Food Process Engineering Lab 3. BOILER OPERATION

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Laboratory 1.

Steam Boilers and Operation

Learning Objectives

1. To become familiar with the important components of a boiler and its function.

2. To start up an electrical steam boiler safely.

3. To shut down an electrical steam boiler safely.

4. To be familiar with the factory and machinery regulation regarding pressure vessel and steam

Boilers are pressure vessels designed to heat water or produce steam, which can
then be used to provide space heating and/or service water heating to a building
and for process heating. In most commercial building heating applications, the
heating source in the boiler is a natural gas fired burner. Oil fired burners and
electric resistance heaters can be used as well. Steam is preferred over hot
water in some applications, including absorption cooling, kitchens, laundries,
sterilizers, and steam driven equipment.

Boilers have several strengths that have made them a common feature of
buildings. They have a long life, can achieve efficiencies up to 75% or greater,
provide an effective method of heating for processes requiring heat, and in the
case of steam systems, require little or no pumping energy. However, fuel costs
can be considerable, regular maintenance is required, and if maintenance is
delayed, repair can be costly.

Boilers are often one of the largest energy users in a process. For every year a
boiler system goes unattended, boiler costs can increase approximately 10% (1).
Boiler operation and maintenance is therefore a good place to start when looking
for ways to reduce energy use and save money.

How Boilers Work

Both gas and oil fired boilers use controlled combustion of the fuel to heat water.
The key boiler components involved in this process are the burner, combustion
chamber, heat exchanger, and controls.

The burner mixes the fuel and oxygen together and, with the assistance of an
ignition device, provides a platform for combustion. This combustion takes place
in the combustion chamber, and the heat that it generates is transferred to the
water through the heat exchanger. Controls regulate the ignition, burner firing
rate, fuel supply, air supply, exhaust draft, water temperature, steam pressure,
and boiler pressure.

Hot water produced by a boiler is pumped through pipes and delivered to

equipment throughout the process system, which can include hot water coils in
air handling units, service hot water heating equipment, and terminal units.
Steam boilers produce steam that flows through pipes from areas of high
pressure to areas of low pressure, unaided by an external energy source such as
a pump. Steam utilized for heating can be directly utilized by steam using
equipment or can provide heat through a heat exchanger that supplies hot water
to the equipment.
The discussion of different types of boilers, below, provides more detail on the
designs of specific boiler systems

Types of Boilers In The Food Industry

Boilers are classified into different types based on their working pressure and
temperature, fuel type, draft method, size and capacity, and whether they
condense the water vapor in the combustion gases. Boilers are also sometimes
described by their key components, such as heat exchanger materials or tube
design. These other characteristics are discussed in the following section on Key
Components of Boilers.

Two primary types of boilers include Firetube and Watertube boilers. In a Firetube
boiler, hot gases of combustion flow through a series of tubes surrounded by
water. Alternatively, in a Watertube boiler, water flows in the inside of the tubes and the hot
gases from combustion flow around the outside of the tubes. A drawing of a watertube boiler is shown
in Figure 2.

Firetube boilers are more commonly available for low pressure steam or hot water applications, and
are available in sizes ranging from 500,000 to 75,000,000 BTU input (5). Watertube boilers are
primarily used in higher pressure steam applications and are used extensively for comfort heating
applications. They typically range in size from 500,000 to more than 20,000,000 BTU input (5).

Cast iron sectional boilers (figure 3) are another type of boiler commonly used in
commercial space heating applications. These types of boilers dont use tubes.
Instead, theyre built up from cast iron sections that have water and combustion
gas passages. The iron castings are bolted together, similar to an old steam
radiator. The sections are sealed together by gaskets. Theyre available for
producing steam or hot water, and are available in sizes ranging from 35,000 to
14,000,000 BTU input (2).

Cast iron sectional boilers are advantageous because they can be assembled on
site, allowing them to be transported through doors and smaller openings. Their
main disadvantage is that because the sections are sealed together with
gaskets, they are prone to leakage as the gaskets age and are attacked by boiler
treatment chemicals.

Working Pressure and Temperature

Boilers are classified as either low pressure or high pressure and are constructed
to meet ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code requirements. Low-pressure
boilers are limited to a maximum working pressure of 15 psig (pound-force per
square inch gauge) for steam and 160 psig for hot water (2). Most boilers used in
HVAC applications are low-pressure boilers. High-pressure boilers are constructed
to operate above the limits set for low-pressure boilers, and are typically used for

power generation. Operating water temperatures for hot water boilers are limited
to 250o F (2).

