#Itravelalone: Female Solo Traveler Ultimate Guide

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Female Solo Traveler Ultimate Guide

Introduction 3
Section 1 - What do you have to worry about before traveling? 5
1.1 - Get required documents: 6
1.2 - Start packing and re-packing: 8
1.3 - What you should know about transportation: 10
1.4 - Different types of accommodation: 13

Section 2 - Ok, now Im a solo traveler. What should I do? 17

2.1 - Dont ignore safety tips: 18
2.2 - Follow your guts: 20
2.3 - Be open minded: 22
2.4 - Look for other solo female travelers: 24
2.5 - Technology is your friend: 26

Section 3 - What happens after I come back? 28

3.1 - Organize your expenses and learnings: 29
3.2 - How to cope with reality when you come back? 31
3.3 - Dealing with your family and friends: 33
3.4 - Finding a new job or going back to college: 35
3.5 - Building up new dreams after conquering the world! 37

Epilogue 39
Traveling alone. Just two words, but so many
meanings. For those ones that already went,
memories. For those who want to go, doubts.
All of us at Worldpackers want to help women
add new meanings to those two words. After
all, traveling alone as a woman is possible if
you have the right tools and self-confidence
to pursue your dream.

Thats why our Worldpackers Female Team

Andira Medeiros, Ana Quintero, Anna Mota,
Camila Agostinho, Fabi Werneck, Karol An-
drade, Ludmila Ameni e Paula Ramao have
united efforts to write this guide, that aims
to simplify the steps for solo female travel-
ers. We have divided it in three sections with
5 topics each, that will focus on:
the women out there.
We encourage you to embrace this experi-
ence. We want you to find new destinations,
Before: During: After: friends, lovers and dreams. Leave your limits
Planning Experiencing Getting back
at home to be whoever you want to be out-
We wrote this guide because we believe that side your comfort zone. We are here build this
the possibility to experience the world with revolution together with you, and this guide
your own eyes is so amazing that it must be is just the beginning.
democratized. We want to revolutionize the
way we think and make choices about trav- With love,
eling, so one day there will be no prejudice Worldpackers Girls
or fear that will stop women from conquer-
ing what they desire. Worldpackers has an XOXOX
amazing mission to inspire people to trav-
el, once travel has changed a person - they
change the world.

This is a guide written by women for all

Section 1 - What do you
have to worry about
before traveling?
1.1 - Get required self to medical and dental care. The programs
offer you different coverage options, and you
documents: can choose which one fits your budget best.
But look out! There are some points that
Dreaming about your next destination is al- deserve your attention when making your
ways a good thing to do. But before buying choice. They are: the duration of the cover-
the tickets, it is indispensable to check all the age; the coverage for your personal items,
documents you will need to have a perfect like your cellphone and laptop; which activi-
trip. ties are covered for example, dont go bun-
gee-jumping in New Zealand before ensur-
Start with the visa. That is how youll figure ing it covers radical sports! and, of course,
out if anything different from a regular tour- the medical coverage. Three options known
ist visa is needed. Project Visa is a really use- for being good for solo travelers are: World
ful website, which gives you straight-forward Nomads and True Travellers Insurance this
information on any country! last one just for European citizens.

Find the right travel insurance. It can cover Check special requirements. Some regions
a wide variety of situations, from the trip it- could have specific requirements for tour-
ists, such as vaccines. By visiting this website
you can find some really useful information Worldpackers Girls
about what kind of vaccines are mandatory Golden Tip
before traveling and where to get them.
Make copies everywhere. Make a copy of Ludmila
your passport and documents before trave-
ling, send it to your e-mail or print it. By doing When I went to Thailand, I had
this you are protecting yourself from being in to take the vaccine for yellow
a situation without your critical documenta- fever. Most people think its a
tion. waste of time to worry about
those things, but not doing them
can actually ruin your whole trip.
In my case, it was essential since
when I arrived at the immigra-
tion they asked me to show the
international certificate to entry
the country!
1.2 - Start packing and Dont forget the pack weight. This can vary
re-packing: according to the place youre going, so al-
ways do your research! In most countries, to
You probably have already heard it, but its avoid extra charge for oversize or overweight
always good to remember: travel as light as baggage when flying, your checked bag must
you can. When traveling alone, its good to weigh 23 kilos (50 pounds) or less. Also, it
let your hands free to hold maps, mobile and cannot exceed 157 cm (62 inches) with total
travel guides. length + width + height.

