Project Assignments 2015
Project Assignments 2015
Project Assignments 2015
This system tests the sobriety of the user by giving a sequence of hexadecimal characters of
varying length(6 to 12 characters) by showing it on the LCD. It records the reaction time of the
user in ms and displays the same on the LCD on a successful patch. The sequence should
disappear after 2 seconds. The user is given a new pattern if he/she enters a wrong pattern. The
user is given a total of three chances. After three mismatches of patterns an alarm is sounded. The
pattern is generated randomly by the systems.
Design a microprocessor Voting Machine which has provision for 4 candidates. It should keep the
count of total votes polled and the count of votes polled for each candidate. Before being put in
use, it should check if all memory location allotted to candidates, and the total count are empty. If
not, it should clear these as well as the display. To put it in use, it needs to be enabled by 4 polling
agents and the Presiding officer. If any one is missing it should not be enabled. After 8 hours (9
a.m. to 5 p.m.) it should stop taking input. There has to be a provision that the Presiding officer by
pressing a code [CA] can lock it in between & then can restart it by pressing [F].For retrieving
the count of each candidate provision should be there. The count of each candidate has to be send
to a remote device using a serial interface. (Do not take into consideration the design of the
remote device and its programming)
Design a microprocessor based RAM tester. The tester should be able to test 6116 and 62256
RAM chips. The tester test each bit of the RAM individually. For a byte of RAM, the first bit
(D0) is written as zero and read back, now a one is written into the bit and again it is read back. If
the two read operations result in bit D0 to contain a zero and one respectively then the bit is
inferred as good. Any other result indicates a faulty bit. The test is repeated for all bits of a byte
and for all bytes of the RAM. The results of the test along with the RAM IC number are to be
displayed on LCD as "PASS" or "FAIL".
A microprocessor system is to be designed as a batch weighing machine. The system is interfaced
to three load cells by means of a 10 bit A/D converter.
The conditioned output of the load cells is given by the equation: Vout = K x weight (Kgs.)
The system monitors the output of the load cells and finds out the total weight by taking the
average of the three values that are sensed by each load cell. This value is displayed on a seven-
segment display. When this value exceeds 50 kgs, an output port, which is connected to a relay, is
switched on to sound an alarm. Design the necessary hardware and software for implementing the
above-mentioned task.
P19: System to be designed: Digital Clock
button (can
be in any one
of nine
Lock Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Set
HR MIN Sec Date Month Year Alarm Alarm
HR Min
Alarm Alarm
On Off
P23: System to be designed: Automatic Washing Machine
Description: An Automatic washing machine with Dryer.
The Washing Machine can handle three different types of load: Light, Medium and Heavy.
The Washing Machine has three different cycles: Rinse, Wash and Dry.
Depending on the load the number of times a cycle is done and the duration of the cycle varies.
Light Load: Rinse- 2 mins, Wash- 3 mins, Rinse 2 mins, Dry Cycle 2 mins
Medium Load: Rinse- 3 mins, Wash- 5 mins and Rinse 3 mins Dry Cycle 4 mins
Heavy load: Rinse - 3 mins, Wash- 5 mins and Rinse 3 mins, Wash- 5 mins and Rinse 3
mins, Dry Cycle 4 mins
The Washing Machine is a single tub machine.
The Washing machine is made of a Revolving Tub and an Agitator. The Agitator is
activated during the Rinse and Wash cycle; revolving tub is active only during the Dry
cycle. The door of the washtub should remain closed as long as the agitator is active.
Before each cycle the water level is sensed. At the beginning of the cycle the water level
should be at the maximum possible level, the water should be completely drained during
dry cycle. The cycle should begin only when the water level is correct.
At the end of each cycle a buzzer is activated. The user should drain the water at the end
of the rinse/wash cycle and refill the water for the next cycle; once this has been
completed the user can press the resume button.
At the beginning of the wash cycle the user should add the detergent.
At the end of the complete wash process the Buzzer is sounded.
User can turn off system by pressing STOP Button
Different sounds are used for different events.
Display the load selected using a seven segment display.
The Master password is used by the security Personnel for updating Password of the day.
Pressing the M button activates this mode. The system glows Enter Password LED asking
the personnel to enter the password. The master password is a 16-digit value. The master
is given only a single chance to enter the password. If authenticated, the retry/Update LED
glows. If there is a failure in authentication the alarm is sounded. When the retry/ Update
LED glows the user has to enter password of the day. This is 12-digit value. Once this
value has been accepted by the system the Passwd Updated LED glows.
