Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth

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The document discusses the effects of endodontic treatment on teeth and factors that affect their survival. It also covers restoration options and considerations for timing the restorative procedure.

Factors that were discussed as affecting survival include the amount of tooth structure removed during access and post preparation, the use of medicaments during root canal treatment, and the quality of the coronal restoration.

Restoration options discussed include direct composite, fiber posts, all-ceramic and composite resin crowns. Adhesive techniques allow restoration without extensive tooth preparation.

Restoration of endodontically IN BRIEF

Stresses that the endodontically treated

treated teeth tooth needs to be restored back to form,

function and aesthetics.
Highlights the choices available to
restore both anterior and posterior teeth.
F. Mannocci*1 and J. Cowie1 Provides an update on contemporary
adhesive techniques

The restoration of endodontically treated teeth has undergone significant changes in the last 20years. Most of these
changes are associated with the preservation of tooth structure, this has been achieved first of all with the increasing use
of operative microscopes, nickel titanium instruments and more recently cone beam computed tomography; these instru-
ments have allowed the clinicians to reduce significantly the amount of coronal and radicular hard tooth tissue removed
in the process of cutting access cavities. The use of composites has also allowed the clinicians to restore with adhesive
techniques teeth that would otherwise require extensive and destructive mechanical retentions. The use of partial crowns
is becoming increasingly popular and this also helps prevent tooth structure loss. This article will focus on the choices
available to restore both anterior and posterior teeth and will focus more on these contemporary adhesive techniques.

The completion of root canal treatment does teeth and will focus more on these contem- TIMING OF THE
not signal the end of patient management. porary adhesive techniques. RESTORATIVE PROCEDURE
The endodontically treated tooth needs to The factors to consider in terms of timing of
be restored back to form, function and aes- EFFECTS OF ENDODONTIC the restorative phase of treatment are:
thetics. The quality of the coronal restora- TREATMENT ON THE TOOTH Pre-existing endodontic status
tion will directly impact on the survival and A tooth that requires endodontic treatment is Quality of root canal filling
success of the endodontically treated tooth. commonly a tooth that has lost a large vol- Position of tooth in the mouth
The provision of a restoration with a good ume of tooth tissue and is heavily restored. Type of restoration planned.
coronal seal has been suggested to reduce These teeth are often more prone to fracture.
the risk of failure of a root canal treated The fracture of endodontically treated teeth If root canal treatment has been completed
tooth by reducing bacterial microleakage may range from a simple cusp fracture all the to a technically satisfactory standard and the
into the recently cleaned, shaped, and filled way to catastrophic root fracture requiring tooth is symptoms free then it is sensible to
root canal system.1 extraction. The loss of marginal ridge/s has proceed with the final restoration straight
Additionally, provision of a well-executed been shown to reduce cuspal stiffness. In the away. This is particularly true when dealing
restoration will return the tooth to form and case of the MOD cavity, this was to an extent with a previously vital, uninfected tooth. If
function, re-establish proximal contacts and of 63%.2 In a more recent study using micro- the tooth was symptomatic that is, tender to
occlusal stability as well as protecting the computed tomography a significant reduction biting and on lateral pressure, then delaying
tooth from future breakdown, both non- in tooth stiffness was noted with an access the final restoration for a few weeks while
carious (fracture) and carious. cavity preparation and more so with a post the tooth settles would be prudent. If the
The restoration of endodontically treated preparation for a cast metal post. The prepara- tooth fails to settle then root canal retreat-
teeth has changed in recent years. The avail- tion for a fibre-post proved more conservative ment may well be required.
ability of adhesive techniques has increased and less tooth tissue needed to be removed.3 If the tooth had a small pre-existing peria-
the clinicians repertoire in terms of restoring The medicaments and irrigants used dur- pical radiolucency (less than 2mm) then the
teeth. Amalgam cores and cast metal posts ing root canal treatment can alter the physical tooth should be treated in the same manner
are being replaced by direct composite and properties of dentine and the prolonged use of as the vital tooth. If the tooth had a larger
fibre-posts, all ceramic crowns and compos- calcium hydroxide renders the dentine more pre-operative periapical radiolucency and a
ite resin crowns are often chosen because of brittle and prone to fracture.4,5 Additionally, good root filling has been completed then
their superior aesthetic outcome. non-vital teeth lose proprioception and are a short review period should be considered.
This article will focus on the choices avail- less adept at perceiving increased load.6 There is conflicting evidence whether the
able to restore both anterior and posterior Preservation of coronal tooth tissue pre-operative lesion size has an effect on
without compromising endodontic access endodontic success; some authors report it
Kings College Dental Institute, London, SE1 9RT is desirable. Adhesive techniques allow makes no difference,7,8 while others suggest
*Correspondence to: Dr Francesco Mannocci
Email: the clinician to add to existing, residual a larger lesion has a negative effect on out-
tooth tissue and do not require creation of come.9,10 A larger lesion might indicate the
Refereed Paper macromechanical retention; this permits presence of a higher bacterial load within
Accepted 28 January 2014
DOI: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2014.198 preservation rather than removal of hard the root canal. In this scenario a more con-
British Dental Journal 2014; 216: 341-346 tooth structure. servative review approach should be taken


