrico Fermi, Werner
their discipline would become nonlinear. Various methodshave since been proposed
thatwould permit elementary particles to be described in terms of attractors. In
Toward a General Science of Viable Systems (New York: McGraw Hill, 1972), p. 33,
Arthur Iberall offers a nonlinear theory of matter and energy (ranging from atoms
to human societies) relyingexclusively on limit cycle attractors (which tends to
make it mechanistic at points). Iberall challenges received quantum theory, arguing
that it provides only a statistical algorithm that undoubtedlygives the right results
but no conceptual structure with which to understand them (an ad hoc numer-
ology); he proposes that it be replaced with a theory thatcharacterizesthe eigen-
values (fundamental parameters) of a field in terms of nonlinear limit cycles.
28. Richard Palmer, Broken Ergodicity, in Stein, cd., Lectures in the Sciences
ofComplexity,p. 275.
29. The clothes you wear, be they wool, cotton, or silk, are animal or plant
gcls. They are dyed with colors, which in many instances. are colloid in type.
. . . ..
The leather in your shoes is an animal gel, closely related to the prototype of the
colloids, gelatin. The wood of the chairs in which you rest is made of cellulose,
. ..
which in all its various forms is colloid in nature. [They] are held together by
. ..
glue or by steel nails and steel is a colloid solid solution. The paper upon which
. ..
you write. .[and] the ink in your fountain pens [are] probably also colloid.
. . ..
[C]olloid, too, is the hard rubber of your pen holders, prepared from that notori-
ously colloid mother substance, soft rubber (Wolfgang Ostwald quoted in Milton
Z0118 163
Nonorganic Life
Gottlieb, Max Garbuni and Werner Emmerich, Seven States tfMatter [New York:
Walker, 1966], p. 92).
30. Harvey Blatt, Gerard Middleton and Raymond Murray, The Origin of
Sedimentary Roclz (Englewood Cliffs, N.].: Prentice Hall, 1972), p. 20.
31. ibid., p. 300.
32. Michael Bisacre, Richard Carlisle, Deborah Robertson and John Ruck, eds.,
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Natural Resources (New York: Simon and Schuster,
1984), p. 77.
33. Deleuze and Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus, p. 40. Hardening, whether soft
or rigid, is in no way limited to the form of the example here: for example, soft
structures may result from forms of statistical accumulation quite different from
sedimentary sorting. These two modes of stratification may also occur simultane-
ously ratherthan sequentially.
34. Bisacre et al., eds., The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Natural Resources, p. 79.
35. My essay may be seen as expanding on the philosophicalinsights of Deleuze
and Guattari found in the following quote: The Earth. is a body without organs.
. .
43. HansMeinhardt, The Random Characterof Bifurcations and the
Reproducible Processes in Iimbryonic Development, in Gurel and Rossler, eds.,
Bifurcation Theory, p. 188.
44. C. H. Waddington, New Patterns in Genetic Development (New York:
Columbia University Press, 1964), pp. 44-45.
45. Sheldrake, A New Science qflye, p. 71.
46. Stuart A. Kauffman, Principles of Adaptation in Complex Systems, in
Stein, ed., Lectures in the Sciences c_Jf'Complexity, pp. 621, 651.
47. P. T. Sounders, An lntroduction to Catastrophe Theory (New York: Cambridge
University Press, 1986), pp. 118-19.
48. Brian C. Goodwin, The Evolution of Generic Form, in Maynard Smith
and G. Vida, eds., Organizational Constraints on the Dynamics of Evolution (Manchester,
Eng: Manchester University Press, 1990), pp. 114-15.
49. I. G. Simmons, Biogeography: Natural and Cultural (London: Edmund
Arnold, 1979), pp. 58-62. Further, The flows of energy and mineral nutrients
through an ecosystem manifest themselves as actual animals and plants of a partic-
ular species (p. 79).
50. Many aspects of the reproductive budget (includingparental investment
and battles of the sexes and the generations) are treated in Richard Dawkins, The
Selfish Gene (Oxford: Oxford university Press, 1989), chs. 7, 8, 9.
