D2.03 15 Bar and Merchant Bar Mills en
D2.03 15 Bar and Merchant Bar Mills en
D2.03 15 Bar and Merchant Bar Mills en
This mill ideally combines limited investment cost and 500,000 tpy. The typical product sizes range from 8
simplicity with high productivity, a solution guarantee- to 32 mm diameter round and rebars, which are the
ing the fastest return of investment. Generally these predominant sizes in commercial bar rolling. The lay-
mills are sized for a medium range production up to out mainly consists of:
Reheating furnace
Roughing mill, with stands of cantilever or
housingless design, in alternating horizontal-
vertical (H-V) arrangement with quick-changing
Intermediate mill, with stands of housingless
design, in alternating horizontal-vertical (H-V)
arrangement with quick-changing device
Finishing block
Quenching and self-tempering facilities
Single-strand HSD High-Speed Delivery System
Cooling bed
Finishing facilities with cold shear, bundling
system with bar counter and wire tying
1 7
2 6 6
3 5
THE FINISHING BLOCK 80 metres per second, with a design speed of 100
The ultra high speed/high precision block ver- metres per second.
sion is employed either for rolling demanding steel
grades or for production of concrete reinforcement In this last case, the use of the finishing block in
grades at high rate, both coiled through wire rod combination with the HSD High-Speed Delivery
lines. The reliable operating speeds of this block can System for the production of straight bars on cooling
reach 120 metres per second, with a design speed bed, besides higher productivity, close tolerances
of 140 metres per second. and excellent surface on final product, allows the
total number of stands in the finishing mill to be
The high speed block version, generally used for minimised.
production of concrete reinforcement grades at a
high rate, in straight condition and delivered onto All passes in the blocks come in V arrangement
cooling bed, reliably achieves operating speeds up to (45 inclined to the vertical).
T.D.C. Steel Group Co. Ltd, a manufacturer of 31 metres per second through an HSD High-
rebar based in Samutprakarn, Thailand, runs a Speed Delivery System. The impressive bil-
single-strand bar mill operated at high speed. let-to-billet time of 3 seconds, now a standard
The mill, commissioned in 1996, has a nominal working practice, combined with the advantag-
capacity of 200,000 tpy. Remarkably, production es of the HSD system, a technology character-
has run uninterrupted since start-up, other than ised by less cobbles and trial bars, leads to a
for planned maintenance and ordinary shut- high utilisation factor together with higher yield.
The mill, equipped with housingless rolling
The product range covers 6 to 28 mm diameter stands in alternating horizontal-vertical configu-
rounds and rebars starting from a square billet ration and a 10-pass finishing block with 210 and
of 130 or 150 mm. 180 mm rings, is fully automated and requires a
limited number of personnel for operation, short
Rolling campaigns, which include the smaller mill set-up times and minimum routine mainte-
6 mm size rebar, regularly achieve a speed of nance.
This bar mill operates at relatively low speed in multi- bars, this process is a very economical solution to
ple lines, normally consisting of 2 to 4 strands, with a achieving high rolling production, even for small sizes.
common starting material stock. Even though the slit The annual production may vary, depending on the
rolling process is employed only for production of re- number of strands, but tonnages in the range of
1,000,000 tpy can be achieved with product sizes
from 10 to 50 mm.
6 5 4 3 2
8 8
THE SLITTING PROCESS es 13 to 18 meters per second. The reason for such
Many steel producers operate mills based on multi- low speeds is the fact that operation is sensitive at
slit technology. The majority of those mills have a size small sizes and mill setting requires fine accuracy. In
range of 10 or 12 to 40 mm. In some applications, 8 this regard, the experience of the rolling crew plays a
mm is also rolled. Depending on furnace capacity and key role. The design of the guiding equipment inside
product size, 4-slit, 3-slit and 2-slit operation is used. the mill (even for looper arrangement) and the cooling
Even if the design speed of the mills may be higher, bed run-in system have to take account of the special
these mills run at rolling speeds ranging in most cas- requirements of the multiple running strands.
