Laboratory Evaluation of Magnesium Sacrificial Anode Test Specimens For Underground Applications
Laboratory Evaluation of Magnesium Sacrificial Anode Test Specimens For Underground Applications
Laboratory Evaluation of Magnesium Sacrificial Anode Test Specimens For Underground Applications
e1 NOTECautionary notes were moved into the section text editorially October 2002.
6. Reagents
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee G01 on
Corrosion of Metals, and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee G01.10 on 6.1 Test Electrolyte, Saturated Calcium Sulfate-Magnesium
Corrosion in Soils. Hydroxide SolutionAdd 5.0 g of reagent grade CaSO42H2O,
Current edition approved Oct. 10, 1997. Published December 1997. Originally
published as G 97 89. Last previous edition G 97 89 (1995)e1.
2 4
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.01. Available from National Fire Protection Association, Inc., Batterymarch Park,
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.02. Quincy, MA 02269.
Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
G 97 97 (2002)e1
8. Specimen Preparation
8.1 Fig. 3 shows typical test specimen selection and prepa-
ration from a cast anode. Since all sizes and shapes of cast
anodes are not shown, the sampling is only illustrative. Test
specimens are obtained across the width of a cast anode and
approximately 13 mm from the edge. Machine each test
specimen from a sawed, 180-mm long, 16-mm square cross
section portion of the cast anode. Dry machine the square cross
section, which should be marked with a stamped identification
number, down to 12.7-mm diameter using a machining speed
of 800 r/min, a feed rate of 0.5 mm per revolution, and a depth
of cut of 1.9 mm or less. Cut the machined test specimen to a
152-mm length and machine-face one end.
8.1.1 Magnesium fines produced during cutting and ma-
chining operations can present a fire hazard. ANSI/NFPA 480
should be consulted for procedures for handling magnesium.
8.1.2 Band saws and power hacksaws with the following
characteristics are recommended for use on magnesium: Blade pitch (teeth/cm)Band saw = 1.6 to 2.4,
power hacksaw = 0.8 to 2.4. Tooth set (cm)Band saw = 0.05 to 0.13, power
hacksaw = 0.038 to 0.076. End relief angleBand saw = 10 to 12. Clearance angleBand saw = 20 to 30, power
hacksaw = 20 to 30.
FIG. 1 Detail of Test Pot
7. Precautions
7.1 Eye protection and skin protection are required when
handling the coulometer solution and when handling the
cleaning solution. Test specimen cleaning should be done in a
ventilated laboratory hood.
7.2 Local, state, and federal regulations should be complied
with in disposing of used cleaning solution. FIG. 3 Test Specimen Preparation from Cast Anode
G 97 97 (2002)e1
8.2 Rinse each machined test specimen with water, rinse 9. Procedure (See Practice G 3)
with acetone, dry in an oven at 105C for 30 min, cool, and 9.1 Fill the cathode test pots to within approximately 15 mm
weigh to the nearest 0.1 mg. (WarningThe specimens of the top with the anode test electrolyte.
should be handled with clean gloves at all times after the 9.2 Insert the test specimens into the No. 14 rubber stoppers
acetone rinsing step to avoid contamination of the specimens.) and insert the sample stopper assemblies into the cathode test
8.3 Mask each weighed test specimen with electroplaters pots.
tape. Start 100 mm from the faced end and extend to approxi- 9.3 Wire the circuit as shown in Fig. 4.
mately 13 mm from the non-faced end. The area exposed to the 9.4 Turn on the power supply, adjust the current to 1.60 mA
electrolyte will be the faced end, plus the side area for a length and check periodically to ensure the current remains constant at
of 100 mm. This exposed area is 41.2 cm2. A current flow that level.
through the test circuit of 1.60 mA results in an anode current 9.5 Obtain closed circuit test specimen potentials at 1, 7,
density of 0.039 mA/cm2. and 14 days using a saturated calomel electrode and an
8.4 Brush the test pots using a soft plastic brush. If the test electrometer. Obtain the potential measurement of each test
pot internal surface becomes completely covered with a highly specimen as shown in Fig. 4. The tip of the calomel reference
resistive coating that prevents the required current from being should be within 10 mm of the test specimen surface when this
obtained, sandblast, wire brush, or scrape some of the hard measurement is made.
