Spaced Learning Guide PDF
Spaced Learning Guide PDF
Spaced Learning Guide PDF
the time. When we hear, see or do The first input is a lecture in which the teacher
presents a large body of information, usually
something once, it can be stored in supported by a PowerPoint presentation. The
our short-term memory. If we hear, second input focuses on recall, so students might be
presented with the same PowerPoint presentation,
see, or do it repeatedly, it can enter
now missing many key words, or they might carry
our long-term memory. out simple maths problems using the formulae
presented in the first input. The final input focuses
on understanding, so students should carry out a
task that applies the knowledge or skills they have
just acquired.
This process of rapid structured repetition, separated
by short breaks, embeds the information in the long-
term memory.
Have you ever needed to remember Repeated stimulation of the same neural pathway The teams research uncovered the process by
demonstrates its importance to the brain and makes which long-term memories are formed, and (more
something but no matter how hard it easier to locate when you need to access the significantly for teachers) the process by which they
you try, you simply cannot locate information stored within it. can be created. The biological basis of a memory
it amongst everything else in your Spaced Learning is a way of creating neural
is a pathway of cells linked together within the
brain. Fields team focused on how each cell was
brain? You are having a problem pathways at the start of a unit of work (memory
switched on and became linked to other cells. Their
acquisition), which can then be revisited at various
with the retrieval of the information. intervals over time (memory retrieval). This will
experiments demonstrated that it is the manner in
There will be a neural pathway which the brains cells are stimulated that causes
emphasise the pathways importance and make it
them to switch on and link together.
connected to your recalcitrant easier for you to locate it when you need it.
Surprisingly, constant stimulation of the cell did
memory but it will not have been Spaced Learning is based on a discovery about the
not make the cells switch on. Stimulation had to be
brain that was published in 2005 by R. Douglas
used frequently enough for its Fields in Scientific American.
separated by gaps when the cell was not stimulated.
The breakthrough came when the team began to
importance to be demonstrated Fields, of the National Institute for Child Health realise that the important factor was time. The
and therefore strengthened. and Development in the US, led the team length of stimulation was not vital, but the gap
investigating the science behind how the brain between stimulations was. This insight is the basis
actually creates a memory. of Spaced Learning.
Further reading
A Spaced Learning lesson consists How the inputs fit together: What to do in the breaks
presenting, recalling, understanding The inputs containing the lesson material are
of three inputs separated by two The teacher input contains the information that separated by two 10-minute breaks during which
10-minute gaps, as follows: the students are learning; usually a great deal students do distractor activities.
more learning than one would normally put into
Teacher input of key facts/information During these breaks, it is important to avoid
a single lesson.
stimulating the memory pathways that are being
10-minute break The first input is a fast-paced presentation of formed. Thus, the activity must have nothing to
Student recall of key facts/information information by the teacher, but there should be more do with what the students are learning. The most
student interaction and less teacher-only delivery in effective way of doing this is to carry out a physical
10-minute break
the second and third inputs. activity requiring coordination, such as juggling.
Student application of key facts/information. Activities like this use parts of the brain requiring
The easiest way to understand the three inputs is
balance and movement, which are not being used
that the first focuses on presenting information, the
during the learning in the lesson. This improves the
second focuses on recalling information, and the
chances of the pathway being allowed to rest and
third focuses on understanding information.
form stronger connections.
We present Spaced Learning lessons using
Other types of activities to try include:
PowerPoint, but theres no reason why it needs
to be presented in this way. Whats important is
paper-cutting activities
that you stick to the structure of present, recall,
musical chairs
understand, make sure the breaks last about 10
play-dough modelling
minutes, and make sure the students do an activity
light aerobics
that is very different from what theyre doing during
ball-handling games (like dribbling a basketball).
the inputs.
As a rule of thumb, think about activities that
students might do in primary school and use those.
Also, ask the students what they want to do! Their
answers may surprise you.
