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Generator Systems for Marine Current Turbine

Applications: A Comparative Study

Seifeddine Benelghali, Mohamed Benbouzid, Jean Frederic Charpentier

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Seifeddine Benelghali, Mohamed Benbouzid, Jean Frederic Charpentier. Generator Systems
for Marine Current Turbine Applications: A Comparative Study. IEEE Journal of Oceanic
Engineering, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2012, 37 (3), pp.554-563.
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Generator Systems for Marine Current Turbine

Applications: A Comparative Study
Seifeddine Benelghali, Member, IEEE, Mohamed El Hachemi Benbouzid, Senior Member, IEEE, and
Jean Frdric Charpentier, Member, IEEE

AbstractEmerging technologies for marine current turbines Synchronous reference frame index.
are mainly related to works that have been carried out on wind
turbines and ship propellers. It is then obvious that many electric Voltage (V) [current (A)].
generator topologies could be used for marine current turbines. As
in the wind turbine context, doubly-fed induction generators and Active (reactive) power (W).
permanent magnet generators seem to be attractive solutions for Flux (Wb).
harnessing the tidal current energy. In this paper, a comparative
study between these two generator types is presented and fully an- Electromagnetic torque (mechanical torque)
alyzed in terms of generated power, maintenance, and operation (Nm).
constraints. This comparison is done for the Raz de Sein site (Brit-
tany, France) using a multiphysics modeling simulation tool. This Resistance .
tool integrates, in a modular environment, the resource model, the
turbine hydrodynamic model, and generator models. Experiments Inductance (mutual inductance) (H).
have also been carried out to conrm the simulation results.
Total leakage coefcient, .
Index TermsControl, doubly-fed induction generator, marine
current turbine, modeling, permanent magnet synchronous gener- Rotor position (rad).
ator. Angular speed (synchronous speed) (rad/s or
NOMENCLATURE Viscosity coefcient (Nm/s).

MCT Marine current turbine. Rotor Inertia (kg m ).

DFIG Doubly-fed induction generator. Pole pair number.

PMSG Permanent magnet synchronous generator. I. INTRODUCTION

MPPT Maximum power point tracking.
Fluid density (kg/m ). C ONSIDERING the main projects for harnessing tidal en-
ergy, it can be noticed that many technological solutions
have been proposed and tested to nd the optimal ones [1].
Cross-sectional area of the marine turbine (m ). Therefore, it is necessary to develop simulation environments
Fluid speed (m/s). to estimate marine current turbine global behavior and poten-
tial energy capture from the various sites. For that purpose, the
Tip speed ratio. authors have previously elaborated on such an environment [2],
Power coefcient. [3]. Indeed, this tool associates the resource model, the hydrody-
namic turbine model, and electrical generator models in a mul-
Tide coefcient.
tiphysics approach. These models are integrated in the Matlab-
Spring (neap) tide current speed (m/s). Simulink environment as Simulink blocks. This method al-
lows a good modularity of the simulator. Therefore, this MCT
Stator (rotor) index (superscripts).
simulator is very useful for estimating the relevance of a tech-
nological solution for a given site [4].
Manuscript received May 12, 2011; revised January 10, 2012; accepted April In this paper, this MCT simulator is used to estimate the har-
15, 2012. Date of publication June 04, 2012; date of current version July 10, nessed power from a DFIG- and PMSG-based MCT. To high-
Guest Editor: Y. Li.
light differences between the considered technologies, a vari-
S. Benelghali is with the University of Aix-Marseille 3, UMR CNRS 6168 able-speed control approach based on an MPPT strategy is used
LSIS, 13397 Marseille Cedex 20, France (email: seifeddine.benelghali@lsis. to carry out simulations and experiments. The two technology
M. E. H. Benbouzid is with the University of Brest, EA 4325 LBMS, 29238
choices are then fully analyzed in terms of generated power,
Brest Cedex 3, France (e-mail: maintenance, and operating constraints.
J. F. Charpentier is with the French Naval Academy, EA 3634 IRENav, 29240
Brest Cedex 9, France (e-mail: II. MARINE CURRENT TURBINE MODELING
Color versions of one or more of the gures in this paper are available online
at The global scheme for a grid-connected marine current tur-
Digital Object Identier 10.1109/JOE.2012.2196346 bine is given by Fig. 1. Considering this scheme, it can be no-

0364-9059/$31.00 2012 IEEE


Fig. 1. Marine current turbine global scheme.

Fig. 2. Harnessed tidal power and power ratings versus MCT diameter.

ticed that a global multiphysics approach must be considered to

study the behavior of an MCT. So a simulation tool able to pre-
dict the behavior of such a system must comprise the resource,
the hydrodynamic turbine, the generator, the drive, and grid con-
nection models [2], [3].

A. The Resource Model

1) Resource Potential: The total kinetic power in a marine
current turbine has a similar dependence to that of a wind turbine
and is governed by[5]
Fig. 3. Tidal velocity in the Raz de Sein for the year 2007 and March 2007 [3].

and practical model for tidal current speeds has been derived
However, an MCT can only harness a fraction of this power due [2]
to losses, and (1) is modied as follows:
where 95 and 45 are, respectively, the spring and neap tide
For MCTs, is estimated to be in the range 0.350.5 [1]. medium coefcients.
Thus, the extracted power depends mainly on the tidal velocities It can be noticed that an MCT experiences less perturba-
and the turbine sizes (Fig. 2). tions than wind turbine because they are immerged systems. For
2) Resource Model: Tidal current data are given by the MCTs, the main perturbation is the swell effect. Nevertheless,
French Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service at this study is limited to normal operating conditions and does
hourly intervals starting at 6 h before high waters and ending 6 not include swell and other disturbance effects which were pre-
h after. Therefore, knowing the tide coefcient , a simple viously presented and analyzed in [6].

This system, which is one of the main adopted technologies

for wind turbines, results in lower converter costs and lower
power losses compared to a system based on a fully-fed syn-
chronous generator with full-rated converter. Nevertheless, this
generator has two main drawbacks: the limited speed range and
the need for regular maintenance even if the DFIG is considered
a robust system [10].
The second one is the PMSG. It was chosen because this tech-
nology is characterized by a low maintenance level and high
compactness, and allows using nonconventional solutions for
the turbine generator integration [11][16]. These points appear
to be particularly suitable in the marine context. Other technolo-
gies appear not to be very suitable for MCTs due to the cons
summarized in Table I.
1) DFIG Model: The DFIG offers several advantages in-
cluding variable-speed operation, and four-quadrant active and
reactive power capabilities [10], [17]. Such a system also re-
sults in lower converter costs and lower power electronics losses
compared to a system based on a fully-fed synchronous gener-
ator with full-rated converter.
The control system is usually dened in the synchronous
frame xed to either the stator voltage or the stator ux [17]. The
generator dynamic model written in a synchronously rotating
frame is given by (a schematic diagram of a DFIG-based
generation system is shown in Fig. 5)

Fig. 4. Calculated hydrodynamics performance of a 1.44-m diameter turbine.

(a) curves. (b) The extractable power .

This rst-order model (3) is then used to calculate the tidal

velocity each hour. The implemented model will allow the user
to compute tidal velocities in a predened time range (Fig. 3)

B. The Turbine Rotor Model

The blade element momentum (BEM) method has been used
2) PMSG Model: The PMSG choice allows direct-drive sys-
for the marine turbine rotor modeling [7]. Fig. 4 shows some
tems that avoid gearbox use [11][13], [16]. This solution is
performance results obtained with this method for a 1.44-m di-
very advantageous as it leads to low maintenance constraints.
ameter three-blade rotor [2]. The studied turbine is an open ow
However, in such design, the generator is completely decou-
(nonducted) classical horizontal axis one.
pled from the grid by a voltage source full power converter
C. The Generator Model (AC/DC/AC) connected to the stator (Fig. 6).
The PMSG dynamic equations are expressed in the synchro-
Much of the technology that has been suggested for tidal cur- nously rotating reference frame. The electrical dynamics
rent energy extraction is reminiscent of that used for wind ap- model in terms of voltage and current can be given as [2]
plications. It is then obvious that some wind electric generator
topologies could be used for marine turbines [1]. Table I briey
summarizes the pros and cons of the major generator topologies. (5)
In this table, many topologies seem a priori to be exploitable for
tidal turbines.
In this paper, we chose to focus on two of these generator The electromagnetic torque in the rotor is written as
technologies. The rst one is the DFIG which is extensively
used for wind turbines [8], [9]. (6)


III. MARINE CURRENT TURBINE VARIABLE-SPEED CONTROL The simulation time has been reduced to seconds to limit the
computation time to realistic ones. In real-world application, the
To illustrate the variable-speed control, a low-power variable-
system mechanical dynamics will be slower than in simulations.
speed xed-pitch MCT-driven DFIG and PMSG have been sim-
Therefore, the MCT inertia was reduced in simulations to take
ulated. The proposed variable-speed control strategy is based on into account the reduced calculation time. The variable-speed
an MPPT. First, the optimal speed reference at each time is control strategy is tested by using a resource rst-order model
computed from the tidal velocity knowledge. This speed refer- for a marine current turbine of 1.44-m diameter and 7.5-kW
ence corresponds to the maximum power which can be mechan- DFIG. This low power corresponds to the test model used for
ically extracted by the turbine for the uid velocity value. Then, experimental validation in Section IV.
classicalspeedcontrolofthegeneratorensures thattherotorspeed The main merit of the DFIG is its capability to deliver con-
converges to based on PI control. The above proposed con- stant voltage and frequency output for 30% speed variation
trol strategy for a DFIG-based MCT is illustrated in Fig. 7. around conventional synchronous speed. It is also possible to
For speed references given by the MPPT strategy, the DFIG- extend the speed variation range from 30% to 50%, however
based MCT control performance is shown in Figs. 8 and 9, re- this requires a larger power converter.
spectively, illustrating the rotor speed tracking performance and The same variable-speed strategy has been adopted for the
the generated active power. PMSG-based MCT control. The obtained results show good

Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of a DFIG-based generation system.

Fig. 6. Schematic diagram of a PMSG-based generation system.

tracking performance for the PMSG rotor speed (Fig. 10). to the type of control which is based on speed control and not
Fig. 11 illustrates the generated active power. While real-world on a direct power control.
applications might take advantage of a direct-drive PMSG, the It can be noticed that the harnessed global power is bigger
simulations presented here use a geared PMSG to be able to with a PMSG-based MCT than with a DFIG-based one. This is
compare them with experimental data. Indeed, experiments mainly due to the limited speed range of the system. Indeed, the
were carried out in a test bench using a geared PMSG driven DFIG cannot reach the MPPT strategy required speed for all the
by a DC motor that emulates hydrodynamic loads as shown tidal velocities. This point will be more detailed in Section V.
in Section IV [2]. This geared PMSG is able to follow the
MPPT in all the speed range. Therefore, as a rst approach, IV. EXPERIMENTAL TESTS
it will have the same behavior as the direct-drive system in
terms of harnessed energy (excluding the supplementary losses A. Experimental Setup
introduced by the gearbox). Experiments were carried out on the experimental setup illus-
In the two cases there are minor differences between the pre- trated in Fig. 12 [2]. This setup allows the physical simulation of
dicted and simulated power. These differences are mainly due a marine power system. The MCT is emulated by a DC motor,

Fig. 7. Variable-speed control for a DFIG-based MCT.

Fig. 8. DFIG rotor speed and its reference. Fig. 9. DFIG active power.

which reproduces the torque and the inertia with respect to cur-
rent tidal speeds and the turbine rotational speed. The DC motor
is rst connected to a 7.5-kW DFIG [Fig. 12(a)] and then con-
nected to a 7.5-kW PMSG [Fig. 12(b)]. Ratings of test equip-
ment are given in Appendixes IIII.

B. Experimental Tests
The experimental test conditions were set closely to the sim-
ulation conditions for both MCT topologies.
For comparison purposes, Figs. 1316 show simulation and
experimental results of the rotor speed tracking performances
and the generated power.
Considering real-world marine conditions, the obtained
results are satisfactory. It should be noted that the setup is
equipped with current and torque limitations that explain some
of Figs. 14 and 16 differences, particularly for high power Fig. 10. PMSG rotor speed and its reference.
yield and cost. In this study, the comparative criterion is the cap-
tured energy regarding the MCT topology and the effect of the
variable-speed range.
The comparison of different generator systems in the liter- The DFIG appears slightly more advantageous than the
ature is generally discussed with criteria based on the energy PMSG since it is a lightweight and low-cost concept [18], [19].

Fig. 13. Experimental and simulated DFIG rotor speed tracking performances.
Fig. 11. PMSG active power.

Fig. 14. DFIG output power: experiments versus simulation.

Fig. 12. The experimental setup emulating a marine current turbine [ c

G2ELAB Grenoble, France]: (a) DC motor, DFIG; (b) DC motor,
PMSG; and (c) power electronics for driving the DC motor, power
electronics for driving the DFIG and the PMSG, DSP TMS320F240
implementing DC motor control, DSP DS1005 (dSPACE) implementing
DFIG- and PMSG-based MCT controls.