adherent deposits off the surface. 9.6 The electrolyte temperature should be 22 6 5C during
8.5 If a copper coulometer rather than an electronic cou- the test.
lometer is used, prepare the copper coulometer as shown in 9.7 Turn off the power supply after 14 days. One hour later
Fig. 2. Buff the coulometer wire with fine (00 grit or finer) open circuit potentials of the test specimens are obtained. The
abrasive, dry in an oven at 105C for 15 min, cool and weigh technique is identical to the closed circuit measurements (9.5).
before assembling into the coulometer. The length of the 9.8 Remove the wiring from the test specimens, remove the
copper wire in the coulometer solution should be between 10 test specimens from the electrolyte and the rubber stoppers,
and 50 mm. Clean the copper sheet anodes before their initial and remove the tape from the specimens.
installation into the coulometer. The copper wire and sheet 9.9 Place an untested test specimen in the cleaning solution
should have a purity of 99.9 % or higher. which has been previously heated to 6080C. Leave the
8.6 Fig. 4 is a schematic diagram of the complete test specimen in the solution for 10 min, rinse in tap water, and dry
circuit. Circuit wiring is No. 18 insulated stranded copper with in an oven at 105C for 30 min. If its mass loss is greater than
alligator clips or lugs at each end of each wire. Use the calomel 5 mg, discard the cleaning solution. If the untested test
electrode only when oxidation potential measurements are specimen mass loss is less than 5 mg, place the test specimens
being obtained. along with an untested test specimen in the 6080C cleaning
solution for 10 min. Then rinse in tap water and dry in an oven
at 105C for 3 h. If the untested test specimen mass loss is
greater than 5 mg, discard the cleaning solution and repeat the
9.9.1 An alternative cleaning procedure is to replace the 10
min immersion in 6080C cleaning solution with a 30 min
immersion in ambient temperature cleaning solution.
9.10 If copper coulometers are used, remove the wires from
the coulometer, rinse in tap water, and place in a drying oven
at 105C for 30 min.
9.11 Remove the test specimens, the untested specimen and
the copper coulometer wires from the heating oven and allow
to cool to room temperature, then weigh to the nearest 0.1 mg.
(WarningClean gloves should be worn during the weighing
process to avoid contamination of the specimens and coulom-
eter wires.)
M2 = final mass of copper coulometer wire, g, and
M1 = initial mass of copper coulometer wire, g.
FIG. 4 Experimental Cells
G 97 97 (2002)e1
10.1.2 If an electronic coulometer is used, the Ah calcula- Open circuit potential 0.02 V
tion is as follows:
11.1.2 ReproducibilityResults (on identical test speci-
Ah 5 ~ampere second measurement from coulometer!/~3600! (2) mens) submitted by each of two laboratories should be
10.2 Calculate and report the Ah per mass loss for each test considered suspect if the mean from five specimens tested by
specimen as follows: one lab differs by more than the following from the mean from
Ah/g 5 ~Ah!/~MMg1 2 MMg2! (3)
five specimens tested by the other lab.
Ah/g value 0.15 Ah/g
where: Final closed circuit potential 0.05 V
Open circuit potential 0.08 V
MMg1 = initial mass of magnesium test specimen, g, and
MMg2 = final mass of magnesium test specimen, g. 11.1.3 Test specimens from the same casting may not be
10.3 Report closed and open circuit potential measurements identical because of inhomogeneities in the casting. A method
for each test specimen. of insuring that identical test specimens are being evaluated is
to retest a test specimen. The surface of the test specimen
11. Precision and Bias 5 should be smoothed by machining before retesting. The new
11.1 The following criteria should be used to judge the diameter should be measured and the test current adjusted so
acceptability of the results at the 5 % significance level. that the retest current density is 0.039 mA/cm2.
11.1.1 RepeatabilityResults (on identical test specimens) 11.2 The values of potential and Ah per unit mass consumed
by the same operator should be considered suspect if the mean as measured by this test method, may not agree with those
from five specimens differs by more than the following from found in field applications. It is unlikely that field results of Ah
the mean obtained from a duplicate test on five specimens. per unit mass consumed would ever be greater than those
Ah/g value 0.06 Ah/g measured in this test. However, actual test comparisons are not
Final closed circuit potential 0.01 V sufficient to allow precise correlation of laboratory and field
The precision data were derived from results of cooperative tests on magnesium 12. Keywords
test samples. Supporting data available from ASTM headquarters. Request RR:
G01-1007. 12.1 coulometer; electroplaters tape; sacrificial anode
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