Mathematics Er01 Ext2
Mathematics Er01 Ext2
Mathematics Er01 Ext2
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Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 5
Mathematics.................................................................................................................................... 5
Question 1 .................................................................................................................................. 5
Question 2 .................................................................................................................................. 5
Question 3 .................................................................................................................................. 6
Question 4 .................................................................................................................................. 7
Question 5 .................................................................................................................................. 9
Question 6 ................................................................................................................................ 10
Question 7 ................................................................................................................................ 10
Question 8 ................................................................................................................................ 11
Question 9 ................................................................................................................................ 11
Question 10 .............................................................................................................................. 12
These notes from the examination centre are distilled from comments provided by markers on each
of the questions from the Mathematics paper, together with comments on most questions from the
two extension papers. The comments outline common sources of error and contain much good
advice on examination preparation technique. Candidates and teachers should also be aware that
past examination reports for 2 unit, 3 unit and 4 unit Mathematics are still relevant to the calculus-
based Mathematics courses in the new HSC, and are an excellent source of advice on examination
technique and presentation.
Question 1
This question was generally well done, with few zeros awarded and many candidates achieving full
marks. However, in every question part there was evidence of candidate failure to read the question
carefully and answer the actual question that was asked.
(a) There was confusion among many candidates between 3 significant figures and 3 decimal
places. Calculation errors were common, especially not taking 87 in the denominator.
(b) Candidates had the most success if they solved 2 < x + 3 < 2. Various approaches to
graphing were seen, many of which did not clearly indicate the required solution set. To
achieve full marks, candidates had to deal with inequalities and not just critical points.
(c) This part was well done with the anticipated errors using the formula or incorrect factors
(x + 4)(x 2) being commonly seen.
(d) The most common errors were either using 3 + = 3x + 1 or differentiating. Many did not
recognise the answer ln x from the standard integrals.
(e) Poor algebra skills were evident from many candidates, such as dropping off the
denominator, an inability to factorise (x2 4) and incorrect cancelling of supposed factors.
(f) Many candidates scored full marks. The most common error was finding 90% of $979.
Interestingly, a few candidates used the GST method of finding of $979.
Question 2
Presumably set with the intention of providing straightforward marks for the majority of candidates,
this question exposed major weaknesses in the abilities of many candidates.
2001 HSC Notes from the Examination Centre Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1 and Mathematics Extension 2
(a) This was generally well done with most candidates scoring full marks. All but a handful
were able to differentiate correctly to obtain 2x + 3 but significant numbers went on to either
equate this to zero, deduce that the gradient must be 2, or evaluate 2(1) + 3 as 6.
(b) (i) The majority of candidates successfully found the gradient and correctly substituted
into the point-gradient form. A small minority used substitution to verify that the
coordinates of A and B satisfied the given equation.
(ii) This posed few problems. A surprisingly large number of candidates had scored full
marks (or nearly so) at this point and then either failed to continue or did so without
gaining further credit.
(iii) Many candidates did not know the perpendicular distance formula and, of those who
quoted it correctly, a significant number made errors in substituting and/or
simplifying or failed to correctly remove the absolute value signs. Common
alternative approaches were to assume that the required distance was the distance
from the origin to either A, the y intercept of AB, or the midpoint of AB. A small
minority, with varying degrees of success, tried to find the equation of the
perpendicular to AB from O, the coordinates of (P) the foot of this perpendicular,
and hence the length of OP.
(iv) It was disturbing to see how many candidates did not know the formula for the area
of a parallelogram. Some attempted the potentially correct method of regarding
ABCO as a trapezium, others condemned themselves by treating the figure as either a
triangle or a rhombus. Of those who used a base times height approach, a large
number used a height that was not the perpendicular one including many who had
correctly answered part (iii)! Other approaches showed varying degrees of
knowledge, ingenuity and desperation.
Of those who correctly saw that they needed only to multiply the results of parts (ii)
and (iii), a surprisingly large number were unable to successfully
simplify 2 10 .
(v) Relatively few candidates realised that the answer could be obtained by dividing the
area by the length BC (or equivalently AO). Most proceeded to find the equation of
BC, usually not by the most efficient manner, and then (again) employing the
perpendicular distance formula a repetition which should have signalled to more
alert candidates that a better alternative existed.
All in all, the handling of the question showed that many candidates lacked a clear understanding of
some basic techniques in coordinate geometry.
Question 3
This question consisted of four parts taken mainly from the calculus (logarithm and exponential
functions) and trigonometry (cosine rule) areas of the syllabus. On the whole the question was
reasonably well attempted with the majority of candidates gaining two-thirds or more of the marks
allocated for the question.
(a) This proved difficult for candidates with many responses having no reference to the
logarithm function in their answer. Incorrect simplifications of the correct answer
ln 5
( ln 5 ln 4 ) to ln 1 and were common.
ln 4
2001 HSC Notes from the Examination Centre Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1 and Mathematics Extension 2
(b) This was an easy two marks for most candidates and proved to be the best answered of the
four parts of the question. In fact, for some candidates, these were the only two marks they
scored in the question. Some candidates using specific brands of calculators were not aware
that they had to place the fractional exponent in brackets to obtain a correct
approximation for 70 3 .