Among the most flexible configurations, the com- The highest speeds and hence the highest produc-
bined bar and wire rod mill using a single finish- tivity rates can be obtained for both types of product.
ing block can either be operated to produce straight The annual production averages around 600,000
bars via the HSD High-Speed Delivery System or tons and products may include rod from 5.5 mm and
switched to the production of wire rod in coils. straight bar from 8 to 36 mm.
2 3 9
1 8
5 7
4 6
THE COIL HANDLING SYSTEM where they are finally turned into the horizontal
Two alternatives are offered for coil handling: position
A pallet-type conveyor, where the coils are A hook (power-and-free) conveyor where coils are
collected vertically at the coil forming chamber rotated at the coil forming chamber and then
and continue in this orientation through the handled by an overhead hook system through the
compacting machine and tying machine (thus horizontal compacting and tying machine down to
arranged vertically) down to the discharge area coil delivery
Gerdau Group, a major manufacturer of long tres per second for straight bars using the HSD
product steel with several locations in the Ameri- High-Speed Delivery System and 100 metres per
cas, produces bars and wire rod for civil construc- second for wire rod in coils.
tion and for mechanical industry at its two plants
located just north of Santiago, in Renca and The 10-pass finishing block is used either to pro-
Colina. duce wire rod or to supply straight bars at high
speed delivered onto a 100 m long cooling bed via
In 1999 SMS Meer supplied a complete mill with the HSD system.
a nominal capacity of 400,000 tpy for the Colina
works, with a target production of steels for con- On the bar route, after commercial cut by a 350 t
crete reinforcement, including quenched and cold shear, straight bars are conveyed to bundling
self-tempered bars, as well as for low and medium and tying stations where six simultaneous tying
carbon grades. machines handle the sub-bundles and two larg-
er units apply ties on the master bundle. On the
The size range includes 8 to 36 mm diameter wire rod route, the rolled stock is looped onto an
rounds and rebars as well as 5.5 to 16 mm diam- 86 m loop cooling conveyor. After formation, coils
eter wire rod in coils. All products reach finishing are moved further for cooling, pressing, tying and
speeds among the highest in the world for the re- transfer by means of a pallet-based handling
spective process routes selected, such as 40 me- system.
Reheating furnace
Roughing mill with horizontal-vertical stands,
cantilever or housingless design
Intermediate mill with horizontal-vertical housing-
less stands with quick-changing device
2 finishing blocks
Quenching and self-tempering facilities
Double strand HSD system
Cooling bed
A highly flexible and productive solution is the bar Finishing facilities with cold shear, bundling
mill combining 2-slit rolling via high-speed finishing system with bar counter and wire tying machines
blocks and a double strand HSD High-Speed Deliv- VCC line (or wire rod line with laying head,
ery System. The presence of the finishing blocks al- controlled cooling conveyor, coil forming and
lows a further extension either for the production of handling line with compactor and wire tying)
2 3
5 6 7 7
1 4
THE STAND QUICK-CHANGE pushed off-line by hydraulic cylinders on the table
SYSTEM alongside the new stands. A single shift of the trans-
In order to reduce changing times, the intermedi- fer table positions the new stands in front of the mill
ate and finishing stands are usually equipped with before they are pulled in-line hydraulically. Custom-
a quick-change transfer table. Stands for the next ers report changing times of approx. 20 minutes
rolling cycle are positioned via the plant crane on a using this system.
transfer table. Stands to be sent to maintenance are
Stefana S.p.A., a steel producer located in Ospi- system allow speeds of 40 metres per second to
taletto, Brescia, started operations in 2007 with be achieves. 18 to 40 mm diameter rebars and 8
a complete new bar mill supplied and installed to 40 mm plain rounds are rolled in a single line.
by SMS Meer under the project name Dream
Steel. The plant with an approximate annual ca- Two VCC Vertical Compact Coiler lines, com-
pacity of 700,000 t is one of the most produc- plete with dedicated cooling boxes, shears,
tive Italian mills. spooling equipment, spools manipulator, tying
machines, transport facilities and weighing sta-
The product mix of the bar mill includes straight tion, allow the production of spools of 3.2 t with
rebars with diameters of 8 to 16 mm produced by 8 to 16 mm diameter at speeds up to 35 metres
2-slit rolling through 2 finishing blocks 6 passes per second. The mill is fed by a 120 tph furnace
each, which combined with a double strand HSD (140 tph when hot charged).
