Basic Properties: Circuit Description
Basic Properties: Circuit Description
Basic Properties: Circuit Description
uses frequency mixing to convert a received signal to a fixed intermediate frequency (IF) which can
be more conveniently processed than the original carrier frequency.
Circuit description
To receive a radio signal, a suitable antenna is required. The output of the antenna may be very
small, often only a few microvolts. The signal from the antenna is tuned and may be amplified in a
so-called radio frequency (RF) amplifier, although this stage is often omitted. One or more tuned
circuits at this stage block frequencies that are far removed from the intended reception frequency.
In order to tune the receiver to a particular station, the frequency of the local oscillator is controlled
by the tuning knob (for instance). Tuning of the local oscillator and the RF stage may use a variable
capacitor, or varicap diode.[8] The tuning of one (or more) tuned circuits in the RF stage must track
the tuning of the local oscillator.
The Fourier transform decomposes a function of time (a signal) into the frequencies that make it
up, in a way similar to how a musical chord can be expressed as the frequencies (or pitches) of its
constituent notes. The Fourier transform of a function of time itself is a complex-valued function of
frequency, whose absolute value represents the amount of that frequency present in the original
function, and whose complex argument is the phase offset of the basic sinusoid in that frequency.
The Fourier transform is called the frequency domain representation of the original signal. The
term Fourier transform refers to both the frequency domain representation and the mathematical
operation that associates the frequency domain representation to a function of time. The Fourier
transform is not limited to functions of time, but in order to have a unified language, the domain of
the original function is commonly referred to as the time domain. For many functions of practical
interest, one can define an operation that reverses this: the inverse Fourier transformation, also
called Fourier synthesis, of a frequency domain representation combines the contributions of all the
different frequencies to recover the original function of time.
Basic properties
The Fourier transform has the following basic properties:
For any complex numbers a and b, if h(x) = af (x) + bg(x), then () = a ff() + b ().
Translation / time shifting
For any real number x0, if h(x) = f(x x0), then () = e2ix0 ff().
Modulation / frequency shifting
For any real number 0 if h(x) = e2ix0 f(x), then () = ff( 0).
Time scaling
For a non-zero real number a, if h(x) = f(ax), then
The case a = 1 leads to the time-reversal property, which states: if h(x) = f(x), then ()
= ff().
If h(x) = f(x), then
In particular, if f is real, then one has the reality condition
that is, ff is a Hermitian function. And if f is purely imaginary, then
Substituting = 0 in the definition, we obtain
That is, the evaluation of the Fourier transform at the origin ( = 0) equals the integral
of f over all its domain.
In the DSB-SC modulation, unlike in AM, the wave carrier is not transmitted; thus, much of the power
is distributed between the sidebands, which implies an increase of the cover in DSB-SC, compared
to AM, for the same power used.
DSB-SC is basically an amplitude modulation wave without the carrier, therefore reducing power
waste, giving it a 50% efficiency. This is an increase compared to normal AM transmission (DSB),
which has a maximum efficiency of 33.333%, since 2/3 of the power is in the carrier which carries no
intelligence, and each sideband carries the same information. Single Side Band (SSB) Suppressed
Carrier is 100% efficient.
In AM, the carrier itself does not fluctuate in amplitude. Instead, the
modulating data appears in the form of signal components at frequencies
slightly higher and lower than that of the carrier. These components are
called sidebands . The lower sideband (LSB) appears at frequencies below
the carrier frequency; the upper sideband (USB) appears at frequencies above
the carrier frequency. The actual information is transmitted in the sidebands,
rather than the carrier; both sidebands carry the same information. Because
LSB and USB are essentially mirror images of each other, one can be
discarded or used for a second channel or for diagnostic purposes.