Lean Maintenance Roadmap
Lean Maintenance Roadmap
Lean Maintenance Roadmap
Procedia Manufacturing 2 (2015) 434 444
Maintenance shares significant operating costs in an organisation. It is considered as a main pillar of the organisational
performance. Lean thinking can be incorporated into maintenance activities through applying its principles and practices. Lean
maintenance is a prerequisite for lean manufacturing systems. The exhaustive literature review has been conducted to collect the
up-to-date maintenance strategies and activities, lean principles and practices in the lean maintenance process. The scope of this
paper includes eight types of waste (non-value added maintenance activities), maintenance value stream mapping and a scheme
of lean maintenance practices. The output of this paper is a proposed roadmap to apply lean thinking in a maintenance process.
2015 The
The Authors.
B.V.This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of MIMEC2015.
Selection and Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of MIMEC2015
Keywords: Maintenance strategies; lean manufacturing; lean maintenance; maintenance value stream mapping; lean maintenance roadmap
1. Introduction
Maintenance has become a significant contributor towards achieving the strategic objectives of organizations in
todays competitive markets [1]. Maintenance process is for serving the production facilities to guarantee high
productivity [2]. The process comprises planned and unplanned actions carried out to retain a physical asset to the
acceptable operating condition [3]. It aims at increasing the value of the reliability, safety, availability and quality of
a production plant, equipment or building in economic costs. Over the previous decades, maintenance role has been
considered as a necessary evil from the management of an organization. For these organizations, maintenance
operation is limited to corrective function that executed in emergency conditions. However, this attitude is no longer
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 8 830 21269; Fax: +61 8 830 22252.
E-mail address: Sherif.Mostafa@mymail.unisa.edu.au
2351-9789 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of MIMEC2015
Sherif Mostafa et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 2 (2015) 434 444 435
acceptable and maintenance role is recognized as a strategic element of revenue generation for organizations. This
role is affecting some critical elements in a production plant including product quality, safety requirements and
operating budget levels of an organization [4].
The cost of maintenance activities could be ranged from 15% to 70% of the total production costs [1, 5]. The cost
is considered as the second largest after energy costs of the operational budget [6]. In the United States, the
estimated cost of maintenance increased from $200 billion in 1979 to $600 billion in 1989. Maintenance activities
account for, on an average, 28% of the total cost of finished goods [7]. The machinery has become highly automated
and very technologically complex (i.e. depends on sensor-driven management systems that provide alerts, alarms
and indicators). Consequently, maintenance costs are expected to be even higher in the future. The maintenance
costs are directly proportional to the downtime (DT). The DT is the time interval when equipment/system is down
until it is back to normal working condition [8]. The increasing of DT is due to the Non-Value Added (NVA)
activities or wastes within the maintenance operations. One of waste elimination strategies is the application of lean
thinking in all activities between suppliers and customers (value stream). The first step in lean integration is to
identify the customer value and the NVA. Under a maintenance value stream, any maintenance service is considered
as a final product. The lead time in the maintenance value stream is presented as DT.
Investigation into the applicability of lean principles in maintenance in the previous research is minimal. Davies
and Greenough (2010) emphasized on the necessity of conducting more research on applying lean manufacturing
principles in maintenance operations. The recent studies have attempted to relate lean thinking with the maintenance
strategies. Ghayebloo and Shahanaghi [9] formulated a model to determine the minimal level of maintenance
requirement and satisfying reliability level through using the lean concept. Tendayi and Fourie [10] used a combined
approach of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to evaluate the importance
of a set of maintenance excellence criteria and prioritize the lean tools against these criteria. Soltan and Mostafa [11]
introduced a framework for measuring maintenance strategies based on lean and agile components, i.e. waste
removal and responsiveness. However, an integrative structure of lean thinking (e.g. principles, practices, waste
identification and value stream mapping) within the maintenance activities has not been fully established. The
shortcoming provides an opportunity for this paper to propose a proposed roadmap for lean integration in the
maintenance process. This paper adopts the hypothesis of Womack and Jones [12] that lean principles can be
applied to any sector.