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to ascertain whether the root canal treatment falls into line with tworandomised clinical
has been successful. A review period is sen- trials on endodontically treated premolars
sible especially in a practice setting where restored with crown coverage.15,16 Teeth that
patients will be financially investing in the were restored with fibre-posts and compos-
final indirect restoration and are usually less ite were more effective than amalgam in
accepting of failure. preventing root fracture but less effective
In those teeth where the prognosis is in preventing secondary caries.15 In sum-
doubtful and a good root filling has been mary, the overwhelming body of evidence
executed it may be advisable to allow for suggests cast restorations especially on
a longer review period until there is clini- posterior teeth increase tooth survival after
cal evidence, and in some case, radiographic endodontic treatment.
evidence, of healing. Should the clinician
take this approach then the tooth must be RESTORATION TYPE
adequately protected during this period to The type of restoration chosen for a root
prevent unwanted, catastrophic tooth frac- filled tooth will depend on the remaining
ture. It is sensible to place a plastic restora- hard tooth structure available. The amount
tion with cuspal protection or stabilise the of tooth remaining will dictate the fracture
tooth with a well-fitting, well-burnished resilience of a tooth and how the restoration
thin copper band or an orthodontic band will need to be retained. It follows that the
cemented with a glass-ionomer cement. preservation of as much tooth tissue as pos-
sible will improve likely outcome. There are
SURVIVAL OF THE ENDODONTICALLY different challenges in restoring the anterior
TREATED TOOTH and posterior dentition. The posterior den- a
Endodontically treated teeth have a good tition undergoes much higher forces when
survival rate. Indeed an epidemiological eating and chewing and is more susceptible
study with a sample size of 1,462,936teeth to fracture. Anterior teeth are less prone to
recalled at eightyears showed a 97% sur- fracture but from a patient perspective the
vival rate. Interestingly, of the teeth that aesthetic demand is greater.
were lost 85% had had no full coronal cover-
age restoration.11 This was corroborated by a Anterior teeth
more recent study, which showed a fouryear
survival rate of 95% and again teeth with Composite resin restoration
cast restorations survived better than those In anterior teeth that are minimally to mod-
without.9 This study also indicated that a ter- erately restored then a direct composite res-
minal tooth in the arch has a lower survival toration will be the restoration of choice.
rate and teeth with proximal contacts both The composite may be placed directly over
mesially and distally have a higher survival the gutta percha, which should ideally be
rate. They also showed that presence of a cut back to osseous level, some clinicians
cast post and core may be associated with prefer to use a glass-ionomer base or dual-
a decreased survival of an endodontically cure composite base where it can be difficult
treated tooth. to light-cure composite. Placing composite
The majority of root filled teeth (61.4%) below the level of the cemento-enamel junc-
that fail, fail owing to restorative reasons for tion not only provides a good coronal seal
example, non-restorable caries rather than but can reduce the fracture susceptibility of
endodontic failure perse.12 In fact, only some the tooth (Fig1).17
12% of cases failed because of endodontic This is a very useful technique for teeth
failure. Additionally, 8.8% of teeth failed due that have suffered trauma in a young patient
to vertical root fracture. The importance of where the root canal walls are thin. Figure2 b
attention to detail with the coronal resto- demonstrates obturation of a very wide apex
ration and cuspal protection shouldnt be case with Biodentine and subsequent res-
underestimated. It has been reported that a toration of a tooth with a fibre-post and
molar tooth has a six-fold increase risk of composite build-up using a palatal silicone
failure when left without a cuspal coverage matrix made from a pre-operative diagnostic
cast restoration.13 In a more recent system- wax-up in a 12-year-old patient. Direct com- c
atic review, endodontically treated teeth posite even for larger restorations of anterior Fig.1 Restoration of lower right lateral,
restored with crowns have a higher long- teeth is often the restoration of choice in central and lower left central incisors after
root canal retreatment. (a) Post-obturation
term survival rate (8112% after tenyears) the developing dentition as it can be easily
radiograph showing gutta percha finished
compared with teeth without crown coverage maintained, offers good aesthetics and ena- at osseous level; (b) Post-restoration
(6315% after tenyears).14 This review also bles crown restorations to be deferred until radiograph after complete restoration with
showed that in the first threeyears the sur- the gingival shape is stable. composite including incisal edge build-ups;
vival rate of root filled teeth without crowns Composite achieves a good seal owing to (c) Post-restoration photograph showing
was satisfactory (84% 9%) but this sig- its ability to bond to tooth structure; it has incisal tip build-ups
nificantly dropped off after this period. This good physical properties and can be selected