(c) (i) Of the two sub-parts in (c), this was by far the worst answered. Many attempted to
apply the product rule stating that the derivative of ln was 1 . Others rewrote the
expression as ln x2 ln 9 before taking a derivative.
(ii) This part was very well attempted. Candidates on the whole demonstrated their
familiarity with the quotient rule and its application to the given function. However
attempts to simplify the immediate answer obtained were poor with many instances
of incorrect factorisation and cancelling of terms in the numerator and
denominator. The most common error was to write the denominator (e x ) 2 as e x .
(d) The most common incorrect approach was to proceed as if the side length required was
opposite the given angle of 60, starting with x 2 as the subject of their expressed cosine rule
and writing x 2 = 7 2 + 132 2 7 13 cos 60. Having derived the correct quadratic
equation, many candidates stopped there, thinking they had fulfilled all the requirements of
the question. Others went straight from their opening statement of the cosine rule to the
(given) quadratic equation, thus failing to satisfy the show requirement of the question. It
was good to see the number of candidates who attempted the latter part of the question
(solving the quadratic equation) despite not knowing how to do the earlier part. The
significant number of candidates who realised the need to discard their negative solution,
because it was not relevant to the conditions of the question, was also pleasing.
Question 4
Many candidates lost no more than one or two marks in this question. But candidates at too many
centres scored no marks in part (a), most not even attempting an answer. Candidates need to
remember that Preliminary work is examinable. Similarly, candidates at too many centres scored
negligible marks in part (c), demonstrating few skills in sketching sine curves and straight lines, and
even less skills in using the table of standard integrals to integrate 3sin2x and . Almost all
candidates attempted part (b), some managing to fill up to two pages when 7 or 8 lines would have
been sufficient. Many who scored full marks in part (b)(i) made no attempt at part (b)(ii); others
scored full marks in the better done part (b)(ii) after losing one, or both, marks in part (b)(i).
(a) Generally well done by those candidates who used properties of the discriminant, the main
source of error when solving for k being the minus sign in 4 12k < 0. A significant portion
of this candidature first solved = 0; over half then failed in their determination of values
of k giving < 0.
Only a few of the candidates who attempted a calculus-based solution, or one involving the
use of x = , to find the turning point of a parabola, gained the first mark.
2001 HSC Notes from the Examination Centre Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1 and Mathematics Extension 2
(b) A clear, sufficiently large diagram should always be drawn. As this question is about angles,
these should be marked on the diagram. The question should be solved on the diagram. This
then provides the basis for the logical sequence of steps that forms the written proof. All
statements should have a reason, concise but understandable, attached in brackets.
(i) Many candidates who probably knew how to do this part lost marks by not providing
sufficient information. The successive statements ACB = 180 2x (isos. ).
ABC = 180 2x were not rewarded by markers, whereas ACB = 180 2x
(angle sum isos. CLM, base angles = x) ABC = 180 2x (data) received full
(ii) Candidates with poor algebra skills often did not simplify brackets or arrived at
negative angles when simplifying, for example, 180 (180 2x) = 2x. They
should be advised to simplify brackets at the earliest opportunity. Although the
majority of these candidates indicated correct steps leading to the required answer,
many fudged to obtain it. They did not obtain full marks.
(c) (i) The best sketches of y = 3 sin 2x were achieved by those candidates who used a
template, and then fitted the appropriate scales. In freehand sketches care should be
taken with the placement of maximum and minimum points, the symmetry and
smoothness of the curve; y = 3 sin 2x is not saw-tooth. The main error was in the
period; many candidates found the correct period but did not transfer it to their
graph. A significant proportion of the candidature used software coordinate axes,
with the yaxis scale drawn on the far lefthand side of the diagram. Many of these
candidates failed to gain the first mark in (ii) when they used the wrong origin for
y= .
(ii) Many candidates who ruled axes then sketched y = freehand, often with little
regard to scale or the fact that the line passes through the origin. Incorrect shading
resulted in the loss of the second mark, all too often being a region between the line
and the x-axis, or the whole region bounded by y = 3 sin 2x and y = including x <
0. Many candidates made their line pass through the sine curve at x = .
(iii) Candidates should show substitution into the primitive before proceeding with the
evaluation. Even amongst those candidates who achieved a correct primitive
3 1 x2 2
cos 2 x , many were unable to simplify fractions, 1 x becoming
, 2x
2 4 2 4 2 2
x 2
1 x2
or and ( ) 2 becoming . Many replaced with 45 when evaluating .
6 8 4 4 4 8
Further errors that prevented the awarding of the second mark were failure to write
down the exact value of cos , or evaluating cos (2 0) as 2 cos 0 and cos(2 ( )) as
2 4
(cos ) .
A few candidates did evaluate the second part of the integral using its interpretation
as the area of a right-angled triangle.
2001 HSC Notes from the Examination Centre Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1 and Mathematics Extension 2
Question 5
This question was not answered well by the majority of candidates. The mean for this question was
around 5 with very few gaining more than 8 marks. Improvement in showing working, knowing
formulae and how to use them, and understanding how to calculate range and domain, are
(a) Candidates are advised to begin their answers to these types of questions by setting up the
expression under the square root as greater than or equal to zero. They should then find the
solution to this inequality, clearly identifying the resulting region as the domain. Many
candidates incorrectly thought the 2 outside the square root sign caused the domain to
change. Few realised there was both an upper and lower limit to the range. The technique,
used by a number of candidates, of letting x = 0 and y = 0 rarely proved successful in
identifying the correct regions for domain and range. A number of candidates showed the
need for more practice in using inequalities.
