Surfactant Containing Si-MCM-41: An Efficient Basic Catalyst For The Knoevenagel Condensation
Surfactant Containing Si-MCM-41: An Efficient Basic Catalyst For The Knoevenagel Condensation
Surfactant Containing Si-MCM-41: An Efficient Basic Catalyst For The Knoevenagel Condensation
Si-MCM-41 molecular sieves, which are largely used in a number of acid and redox catalyzed reactions, as reported by the literature, were used
as basic catalyst for the Knoevenagel condensation. This reaction involves the condensation of carbonyl compounds with active methylene
compounds to generate unsaturated products. The catalyst, which pores were occluded by the organic template, provided high activity in mild
conditions, even under 10 8C. The high activity is due to the presence of siloxy anions, of high basicity, located in the pore cavity of the hexagonally
ordered mesopores. Ion exchange procedures evidenced the presence of these high basic sites as a consequence of the high pH increase of the
solution containing tetramethylammonium chloride, or the high H+ consumption, added to a the medium as HCl, to keep constant pH. O 1s XPS
and 29Si CP/MAS NMR measurements confirmed the existence of only SiOCTA+ ionic pair, which is the basic site itself.
# 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
that pH 8.5 is the upper limit value to prevent the MCM-41 result, throughout titration, a constant pH value of 7.0 was kept
mesopore structure from undergoing significant destruction [8]. by continuously adding acid. The consumption of protons/g
Another way to get basic Si-MCM-41 sites is by solid was achieved by recording the volume of the acid source
functionalizing its surface with organic compounds, particu- consumed throughout the titration period.
larly with those containing terminal amines in their composi-
tion [9,10]. Before functionalizing, the ionic surfactant present 2.2. Characterization
in the pores is removed by calcination, generating silanol
groups, which are anchoring points. Concentration of silanol Small angle X-ray diffraction patterns were achieved with a
groups depends on how the ionic surfactant is removed. diffractometer D-5000 (Siemens), using powder method at
Calcined mesoporous silica has lower concentration of silanol 1.48 < 2u < 108 interval. Cu Ka (40 kV and 40 mA) radiation
groups as a result from their high condensation temperatures. If was used, nickel filter and 0.6 8/min speed.
the surfactant is removed by extraction with a solvent, their Nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms were achieved
pore surface is kept with plenty of silanol groups, with nearly with an equipment supplied by Quantachrome (Nova-1200).
100% coverage [9]. Before analysis, 50 mg of the sample, calcined or as-
All these procedures, which are used to generate basic sites synthesized, was vacuum treated at 110 8C for 2 h. Surface
on Si-MCM-41, are hard to process and not always lead to the areas were estimated through BET equation [14] and the pore
planned basic sites, stable enough for catalysis application. diameters were established via BJH method [15].
Recently, Kubota et al. [11,12] achieved excellent results Percent of organic material present in Si-MCM-41
during Knoevenagel condensation by using Si-MCM-41 molecular sieves, as-synthesized or acid titrated, was estab-
molecular sieve while keeping the surfactant inside the pores lished via C, H and N analyses in a Fisons equipment, model
called [CTA]Si-MCM-41. In this catalyst, active sites are high EA1108-CHNS-O.
basicity SiO sites, which are in the channels. But, despite NMR analyses were performed at a VARIAN unit INOVA
good results, there is no further information available on the spectrometer operating at 79.5 and 400 MHz for 29Si and 1H,
acid-basic properties of Kubotas catalyst. respectively. Magic-angle spinning at 5 kHz was used in all
This work is designed to study the chemical behavior of experiments. In order to obtain more quantitative spectra a
catalyst [CTA]Si-MCM-41 by using it in the Knoevenagel cross-polarization excitation scheme using a radiofrequency
condensation model reaction in mild conditions. ramp (ramp CP/MAS) was used [16]. The ramp CP/MAS
spectra were obtained with 5 ms of contact time and recycle
2. Experimental delay of 2 s. 29Si direct polarization experiments (DP/MAS)
were performed using a 5-ms p/2 excitation pulse and 30 s of
2.1. Synthesis of [CTA]Si-MCM-41 molecular sieve recycle delay. In all experiments, during the 20-ms acquisition
time a 70 kHz 1H broadband two-pulse phase-modulation
[CTA]Si-MCM-41 catalyst was synthesized through Cheng (TPPM) [17] decoupling scheme was used.
et al. method [13]. Samples were prepared from aerosil silica, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements were done
cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTABr) and tetramethy- in equipment ESCALAB MKII de VG, source Al Ka, under
lammonium hydroxide (TMAOH). Composition of the reaction pressure of 108 mbar. C 1s was taken as reference at 285 eV.
medium was SiO2: 0.27, CTABr: 0.19, TMAOH: 40H2O.