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to ascertain whether the root canal treatment falls into line with tworandomised clinical
has been successful. A review period is sen- trials on endodontically treated premolars
sible especially in a practice setting where restored with crown coverage.15,16 Teeth that
patients will be financially investing in the were restored with fibre-posts and compos-
final indirect restoration and are usually less ite were more effective than amalgam in
accepting of failure. preventing root fracture but less effective
In those teeth where the prognosis is in preventing secondary caries.15 In sum-
doubtful and a good root filling has been mary, the overwhelming body of evidence
executed it may be advisable to allow for suggests cast restorations especially on
a longer review period until there is clini- posterior teeth increase tooth survival after
cal evidence, and in some case, radiographic endodontic treatment.
evidence, of healing. Should the clinician
take this approach then the tooth must be RESTORATION TYPE
adequately protected during this period to The type of restoration chosen for a root
prevent unwanted, catastrophic tooth frac- filled tooth will depend on the remaining
ture. It is sensible to place a plastic restora- hard tooth structure available. The amount
tion with cuspal protection or stabilise the of tooth remaining will dictate the fracture
tooth with a well-fitting, well-burnished resilience of a tooth and how the restoration
thin copper band or an orthodontic band will need to be retained. It follows that the
cemented with a glass-ionomer cement. preservation of as much tooth tissue as pos-
sible will improve likely outcome. There are
SURVIVAL OF THE ENDODONTICALLY different challenges in restoring the anterior
TREATED TOOTH and posterior dentition. The posterior den- a
Endodontically treated teeth have a good tition undergoes much higher forces when
survival rate. Indeed an epidemiological eating and chewing and is more susceptible
study with a sample size of 1,462,936teeth to fracture. Anterior teeth are less prone to
recalled at eightyears showed a 97% sur- fracture but from a patient perspective the
vival rate. Interestingly, of the teeth that aesthetic demand is greater.
were lost 85% had had no full coronal cover-
age restoration.11 This was corroborated by a Anterior teeth
more recent study, which showed a fouryear
survival rate of 95% and again teeth with Composite resin restoration
cast restorations survived better than those In anterior teeth that are minimally to mod-
without.9 This study also indicated that a ter- erately restored then a direct composite res-
minal tooth in the arch has a lower survival toration will be the restoration of choice.
rate and teeth with proximal contacts both The composite may be placed directly over
mesially and distally have a higher survival the gutta percha, which should ideally be
rate. They also showed that presence of a cut back to osseous level, some clinicians
cast post and core may be associated with prefer to use a glass-ionomer base or dual-
a decreased survival of an endodontically cure composite base where it can be difficult
treated tooth. to light-cure composite. Placing composite
The majority of root filled teeth (61.4%) below the level of the cemento-enamel junc-
that fail, fail owing to restorative reasons for tion not only provides a good coronal seal
example, non-restorable caries rather than but can reduce the fracture susceptibility of
endodontic failure perse.12 In fact, only some the tooth (Fig1).17
12% of cases failed because of endodontic This is a very useful technique for teeth
failure. Additionally, 8.8% of teeth failed due that have suffered trauma in a young patient
to vertical root fracture. The importance of where the root canal walls are thin. Figure2 b
attention to detail with the coronal resto- demonstrates obturation of a very wide apex
ration and cuspal protection shouldnt be case with Biodentine and subsequent res-
underestimated. It has been reported that a toration of a tooth with a fibre-post and
molar tooth has a six-fold increase risk of composite build-up using a palatal silicone
failure when left without a cuspal coverage matrix made from a pre-operative diagnostic
cast restoration.13 In a more recent system- wax-up in a 12-year-old patient. Direct com- c
atic review, endodontically treated teeth posite even for larger restorations of anterior Fig.1 Restoration of lower right lateral,
restored with crowns have a higher long- teeth is often the restoration of choice in central and lower left central incisors after
root canal retreatment. (a) Post-obturation
term survival rate (8112% after tenyears) the developing dentition as it can be easily
radiograph showing gutta percha finished
compared with teeth without crown coverage maintained, offers good aesthetics and ena- at osseous level; (b) Post-restoration
(6315% after tenyears).14 This review also bles crown restorations to be deferred until radiograph after complete restoration with
showed that in the first threeyears the sur- the gingival shape is stable. composite including incisal edge build-ups;
vival rate of root filled teeth without crowns Composite achieves a good seal owing to (c) Post-restoration photograph showing
was satisfactory (84% 9%) but this sig- its ability to bond to tooth structure; it has incisal tip build-ups
nificantly dropped off after this period. This good physical properties and can be selected