The structure of this paper is organized into six sections. The next section is literature review on maintenance
strategies and activities, and lean principles and practices within the maintenance process. The third section
demonstrates the research methodology. The fourth section discusses the maintenance process from lean
perspectives. This includes maintenance value stream mapping, eight types of non-value added activities occurred in
the maintenance process and lean practices for maintenance activities. The fifth section proposes a scheme for lean
maintenance practices. The scheme is structured into two levels: the four bundles and 26 lean practices. The last
section contains a conclusion of the paper and proposals for future research.
2. Research Methodology
The two main objectives of this paper are: 1) to identify and document maintenance strategies and activities, and
2) to develop a proposal for a roadmap of lean maintenance. To achieve these objectives, the paper employed a
systematic review of literature in order to explore the publications related to lean manufacturing concepts,
maintenance strategies and maintenance activities. The literature review consists of three stages including: 1)
establishing search criteria, resources screening and, extracting and synthesizing the selected resources; 2) grouping
and analyzing lean manufacturing and maintenance strategies; and 3) developing a lean maintenance roadmap. In
the first stage, the resource selection criteria were established to determine the timeframe of the selected literature
works and suitable databases. It was decided that the literature reviewed in this study was to be obtained from the
year 2000 to 2015 from main academic databases namely ScienceDirect, EBSCOhost, Emerald Insight,
IEEEXplore, Inderscience, ProQuest, Sage Full Text Collections, Springer, and Taylor and Francis. In resource
screening, the search terms restricted to the title and key words containing lean maintenance, lean principles and
436 Sherif Mostafa et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 2 (2015) 434 444
maintenance, and lean practices and maintenance were utilized to lead to the potential publications. The initial
results revealed 114 articles that had potential to be included in this study. After adjustment for duplications, the
literature was examined for relevancy to the study. This process involved scrutiny of the abstracts from the obtained
articles. The examination results of literature showed 50 related articles to this study. To extract and synthesize the
selected literature works, thematic analysis was employed to identify, analyze, interpret and report the related data to
the research [13]. The filtered articles were explored to conceptualize the phenomenon under the study. According
to Joffe [14], this type of analysis discerns issues associated to the studied topic. As a result, this stage allowed the
concepts and knowledge on lean maintenance to be grouped according to specific themes. In the second stage, the
concepts of lean manufacturing and maintenance extracted from the selected literature works were grouped and
analyzed to identify relationships and missing links between lean practices and maintenance strategies. The results
obtained from this stage contributed to development of the lean maintenance roadmap in the next stage (Stage 3).
3. Research findings
From thematic analysis applied, the concepts related to lean maintenance were grouped and reported in four
categories: maintenance strategies, maintenance activities, lean manufacturing and lean maintenance. Each result
category is discussed below:
Maintenance includes all activities required to keep an asset at maximum operating condition. The activities are
generally carried out according to a certain maintenance strategy. The maintenance strategies have been developed
in the same direction to the development of manufacturing systems [15]. In the early days, maintenance had been
mainly concentrated around corrective maintenance. This was the perception for that maintenance as a necessary
evil (i.e. repairs and replacements were tackled when needed and no optimization) as well as lack of awareness on
the downtime. Later, maintenance became a full-scale function, instead of production sub-function. At the present
time, maintenance management becomes a complex function, encompassing technical and management skills, while
still requiring flexibility to cope with the dynamic business environment. Maintenance strategies have gradually
changed from preventive maintenance (including Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) and Time-Based
Maintenance (TBM)), Design-Out Maintenance (DOM) and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). The
classification of maintenance strategies based on the time of maintenance activities and failure include corrective
maintenance, preventive maintenance, and design-out maintenance [16]. In the corrective maintenance, the
intervention of maintenance activities is performed after the failure occurrence. On the other hand, the intervention
is before the failure occurrence in the preventive maintenance. Maintenance strategies can be diversely categorized.
Interchangeable names have been demonstrated in the existing literature. The most common three strategies are
discussed below.
