Cookeville, TN Demographics 2016

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2011-2015 American Community
Survey Supporting
5-Year Estimates
documentation on code
lists, subject definitions, data
accuracy, and statistical testing can
be found on the American Community
Survey website in the Data and
Documentation section.

Sample size and data quality

measures (including coverage rates,
allocation rates, and response rates)
can be found on the American
Community Survey website in the
Methodology section.
Tell us what you think. Provide
feedback to help make American
Community Survey data more useful
for you.

Although the American Community

Survey (ACS) produces population,
demographic and housing unit
estimates, it is the Census Bureau's
Population Estimates Program that
produces and disseminates the
official estimates of the population for
the nation, states, counties, cities and
towns and estimates of housing units
for states and counties.
Subject Cookeville, TN Micro Area
Estimate Margin of Percent Percent
Population 16 years and over 87,367 +/-219 87,367 Error
In labor force 46,870 +/-1,099 53.6% +/-1.3
Civilian labor force 46,814 +/-1,103 53.6% +/-1.3
Employed 42,667 +/-1,117 48.8% +/-1.3
Unemployed 4,147 +/-449 4.7% +/-0.5
Armed Forces 56 +/-45 0.1% +/-0.1
Not in labor force 40,497 +/-1,131 46.4% +/-1.3

Civilian labor force 46,814 +/-1,103 46,814 (X)

Unemployment Rate (X) (X) 8.9% +/-0.9

Females 16 years and over 44,657 +/-194 44,657 (X)

In labor force 22,390 +/-737 50.1% +/-1.7
Civilian labor force 22,390 +/-737 50.1% +/-1.7
Employed 20,686 +/-715 46.3% +/-1.6

Own children of the householder 7,215 +/-265 7,215 (X)

All 6parents
years in family in labor 4,005 +/-316 55.5% +/-4.7
Own children of the householder 6 14,509 +/-306 14,509 (X)
to 17
parents in family in labor 9,457 +/-703 65.2% +/-4.4
Workers 16 years and over 41,929 +/-1,100 41,929 (X)
Car, truck, or van -- drove alone 37,213 +/-1,089 88.8% +/-1.0
Car, truck, or van -- carpooled 2,981 +/-329 7.1% +/-0.8
Public transportation (excluding 61 +/-39 0.1% +/-0.1
Walked 344 +/-112 0.8% +/-0.3
Other means 295 +/-121 0.7% +/-0.3
Worked at home 1,035 +/-209 2.5% +/-0.5

Mean travel time to work 24.5 +/-0.8 (X) (X)

Civilian employed population 16 42,667 +/-1,117 42,667 (X)
years and over
Management, business, science, 13,399 +/-770 31.4% +/-1.7
and Service
arts occupations
occupations 8,238 +/-762 19.3% +/-1.6
Sales and office occupations 9,413 +/-607 22.1% +/-1.4
Natural resources, construction, 4,420 +/-431 10.4% +/-1.0
and Production,
maintenance occupations and
transportation, 7,197 +/-561 16.9% +/-1.2
material moving occupations
Civilian employed population 16 42,667 +/-1,117 42,667 (X)
years and over forestry, fishing and
Agriculture, 718 +/-165 1.7% +/-0.4
hunting, and mining
Construction 3,470 +/-398 8.1% +/-0.9
Manufacturing 6,161 +/-472 14.4% +/-1.1
Wholesale trade 1,115 +/-241 2.6% +/-0.6
Retail trade 4,792 +/-520 11.2% +/-1.1
Transportation and warehousing, 2,514 +/-382 5.9% +/-0.9
and Information
utilities 556 +/-163 1.3% +/-0.4
Finance and insurance, and real 1,621 +/-256 3.8% +/-0.6
estate and rentalscientific,
Professional, and leasing
and 2,787 +/-444 6.5% +/-1.0
Educationaland administrative
services, and health 10,554 +/-680 24.7% +/-1.5
and Arts,
care waste management
and entertainment,
social assistanceservices
and 4,722 +/-547 11.1% +/-1.2
recreation, and accommodation
Other services, except publicand 1,893 +/-307 4.4% +/-0.7
administration 1,764 +/-281 4.1% +/-0.6