First, 9.22 g TMAOH5H2O (Aldrich) and 26.35 g CTABr 2.3. Knoevenagel condensation
(Vetec) were diluted in 188.35 g deionized water. Then, the
mixture was kept stirring at 60 8C until a clear solution was This reaction was performed in a 20 mL using an initial
achieved. After cooling the solution to room temperature, reactants concentration of 0.5 mol L1 in the following way:
16.09 g of a silica source was added. The sample was aged for 1.07 g (10 mmol) benzaldehyde (Acros); 1.14 g (10 mmol)
24 h before going to thermal treatment, which was carried out ethyl cyanoacetate (Acros) and 15.42 g (17.9 mL) toluene
in autoclaves under autogenous pressure at 150 8C for 2 days. (Merck) as solvent were added to a borosicalate glass reactor
Finally, the sample was filtered, washed successively times with equipped with magnetic stirring and temperature control. In
deionized water up to pH < 10 and dried at 60 8C for 24 h. order to prevent from the presence of benzoic acid in the
Solid yield was approximately 10% compared to the gel mass. reaction media (oxidation of benzaldehyde) fresh reactant was
To compare with [CTA]Si-MCM-41, the surfactant occluded used. Additionally, chromatographic data revealed that, under
in the pores was removed through calcination, under an oxygen the mild reaction conditions used in this work, benzoic acid is
flow, through a heating ramp of 1 8C/min up to 520 8C, kept not present. The reaction was carried out at temperature
subsequently at this temperature for 6 h. intervals from 10 to 50 8C and atmospheric pressure. As soon as
Basic properties of the [CTA]Si-MCM-41 molecular sieve the reaction medium achieved planned temperature, 1 g of the
were established via titration with a hydrochloridric acid catalyst was added. Two different catalysts were evaluated in
solution (0.1 mol L1) from a suspension containing 1.5 g this study: (i) as-synthesized MCM-41, without any additional
[CTA]Si-MCM-41 in 200 mL deionized water or 0.5 mol L1 treatment and (ii) as-synthesized MCM-41 titrated with HCl.
of TMACl or NaCl solution. Preliminary assays showed that After 6 h reaction, the catalyst was retrieved for analysis and
when kept in an aqueous suspension, pH raised quickly. As a reuse by centrifuging and wash out with benzene to remove
L. Martins et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 312 (2006) 7785 79
Table 1
Modified MCM-41 molecular sieve composition
Sample CTA/Si (CTA+ + H+)a/Si BET area (m2 g1) Vp (mL/g) )
aH (A )
Dp (A
MCM-41, originalb 0.16 0.16 0.01 1 0 51.0 0
MCM-41, hydrolysis c 0.10 (37.5%)d 0.14 0.01 314 0.25 (25.2%)e 55.4 35.1
MCM-41, TMAClf 0.08 (50.0%) 0.16 0.01 374 0.28 (28.3%) 56.1 35.5
MCM-41, NaClf 0.07 (56.2%) 0.14 0.01 385 0.30 (30.3%) 57.0 35.6
MCM-41, calcinedg 0 (100.0%) 990 0.99 (100.0%) 46.4 33.8
CTA molar quantity present in the solid. Protons consumed in the titration.
C/N ratio = 19.5.
Sample taken by simple hydrolysis, according to Eq. (3).
In parenthesis: molar percent of removed CTA.
In parenthesis: volume of available pores.
Sample taken by ion exchange with TMACl or NaCl.
Sample taken through original MCM-41 calcination.
80 L. Martins et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 312 (2006) 7785
Fig. 5. Ion exchange process proposed between an M+ cation and CTA+ cation in sample [CTA]Si-MCM-41.
CTA cation progressively to the interior of the channels, but in reactants (1 and 2) around unity, indicated that the subsequent
such case, both properties (CTA extraction and pore volume) Michael addition reaction (Eq. (5)) does not take place at the
should be proportional. A third and more likely hypothesis temperatures here used:
would be the uneven exchange of these cations along the
channels, as depicted in Fig. 5. In this case, the CTA extraction
not necessarily provides accessibility to the pore.