Maintenance is defined as a combination of technical, administrative and managerial activities during the life
cycle of an item. It aims to retain or restore its functional state [24]. The maintenance strategies consist of a set of
sequential maintenance activities [25]. Most common maintenance activities can be listed as:
x Inspection: check for conformity by measuring, observing, or gauging the relevant characteristics of an asset.
x Monitoring: manual or automatic activities performed to observe the actual state of an asset. It evaluates any
changes in the parameters of the asset with time.
x Routine maintenance: regular elementary maintenance activities which usually do not require special
qualification, authorization(s) or tools such as cleaning, tightening of connections, checking liquid level, and
x Overhaul: a comprehensive set of examinations and actions carried out in order to maintain the required level of
availability and safety of the asset. An overhaul may be performed at prescribed time intervals or number of
operations, and may require a partial or complete dismantling of the asset.
x Rebuilding: action following the dismantling of the equipment and the repair or replacement of those components
that are approaching the end of their useful life and/or should be regularly replaced. The objective of rebuilding is
normally to provide the equipment with a useful life that may be greater than the lifespan of the original
x Repair: physical action taken to restore the required function of faulty equipment. It includes fault diagnosis, fault
correction and function check-out.
Lean means efficient use of the available resources by cutting the non-value added (NVA) activities [26]. Lean
manufacturing is a collection of practices that work together synergistically to create a streamlined, high quality
system that produces finished products at the pace of the customer demand [27]. Waste is defined as any activity
that adds cost to a product or service without adding value from a customers perspective. Waste may be identified
in three major types: unobvious waste, less obvious waste and obvious waste [28]. de Treville and Antonakis [29]
identified obvious waste examples such as unnecessary inventory, unneeded processes, excessive setup times,
438 Sherif Mostafa et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 2 (2015) 434 444
unreliable machines, and rework. They argued that the less obvious waste occurs as result of variability sources such
as process times, delivery times, yield rates, staffing levels and demand rates. Ohno [30] identified seven original
types of waste within the Toyota Production System (TPS). Womack and Jones [12] added the eighth type of waste.
The discussion of each waste type is as following:
1. Overproduction: producing items too much or too soon, resulting in excess inventory
2. Defects: frequent errors in paperwork or material/product quality problems resulting in scrap and/or rework
3. Inappropriate processing: using inappropriate set of tools, procedures or systems, often when a simpler
approach may be more effective.
4. Excessive transportation: excessive movement of information or materials, resulting in wasted time and cost
5. Waiting: long periods of inactivity for people, information or goods, resulting in poor flow and long lead times
6. Unnecessary motion: poor workplace organization, resulting in poor ergonomics, e.g., excessive bending or
stretching and frequently lost items
7. Excess inventory: excessive storage and delay of information or products, resulting in excess inventory and
costs, leading to poor customer service
8. Underutilization of employee: Unused employee creativity and skills to improve the processes and practices
this refers to wasting the available knowledge, experience or skill of the staff/workforce by under-employing
them or not using them in the proper department.
Lean maintenance term was coined in the last decade of the 20 th century. Smith [31] defined lean maintenance as
a proactive maintenance operation employing planned and scheduled maintenance activities through total
productive maintenance (TPM) practices using maintenance strategies developed through application of reliability
centered maintenance (RCM) decision logic and practiced by empowered (self-directed) action teams... Lean
maintenance generates a desirable outcome by minimizing consumption of inputs [32]. Lean maintenance represents
adopting lean principles into the Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) operations. It could reduce unscheduled
downtime through optimizing maintenance support activities and maintenance overhead. The lean tools are
representing the lean principles for the implementation process [33]. To effectively achieve lean maintenance
improvement, key lean tools such as Value Stream Mapping (VSM), 5S, visual management need to be employed
[31, 32]. A comprehensive lean tools developed for maintenance activities within an organization include 5S, TPM,
overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), Kaizen, Poka-Yoke, process activity mapping, Kanban, computer managed
maintenance system (CMMS), Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) system and Takt time [31, 34].
Despite the benefits of lean maintenance mentioned earlier, the literature review conducted for this paper found
that previous research works on investigating the applicability of lean principles into maintenance were marginal.
