08 Chapter 1
08 Chapter 1
08 Chapter 1
1.1 Nuclear Structure ; A Historical Perspective
even-even realistic nuclei for wftak pairing forces. Kota '
tried to explain the low-lying spectra of some rare earth nuclei
in the frame-work of the pseudo SU(3) model. But no attempt was
31 )
attempt was made to explain high spin states, Sahu et al. '
considered a triaxial shape of the nucleus and the calculations
were performed in the frame work of Nilsson-BCS theory employing
the pairing-plus-quadrupole-quadrupole interaction of Kumar and
Tanabe and Tanabe proposed a general formalism for
describing microscopically the asymmetric and symmetric rotors in
both even and odd mass nuclei, Feessler et al33) ' applied the
particle number projected HFB theory to the asymmetric deformation.
But this theory did not take into accoimt all the components of the
angular momentum and the full D2 symmetry scheme, Toyama34)'
considered a collective Hamiltonian composed of vibrational energy,
rotational energy and the potential energy terms. Calculated
energies were with some exceptions in good agreement with
experimental values and relative B(E2) values were much improved in
comparison with corresponding values calculated from the Clebsch-
Gordon coefficients.
35 )
In 1978, Zawischa et al,-^-^' gave the view point that low-
lying levels are non-collective. This view point has been
contradicted in both the gamma and the beta vibrational bands and
The first attempt to study these nuclei was made by A.Bohr '
and Bohr and Mottelson . In their picture the nucleus is assumed
to be an incompressible charged fluid of constant density. Any.
point on the surface is given by a multipole expansion which for
quadrupole deformation is,
R = R 1.1
35, K.K, Gupta, S.K. Bhardwaj and D.K. Gupta, Nuovo Cimento
^8B (1980) 101; Ind. J. Pure Appl. Phys. 20 (1982) 63; J
Phys, Soc, Japan 49 (1980) 4
37 F. Todd. Baker, Nucl, Phys. A331 (1979) 39o
38. K.T. Hetcht and G.R. Satchler, Nucl. Phys. ^ (1962) 286.
39o J Meyer-ter-Vehn, F.S. Stephens, and R.M. Diamond, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 32 (1974) 1383c
40. J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, Nucl. Phys. A249 (1975) 111, 141.
41. H Toki and A. Faessler, 2. Physik A27b (1976) 35.
42. T. Yamazaki, H. Nakayama, T. Nuraao and T.A. Shibate, J.
Phys. Socc Japan 44 (1978).
43<) Tc Yamazaki, in Proc. Intern. Conf. on Nuclear Collectivity
ed. by Y. Shida (Institue of Nuclear Study, University of
Tokoyo, 1976) 480p.
44. T. Yamazaki, Nucl. Phys. 49 (1964) 1.
45o T. Yamazaki, K. Nishiyama and D.L. Hendrie, Nucl. Phys,
A209 (1973) 153.
46. G Gneuss and W Greiner, Nucl. Phys. A171 (1971) 449.
47 K Kumar, Nucl. Phys, A231 (1974) 189,
48. D. Janssen, R.V. Jolos and F. Donau, Nucl, Phys, A224 (1974)
49. A, Arima, T. Otsuka, F. lachello and I, Talmi, Phys, Lett,
66B (1977) 205.
52o D.H. Feng, R. Glmore and S.R. Deans, Phys. Rev. 02^ (1981)
53. A. Bohr and B.R. Mottelson, Physlca Scripta 22 (1980) 468.
54o T. Kishimoto and To Tamura, Nucl, Phys, A192 (1972) 246;
A270 (1976) 317c
55o T, Tamura, K.J. Weeks and T. Kishimoto, Phys, Rev, C20
(1979) 307.
56c K,J Weeks, and T. Tamura, Phys, Rev, 02^ (1980) 888; Phys,
Rev. Lett. 49 (1980) 533; Phys. Rev, C22 (1980) 1323.
57. K.J. Weeks, T. Tamura, T, Udgawa. and F.J.W, Hohe, Phys,
Rev, C24 (1981) 703.
58. K.J. Weeks, T. Tamura and T, Kishmoto, Nucl. Phys. A347
(1980) 359,
59, T. Tamura, in Dynamics of Nuclear Collective Motion, Proc,
1982 INS Symposium edited by K, Ogawa and K. Tanabe
(Institute for Nuclear Study, Tokyo, 1982) p. 400.
60, V.P. Varshney, K.K. Gupta, A.K, Chaubey and D.K. Gupta,
Cand. J, Phys. 60 (1982) l46l.
61. K.K, Gupta, V.P. Varshney and D.K. Gupta, PhySc Rev.
C26 (1982) 685.