Fuel Type
In commercial buildings, natural gas is the most common boiler fuel, because it
is usually readily available, burns cleanly, and is typically less expensive than oil
or electricity. Some boilers are designed to burn more than one fuel (typically
natural gas and fuel oil). Dual fuel boilers provide the operator with fuel
redundancy in the event of a fuel supply interruption. They also allow the
customer to utilize the fuel oil during peak time rates for natural gas. In times
when the rates for natural gas are greater than the alternate fuel, this can
reduce fuel costs by using the cheaper alternate fuel and limiting natural gas use
to occur only during off peak times.

Electric boilers are used in facilities with requirements for a small amount of
steam or where natural gas is not available. Electric boilers are known for being
clean, quiet, and easy to install, and compact. The lack of combustion results in
reduced complexity in design and operation and less maintenance. Heating
elements are easily replaced if they fail. These types of boilers can be used to
produce low or high pressure steam or water, and may be good alternatives for
customers who are restricted by emissions regulations. Sizes range from 30,000
to 11,000,000 BTU input with overall efficiency generally in the range of 92% to
96% (2).

Draft Methods
The pressure difference between the boiler combustion chamber and the flue
(also called the exhaust stack) produces a draft which carries the combustion
products through the boiler and up the flue. Natural draft boilers rely on the
natural buoyancy of hot gasses to exhaust combustion products up the boiler
flue and draw fresh air into the combustion chamber. Mechanical draft boilers
include: Forced Draft, where air is forced into the combustion chamber by a fan
or blower to maintain a positive pressure; and Induced Draft, where air is drawn
through the combustion chamber by a fan or blower to maintain a negative

Size and Capacity

Modular Boilers are small in size and capacity and are often intended to replace a
large single boiler with several small boilers. These modular boilers can easily fit
through a standard doorway, and be transported in elevators and stairways. The
units can be arranged in a variety of configurations to utilize limited space or to
accommodate new equipment. Modular boilers can be staged to efficiently meet
the demand of the heating load.

Condensing Method
Traditional hot water boilers operate without condensing out water vapor from
the flue gas. This is critical to prevent corrosion of the boiler components.

Condensing Boilers operate at a lower return water temperature than traditional
boilers, which causes water vapor to condense out of the exhaust gasses. This
allows the condensing boiler to extract additional heat from the phase change
from water vapor to liquid and increases boiler efficiency. Some carbon dioxide
dissolves in the condensate and forms carbonic acid. While some condensing
boilers are made to handle the corrosive condensation, others require some
means of neutralizing the condensate. Traditional non-condensing boilers
typically operate in the range of 75% 86% combustion efficiency, while
condensing boilers generally operate in the range of 88% to 95% combustion
efficiency (2).

Key Components of Boilers

The key elements of a boiler include the burner, combustion chamber, heat
exchanger, exhaust stack, and controls. Boiler accessories including the flue gas
economizer are also commonly used as an effective method to recover heat from
a boiler and will be discussed briefly in the section Best Practices for Efficient
Natural gas boilers employ one of two types of burners, atmospheric burners,
also called natural draft burners and forced draft burners, also called power
burners. Due to more stringent federal and state air quality regulations, low NOx
burners and pre-mix burners are becoming more commonly used and even
required in some areas. By ensuring efficient mixing of air and fuel as it enters
the burner, these types of burners can ensure that NOx emissions are reduced.

The combustion chamber, usually made of cast iron or steel, houses the burners
and combustion process. Temperatures inside the combustion chamber can
reach several hundred degrees very quickly.

Heat exchangers may be made from cast iron, steel tube bundles, or, in the case
of some smaller boilers, copper or copper-clad steel. The exhaust stack or flue is
the piping that conveys the hot combustion gasses away from the boiler to the
outside. Typically this piping is made of steel, but in the case of condensing
boilers it needs to be constructed of stainless steel to handle the corrosive
condensate. Another consideration is whether the exhaust stack will be under a
positive or negative pressure. This can determine how the joints of the exhaust
stack must be sealed.

Boiler controls help produce hot water or steam in a regulated, efficient, and safe
manner. Combustion and operating controls regulate the rate of fuel use to meet
the demand. The main operating control monitors hot water temperature or
steam pressure and sends a signal to control the firing rate, the rate at which
fuel and air enters the burner. Common burner firing sequences include on/off,
high/low/off and modulating.