(b) (i) Candidates who were able to identify the correct log law to use generally obtained full
marks. Many candidates became sidetracked by using the change of base formula or
the definition, neither of which helped with the solution.
(ii) Less than one percent were able to obtain a mark in this section. Candidates failed to
attempt to use the result of part (i) to assist with their solution. Successful candidates
10 20 30
generally listed the log and the number of digits for 2 , 2 , 2 , and then identified the
(c) Successful candidates were able to identify the correct formula, change 30 to radians and
then round their answers correctly to the nearest millimetre. There were significant errors in
all of these areas. Many substituted 30 instead of , left their answer as or incorrectly
rounded 15.278 cm to the nearest mm. Candidates who converted to millimetres before
substitution made fewer errors in rounding. Candidates need to check they have answered
the question.
(d) (i) Candidates who found the area of each strip using the trapezoidal rule and then added
the three areas had a much higher success rate than those who used the formula across
the whole region. Candidates using the combined formula made many mistakes
including miscalculating the strip width despite it being given ( b a is not understood
by many), not being able to read the first and last function values correctly, or
confusing the formula with Simpsons rule.
(ii) Being able to see the link to part (i) enabled candidates to achieve full marks in this
section. Many did not see the link and errors included trying to integrate y2 and then
multiplying by , or giving 0.5 60 60 = 1800 as the answer. The concept of
volume of water was not well understood.
2001 HSC Notes from the Examination Centre Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1 and Mathematics Extension 2
Question 6
This question was well done by the majority of candidates. More than 50% of candidates scored 8
or above. The modal score was 9, but many candidates scored 11 out of 12.
(a) This was very well done by most candidates. Those who lost marks used an incorrect
formula. Most recognised that the series was arithmetic.
(b) This part was well done by candidates who knew their log laws. Failure to manipulate the
equations meant that this was a place where candidates lost 2 marks. It was obvious that many
answers were lucky guesses. (It must have something to do with logs, ln1.23 = 0.207) It is
recommended that candidates show more than 2 decimal places in their answers. It was also
obvious that some used trial and error as their preferred method.
(c) (i) This part was also very well done. Most common errors arose from incorrect
factorisation and solution of y = 0 . The correct substitution of x = to find y was
pleasing, but too many candidates made errors when substituting x = 1 to find the
ordinate of A.
(ii) This required that candidates solve an inequality. Too many merely substituted x =
and x = 1 into y . This was awarded no marks. Some found the point of inflexion but
failed to test before and after to determine which side was concave up. Others gave the
answer x to gain only one mark. Even though the graph was provided, the
question required that candidates give reasons. Failure to do so caused a loss of a
mark. Very few candidates (2%) scored full marks.
(iii) This part was poorly done, as many incorrectly attempted to use the discriminant of a
quadratic to find real solutions, while others attempted a solution involving , and
. A clearer understanding of graphical properties is needed.
Question 7
Overall, the question was well done with many candidates gaining near full marks. Most candidates
were able to answer one or two parts to gain some marks. Many candidates were hindered by poor
algebra skills. Candidates were often unable to express their reasons in clear, unambiguous
mathematical prose. The concept of a limiting velocity was understood by very few candidates.
(a) Candidates often did not gain full marks because they did not make y2 the subject of the
equation correctly or through algebraic or arithmetic errors in calculating the intercepts.
Others interpreted the equation as representing a circle and found a radius that was used as
one of their limits of integration.
(b) Candidates who produced tree diagrams were much more successful in both parts. The most
common mistake in (b)(i) was to assume that Onslo connected on his first attempt as well.
Others had the correct probabilities for each attempt, but added them instead of multiplying.
Candidates should note that it is important that they record their unsimplified answer in
questions such as this, as an answer to (b)(ii) such as 0.016 without any supporting working
does not necessarily convince the examiner that the candidate has correctly computed the
2001 HSC Notes from the Examination Centre Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1 and Mathematics Extension 2
(c) Most candidates were able to gain the mark in (c)(i), although many found that x = 1 and
then stated that the displacement was 1. Only a few were able to show the alternate form for
the displacement in (c)(ii). Most merely showed that if it happened that they were equal,
then it would follow that 1 = 1.
The majority of the candidature understood that at rest meant that the velocity was 0. In
(c)(iv), answers such as the velocity approaches 0 as t increases were accepted.
Question 8
(a) Generally, candidates knew how to do this and a very high percentage scored 4 or 5 marks.
The most common errors were failure to recognise that the value of N 0 was 18 and poor
logarithmic or exponential calculations. While most candidates used their calculated value(s)
through their work, a significant number inappropriately used rounded-off figures leading to
a broad range of answers. Rounding-off is to be discouraged until the final stage of any
(ii) A significant number of candidates failed to understand the method required for non-
replacement. This type of problem does not lend itself to a full tree diagram (far too
many branches) and most who attempted one had failed to identify the pattern of
(c) More than 70% of all candidates either failed to attempt this part or failed to score any marks.
(i) Most attempts showed clear confusion about the concept of maximum/minimum in
relation to what is an unfamiliar problem. Many misinterpreted the maximum/
minimum asked for as relating to the width of the flask rather than to the rate at which
the depth was changing.
