Scott Robertson Manifest16.Sample
Scott Robertson Manifest16.Sample
Scott Robertson Manifest16.Sample
Whimsical Muse
The Drawthrough Collection
by Scott Robertson
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Whimsical Muse
The Drawthrough Collection
by Scott Robertson
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Executive Director
Jason Franz
Board of Directors
Katherine Dintenfass
Jason Franz
Elizabeth Kauffman
Brigid OKane
Associate Directors
Kristin Cullen
Kevin Muente
Junior Board
Trevor Ponder
Jeffrey Salter
Lynda Camp
Kate Holterhoff
Karina Meza
Mission Statement:
Manifest enhances the role of art and design in
society by cultivating and focusing the transforma-
tive power of creativity in the visual arts. Manifest
benefits people in the global and local community,
including professionals, students, and the public, by
creating quality-centered experiences focused on
contemporary visual arts and related activities in the
context of creative exploration.
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vol 16
Cover details:
Scott Robertson, Open Wheel Car;
Daniel OConnor, We Are Tentmakers By Trade
Whimsical Muse
The Drawthrough Collection
by Scott Robertson
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for Alexandra...
Whimsical Muse
Margot Cormier Splane
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Wendy DesChene
Beth Edwards
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Rhonda Gushee
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Shane Harris
Stacey Holloway
Charlie Kearns
Ruth Marks
Gabrielle Mayer
Daniel O'Connor
Wynter Whiteside
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Curatorial Statement
Art and design are vehicles for bold social commentary, political activism, and deep personal phi-
losophy. But creative visual works can also provide for levity, playfulness, and innocent joy. The
ancient Greek idea of catharsis involved both tragedy AND comedy. Therefore with Whimsical
Muse Manifest Gallery presents a collection of works that embody the lighter side of creativity.
The international call for entries for Whimsical Muse resulted in over 180 submissions from 18
states and 2 Canadian provinces.
The fourteen works presented here represent the impressive consistency of Manifests jury and
curatorial process which somehow always manages to boil innumerable exhibit possibilities down
to one very cohesive and surprisingly interrelated collection of excellent works.
Whimsical Muse is delightful indeed. Charlie Kearnss video piece offers a narrative glimpse into
a young boys afternoon, which could be the events leading up to a visit to the exhibit itself.
Stacey Holloways mechanical doll Sally chases a firefly around the gallery in an endless and bit-
tersweet circle. Joining Sally are the characters in works by Beth Edwards and Ruth Marks who,
although motionless appear to be animated by the primal and innocent existence with which they
have been endowed. Toy-like works by Rhonda Gushee, Wendy DesChene, and Shane Harris lend
a purpose to the excitement. And Wynter Whitesides large pair of centerpiece cakes, along with
Daniel OConnors patchwork pup tent and Gabrielle Mayers unmistakable icon of childhood fri-
volity, round out the festive context, setting the stage for wild things to happen. With Margot
Cormier Splanes zoological scenarios, and Christine Marie Daviss surrealistic furry desserts, the
world of Whimsical Muse is complete, and completely untamed.
Jason Franz
Margot Cormier Splane
timmins, ontario, canada
Black and White Tourists Visit Egypt
hand pulled serigraph, 12x18.75, 2006
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Margot Cormier Splane
timmins, ontario, canada
There is Something I Don't Like About
the New Sheepdog
hand pulled serigraph, 9x18.5, 2005
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Christine Marie Davis
howard, colorado
Dessert Fetish
found objects and fur, 12x60x5, 2004
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Wendy DesChene
auburn, alabama
digital photograph, 18x24, 2005
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Beth Edwards
memphis, tennessee
The Happy Wanderer
oil on canvas, 22x24, 2005
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Rhonda Gushee
cincinnati, ohio
Doll House I
basswood, stitched leather, battery-operated
interactive talking toys, 68x25x14, 2006
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Shane Harris
bloomington, indiana
mixed media, 5x5x3, 2006
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Stacey Holloway
minneapolis, minnesota
Sally Chases Fireflies
cast bronze, steel, and mixed media
24x12x27, 2006
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Charlie Kearns
zanesville, ohio
Cutting the Rug
(video still), video, 10 min, 2006
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Ruth Marks
ypsilanti, michigan
Antler Bust
paper clay and acrylic, 7x7x14, 2006
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Gabrielle Mayer
louisville, kentucky
Clown Head
oil on canvas, 32x32x4, 2006
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Daniel OConnor
ft. wright, kentucky
We Are Tentmakers By Trade
watercolor on paper, 30x23, 2006
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Wynter Whiteside
columbus, ohio
Twin Cakes I and II
oil, swarvorski crystal, colored pencil, glitter,
marker on raw canvas, ea.60x36, 2005
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Curatorial Statement
Scott Robertson is a notable Los Angeles based concept designer who has taught at Art Center College of
Design in Pasadena, California since 1995, and Art Center Europe in Switzerland for nearly two years. He is the
founder of Design Studio Press, which has a mission of design, drawing, and rendering education. Robertson
also currently works as a design consultant for the entertainment, sporting goods, and transportation industry
with a past client list that includes Mattel Toys, Nike, Universal Studios, Fiat, and the feature film The Minority
Manifest presents this exhibit in fulfillment of its Drawing Center mission whereby that fundamental discipline
is promoted, featured, and explored, and to serve as a resource for those interested in a career in the creative
visual arts. The display of these drawings and the accompanying lecture gives artists and designers a rare oppor-
tunity to learn from one of the very best concept designers and teachers working in the field today. With this,
Manifest offers a chance to learn about different approaches to drawing as well as the objectives that can be
achieved through the practice of this art form.
Robertson's drawings are a marvel of precision and accurate freehand technical drawing, yet at the same time
they are creative intuitive expressions of design concepts. The contrast between the technical and intuitive is
just one of the features that makes these drawings so attractive and compelling. This selection of drawings
demonstrates an applied skill, which is fun and imaginative while at the same time purposeful, directed, and
Drawing is one of the most valuable skills a designer or artist can develop as a means of visual communication.
The drawing process is the most direct way to research, develop, communicate, and present design concepts.
For the creative individual drawing advances a focused visual discipline, and broadens the understanding of
form, volume, and the aesthetic qualities of three-dimensional forms depicted on a two-dimensional surface.
The Drawthrough Collection by Scott Robertson presents several kinds of drawn design approaches, including
fast and intuitive gesture sketches, side-view concept drawings, and extreme perspectives. Thus the exhibit
spans the spectrum of drawing applied to the design process.
Brigid OKane
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Cargo Plane
ballpoint pen on tracing paper
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