Indeed, the converter for DFIG-based MCT is dimensioned

only for 25% of the rated power, which justies the success
of these systems for wind applications. But the particular con- Fig. 15. Experimental and simulation PMSG rotor speed tracking perfor-
mances [2].
text of marine applications imposes different constraints. The
marine current turbine will be installed in sites with strong cur-
rents and difcult access. Therefore, minimizing maintenance For the rst criterion, the annual produced power was calcu-
is a fundamental aspect. A direct-drive PMSG requires less lated for the two generator systems based on tidal current data
maintenance than the DFIG which needs regular maintenance from the Raz de Sein (Brittany, France), using a 10-m diam-
for the gearbox and the slip rings. eter and 100-kW turbine. These power ratings correspond to

Fig. 16. PMSG output power: experiments versus simulation [2]. Fig. 18. DFIG-based MCT harnessed energy histogram in one year.

Fig. 19. PMSG-based MCT harnessed energy histogram in one year.

Fig. 17. Raz de Sein site tidal histogram.

the major prototypes that have been recently tested [1]. Fig. 17
shows the Raz de Sein site tidal histogram, and Figs. 18 and 19
illustrate the annual power extracted by each generator system
for the above MCT rated power.
In this case and for calculation time reasons, simulations are
only based on the use of the resource and the turbine hydrody-
namic model. This means that the turbine generator speed con-
trol is considered to be able to perfectly track the MPPT refer-
ence speed. This assumption appears to be realistic considering
simulations and experiments in low power cases previously pre-
Fig. 20. Rim-driven prototype integrating a radial permanent magnet gener-
sented in Figs. 14 and 16. ator.
The harnessed power from DFIG-based MCT is estimated to
be about 1530 MWh/year. However, the PMSG-based MCT can
extract up to 1916 MWh/year. Thus, over a year, there is a differ- VI. CONCLUSION
ence of about 25% between the two generator systems and this According to the comparative study based on simulation
percentage will grow when using a larger turbine. This differ- and experiments, the PMSG-based MCT has the highest en-
ence is due to speed restrictions imposed on the DFIG. Indeed, ergy yield. It can be concluded that, if solutions based on a
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REFERENCES Seifeddine Benelghali (S04M10) was born in

[1] S. Benelghali, M. E. H. Benbouzid, and J. F. Charpentier, Marine tidal Tboulba, Tunisia, in 1981. He received the B.Sc.
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[2] S. Benelghali, M. E. H. Benbouzid, J. F. Charpentier, T. Ahmed-Ali, France, in 2006, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical
and I. Munteanu, Experimental validation of a marine current turbine engineering from the University of Brest, Brest,
simulator: Application to a PMSG-based system second-order sliding France, in 2009.
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Jan. 2011. French Naval Academy, Brest, France, as a Teaching
[3] S. Benelghali, M. E. H. Benbouzid, T. Ahmed-Ali, and J. F. Charp- and Research Assistant. In 2010, he joined the
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driven doubly-fed induction generator, IEEE J. Ocean. Eng., vol. 35, of Electrical Engineering. His current research interests include modeling and
no. 2, pp. 402411, Apr. 2010. control of renewable energy applications.

SM98) was born in Batna, Algeria, in 1968. He ENERGY, and the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY. He was
received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering an Associate Editor of the IEEE/ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS
from the University of Batna, Batna, Algeria, in from 2006 to 2009.
1990, the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and
computer engineering from the National Polytechnic
Institute of Grenoble, Grenoble, France, in 1991 and
1994, respectively, and the Habilitation Diriger des Jean Frdric Charpentier (M02) was born in
Recherches degree from the University of Picardie Tananarive, Madagascar, in 1969. He received the
Jules Verne, Amiens, France, in 2000. M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering
After receiving the Ph.D. degree, he joined the from the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse,
Professional Institute of Amiens, University of Picardie Jules Verne, where Toulouse, France, in 1993 and 1996, respectively,
he was an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Since and the Habilitation Diriger des Recherches degree
September 2004, he has been with the Institut Universitaire de Technologie of from the University of Brest, Brest, France, in 2010.
Brest, University of Brest, Brest, France, where he is a Professor of Electrical From 1996 to 1997, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow
Engineering. His main research interests and experience include analysis, at Laval University, Qubec, QC, Canada. From 1997
design, and control of electric machines; variable-speed drives for traction, to 2002, he was an Assistant Professor at the Institut
propulsion, and renewable energy applications; and fault diagnosis of electric Universitaire de Technologie of Brest, University of
machines. Brest, Brest, France. Since 2002, he has been an Associate Professor at the
Prof. Benbouzid is a Senior Member of the IEEE Power Engineering, French Naval Academy, Brest, France. His current research interests include
Industrial Electronics, Industry Applications, Power Electronics, and Ve- design aspects on electrical machines and drives, electrical naval propulsion
hicular Technology Societies. He is an Associate Editor of the IEEE systems, and marine renewable energy.

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