Boiler safety controls include high pressure and temperature, high and low
gas/oil pressure, and high and low water level and flame safeguard controls.
These controls are considered safeties or limits that break the electrical circuit to
prevent firing of the boiler. For example, in the event pressure in the boiler
exceeds the pressure limit setting, the fuel valve is closed to prevent an unsafe,
high pressure condition. The safety circuit of a flame safeguard control system
typically includes switch contacts for low water cutoff, high limits, air proving
switches, redundant safety and operating controls, and flame detectors. Flame
detectors often consist of flame rods, and ultraviolet or infrared scanners to
monitor the flame condition and deactivate the burner in the event of a non
ignition or other unsafe condition. Flame safeguard controls are programmed to
operate the burner and cycle it through the stages of operation.

2. Boiler Operation

A boiler operates using the feedwater system, the steam system, the fuel system and the draft
system. The feedwater system supplies water to the boiler. The steam system controls and directs the
steam produced in the boiler. The fuel system supplies fuel and controls combustion to produce heat.
The draft system regulates the movement of air for combustion and evacuates gases of combustion.
Water, steam fittings and accessories are required to supply and control water and steam in the boiler.
Boiler fittings or trim are components such as valves directly attached to the boiler. Accessories are
pieces of equipment not necessarily attached to the boiler, but required for the operation of the boiler.

Safety Valves are the most important fittings on the boiler. They should open to release pressure
when pressure inside the boiler exceeds the maximum allowable working pressure or MAWP. Safety
valves are installed at the highest part of the steam side of the boiler. No other valve shall be installed
between the boiler and the safety valve. Safety valve capacity is measured in the amount of the steam
that can be discharged per hour. The safety valve will remain open until sufficient steam is released

and there is a specific amount of drop in pressure. This drop in pressure is the blowdown of the safety
valve. Safety valve capacity and blowdown is listed on the data plate on the safety valve. Spring
loaded safety valves are the most common safety valves. A spring exerts pressure on the valve
against the valve seat to keep the valve closed. When pressure inside the boiler exceeds the set
popping pressure, the pressure forces the valve open to release. The ASME Code specifies the
design, materials and construction of safety valves. The number of safety valves required and the
frequency and procedures for testing safety valves is also specified by the ASME Code. Adjustment or
repairs to safety valves must be performed by the manufacturer or an assembler authorized by the
manufacturer. Typical examples of safety valves used on steam systems are shown below.

Water fittings and accessories control the amount, pressure and temperature of water supplied to and
from the boiler. Water in the boiler must be maintained at the normal operating water level or NOWL.
Low water conditions can damage the boiler and could cause a boiler explosion. High water
conditions can cause carryover. Carryover occurs when small water droplets are carried in steam

lines. Carryover can result in water hammer. Water hammer is a banging condition caused by
hydraulic pressure that can damage equipment.

Feedwater Valves control the flow of feedwater from the feedwater pump to the
boiler. Feedwater stop valves are globe valves located on the feedwater line. They isolate the boiler
from feedwater accessories. The feedwater stop valve is positioned closest to the boiler to stop the
flow of water out of the boiler for maintenance, or if the check valve malfunctions. The feedwater
check valve is located next to the feedwater stop valve and prevents feedwater from flowing from the
boiler back to the feedwater pump. The feedwater check valve opens and closes automatically with a
swinging disc. When water is fed to the boiler it opens. If water flows back from the boiler the valve

Water Column minimizes the water turbulence in the gage glass to provide accurate water level
reading. Water columns are located at the NOWL, with the lowest part of the water column positioned
at least 3" above the heating system. Water columns for high pressure boilers consist of the main
column and three tricocks. High and low water alarms or whistles may be attached to the top and
bottom tricocks.

The Gage Glass is used to visually monitor the water level in the boiler. Isolation valves located at the
top and bottom permit the changing of gage glasses.

A Blowdown Valve at the bottom of the gage glass is used to

remove sludge and sediment. Tubular gage glasses are used for
pressure up to 400 psig. All boilers must have two methods of
determining the boiler water level. The gage glass serves as the
primary method of determining boiler water level. If the water
cannot be seen in the gage glass, the tricocks are used as a
secondary method of determining boiler water level. The middle
tricock is located at the NOWL. If water comes out of the middle
tricock, the gage glass is not functioning properly. If water comes
out of the top tricock, there is a high water condition in the boiler.
If water comes out of the bottom tricock, water may be safely
added to the boiler. If steam comes out of the bottom tricock,
water must not be added to the boiler. Secure the fuel
immediately. Adding water could cause a boiler explosion.