(ii) Many of the attempts were poorly planned and could have been improved by doing a
rough sketch first. The flask could not hold a depth beyond 10 cm (full) so the graph
should not rise beyond the point (5, 10) and candidates should have recognised the
domain 0 t 5 and range 0 y 10. It is important to know what an inflexion looks
like (change of concavity).
Overall, it was pleasing to see only a few feather graphs, cross-outs or multiple arcs
a vast improvement. Attention must still be drawn to the need for clearly and carefully
labelled (straight line) axes and the need for the graph to begin and end at particular
points if the domain is limited.
Question 9
(a) Many candidates failed to recognise the link between the three sub-parts of part (a). A clearer
understanding of terms such as hence and deduce needs to be encouraged. While there were a
significant number of concise, well-argued responses, too many candidates provided far in
excess of what was required. Candidates need to develop an improved understanding of the
definition of similar triangles and to subsequently restrict the content of their responses. A
common tendency was for candidates to assume what they were trying to prove.
2001 HSC Notes from the Examination Centre Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1 and Mathematics Extension 2
(b) Candidates encountered great difficulty in their attempt to find the primitive of an
exponential function. Of those who did find the correct expression, many failed to also
consider the constant of integration. There is also an apparent inability of many to deal with
negative indices, hence sub-part (ii) caused a real problem for candidates. Factorisation of
the quadratic in et was problematic for a large proportion of the candidature. As was the case
in part (a), candidates failed to establish a link between the sub-parts.
Question 10
(a) This part was an investment question, with interest compounded annually and equal
amounts deducted annually to fund a prize. There were three sub-parts. Sub-part (i)
confused many candidates and yet this was typically the only mark awarded in the entire
question. This part asked for the balance at the beginning of the second year rather than at
the end of the first year. Many candidates offered the balance at the end of both years but
did not indicate which answer was actually appropriate. In sub-part (ii) candidates had to
show that Bn = 1200 200(1.06) . It was pleasing that many candidates attempted to
(b) (i) This required candidates to write two expressions for the time taken in terms of .
Some candidates struggled with the trigonometry involved while others seemed
unaware that time = .
(ii) This part required candidates to work with the time difference. It followed logically
from part (i). Unfortunately it was a waste of valuable time for most candidates.
Some candidates used calculus in an effort to maximise or to minimise one of the
expressions with no reward. Others equated the expressions for time and then
attempted to solve a resulting trigonometric equation, again with no reward. Very
few realised that the answer required the difference of the expressions to be
2001 HSC Notes from the Examination Centre Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1 and Mathematics Extension 2
Mathematics Extension 1
Question 1
(a) Most candidates obtained an integral involving inverse sine. Nevertheless, despite the use of
1 x
the table of standard integrals provided, there were mistakes including sin or
1 x
sin 1 . Giving the answer as 30 or 30 instead of was not uncommon.
4 4 6
(b) While many candidates showed knowledge of the product rule, errors in differentiating sin2x
were common. There were many attempts, both correct and incorrect, to write sin2x as
(1 cos 2 x ). This proved more difficult to differentiate and mistakes involving negative
signs or dividing by two instead of multiplying were prevalent. Some even managed to
integrate one or both of the factors.
(c) The easiest method was simply to add up four numbers. Those candidates who resorted to
formulae sometimes applied them incorrectly, for example by thinking that there were seven
terms. Quite a few candidates tried to use combinations as though this were a question
about the binomial theorem.
(d) The simplest method was to use the formula, although there were a small number of
successful responses that used gradients or similar triangles. It was quite common to
substitute numbers into wrong places or not to use a negative sign for one of the numbers in
the ratio.
(e) This was generally well done, although some candidates carried out the division rather than
use the remainder theorem. Arithmetic and transcription errors were not uncommon.
Predictably there were instances where P(3) was found rather than P(3).
(f) Many candidates were able to use the substitution and change the limits. Of these, quite a
few had difficulty in integrating (u 1) u . Often the factors were integrated separately.
Sloppy setting out, including omission of the brackets, was not uncommon.
There was some confusion about the change of limits some didnt change them at all.
Others changed their variable back to x but then evaluated using the new limits. A
substantial number of candidates worried about the negative sign in the answer and inserted
absolute value signs afterwards.
Question 3
(a) Most candidates understood Newtons method. However, answers were marred by a few
common errors. A large number of candidates used degrees instead of radians, reaching an
answer of 7.27. Disturbingly, very few candidates recognised the unreasonable nature of
this result. Among those who did, only a small percentage managed to correct their error.
Calculator work was often poor and, when intermediate working was not shown, it was
difficult to award part marks.
2001 HSC Notes from the Examination Centre Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1 and Mathematics Extension 2
(b) Answers to this part were poorly set out with inadequate justification and use of appropriate
mathematical terms. Candidates need to distinguish memory aids (such as windsurfer
theorem) and correct mathematical usage. The most common error in sub-part (ii) was a
failure to link AOB and TAB. A candidate whose complete answer was Alternate
segment theorem may have understood this link, but this was not sufficiently evident to
gain the one mark. In sub-part (iii), many candidates attempted unsuccessfully to prove that
triangles AOP and AOB were congruent, the common error being to assume without
adequate proof that POA = 2. About 10% of candidates stated their final conclusion as
PA = PB.