6 5 4 3 2 1
AUTOMATIC SECTION FEEDING trolley. The roll correctly spaces and positions the
TO THE STRAIGHTENER bars during its descending and translating action
Sections are automatically fed in the correct position and then, by moving together with the layer, main-
to the straightener by a special device encompass- tains the correct position to feed the straightening
ing a shaped roll mounted on a movable overhead rolls.
Smooth commissioning and steep run-up curves As a full-line supplier of mechanical equipment,
were the factors contributing to the success in process engineering as well as electrical and au-
the start up of the complete rolling mill for sec- tomation systems, SMS Meer had the chance to
tions supplied in 2005 at Pomina Steel, Binh Du- manage all these facets and allow a smooth start-
ong, a manufacturer of steel with headquarters in up and rapid learning curve.
southern Vietnam.
The mill is characterised by great flexibility and
The mill is equipped with 10 horizontal-vertical has an annual capacity of 300,000 t producing a
and 4 convertible housingless mill stands, broad product mix including plain rounds and re-
shears, a 65 m long cooling bed and conveyors, a bars from 16 to 40 mm, flats up to 100 mm, tees
multi-strand straightening group, cold shear, short up to 80 mm, angles and channels up to 120 mm
bar recovery, a pendulum-type stacker for fast and I beams up to 120 mm.
packing, tying machines and all the necessary
ancillary facilities.
Reheating furnace
Roughing mill with horizontal-vertical housingless
Intermediate/finishing mill with horizontal,
convertible and universal stands with quick-
changing device
Drop wall roller way with lifting aprons
Cooling bed
Layer transfer facilities
Finishing facilities with saws, stacker and
strapping machines
3 2 1
5 8
6 7
8 8
The key benefit of rolling sections in universal
stands is that the entire section is simultaneously
and harmoniously shaped. The symmetrical arrange-
ment and the separate adjustment of horizontal and
vertical rolls allows stresses in the section to be
reduced and improved tolerances to be achieved.
United Gulf Steel Mill Company Ltd. is a produc- ing project allowing United Gulf to rapidly master
er of light and medium sections in Al Jubail, King- this new production.
dom of Saudi Arabia. Installed in year 2000 with
a designed capacity of 350,000 tpy, this mill ex- All together the train is made up of 6 housingless
ceeded 400,000 t in 2007. roughing stands in H, V and convertible configura-
tion, 5 housingless intermediate stands in H and
The product range includes angles up to 140 mm, convertible configuration and 4 housingless fin-
channels up to 200 mm, beams up to 200 mm ishing stands in H, convertible and universal
and a large variety of flats, squares and rounds. configuration.
For products of this type and size, shaping, inter- After air-mist cooling on a 54 m long cooling bed,
mediate edging and universal passes are all re- the sections are straightened and cut on-line. A
quired and thus the mill is equipped with horizon- pendulum-type stacker is used to accumulate and
tal, vertical, convertible and universal stands in lay the stack in a preset geometrical pattern while
key positions. SMS Meer provided comprehen- downstream, automatic machines provide for the
sive in-house roll pass expertise for this challeng- necessary tying.
The housingless design, in short HL, are the backbone Conservative component sizing criteria and
of modern rolling mills. The modular design allows the general philosophy in order to achieve rigidity and
use of the HL stand cartridges in all the possible con- compactness of each unit
figurations: horizontal, vertical, convertible and univer- Low roll deflection modulus (favorable ratio of roll
sal. neck to roll working diameter)
Long life multi-roller bearings with chocks
Thus the HL concept is suitable for roughing, interme- selfalignment under load
diate and finishing mills. Mill stand sizes are varied in Balancing of backlash between chocks
accordance with the required dimensions of rolls and Rest bars designed to allow easy and fine
necks, the pattern of pass, the groove design as well as adjustment of guiding devices
the transmission and drive characteristics. SMS Meer
design department models all load data to determine all Hence, these are the major benefits during operation:
the process variables and select the correct stand size. Finished product matching required tolerance on
geometry and size, thus stricter weight control
The HL stands operate in bar mills, wire rod mills, Time saving during stand changing with off-line
section mills and combined plants. The main fea- roll replacement
tures of the HL design are: Flexibility of operation, same stand unit used in
horizontal, vertical, convertible and universal
configurations, thus minimisation of spare parts
FINISHING MILL UPGRADE AT Highly reduced maintenance time and costs, due to
NUCOR DARLINGTON a reduced number of components and easy access
Automated gap adjustment
Nucor Steel is the largest steel producers in Integration in fully automatic control
the US. The plant in Darlington, South Caro-
lina, is the historic foundation of the Group.
