Essential Cognitive Strategies For Content Literacy
Essential Cognitive Strategies For Content Literacy
Essential Cognitive Strategies For Content Literacy
Content Literacy
Graphic or visual representations help the Active readers monitor how well they Teaching students to summarize has a Good readers have questions when they read.
learner understand and remember what understand what they are reading as they positive effect on their comprehension. It is as important for readers to ask and get
they have read and help prepare the read. If material is difficult, they engage For some students this is the most answers to their own questions as it is for
learner to write. in strategies to help them understand. difficult strategies to learn. them to answer the teacher questions.
A work in progress by Eileen Pracek, 7/05 (References include: Teach them All to Read by Elaine K. McEwan , Corwin Press, 2002; CReating Independence through Student-owned Strategies from Project CHRISS
(1996); Report of the National Reading Panel: Teaching Children to Read, Subgroup Reports)