IDEA Tendon 5: User Guide
IDEA Tendon 5: User Guide
IDEA Tendon 5: User Guide
IDEA Tendon 5
User guide
1 Getting started
1.1 System requirements
.NET Framework 4 needs to be installed on a computer to provide the optimal functioning of
RCS applications you can download it from the Microsoft website:
In case of a missing .NET Framework 4 the installation is not launched.
1.2 Installation
Administrator rights are required for an adequate installation.
2 Introduction
IDEA Tendon and IDEA RCS are external add-on modules of AxisVM, IDEA Beam or
IDEA Frame programs, which enable the user to design pre-tensioned and post-tensioned
prestressed concrete beams according to EN 1992-1-1 and EN 1992-2 codes.
The precondition is that a project in AxisVM, IDEA Beam or IDEA Frame (superior linked
application) has been input. The structure can contain 1D and 2D concrete members, cross-
sections and materials, external loads, load cases including load cases for pre-tensioning and
post-tensioning, and load groups. Once IDEA Tendon is started, the user selects 1D concrete
members to be prestressed. Then he is navigated by going through individual design steps:
input of tendon layout, material and other characteristics of prestressing,
calculation of loads equivalent to the effects of prestressing,
design of prestressing forces using load-balancing method,
calculation of short-term losses of prestressing due to friction, anchorage set and steel
export of equivalent loads to AxisVM, IDEA Beam or IDEA Frame and structural
IDEA RCS is an effective tool to perform the design pre-stressed concrete sections according
to EN codes, based on the results calculated in IDEA Tendon and AxisVM, IDEA Beam or
IDEA Frame. The following features are provided:
the evaluation of extreme internal forces based on selected strategy,
comfortable automatic or manual input of additional non-prestressed reinforcement,
calculation of short and long-term losses of prestressing (due to elastic deformation of
concrete, steel relaxation, creep and shrinkage of concrete,
design for axial force, biaxial bending, shear, torsion and combined internal forces,
ultimate and serviceability limit state design for relevant design situations
detailed results documentation with reference to design equations used and described
in the standard,
descriptive graphics in printout report.
2.1 Limitations
The structure does not change its structural system during construction stages.
Structural analysis is performed with one structural model only - all tendons are
assumed to be prestressed in one moment.
No external load is applied to prestressed part of the structure before it is prestressed,
external load or self-weight can be applied at the same time as prestressing.
Prestressed beam makes one (integral) structural system or part of such system (not a
set of independent members) at the stage of the structure, for which the design of
tendon is performed. Examples: one structural system = simply supported beam or
continuous beam, part of structural system = primary beam of portal frame.
Cross-section of concrete 1D members is solid (not composite) and it is cast in one
construction stage.
Pre-tensioned tendons can be defined only for straight and statically determined
design members.
3 Terminology
3.1 General
Part of Member is a basic entity which is imported from structural model. It is not a finite
element. Each part of member is linked to one basic geometrical entity (line, circle arc,
parabolic arc). This geometrical entity contains definition of its local coordinate system
(LCS). In relation to the geometrical entity the part of member can be defined eccentric with
different eccentricities at the beginning and at the end and rotated with constant rotation along
the part of member.
Nodes of structural model points, to which the position of part of member is defined. Part
of member can be eccentric to the beginning and end node.
Member P1 is defined by polygon in FEM program (superior linked application). Polygon is
defined by five points 1 to 5 and it consists of four segments. Member in IDEA Tendon will
consist of four Parts of member.
Identical LCS two local coordinate systems are identical, if both of them have the
beginning in the same point and angle between corresponding axes is zero.
Member is 1D element of structural model, which consist of at least one Part of Member.
If member consist of more parts of member, all parts of member are connected in a row, it
means that ending point of one part of member is also beginning point of following member.
Local coordinate systems of particular parts of member in this point may (but not must) be
Member P1 has been exported from FEM program (superior linked application) to IDEA
Tendon. Design Member 1 has been created, which consist of one Member (1). Member
consists of four Parts of member.