Think about the essential. When choosing Get a padlock. If youre sharing accommo-
what to take, think and rethink about what dation, its always safer to keep your things
youll actually need. Although that varies locked. Most places give you a locker, but gen-
from person to person, ten dresses probably erally they are pretty small. So for not having
arent necessary. Choose basic clothes that to worry about your stuff, and enjoying your
match between themselves. So if you find experience completely, having a padlock is
it a problem you dont feel like youre dress- the key.
ing in the same thing everyday!
5 backpack brands tested and approved:
Deuter Worldpackers Girls
North Face Golden Tip
Quechua by:
Tortuga Camila
During my trips, I have learned
that a good backpack is the best
friend you can have. So forget
about luggage on wheels. I al-
ways pack only the essential and
prefer light fabric clothes, that
are easy to wash and fast to dry.
1.3 - What you should dering in a different country can turn you
into a target. An useful website to help with
know about chosing your transport is Inspirock a total-
ly free online tool where you can plan your
transportation: trips, choosing between going by plane, car,
Theres always a thousand ways to get from train, bus or whatever is available. Use it also
one place to another. Thats why choosing to book your trips in advance! In Asian coun-
which kind of transportation youre going tries, for example, it is very common that the
to get isnt always easy. But one thing is for tickets are sold out by the middle of the week,
sure: you should be able to choose whatever so you have to book it by Wednesday if you
way YOU think is better for your experience. plan to go away on the weekend.
Thinking about that, we will give some tips
to facilitate your choosing process! What if I want to get a ride? You can. Car-
pooling is a term that has been more spread-
Know your way. Check your maps and trans- ed each day since the launch of the app Uber.
portation schedules before leaving the place For not getting into traps, its important to
that youre staying. Looking lost while wan- use the community sense which is the base
for apps such as Uber and BlaBlaCar in a
profitable way. Read the reviews and see the Keep it safe. While traveling alone you can
comments before choosing who is going to feel unsafe, and to avoid this feeling you can
share the car with you. And, whenever is pos- use some quick tips. When you get a ride, a
sible, look for other women that will make Uber or a taxi, telling the driver that he looks
you feel safer! like a friend or a relative, and asking if you can
take a picture of him to show them, is one ex-
Hitchhiking. Its always a little bit risky ample. You can also take a picture his license.
to hitchhike as a female traveler, but that Another idea is to pretend that youre talk-
doesnt mean it cant be done with precau- ing to your friends or family and follow the
tion. Sometimes hitchhiking as a woman can journey in your GPS to make sure youre on
be easier, because often women stop for oth- the right path. When it comes to buses and
er women. Even families may stop to help a trains, make sure you book a single chair and
woman from a situation in which they think beware of sleeping buses.
she could be in danger or if its raining/snow-
ing. So dont think its too difficult, face your
fears and have a few preventative techniques
to protect yourself.
Worldpackers Girls
Golden Tip

