Cash Management
Cash Management
Cash Management
Companies need to carry sufficient levels of cash in order to ensure they can meet day-to-day expenses. Cash is also required to be held as
a cushion against unplanned expenditure, to guard against liquidity problems. It is also useful to keep cash available in order to be able to
take advantage of market opportunities.
The cost of running out of cash may include not being able to pay debts as they fall due which can have serious operational repercussions,
including the winding up of the company if it consistently fails to pay bills as they fall due.
However, if companies hold too much cash then this is effectively an idle asset, which could be better invested and generating profit for the
Balancing Act
Cash forecast
A cash forecast is an estimate of cash receipts and payments for a future period under existing conditions. Every type of cash inflow and
receipt, along with their timings,must be forecast. Cash receipts and payments differ from sales and cost of sales in the income statement
some income statement items are derived from accounting conventions and are not cash flows
the timing of cash receipts and payments does not coincide with the income statement accounting period
Cash budget
A cash budget is a commitment to a plan for cash receipts and payments for a future period after taking any action necessary to bring the
forecast into line with the overall business plan.
Companies are likely to prepare a cash budget as part of the annual master budget, but then to continually prepare revised cash forecasts
throughout the year, as a means of monitoring and managing cash flows.
Treasury management
Treasury management is heavily concerned with liquidity and covers the following activities:
raising finance.
All treasury management activities are concerned with managing the liquidity of a business, the importance of which to the survival and
growth of a business cannot be over-emphasised.
The functions carried out by the treasurer have always existed, but have been absorbed historically within other finance functions. A number
of reasons may be identified for the modern development of separate treasury departments:
size and internationalisation of companies: these factors add to both the scale and the complexity of the treasury functions
size and internationalisation of currency, debt and security markets: these make the operations of raising finance, handling
transactions in multiple currencies and investing, much more complex. They also present opportunities for greater gains
sophistication of business practice: this process has been aided by modern communications, and as a result the treasurer is expected
to take advantage of opportunities for making profits or minimising costs which did not exist a few years ago.
For these reasons, most large international corporations have moved towards setting up a separate treasury department. Treasury
departments tend to rely heavily on new technology for information.
The treasurer will be involved in investment appraisal, and the finance director will often consult the treasurer in matters relating to the
review of acquisitions and divestments, dividend policy and defence from takeover.
A company must choose from a range of options to select the most appropriate source of investment/funding.
Short-term cash investments are used for temporary cash surpluses.To select an investment, a company has to weigh up three potentially
conflicting objectives and the factors surrounding them:
Profitability: subject to the above, the aim is to earn the highest possible after-tax returns.
Each of the three objectives raises problems.
At first sight this problem is simple enough. If a company knows that it will need the funds in three days (or weeks or months), it simply
invests them for just that period at the best rate available with safety. The solution is to match the maturity of the investment with the
period for which the funds are surplus. However there are a number of factors to consider:
The exact duration of the surplus period is not always known. It will be known if the cash is needed to meet a loan instalment, a large tax
payment or a dividend. It will not be known if the need is unidentified, or depends on the build-up of inventory, the progress of construction
work, or the hammering out of an acquisition deal.
However, safety is not necessarily to be defined as certainty of getting the original investment repaid at 100% of its original home currency
value. If the purpose for which the surplus cash is held is not itself fixed in the local currency, then other criteria of safety may apply.
Short-term borrowing
Short-term cash requirements can also be funded by borrowing from the bank. There are two main sources of bank lending:
bank overdraft
bank loans.
Bank overdrafts
A common source of short-term financing for many businesses is a bank overdraft. These are mainly provided by the clearing banks and
represent permission by the bank to write cheques even though the firm has insufficient funds deposited in the account to meet the cheques.
An overdraft limit will be placed on this facility, but provided the limit is not exceeded, the firm is free to make as much or as little use of the
overdraft as it desires. The bank charges interest on amounts outstanding at any one time, and the bank may also require repayment of an
overdraft at any time.
Cheapness as interest is only payable on the finance actually used, usually at 2-5% above base rate (and all loan interest is a tax
deductible expense).
Overdrafts are legally repayable on demand. Normally, however, the bank will give customers assurances that they can rely on the
facility for a certain time period, say six months.
Security is usually required by way of fixed or floating charges on assets or sometimes, in private companies and partnerships, by
personal guarantees from owners.
Interest costs vary with bank base rates. This makes it harder to forecast and exposes the business to future increases in interest
Bank loans
Bank loans are a contractual agreement for a specific sum, loaned for a fixed period, at an agreed rate of interest. They are less flexible and
more expensive than overdrafts but provide greater security.
A bank loan represents a formal agreement between the bank and the borrower, that the bank will lend a specific sum for a specific period
(one to seven years being the most common). Interest must be paid on the whole of this sum for the duration of the loan.
This source is, therefore, liable to be more expensive than the overdraft and is less flexible but, on the other hand, there is no danger that
the source will be withdrawn before the expiry of the loan period. Interest rates and requirements for security will be similar to overdraft
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Cash management models are aimed at minimising the total costs associated with movements between a company's current account (very
liquid but not earning interest) and their short-term investments (less liquid but earning interest).
Baumol noted that cash balances are very similar to inventory levels, and developed a model based on the economic order
The formula calculates the amount of funds to inject into the current account or to transfer into short-term investments at one time:
CO = transaction costs (brokerage,commission, etc.)
The model suggests that when interest rates are high, the cash balance held in non-interest-bearing current accounts should be low.
However its weakness is the unrealistic nature of the assumptions on which it is based.
A company generates $10,000 per month excess cash, which it intends to invest in short-term securities. The interest rate it can expect to
earn on its investment is 5% pa. The transaction costs associated with each separate investment of funds is constant at $50.
The Miller-Orr cash management model
The Miller-Orr model is used for setting the target cash balance for a company.
The diagram below shows how the model works over time.
The model sets higher and lower control limits, H and L, respectively, and a target cash balance, Z.
When the cash balance reaches H, then (H-Z) dollars are transferred from cash to marketable securities, i.e. the firm buys (H-Z)
dollars of securities.
Similarly when the cash balance hits L, then (Z-L) dollars are transferred from marketable securities to cash.
The lower limit, L is set by management depending upon how much risk of a cash shortfall the firm is willing to accept, and this, in turn,
depends both on access to borrowings and on the consequences of a cash shortfall.
Spread = 3 [ (3/4 Transaction cost Variance of cash flows) Interest rate ] 1/3
Note: variance and interest rates should be expressed in daily terms. Variance = standard deviation squared.
The minimum cash balance of $20,000 is required at Miller-Orr Co,and transferring money to or from the bank costs $50 per transaction.
Inspection of daily cash flows over the past year suggests that the standard deviation is $3,000 per day, and hence the variance (standard
deviation squared) is $9 million. The interest rate is 0.03% per day.
(i)the spread between the upper and lower limits