Civilian employed population 16 42,667 +/-1,117 42,667 (X)
years and over
Private wage and salary workers 32,062 +/-1,021 75.1% +/-1.4
Government workers 6,580 +/-603 15.4% +/-1.3
Self-employed in own not 3,850 +/-426 9.0% +/-1.0
incorporated business
Unpaid family workers
workers 175 +/-93 0.4% +/-0.2


Total households DOLLARS) 43,145 +/-509 43,145 (X)
Less than $10,000 5,877 +/-562 13.6% +/-1.3
$10,000 to $14,999 3,563 +/-386 8.3% +/-0.9
$15,000 to $24,999 6,623 +/-466 15.4% +/-1.1
$25,000 to $34,999 5,585 +/-443 12.9% +/-1.0
$35,000 to $49,999 5,886 +/-482 13.6% +/-1.1
$50,000 to $74,999 7,541 +/-507 17.5% +/-1.1
$75,000 to $99,999 3,593 +/-373 8.3% +/-0.9
$100,000 to $149,999 2,908 +/-280 6.7% +/-0.6
$150,000 to $199,999 816 +/-146 1.9% +/-0.3
$200,000 or more 753 +/-181 1.7% +/-0.4
Median household income 34,841 +/-1,413 (X) (X)
Mean household income (dollars) 51,264 +/-3,493 (X) (X)

With earnings 29,427 +/-705 68.2% +/-1.4

Mean earnings (dollars) 54,089 +/-2,983 (X) (X)
With Social Security 16,052 +/-496 37.2% +/-1.1
Mean Social Security income 17,121 +/-376 (X) (X)
With retirement income 7,150 +/-426 16.6% +/-1.0
Mean retirement income 24,184 +/-5,918 (X) (X)
With Supplemental Security 2,571 +/-309 6.0% +/-0.7
IncomeMean Supplemental Security 8,741 +/-782 (X) (X)
cash public assistance 1,258 +/-214 2.9% +/-0.5
incomeMean cash public assistance 2,799 +/-668 (X) (X)
Food Stamp/SNAP benefits 6,002 +/-423 13.9% +/-1.0
in the past 12 months
Families 28,531 +/-718 28,531 (X)
Less than $10,000 2,399 +/-356 8.4% +/-1.2
$10,000 to $14,999 1,471 +/-233 5.2% +/-0.8
$15,000 to $24,999 3,503 +/-324 12.3% +/-1.1
$25,000 to $34,999 3,673 +/-386 12.9% +/-1.3
$35,000 to $49,999 4,306 +/-366 15.1% +/-1.3
$50,000 to $74,999 5,901 +/-470 20.7% +/-1.4
$75,000 to $99,999 3,193 +/-357 11.2% +/-1.2
$100,000 to $149,999 2,688 +/-267 9.4% +/-0.9
$150,000 to $199,999 700 +/-151 2.5% +/-0.5
$200,000 or more 697 +/-177 2.4% +/-0.6
Median family income (dollars) 45,853 +/-2,064 (X) (X)
Mean family income (dollars) 60,257 +/-2,612 (X) (X)

Per capita income (dollars) 20,869 +/-1,414 (X) (X)

Nonfamily households 14,614 +/-646 14,614 (X)

Median nonfamily income 19,009 +/-1,348 (X) (X)
Mean nonfamily income (dollars) 31,975 +/-9,030 (X) (X)

Median earnings for workers 23,903 +/-1,154 (X) (X)