Coordinate system of Design member design member does not have its own coordinate
system. Geometry of design member is defined by sequence of coordinate systems of
consecutive members of design members.
Uncoiled view (of member, tendon, design member) is obtained by uncoiling of the
reference curve/polygon
Closing segment - type of segment, which can be used at the beginning or ending of tendon.
It is followed by internal segment or other end segment.
Inner segment - type of segment, which can be placed only between two other segments.
Editing point - point used to change segment parameters.
Closing point type of editing point, which is placed at the beginning (or ending) of end
Intermediate point editing point inside the segment.
Connecting point point at the connection of two segments.
Characteristic points of tendon segment editing points determining tendon segment
geometry. Tendon segment contains two or three points depending on tendon segment shape.
Tendon definition geometry it is the tendon geometry defined in uncoiled view of design
member XY or XZ.
Primary geometry one of user specified definition geometries. It is used in cases, when
position of points in second definition geometry depends on position of points in primary
definition geometry.
4 User interface
The user interface consists of several co-operating parts.
Navigator set of commands logically ordered, starting first from the input, through
the check options to output and reporting.
Ribbon groups shows commands related to the current navigator command.
Main window shows the image, diagram or text dialog related to the current
navigator command.
Data window shows the info related to the current navigator command, or the
selected object in the Main window, with different tables or properties.
Information window actual information related to project are shown for quick user
Data window
- zoom all. Click this button to fit the whole structure to the 2D window.
To set the required view using keyboard and mouse following combinations can be used:
Click and hold mid mouse button moving the mouse pans the view.
Roll with mid mouse button moving the mouse increases/decreases the view.
Push CTRL+SHIFT and hold mid mouse button moving the mouse defines the
window for zoom.
Click on right mouse button over 2D window shows context menu with following commands:
Zoom all zoom to show the whole current structure in the 2D window.
Print start printing of the current content of 2D window on selected printer.
To bitmap start export of the current content of 2D window to the raster graphics
To clipboard copy of the current content of 2D window to the Windows clipboard.
To DXF start export of the current content of 2D window to the 2D DXF file.
5 Application settings
Several application settings can be defined using buttons in ribbon group Settings.
Units change of units settings see
5.1 Units setting.
Application settings of colours, line
styles and item description styles see 5.2
Application environment settings.
Code setting of values of national code and calculation coefficients, which are used
during check of reinforced cross-sections see 5.3 Code and calculation settings.
Project data input of project identification data and selection of national annex for
check of reinforced cross-section see 5.4 Project data.
Material view and edit of project library of prestressing reinforcement materials
see 5.5 Materials library.
Tendon templates launch manager of user defined templates of tendon shapes see
9.10.2 Templates manager.
Variables for which you can set the units are grouped into various categories that are
displayed in the column on the left of the dialog main, material and results .
The selected group is shown in a table of variable values for which user defined units are
displayed. For each variable in the column Unit one of the available units can be set.
For each value the number of displayed decimal places can be set in the column Decimals.
For each value the format of number can be set pushing a button in Format column:
D displays number in standard decimal format (-ddd.ddd). The precision
specifier indicates the desired number of decimal places.
S displays number in scientific (exponential) format ("-d.dddE+ddd"). The
precision specifier indicates the desired number of decimal places.
A automatically chooses to displays number either in decimal or in exponential
format according to length of resulting string. The precision specifier defines the maximum
number of significant digits that can appear in the result string
To use the current changed units in the next application run, you must save them by clicking
Save button.
Save - click this button to save the current configuration of units to a file with user
settings. The saved units setting are re-used next time you run the application.
Import - reads the units configuration from a file. To use the imported units in the next
application run, you must save them by clicking Save button.
Export - saves the current units settings to a file.
Default - sets the current units as default units. These units are stored and distributed within
the application. To use default units in the next application run, you must save them by
clicking Save button.
Selected segment pen line style setting for drawing of selected tendon segment. See
5.2.7 Line drawing style setting.
Pen for other tendons line style setting for drawing of not selected tendons. See
5.2.7 Line drawing style setting.
Restore all values resets all values of code settings for EC and current national annex to
default code and annex values.