Results shown in Table 1 also shows that, as reported by (4)
other authors [13], throughout calcination, there is a strong
contraction of the mesoporous hexagonal arrangement para-
meter (aH), as a result from the condensation of neighboring
silanol groups. Results also show that after a partial ion
exchange of the CTA+ with H+, the mesoporous hexagonal
arrangement parameter and the diameter of the pores (Dp) in the
molecular sieves tend to increase. Such behavior may result
from lower CTA concentration, whose presence may contract
the pore diameter, as a result from its interaction to micelle (5)
Results from Knoevenagel condensation (Eq. (4)) between The high reactant consumption speed, in aprotic medium,
benzaldehyde (1) and ethyl cyanoacetate (2) to form ethyl-2- confirms the presence of high basicity, as noticed during ion
cyano-3-phenylacrylate (3) are shown in Fig. 6. [CTA]Si- exchange studies in aqueous media (Fig. 3). When calcined Si-
MCM-41 catalyst had high activity, even in temperatures that MCM-41 was added to the reaction medium, a very low
were very below the ones reported by other authors [2]. conversion was seen (2%), suggesting that this material has
Throughout the reaction, the presence of a single product was very weak basic sites, possibility due to residual cations, which
always evidenced (3) and the ratio between the consumed are not completely removed. Even molecular sieve 13, which
has been extensively studied as a basic catalyst for the
Knoevenagel condensation [2], showed a low conversion at
50 8C (9% after 6 h, Fig. 6).
Fig. 7a shows benzaldehyde conversion as a function of time
for the catalyst reused in up to four successive batches. Its activity
is slightly reduced after every new use, probably as a result from
the leaching of part of the CTA to the reaction medium (step E in
Fig. 8). This result will be better discussed further.
Results from thermogravimetry shown in Fig. 9a and Table 2
indicate that CTA leaching to the reaction medium, in the first
use of a catalyst, is only ca. 0.3% m/m. The derivate curve
resulting from the loss of mass in as-synthesized [CTA]Si-
MCM-41 sample (Fig. 9b) provides a signal at approximately
160 8C (indicated by an arrow). This signal is related to CTA
decomposition taking place at pore-mouth [11,12,19]. For
Fig. 6. Benzaldehyde conversion as a function of time for different reaction samples used from the third catalytic test, no presence of this
temperatures. signal was seen, thus confirming that partial CTA leaching from
82 L. Martins et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 312 (2006) 7785
Fig. 7. (a) Benzaldehyde conversion as a function of time and (b) after 6 h for [CTA]Si-MCM-41 catalyst reused in four successive cycles. Reaction
temperature = 50 8C.
pore-mouth to the reaction medium tends to reduce as the reaction medium. Finally, the third filtrate has practically no
catalyst is used. These cations are probably the ones most activity. These results differ from that of Kubota et al. [11,12],
weakly connected to the micelles and their leaching, therefore, which found no activity in the homogeneous phase, because they
could be one of the responsible for the slight reduction of the washed the catalyst exhaustively with hot water, before using it.
catalyst activity, as shown in Fig. 7b, curve 1. Curiously, despite the fact that in the third use of the catalyst,
To verify if the Knoevenagel reaction also occurred in no activity was found in the homogeneous phase, the activity of
homogeneous phase, the liquid phase resulting from a catalytic the solid remains practically the same (Fig. 7b, curves 2 and 1,
test was isolated from the as-synthesized solid catalyst and new respectively). This suggests that, after the third use of the
reactants were added to the filtrated. The new mixture was catalyst, no more leaching of CTA occurs. The explanation for
submitted to the same conditions as in the presence of the solid this stabilization can be achieved taking into account the
catalyst. The results are in curve 2 of Fig. 7b and shows that, hypothesis of Kubota et al. [11], that the losses of active sites
despite low quantity of leached CTA, by utilizing the filtrated occurs mainly at pore-mouth, similarly as shown in Fig. 5. The
from the catalyst used for the first time, a significant catalytic remaining CTA, at the interior of the pore, are not so easily
activity, but smaller than curve 1, can be seen. When the filtrated leached because they are more stable, as a consequence of a
from the second reaction is used, a much smaller activity is seen, higher interaction of the non-polar tails, as stated by Li et al.
thus confirming that smaller CTA+ quantity is leached to the [20] and Pool and Bolhuis [21].
The catalyst behavior in heterogeneous as well in
homogeneous phase, shown in Fig. 7b can be explained
through the scheme represented in Fig. 8. The steps AC are
similar to those proposed by Corma et al. [22], for Knoevenagel
reactions using zeolites. Depending on the stability of the CTA
cation in the micelle, the hydroxide ion eliminated from the
alkoxide ion (step D) can react in two different ways: forming
water and regenerating the siloxy active site (step A), or
forming CTAOH in the liquid phase.
Fig. 10 shows benzaldehyde conversion as a function of time
by using 100 mg of catalysts obtained at the end of the titration
with HCl (about 24 h, Fig. 3). It is significant to see that despite
the CTA content in exchanged samples being not very different
among them (Table 1), the catalytic activities are. The slightly
lower activity seen in the sample subjected to hydrolysis only
(curve 1 respect to 2) is possibly due to the need for the
reactants to diffuse to reach active sites SiOCTA, which are
deeper inside the pores than in the original sample (curve 1).