Makeup Water replaces boiler water lost from leaks or from the lack of condensate returned in the
boiler. Makeup water is fed manually or automatically. Boilers can have both manual and automatic
systems. If the boiler has both, the manual always bypasses the automatic system.

Boiler operators must know how to supply makeup water quickly to the boiler in the event of a low
water condition. Manual systems feed city water with a hand operated valve. Automatic systems feed
city water with a float control valve mounted slightly below the NOWL. If the float drops from a low
water level, the valve in the city water line is open. As the water level rises, the float rises to close the

The Low Water Fuel Cut Off shuts off fuel to the burner in the event of a low water condition in the
boiler. The low water fuel cut off is located 2" to 6" below the NOWL. Low water fuel cut offs are
available with or without an integral water column. Low water fuel cut offs must be tested monthly or
more often depending on plant procedures and requirements. Low water fuel cut offs operate using an
electric probe or a float sensor. The float senses a drop in water level. Switches in the low water fuel
cut off are wired to the burner control to shut off fuel to the burner when the water level drops in the

The Feedwater Regulator maintains the NOWL in the boiler by controlling the amount of condensate
return pumped to the boiler from the condensate return tank. The correct water level is maintained
with a feedwater regulator, but boiler water level must still be checked periodically by the boiler

Feedwater Pumps are used with feedwater regulators to pump feedwater to the
boiler. Pressure must be sufficient to overcome boiler water pressure to maintain the NOWL in the
boiler. For maximum safety, plants having one steam driven feedwater pump must have a back up
feedwater pump driven by electricity. Feedwater pumps may be reciprocating, centrifugal or turbine.

Reciprocating feedwater pumps are steam driven and use a piston to discharge water to the
feedwater line. They are limited in capacity and are used on small boilers.

Centrifugal feedwater pumps are electric motor or steam driven. They are the most
common feedwater pump. Centrifugal force moves water to the outside edge of the rotatingimpeller.
The casing directs water from the impeller to the discharge piping. Discharge pressure is dependent
on impeller speed.

Turbine feedwater pumps are steam driven and operate similarly to centrifugal feedwater pumps.

Feedwater Heaters heat water before it enters the boiler drum to remove oxygen and other gases
which may cause corrosion. Feedwater heaters are either open or closed. Open feedwater heaters
allow steam and water to mix as they enter an enclosed steel chamber. They are located above the
feedwater pump to produce a positive pressure on the suction side of the pump. Closed feedwater
heaters have a large number of tubes inside an enclosed steel vessel. Steam and water do not come
in contact, but feedwater goes through the tubes and steam is allowed in the vessel to preheat the
feedwater. They are located on the discharge side of the feedwater pump.

Bottom Blowdown Valves release water from the
boiler to reduce water level, remove sludge and
sediment, reduce chemical concentrations or drain
the boiler. Two valves are commonly used, a quick
opening and screw valve. During blowdown the
quick opening valve is opened first, the screw
valve is opened next and takes the wear and tear
from blowdown. Water is discharged to the
blowdown tank. A blowdown tank collects water to
protect the sewer from the hot boiler water. After
blowdown, the screw valve is closed first and the
quick opening valve is closed last

Steam Fittings & Accessories remove air, control steam flow, and maintain the required steam
pressure in the boiler. Steam fittings are also used to direct steam to various locations for heating and

Steam Pressure Gages and vacuum gages monitor pressure inside the boiler. The range of these
gages should be 1-1/2 to 2 times the MAWP of the boiler. For example: on a low pressure boiler, a
maximum steam pressure on the pressure gage reads 30 psig as the MAWP is 15 psig.

Steam Valves commonly used include a gate valve used for the main steam stop valve and the globe
valve. The main steam stop valve cuts the boiler in online allowing steam to flow from the boiler or
takes it off line. This is an outside stem and yoke or OS&Y valve. The position of the stem indicates
whether the valve is open or closed. The valve is opened with the stem out and closed with the stem
in. This provides quick information to the boiler operator. The globe valve controls the flow of steam
passing under the valve seat through the valve. This change in direction causes a decrease in steam
pressure. A globe valve decreases steam flow and can be used to vary the amount of steam flow. This
should never be used as a main steam stop valve.