Restore NA values resets values of current national annex to default annex values.
Save setup saves current code settings to file. Saved settings can be loaded into other
project clicking Code button in Project data dialog. To display Project data dialog click
Project data in ribbon group Settings.
Find after entering a value in the text box, this function filters out those available code
variables that contain the entered value of the article number.
Grouping turns on/off the grouping of code variables by chapter. When grouping is on, you
can collapse or expand individual chapters of code variables.
Filtering turns on/off the filtering of code variables by chapter.
When filtering is on, you can choose filtering criteria By member
or By check.
Expand all/Collapse all when grouping is on, you can expand or collapse all the code
variable chapters.
Column Clause numbers of particular code clauses are displayed it this column.
Column Name names of code variables are displayed in this column.
Column Value code variable values can be edited in this column. If there is checkbox at
code value, it can turn the value on/off to be taken into account or neglected in the check.
Values of code variables can be edited only if column Code is set to EC-EN.
Column Value NA value of national annex can be edited in this column if national annex
value is available for particular code setting item. Values of annex variables can be edited
only if column Code is set to national annex
Column Code flag in column indicates, which code is active for particular code setting
item. Click flag icon to switch between national annex and EC code.
The first column of dialog contains tree list of available items group in system database of
cross-sections and materials.
The second column contains list of particular items, which are available in the selected items
The third column contains table with properties of selected library item.
To add selected material into the project library click Select.
If more load cases of type Prestress are defined in the AxisVM project, only the first
one is used to transfer equivalent loads.
Coefficient of load case has to be set to 1 or 0. Thus values of partial load factors in
appropriate load group have to be corrected. It is recommended to create separate load
group only for load case Prestress.
6.1.3 Analysis
Only results of linear calculation can be used for design of tendons in IDEA Tendon.
To obtain adequate results the members of structural model has to be refined using
mesh parameters for line members.
Only one load case with name containing string Prestress can be defined in project.
If more load cases with name containing string Prestress are defined, the first is used
for transfer of equivalent loads.
Coefficient of load case has to be set to 1 or 0. Thus values of partial load factors in
appropriate load group have to be corrected. It is recommended to create separate load
group only for load case Prestress.
None of load cases can be renamed in AxisVM during working with structural
model. Names of load cases are used to match load case in AxisVM with load case
in IDEA Tendon.
None of combinations of load cases can be renamed in AxisVM during working
with structural model. Names of combinations are used to match combination in
AxisVM with combination in IDEA Tendon.
6.2.3 Calculation
Only results of linear calculation can be used for design of tendons in IDEA
Application of load cases can be verified in the picture of global time axis.
8 Design members
Design member is basic entity to design tendons. Design member consists of one member or
group of consecutive members of structural model.
If IDEA Tendon is launched from IDEA Beam or IDEA Frame, design members cannot
be neither created, nor deleted. The list of members in design member cannot be
modified too the definition of design members is taken from the superior linked
To input or edit design members click navigator command Project data > Design members.
Ribbon groups Design member, Design member views, Uncoiled view, Calculate FEM,
Check and Report are available when working with design members.
Current design member uncoiled views are drawn in the Main window.
Table with list of defined design members is displayed in the Data window.
Table of design members contains following columns:
Name input name of design member.
Description input description of design member.
Members input list of members, which create design member.
Type set process of prestressing application on the design member:
o Pre-tensioned only pre-tensioned tendons can be defined on the design
o Post-tensioned only post-tensioned tendon can be defined on the design
o Pre/Post-tensioned both pre-tensioned and post-tensioned tendons can be
defined on the design member.
Valid display design member validity status it means if design member fulfils
conditions to be created from defined list of members.
Value display extreme value of check from all positions checked on design member
Result status display overall status of design member check.
Print turn on/off design member to be printed in protocol
Following columns are available for design member, which can be post-tensioned:
Stressing bed select stressing bed or edit properties of the current stressing bed.
Relative set mode, how to determine the position of section, where properties of
prestressing units are defined.
