Chemistry PDF
Chemistry PDF
Chemistry PDF
In the pure solvent, every surface molecule is a solvent molecule, and therefore, capable of
vaporizing if it has enough energy. But in the solution, some of the surface molecules are
solute molecules. Since the solute is non-volatile, these molecules will not vaporize. There
are fewer surface molecules that are capable of vaporizing, so the rate of evaporation will be
lower. This means that equilibrium will be established with a lower pressure of gas molecules
above the liquid. The higher the concentration of non-volatile solute, the smaller the fraction of
surface molecules that are solvent molecules. So the rate of evaporation and therefore the
equilibrium vapor pressure decreases with increasing concentration of non-volatile solute.
But why should vapor pressure lowering cause a decrease in the freezing point? This is best
understood with the aid of phase diagram.
Shown above is a phase diagram for water. The green curves correspond to the pure solvent,
and the purple curves are for an aqueous solution. Using the green curves, we can identify the
freezing and boiling points for pure water. The freezing point of water is the temperature at
which the solid and liquid phases of water can coexist in equilibrium. We usually quote
freezing points at normal (1 atm or 760 torr) pressure, but the pressure is not as critical as the
case of boiling points. The boundary that separates the solid and liquid regions on a phase
diagram is very steep, so even large changes in pressure have only a small effect on the
freezing point. On the above phase diagram, point number 2 is the temperature at which solid
and liquid water can coexist at a pressure of 1 atm. This occurs at 0 oC. Point number 1 is the
temperature at which the liquid and gaseous phases of water can coexist in equilibrium at a
pressure of 1 atm. This occurs at 100 oC. Notice that the slope of the liquid vapor pressure
curve is not anywhere near as steep as that of the solid / liquid boundary. Therefore, boiling
points are far more pressure dependent than freezing points. If you go to the top of a
mountain (where the pressure is lower), you will find that water boils significantly cooler than
100 0C, but the freezing point of water is still about 0 oC.
To proceed further in our analysis of how vapor pressure lowering causes a decrease in the
freezing point, we need to understand what happens when a solution freezes. It is important to
know that when a solution freezes, the first solid that forms is essentially pure solvent. That is,
the solute does not begin to appear in the frozen solution until late in the freezing process,
when the solution is almost frozen solid. You can illustrate this by putting sugar water in your
ice cube trays, and then breaking off the first ice that forms when the sugar water begins to
freeze. You will find that the ice that forms early in the freezing process has hardly any
sweetness to it. It contains very little sugar. Almost all of the sugar has remained in the still
unfrozen solution.
Now refer to the purple curves on the graph shown on the previous page of this paper.
Because of the vapor pressure lowering, the vapor pressure curve of the solution (purple
curve) is lower than that of the pure solvent (green curve). However, the sublimation curve for
the solid (black curve) is unaffected, because it is the boundary between the solid and the gas,
and neither of these phases contain the solute. The gas does not contain the solute, because
we are dealing with a non-volatile solute that is, one that does not vaporize. The solid
(frozen) solvent does not contain the solute either, because the solvent tends to crystalize out
of solution before the solute does. Notice that sublimation curve and the liquid vapor pressure
curve meet each other at a particular temperature. That temperature becomes a 3-way
intersection, because thats where the solid / liquid boundary originates from, forming what is
known as the triple point. Since the vapor pressure curve of the liquid is lowered, but the
sublimation pressure curve remains in the same place, the intersection of the two curves will
occur at a lower temperature. Since the solid / liquid boundary extends from this point, the
freezing point will be lower for the solution than for the pure solvent. The more the vapor
pressure is lowered, the lower the temperature at which the vapor pressure curve will intersect
the sublimation curve. Therefore, as we make the concentration of non-volatile solute higher
and higher, we push the solid / liquid boundary to lower and lower temperatures. This means
that the magnitude of the freezing point depression increases with the concentration of non-
volatile solute.
Osmotic Pressure
Osmosis is the movement of molecules across a membrane from a region of higher
concentration to a region of lower concentration. Osmosis is of interest when we have a semi-
permeable membrane that is, one that lets some molecules pass through but not others.
Generally, this is governed by the size of the molecules. Sufficiently large molecules will not
be able to pass through the pores in the membrane, whereas small molecules will. In this
course, we consider aqueous solutions, in which the water molecules can pass through the
membrane but the solute molecules can not. Aqueous solutions of proteins will establish an
osmotic pressure across a semipermeable membrane, because the protein molecules can not
cross the membrane.