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preserving residual tooth structure, it may

actually promote its loss. It is quite sensible
to consider full metal coverage palatally to
minimise the reduction on that aspect but in
an increasingly cosmetic era some patients
are less inclined to proceed with this option.
In general, crowning of anterior teeth is indi-
cated if the amount of tooth structure left is
not sufficient for a direct restoration and for
aesthetic reasons.

All-ceramic crowns
All-ceramic crowns offer the clinician
c a superior aesthetic result with often a
reduced tooth preparation when compared
to a metal-ceramic crown. Some all-ceramic
crowns can allow for a labial preparation of
11.5 mm, for example IPS eMax crowns.
Tooth preparation must be very precise with
good rounded internal line angles so as not
to concentrate stress under the crown, which
can lead to micro-crack formation and frac-
a ture propagation. These crowns can be adhe-
d sively cemented.

Posterior teeth

Amalgam restoration
Amalgam has been used as a restorative
material with good long-term success. In
recent years it has lost popularity among
some clinicians and particularly with
e patients over concerns regarding the toxic
Fig.2 Endodontic treatment and restoration effect of metal ions released by the amal-
of the upper right central incisor in a gam overtime, but primarily owing to its
12-year-old. (a) Pre-operative radiograph; cosmetic shortcomings. However, amalgam
(b) Oneyear review showing improvement of functions very well as a restorative material
the periapical radiolucency after Biodentine
apical plug and subsequent restoration with
as it has a high compressive strength and
fibre-post and composite; (c) Silicone putty contrary to some, it has a safe, successful
index fabricated from diagnositic wax-up and clinical history.17
fibre-post post cementation and initial palatal Amalgam is non-adhesive and when
build-up layer; (d) Pre-operative photograph; used conventionally without cuspal cover-
(e) Upper right central incisor post-restoration age leads to a higher risk of cusp or root
with fibre-post and direct composite
fracture.18 For this reason cuspal coverage is
advocated. In a study on the long-term sur-
vival of extensive amalgam restorations that
b involved the rebuilding of cusps the cumula-
tive survival rate was 88% at 100months.19
Molar teeth rarely require a post unless
by shade and polished to achieve a good aes- means a significant reduction in available there has been significant loss of tooth struc-
thetic result. It is possible to internally bleach surface area to bond to. ture. A coronal-radicular core build-up with
discoloured teeth before composite placement silver amalgam utilising the pulp chamber,
to achieve excellent aesthetic results. Metal-ceramic crowns and possible 2 mm canal extensions, has
Metal-ceramic crowns are commonly pre- proved very effective invitro and invivo.20
Ceramic or composite resin veneers scribed when an anterior, endodontically This is the classically termed Nayyar
Veneers normally cover the entire labial treated tooth is to be crowned and repre- core technique.21
surface of the tooth including the incisal sent the main non-adhesive restoration of When employing this technique and
edge and through to the proximal contacts. the anterior dentition. A reduction of the indeed when using adhesive composite resin
Ceramic or composite resin veneers are labial surface of approximately 1.82 mm direct cores the placement of dentine pins
seldom recommended for endodontically is necessary. This reduction may compro- is not advocated. Pins can cause areas of
treated anterior teeth as it is not easy to mise the strength of the remaining tooth tis- micro-stress and micro-cracks during place-
incorporate the access cavity within such sue; so caution should be exercised before ment, which may propagate and weaken
restorations and often the tooth tissue loss prescribing such a restoration. Far from the tooth.22