Position input the distance of the section, where properties of prestressing units are
defined, from the beginning of the design member
For older projects, created in AxisVM release 10, member names could have changed during
synchronisation between AxisVM and IDEA Tendon the prefix M was added to the index
of AxisVM structural member. In such case to add the standard member to the design member
use format MM1 and to add a rib member to the design member use format RM1.
Model of beam (containing standard members and member with eccentricity - rib) created in AxisVM 11
Model of beam (containing standard members and member with eccentricity - rib) created in AxisVM 10
To edit the properties of stressing bed click edit button in column Stressing bed.
Length of prestressing units input the length of prestressing tendons between the
anchors of anchorage abutments.
Stressing procedure choose the procedure of stressing, anchoring and transfer of
Duration of keeping stress constant input the time of keeping stress constant
during correction of relaxation
- zoom window. Click this button and drag mouse with holding left mouse button to
draw window to zoom.
- increasing/decreasing view. Click this button and drag mouse with holding left mouse
button to increase/decrease the view.
- pan the view. Click this button and drag mouse with holding left mouse button to pan
the view.
- rotate the view. Click this button and drag mouse with holding left mouse button to
rotate the view.
- zoom all. Click this button to fit the whole structure to the 3D window.
To set the required view using keyboard and mouse following combinations can be used:
Click and hold mid mouse button moving the mouse pans the view.
push CTRL and hold mid mouse button moving the mouse rotates the view
push SHIFT and hold mid mouse button moving the mouse increases/decreases the
Zoom perform zoom to fit the current member or design group into the 3D window.
Persp. turn on/off the perspective view on the structure.
9 Tendon geometry
9.1 3D tendon geometry
Tendon geometry is created from so called definition geometry. Tendon Definition
geometry DGY or DGZ is tendon geometry defined in uncoiled view YX (or XZ) of Design
member. Definition geometry in XZ-plane (or XY-plane) is defined as horizontal (or vertical)
projection of tendon transformed by uncoiling of reference curve to XZ-plane (or XY-plane)
of coordinate system of uncoiled view.
Two types of tendon definitions can be used:
Segments the tendon is created using single segments, which are defined by
coordinates of characteristics points
Polygons the tendon is created using polygons, which are defined by coordinates of
polygon vertexes.
Both definition geometries are created independently, respecting following rules:
x-coordinates of beginning points of both definition geometries are identical
x-coordinates of end points of both definition geometries are identical
Both segments and polygons are defined by characteristic points. Definition geometries carry
information about e.g. arc diameters, tangent lengths or angular changes in polygon vertexes.
3D tendon geometry is created by composition of tendon definition geometries to spatial
polygon and its backward winding on reference curve/polygon (spatial transformation of
definition geometry into coordinate system of each point of reference curve in such way, that
x-coordinate of definition geometry corresponds to curve ordinate of reference curve). Final
3D tendon geometry is only set of points without information about arc radii etc.
Example 1:
Example 2:
This segment consist of one geometrical entity only straight line. It cannot be connected to
other segment and can be used only as stand-alone. The shape is defined using two C points
(Closing points). C point is always on the beginning or on the ending of the segment and its
position is defined by distance v from the member reference curve in plane XY or XZ.
Default segment for new tendon. Neither this type can be connected to other segment. But if
the segment is split, it is automatically replaced by corresponding segment, which enables to
connect other segment. Geometrically it consists of three curves (parabola, straight line and
parabola). Straight line can be omitted. If parameters of parabolic part define straight line, the
straight line is used instead of the parabola. Straight lines can replace the appropriate part of
parabola at the segment beginning or at the segment ending.
Segment is defined using two C points and intermediate S-P point (Straight-Parabolic
intermediate point between straight and parabolic component). Position of S-P point is
defined by distance h from the left or right ending point or from the centre of segment and by
distance v the member reference curve in plane XY or XZ. The distance ls is the length of
straight part between parabolas. Coordinates of white-filled points in the picture are not
entered, but calculated from entered parameters.