Median earnings for male full- 37,626 +/-1,706 (X) (X)
time, year-round
Median workers
earnings (dollars)
for female full- 28,599 +/-1,743 (X) (X)
time, year-round workers (dollars)
Civilian noninstitutionalized 106,157 +/-248 106,157 (X)
With health insurance coverage 91,393 +/-1,230 86.1% +/-1.1
With private health insurance 63,067 +/-1,566 59.4% +/-1.5
With public coverage 41,329 +/-1,447 38.9% +/-1.4
No health insurance coverage 14,764 +/-1,160 13.9% +/-1.1

Civilian noninstitutionalized 22,850 +/-108 22,850 (X)

population under
No health 18 yearscoverage
insurance 1,249 +/-399 5.5% +/-1.7

Civilian noninstitutionalized 65,884 +/-203 65,884 (X)

population 18force:
In labor to 64 years 43,863 +/-1,024 43,863 (X)
Employed: 39,923 +/-1,036 39,923 (X)
With health insurance 33,074 +/-1,139 82.8% +/-1.8
With private health 30,686 +/-1,085 76.9% +/-1.7
insuranceWith public coverage 3,230 +/-437 8.1% +/-1.1
No health insurance 6,849 +/-720 17.2% +/-1.8
Unemployed: 3,940 +/-455 3,940 (X)
With health insurance 2,233 +/-353 56.7% +/-6.8
coverageWith private health 1,150 +/-246 29.2% +/-5.8
insuranceWith public coverage 1,113 +/-253 28.2% +/-5.5
No health insurance 1,707 +/-347 43.3% +/-6.8
Not in labor force: 22,021 +/-999 22,021 (X)
With health insurance 17,105 +/-852 77.7% +/-2.3
With private health 9,589 +/-569 43.5% +/-2.2
With public coverage 9,020 +/-700 41.0% +/-2.5
No health insurance coverage 4,916 +/-586 22.3% +/-2.3


All families (X) (X) 17.7% +/-1.4
related children THE
of the (X) (X) 28.8% +/-2.8
householder underchildren
related 18 yearsof the (X) (X) 31.2% +/-7.1
householder underfamilies
Married couple 5 years only (X) (X) 11.1% +/-1.4
With related children of the (X) (X) 18.3% +/-3.1
householder underchildren
With related 18 yearsof the (X) (X) 14.7% +/-7.0
Families withunder 5 years
female only
householder, (X) (X) 40.0% +/-4.7
no husband present
With related children of the (X) (X) 53.6% +/-6.3
householder underchildren
With related 18 yearsof the (X) (X) 69.6% +/-14.3
householder under 5 years only
All people (X) (X) 24.6% +/-1.4
Under 18 years (X) (X) 32.7% +/-3.0
Related children of the (X) (X) 32.4% +/-3.1
Related under
the (X) (X) 37.2% +/-4.9
Related under
children5 years
of the (X) (X) 30.7% +/-3.6
18 years and 5 toover
17 years (X) (X) 22.4% +/-1.4
18 to 64 years (X) (X) 25.1% +/-1.7
65 years and over (X) (X) 12.5% +/-2.0
People in families (X) (X) 20.4% +/-1.7
Unrelated individuals 15 years (X) (X) 42.2% +/-3.0
and overData are based on a sample and are
subject to sampling variability. The
degree of uncertainty for an estimate
arising from sampling variability is
represented through the use of a
margin of error. The value shown here
is the 90 percent margin of error. The
margin of error can be interpreted
roughly as providing a 90 percent
probability that the interval defined
by the estimate minus the margin of
error and the estimate plus the
margin of error (the lower and upper
confidence bounds) contains the true
value. In addition to sampling
variability, the ACS estimates are
subject to nonsampling error (for a
discussion of nonsampling variability,
see Accuracy of the Data). The effect
of nonsampling error is not
represented in these tables.
Data are based on a sample and are
subject to sampling variability. The
degree of uncertainty for an estimate
arising from sampling variability is
represented through the use of a
margin of error. The value shown here
is the 90 percent margin of error. The
margin of error can be interpreted
roughly as providing a 90 percent
probability that the interval defined
by the estimate minus the margin of
error and the estimate plus the
margin of error (the lower and upper
confidence bounds) contains the true
value. In addition to sampling
variability, the ACS estimates are
subject to nonsampling error (for a
discussion of nonsampling variability,
see Accuracy of the Data). The effect
of nonsampling error is not
represented in these tables.
Employment and unemployment
estimates may vary from the official
labor force data released by the
Bureau of Labor Statistics because of
differences in survey design and data
collection. For guidance on
differences in employment and
unemployment estimates from
different sources go to Labor Force
Workers include members of the
Armed Forces and civilians who were
at work last week.