It operates two bar mills, and in 2008 SMS
Meer received the order to modernise the
No. 1 mill. The new intermediate/finishing
continuous mill comprises four horizontal,
one vertical, and three convertible groups, all
equipped with housingless (HL) stands. The
convertible groups are of dual drive arrange-
ment, with motors and gears keeping their
position regardless of the stand configuration
(either H or V), with benefits for maintenance
and plant fitness, easier access to these facil-
ities, while minimising the depth and size of
the necessary foundation.
Since 2003 Gerdau Acominas in Ouro Branco, These 16 HL stands are grouped as follows:
Minas Gerais, Brazil has been operating a sin- 6 roughing stands, HL 630-26 in H and V
gle-strand high-performance wire rod mill for configuration
quality steels with a nominal annual capacity of 6 intermediate stands, HL 630-26 and 450-20
550,000 t. The main grade families are low, medi- in H and V configuration
um and high carbon steels, cold heading steels, 4 finishing stands, HL 355-16, in H and V
PC wire and low alloy steels. SMS Meer supplied configuration
the whole rolling technology.
The key equipment for the high-speed section then
Apart from all the possibilities of temperature- begins with 2 cantilever stands, type 200, followed
controlled rolling, the plant is characterised in by an 8-stand finihing block and the 4-stand FRS
particular by its enormous flexibility. The concept (Flexible Reduction Sizing) mill. The whole size range
permits practically non-stop production with cor- from 5.5 up to 22 mm will be finish-rolled in a one-
respondingly high plant availability. C ompared family pass series on the FRS mill. The finish-
with a conventional plant layout, this offers a ing block and FRS are designed for minimum en-
potential increase in productivity of approx. try temperatures of 750C that combined with
70,000 tons per year. The 160 mm square bil- the LOOP technology, offer optimum precondi-
lets supplied at 130 tph are initially processed tions for thermomechanical rolling. A total of 14 wa-
in a 16-stand roughing and finishing mill with a ter cooling sections and the 105 m long LCC (Loop
free runout into a heat holding roller table behind Cooling Conveyor) ensure optimum temperature
stand 4. control of the products.
As early as 1971, SMS Meer started with the devel- stantly increased from 18 metres per second in the
opment of the HSD High-Speed Delivery System, first installation up to current tests at 45 metres per
a superior technology for the fastest processing of second (9000 fpm). Installations include both single
straight bars on a cooling bed. Speeds have con- strand and double strand operation.
In 2002 Alfa Acciai, a steel manufacturer based The 550,000 tons per year mill, with a product
in Brescia, Italy, decided to upgrade its produc- range of rebars with diameters from 8 to 16 mm,
tion by installing a new rolling line. The challeng- is equipped with 14 stands in alternating horizon-
es faced were to combine a massive production tal and vertical configuration and with 2 finishing
capacity increase with very limited space availa- blocks, 4 passes each, with future provision for
bility. The SMS Meer concept was selected as an 2 additional passes.
ideal solution: a two-strand delivery from the in-
termediate mill to two separate finishing blocks This HSD High-Speed Delivery System designed
and transfer to a single cooling bed using a HSD to match the production capacity of the overall
system with rotating channels grooved to receive mill operates at a max speed of 36 metres per
2 bars at a time. second, which, thanks to the 2-slit method, re-
sults in a production equivalent to single-strand
rolling at double that speed.
A COMPARSION: HSD VS 4-SLIT Less cobble and crop end losses and less trial
ROLLING TECHNOLOGY bars with the HSD system due to the demanding
The apparent slight advantage in the theoretical pro- and delicate set-up operation during multislitting
duction using 4-slit rolling for small sizes, such as of small sizes
8 and 10 mm, is more than recovered by the much Optimisation of bar length since single-strand
higher utilization of a single-strand mill operating at finishing means that each bar can be optimised
high speed. Great savings in production costs are independently
achieved when employing the HSD system due Less short bars are also a result of the fact that
mainly to: there is only one short (final) bar per billet. When
Better control of the bar tolerance, since each line slitting there are as many short bars as there are
finishes with a finishing block with much higher strands, since the bars are all cut by the same
tolerances than either a regular stand or a 2 to 4 divide shear
slitting process, where the production is driven by In addition, when laying multiple bars on the
the smallest size bar, thus having larger dimen- same cooling bed notch, alignment for final cold
sions than necessary, on average. When products cutting to customers lengths is very difficult.
are sold by the number of bars, as is the norm in Thus this operation generates a large number of
the vast majority of applications, rolling with close crop ends and several short bars that in most
tolerances in the lower part of the tolerance band cases have to be removed manually
results in considerable yield advantages
Guide cost difference, since with the HSD Depending on the bar sizes, the savings using the
system there is no need of slitting boxes or HSD system are considerable and can grow into mil-
twister guides lions, rapidly off-setting higher initial investment costs.
The key to effectively discharging a bar onto the
cooling bed at very high speeds is the braking of the
bar with a precise and sensitive pinch roll. Enough
pressure has to be applied to slow the bar down, but
without marking or deforming the bar. The rolls have
a pressure regulation ranging from 1 to 6 bar con-
trolled via proportional valves, depending on the bar
size and surface temperature. This ensures smooth
braking and vibration-free operation.
Gansu, an eastern province of P. R. China, hosts mm as well as plain round bars in low and medi-
several launching pads for spacecraft blasting um carbon and low-alloy steel grades.
off for the Chinese space agency programmes,
among them the Jiuquan satellite launch pad. In Just two months after start-up in October 2001,
the same Gansu province, another rocket, but the system was operating at a rolling speed of 40
firmly anchored to the ground and steel pro- mps thanks to the skill of the JISCO staff and the
pelled, sets records in bar rolling technology. cooperation with SMS Meer.
Jiuquan Iron and Steel (Group) Co. Ltd., JISCO, is In 2007, this combined bar and wire rod line
a steel manufacturer with headquarters and works rolled 620,000 tons of finished product, including
in Jiayuguan City. JISCO decided to revamp the straight bars. The great customer satisfaction for
existing high-speed wire rod mill production line the overall performance of the HSD High-Speed
(100 tph, 90 metres per second) by installing the Delivery System is also due to the fact that the
HSD system and bar counter to meet the devel- same rotating drums, original from the very first
oping market demand, widen the product mix and installation in 2001 have been used and are still in
improve the product quality. An order was placed place, with negligible wear of the channels. This
with SMS Meer in 2001. is the first HSD system installed in P.R. China
and it is remarkable since it is one of the few
The system is suitable for processing quenched mills in the world operating at the fastest speed
and nonquenched ribbed bars with dia. 8 to 32 to produce straight bars on the cooling bed.
The bars are delivered onto the cooling bed by rotat-
ing channels. In order to discharge one bar per notch,
the channels are synchronised with the soft bar braking
unit device, the continuous monitoring of the rolled bar
position and the cooling bed cycle movement. In order
to avoid cobbles, the proper position of the channel is
continuously monitored by a pulse generator and prox-
imity switch. The acceleration and deceleration of the
rotating movement is 500 ms max.
SMS Meer offers a variety of solutions for bar and THE MULTI-LINE STRAIGHTENER
section finishing. A typical bar line would include This machine has been in use for many years for the
a cold shear with gauge beam while a section mill production of traditional sections at high productiv-
would have a straightening machine feeding the cold ity rates. The concept is to straighten cooling bed
shear. The goal is always to achieve maximum profit- lengths in order to have less feeding operations and
ability by reducing manpower and downtimes, with better utilization of the straightening roll drives. The
safety ranking first. problems on which equipment manufacturers had
to concentrate were mainly alignment and centering
Correct layer preparation for the straightener is the of the bars under the rolls, feeding, quick change of
key to this goal and this is achieved by an automatic roll sets, roll adjustment and good straightening per-
profile feeding system. Cold shears, flying type are formance. Recent technologies applicable to the im-
also available when the rate of production increases. provement of the operation in this area are:
ArcelorMittal Zaragoza, S.A. located in Zaragoza, transfer of their former activities gave ArcelorMit-
the capital of Aragon, Spain, is a steel manufac tal Zaragoza the opportunity to revamp their rolling
turer specialising in angles and flat bars for the mills, nearly doubling the previous capacity.
