Cognitive Reading Strategies With Starters
Cognitive Reading Strategies With Starters
Cognitive Reading Strategies With Starters
What text and/or picture clues can help I think this will be about _____ because . . .
Maki ng me here? I think _____ is going to happen next.
Predictions What background knowledge do I have I predict that . . .
that will help me with this text?
_____ make me think that _____ will
What will I learn? happen.
Strategic readers think
Were my predictions correct? I thought ____ was going to happen, but
about what’s going to
happen and make How did making the prediction help me _____ happened instead.
predictions based on with this reading? I’m guessing this will be about ___.
what they know and What will happen next?
what they have read. Since ____ happened, I think ___ will
My predictions were right/wrong
because . . .
What is the message or big idea of this At first I thought ___, but then I thought
Determini ng text? ___.
What in the text makes me think about My latest thought about this is ___.
What’s the big idea? I’m getting a different picture here because
Imp ortant How did my thinking about the meaning ___.
of the text change as I read? What this means to me is . . .
How can I relate the big idea to events So, the big idea is . . .
Strategic readers think or experiences in my own life?
about the text’s big A conclusion I’m drawing is . . .
idea or message and
This is relevant to my life because . . .
why it’s important.