Talking to locals and families is
a great tip for avoiding getting
trapped with transportation.
During my trip to India, that was
the way I discovered that foreign-
ers usually got tricked and were
charged higher prices for the bus
and train tickets. So I learned to
bargain and lower the costs!
1.4 - Different types of and, if you have any question, talk to your
Travel Fairy (24/7 online support). Thats the
accommodation: kind of experience you can get using World-
Your accommodation represents a great part
of your trip. It sets your experiences mood Hotel and Bed & Breakfast. For those travel-
and probably the way youre going to connect ers that are looking for comfort and dont want
with people! Now well present you different to worry about anything while traveling! With
types of accommodation so you can explore a good research, it is possible to find some
and decide which one fits you best! that can fit in a small budget like the famous
Ibis Budget. Go for it if comfort and privacy are
Exchanging skills for accommodation. Im- your thing.
agine yourself collaborating with people from
different nationalities and having a profound Hostel. A great way to meet people! Most
cultural experience. You can choose between of the times, the shared dorms and shared
hostels, eco-villas and social projects that will bathrooms are compensated by the amaz-
be your temporary home for a couple of days ing friends that you will carry forever. If you
(or even weeks). Search through Verified Hosts arent in such a collaborative mood, there are
also hostels that offer you a private room, a
private bathroom and even a private kitchen! Worldpackers Girls
In case you dont feel comfortable with shar-
Golden Tip
ing you room with men, most hostels have fe-
male dormitories that can be perfect for you. by:
On Hostelworld, you can find over 8 million
verified guest reviews about hostels all over
the world. In my last trip to Spain, I stayed
in a really great hostel, but it
Shared homes. Low budget option where you didnt have a 24 hour working re-
can choose to rent houses/apartments or opt ception. So, its really important
for a single bedroom, using apps like Airbnb, that you pay attention to those
or find hosts that will receive you for a short details when choosing your ac-
period of time just for the connexion, which commodation, or you can end up
became famous through Couchsurfing. Both with no place to sleep in your first
are good ways to connect with locals, but it day in a city!
is good practice that that you keep an eye on
the reviews and look for hosts that give you
confidence while talking to them!
1.5 - Keep your Think about the possibilities. It is always
good to have more than one payment type.
money safe: Whether you prefer debit, credit card or cash,
having a backup plan is essential in case
It seems like money will always be the biggest something happens.
obstacle when following your dreams and
conquering the world. Remember that trips Withdrawing & Money Belt. A few banks
are things that can be planned in advance! give you ATM withdrawal without any fees, so
So with some organization, its always possi- check with your bank first. Beware of where
ble to make them happen. you are and whos watching you, always
ask at the reception of where youre staying
Always do your research. Look for travelers where are the most secure places to with-
tips on the bargains that you can find while draw money. Dont count money in front of
traveling somewhere. Use trip planners to people and Find a money belt or neck wallet
organize your expenses! Budget Your Trip to keep your valuables safe while traveling.
(www.budgetyourtrip.com) is an online tool
that certainly will help you a lot with that! Carry it in different places while traveling.
Divide the amount of money that youre car-
rying and put it in different places, like in
your purse, backpack or necessaire. That Worldpackers Girls
prevents you from being robbed, losing
Golden Tip
everything and being left in a bad situation.
Its super exciting when we find money some- by:
where else other than our wallet, right?
Within all the options to take
money in a international trip, the
best for me is a pre-paid credit
card. It gives you a lot of guar-
antees, and it is also really easy
to carry and use it. But Ill never
leave the hotel without any cash!
In small cities they normally
dont accept cards for little ex-
penses like food, souvenirs and
gifts, for example.
Section 2 - Ok, now Im
a solo traveler. What
should I do?
2.1 - Dont ignore and you can always ask for help.