This type can be used as a beginning tendon segment and next follow-up segment can be
connected to it. This segment consists of up to five curves straight line, parabola, straight
line, parabola and parabola. Beginning straight line can be omitted. Beginning parabola can
be partially replaced with straight part. Last two parabolas are rotated against each other by
180 degrees.
Segment is defined using beginning C point, intermediate S-P point and P-P point
(ParabolicParabolic connecting point between two parabolas). P-P point describes the
transition from segment of type 3 to follow-up segment. Position of P-P is defined by distance
v from the beam reference curve and minimal radius of parabolas.
This type is almost mirror type to segment type 3. This segment type can be used as last
segment in tendon and it follows-up the previous segments.
Segment type 5 can be placed only between two other segments, so it is inner tendon segment.
The segment consists of five curves - parabola, parabola, straight line, parabola and parabola.
Straight part can be omitted, also the parabolas can change to lines according to entered
The segment is defined by two P-P points at the beginning and at the ending, and by
intermediate S-P point.
This segment can be used as beginning segment of tendon geometry. It starts with straight
part, which changes to parabolic part to connect following segment.
Segment is defined by starting C point and ending P-P point.
Segment type 7 is mirror type to segment type 6 and can be used as last tendon segment,
which follows the previous segments.
Minimal radius of parabola in P-P point has the same values for both parabolas from
the left and from the right.
Inner straight parts of segments are always parallel to the reference curve of the
member. This is not true for straight closing segments and standalone straight
Type 5
Related to specify the origin for determination of final vertical tendon point
coordinate v. Following options can be chosen (for example in plane XZ see
following picture) :
Distance point distance measured from defined origin, positive value is in positive
direction of beam Z-axis (Y-axis)
Straight length lS, C - length of straight part of tendon measured from beginning
(ending ) point of segment Point S-P inner point between straight and parabolic segment
S-P point is always inner point of tendon segment. Point properties can be edited in following
Related to specify the origin for determination of final vertical tendon point
coordinate v see previous chapter,
Distance point distance measured from defined origin, positive value is in positive
direction of beam Z-axis (Y-axis),
Related to specify the origin for input of horizontal point position. Following points
can be used as reference point for horizontal coordinate h S-P:
IDEA RS s.r.o. | South-Moravian Innovation Centre, U Vodarny 2a, 616 00 BRNO
tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,,
IDEA Tendon User Guide 60
o Middle of segment
Relative switch of input mode for input of distance h and straight length ls
Distance h S-P horizontal distance h of selected point.
Straight length l S,S-P length of inner straight part of tendon
Related to specify the origin for determination of final vertical tendon point
coordinate v see previous chapter,
Distance point distance measured from defined origin, positive value is in positive
direction of beam Z-axis (Y-axis)
Minimum radius Rmin minimal radius of parabola
None of those two segments can be combined with another segment type.
Tendon stress check display result of maximal stress in tendon check according
to EN 1992-1-1
Properties of pre-tensioned tendons can be edited in the table Pre-tensioned tendons on tab
Tendons in the Data window.
To edit detailed tendon properties click edit button in column Detail in table of tendon
Primary uncoiled view does not allow inputting reference points on cross-section
edges; it can use only minimal or maximal coordinates of cross-section.
All segments of current tendon are listed in table. Table contains following columns:
Beginning position of the beginning of the tendon segment measured in the axis of
the uncoiled view from the beginning of the design member.
End position of the end of the tendon segment measured in the axis of the uncoiled
view from the beginning of the design member.
Merge with next click to remove segment by merging the current segment with
the following one. The merge of segments causes the change of segment geometry and
the length of the segment is sum of segment lengths before merging. For example by
merging of following segments:
IDEA RS s.r.o. | South-Moravian Innovation Centre, U Vodarny 2a, 616 00 BRNO
tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,,
IDEA Tendon User Guide 68
Split click to split current tendon segment into two segments of the same length.