This proposition has been mentioned in Davies Davies and Greenough [34] emphasizing on the necessity of
conducting more research on practically applying lean manufacturing principles in maintenance operations. It was
discovered that the previous studies mainly focused on ranking the maintenance strategies based on some specific
scope. Ghayebloo and Shahanaghi [9] formulated a model for determining the minimal level of maintenance
requirements and satisfying reliability level through the use of the lean concept. Tendayi and Fourie [10] used a
combined approach of quality function deployment (QFD) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to evaluate the
importance of maintenance excellence criteria and priorities the lean tools up on these criteria. The latest study of
Soltan and Mostafa [11] introduced a framework for measuring maintenance strategies based on lean and agile
components, i.e. waste removal and responsiveness. However, the study cannot provide sufficient practical
application of lean concept in the maintenance process. The paucity of practical application in the existing lean
maintenance studies provides an opportunity for this paper to expand the prevailing knowledge into a new roadmap
for lean integration in the maintenance process.
Sherif Mostafa et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 2 (2015) 434 444 439
This section introduces an attempt to propose a roadmap for adopting lean thinking into the maintenance process.
The roadmap adopts the hypothesis of Womack and Jones [12] that lean principles can be deployed to all
organizations. Lean principles have been increasingly extended to industrial and service sectors. This is known as
lean thinking which refers to the thinking process of lean [35, 36]. The roadmap proposed in this paper is designed
based on the five lean manufacturing principles stated by Womack and Jones (2003) as demonstrated in Figure 1.
Some authors including Karim and Arif-Uz-Zaman [37] developed lean implementation methodology based on the
five lean principles. Mostafa et al. [33] stated that lean practices/tools represents lean principles in the
implementation process.
g 1.
1 Proposed lean maintenance roadmap
The roadmap introduced in this paper could be considered as a beginning step for integrating lean principles with
maintenance processes. It can be used for different purposes: for an organization pursuing to transfer lean to its
maintenance department or other organizations starting lean transformation from the maintenance department. The
roadmap is more flexible and can be adjusted according to any maintenance strategy. It could be worked
simultaneously and complementary with previous roadmap developed for shop floor area. As the roadmap is
comprehensive for the maintenance processes.
The proposed roadmap is divided into five stages as shown in Figure 1. Specify the value is the first stage that
focuses on defining an organization maintenance system including activities, maintenance planning, strategies and
maintenance crew. This stage also defines the employees training on lean maintenance wastes. The second stages is
to identify the value stream. This includes all maintenance related activities and processes. The stage starts by
mapping the maintenance value stream then locating the wastes sources. This stage ends with setting equipment
performance measures such as availability, overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), and Mean-Time-Between-
Failures (MTBF). The third stage is to flow the value through waste network analysis then waste practices analysis.
This stage document the current state gap of the maintenance department.
440 Sherif Mostafa et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 2 (2015) 434 444
The fourth stage is to confirm that the equipment is pulling the value through all maintenance processes. The
execution of lean principles takes place in this stage. The stages involves some steps including reconfigure the VSM
or design the future stream map, selection of lean best practices, develop the lean transformation strategy, and
evaluate the OEE. The last stage is to pursue the waste elimination from maintenance processes. This could be
achieved through auditing the lean maintenance results, standardize the lean practices and procedures, teams and
employees developments and expand the lean practice. The following subsections explain the five major aspects of
the proposed roadmap.
VSM is used for visualizing the flows of information and material within the supply chain. VSM primarily helps
an organizational management to recognize different forms of waste and its sources. One key metric of VSM is
value added time percentage which measures Value Added (VA) activities with Non-Value Added (NVA) activities
[38]. Standard icons for drawing the current and future VSM are available in Sullivan et al. [39]. These icons should
be modified to fit the maintenance activities. They could represent all maintenance activities once the machine is
down until it gets maintained and becomes up. These can be machine down, communication the problem,
identification and allocation of the resources, generation the maintenance orders, fixing and testing the machine.
The first step in lean maintenance is to identify types of the waste in maintenance process [34]. The core concept
of lean manufacturing is eliminating the seven cardinal forms of waste. This concept can be helpful in maintenance
as well as in production. The seven cardinal types of waste in the maintenance process can be discussed in the same
manner as in the eight waste types identified in the production system [34, 40].
x Unproductive maintenance: performing preventive maintenance (PM) and predictive maintenance (PdM) tasks at
intervals more often than optimal results in the overproduction of maintenance work.
x Waiting for maintenance resources: the production department is waiting for maintenance personnel to perform
the maintenance service. It involves waiting for tools, parts documentation and buy extra tools and store them
near the job location.