Steam Traps remove condensate

from steam in lines from the boiler.
Steam traps work automatically and
increase boiler plant efficiency. They
also prevent water hammer by
expelling air and condensate from
the steam lines without loss of

Steam traps are located after the main steam header throughout the system. Steam traps commonly
used include the inverted bucket, the thermostatic and the float thermostatic. In the inverted bucket
steam trap steam enters the bottom flowing into the inverted bucket. The steam holds the bucket up.
As condensate fills the steam trap the bucket loses buoyancy and sinks to open the discharge valve.
The thermostatic steam trap has a bellows filled with a fluid that boils at steam temperature. As the
fluid boils vapors expand the bellows to push the valve closed. When the temperature drops below
steam temperature, the bellows contract to open the valve and discharge condensate. A variation of
the thermostatic steam trap is the float thermostatic steam trap. A float opens and closes depending
on the amount of condensate in the trap bowl. Condensate is drawn out by return vacuum.

Steam Strainers remove scale or
dirt from the steam and are located
in the piping prior to steam trap inlet.
Scale or dirt can clog discharge
orifices in the steam trap. Steam
strainers must be cleaned regularly.

The safety valve is the most important fitting on the boiler. The gage glass is used to visually
monitor the water level in the boiler. Tricocks are used as a secondary device for determining
water level in the boiler. Makeup water replaces water lost from leaks or lack of condensate
return to the boiler. The low water fuel cut off shuts off fuel to the burner in the event of a low
water condition. Steam pressure gages and vacuum gages are used to indicate the pressure
inside the boiler.

3. The Electric Steam Boiler
By Thomas J Scott

An electric steam boiler uses electricity rather than combustion of fuel to generate hot steam. They
are very popular because of their simplicity and ease of use. Because of the large currents required,
they are normally run from a three-phase electricity supply. They convert electrical energy into thermal
energy with almost 100% efficiency but the overall thermal efficiency is variable, depending on the
efficiency with which the electricity is generated.

Benefits of Electric steam boiler

The electric steam boiler is widely accepted as the most preferred type of boiler where a simple,
maintenance free and economical installation is required. An electric boiler emits no pollutants at the
point of use. They are very environment friendly machine if the power source is a wind turbine or
water turbine. Electric boilers are much safer than fossil fire boilers because there is no concern about
gas or oil leaking and creating a fire or explosion. Unlike fossil fired units, there is no risk of explosion
if electric boilers run with low water. However, water with a minimum recommendation must be used
for proper & safe boiler operation. Other benefits of Electric steam boilers are:

No separate boiler house or chimney required

Environmentally friendly and pollution free at point of use
No fuel Storage requirement
No special fire or health and safety precautions
Instantaneous steam & hot water generation relative to gas and oil fired boilers
Clean and quiet
Compact, easy to install and can be located close to the point of use
Low maintenance and years of trouble free operation
High efficiency up to 98% even at partial load

Characteristics of Electric Steam Boilers

Electric steam boilers are available for low, medium and high capacity applications. Each unit of
electric boiler come complete with automatic features, including pressure and liquid level controllers.
ASME Code pressure vessel and safety valve and are fully tested under power. Each unit must pass
rigid quality control inspection before it is shipped. These versatile boilers are perfect for almost any
application. Stainless steel electric boilers are specially designed to minimize contaminants where
clean operation is required such as Pharmaceutical, Sterilization, Food Processing, Cosmetics

4. Factory and Machinery Regulation on Boiler Operation


Regulation 10. Essential fittings.
(1) Every steam boiler shall be provided with-

(i) two or more safety valves, at least one of which shall be of the direct spring-loaded type:
Provided that any steam boiler having a heating surface of one hundred square feet or less
may have only one safety valve, in which case it shall be of the direct spring-loaded type; (ii)
two water gauges: Provided that any steam boiler having an evaporative capacity of less than
three hundred pounds of steam per hour from and at two hundred and twelves degrees
Fahrenheit may have only one water gauge, in which case not less than two suitable test
cocks shall be fitted in place of the second water gauge; (iii) a steam pressure gauge; (iv) a
blown down valve or cock; (v) two feed pumps or alternatively one feed pump and one
injector: Provided that any steam boiler having a heating surface of one hundred and fifty
square feet or less or any steam boiler fitted with automatic controls which "fail to safety" may
be fitted with one feed pump; Provided further that where two or more steam boilers are
coupled together the number of feed pumps or injectors required shall be as approved by the
Chief Inspector; (vi) a main steam stop valve; (vii) a feed check valve; (viii) an Inspector's test
pressure gauge attachment; (ix) a fusible plug in each furnace or combustion chamber:
Provided that any steam boiler fired with liquid or gaseous fuel shall not be required to have a
fusible plug; (x) a low-water alarm; except that a low water alarm shall not be required for any
steam boiler which is fired with-

a) solid fuel and generation steam at a pressure of 250 pounds per square inch or less; or (b)
liquid or gaseous fuel and fitted with a low water fuel cut-out.