First input
First break
Second input
Second break
Final input
First input
First break
Second input
Second break
Final input
First input
First break
Second input
Second break
Final input
First input
First break
Second input
Second break
Final input
First input
First break
Second input
Second break
Final input
Spaced Learning has proved EBL is learning by seeking out and evaluating This is what students want: Learning Futures has
information in order to answer open-ended found that, overwhelmingly, secondary school
attractive to schools because of its questions and solve open-ended problems. Students students ask for a blend of enquiry-based and
obvious potential to help students who carry out enquiries become expert learners, transmissive learning (60% enquiry to 40%
with recall in examinations. able to find, interpret, and evaluate information for transmission is the approximate ratio). We are
themselves and apply their skills and knowledge excited about Spaced Learning because it is the
However, Learning Futures has in a variety of contexts. In PBL, students carry out most efficient, and effective, method of transmissive
supported the development of their enquiries as part of an extended project with a learning we have encountered.
Spaced Learning because of its tangible output.
potential for enabling enquiry-based This guide refers to EBL because that has been
Monkseaton High Schools focus. However, Spaced
learning (EBL) and project-based Learning is equally applicable to PBL.
learning (PBL). One of the challenges of designing EBL in schools
is ensuring that students acquire the appropriate
range of subject content in addition to doing
in-depth research in a specific area. This is where
Spaced Learning comes in. By running Spaced
Learning sessions in conjunction with extended,
student-led enquiries, teachers can ensure that
students gain relevant content knowledge without
losing breadth of learning.
Monkseaton is pioneering the use Angela and Louise felt confident about shifting from Another Spaced Learning session focuses on the
a transmission-based curriculum to an enquiry- skills they will need to collect and analyse data. This
of Spaced Learning in EBL with an based curriculum because they could use Spaced session is focused specifically on preparing them for
enquiry-based curriculum across Learning to cover a range of subject-specific content. conducting a thorough enquiry and on ensuring
Year 9 Science (13 and 14 year olds). As Louise puts it, I wouldnt be so happy doing just that the skills are retained.
the enquiry if I didnt have the Spaced Learning
This curriculum has been designed backing it up. You want students to develop as
Angela and Louise have found that the combination
of Spaced Learning and EBL allows them to study
by teachers Angela Bradley and learners, and you can see the bigger picture, but
material that goes far beyond the standard
Louise Dickson in order to make theyve still got to achieve in your subject.
curriculum. For example, they incorporated a
sure students acquire the science Students are doing half-term length multi- dissection of the heart into the unit focused on
disciplinary projects, which include studying ways health. There is nothing about the heart in the Year 9
skills they will need. As Angela that human beings are affecting the planet, and standard curriculum (or in the Year 10 or 11 curricula,
has observed, it has also made the working out a (fictional) persons health problems for that matter) but, as biologists, Angela and Louise
by studying their symptoms and lifestyle. thought it was important for their students to know
students more motivated: they like
how the heart functions, and knew that they would
doing something thats their own, Teachers use Spaced Learning presentations to teach
be interested in it. Because they were covering the
both content and science skills. As Angela explains,
they like the ownership, they like in the environmental science unit they can focus
required curriculum with Spaced Learning and other
aspects of the enquiry, they had the freedom to
the freedom. on any way that humans are affecting the earth,
include it within an enquiry focused on biology
but theyll need to know the chemistry of global
warming for Year 10. So we focused the Spaced
Learning session on fuels and the consequences
for the atmosphere, because they wont learn
that if they decide to research something like the
ivory trade.
What age groups is Spaced In our experience, 10 minutes is a good You need to decide how many of the What are the best activities to do
Learning appropriate for? length for the first input (the absolute words/ideas to remove based on the during the breaks?
Spaced Learning should work with maximum time we would spend is age and ability of your audience. There are three important things to
students of any age. fifteen minutes). think about here: the activities should
Whats the difference between the be as different from the presentation
However, be aware that the The second and third inputs are more
second and third input? as possible, they should be varied, and
presentations included on this flexible it depends on the nature of
The second input is focused on they should last about 10 minutes.
disk were designed for 1318- the tasks youve set your class.
recall, and the third should check
year-old students. So we recommend physical activity
How much information should I cover understanding. This means that, for
without much talking, and with no
What ability levels is Spaced in a single session? the second input, you want to get
writing. This is so that a different part
Learning appropriate for? Its possible to go through a years an idea of how much the students
of the brain is used during the breaks.
