Secure Cost Effectual Multi-Cloud Storage in Cloud Computing
Secure Cost Effectual Multi-Cloud Storage in Cloud Computing
Secure Cost Effectual Multi-Cloud Storage in Cloud Computing
Secure Cost Effectual Multi-Cloud Storage in Cloud Computing
FEATURES: and dimension. Before delivery to the user, the video stream is
further compress into a proper transport stream.
System will notify user via email according to his/her interest. B. RESHAPER:
Let us suppose user search for particular data and it is not The input to the Reshaper is the encoded transport stream
available at that time. If after sometime it becomes available from transcoder. It performs some task on that data like chops
on Server then System will send notification to the user about it into segments, and then sends each segment in a burst to the
that data. Also User will receive notifications about all data mobile device upon its request. By performing this best power
according to his/her likes, daily visits, etc. efficiency of the device can be achieved. The burst size, i.e.,
the amount of data in each burst, is carefully decided
according to the network speed and capability of device.
Presently there are some web sites that contain same data or
videos but with different name. The System will implement C. SOCIAL CLOUD:
Data Integrity so that there wont be same data with different It is useful to store all the social data in the system. These
name. Data Integrity is implemented by frame matching. stored social data include the online statuses of all users,
Threshold Ratio of all data can be measured i.e how much information of the current sessions, and messages in every
percentage of data is same is measured and decision can be session. The social cloud is queried from time to time by the
taken whether to upload or not upload the data. VM surrogates.
Server Administrator can set data accessibility. It includes It resides in each surrogate in the IaaS Cloud. It is the Client
Options like public and private. If data accessibility is public side Component of the Social Cloud. The Messenger
then anyone can see the data while private option is totally periodically queries the social cloud for the social data on
opposite to that of public that is only selected users can watch behalf of the mobile user and pre-processes the data into a
the video. light-weighted format (plain text files), at a much lower
frequency. The plain text files in XML formats) are
asynchronously delivered from the surrogate to the user in a
Online user can suggest or recommend particular data to traffic-friendly manner, i.e., little traffic is incurred. In the
his/her friends who are online at that particular instant. Thus, reverse direction, the messenger disseminates this users
Social Video Streaming on Linux Powered Smartphones messages (invitations and chat messages) to other users via
using Cloud Services provides social interaction with the data the data store of the social cloud.
to the user.
The Android Device should be compatible with HTML5 and
IV. ARCHITECTURE: supports the HTTP Live Streaming Protocol. These
Diagram gives overview of data accessing on Linux powered requirements are mostly satisfied by almost all Android
devices using cloud services. As you can see there will be Mobile phones.
Surrogate also known as Virtual Machine (VM) for each
Online User. The Surrogate acts an intermediate between user
and video source. There is a gateway server in Social Video V. ALGORITHMS:-
Streaming on Linux Powered Smartphones using Cloud 1. RC6:
Services keeps track of participating users and their VM In Cryptography, RC6 stands for Rivest Cipher 6 and it is a
surrogates, which implementation can be done by standalone symmetric block Cipher. It is preceed by RC 5. The RC 6 was
server or VMs in the IaaS cloud. invented by Ron Rivest ,Matt Robshaw , Ray Sidney, and
Yiqun Lisa Yin. It is designed to meet the requirements of the
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Competition..
Basically RC 6 is an Encryption Algorithm. RC 6 in proper
format has a block size 128 bits and support key sizes
128,192,256 bits. But as it is modified version of RC 5 it can
be parameterised to support a wide variety of word-lengths,
key sizes, and number of rounds.RC6 is similar to RC5 using
data-dependent rotations, modular addition, and XOR
operations. In RC6 does use an extra multiplication operation
not present in RC5 in order to make the rotation dependent on
every bit in a word, and not just the least significant few bits.
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-4, Issue-2, February 2016
// Output: Ciphertext stored in A, B, C, D services. We conclude results prove the superior
// performance of SCEMS, in terms of transcoding efficiency,
// '''Encryption Procedure:''' timely social interaction, and scalability. In SCEMS, users
can import a live or on-demand video to watch from any video
B = B + S[0] D = D + S[1] streaming site, invite their friends to watch the video or share
for i =1 to r do data concurrently.
{t =(B*(2B +1))<<< lg w
u =(D*(2D +1))<<< lg w
A =((A t)<<< u)+ S[2i] REFERENCES:-
C =((C u)<<< t)+ S[2i +1] [1] CloudMoV: Cloud-Based Mobile Social TV Yu Wu, Zhizhong Zhang,
(A, B, C, D)=(B, C, D, A)} Chuan Wu, Member, IEEE, Zongpeng Li, and Francis C. M. Lau, Senior
A = A + S[2r +2] Member, IEEE 2014
[2] A Novel Mobile Video Streaming and Efficient Social Video Sharing in
C = C + S[2r +3] the Clouds Satbige Ashavini, Prof. Ms. Asha. S (IJETR)
// '''Decryption Procedure:''' [3] Z. Huang, C. Mei, L. E. Li, and T. Woo, Cloudstream: Delivering
C = C - S[2r +3] high-quality streaming videos through a cloud-based SVC proxy, in
A = A - S[2r +2] Proc. INFOCOM11, 2011, pp. 201205
[4] S. Kosta, A. Aucinas, P. Hui, R. Mortier, and X. Zhang, Thinkair:
for i = r down to 1do
Dynamic resource allocation and parallel execution in the cloud for
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u =(D*(2D +1))<<< lg w [5] T. Coppens, L. Trappeniners, and M. GodAmigoTV: Towards a social
t =(B*(2B +1))<<< lg w TV experience, in EuroITV, 2004.
[6] N. Ducheneaut, R. J. Moore, L. Oehlberg, Thornton, and E.Nickell,
C =((C - S[2i +1])>>> t) u
Social TV: Designing distributed, sociable television viewing, Int. J.
A =((A - S[2i])>>> u) t} HuComput. Interaction, vol. 24, no. 2, pp.136154, 2008.
D = D - S[1]
B = B - S[0]
Encoding flexibility:
Different mobile devices have differently sized displays,
customized playback hardwares, and various codecs.
Traditional solutions would adopt a few encoding formats
ahead of the release of a video program. But even the most
generous content providers would not be able to attend to all
possible mobile platforms, if not only to the current hottest
models. SCEMS customizes the streams for different devices
at real time, by offloading the transcoding tasks to an IaaS
Battery efficiency:
The burst transmission mechanism makes careful decisions
on burst sizes and opportunistic transitions among high/low
power consumption modes at the devices, in order to
effectively increase the battery lifetime.
Spontaneous social interactivity:
Multiple mechanisms are included in the design of SCEMS to
enable spontaneous social, co viewing experience.
A prototype SCEMS system is implemented following the
philosophy of Write Once, Run Anywhere (WORA): both
the frontend mobile modules and the backend server modules
are platforms implemented in 100% Pure Java Our
prototype can be readily migrated to various cloud and mobile
with little effort.
The Project will go to implement highly social interactions.
Users can interact with data as well as simultaneously they can
chat with other users who are online at that instant. Special
Features like data integrity, data recommendatory etc are also
provided in the system introduced in Project. It is potentially
provide an ideal platform to support the desired mobile