EWEA HS Guidelines

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The document provides guidelines on emergency arrangements and first aid for the wind energy industry.

The document aims to provide guidance on emergency arrangements including first aid for those working in the wind energy industry.

The training requirements section discusses topics that should be covered in first aid training including CPR, various medical emergencies, and additional training that may be required for certain tasks.

Working the wind safely

Guidelines on emergency arrangements including first aid

A report by the European Wind Energy Association - December 2013

Working the wind safely
Guidelines on emergency arrangements including first aid

Initial research: Ecofys

Project coordination: Marian Georghiou (EWEA)
Project supervision: Jacopo Moccia and Justin Wilkes (EWEA)
Editing: Sarah Azau (EWEA)
Design coordination: Jess Quesada (EWEA)
Cover photo: Dreamstime

The contents of these guidelines are intended for information and general guidance only, do not constitute
advice, are not exhaustive and do not indicate specific course of action. Detailed professional advice should be
obtained before taking or refraining from action in relation to any of the contents of this guide, or the relevance
or applicability of the information herein.

Term Definition

Employer All employers, contractors, sub-contractors and (marine) equipment suppliers working at an on- or
offshore wind farm.

Manned structure The lead EPCI (Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation) contractor guarantees all
risks under the contract. They will manage individual guarantees and warranties provided by other
contractors or equipment providers.

First responder A person who is trained to do medical work, especially emergency first aid, but is not a fully quali-
fied doctor.

Site Location where wind energy activities take place, regardless of if it is in the design, construction,
operational or deconstruction phase.

Unmanned structure An (offshore) installation on which persons are not normally present and in those instances when
persons are present on the installation, their presence is for the purpose of performing operational
duties, maintenance, or inspections that will not necessitate an overnight stay.

EWEA European Wind Energy Association

ERP Emergency Response Plan

CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

ERC European Resuscitation Council

Working the wind safely: guidelines on emergency arrangements including first aid


1 Emergency arrangements..........................................................................................................6
1.1 Design........................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Documentation & organisation......................................................................................................... 7
1.2.1 Organisation......................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.2 Escape and evacuation manual.............................................................................................. 7
1.2.3 Emergency response plan...................................................................................................... 7 Offshore....8
1.3 Training.......................................................................................................................................... 9
1.3.1 Offshore............................................................................................................................... 9
1.4 Provisions...................................................................................................................................... 9

2 First aid ..10

2.1 Risk assessment.......................................................................................................................... 10
2.1.2 Offshore............................................................................................................................. 10
2.2 First aiders................................................................................................................................... 11
2.2.1 Offshore............................................................................................................................. 11
2.3 Provisions.................................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.1 Offshore............................................................................................................................. 11
2.4 Training requirements.................................................................................................................... 11

3 Summary.................................................................................................................................. 13

4 Sources..................................................................................................................................... 14

Working the wind safely: guidelines on emergency arrangements including first aid


These guidelines were produced by EWEA with the According to article 8, paragraph 1, of the European
help of the EWEA Heath and Safety (HSE) Task Force. Union Council Directive on the introduction of meas-
They are intended to be used as general guidance ures to encourage improvements in the safety and
providing basic high level information on Emergency health of workers at work (89/391/EEC):
Arrangements for operations at onshore and offshore The employer shall take the necessary measures
wind farms. The guidelines are not to be perceived as for first aid, fire-fighting and evacuation of workers,
a technical document. adapted to the nature of the activities and the size
of the undertaking and/or establishment and taking
The intended audience for these guidelines are into account the other persons present;
the employers in the wind industry in the European The employer shall arrange any necessary con-
Union and members of EWEA. These guidelines on tacts with external services, particularly as regards
Emergency Arrangements and first aid aim primarily first aid, emergency medical care, rescue work and
to provide directions for implementing EU Directive fire-fighting.
89/391/EEC, article 8, paragraph 1, through adopting It should be noted that EU Directive 89/391/EEC
industry best practices throughout the European wind has been transposed into the national health and
power industry. Relevant marine and offshore regula- safety legislation of individual EU Member States as a
tions should be taken into account when planning for minimum requirement, but individual Member States
emergency arrangements at offshore locations. may adopt more detailed health and safety legislation
and/or have additional requirements. Following these
Following industry specific best practices will ultimate- guidelines does not relieve employers of their duty to
ly reduce the cost of wind energy, by having aligned ensure compliance with local legislation. Additionally,
procedures and joint acceptance. This will provide a employers might need to take stricter measures de-
safer work environment and a better climate for inter- pending on company policy and the findings of the risk
national companies to conduct their business within assessment.
the European wind industry.