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Composite resin restoration

Composite resin restorations are rarely
acceptable as definitive long-term restora-
tions for posterior teeth. Invariably, posterior
teeth undergoing endodontic treatment have
lost significant amounts of tooth structure.
Extensive loss approximally and the deep
access cavity can make it difficult to restore
the tooth to good anatomical shape and
function. This is often complicated by the
need to overlay cusps to reduce the chance a
of short- to mid-term cusp/tooth fracture. It
may be acceptable to accept composite as a
definitive restoration where the access cavity
is limited to just the occlusal surface. Most
commonly, composite resin is used to build-
up a core filling before subsequent crowning
of the tooth. This can be with an incremen- e
tally placed, light-cure composite or with a
dual-cure composite resin. The light-cure Fig.3 Root canal treatment and restoration
of teeth 24, 25, 26. (a) Pre-operative
version is technically very challenging periapical radiograph; (b) Oneyear review
especially when small increments are being after root canal treatment and restoration
placed to extend into the root canal space, b
with fibre-posts, composite resin cores and
bulk placement is not advocated as light- IPS eMax crowns; (c) All-ceramic preparations
curing deep into the tooth is unpredictable. of 24, 25, 26 showing 2mm occlusal
The dual-cure option is more straightforward clearance; (d) and (e) 24, 25, 26 IPS eMax
crowns post-cementation
but requires the use of fine tips to inject
the composite to the gutta percha interface
to prevent unwanted voids within the com-
posite. Composite resin cores placed in this
Nayar fashion are termed composite dowel-
cores. If auxiliary retention is required then
a fibre-post can be placed and composite c
built-up immediately.

Gold onlays and crowns in the interproximal region can help clarify shows the use of these restorations in the
Gold restorations have stood the test of time finishing margins and impression taking. posterior region.
and are renowned for their durability.23 The A composite or glass-ionomer restoration There is no clear evidence to favour
gold onlay enables preservation of sound should be placed directly over the gutta ceramic or composite resin onlays/crowns,
tooth structure as the preparation is con- percha to seal the root filling and to help but composite resin onlays/ crowns are, in
servative, this may infer greater strength creation of the correct preparation form. This general, less expensive and easier to repair.
for the endodontically treated tooth. Gold permits the preparation design to have a flat
is still the material of choice for posterior base and to block out any undercuts that Metal-ceramic crowns
teeth but this tends to be where aesthet- would impede impression taking and accu- Metal-ceramic crowns are the most com-
ics are not a major concern. Upper second rate seating of the final restoration. Ceramic monly placed full coverage restoration in the
molars are good candidates for these types onlay/crowns are normally cemented with posterior dentition. Metal-ceramic crowns
of restoration or restorations where interoc- adhesive resins. may also be used as bridge abutments.
clusal space is limited or patients are brux- All-ceramic crowns are not really suit- Unfortunately the conventional approach
ists. Gold onlay preparation should include able in posterior teeth because of the risk to preparing metal-ceramic crowns requires
cuspal coverage of all cusps. of fracture; although they are sometimes an extensive heavy tooth reduction to cre-
used in premolars for aesthetic reasons. ate sufficient room for the restoration. To
Composite resin and ceramic Despite the robust nature of zirconia as a overcome some of these issues an adjustment
onlays/crowns coping for crowns the plane of weakness of to this preparation could be considered. The
The onlay preparation differs little from that these crowns is at the interface between this non-aesthetic elements of the crown can be
used for vital teeth. The internal line angles coping and the laminated porcelain. There finished in metal with metal occlusal cover-
should be rounded, the preparation walls are those that advocate the use of ceramic age, this enables a more conservative prepa-
slightly flare, rather than a chamfer prepara- in its monolithic state and suggest this ration in these areas and as a consequence
tion there is normally a 90 shoulder finish. reduces the risk of this type of fracture.24 preservation of valuable tooth structure.
A minimum preparation depth of 1.5 mm Again, as eluded to earlier in this article The full metal-collar finish is an underused
and the proximal boxes should extend above the nature of the modern patient may well finishing margin for these types of crown
the contact point. Cuspal coverage is again press the clinician to use metal-free restora- and can be invaluable for teeth with dif-
advocated to reduce the risk of tooth frac- tions and all-ceramic crowns are an alter- ficult restorability where a true shoulder-
ture. Often gingivectomy with electrosurgery native to metal-ceramic crowns, Figure 3 type finish would be most difficult, this is