Occupation codes are 4-digit codes

and are based on Standard
Occupational Classification 2010.

Industry codes are 4-digit codes and

are based on the North American
Industry Classification System
(NAICS). The Census industry codes
for 2013 and later years are based on
the 2012 revision of the NAICS. To
allow for the creation of 2011-2015
tables, industry data in the multiyear
files (2011-2015) were recoded to
2013 Census industry codes. We
recommend using caution when
comparing data coded using 2013
Census industry codes with data
coded using Census industry codes
prior to 2013. For more information
on the Census industry code changes,
please visit our website at
Industry codes are 4-digit codes and
are based on the North American
Industry Classification System
(NAICS). The Census industry codes
for 2013 and later years are based on
the 2012 revision of the NAICS. To
allow for the creation of 2011-2015
tables, industry data in the multiyear
files (2011-2015) were recoded to
2013 Census industry codes. We
recommend using caution when
comparing data coded using 2013
Census industry codes with data
coded using Census industry codes
prior to 2013. For more information
on the Census industry code changes,
please visit our website at
Logical coverage edits applying a
rules-based assignment of Medicaid,
Medicare and military health
coverage were added as of 2009 --
please see
in American FactFinder does not
incorporate thesedetails.
al.html for more edits. Therefore,
The 2008
the estimates
data table that appear in these
tables are not comparable to the
estimates in the 2009 and later
tables. Select geographies of 2008
data comparable to the 2009 and
later tables are available at
insurance.html. The health insurance
coverage category names were
modified in 2010. See
xtimage_18 for a list of the insurance
type definitions.
While the 2011-2015 American
Community Survey (ACS) data
generally reflect the February 2013
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) definitions of metropolitan and
micropolitan statistical areas; in
certain instances the names, codes,
and boundaries of the principal cities
shown in ACS tables may differ from
the OMB definitions due to
differences in the effective dates of
the geographic entities.

Estimates of urban and rural

population, housing units, and
characteristics reflect boundaries of
urban areas defined based on Census
2010 data. As a result, data for urban
and rural areas from the ACS do not
necessarily reflect the results of
Estimates of urban and rural
population, housing units, and
characteristics reflect boundaries of
urban areas defined based on Census
2010 data. As a result, data for urban
and rural areas from the ACS do not
necessarily reflect the results of
ongoing urbanization.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2011-

2015 American Community Survey 5-
Year Estimates

Explanation of Symbols:

1. An '**' entry in the margin of

error column indicates that either no
sample observations or too few
sample observations were available
to compute a standard error and thus
the margin of error. A statistical test
is not appropriate.
2. An '-' entry in the estimate
column indicates that either no
sample observations or too few
sample observations were available
to compute an estimate, or a ratio of
medians cannot be calculated
because one or both of the median
estimates falls in the lowest interval
or upper interval of an open-ended
3. An '-' following a median
estimate means the median falls in
the lowest interval of an open-ended
4. An
An '***' entry in a
'+' following the margin of
estimate means the medianthe
column indicates that falls in
the upper falls in the of
interval lowest interval or
an open-ended
upper interval of an open-ended
distribution. A statistical test is not
6. An '*****' entry in the margin of
error column indicates that the
estimate is controlled. A statistical
test for sampling variability is not
7. An 'N' entry in the estimate and
margin of error columns indicates
that data for this geographic area
cannot be displayed because the
number of sample cases is too small.
8. An '(X)' means that the
estimate is not applicable or not

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