Working the wind safely: guidelines on emergency arrangements including first aid

Every employer is legally required to take every

measure that can be reasonably expected to avoid or
1.1 Design
limit all foreseeable hazards and risks to the safety Prevention is key to avoiding emergencies. It is there-
or health of the employee. In addition they are also fore important that wind farm owners and all parties
expected to take appropriate measures with regards involved in the design, construction, operation and
to first aid for accidents, fire-fighting and the evacua- maintenance of the wind farm cooperate to ensure
tion of employees and other individuals on site and to that hazards and risks are mitigated within the design
maintain contact with the relevant external emergency before collective and individual measures are consid-
services. ered. The final step in the mitigation strategy concerns
the limitation of impact through measures including
This means that while doing everything within their fire fighting and fire containment, first aid, safe evacu-
power to prevent accidents, employers have to, at the ation of workers and casualties and rescue, in case
same time, prepare for emergencies. Preparations of accidents.
can be related to:
The design of the installation (such as installing Emergency arrangements are incorporated into the
the right fire fighting equipment, alternative escape design of the wind farm. Wind energy turbine will at
routes, emergency brakes); minimum be compliant with the Machine Directive in
Documentation and organisation (such as setting up its latest available version1. Points of consideration
an adequate emergency response organisation, ap- during the design phase include:
pointing first aid and emergency response person- Alternative escape routes;
nel, evacuation plans, procedures);
Safe means for evacuating workers and casualties;
Training and instruction (such as training personnel
Safe means for rescue;
in fire-fighting and first aid, and instructing person-
nel on emergency procedures and exercises). Emergency accommodation and emergency rations
(e.g. in case of remote locations and offshore);
Arrangements for treatment of injured personnel
This chapter will address the minimum requirements
(e.g. in remote locations);
for the European wind energy industry with regards to
the emergency arrangements and possible points of Communication systems (including back-up systems
when necessary) to ensure communication between
attention that need to be considered when preparing
personnel in the field and control centres and emer-
for emergency situations. Local legislation, authorities
gency services. Special attention is required in case
or individual clients may require more detailed and/or
of remote and offshore locations;
stringent arrangements.
Emergency response arrangements (e.g. first aid
equipment, rations and equipment in the event of
An important aspect of the emergency arrangements
is first aid. Specific first aid guidelines will, therefore,
Emergency lighting;
be described separately in Chapter 2.
Emergency stop systems;
Warning signs (e.g. caution signs, machine safety
signs, emergency escape exit signs), prohibition
signs and mandatory signs;
Fire protection and fire and smoke detection and
alarm (acoustic and visual) systems.

Directive 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament and the Council on Machinery

Working the wind safely: guidelines on emergency arrangements including first aid

Chapter 1: Emergency arrangements

1.2 Documentation The location of portable fire fighting equipment;

Location and content of first aid equipment;

and organisation Escape routes;

Use of specific personal protective equipment and
descent devices as escape route equipment;
1.2.1 Organisation When supplied, the location of rescue equipment for
work using fall arrest equipment;
For the construction, operation and decommissioning
When supplied, the location of rations and equip-
phases of a project, owner (employer) and contrac- ment in the event of stranding;
tors will set up an emergency response organisation
How to attach not permanently installed emergency
with defined roles and responsibilities to deal with all
descent devices (if any) in their operating positions;
foreseeable emergencies. The level of organisation,
Description of the available emergency stop sys-
number of emergency response staff, their training and
tems, mechanical blocking of rotor, pitch and yaw
resources shall be appropriate to the hazards and risks
movement, including wind speeds for safe opera-
incurred. Emergency response staff shall have such tion, application and removal as well as the instruc-
training and resources, be of such numbers and be tions for the application and removal of the blocking
organised in such a way that they can properly perform devices;
their tasks. These tasks will at minimum consist of: The procedures for evacuation of casualties using
Providing first aid in the event of accidents and/or; stretchers;
Containing and extinguishing fires and containing All foreseeable emergency situations (to include
the consequences of accidents; evacuation and escape).
Raising the alarm and evacuating all employees and
other individuals in an emergency. 1.2.3 Emergency Response Plan