Depending on the position of the current segment the geometry of segment can
Segment geometry select segment type from available tendon segment types. All
types of tendon segment geometry are described in 9.2.1Type of segments to define
tendon geometry. The content of the list is filtered automatically to display only
allowed segment types. E.g. if tendon consist of one segment only, its geometry can be
defined using segment types 1 or 2. Geometry of current segment including described
characteristic points is drawn below this table.
Vertexes of tendon polygon are listed in the table. The table contains following columns:
X input of distance from the beginning of the design member.
v the calculated distance between the polygon vertex and the reference curve.
Distance input of distance between the vertex and the point specified in the column
Related to.
Related to choose the point of cross-section, to which the entered distance is related.
Insert click to insert new polygon vertex next to the current polygon vertex.
Delete click to delete the current polygon vertex.
If all polygon vertexes in the particular uncoiled view are related to the same point, click
to display the table editor to edit the vertexes of both uncoiled views simultaneously.
List of existing pre-tensioned groups choose the current pre-tensioned group in the
Position input the position of cross-section, for which the group of pre-stressed
tendons is defined. The position is related to the beginning of the design member.
Relative if the option is set to Yes, the value of position is considered as relative,
if it is set to No, the value of position is absolute to the beginning of the design
Edge select the edge of cross-section, to which the group of tendons is related to.
n edit the number of tendons in group.
Cover define the cover related to the edges of cross-section.
o Selected edge edit the value of cover to the current edge of cross.-section.
o Previous edges edit the value of cover to the edges which are previous to the
current edge.
o Next edges edit the value of cover to the edges, which follow the current
Diameter display value of tendon diameter.
As display the area of tendons.
Blanketed length
o Begin edit the value of blanketed length at the beginning of the tendon.
o End edit the value of blanketed length at the end of the tendon.
Draw dimension lines turn on/off the drawing of dimension lines of the cross-section and
pre-tensioned tendons.
List of existing pre-tensioned groups choose the current pre-tensioned group in the
Position input the position of cross-section, for which the group of pre-stressed
tendons is defined. The position is related to the beginning of the design member.
Relative if the option is set to Yes, the value of position is considered as relative,
if it is set to No, the value of position is absolute to the beginning of the design
n edit the number of tendons in group.
Begin point definition of the beginning point of the tendons line.
o Point select the reference point for the input of the position of the first
tendon in the line.
o y input the distance between the first tendon in line and the reference point
in the direction of y-axis of the cross-section..
o z input the distance between the first tendon in line and the reference point
in the direction of z-axis of the cross-section.
End point definition of the end point of the tendons line.
o Point select the reference point for the input of the position of the last tendon
in the line.
o y input the distance between the last tendon in line and the reference point
in the direction of y-axis of the cross-section..
o z input the distance between the lst tendon in line and the reference point in
the direction of z-axis of the cross-section.
Diameter display value of tendon diameter.
As display the area of tendons.
Blanketed length
o Begin edit the value of blanketed length at the beginning of the tendon.
o End edit the value of blanketed length at the end of the tendon.
Draw dimension lines turn on/off the drawing of dimension lines of the cross-section and
pre-tensioned tendons.
Similarly to check of tendon segments the geometry of the whole tendon is checked. The
validity of tendon geometry can be verified in tendons table. Geometry of tendon is valid if
following assumptions are fulfilled:
Geometry of all segments is valid
Continuity of segments must be smooth; it means that tangent of angle in segment
transitions has to be equal zero.
Geometry of Design member must be valid, it means that all members of design
member must continue correctly
If the tendon geometry is invalid, the tendon cannot be analysed. Neither tendon losses, nor
equivalent loads can be calculated. Thus tendon with invalid geometry cannot be exported to
superior application.
In this case particular tendon segments begin or end in point, which lies in the plane
perpendicular to the reference curve in the point of fracture. If this point lies on the outside of
the break, tendon can seem to be ruptured.
If the point lies on the inside of the break, tendon segments can seem to cross.
Angular change between tangents of tendon ends in the point of rupture is assumed in tendons
Import > New tendon from template create new tendon selecting required tendon
shape from the database of user defined templates of tendon shapes see 9.10 User
defined templates of tendon .