x Centralized maintenance: centralization of the MRO stores that are far from the job, commonly used repetitive
parts that have not been kitted, documentation that must be hunted down, and work orders for machines that are
not available all cause excess transportation. Therefore, maintenance personals spend more time in motion and
transportation which does not add value to the process.
x Poor inventory management: the MRO inventory contains needed materials and spares. Additionally, work in
process inventories may be used to ensure availability of required materials. Inventory for a maintenance
operation also includes the work order backlog. Excessive inventory of maintenance work results in slow
response, unexpected breakdowns, and a high reactive labour percentage.
x Unnecessary motion: the wasted motion is usually concentrated around preventive maintenance tasks. Doing
inspection monthly on a pump that has not changed status in three years should be extended longer to quarterly,
semi-annually, or annually depending upon the criticality of that piece of equipment.
x Poor maintenance: performing incorrect repair is a source of poor maintenance. Incorrect maintenance requires
several repeated times to complete the repair job correctly. This affects the maintenance cost and the quality of
the product. Applying proper training and detailed procedures can assist in poor maintenance elimination.
x Ineffective data management: collecting unnecessary data or inadequate collection of important data such as
failure rate, root causesetc.
x Under-utilization of resources: maintenance technicians do NVA works.
Sherif Mostafa et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 2 (2015) 434 444 441
Reducing the NVA activities within maintenance can be accomplished through implementing lean practices [41].
The lean practices that suit the maintenance activities have been stated in previous studies. Smith and Hawkins
(2004) identified the key lean tools including VSM, 5S, and visual management. Davies and Greenough (2010)
developed a comprehensive lean tools template that represented possible lean activities within the maintenance
process within an organization. The tools included 5S, TPM, OEE, standards, mapping, inventory management and
visual management. Okhovat et al. [42] suggested six lean tools that fitted within the maintenance processes of an
organization. These tools include visual control, 5S, seven wastes, Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) and
Poka-Yoke (mistake proofing). Clarke et al. [40] targeted eight lean maintenance practices as a preparation for
delivering lean project objectives in a pharmaceutical organization. A list of the references that includes lean
maintenance practices are demonstrated in Table 1. The most frequently stated lean maintenance practices are
briefly explained below.
be matched against the workload, equipment items, and availability. Parts and supplies must be procured in advance,
in a well-planned fashion, to complete maintenance tasks on schedule [48].
4.3.3. 5S
5S is a structured housekeeping and workplace organization program involving everybody in a work area. 5S
consists of five activities: sort, straighten, shin, standardize and sustain. The 5Ss are used to identify the hand tools,
fixtures and spare parts that operators can locate, use and return them quickly, easily, and efficiently [49].
must be captured on a work order8 hours on the job equals 8 hours on work orders. Types of work orders include
categories such as planned/scheduled, corrective, emergency, etc. The work orders can be a primary tool for
managing labour resources and measuring department effectiveness [31].
5. Conclusion
Maintenance management is a critical issue amongst management activities of manufacturing organization. It has
rapidly grown into a very complex undertaking as technologies, competition, and product characteristics evolve. In
order to achieve world-class performance, the maintenance strategies should be linked to manufacturing strategies
such as lean and agile manufacturing. Selection of an effective maintenance strategy keeps a high degree of
utilization, reliability, and availability of manufacturing facilities especially in continuous production process.
Further, the effective maintenance strategies reduce the scrap of materials, spare parts, and equipment. This paper
introduces a proposed roadmap to apply lean thinking in the maintenance process. The eight types of non-value
added maintenance activities have been included. A package of icons have been designed using Edraw Max
Software to capture the maintenance activities. The icons have been used to draw the current value stream map of
the maintenance process in an organization. Moreover, the value stream map locates the sources of waste in order to
design the future state map. A scheme has demonstrated lean maintenance practices in two levels: the four bundles
contains JIT, TQM, HRM and TPM. Practices are assigned under each bundle. The scheme allows a measure of the
lean maintenance performance in an organization using multi-criteria decision making (MCDM). Moreover, the
scheme can be used to measure the association between the eight types of maintenance waste and the lean
maintenance practices. It can be concluded that the success of the lean maintenance depends on the application of
each bundle.
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