The above illustration shows a U-shaped tube with a semipermeable membrane in the middle.
The liquid on the left side of the membrane is an aqueous solution containing a solute
composed of molecules that are too large to pass through the pores in the membrane. The
liquid on the right side of the membrane is pure water (the solvent in this example). Initially,
the liquid levels in the two sides of the tube were the same. However, because of the higher
concentration of water on the right side of the membrane, more water molecules were striking
the membrane on the right side than on the left side. Because of this, there was a net flow of
water from the right side to the left side of the tube, resulting in a build-up of liquid on the left
side. But this extra height of liquid on the left side of the tube exerts a pressure on the
membrane which tends to push water molecules back to the right side. As you can imagine, if
the pressure becomes large enough, it will push solvent (water) molecules back to pure
solvent side of the tube just as fast as the solvent molecules are entering the solution. When
this happens, we have osmotic equilibrium, and the pure solvent no longer dilutes the solution
on the other side of the membrane. The pressure that must be supplied to establish this
equilibrium is known as the osmotic pressure of the solution. Since the difference in solvent
flow rates across the membrane will be proportional to the concentration of solute, a solution
with a higher solute concentration will require a greater pressure to establish osmotic
equilibrium. If you supply a pressure higher that that needed to establish osmotic equilibrium,
you can make the solvent flow from the solution side of the membrane to the pure solvent side.
This is known as reverse osmosis, and can be used to purify a water sample.
Calculations Involving Colligative Properties
The preceding sections have described some colligative properties in a semi-quantitative way.
We have seen that (as compared to a pure solvent) vapor pressure decreases, boiling point
increases, and freezing point decrease as solute concentration increases. We have also seen
that a solution separated from the pure solvent by a semipermeable membrane has a property
we call osmotic pressure, and this osmotic pressure increases with solute concentration. But
we have not yet seen any specific mathematical formulas describing these relationships. That
is the subject of this section.
In Equation 1, Xsolvent is the mole fraction of the solvent in the solution, and Posolvent is the vapor
pressure of the pure solvent. Since the solute does not vaporize in the case we are
considering here (since it is non-volatile), the vapor above the solution is just the solvent vapor,
but the solvent vapor pressure is lower than it would be above the pure solvent, because the
presence of non-volatile solute molecules slows the rate of evaporation, resulting in the
establishment of equilibrium at a lower pressure.
The vapor pressure lowering is simply the difference between vapor pressure of the pure
solvent and that of the solution. Although the pressure decreases, vapor pressure lowering is
usually reported as a positive number. Since P is actually a negative quantity, I will use
absolute value signs and write the equation as
Since vapor pressure lowering is a colligative property, it should depend on the solute
concentration. We want to show that the higher the solute concentration, the greater the vapor
pressure lowering. Substituting Equation 1 into Equation 2 gives
Factoring out Posolvent on the right hand side of Equation 3, we can write
The sum of all mole fractions in any mixture must add up to 1. If we assume a solution
containing a single solvent and a single solute, we can write
Xsolvent + Xsolute = 1 (Equation 5)
Solving Equation 5 for Xsolute gives
But this quantity, 1-Xsolvent is exactly what appears in the parentheses on the right hand side of
Equation 4. Therefore, we can substitute Equation 6 into Equation 4 to get
P = Xsolute . Posolvent (Equation 7)
Equation 7 shows that vapor pressure lowering is indeed a colligative property. For a given
solvent at any given temperature, Posolvent will be a constant. Therefore, as Xsolute increases,
P must also increase.
A Formula for Freezing Point Depression
Since vapor pressure lowering was cast in terms of mole fraction of solute, and vapor pressure
in turn, leads to freezing point depression and boiling point elevation, you might have expected
these quantities to also be related to the mole fraction of solute. However, it has been
customary to express these quantities in terms of the molality of the solute rather than its mole
fraction. We can rationalize the validity of doing this my noting that all of the concentration
scales must be related. If the concentration is higher on one scale, it should be higher on the
others as well.
The freezing point depression is defined as the difference between the freezing point of the
pure solvent and that of the solution. If we want to render this as a positive number, we can
Tf = Tof - Tf (Equation 8)
where Tof is the freezing point of the pure solvent and Tf is the freezing point of the solution.
Each solvent has a characteristic constant known as the freezing point depression constant,
symbolized by Kf. This constant, when multiplied by the molality of the solute in the solution,
gives the expected freezing point depression. That is,
Tf = Kf . cm (Equation 9)
where cm is the concentration expressed in molality units. Due to the large number of solvents,
you are not expected to memorize then. Instead, the values you need will either be quoted to
you in the problems, or a table will be provided in which you can look up the necessary values.