(c) Sub-part (i) was generally well done. Sub-part (ii) was poorly done, with only about one-
third of candidates managing to gain full marks. Common errors included omission of the
solution sin = 0. Around 25% of the total candidature reached the equation sin2 = but
1 1
failed to conclude that sin = . Two-thirds of these reached the conclusion sin = ,
2 2
1 1
while the remainder had sin = . Candidates who found sin = and/or sin = 0,
2 2
were often not able to find corresponding values of in the range 0 2.
Question 4
This question was generally not handled well. Many of the candidates either chose an incorrect
approach and/or an inappropriate approach to different parts of the question, leading them to
difficulties in reaching the final solution.
(a) Many candidates did not exclude x = 2 from their solution. A variety of methods were
attempted, with the most success gained from multiplying by the square of the denominator.
Many candidates using the two-case method did so successfully. Testing regions, using the
critical point method, was done poorly by many candidates.
(b) This part was poorly handled by most candidates. The common approach was to ignore the
given equations for x and y and to derive the equations of motion, again ignoring the given
initial conditions. There was a great deal of confusion between V as given in the question
and V as the angle of projection from the origin. Candidates often equated to tan 135
(or tan 45). Those who did equate to the tangent of an angle frequently fudged the sign,
as they could not interpret 45 to the vertical correctly.
(c) Many candidates approached this question by integrating the given differential equation
rather than using x = a cos (nt + ). The complex integration and algebra led to few correct
solutions, although some candidates did manage to gain 4 marks. In many of the approaches
taken, the candidates did not check the initial conditions for x and x . Failure to do this
resulted in the loss of one of the available marks.
2001 HSC Notes from the Examination Centre Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1 and Mathematics Extension 2
Question 5
Overall, the response to this question was disappointing. Very few candidates scored 12, with
potentially good candidates scoring about 7.
(a) (i) Most candidates were able to get at least 1 mark on this question. Candidates knew to
substitute x = 0 but could not evaluate cos1 0. The most common wrong response was:
y-intercept = 2.
(ii) Candidates knew that to find the inverse function they should interchange the x and y,
but their algebra skills let them down. On the whole, they were generally able to score
at least 1 mark by either finding the correct inverse function or giving the correct
domain, or the domain of their incorrect inverse function.
(iii) Most candidates knew that the area was cos 1 3x dx but could not integrate this. They
did not link the inverse in (ii) with the required area. Most Extension 2 candidates who
tried integrating by parts were unsuccessful.
(b) Most candidates could expand (q + p)n but to earn more than 1 mark they had to do much
more than this. Some candidates seemed confused by the q being first. Many simply stated the
last terms and this only scored 1 mark. A disappointing number of candidates wrote that the
last term is 0 when n is even.
(c) (i) Candidates generally recognised this as binomial probability and were able to give the
correct response. Candidates need to be clear in their writing, as it was very difficult to
distinguish between n and r in many cases.
(ii) This was very badly done with many candidates not attempting it. Too many candidates
could either not see the link with (b) or, if they did, they could not clearly show this.
Some tried to manipulate the answer to part (i) to get the given expression.
Question 7
Given that this was the last question of a solid paper, most candidates had the inclination to have a
go at this challenging question, with far fewer non-attempts than might be expected.
(a) (i) Most candidates found the first 2 marks the easiest to gain, but too few immediately
recognised that dv = d ( v 2). Careless errors often resulted in the incorrect
dt dx 2
evaluation of the constant, if indeed the constant was noted.
(ii) This proved to be the hardest 2 marks to earn in this question. Most candidates failed to
check the initial conditions and used v = x 1 instead of v = 1 x. The difficulty they
then had with ln (1) was dealt with in a variety of ways, invariably excluding them
from gaining any marks.
(b) Generally candidates were not troubled with the 3-dimensional nature of this question, but
inadequate knowledge of trigonometry and poor algebra skills let them down in many cases.
2001 HSC Notes from the Examination Centre Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1 and Mathematics Extension 2
(i) Candidates who understood to use the cosine rule often had trouble using h cot
correctly and/or noting that cos = .
3 2
(ii) Candidates are advised to carefully state the cosine rule and the length of the sides for
the triangle they are using. Many who initially used cos as the subject of the formula
had trouble manipulating the algebraic terms correctly. Those candidates who had used
their initial statements for AP2, rather than attempting to simplify first, more often
gained the evaluation mark. Full marks were only allocated for correct working if
candidates realise they have made a mistake in one line of their working, all other lines
need be corrected!
(iii) Many candidates mixed up and cos , degrees and radians, ratios and angles. Very
few appreciated that their conclusion of maximum turning point referred to cos and
that this implied a minimum turning point for . Many conclusions contradicted the
values found for at = 0, tan 2 and . Quite a few candidates recognised that the
auxiliary angle method was an expedient way of approaching the question. However, in
most cases, they made errors in the execution.
Mathematics Extension 2
Question 1
(a) This part was well done. Errors occurred when tan3x was broken into tan x (sec2x 1).
Perhaps the most common error was letting u = sec2x leading to du = tan x dx.
(b) Completing the square caused little problem. It was pleasing to see that the vast majority of
candidates successfully used the table of standard integrals without any written direction.
Some were successful with a substitution such as x = 2 + 3 sec .