safety tips: Avoid looking like a tourist. Walking around

with your face in a guidebook or a map will
Keep in mind that feeling safe while trave- attract undesired attention in your way. The
ling demands your attention just like in your more you stand out, the more you present
everyday life. Buzzfeed made an awesome yourself as someone who doesnt know the
compilation of safety tips for women trave- location, which makes you more vulnerable
ling alone, that is worth a read - check it out! to thieves and pickpockets, for example. So
Lets highlight some essentials for you: dress down and avoid jewelery when walk-
ing the streets alone.
Try to stay in open and public places. Es-
pecially at night and if you are wandering Understand the local culture. Respecting
without any friends. As all the tips that were customs and traditions will save you from
gonna give you here, this prevents you from ending up in tricky situations. It is funda-
being seen as a target in the eyes of unde- mental that you understand and respect the
sired ones. Populated areas are always a culture, religions, and how to properly dress.
good way to avoid a complicated situation, Sometimes, choosing to cover your legs,
shoulders, arms or head is an option on the
side of your own protection. signed for girls, like you are really trav-
eling on your own?, or you have no
Know your address. Get the business card or one to go along with you? and how
ask the receptionist/host to write down the do you have the guts to travel alone?. If
name, address, and phone number of your you travel alone, I am sure you will hear
accommodation. Then, if you get lost or are them at least once. And I guess the best
at a transport and cant communicate with that you can take out of it is to learn
the driver, you can hand it to them. how to stand as someone that strives to
build a better world, but that is not na-
ive. There are risks everywhere and you
Worldpackers Girls need to know how to avoid them and
Golden Tip keep yourself safe. You need to know
where you are going. But keep in mind
by: that risks should exist because you are
Paula a traveler going to an unknown place,
not because you are a female traveler.
In my way as a solo traveler, I Be bold, girl.
have bumped into many ques-
tions that are specifically de-
2.2 - Follow your guts: cient biological wisdom, says David Myers in
his book Intuition: Its Powers and Perils. Feel
Even if you have never traveled alone, as a the energy and decide if its a nice place to be
super-woman that you (definitely) are, you at that time or if you should move along.
always feel when you are getting into a dan-
gerous area. If you dont feel confident about Observe around you. Decisions are not only
your hostel, for example, immediately start made by our inner selves, but are also influ-
to look for another one! enced by the atmosphere that surround us.
So listen and feel not only yourself, but also
So, listen. Listening to your bodys subtle where you are. Look what other people are
signals and intuition is essential when mak- doing and how they are doing it. This com-
ing good decisions. Specially for us, women, bination will make you feel confident about
that have different moods and feelings in where and with who you are.
some moments of the month.
Dont be afraid to ask. There is no better
And feel it. The feeling you get about a per- way to get where and what you want. You
son in the first 10 seconds expresses an an- definitely are awesome, but playing the su-
perheroine while traveling alone isnt the
best option! Your doubts are probably other
people doubts as well, so locals wont have Worldpackers Girls
problems with answering them.
Golden Tip

My advice in following your guts
is: always believe in your own
innate wisdom, you are a wom-
an and you have a special pow-
er: the sixth sense. Never follow
others, especially if something is
saying you shouldnt. Find other
girls and talk to them.
2.3 - Be open minded: in.com/) is another app where you get per-
sonal recommendations from locals without
Locals are the best people to tell you what even leaving your country!
you should and shouldnt do in anywhere
you go. So always look for them! Remember: Think about extra activities. If you arent in
there are tons of good people in the world! a hostel atmosphere and plan to stay for a
while in the place, looking for programs such
Walking tours. Even if you arent a big fan of as an yoga class at a local gym can connect
tours, it is a good way to know and observe you with interesting people that will help you
places to eat, party, or just explore. They are to know where to go and what to do around
normally done by locals and that is the eas- the city area.
iest way to connect with one of them! You
can find them easily by googling (entry the Studies & Courses. Exploring a new culture,
name of your destination) walking tour or while improving your skills or learning new
you can also book a personal one with apps ones can make an excellent combination. So
like With Locals (https://www.withlocals. looking for public universities can be a good
com/). Cool Cousin (https://www.coolcous- option while traveling. In most countries,
they have courses available for foreigners
and normally are amazing atmospheres for
meeting new people. Worldpackers Girls
Golden Tip
Share meals with strangers. There are
people who say that food is the purest rep- by:
resentation of a culture. So in what way could Andira
you make a better cultural exchange than
sharing meals? If you are in a hostel, you can When I was young, I was a real-
simply buy ingredients to cook and ask peo- ly shy girl. As grew up, I tried to
ple to have dinner with you! Not in a cook- be energetic and less reserved.
ing mode and looking for new experiences? Only when I decided to travel
that I could see theres a whole
Try Meal Sharing (https://www.mealsharing.
new level of being eloquent. Talk-
com/). There you can find hosts all over the ing to locals and getting to know
world that will cook for you in exchange of a people wasnt something easy at
little contribution. first, but now I cant live my life
without being open minded and
chatty. Its a daily effort, but its
so worth it.
2.4 - Look for other Sorority is crucial. Sorority in the meaning
solo female travelers: of understanding the problems of other girls
that you meet in your travels (and in your life),
Traveling alone definitely doesnt mean be- in the same way you expect them to under-
ing alone! There are thousands of women stand you. Once you establish a relationship
traveling by themselves just waiting to share of experience exchange with women, feeling
their experiences with you. alone will seem like a smaller problem. We all
need a friend and we should help each other
Community. There are online communities no matter what.
and Facebook groups, such as Travelettes,
created just for female travelers and that can
make you feel less lonely when being on your Offer help and tips to other girls. Put your-
own. She is Wanderful is one of them. There self in their shoes (hey, sorority here!). Once
you can find stories and connect with other you see a woman who appears to be need-
women that will give you amazing tips about ing help, dont hesitate in offering it. Theyre
traveling, or even meet up along the way! :) maybe too shy to ask, or not even sure what/
who they are supposed to ask help to. And
use social media to extend this habit to the
online world. Make yourself available for trav- Theres a theory that anyone in
eler girls that want to exchange experiences the planet can be connected to
and tips! anyone else in just six steps. So
through just five other people,
5 female groups to exchange info: you are effectively connected to
Facebook group - Badass Solo Female Trav- any person. That is why my ad-
ellers vice to every women traveling
Womens Travel Club solo is to always ask for your
Pink Pangea friends for recommendations of
girls who live there, or that are
Women Travel blog
going to travel to this place at
Wanderlust and Lipstick
the same time. As a female solo
traveler, you must know where
you are going and you should use
Worldpackers Girls the power of your own network.
Golden Tip It is amazing, not only to be safe
but also to get to know the place
by: through the local eyes.
2.5 - Technology is your same moments again.

friend: Battery status. Always carry extra juice for

your phone because it will surely be your
Apps can be your best friends while traveling. best guide and running out of battery is not
Here are some that you can use and explore. an option, right? Buy a PowerBank to con-
nect when youre in need of battery.
Always have the WiFi. Never lose the con-
nection using collaborative apps that give Emergency numbers. Essential for your
you WiFi passwords everywhere you go. Try trips, and that can be on your phone with
Instabridge, Wefi Pro and Wifi Magic by Man- just one download. Emergency Phone Num-
dic. bers - World is an app that have emergency
numbers (police, medical and fire) of over
Dont lose your pictures. If you are going to 130 countries. With it, you can even add a
use your phone to take pics, never ever for- personal important contact which is easily
get to sync them to cloud (iCloud, Dropbox, reachable - a family member, for example.
Box, Google Photos). We can always buy a
new phone but its impossible to relive the
Worldpackers Girls
Golden Tip


About apps, I will always trust

Citymapper. Its a super easy app
and much better than Google
Maps. Ah, and I really like to use
Google Translator! Besides the
text translation tool (online and
offline), it uses your camera to
text instantly.
Section 3 - What
happens after I come
3.1 - Organize your ex- one else are willing to wire you money, dont
ever run out of cash without a backup plan.
penses and learnings: Try to find jobs related to travel. You could
Most people arent big fans of thinking about be an expat, a digital nomad or even a vaga-
returning home, but you should ensure that bond. Try to find something you love and use
after long trips you have enough money to your skills to do it. Making money with some-
support yourself for 2 or 3 months or until thing we are passionate about is the dream
you are earning money again. of every young traveler. The people who have
travel jobs invested their time and resources
Dont run out of cash. Running out of money to learn how to make it work which means
while traveling is every travelers fear. If your you can do the same if you make it a priority.
wallet was stolen or if you just spent more One thing you can start doing is becoming a
money than expected, youre in big trou- Freelancer.
ble. Some people give haircuts, other help
as waiters or receptionists, but you need to Dont lose track. While traveling, even if you
keep track of your expenses to buy your tick- have planned your budget, dont lose track
et back home. Unless your parents or some- of it. Keep writing down your expenses so
you know how much money will you have
when you come back. An app that can help Worldpackers Girls
you with that is Goosit. It connects all your Golden Tip
destinations, and allows you to sum up your
expenses with accommodation, transporta-
tion and also extra activities, like museums Paula
and restaurants.
Before getting to a destination,
I look for information on back-
Learn something new. If youre still won- packers groups in order to have
dering if you should come back or stay where an idea of how much it will cost
you are, perhaps its time to Learn Something and also to create my itinerary.
New. You can use your new skills to find a job Also, I write down how much I will
to keep you on the road traveling or even go spend on hostels, airplane and
back to home with a new purpose. bus tickets, attractions and also
food. Once I know that, I decide if
I have the right amount of money
to take the trip. It is a really good
start so you dont have debts af-
ter a really awesome trip.
3.2 - How to cope with traveling, and discovered yourself as a yoga
master during your trip, dont let your activ-
reality when you come ities at home overshadow your new passion.

back? Theres no need to rush. You need to find

the perfect timing of your new life.. Try not to
Solo trips normally make you discover piec- push yourself to do things in a rush like you
es of yourself that were lost during your life. did while traveling. You dont have to expe-
Its difficult to fit those in your old routine. rience it all at once. Breathe in, breathe out.
Do not worry, with time things will find their Time is on your side.
place and you will be back to feeling good -
maybe even better than before.
Get to know your feelings. One of the most
Dont stick to old habits. Coming back useful skills we need in order to be in good
home doesnt mean becoming an old ver- relationship with others is the ability to iden-
sion of yourself. You can and should in- tify our emotions or feelings. You can prac-
corporate your new habits in your routine. tice meditation or talk to people about what
So if you didnt have time to exercise before youve experienced. Most importantly, you
need to find inner peace and dont let return- Worldpackers Girls
ing home in a bad way. Golden Tip
Think about what you want. Now that you by:
have decided to come back, this is the perfect Andira
time to think about what you want in life mov-
ing forward. Youve changed and you need to Well all I can say is that in the
find something to focus on. Otherwise, youll beginning its going to be really
use traveling as an escape from real life. This tough. After two years traveling
the world, coming back to Brazil
is why once youve traveled for the first time
was really hard for me. Especially
all you want to do is leave again. Dont think during conversations with friends
about traveling again until you have figured and family, sometimes they dont
out what you want for your life. care about your new experienc-
es at all. They dont know how
much youve changed and you
dont know how to tell them that.
Only with time youll start to feel
at home and think about whats
3.3 - Dealing with your share with your firends and family how you
have changed for the better. Show them you
family and friends: can be a better version of yourself.
Maybe theyre supportive. Maybe not. May- Bring back the good times. Remember the
be they criticize you or maybe they go along reasons why you enjoy hanging out with your
with you. Remember what matters the most friends and all the good things you learned
is you! What were you looking for when de- from family. Keep those thoughts in your
cided to have this experience? What have you mind when you feel like an outsider or an
brought it with you from all the places youve outcast.
traveled? What are your dreams and goals?
How will that experience help you to be one Not everybody wants to hear your stories.
step closer to them or even reach them? Youll be this new shiny person with lots of
stories to tell about all the incredible places
Highlight your biggest apprenticeships. theyve never heard before, but not every-
Embrace your choices and what you have one is interested. Theres a limit of storytell-
learned from them. Now its time to practice ing, sooner or later, youre going to reach it.
what you have learned about yourself and to When you do, dont bother with it and keep
on collecting your stamps for your own per-
sonal joy.
Worldpackers Girls
Dont criticize your own culture. Criticizing Golden Tip
your own culture doesnt solve the problem,
because each one of us are, without excep- by:
tion, a member of a constantly shifting set Ana
of overlapping cultures. When youve seen
different religions and languages, you might Understand that your family
think that your own nation should change worries because they care, right?
or is inferior somehow, but criticizing peo- So a good and clear conversation
ple around you will only stress them out. You about those things will be great
for both sides, believe me. Above
should change your behavior and embody
all, you will have dealt with the
the change you want to see in the world, just
experience by yourself and this
like Mahatma Gandhi said. This change starts is probably the bravest thing you
with you. will ever do for your personal
3.4 - Finding a new job while traveling, right? Then try to relive this
satisfaction with something new.
or going back to col- Get rid of the post-trip depression. Some
lege: people called it post-vacation blues, others
called it post-holiday blues and a few called
The feeling of returning to your starting point it post-travel depression. It doesnt matter
is even stronger when it comes to studies or how you called it, we all have had this weird
job. But there are some things that you can feeling of something is missing. You might
keep in mind to soften that feeling. realize how boring and unsatisfactory your
normal lifestyle routine is compared to what