1.2.2 Escape and Evacuation An Emergency Response Plan (ERP) covering all the
Manual activities at the workplace needs to be in place prior
to the start of the activities. Interfaces with all parties
For all locations in a wind farm (wind turbines, high working at the same site and between activities that
voltage stations, meteorological masts, etc.), a manu- are being carried out at the same time shall be cov-
al shall be written containing all information regarding ered. One Emergency Response Plan will be created
escape routes, provisions for evacuation and rescue and maintained for the entire site. In case of multiple
for all persons on site including personnel, visitors parties working at a site with each party having its own
and casualties, first aid provisions, emergency stop ERP, a site emergency response plan bringing together
systems, fire detection, fire fighting systems, etc. the individual ERPs of the different contractors will be
specific to that location/installation and based on the created as a bridging document for the entire site.
findings of the risk assessment.
When deciding on the emergency response organisa-
A general manual is provided by the turbine manufac- tion, required numbers of trained persons and required
turer with each turbine supplied. This turbine manual level of (basic) emergency response training, consid-
identifies the turbine risks and contains information eration shall be given to the location and accessibility
on escape and evacuation which should be incorpo- of the site and its installations (turbines, high voltage
rated in the Escape and Evacuation Manual of the stations, etc.). Wind farms are often located in remote
wind farm. locations with poor accessibility, increasing the time
needed for the professional emergency services to
The Escape and Evacuation Manual may include but respond to an emergency. In addition, special training
is not limited to: is often required for safely accessing certain locations

Working the wind safely: guidelines on emergency arrangements including first aid
of the installation (such as the turbines or hubs) which Major impact damage e.g. vessel and turbine
emergency service personnel do not always have. collision;
When this is the case, these circumstances will de- Bomb threat or sabotage.
mand a higher level of trained (first aid) personnel and
professional equipment present to ensure preserva- Emergency drills must be performed. These drills
tion of life and proper medical care until responsibility need to be evaluated to ensure correct and effective
can be handed over to the emergency services. emergency control. The ERP needs to be reviewed on a
regular basis and/or after major accidents and/or near
The Emergency Response Plan should be based on misses, and/or after any changes (e.g. in personnel,
the risk assessment, and should be project, turbine equipment etc.) and updated when necessary. Drills,
and site specific, as each workplace is unique. Differ- lessons learned and changes in the nature of work will
ent scenarios might occur that will require immediate have to be taken into account in these updates.
response from trained personnel and possibly external
services. All procedures and roles should be clearly As a final step in the emergency communication, a
defined for each possible scenario. Any third party or contact point for communication with the press and
external involvement should be communicated and other stakeholders during emergency situations is
agreed to in advance. advised.

Requirements for an Emergency Response Plan may Offshore

consist of, but are not limited to: Apart from the ERP for the Offshore wind farm itself,
Measures and resources for an emergency each vessel used at an offshore wind farm needs to
response; have an Emergency Response Plan in accordance
Scenarios that may occur at the workplace; with International Maritime Organisation regulations.
In addition to the overall requirements for the ERP, in
The tasks, responsibilities and authorities of all key
personnel involved in the emergency response; offshore situations, the locations of nearby installa-
tions that might be of assistance during emergency
Communication lines and numbers of all internal or
external parties during emergencies; situations have to be added to the ERP. An emergency
response cooperation plan should be communicated
Contact numbers of all third party emergency
to and agreed with the Coast Guard. The cooperation
plan states all arrangements and procedures should
Potential hazards;
external assistance be required and needs to be in
Locations of the sites most significant hazards; place prior to the beginning of activities.
Possible scenarios to be considered may include:
Abandonment; Points to be considered for the ERP offshore may
Rescue from height e.g. injured personnel inside include:
the nacelle; Turbine abandonment;
Emergency lock out of low voltage (LV) and high volt- The relevant emergency procedures;
age (HV) equipment; Medical evacuation (Medevac) procedure;
Fires e.g. from transformers or switchgears; Man overboard procedure;
Acute illnesses and personal injuries; Responsibilities during an emergency, such as first
Pollution; aid;
Extreme weather e.g. heavy rain and strong winds; Escape routes on board;
Unexploded ordenance (UXO), such as war explo- Vessel collision or grounding;
sives dumped in the sea ; Vessels not under command;