Spaced Learning is appropriate for worth of material in a session, but have picked up so far. In science we
take words out of the PowerPoint Weve found that its good to go for
all abilities, as long as students are its exhausting. Wed recommend
presentation and have the students stuff that younger kids would enjoy
able to read. breaking a years worth down into at
fill them in, because science is full of the most popular activity by far
least three different sessions.
How do you decide what to put key words. But different subjects will is moulding play-dough. Juggling
The really important thing is to stick and sports skills work very well,
onto the PowerPoint slides? have different needs. For example, in
to the cold, hard facts. As teachers, particularly if you can get outdoors
We put on what we really want maths, students might have problems
our instinct is to add opinions and easily from your classroom but
our students to know. Thats the to solve on paper, to see if theyve
observations but, for Spaced Learning, its fine for children to stay in the
only guideline we use when were understood the methods for solving a
its important to strip our presentation classroom too.
making them. particular problem.
down to the bare essentials.
For the third input, the students Finally, ask your students what
How long should the inputs last?
How do you decide what to take out of should have some kind of task to apply they want to do! They know what
The only limit on the inputs is your
the presentation for the second input? what theyve learned. So in maths, for they enjoy.
students concentration, and you
You take out the things you want example, students could be given a
will know better than anyone how
them to remember so go through real-world problem to solve using the
long that lasts.
and remove the key words/ideas. concepts theyve just been taught.
What is the optimum amount of You can do the same with the Is it always best to talk during the
information to put on a slide? presentations that are included on presentation rather than just showing
When youre making a slide, think this disk (see page 18). There is also the slides in silence?
about whats going to look interesting specific guidance on putting together We always talk, because it seems like a
to your students if a slide is really text- a Spaced Learning presentation on lot to ask a class of kids to sit in silence
heavy, its going to be boring to read. page 5. and read a PowerPoint presentation
However, since the text will be without anything else happening.
Would it be helpful or
stripped down to key points, you may Also, because the slides are so
counterproductive to play music
be able to fit more than you expect stripped-down, sometimes the
during a Spaced Learning session?
onto a single slide without it getting information wont make any sense
We dont have any evidence either
too crammed with words. without a bit of further explanation.
way, but if it makes the lesson more
Im not very comfortable with enjoyable, go for it! How often should a student be taught
PowerPoint. How can I make slides with Spaced Learning?
How quickly should I go through
that look good enough? Spaced Learning has a very specific
the slides?
The most important thing is that the purpose: to help students acquire a
We go a bit more quickly than we
slides be easy to read. They dont need very large quantity of information
would with a normal presentation,
to be fancy. within a small span of time. Most
because theres so much information
Having said that, we werent very of the time you wont want to do this,
to get through, and because it brings
confident about using PowerPoint so Spaced Learning will only
some energy into the room. But you
when we created our first Spaced be appropriate on a few occasions
dont need to go quickly in order for
Learning presentations. We modified during a term.
Spaced Learning to work. Judge your
slides that a teacher at another school pace based on your audience, and the
had developed for a conventional amount of information you need to
science presentation. get through, and experiment with
different speeds.