User has to press the O key when he wants to enter the room. The Enter Password LED
prompts the user to enter the password. The user is given C/AC option as well. If the first
attempt fails, the RETRY LED glows. The user is allowed to re-enter password, on
authentication door opens for a period of 1 Min. On Failure an ALARM is sounded.
To Turn-off the Alarm the A button has to be pressed. Enter Password LED glows
prompting user to enter the 14-digit password for turning of alarm, no retries are allowed.
If authentication is successful then the alarm is turned off.
To leave the room a button is available inside the room, when the button is pressed the
door opens for 1 Minute so that the person can leave the room.
LCD show the entry as asterisk when the password characters are entered.
P20: System to be Designed : Fire Alarm System
Description: This system checks for abnormal smoke content in a room every two seconds. Under
abnormal conditions it throws open two doors and two windows and opens a valve that releases
the gas to put-out the fire. An Alarm is also sounded; this alarm is sounded until the smoke level
in the room drops to an acceptable level. The smoke detection system is made up of two smoke
sensors placed on the ceiling of the room. When the smoke level comes back below the danger
level, the doors, windows and valves are closed.
Design a microprocessor transistor hFE tester. The system has to display the hFE value of NPN
transistors. The transistor under test (TUT) is to be inserted in the socket, and its base is energized
with a current from a device DI. The current I produced by the device DI, can be controlled by
supplying it with a DC voltage V. The relationship is as follows.
I =V * 10-4 A
The emitter of the transistor is grounded, and the collector is connected to a 2.2K resistor,
whose other end is connected to the +5V supply. The Voltage drop across a 2.2K resistor is
measured and this is related to the hFE by the following relation:
hFE * I * 2200 = Voltage drop
The hFE value should be displayed on a LCD display. If the hFE value is less than 50, an
alarm should be sounded 2 seconds.
P3: System to be designed: Frequency Generation
On system power up the user has to configure the desired type of waveform
(square/triangle/square) , frequency and amplitude.
To generate a Square Waveform of Frequency 9.35 KHz the user has to press square key,
followed by 1K Key- 9 Times, 1K Key 4 Times, 100 Key 3 Times 10 Key- 5 Times.
To select the Amplitude the user will have to press Amplitude key and then press the 1V key n
number of times where n is the peak to peak amplitude of the waveform to be generated. (only
integer values of output voltages needs to be generated)
When generate switch should be turned on and then the frequency generation is enabled ie, the
square waveform of that frequency will be generated.
When frequency generation is enabled, if the user wants to change the waveform into another
type for e.g. sine he just has to press sine.
When a signal of different type/amplitude /frequency has to be generated, the user will have to
turn-off the generate switch and then configure the function generator as mentioned above.
P9: System to be Designed : Smart Overhead Tank
Description: This is a tank system in which the water level is maintained according to the time of
the day. The water level should be maintained at three different values according to the time of
the day.
Peak Hours: Maximum Level of Tank Peak Hours is between 5:00 AM to 9:00 AM in the
Morning and 4:00- 6:00 PM in the evening
Low Hours: Minimum level. The rest of the time it is maintained at a nominal level. Low hours is
between 12:00 Midnight and 5:00 AM in the morning
The inlet valve draws water from the main-tank system and the outlet valve sends the surplus
water back to the main tank. The water in the main tank must be maintained at a constant
value, if the level drops the motor must be turned on.
The water tank is used for supplying water to bathrooms and kitchen sensors used must be non-
P15: System to be Designed : Chocolate Vending System
Description: This automatic machine vends three different types of chocolates.
Perk: Rs. 5.00
Five-Star: Rs10
Dairy Milk: Rs20.
The currency has to be given in terms of 5 Rupee coin. A weight sensor is used to detect whether
the coin is an Rs5 coin or not. There are three buttons available for the selection of the chocolate.
After the chocolate has been selected user has to put the correct currency into the coin slot. When
the user has dropped the entire amount into the slot, the machine dispenses the correct chocolate.
Whenever the chocolate is dispensed successfully, a buzzer is sounded.
LEDs are used as indicators to show if any of the chocolates being vended are not available.
User Interface:
Five Star
Dairy Milk
P21: System to be Designed: Smart Garage System.
System Requirements
o The capacity of the garage is 2000 cars.
o System is used in underground parking lot of a hotel.
o Each user of the garage has a remote unit which he can use for opening and closing the
garage door.
o Remote unit has only a single button.
o User is allowed to retrieve the car at any point of time
o A LCD Display is available indicating the number of cars in the garage. o
System runs from a standard power inlet available in the garage.
o Full and empty status is shown through an LED.