construction sector, machine engineering indus-
try and electrical distribution subsector. In 2005 A new 80 tph pusher-type furnace was supplied
the company awarded an order to SMS Meer to for Rolling Mill No.1, with a possible future in-
transfer all the production activities, located in crease to 90 tph. The pusher furnace for Rolling
the urban area of Zaragoza, to the outskirts of Mill No. 2 was revamped. New electrical and con-
the city in the Lpez Soriano Recycling Techno- trol systems for both mills were provided.
logical Park, so that residential downtown areas
could be freed. This operation required SMS Meer SMS Meer proved capable of managing complex
to dismantle, transfer and re-assemble the exist- projects where services, besides the supply of
ing equipment, along with the supply of comple- equipment and technology, play a key role for the
mentary new equipment for two rolling mills. The final success.
Gerdau Group, a major manufacturer of long quick-changing facilities at the intermediate and
steel products with several locations in the finishing mills. A cooling bed with double-pitch
Americas, produces sections in Tlalnepantla, near rakes assures handling of the extensive product
Mexico City, at Gerdau Aceros Corsa S.A. The range while in-line straighteners ensure the
product mix includes an extended range of prod- required straightness to the material. A pendu-
ucts and sizes, comprising angles up to 4", chan- lum-type stacker with bundling equipment takes
nels up to 6", flats up to 6" as well as squares, care of the proper packing of the sections at the
rounds and rebars. Flexibility of operation for a required rates of productivity prior to transfer to
fast response to market demands and capability the strapping machines for final binding of the
to operate either from inventories or by just-in- packages.
time production campaigns, were among the pri-
orities when establishing a concept for this mill. The mill went in operation in 2000 and has a
nominal annual production of 300,000 t.
The rolling train consists of horizontal, vertical
and convertible housingless stands served by
THE SHORT BAR REMOVAL SYSTEM channels and beams as well as flats, hexagons and
Short bars are automatically removed from the bun- squares in a variety of sizes to be processed. Suit-
dling area. A movable overhead magnet correctly ability to various commercial lengths is ensured by
positioned lifts and holds the tail ends of the bars. the multiple section design with stacker sections
Shorter bars are not engaged by the system and are electrically coupled for machine synchronisation. The
free to be removed from the line by a disappearing precision machine control assures high accuracy and
roller table. repeatability in the geometry of the formed stack.
As the machine is arranged above the bars sup-
THE PENDULUM-TYPE STACKER ported on columns, it requires very limited excava-
The pendulum-type stacker offers high productivity tion for the foundation works, allowing savings in in-
rates with the capacity of handling more than one vestment costs and project time. At the same time
layer per cycle thanks to short automated sequence this configuration enables maintenance staff to eas-
time. The set up of the equipment is fast and al- ily reach all components, avoiding frequent mainte-
lows various sections such as equal-unequal angles, nance work in confined underground space.
Gerdau Ameristeel is the largest US supplier of machine with automatic bar counting and three
rebar and operates a high productivity rebar mill wire-tying machines. Excellent results were
in Knoxville, Tennessee. This facility, among the achieved on the bar counter almost immediately
most profitable steel mills of the group, needed after start-up, exceeding guaranteed performanc-
to improve the performance of the old finishing es and reaching 99.9% counting precision. The
area. In 2007 SMS Meer installed a finishing new system allowed Gerdau Ameristeel Knoxville
line with a capacity of 100 tph for rebar forms to beat previous production records and improve
#3 (3/8" to 9.5 mm) to #11 (11/8" to 32 mm). The their leading position on the market.
supply included a 650 t cold shear, a bundling
The optical device together with a pulse genera- THE OPTICAL COUNTER
tor installed on the chain transfer drive performs Within each bar layer travelling on the chain transfer
the counting and recording of each single bar in unit prior to bundling, the bars are aligned and suf-
transit without overlapping or double reading ficiently separated to allow a specially designed sen-
When the number of bars required for the bundle sor to detect the passage of each bar and transmit
is reached, both chain transfer devices start to a pulse to the reading device. The proprietary soft-
decrease their speed and stop it by depositing the ware monitors the reading process and intelligently
last bundle at right-angles to the separator axis compensates for missing pulses when bars are
The separation system comprises a series of close together.
wedge levers that lift up in sequence and engage
between the bars in order to divide the layer
When all the wedge levers are up, the bundle is
on the discharge transfer table, which moves it to
the bundler. After the bundling discharge, the
separators lower and the cycle restarts with the
feeding transfer table going into operation
SMS Meer wire tying and strapping machines are de- The systems main components are:
signed for continuous automatic operation. Wire ty- A label printing machine
ing machines use commercial size wires. The machine A wire shaping device
head is hydraulically operated. The wire strapping ma- A robot arm to properly insert the label
chines are pneumatically operated and use commercial
steel straps of different available widths. Solutions with The sequence of operation is as follows.
either welded or clamped joints are available. 1. A label printing machine prepares a metal or paper
SMS Meer wire compactors and tying systems are of label with all the necessary information
both vertical and horizontal configuration. 2. The printer discharges the label into the wire shap-
ing device
AUTOMATIC LABELLING MACHINE 3. A piece of steel wire is fed into the wire shaping
The labelling machine is a fully automatic system to device and goes through the label hole. The wire
reliably attach individual tags, each specifically print- device cuts the wire at the correct length (wire is
ed, to the end of the bundles for perfect visibility fed by a small drum) and shapes the end to ensure
when they are vertically stacked. solidity of connection to the bundle on the one
hand, and retention of the label on the other
4. A robot arm picks up the wire and positions it cor-
rectly on top of the bundle during strapping or ty- OPERATIONS UPGRADED AT
ing. This is performed before the last strap is DUFERCO DANISH STEEL A/S
started and the position is such that the wire is
strapped on the bundle Duferco operates SMS Meer equipment at the
5. After the strapping is performed, the arm may finishing end of their Duferco Danish Steel A/S
move the wire so that the end is hooked and in Frederiksvaerk, Denmark.
securely engaged in the strap
The supply, integrated into an existing mill and
The bundle with the protruding label then continues designed to meet 70 tph, went into service in
to the storage area. The label positioning device is 2007. A new water treatment system at the
therefore located in the immediate vicinity of the last cooling bed, straightening facilities, stacker and
strapping or tying machine. Lines printed on the la- automatic labelling machine are the core ad-
bel include all relevant information required, including ditions that made it possible to upgrade this
weight if bundles are weighed before tying (on the northern European mill. However, other inter-
stacker delivery cradle). ventions on existing parts, modifications and
additions, all catered for by SMS Meer to meet
the new layout, also formed part of this re-
vamping project.
Oil-free operation
Clean and safe technology
High-precision operation and repeatability
Significantly reduced maintenance
Reduced maintenance
Higher precision operation and repeatability
Cleaner technology
Reduced operational costs
Increased safety
Reduced criticism of the tying operation in the rolling mill 2
Improved knot quality
SMS Meers Vertical Compact Coiler line (VCC) is to- THE COMPACT COIL
days solution for obtaining a compact coil. A crucial step forward in improving the quality of
the pack up of the final product is the compact coil.
This machine concept fulfils the best criteria in mod- These coils have pre-selected dimensions that,
ern mechanical engineering for rolling mill applications: thanks to the VCC, are constant for all the products
heavy duty service factor, focus on maintenance mini- processed out of the same line. Needless to say the
misation, ease of erection and startup, safety features compact shape of the coil makes it ideal for storage,
and particular attention to the demands of the process. transport and handling. Such advantages are even
more appreciable when coils are reworked next to
Among the most important features of this system is the construction site where rebar stirrup and other
coiling the bar directly in vertical position. Benefits in- concrete reinforcing structures are built, particularly
clude avoiding the need for turning manipulators but, in metropolitan areas with their major space con-
more importantly, the savings in process cycle time be- straints.
cause coils are already formed in their natural final po-
sition. The coils are ready to be delivered to storage im- The hot rolled condition of the compact coil makes
mediately after coiling and cooling. The limited amount it suitable for direct cold working with high ductility
of handling minimises the overall risk of damage. during elastic deformation and low energy demand
for final forming.
The VCC Vertical Compact Coiler line has the following
general characteristics: The geometry assures smooth de-coiling during the
downstream process. The coil weight significantly
Capability to process plain rounds dia. 8 mm to 32 contributes to reducing the time for downstream coil
mm, rebars dia. 8 mm to 32 mm as well as flats, changing and to the enhancement of the yield due
squares and hexagons to minimal losses.
Coil weight: up to 3.5 t
Design speed: up to 40 m/s
Indicative coil dimensions: inside diameter 700 or
850 mm, height 700 or 800 mm
Operations include:
Unbatching, unscrambling of bar bundles to feed
to the processing line
Pre-straightening and straightening
Head and tail cropping
Re-stacking and bundling
ONE STEEL (FORMER BHP) NDT testing stations include several different options
INSPECTS for checking internal quality and detection of surface
In 1997, SMS Meer supplied a bar inspection
line to BHP for their Newcastle Works, New Systems are installed in-line and bars are securely
South Wales, Australia. The line starts with guided through the instruments. The automated
a descaler to prepare the bars, followed control system allows colour coding of non-compliant
by a roller straightener before the bars enter stock and/or colour identification of the good bars
the advanced inspection line with its NDT according to final customer specifications.
facilities. Bars are automatically marked
according to the inspection result. After the
operations, bars are bundled again and deliv-
ered for final storage.
SMS Meer has numerous references for the electrical AUTOMATION FOR ADVANCED
and process control system for the entire product STEEL PROCESSING SYSTEMS
line. Having the OEM for the mechanical equipment SMS Meer provides controls for top applications such
also involved in the process control has obvious ad- as the HSD High-Speed Delivery System, the VCC
vantages. The close relationship between the me- Vertical Compact Coiler and the closed-loop control of
chanical and automation designers allows for a thermo-processing lines for SBQ and commercial
smooth and seamless operation without any type of steel grades. In these systems, it is critical to com-
communication problem. bine mechanical and automation design so that a high
level of performance is reached. Very fast cycle times
SMS Meer electrical and process control require both superior mechanical components but
packages are characterised by: also advances and fast automation controls. The soft-
Integrated and seamless operation between ware developed by SMS Meer matches the mechani-
mechanical equipment and automation system cal systems to reach the required performance.
Exclusive focus and extensive competence on
rolling mills and processing lines SMS Meer is perfectly suited to seamlessly integrate
Choice of major brand components and systems, new supplies with existing facilities.
perfectly integrated with the mechanical design
Complete range of services, from design,
procurement to start-up and training
Power distribution, level 1, level 2 and integration
with level 3
Capability of integration with existing automation
Availability of open-system supply
The majority of the projects worldwide involve with the new system is running 50% higher
upgrades of existing production facilities. than with the former mill configuration
Two case studies: The Timken Company, Canton, Ohio placed an
In July 2007 Hellenic Halyvourgia, Volos, order with SMS Meer in 2007 for a three-roll
Greece started up an HSD system in an PSM Precision Sizing Mill and new cooling
existing plant. This complex system was bed with finishing facilities, including abrasive
seamlessly integrated into the existing saws. SMS Meer provided the control system
automation system and was commissioned in for the entire scope of supply and integration
record time. One year later, Hellenic Halyvour- with the existing control system
gias productivity for 8 mm diameter rebars
Business Unit Long Products Plants
Germany Italy
IMPRINT SMS Meer, Corporate Communications, Dr. Peter Heimerzheim (Director), Ohlerkirchweg 66, 41069 Mnchengladbach, Germany
Phone: +49 2161 350-2600, Fax: +49 2161 350-1862, communications@sms-meer.com, www.sms-meer.com
The information provided in this brochure contains a general description of the performance characteristics of the products concerned. The actual products may not always have these characteristics as
described and, in particular, these may change as a result of further developments of the products. The provision of this information is not intended to have and will not have legal effect. An obligation to
deliver products having particular characteristics shall only exist if expressly agreed in the terms of the contract.