(c) Marks were lost through incorrect identification of u and v and also by confusing
differentiation and integration processes. Candidates seemed to have a better chance of
forming the correct integral expression if u, u', v, and v' were stated separately at the
beginning of their answer.
(d) This part relied mainly on the three basic processes required in integration involving
substitution. Integrating the substitution expression was well done but incorporating this into
the integral was where most errors in this question occurred. Making dx the subject usually
led to success. Changing the limits and the body of the integral were quite well done.
However recognising a common factor in expressions such as
(u 2 + 2)2u or successfully
2 2
collecting terms such as + 2 2 eluded many candidates.
(e) (i) Having been given the structure that the partial fractions would take, candidates
found little difficulty in giving correct values for a and b. However, there were quite
a few transcription errors.
(ii) Only a few candidates found difficulty in separating the first fraction into a ln and
tan1x result.
2001 HSC Notes from the Examination Centre Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1 and Mathematics Extension 2
Question 2
All but two or three candidates attempted this question on complex numbers. Although many
attempts earned at least 10 of the 15 marks available, the last part proved to be a stumbling block
for many.
(a) This required candidates to calculate the product of two complex numbers as well as the
reciprocal of one of them. In order to gain each of the two marks, a candidate had to arrive
at the correct expression. To avoid being penalised for the frequent basic arithmetical errors,
often committed as a result of nervousness in the early questions, candidates should check
their answers once the initial nervousness has worn off.
(b) (i) This sub-part was successfully completed by most candidates in expressing 1 + i 3
as 2(cos + i sin ). A few failed to find the correct modulus, and a larger number
3 3
determined the argument to be .
(ii) Although the two marks were gained by over half the candidates, common errors
included leaving the answer in mod-arg form as
10 10 10 1
1024(cos + i sin ), calculating 210 as 20, and evaluating cos as .
3 3 3 2
(c) Many candidates failed to secure the 3 marks because they drew a circle with either an
incorrect centre or an incorrect radius, or rays with starting point at the centre of the circle.
A few failed to indicate the region that represented the intersection. Although no marks were
deducted for poorly drawn diagrams, some candidates whose circles were so badly drawn
that it was impossible to determine the centre were not awarded the mark for the circle. The
use of a template or a pair of compasses (or even a coin) for drawing a circle is to be
(d) In solving the equation z4 = 1, many candidates correctly wrote cis , cis , but
4 4
many confused cis with cis ( ) . Most realised that the four solutions were equally
4 4
spaced around a circle (rewarded with a mark) but typically selected either 1 or i as the first
(e) (i) The word explain was taken to mean that a wordy (and often unconvincing)
statement was necessary. Many dubious attempts were made to explain the presence
of the negative sign, with vague mentions of different directions, different quadrants
(although all points could be assumed to be in the first quadrant without loss of
generality), and squaring techniques which produced negative signs where
convenient. To gain the two marks, candidates were required only to note that the
vector BA (or AB, since direction was ignored in this part) represented z1 z2, and
that the vector BA was equivalent to iBC. Many candidates realised that there was a
rotation of involved, but those who wrote that i(z1 z2) = z3 z2 failed to gain a
mark by squaring both sides since they had not demonstrated an understanding of the
sense of the rotation.
2001 HSC Notes from the Examination Centre Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1 and Mathematics Extension 2
(ii) The mark here proved to be the most elusive. The simple solution of z1 + z3 z2 was
found by relatively few. Since this question was worth only 1 mark, the answer was
required to be perfectly correct. Those who did not consider the direction of each
vector often had the signs wrong and did not gain the mark. The most frequent error
was to simply add z1 z2 and z3 z2. Five alternative solutions which did or did not
include all of z1, z2 and z3, such as z2 + i(z3 z1) or z1 + i(z2 z1), were also awarded
the mark.
Question 4
(a) (i) This part was well done by the great majority of candidates. Most candidates could
correctly identify the x values of the turning points and correctly classify them. A
small percentage mixed up maximum and minimum turning points.
(ii) Most gained 1 or 2 marks for showing the point of inflexion and the smooth turning
points. Relatively few gained a mark for correctly drawing the cusp at x = 2. Also
few were able to sketch the function correctly as x .
(b) (i) Most gained 1 mark for using a formula for the area between concentric circles. The
second mark was gained for substituting y 2 = R 2 b 2 (or similar) into a concentric
circles area formula. The majority was able to do this.
(ii) Relatively few candidates gained 3 marks for this question, with the majority gaining
1 or 2 marks. Common errors included db, 0 , dy, 0 and variations. Few
2b b
were able to eliminate R and h since they could not make the connection that
R2 h2 = b2 .
x 1
(c) The differentiation of y = tan 1 + tan 1 was often poorly done with a large
x +1 2x + 1
number of candidates not using the chain rule or quotient rule properly. Of those who
differentiated properly, most could not draw the conclusion that y is a constant.
Question 5
The question was well done, with very few non-attempts or zero marks. The working was generally
well set out and clear.
(a) Sub-parts (i) and (ii) were well done with most candidates gaining full marks. Sub-part (iii)
caused a few problems. Many candidates tried to show that OP was perpendicular to QR
using circle geometry. Others tried to find the point of intersection between OP and QR.
This was often successful, but took time.