(xi) a low-water fuel cut-out where such steam boiler is fired with liquid or gaseous fuel; (xii)
the manufacturer's or maker's name plate; and (xiii) a registration plate.
(2) This regulation shall not apply to any economiser or any superheater.
Copyright 2004 PNMB-LawNet. All rights reserved.


Act 139
ACT 1967
Incorporating all amendments up to 1 January 2006
Training and supervision of inexperienced workers
26. No person shall be employed at any machine or in any process, being a machine or
process liable to cause bodily injury, unless he has been fully instructed as to the
dangers likely to arise in connection therewith and the precautions to be observed, and

(a) has received sufficient instruction in work at the machine or process; or
(b) is under adequate supervision by a person who has knowledge and experience of
the machine or process.

The electrical steam boiler use for this laboratory is described in detail by the boiler manual. A brief
description is given below:

Knowing your boiler:

It is important that you know your boiler, the different components attached to the boiler and their
functions. In this exercise identify the components as shown below. Describe their functions and their


Operate the boiler as per instruction of your supervisor/technician. Ensure that you have identified the
major components of the boiler, its function and location. Follow the standard operating procedures
provided to start up the boiler and to shut down the boiler. Additional instruction will be given as


Do not attempt to start the boiler until this section has been read and fully understood. Carry out the
following procedure on the initial start up of the boiler and on every subsequent occasion when
restarting the boiler after a shutdown.
1. Open the steam valve.
2. Open all the valves in the water feed line.
Ensure the feed water pump is primed.
3. Switch the door isolator switch to the on position.
4. With the boiler selector switch on and the boiler and tank elements (when fitted) on.
Turn the feed water pump on/off switch to the off position.
Open the boiler blowdown valve and lower the water level in the boiler until the low water alarm
reset button is illuminated and the alarm sounds.
5. Close the blowdown valve. Turn the feed water pump on/off switch to the on position.
The feed water pump should start and restore the water level to the normal position and stop.
6. Press the low water level reset button.
The light should extinguish and the audible alarm should cease.
The elements should re-energise, the element selector switches should illuminate.
The boiler is now ready for use.
The on/off steam pressure controller will control the on/off cycle of the elements once the boiler is

The low water relays automatically maintain the level of water in the boiler (and tank if fitted) and
will immediately shut off the power to the elements should the water level fall to an unsafe level.
The element switches situated on the control panel enable elements to be switched on or off
independently to meet steam requirements.
Note: When the low water level alarm sounds elements that are energised should de-energise
and the element selector switches should extinguish.

Boiler Blowdown
It is assumed that a safe blowdown receptacle has been provided.
1. Carry out the procedures described to start the boiler.
2. Allow the steam pressure to rise to approximately 10 psi when starting from cold, (blowdown may
be carried out at normal working pressure as long as an approved blowdown vessel is fitted to the
3. Turn the pump / boiler switch(s) to the 'Off' position.
4. Open the boiler blowdown valve for approx. 5 seconds then close the blowdown valve.
5. Turn the pump / boiler switch(s) to the 'On' position.
6. If the 2nd low water indicator illuminates and the alarm sounds 'Press' the low water level reset
button. The light should extinguish and the audible alarm cease.
The feed water pump should start and restore the boiler water to normal working level.

Water Gauge Set Blowdown (where

fitted )

1. Open the gauge glass

blowdown valve A.
2. Close (for approx. 3 seconds)
the top gauge valve B.
3. Open valve B.
4. Close (for approx. 3 seconds)
the bottom gauge valve C.
5. Open valve C.
6. Close valve A
Turn the selector switch to the on
The boiler is now ready for service.

Prepare your laboratory report and answer the following questions:

1. Describe in detail the things to do and the items to inspect before turning on the boiler.

2. What is the rating of the boiler ?

3. Prepare and discuss the standard operating procedure to turn on and turn off a boiler.

4. What is the purpose of the water treatment unit?

5. How do you adjust the steam pressure of the boiler?

6. How do you adjust the steam pressure at the user end?

7. Discuss the boiler start-up procedures.

8. Discuss the boiler shut-down procedures.


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