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reported the increased probability of sur-

vival. In other words, there were more teeth
not restored with a fibre post lost due to
crown or root fractures.
A recent literature review on clinical stud-
ies of fibre posts reported that fibre-rein-
forced composite posts out-perform metal
posts in the restoration of endodontically
treated teeth; however, the evidence cannot
be considered as conclusive.27 The place-
a e ment of a fibre-reinforced composite post
would seem to protect against failure, espe-
cially under conditions of extensive coro-
nal destruction; the most common type of
failure with fibre-reinforced composite posts
is debonding. In terms of post diameter, ordi-
narily the preparation of the root canal will
have created a sufficient diameter to place
a post of adequate diameter. This concept
is particularly true of fibre posts where the
post is chosen to fit the root canal rather
b f
than the tooth prepared to fit a post, which
is the case for many indirect, cast-post sys-
tems. It is also worth noting that the remain-
ing root canal filling should not fall below
3mm. The relative frequency of periapical
lesions increases significantly when this is
the case.28
The available evidences do not rule out
the use of cast posts; however, since the use
of cast posts may result in a significantly
greater loss of tooth structure compared to
c g fibre posts,3 their use should be limited to
those cases in which no additional dentine
has to be removed to allow for their cemen-
tation. Many cases may need endodontic
retreatments, in this respect fibre posts are
often difficult to remove, however, their
removal is achieved by trophing through
the post without any additional removal of
root or crown dentine.

Fibre posts
d h
Studies have shown that the mechanical
properties of carbon, glass and quartz fibre
Fig.4 Root canal treatment, crown lengthening and restoration of tooth 46 with a metal-
ceramic crown. (a) Pre-operative radiograph 46; (b) Oneyear review radiograph after root
posts are substantially similar; for this rea-
canal treatment and restoration of tooth 46; (c) Pre-operative view demonstrating deep son, the more aesthetic glass and quartz fibre
subgingival caries; (d) Crown lengthening surgery with gingivectomy; (e) Immediately post- posts have now replaced carbon fibre posts.
surgery; (f) 46 crown preparation showing circumferential chamfer finish for metal collar; The modulus of elasticity of fibre posts is
(g) and (h) 46 metal-ceramic crown with metal collar generally lower than that of metal posts.29
The main difference, in terms of mechani-
cal properties between fibre and metal posts
particularly true when preparing in the deli- suggested if the amount of residual tooth is the loss of flexural strength that affects
cate furcation area. Figure 5 demonstrates structure is not sufficient to support a core fibre posts that are exposed to cyclic load-
the use of this restoration in combination made of a plastic material (amalgam or ing in a wet environment or thermocycled.30
with an adhesive composite dowel-core as composite). As a result of this, the mode of failure of
previously described. The idea that the placement of a post does fibre post restored teeth is unlikely to be
not reinforce a tooth is indeed very popular root fracture but normally decementation
POSTS and remains debatable. However, this con- that may or may not be associated with
cept was challenged in tworecent studies; the development of caries at the interface
Indications for posts a twoyear25 and a threeyear26 randomised between the tooth and the restoration.
In the restoration of endodontically treated clinical trial on endodontically treated pre- The adhesion of the fibre posts to the com-
teeth the placement of a post is generally molars restored with crowns and fibre posts posite core is mainly micromechanical. The


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