(b) (i) There was confusion between F = ma and the F in the question. Successful
candidates made the distinction clear by saying F = ma = F kv or equivalent,
2001 HSC Notes from the Examination Centre Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1 and Mathematics Extension 2
Question 6
This question was very accessible in both parts and was generally well done, with few non-attempts
and a number of candidates scoring full marks.
= v . The most common error was not converting the velocity to m/s.
(b) (i) This was generally well done. A reasonable number of candidates misunderstood the
alternate segment theorem and tried to apply it to TAF and TAE. Many did not
copy the diagram into their booklet, despite the instruction. This usually made it
difficult to follow their answer. A reasonable number of candidates seemed to think
that they had to prove all three angles equal in order to show similarity and wasted
time doing this. A mark was deducted for not clearly stating the geometric results
used. A worrying number of candidates gave incoherent and poorly expressed
reasoning, such as tangent theory or angle in arc instead of alternate segment
(ii) This was generally well done, even by those who could not completely do part (i).
(iii) This was not quite so well done. Many candidates tried to prove the triangles were
similar using angle arguments, which did not work. A fair number seemed to believe
that ratios of sides were sufficient, with no mention of the included angle.
(iv) To get this last mark reasons had to be given for all steps. Many candidates chased
angles across the diagram and correctly proved the result, but a large number did not
give reasons for the key steps and so did not get the mark. Candidates often did not
draw the diagram in their booklets and then tacitly assumed certain angles
(presumably marked on the diagram on their examination paper) were equal without
stating what they were.
Question 8
Overall, this question proved far too daunting for the vast majority of candidates. Marks above 10
were extremely rare.
(a) Most candidates made some attempt at part (a). The first inequality in each sub-part should
have provided most candidates with an opportunity to score 2 marks, but a surprising
number were unable to do so. Candidates struggled with the second inequality in each sub-
part, although neither is particularly difficult. Candidates would be well advised that an
attempt to prove an inequality by starting with the statement that is to be proved is unlikely
to be successful. It was very clear to the examiners that an ability to sustain a logical
argument is not at all common.
2001 HSC Notes from the Examination Centre Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1 and Mathematics Extension 2
(b) A reasonable number of candidates attempted sub-parts (i) and (ii). In sub-part (i) only a few
candidates used the inequality e < 3 as a first step to show that the integral is less than
3 x a dx . This approach provided the easiest explanation. A number of candidates
attempted a graphical argument, which was inappropriate. Sub-part (ii) was the most
accessible part. A reasonable number of candidates were able to gain 1 mark for setting up
the induction. Candidates should be warned against simply stating that the proposition holds
for a base case without showing any working. There were very few attempts at parts (iii) and
(iv), and virtually none that were totally successful.
Mathematics Extension 2
2001 HSC Examination Mapping Grid
Question Marks Content Syllabus outcomes
1(a) 2 Integration E8
1(b) 2 Integration E8
1(c) 3 Integration E8
1(d) 4 Integration HE6, E8
1(e)(i) 2 Integration E4, E8
1(e)(ii) 2 Integration E8
2(a) 2 Complex numbers E3
2(b)(i) 2 Complex numbers E3
2(b)(ii) 2 Complex numbers E3
2(c) 3 Complex numbers E3
2(d) 3 Polynomials E3
2(e)(i) 2 Complex numbers E3
2(e)(ii) 1 Complex numbers E3
3(a)(i) 3 Conics E3
3(a)(ii) 2 Conics E3
3(a)(iii) 1 Conics E3
3(b)(i) 3 Polynomials E4
3(b)(ii) 2 Polynomials E4
3(c) 4 Volumes E7, E8
4(a)(i) 3 Graphs E6
4(a)(ii) 4 Graphs E6
4(b)(i) 2 Volumes E7
4(b)(ii) 3 Volumes E7
4(c) 3 Harder 3 unit PE5, HE4
5(a)(i) 2 Conics E3
5(a)(ii) 2 Conics E3
5(a)(iii) 3 Conics E3
5(b)(i) 1 Mechanics E5
5(b)(ii) 3 Mechanics E5
5(c)(i) 2 Harder 3 unit PE3
5(c)(ii) 2 Harder 3 unit PE3
6(a)(i) 3 Mechanics E5
6(a)(ii) 2 Mechanics E4, E5
6(a)(iii) 2 Mechanics E2, E5
6(b)(i) 3 Harder 3Unit topics PE3
6(b)(ii) 2 Harder 3Unit topics PE3
6(b)(iii) 2 Harder 3Unit topics PE3
6(b)(iv) 1 Harder 3Unit topics PE3
7(a)(i) 1 Complex numbers E3
Question Marks Content Syllabus outcomes
Outcomes assessed: E8
Criteria Marks
1 2
Gives correct answer 4
1 1
Gives I = tan 4 x
Gives u du where u = tan x
Outcomes assessed: E8
Criteria Marks
Correctly integrates after completing the square 2
Correctly completes the square 1
2001 HSC Mathematics Extension 2 Marking Guidelines
2001 HSC Mathematics Extension 2 Marking Guidelines
Outcomes assessed: E8
Criteria Marks
Gives correct integration 2