Working the wind safely: guidelines on emergency arrangements including first aid

Chapter 1: Emergency arrangements

Extreme weather; Factors to be considered when identifying the neces-

Emergency equipment on board; sary number of trained personnel and the required
Overview of all chemicals and fuels shall be provid- levels of training may include:
ed, by means of Material Safety Data Sheets; Identified hazards and risks;
Diving emergencies (if applicable); Location of site;
Crew/ personnel stranding. Expected response time of professional emergency

1.3 Training Holiday coverage;

Wounded first aiders/emergency responders (in
case of workers with additional FA/ER role).
In case of an emergency, all personnel have to be
aware of what is expected of them. It is the em-
ployers responsibility to make sure all personnel are 1.3.1 Offshore
sufficiently trained to perform their tasks during an
emergency situation in compliance with the ERP and During emergency response drills it is advised to
that all persons on site (workers or visitors) have been train with the vessels or other means of access and
informed about the emergency arrangements in place egress (e.g. helicopters) used for the offshore site.
(e.g. alarm signals, escape routes, location of fire In addition to valid training and certification, marine
fighting equipment, assembly points). All parties work- personnel should receive additional training specific
to the offshore wind project.
ing onsite are expected to participate in exercises.
Training and carrying out exercises is important as it
allows all personnel to become familiar with their roles 1.4 Provisions
and prepare for real emergency situations. In addition,
it shows whether existing procedures are satisfactory Locations of emergency provisions (e.g. fire fighting
and helps validate new procedures. equipment, emergency evacuation and rescue equip-
ment, and stretchers) must be clearly identifiable and
Training areas may include short, simple training accessible. These provisions should be checked and
(such as basic awareness for visitors); general train- maintained regularly (e.g. checked for deterioration of
ing (such as emergency training for all employees); equipment, expiry dates, completeness etc.) accord-
specialised training (such as for key personnel with ing to the legal requirements, the manufacturers or
specific responsibilities in the event of an emergency); suppliers instructions and the company policy and
and the training of teams (such as the crisis manage- risk assessment. Apart from the relevant certificates,
ment team). a maintenance document for the emergency provi-
sions needs to be in place. This maintenance docu-
For low risk work, it is recommended to have at least ment may include, but is not limited to: an overview
sufficient persons trained in fire fighting per a regular of the present emergency provisions, the person in
amount of employees present at any given time. If the charge of their maintenance and a maintenance plan.
risk assessment specifies that the risk of fire or the
need of emergency evacuation is high, a number of
persons trained for fire fighting and evacuation need
to be present to assure an effective and swift evacu-
ation of all present employees can take place. There
should be a sufficient number of trained personnel to
ensure there is adequate coverage at all times.

Working the wind safely: guidelines on emergency arrangements including first aid

First aid is defined as the provision of immediate Working at a remote site;

initial care in case of an accident or sudden illness. Whether workers work alone or in teams;
In most cases first aid is given by a non-expert, who The requirements for travel;
is trained and holds a recognised and valid certificate If other parties are working at that site;
in providing first aid care until a professional can take
Previous incidents;
over. Effective first aid will reduce the severity of inju-
The potential for injuries at the workplace;
ries and will save lives. The key element is to preserve
life until emergency services can take over. The necessary level of first aid provisions needed at
the employers workplace
According to EU Directive 89/391/EEC employers Sufficient redundancy to ensure adequate coverage
have the legal obligation to take the necessary by first aiders at all times.
measures for first aid, fire-fighting and evacuation of
workers and the number of the workers required 2.1.2 Offshore
to implement such measures, their training and the
equipment available to them shall be adequate, tak- Offshore wind energy projects can be more complex
ing account of the size and/or specific hazards of the and challenging than onshore, requiring a more robust
undertaking. risk assessment. At offshore wind farms, additional
factors such as extreme weather and extreme sea