Import > New tendon(s) from DXF file create new polygonal tendons importing
the tendon geometry from DXF file
Import > Change geometry from DXF file > Geometry XY import tendon
geometry into the uncoiled view XY of the current tendon from DXF file.
Import > Change geometry from DXF file > Geometry XZ import tendon
geometry into the uncoiled view XZ of the current tendon from DXF file.
Export > Current tendon save geometry definition of current tendon to text file.
Export > All tendons save geometry definition of all tendons in current design
member to text file.
Export > Save as template save geometry definition of the current tendon into the
database of user templates. Dialog Add template appears. The target folder must be
selected in the tree control in the left part of dialog. The current tendon is stored as a
template into the selected folder (see 9.10 User defined templates of tendon ).
Vertexes coordinates of polygonal tendons are defined in tables for uncoiled views XY and
XZ. An offset of the origin point of the tendon can be defined.
Related to choose the reference point, to which the coordinates of vertexes are
v (Y-, Y+,Ycg, or Z-, Z+, Zcg) the distance between the beginning point of the
tendon and the Related to point
Offset X the distance between the beginning point of tendon and the beginning point
of the design member
Particular coordinates of vertexes are defined for both planes XY and XZ in the tables using
the built-in table editor see 4.2 Table editor.
After clicking OK dialog Setting the insertion point appears to set the insertion details.
The coordinates of tendon polygon vertexes are transformed during the import from DXF in
such way, that the utmost left vertex of tendon polygon has coordinate [0;0].
9.9.4 Modification of tendon geometry using the import from DXF file
To modify the geometry of existing polygonal tendon by import of tendon geometry from
DXF file following commands can be used:
Import > Tendon geometry from DXF file > Geometry XY to modify the tendon
geometry in uncoiled view XY,
Import > Tendon geometry from DXF file > Geometry XZ to modify the tendon
geometry in uncoiled view XZ
The tendon defined by segments cannot be modified using import of tendon geometry from
DXF file.
The steps to modify the tendon geometry using import from DXF are similar to steps to
import new tendon. But the plane of uncoiled view and the offset from the beginning of the
design member cannot be changed in the dialog Setting the insertion point
After clicking OK in Setting the insertion point dialog the tendon geometry in appropriate
uncoiled view is overwritten by the tendon geometry imported from DXF file.
Template manager is used to manage templates in the database. The templates database
collects templates for:
Reinforcement templates;
Templates of tendon shapes;
Templates of connection manufacturing operations.
Template types to be displayed can be selected in the combo box Filter.
The templates are stored using the structure of folders and items in folders (similar to the
structure of folders and files on drive).
The database structure (with respect to the filter settings) is displayed in the left part of the
dialog. Details of selected template or selected folder are displayed in the right part of dialog.
Following actions can be performed in the templates manager:
Create new folder by command New folder in the main menu to create new
folder in the root folder or in the current subfolder.
Rename folder by command Edit in the context menu by right mouse click above
the required folder.
Move folder drag and drop selected folder(s) to the required target folder.
Remove folder (s) by command Delete in the context menu by right mouse click
above the selected folder (s). The folder is removed including all subfolders and all
templates in removed folders and subfolders.
Edit template name and description template name and description of selected
template is displayed in the right part of the dialog. The template name and description
can be modified.
Move template drag and drop selected template(s) by mouse to the required target
Delete template(s) by command Delete in the context menu by right mouse click
above the selected template.
Export templates by command Export in the main menu. Selected templates are
stored into the file with extension *.EXP. Exported templates can be e.g. used on other
Import templates by command Import in the main menu. Templates from the
selected file with extension *.EXP are imported into the database of templates.
</SpansPoints> end of the section for tendon segment characteristic points input
</BondedTendonSpansXY> end of the section for input of geometry in uncoiled
view XY
<BondedTendonSpansXZ> beginning of the section for input of geometry in uncoiled
view XZ
<SpansData> beginning of the section for tendon segments input
3 0.00000 10.00000 gradually: segment type 3 (parabolic with straight, left), x-coordinate
of the segment the beginning, x-coordinate of segment ending
5 10.00000 20.00000 gradually: segment type 5 (parabolic with straight, inner), x-
coordinate of the segment beginning, x-coordinate of the segment
All tendons - turn on evaluation of equivalent load courses for all tendons in current
design member.