Gives correct integration for one component 1
Outcomes assessed: E3
Criteria Marks
Shows zw = 1 + 5i 2
1 1 i
and =
w 2
1 1
Gives correct answer for either zw or
Outcomes assessed: E3
Criteria Marks
Gives correct answer 2cis
Shows modulus as 2 1
Shows argument as
Outcomes assessed: E3
Criteria Marks
Gives correct answer in x + iy form (or consistent with (i)) 2
Gives correct answer in modulus-argument form (or consistent with (i)) 1
2001 HSC Mathematics Extension 2 Marking Guidelines
Outcomes assessed: E3
Criteria Marks
Correctly shows intersection 3
Shows a correct circle and correct rays 2
Shows a circle with correct centre and radius or shows correct rays 1
Outcomes assessed: E3
Criteria Marks
Gives four correct solutions 3
Gives four evenly-spaced solutions 2
Gives at least 1 correct argument 1
Outcomes assessed: E3
Criteria Marks
Shows that BC = z3 z2 and that BA = iBC , or equivalent
Shows that BC = z3 z2 or that BA = iBC , or equivalent
Outcomes assessed: E3
Criteria Marks
Gives correct expression for D 1
2001 HSC Mathematics Extension 2 Marking Guidelines
Outcomes assessed: E3
Criteria Marks
Gives the correct points of intersection 3
Gives the correct eccentricity
Gives the correct foci
Gives two of the above 2
Gives one of the above 1
Outcomes assessed: E3
Criteria Marks
9 2
Gives directrices as x =
Gives asymptotes as y = x
Gives one of the above 1
Outcomes assessed: E3
Criteria Marks
Sketches a correct graph based on (students) answer in (i) and (ii), 1
showing at least the asymptotes and intersection with x axis
Outcomes assessed: E4
Criteria Marks
Gives ( + + =)4, ( =)2, and provides an explanation 3
Gives two of the above 2
Gives one of the above 1
2001 HSC Mathematics Extension 2 Marking Guidelines
Outcomes assessed: E4
Criteria Marks
Gives correct answers 2
Gives answer x = 1 1
Outcomes assessed: E6
Criteria Marks
Correctly identifies the x-coordinates of, and correctly classifies, three 3
turning points with no additional points claimed to be local maxima or
Note: (2, 0) may be classified as a maximum turning point without
Correctly identifies the x-coordinates of at least two of the stationary 2
points and correctly classifies one turning point
Correctly identifies the x-coordinates of at least two of the stationary 1
Identifies the x-coordinate of, and correctly classifies, exactly one
stationary point
2001 HSC Mathematics Extension 2 Marking Guidelines
Outcomes assessed: E6
Criteria Marks
Sketches a graph passing through (0, 0) and (2, 0) with point of inflection 4
correctly located
Gives correct shape at three smooth turning points
Correctly identifies cusp
Correctly identifies asymptote
Gives three of the above 3
Gives two of the above 2
Gives one of the above 1
Outcomes assessed: E7
Criteria Marks
Correctly combines a correct expression for the outer radius of the 2
annulus with area formula
Gives a correct expression for the outer radius of the annulus 1
Gives a correct formula for the area of an annulus
Outcomes assessed: E7
Criteria Marks
4 3
Gives correct volume b 3
Gives correct definite integral 2
Correctly integrates or correctly applies R = r + b
2 2 2
2001 HSC Mathematics Extension 2 Marking Guidelines
Outcomes assessed: E3
Criteria Marks
Gives the gradient in terms of either x and y or 2
Gives correct (unsimplified) equation in terms of or equivalent
Gives the gradient in terms of either x and y or 1
Outcomes assessed: E3
Criteria Marks
2001 HSC Mathematics Extension 2 Marking Guidelines
Outcomes assessed: E5
Criteria Marks
Shows that R = kv2 and relates this to Newtons second law 1
Outcomes assessed: E5
Criteria Marks
Shows that the distance travelled is as given 3
dv 2
Gives the differential equation in terms of or equivalent
Separates the variables or equivalent
2001 HSC Mathematics Extension 2 Marking Guidelines
dv 1
Gives the differential equation in terms of or equivalent
2001 HSC Mathematics Extension 2 Marking Guidelines
Outcomes assessed: E5
Criteria Marks
Gives correct expressions for F cos and F sin by resolving 3
Gives either F cos or F sin by resolving components 2
Gives a diagram showing the resolution of components, or introduces the 1
mv 2
term into an equation involving horizontal forces
2001 HSC Mathematics Extension 2 Marking Guidelines
2001 HSC Mathematics Extension 2 Marking Guidelines
Outcomes assessed: E3
Criteria Marks
Gives correct value for z 1
2001 HSC Mathematics Extension 2 Marking Guidelines
Outcomes assessed: E4
Criteria Marks
p 4
Correctly uses x = q to deduce an equation in integers
Outcomes assessed: E4
Criteria Marks
Correctly deduces the required fact 4
Shows that 3r 2 s + s3d 3s = 0 3
Shows that r s d is a root of (*)
Shows that 3r 2 s + s3d 3s = 0 2
Shows that r s d is a root of (*)
Correctly deduces that there are no roots of this form from r s d both
roots of (*)
Correctly substitutes r + s d into (*) 1
2001 HSC Mathematics Extension 2 Marking Guidelines
Outcomes assessed: E4
Criteria Marks
Verifies that given expression 2 cos is a root 1
2001 HSC Mathematics Extension 2 Marking Guidelines