2.1 Risk assessment conditions (e.g. storms and strong winds resulting in
high waves) should be taken into account when carry-
ing out the first aid risk assessment. Additional train-
Employers are obliged to carry out first aid risk as- ing for individuals may be required, depending on the
sessments to provide guidance in the requirements specificities of each project, its size and its location.
for first aid personnel and provisions at the workplace. The different phases of the wind farm should also
Employers are legally required for first aid, fire-fighting be considered, as each phase may demand different
and the evacuation of workers, to designate the work- arrangements. For example during the construction
ers required in implementing such measures, to keep phase, there is usually sufficient first aid provision
a record of the required number of first aiders and to due to the number of vessels and personnel on site.
ensure the required first aid provisions are in place. During the operational phase, there are usually fewer
During the first aid risk assessment the employer vessels so personnel are more self-reliant when it
needs to consider the hazards and risks that may oc- comes to emergencies and first aid.
cur in the workplace and provide actions to mitigate
those risks. Time is another important factor that should be con-
sidered (time needed to reach shore, time needed for
At minimum, the first aid risk assessment needs to medical help to arrive, etc.). Additionally, cooperation
take into account: and coordination between personnel (internal) and
The size of the organisation (e.g. number of persons between personnel and third parties (external) should
on site simultaneously); be considered. It must be ensured that injured people
The location of the site; are attended to by trained personnel and provided with
medical care at all times and throughout every stage
The response time for emergency services to that
site; of the emergency, from first aid up to the arrival of
professional help.
The type of work carried out at the workplace;
Vulnerable groups (e.g. young workers, pregnant
women, visitors, people with special needs etc.)
Hazards and risks at the workplace;

Working the wind safely: guidelines on emergency arrangements including first aid

Chapter 2: First aid

2.2 First aiders first aid materials needs to be in place. This mainte-
nance document shall include, but not be limited to:
an overview of the present first aid materials, the per-
All employers need to provide a sufficient numbers of son in charge of the maintenance, and a maintenance
first aiders. Dedicated first aiders need to be easily plan.
identifiable / recognisable during work hours.
Material and provisions required are based on the find-
During low risk activities there need to be enough ings of the first aid risk assessment. In addition, the
first aiders to cover the criteria mentioned in 2.1. The following should be considered:
outcome of the first aid risk assessment may indicate Defibrillators;
that the risks are high within the organisation. The Basic first aid kit (national requirements vary as to
employer needs to maintain an accurate and actual what should be contained in first aid kits, normally
list of all first aid contacts on the site. Factors that depending upon the type of risks faced and the size
need to be considered when identifying the necessary of the population that it covers);
number of trained personnel and the required levels First aid travel kit;
of training are: Area suitable for treatment;
Identified hazards and risks; Extended first aid equipment suitable to facilitate a
Location of site; rescue;
Expected response time of professional emergency Additional provisions such as survival kits (taking
services; into account environmental conditions).
Holiday coverage;
Wounded first aiders/emergency responders (in
2.3.1 Offshore
case of workers with additional FA/ER role).

The vessels used for offshore work are as a minimum

2.2.1 Offshore equipped with the legally required first aid provisions
on board. Based on the outcome of the first aid risk
Offshore wind farm sites are remote locations where assessment (see Chapter 2.1) these provisions will
a high level of self-reliance is expected of personnel. be supplemented with what is required for the specific
Most individual turbines are regarded as unmanned activity for which the vessel will be utilised.
structures. This may require higher levels of training,
including basic first aid training for all persons work-
ing offshore. Based on the risk assessment, when an
2.4 Training
offshore wind farm includes manned structures (e.g.
accommodation platforms) the presence of a trained
paramedic may be required. Vessels in this case are
not considered manned structures. The employer has the responsibility of carrying out a
risk assessment and informing personnel of the risks

2.3 Provisions and dangers they may face carrying out their work.
Additionally, the employer must ensure that the First
Aiders are sufficiently trained by recognised training
Workplaces must have first aid provisions in clearly institutes and will hold valid and recognised certifi-
identifiable and accessible boxes. First aid materials cates before the work commences. The training must
should be checked and maintained regularly (e.g. be suitable to provide necessary first aid after an
checked for deterioration of equipment, expiry dates, accident/incident at the workplace. It is considered
completeness etc.). A maintenance document for the good practice to provide the personnel with industry

Working the wind safely: guidelines on emergency arrangements including first aid
specific training if available. Employers with person-
nel that work in different countries should take into
account that certificates accepted by the authorities
of one country are not always accepted by the authori-
ties in another country. When deploying (temporary)
personnel to another country, employers are advised
to consult with local authorities regarding the accept-
ability of training certificates.