S1. A good discussion of catalytic loops in evolutionary arms races and male
decorations can be found in Richard Dawlcins, The Blind Watchmalzer (New York:
W. W. Norton, 1987), chs. 7, 8.
52. john Maynard Smith, Evolution and the Theory of Games," in Did Darwin
Get It Right? Essays on Games, Sex and Evolution (New York: Chapman Hall, 1989),
pp. 206-207.
Evolutionary stable strategies, according to Maynard Smith, are those that are
optimal for a given context and cannot thereforebe invaded by a mutant strategy.
To this extent, they are not stabilizednonlinearlyby attractors, but rather linearly,
like a crystal. The idea thatevolution optimizes is becoming more and more fre-
quently the target of nonlinear science. The arguments are similar to those I use
below for the case of human economics (basically,the existence of mutually incom-
patible constraints). For a criticism and a version of these concepts in terms of
attractors, see Kauffman, Principles of Adaptation, pp. 687-95.
53. Niles Eldrige, MacroEVoluti0na2yDynamics: Species, Niches and Adaptive Peaks
(New York: McGraw Hill, 1989), p. 151.
54. Leon Glass and Michael C. Mackey,From Clocks to Chaos (Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 1990), pp. 114-15.
55. Ibid., ch. 9.
56. Alan Garfinkel, The Slime Mold Dictyostelium as a Model of Self-
Organizing Systems, in Yates, ed., Self-Organizing Systems, p. 200.
57. See Deleuze and Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus, ch. 6: How Do You Make
Yourself a Body without Organs?
58. Gleick, Chaos, pp. 59-77; R. M. May, Chaos and Dynamics of Biological
Nonorganic Life
72. C. S. Holling, Resilienceand Stabilityin Ecosystems, in Erich jantsch
and Conrad H. Waddington, eds., Evolution and Consciousness (Reading, Mass.:
Addison-Wesley, 1976), p. 87.
73. Stuart A. Kauffman, Antichaos and Adaptation, Scientific American 265.2
(Aug. 1991), p. 82; and Christopher Langton, Life at the Edge of Chaos, in
Langton, Charles Taylor,]. Doyne Farmer and Steen Rasmussen, eds., Artgicial Life
(Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, I992), p. 85.
74. Langton, Life at the Edge, p. 82. If as Langton and Kauffman think,
poised systems are where complexity and variety peak (i.e., are crossed in the
most intense form by the machinicphylum),then we may imagine a different set
of policies (or even philosophiesof everyday life). We would have to trackthese
special zones, for example, by destratifying ourselves (that is, by pushing our solid
components a little, but only a little, toward the liquid state). just exactlyhow
much to liquify should be established through careful experimentation, since
there are dangers if one goes too far (one may be swallowed up by a chaotic attrac-
tor). This is how Deleuze and Guattari put it: You dont reach the [machinicphy-
lum] by wildlydestratifying. If you free it with too violent an action, if you blow
. ..
apart the strata without taking precautions, then instead of [tapping into the phy-
lum] you will be killed, plunged into a black hole, or even dragged toward cata-
strophe. Staying stratified organized, signified, subjected is not the worst that
can happen; the worst that can happen is if you throw the strata into demented or
suicidal collapse, which brings them back down on us heavier than ever. This is
how it should be done: Lodge yourselfon a stratum, experiment with opportuni-
ties it offers, find an advantageous place on it, find potential movements of deterri-
torialization, possible lines of flight, experience them, produce flow conjunctions
here and there, try out continuums of intensities segment by segment, have a small
plot of new land at all times (A Thousand Plateaus, pp. 160-61).
75. Cyril Stanley Smith,A Search for Structure (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press,
1982), p. 113.
76. Intentional strata correspond to the world of beliefs and desires as they
exist in the animal kingdom, past a certain level of complexity of informational
flow. The sedimentations and hardenings that make up these strata grow on top
of the organic stratum (theyuse the brain as their substratum). They, in turn, pro-
vide the raw materials for the emergence in humans of linguistic strata. Deleuze
and Guattari offer theories on these two strata, which they call subjcctification
and signiliance. I shall produce a more detailed exposition of these topics in my
Forthcoming book Chaos and the Millennium.
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