The freezing point depression constant for water, for example, is 1.858 oC / m. That is, the
units are degrees C per molal. This means that the freezing point becomes 1.858 oC colder
for every 1 molal increase in solute concentration. It should be noted that at this stage we are
dealing with a solute that does not ionize in solution. If the solute ionizes, the number of solute
particles is larger than the solutions molality would suggest. We will see how to correct for
ionization is a later section of these notes.
A Formula for Boiling Point Elevation
Analogous to Equations 8 and 9 for freezing point depression, we can write the following for
boiling point elevation:
Tb = Kb . cm (Equation 11)
The absolute value signs are not used here, because the function (normally defined as final
value minus initial value) is a positive number in its own right. We take the solution to be the
final state and the pure solvent to be the initial state. Since boiling point goes up with the
addition of a non-volatile solute, calculating final value minus initial value will naturally result
in a positive number.
The Kb in Equation 11 is known as the boiling point elevation constant. Each solvent will have
its own boiling point elevation constant. As in the case freezing point depression constants,
you are not expected to memorize them. The values you need will either be quoted in the
problems, or you will be provided with a table in which you can look them up. As an example,
the boiling point elevation constant for water is 0.512 oC / m. That is, the boiling point
increases by 0.512 oC for every molal of non-volatile solute concentration.
A Formula for Osmotic Pressure
Although osmotic pressure is not the same thing as gas pressure, it can be approximately
represented by an equation that is very similar to the ideal gas law that you learned about in
General Chemistry I. As you may recall, the equation known as the ideal gas law is
If you were asked to solve this for pressure, you would probably write
P = ( n / V ) . RT (Equation 14)
Because of the units that are conventionally given for the gas constant R, we have to express
the volume in liters (R = 0.08206 L atm / K mol). Since n represents the number of moles, the
quantity in parentheses in Equation 14 is moles per liter, which is molarity. Symbolizing
molarity as M, Equation 14 becomes
Equation 15 is known as the Morse equation. We can rationalize its validity by noting that just
as gas pressure is determined by the number of gas molecules that are present in a particular
volume of gas, so too would osmotic pressure be expected to be determined by the number of
solute molecules in a particular volume of solution. If more gas molecules are present in a
given volume, the gas pressure is higher, and referring to the U-tube illustration on page 4, if
more solute molecules are present in a given volume of solution, the osmotic pressure will be
higher. This is because a greater concentration of solute results in a greater disparity of
solvent flow rates across the membrane. As a result, a higher pressure is needed to equalize
the flow rates.
Some Representative Problems Involving Colligative Properties
1. At 70 oC, the equilibrium vapor pressure of water is 233.7 torr. At that same
temperature, what is the equilibrium vapor pressure of an aqueous sugar solution in
which the mole fraction of sugar is 0.200? What is the vapor pressure lowering for this
solution? Assume that sugar is non-volatile, and note that sugar is a molecular
compound and does not ionize in water. Assume that the solution obeys Raoults law.
Since only the water is volatile, the vapor above the solution
consists of water vapor only. No sugar will be present in the
gaseous state. If the solution obeys Raoults law, we can apply
Equation 1 on page 5.
We can also calculate the vapor pressure lowering from the mole
fraction of the solute, using Equation 7 on page 6.
2. At 80 oC, the equilibrium vapor pressure of water is 355.1 torr. At that same
temperature, what is the equilibrium vapor pressure of an aqueous solution containing
99.50 g of sucrose, C12H22O11 dissolved in 450.0 g of water? Assume that sucrose is
non-volatile, and note that sucrose is a molecular compound and will not ionize in water.
Assume that the solution obeys Raoults law.
Discussion and Answers:
1 mol
99.50 g x --------- = 0.290681 mol
342.3 g
1 mol
450.0 g x ---------- = 24.9723 mol
18.02 g
Now calculate the vapor pressure of water above the solution using
Raoults law:
The vapor pressure lowering can also be calculated from the mole
fraction of sugar, using Equation 7 on page 6, but first we will have
to find the mole fraction of sugar:
0.290681 mol 0.290681 mol
Xsugar = -------------------------- = -------------- = 0.0115062
24.9723 mol + 0.290681 mol 25.262981 mol
Now that we have the mole fraction of sugar, we can proceed to apply
Equation 7: