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Inquiry Questions: (Essential questions relating knowledge at end of the unit of instruction,
select applicable questions from standard)
- Does character interaction in one text inform their interaction in another?
- Is context always important to know for a literary text?
- What is a typical family? Now and then?
List of Assessments: (Write the number of the learning target associated with each assessment)
LT1. I will check the students understanding by looking at the web that they create in their INB.
This lesson will be the same/similar format as the first lesson in the way that it will be
conversational and we will build the web together as a class. This is the best way for my students
to take notes on a lot of information that they need to all know. It is not a formal lecture and
therefore they do not lose interest. That being said, they will also be thinking about different
things- keeping their attention, and they will be creating something they can reference later for
the essay.
This lesson in particular will clarify the family tree that Antigone is a part of. They
will need this family web to reference as they read, do activities as the unit
progresses, and write their final essay.
Approx. Time and Materials 50 minutes
How long do you expect the activity to last and Teacher: Student:
what materials will you need? White board INB
Markers of Different Colors
Anticipatory Set Directions will be written on the board.
The hook to grab students attention. These Create a family tree. Try to add as many members of the family that you can think
are actions and statements by the teacher to of. If you find yourself at the end of your tree then write a few sentences
relate the experiences of the students to the explaining your family, the tree, why. How you know the members of your family
objectives of the lesson, To put students into a you know, or to reflect on what you (or society) views a family as.
receptive frame of mind.
To focus student attention on the lesson. Students will respond to the prompt in their INB and there will be time to share
To create an organizing framework for the ideas, out after.
principles, or information that is to follow
(advanced organizers) 10-12 Minutes
Closure Students will have closure for each activity. One, they will reflect at the end of the
Those actions or statements by a teacher that note-taking activity.
are designed to bring a lesson presentation to an
appropriate conclusion. Used to help students The second will be at the end of the period. I will have students write an exit ticket
bring things together in their own minds, to that will ask them how much of the lesson they understood. There will be a lot of
make sense out of what has just been taught. information thrown at the at once and it is important that they understand. They
Any Questions? No. OK, lets move on is not will mark how much they understand on a spectrum and then describe what they
closure. Closure is used: did not get, what they did understand, any questions they have, and something they
To cue students to the fact that they have arrived need to go over again.
at an important point in the lesson or the end of
a lesson.
To help organize student learning
To help form a coherent picture and to
Differentiation - Grouping during the activity. Students can sit where and work with who
To modify: If the activity is too advanced for a they want in order to help them understand. This is a privilege that students
child, how will you modify it so that they can be know is given with high expectations.
successful? - Web creation is up to the student. They can make it in a design that they
To extend: If the activity is too easy for a child, want.
how will you extend it to develop their emerging - Reflection as assessment
Assessment 1. Reflection- at the end of the class this will gauge understanding and be
How will you know if students met the learning participation points.
targets? Write a description of what you were 2. Web- this is again checked for completion, they will be collected at the end
looking for in each assessment. of the class and I will check them and give feedback. Students can revise
and resubmit. Again this is not for a grade though. They will just be able to
use it on additional assignments for points and a summative assessment.