Spaced Learning: example, the review of my whole So what happens inside your head more precise clearer when I see
Biology unit was completed in about during Spaced Learning that is it again. During the breaks, I focus
A students viewpoint different from what happens during on the instructions for the physical
12 minutes. The nervous system,
Lucy Barratt, 16 diet deficiencies, hormones and a traditional lesson or review session? activity. In the end, I am left with a
the menstrual cycle, drugs, and I can only answer for myself. I love movie in my head of the lesson, just
What if I told you that short, defence from pathogens all whiz sports, particularly extreme sports. like my memory of a climb.
intense lessons are more by on slides shown at the dizzying Why? Adrenaline, quick thinking and
My first experience of Spaced Learning
important to good grades rate of 78 per minute. During the having to stay one step ahead. My
came in March 2007 when my class
than hours and hours of 10-minute breaks we get physical, sport is rock climbing. If you hang
re-took our science exams from
around too long before you make the
uninterrupted study? Would you rather than mental, participating in November 2006. We only had a one-
next move on a climb, you lose your
think I was crazy? Probably. activities like basketball dribbling hour Spaced Learning review session
confidence and could lose your grip.
and teamwork games. The goal is (which had four months of work
How about if I told you to take a few You always have to be aware of what
to stimulate a different part of the condensed into it from the summer
breaks between those lessons too. comes next, but you cant consciously
brain than that stimulated in the before). These examinations really
Sure, youd say in disbelief. Thats think about it. If you do, youll stop
lesson. In effect, we give our brains a matter in England they can decide
because you probably havent tried moving altogether, have no idea what
break, something that new scientific which university will accept you. Most
Spaced Learning, a new approach to do next, and youll fall. Having
at my high school in England that research shows is crucial to making of us did better on the exams after an
completed a climb one that can take
is based on science and a new memories stick. an hour or more I can replay the hour of Spaced Learning review, even
understanding of how brains For every traditional lesson you whole climb in my head in seconds, though we did no studying at all. I
remember and learn. need a pen, a pencil or books. But seeing everything Ive done. went from an A, B and C to straight As
Spaced Learning changes all that. and an A+ (that placed me in the top 5
So what is Spaced Leaning For me, Spaced Learning is a bit like
You have nothing in front of you to per cent of the A grades in England). It
like? It consists of three lessons my climbing. I dont try to learn; I
distract you. All you need is a teacher, was amazing.
(presentations) that are almost dont write anything down, and I dont
exactly the same, separated by a presentation, and the ability to review. It just seems as if I am seeing a My class was the first ever to
10-minute breaks a bit odd as an focus. You listen and watch, and the movie in my mind that I have already experience Spaced Learning. I became
experience, but interesting! The information gets stored in your long- seen before, and my understanding of a spokesperson, interviewed by BBC
lessons are very compressed. For term memory. the information presented becomes television and by reporters from
primarily using the Mass The three learning slots provided the
Learning method. However, same information about the subject
I recently had a chance to three times. However, the way it was
communicated was slightly changed.
experience a Spaced Learning
This allowed us to focus on different
lesson. parts of the information while we
Compared to the normal teaching reminded ourselves of the information
method I personally felt that the we learnt prior to the gap activity.
In 2008, the Paul Hamlyn Through this work, we have identified four These tools include the following:
high-impact approaches to designing learning:
Foundation and the Innovation Unit Guide to Enquiry- and Project-based Learning
1. Combining enquiry-based learning with more Developed in partnership with High-Tech High in San
launched Learning Futures in order traditional transmission-based methods Diego, this provides a step-by-step guide to planning
to find ways to improve educational and managing extended, interdisciplinary projects.
2. Seeing school as a basecamp for enquiry that
outcomes by increasing young takes students beyond the school walls, rather Learning Futures Manual
peoples engagement in learning. than as a final destination The Learning Futures Manual provides an
introduction to why and what Learning Futures
3. Attending to and developing students extended
Since then, we have worked with learning relationships both within school and
is, but at the heart of it is the how. It offers insights
over 40 secondary schools on outside it
into the organisational conditions required to
successfully implement this approach to learning
developing innovative methods 4. Transforming school into a learning commons and will offer handy tips on curriculum design,
of teaching and learning aimed at for which students and staff share responsibility. material development, and strategies for sustaining
practice and embedding staff learning.
increasing engagement. We have found that these four approaches are
most powerful when they are combined, so we are Enquiry Blogger
developing a composite Learning Futures model This tool allows teachers to create and monitor
for education. project-specific blogs that students can use to
The Spaced Learning guide is part of a set of free, document their research, record their achievements
open-source tools and guides to help schools and concerns, and tag their posts with the skills
implement Learning Futures approaches to or attributes that they are using. Access to blogs
designing learning. is password-protected, but students can read and
comment on each others posts.