Distributed draw calculated equivalent loads as distributed load along the whole
length of design member.
Ribbon groups Uncoiled view and Tendon shape are available for tendon losses evaluation.
Table of minimal and maximal stress in tendon with maximal allowable tendon stress
acc. to EN 1992-1-1 5.10.3(2).
Table with detailed description of current tendon (tendon area, tendon length,
cumulative angular change, minimal radius, theoretical elongation before anchoring
Table with detailed output of losses in sections according to specified distance for
evaluation. In addition to those sections results are presented in characteristic sections
points of anchorage set impact or points of intersection of frictional losses for
stressing from both ends.
Ribbon groups Losses, Labels and Labels orientation is available when evaluating tendon
For result class, which contains only load case for effects of
prestressing, effects to be evaluated can be set.
Effects of prestressing evaluate total effects of
Primary forces evaluate statically determinable
internal forces (primary effects) of prestressing
Secondary forces evaluate secondary (statically indeterminable) effects of
Reinforcement select the reinforcement template associated to the zone. Click edit
button to edit the reinforcement in the zone. Click to input new reinforcement
template, which is assigned to the current zone. Such created reinforcement template
is than available for all reinforcement zones, which have the same cross-section.
- insert new zone. The current zone is split to two halves by inserting new zone.
- delete the current zone.
- Clicking the edit button in the Reinforcement column it the zones table in the
Data window
- Clicking the picture of section above the zone in the Main window.
Fill up fill content of basic result classes (All ULS, All SLS-char, All SLS-freq, All
SLS-QP) automatically. Combinations of appropriate type are assigned to particular
result classes.
Distance between positions - if this option is on, the positions are generated in
entered distance along the whole member or design member.
Generate positions at the ends if this option is on, positions for check are
generated on both ends of current design member or each member in design member.
Delete current positions if this option is on, all existing positions are deleted during
generation of new positions.
Table of internal forces without effects of prestressing contains internal forces for
the same combinations without effects of prestressing. Internal forces are split to
internal forces for permanent load components Sum Gdj and variable load
components Qd1 and Sum Qdi.
Table of internal forces caused by prestressing contains primary and secondary
effects of prestressing. Long-term tendon losses are taken into account in effect caused
by prestressing.
Functionality, which is required for working with IDEA RCS and cannot be overtaken from
superior application, is not limited especially:
Application settings, units settings, code settings, project data settings;
Protocol, print and protocol export;
Input of openings;
import of reinforcement;
export of reinforced section, shape of cross-section, reinforcement, tendons and
tendon ducts;
operations with longitudinal reinforcement and shear reinforcement;
editing of design member data, imperfection data, buckling data and deflection data;
storing project data for standalone IDEA RCS application.
14 Report
Report can be generated for design members, which have Print option enabled in design
member properties.
Protocol for all design members can be generated in navigator Project data > Design
members. Report for current design member can be generated in navigator Report.
Click edit button to select, which tables and pictures should be printed in particular
chapters. For chapters with graphical representation particular pictures can be selected to be
printed and size of pictures can be set.
Tables all available tables for current document chapter are listed in group Tables.
Particular tables can be set on/off to be printed
o Nonconformity table turns on/off the print of nonconformity table into the
report for edited check.
o Explanation table turns on/off the print of table with explanation of symbols
into report for edited check.
Pictures list of available graphical presentations of results for edited chapter. The picture
name and option to print or not is available.
Height of pictures value of picture height for pictures in current document chapter.
Width of pictures value of picture width for pictures in current document chapter.
Each part of member is defined by the beginning and end node. Each part of member has
local coordinate system, which origin is in begin node of the part of member. Local x-axis of
the part of member is identical with its axis and is oriented from being to end of the part of
member. Local y-axis of the part of member is horizontal in general and local z-axis leads