Task specific risk assessment could lead to additional

requirements. For specific activities in and around
the wind turbine generator, additional training may be
required (e.g. for working with hazardous energies like
hydraulics and electrical high and low voltage, work-
ing with chemicals, treatment of hypothermia and
after harness suspension). For personnel working on
electrical installations, additional training for the treat-
ment of electric shocks and burns is necessary.

First aid training must address, as a minimum, the

following topics:
Basic life support and resuscitation2 (CPR and
mouth to mouth resuscitation in accordance with
the guidelines of the ERC);
Control of bleeding, wound dressing;
First aid for minor injuries;
Common illnesses, seizures, eye injuries and heart

Training in working with an external defibrillator is recommended.

Working the wind safely: guidelines on emergency arrangements including first aid

Chapter 3: Summary


In all management systems, it is important to meas- these guidelines are summarised in the flow chart
ure the performance of all procedures, review and below. The chart provides a simple framework for the
audit all parts of the system, updating and amending employers. In practice, individual projects in different
accordingly with the aim of constant improvement. countries may have different communication lines.

The obligations of employers in the wind industry in

accordance with the EU Directive 89/391/EEC and


Documentation Audit
and organisation

Escape and Emergency

Design Evacuation Response Plan First aid risk
Manual (ERP) assesment

Emergency First aid

Training First Aiders
provisions provisions

Inspection and / evacuation Inspection and
maintanance Drills maintanance



Working the wind safely: guidelines on emergency arrangements including first aid
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4: Summary


Council Directive on the introduction of measures to GES

encourage improvements in the safety and health of GL Garrad Hassan
workers at work (89/391/EEC)
Global Energy Services Siemsa (GES)
Directive 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament
Humberside Offshore Training Association
and the Council on Machinery Provides the regu-
latory basis for the harmonisation of the essential LM Wind Power Service & Logistics
health and safety requirements for machinery. Mammoet Europe

Check applicable regulations in each EU member New Zealand Wind Energy Association
state. National regulations may include additional Nordex
details and requirements. Nordic Dive Enterprise
Members of the EWEA HSE Task Force: NOW Ireland (National Offshore Wind Association of
A2SEA Ireland)
ABB A/S NWEA (Netherlands Wind Energy Association)
Acciona Offshore Marine Management
Allianz Specialised Investments ReinosoConsultors Investment
Asociacin Empresarial Elica (AEE) Renewable Energy Systems Group
Ballast Nedam Offshore Energy RenewableUK
BreakBulk & Offshore Wind Terminal REpower systems
BTI Light Systems RES
Bundesverband WindEnergie (BWE) Romax Technology
BZEE Consult GmbH RWE Innogy
Chris Westra Consulting Seahealth Denmark
C-Power Siemens Wind Power
Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Sperian
Detam High Solutions SSE Renewables (Airtricity)
Deutsche WindGuard Offshore Statoil
DONG Energy Stiftung Offshore Windenergy
E.ON Swedish Wind Energy Association
ECN (Energy Research Centre) Syndicat des Energies Renouvelables
Ecofys Total Wind B.V.
EDF Energies Nouvelles Tractel Group - Tractel Benelux
EnBW Erneuerbare Energien GmbH VDMA Power Systems
Evelop International Visser & Smit Marine Contracting (VSMC)
Falck Nutec - Maritime & Offshore WAB (Windenergie-Agentur Bremerhaven/Bremen)
FEE - France Energie Eolienne Windhoist
Firetrace International WPD-Offshore France
France Energie Eolienne (FEE)
GE Energy
Germanischer Lloyd Industrial Services

Working the wind safely: guidelines on emergency arrangements including first aid


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