Give life a purpose. Run from what you do you have lived elsewhere. However dont let
in the automatic mode. Look for activities, in this mood take control of your life, get rid of
studies or in a new job, that make sense for it as soon as possible and start planning your
you. Purpose is what gives us the strength to exciting future!
carry on, if not through dire conditions, then
through difficult changes, transitions, and Bring together your new ideology. Unite
situations. Remember that feeling you had what you already knew before going on the
road with your new learnings. Think about Worldpackers Golden Tip
the great things that you can make now, put-
ting them together. So practicing them in new by:
studies or in a new job position may be an Camis
interesting goal for your after trip. How can
you gather all this knowledge to do some- When I got back from my last
thing good? long term trip, I was so lost. I
needed a job so I simply sent my
CV to any company. Results? I
5 Websites to learn languages and new skills.
got a job pretty fast, but I hated
Skillshare it. Two months later I quit. So my
Future Learn advice is: take your time. If you
Duolingo already established a goal for
Lynda your professional life, go for it. If
Babbel youre lost like I was, dont rush
things. Youve changed, so em-
brace your new self and a place
where your talents and previous
experiences are count into your
3.5 - Building up new body and mind, into the best one possible for
your new way of thinking.
dreams after conquer- Dont limit yourself. You are bigger, stronger,
ing the world! braver than you think. Dont try to fit in the
same dreams that the old version of you had.
You have been through the planning part. Make a list of things that you have conquered
Youve traveled for a while and had the experi- to have a better overview of what you think
ence of a lifetime. Now you are back to where is missing. Then make a list of big things you
youve started and it is up to you to make that still want to achieve. Pursue your dreams un-
new step of your life a wonderful transition to til they come true.
a bright future.
Less consumerism. Nobody would ever say
Home is where your heart is. Home isnt the the secret to a joyful, meaningful life is to buy
name of a place, a city or a country for you a lot of stuff. We all know we can live with less
anymore. It is you, it is inside of you. Youve clothes, less shoes, less furniture. Youve ex-
felt at home in many places around the world perienced life without all of this things, youve
and made friends from many nationalities. So traveled with only a backpack and it was
make plans that will turn your home, your new
enough. Will Rogers said it like this, Too many
people spend money they havent earned, to
buy things they dont want, to impress people Worldpackers Girls
they dont like. So remember, consumerism Golden Tip
is not a pathway to happiness.
Gratitude, Empathy, & Self Esteem. Perhaps Anna
these are the best learnings from a long term
trip. Practicing gratitude and empathy means After I came back, it took me
thankfulness, noticing simple pleasures, un- a couple of months to realize
derstanding another person and acknowledg- that I didnt necessarily have to
ing everything that youve learned during your be on the road again to find my
travels. Not using make-up and feeling beau- dreams. So I guess it is important
tiful the way you are, finding yourself vulner- to keep that in mind. You are the
able but not insecure, and finding peace with only one in charge of your de-
your self esteem. As a woman, theres noth- sires, sets and goals. No matter
ing more significant than being able to accept where or when.
yourself without any judgements.
Girls just want to have fun(damental rights).
We all want to have fun without worries, we all
want to be respected, we all want to be what-
ever we want to be. So why cant we? Because
wanting is not enough, not anymore. Now we
deserve it. We deserve to be female solo trav-

This is not a campaign or a movement.

Its a revolution! We should all travel alone
because we deserve to be free.
Travel should be a universal right.
The hashtag #ITravelAlone has been used by
solo female travelers to encourage other wom-
en to let go of misconceptions about traveling.
Dont let anyone dictate how you should trav-
el. Tell everyone your story, the good and bad
things. Send us videos, pictures, gifs. Lets em-
power ourselves by sending this message to the
world and, once for all, change the way women

Hope this guide gives you the push you needed

to hit the road. We have a community of more
than 150.000 women from 93 countries talking
and helping each other on Worldpackers web-
site. And remember Beyonc:
Phone: +55 11 4883 0007
E-mail: info@worldpackers.com

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