System Specifications
o Remote unit button toggles the condition of the garage door- i.e. if the door is opened it is
closed and vice versa.
o The remote unit is used for short distances only.
o A DC motor is used for opening and closing the door The motor is a 50V -3 A motor. o
Maximum frequency input to the motor system cannot exceed 100 KHz.
o The system should be able to distinguish between a person and a car. o A
switch is available that can be closed only by the weight of a car.
o System is used in the hotel- so you can assume that a valet parking system is followed
this indicates that only one person leaves the garage after the car is parked and only a
single person enters the garage to retrieve the car
o The system also has to distinguish between entry and exit. You have to develop a scheme
to distinguish between entry and exit of person/car. [Hint: Use any number of IR sensor
pairs as required]
o Whether a car enters or a valet enters the door remains open for a period of five minutes
o The door can close after 5 Minutes or when the valet uses the remote. o
The remote can be used inside as well as outside the garage.
P26: System to be designed: Elevator control
System Requirements
o The elevator operates along 3 floors.
o When not in use the elevator is always on the ground floor.
o The elevator can be called by pressing any one of two buttons available on each
floor. o One button is up and the other is down.
o Whether the elevator stops at the floor or not depends on the direction in which the lift
moves. For eg. if the lift is moving in upward direction and the person on say the 2 nd floor
presses the down button; the lift will not stop in the current journey. When the lift reaches
the 3rd floor and
starts moving down then the lift will stop at the 2nd floor.
o At every floor there is a 7-segement display that indicates the floor in which the lift is
right now. The display can be any value from 0 - 3. 0 indicates the ground floor.
o Inside the lift - buttons are available for floor selection.
o The floor towards which the lift is moving is also displayed within the lift.
o Doors to the lift open and close automatically.
o When the lift reaches any floor where it has to stop it opens automatically, and it closes
when a button called Door Close is pressed. Lift does not move until the door is closed.
o System runs from a standard power inlet.
System Specifications
o An Electro-magnetic system is used for open and close of the door. You just need to
provide the on/off control.
o A heavy duty servo motor is used for lift movement. You just need to provide the input
to the driver circuit.
o The inputs are direction (up/down) and a PWM input which control the speed at which
the lift moves. The duty cycle can vary from 20% to 60%.
o The frequency of the PWM signal is 20 Hz.
o For detecting whether the lift has reached a floor, the system has a set of three sensors
coarse sensors and a fine sensor. All the sensors are contact switches (i.e) when the
lift reaches the point where the sensors are placed, the contact switch gets pushed in.
Output of contact switches are low when closed and high otherwise. The sensor
arrangement is represented in the fig below
Coarse Sensor 1
Fine Sensor
which lift
Coarse Sensor 2
o On the ground floor only Coarse Sensor1 and Fine Sensor will be available. On the 3 rd
floor only Coarse Sensor 2 and the Fine Sensor will be available.
o When the lift starts at the ground floor it starts at a low speed gradually accelerating to
the maximum speed. It should operate at maximum speed when it reaches Coarse
Sensor 1. As the lift moves up if it has to stop at floor 1, when Coarse Sensor 2 is
detected at that floor the lift starts moving at a low speed until it can stop when it
reaches Fine sensor. When it starts again it moves at low speeds and reaches the
maximum possible speed when it reaches the fine sensor. The same is done in the
reverse direction with the appropriate sensors.
o Speed at which the lift moves is proportional to the duty cycle. For acceleration, duty
cycle has to be gradually increased from 20 % to 60 %. And for deceleration, the duty
reduced from 60 % to 20 %. The increase is in steps of 20 %
o A 7447 chip (BCD to seven segment converter) is used for driving the 7-segment
displays. o 7447 takes a 4-bit BCD value and converts into the corresponding 7-segement
P4: System to be designed: An Intelligent Humidistat
System Description
This system monitors weather parameters such as: Air Temperature, Air-Humidity,
barometric Pressure, wind speed and Displays the average over regular intervals of an hour on a
LCD display. The Display is continuous. Update of the display is done once in an hour. Weather
parameters are sensed at regular intervals of 2 minutes.
The display is of the format: Temperature Value 0C and so on.
Other than the regular display, the user can request the display of the weather parameters
to be updated at any point of time by pressing a push button key. The accuracy of the
parameters monitored has to be up to two decimal points.