For samples titrated in a TMACl or NaCl solutions (curves 3
and 4) the catalyst activity is much lower than previous ones
and, therefore, another unknown factor should prevail. The
activity calculated on a Si mol basis leads to the same
conclusions. It is necessary to mention that despite the samples
used in curves 24 (Fig. 10) have a much higher surface area
Fig. 8. Probable benzaldehyde condensation steps with ethyl cyanoacetate than the as-synthesized used in curve 1 (see Table 1), their
using [CTA]Si-MCM-41 catalyst. activities are lower.
L. Martins et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 312 (2006) 7785 83
Fig. 9. (a) Thermogravimetric analysis and (b) derivate curves resulting from the loss of mass for [CTA]Si-MCM-41 catalyst before and after its use.
In addition to higher stability of active sites in exchanged For as-synthesized, [CTA]Si-MCM-41 sample, almost no
samples, measurements for X-ray diffraction show that the difference between DP/ and CP/MAS NMR spectra is observed,
catalyst structure is kept intact after its use. Therefore, the as well in Q3/(Q2 + Q4) ratio (51.950.4%, Table 3). This is a
micelles present in the channels of the catalyst are significant strong indication that the siloxy groups, SiOM+, are not
for the mesopore structure to be kept as planned, both during hydrogen-bonded, but they are present major as SiOCTA+
the exchange (Fig. 3) and the reaction. ionic pairs, generating SiO basic sites. Because there is a
longer distance between 29Si in the lattice and 1H nuclei
3.3. Siloxy group characterization: 29
Si MAS NMR and O belonging to CTA+ chain and since the 1H nuclei in CTA+ are
1s/XPS spectroscopy rather mobile (as observed in the 1H spectra, not shown), the CP
transfer between these nuclei is not very effective. This makes
Solid-state 29Si nuclear magnetic resonance experiments the contribution of the SiOCTA+ ionic pair to the Q3 signal
( Si NMR) employing magic-angle spinning (MAS) with similar in both CP/MAS and DP/MAS spectra [26]. In contrast,
direct or cross polarization (DP or CP) has been shown to be a there is a very large difference between DP/ and CP/MAS
reliable mean to characterize various silicate materials [23]. spectra in the calcined sample, especially in the Q3 species (see
Particularly, CP process is interesting, thus it allows Fig. 11) and as well in Q3/(Q2 + Q4) ratio (36.365.5%,
discriminating against 29Si nuclei bonded close to hydrogen Table 3). Because silanol groups are expected to exhibit a very
atoms [24]. By 29Si NMR spectroscopy, the fraction of Si atoms effective 1H29Si CP transfer, the higher intensity of the peak at
bonded to nSi atoms, identified as Qn species (0 n 4), as 100 ppm in the CP/MAS as compared with the DP/MAS
well bonded to single and geminal SiOH groups, Q3 and Q2 spectra suggests the presence of a very high concentration of
silicon sites, respectively, can be discriminated sensitively [24 silanol groups in the calcined sample, not observed in the non-
27]. calcined one.
Fig. 11a and b, as well as Table 3 show 29Si DP and CP/MAS Additionally, in literature is well known that O 1s XPS is a
NMR spectra of as-synthesized and calcined MCM-41 way of directly determining Lewis basicity in zeolites and
samples. For both samples three peaks are observed, at related aluminosilicates materials [28,29] and that, small
91, 100 and 109 ppm. According to Sindorf and Maciel variations in oxygen binding energy means great difference in
[26], the low intensity peak at 91 ppm in calcined samples structural oxygen basicity [30,31].
corresponds to silicon atoms bonded to two siloxane bonds
SiOSi (Q2) and two geminal silanol groups. Similarly, the
resonance peak at 100 ppm is attributed to silicon atoms with
three siloxane bonds (Q3) and one silanol. Finally, the
resonance peak at 109 ppm is related to silicon atoms with
four siloxane bonds (Q4).
Table 2
Loss of mass seen in the thermogravimmetric analysis
Sample Loss of mass (%)a
[CTA]SiMCM-41 54.2
First use 53.9
Second use 53.6
Third use 53.5
Fourth use 53.5
Fig. 10. Benzaldehyde conversion as a function of time at 50 8C for catalysts
At temperatures ranging from 120 to 800 8C. modified by ion exchange (using 100 mg mass).
84 L. Martins et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 312 (2006) 7785
Fig. 11. Si DP/ and CP/MAS NMR spectra for (a) as-synthesized and (b) calcined MCM-41.
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