For more information on these tools,
and to download them for yourself, visit
On this disk, you will find 1 GCSE English increase engagement. The second set the topic to summarise the key points
AQA Spec A: Paper 1, Year 11 tests student recall of this information covered prior to writing up the final
a selection of presentations This was used in one of the last and students called out the answers coursework piece.
developed by classroom lessons before the GCSE examinations. as the gaps occurred. The third set
5 AS Level: Psychology
teachers using Spaced A more detailed Powerpoint was used to check understanding, and
presentation, with similar slides, had again students called out the answers. Unit 2: Biological Psychology,
Learning. They offer insights been used throughout the course Social Psychology and Individual
Each area of the topic was then
and ideas on the type so that the layout was familiar. In
revisited over a series of lessons to
Differences, Year 12
The first set of slides contains the
and level of information the final lesson the Spaced Learning
extend ideas and test understanding.
key information, the second set tests
presentation was shown.
included in each input of It was then used again at the end of
student recall of this information and
the topic to summarise the key points
Spaced Learning. 2 GCSE Maths
covered prior to writing up the final
the third set was used as a handout
Used with Year 9 students but can for students to write on to check their
You can download each presentation coursework piece.
also be used for Years 10 or 11 knowledge and understanding.
by clicking on its corresponding
The first set of slides contains the key
heading, or access them all via 4 GCSE History coursework Students are then required to use
information for the Number topic.
the link below: Crime and Punishment, Year 11 the completed set of slides as a
The second and third set of slides are
The first set of slides contains the starting base for their revision. They
the same as the first but with certain
CLICK HERE TO ACCESS key information. The second set tests are usually given a Spaced Learning
facts/figures omitted for the pupils to
ALL PRESENTATIONS student recall of this information and session just before the examination
respond to verbally as a class and then
students called out the answers as the to provide a relaxed overview of what
on a hand-out individually.
gaps occurred. The third set was used they already now know.
to check understanding, and again
3 GCSE History coursework
students called out the answers.
Modern World Conflict Northern
Ireland, Year 11 (includes voice over) Each area of the topic was then
The first set of slides contains the revisited over a series of lessons to
key information and the voice over extend ideas and test understanding.
was applied to this first rotation to It was then used again at the end of
6 GCSE Art 7 GCSE Science Each area of the topic was then This Spaced Learning presentation
Stylistics, Year 10 Human Biology, Year 11 revisited over a series of lessons was used after the topic of Holidays
This presentation was used to This presentation was used to revise to extend on ideas and test had been taught over a half term
introduce Year 10 students to the main content of the GCSE unit understanding. It was then used and immediately prior to the pupils
different art styles. For each style, it on Human Biology. The first stage again at the end of the topic to completing their coursework.
gives them ideas of things to look of the presentation contains the key summarise the key points covered.
out for to identify the style and information, the second aims to test
examples of artists who used it. the students recall of this information 9 GCSE Spanish coursework
and the third is a handout that Holidays, Year 11
The second stage of the presentation
students fill in to check their The first set of slides contains the
tests knowledge of the content
knowledge/understanding. This could key vocabulary needed to produce a
delivered in the first session on
then be marked and to highlight areas good standard of GCSE coursework
styles and example artists.
to focus on during revision. on the topic of Holidays.
The final stage involves the students
In the second set, students are
sorting a mixture of different 8 GCSE Science
invited to recall this key vocabulary.
images and grouping them based Human Biology, Pathogens and
The third set was used as a
on the style they think it is in, with Diseases, Year 10
handout for students to write on,
reasons for their choices. They are This presentation was used at the start
to check their knowledge and
also asked to recall an example of of the topic Pathogens and Disease to
an artist for each style as part of the give the students an overview of the
final session. content of the topic.