P 16: System to be designed - Lawn Sprinkler System
System Description:
An average sized garden has 4 sprinklers that have to be turned on and off. A series of 8 soil
moisture sensors are placed at different parts of the garden. The sprinkler system works twice in a
day. Once at 9: 00 am and then at 5:00 pm. The sprinkler is turned on and off based on the time of
the day and the soil moisture. The time for which the sprinkler remains on depends upon the
difference between required soil moisture and actual soil moisture level. There is a overhead tank
from which the system draws required water. If the water level is below a certain level, the
sprinkler are not turned ON and buzzer is sounded.
P 25: System to be designed- Fan Speed Sensing and Control
Description: This system senses the speed at which the fan is rotating and adjusts the speed, based
on the user input. The user can select three different speeds of the fan. The current speed should
be sensed and the control mechanism should gradually increase the speed to the desired speed.
User Interface:
1. Fan starts when user presses Start button.
2. User can then set the required speed by using a keypad interface. This speed value should be
displayed on the display.
3. After setting speed initially, user should be able to change the fan speed setting by an up and
down switch. Each press on this arrow button increases/ decreases the speed by 1 unit. Min speed
value is 1, whereas maximum speed value is 5 Units. Pressing UP button after reaching to value
5, should not change the display value or setting of fan speed. Same is true for lower bound.
4. Fan can be stopped by pressing Stop button.
5. User can also set the mode of fan as Auto mode besides a Regular mode setting.
In Auto mode, user should be able to enter the value of time in terms of hours after which the Fan
has to be switched off automatically. (For example, if value entered is 2, then the Fan should
switch off after 2 hours from the time this setting is applied
P 5 System to be designed : Sterilization Unit:
Description: This unit performs sterilization by increasing temperature to maximum value (x 0C).
The temperature has to be maintained at the maximum value for 2 minutes before it is brought
gradually to a nominal temperature value (y0C). The time taken for bringing down the
temperature can be varied between four different values as decided by the user. A slider is used to
decide this value
Level-1:2 minutes
Level-2:4 minutes
Level-3:6 minutes
Level-4:8 minutes
While the sterilization process is taking place the door to the unit must remain locked. The Door
can be opened only when user presses End.
User Interface: Status LED glows as long as the sterilization process is being done. Once 30 0C
has been reached then LED goes off and the door mechanism unlocks. Once the door is closed
again the temperature has to be brought back to 300C.
P11 System to be designed : Soda Dispensing machine.
System Description:
Three different types of cool drinks can be dispensed by the machine. The cool drink is available
in three different quantities: Small, Medium and Large.
There are three buttons available to select the cool drink type and another three buttons to select
quantity. The user selects the drink, the quantity and then presses a button labelled dispense.
LEDs are available with each button. When a choice is made the corresponding LED glows and
turns off when the dispensing is completed.
There are three more LEDs available that are used to indicate when a particular type of cool drink
is not available.
The cost is Rs: 5.00, Rs.10.0 and Rs15.0 respectively. There is a coin slot that accepts five rupee
coins only. User can select type of cool drink, desired quantity and then drop the required number
of coins. Each type of cool drink has its own dispenser. Based on the users choice of drink the
corresponding outlet will be open. The quantity of drink dispensed has to be accurately
monitored. The quantity of drink is based on users choice and the number of coins dropped in by
the user.
Design a microprocessor based EPROM Programmer to program 2716 and 2764.The EPROM
can be programmed by applying 25V at VPP and 5V at OE pin. Initially all data of EPROM will
be 1s and the user should make the bits zero selectively. Before the EPROM location is
programmed it must be checked for whether it is empty (data in location must be FFH if the
location is empty) The 8- bit parallel data is applied to the data pins of EPROM. The address for
the EPROM is to be provided. To program the address of each location to be programmed should
be stable for 45ms.When address and data are stable, a 40ms active high pulse is applied to CE
input. After the EPROM is programmed, IC number is to be displayed on LCD as "27xy
P17: System to be Designed : Smart AC System
Description: This system opens/closes four AC vents based upon the current temperature in the
Room. The temperature is maintained at a range of 1635 0C. The AC vents can be gradually
opened / closed. This is done in accordance with the temperature in the room. The room is a fairly
large sized room so 4 temperature sensors are placed at different points of the room. Each sensor
and AC vent is associated with part of the room. You can assume that the room is broken up into
4 sub-areas each with its own sensor and ac vent.
User Interface: LCD displaying Temperature in 0 C.
Single push button to vary temperature between 160C 350 C.
The duration for which the system is ON can be set by the user in minutes ranging from 30 min.
to 6 hours with a granularity of 30 min. Once the defined time has elapsed, the vents are closed.