Modeling Optimizes Asset Performance
Modeling Optimizes Asset Performance
Modeling Optimizes Asset Performance
The Better Business Publication Serving the Exploration / Drilling / Production Industry
Reproduced for Global Geophysical Services with permission from The American Oil & Gas Reporter
SpecialReport: Unconventional Resource Science
coefficient of 83 percent (right panel in duction prediction model. The seismic Chad Baillie is a lead reservoir
Figure 3). Looking only at the eight in the background is co-rendered with geophysicist at Global Geophysical
vertical wells, the model showed a 90 the fault probability, with the production Services. Prior to joining the company
percent correlation between predicted ribbon displayed in color over the reservoir in 2012, he worked as a geophysicist
and actual production. These high corre- zone. at Prism Seismic/Sigma3. Baillie has
lations demonstrate the predictive power The best vertical producer in the survey extensive experience in interdisciplinary
areawell 6 shown at the left in Figures reservoir characterization and inter-
of multivariate statistical analysis and the
4 and 5had 10,700 barrels of actual pro- pretation, and his areas of expertise
impact it can have on unconventional
duction over three months versus a pre- include multivariate statistics by in-
field development.
dicted production of 10,900 barrels (98 tegrating 3-D seismic attributes, rock
Refrac Candidate Wells mechanics, microseismic, engineering
percent accurate). Well 3 had 2,090 barrels
and geological data to optimize com-
The decision then was made to examine of actual versus 2,300 barrels of predicted
pletion and well performance. He
the possibility of refracturing some or all production. holds a B.S. in geophysics from the
of the vertical wells in specific zones Well 1 was one of the poorer per- Colorado School of Mines.
where the model indicated high production formers. It produced 101 barrels, and its
SpecialReport: Unconventional Resource Science
drilling risk significantly and improve Similar results have been obtained in recoveries of individual wells.
drilling programs. successful projects in both conventional
The Wolfcamp case study emphasizes and unconventional reservoirs across Editors Note: The author acknowl-
the value that multivariate statistical analy- North America. Results achieved in the edges Global Geophysical colleagues Ro-
sis of 3-D seismic, well and engineering field have proven that WPPA models can hit Singh, a petroleum engineer, and
data can bring to unconventional reservoirs. high-grade prospective drilling areas, en- Leszek Bednarski, a petrophysicist/geol-
The 3-D seismic attributes applied in the hance well planning and geosteering, op- ogist, for their contributions to the Wolf-
Permian Basin can predict well perform- timize completion placement and frac camp modeling project.
ance down to the stage level. design, and boost the estimated ultimate