Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton
daughter of a successful businessman, Sextons childhood was materially
comfortable but not happy. Her relationships with her parents were
difficult, perhaps even abusive. Sextons closest confidante was her
maiden great-aunt. She attended boarding school and after graduation
enrolled in Garland Junior College for one year. Sexton later described
Garland as a finishing school. At age 19, she married Alfred
Kayo Sexton II. While Kayo was serving in Korea, Anne became a
fashion model. In 1953, she gave birth to her first child and in 1955,
her second. Sexton suffered from post-partum depression, and after the
birth of her first daughter she suffered her first breakdown and was
admitted to a neuropsychiatric hospital. Other institutionalizations
followed. Sexton struggled with depression for the remainder of her
life. She committed suicide at age 46.
To Bedlam and Part Way Back, Houghton, 1960.
All My Pretty Ones(also see below), Houghton, 1962.
Selected Poems, Oxford University Press, 1964.
Live or Die(also see below), Houghton, 1966.
(With Thomas Kinsella and Douglas Livingstone) Poems, Oxford
University Press, 1968.
Love Poems(also see below), Houghton, 1969.
Transformations, Houghton, 1971.
The Book of Folly, Houghton, 1972.
O Ye Tongues, Rainbow Press, 1973.
The Death Notebooks, Houghton, 1974.
The Awful Rowing toward God, Houghton, 1975.
45 Mercy Street(published posthumously) 1976.
The Heart of Anne Sextons Poetry(contains All My Pretty Ones,
Live or Die, and Love Poems), three volumes, Houghton, 1977.
Words for Dr. Y: Uncollected Poems with Three Stories, edited by
L. G. Sexton, Houghton, 1978.
Complete Poems, 1981, Houghton, 1981.
Selected Poems of Anne Sexton, edited by Diane W. Middlebrook and
Diana H. George, Houghton, 1988.
Love Poems of Anne Sexton, introduction by Middlebrook, Houghton,
The Complete Poems,introduction by Maxine Kumin, Mariner Books,
Further Readings
Berry, S. L., Anne Sexton, Creative Education, 1997.
Concise Dictionary of American Literary Biography: The New
Consciousness, 1941-1968,Gale, 1987.
Contemporary Authors Bibliographical Series,Gale, Volume 2, 1986.
Contemporary Literary Criticism,Gale, Volume 2, 1974, Volume 4,
1975, Volume 6, 1976, Volume 8, 1978, Volume 10, 1979, Volume 15,
1980, Volume 53, 1989.
Dictionary of Literary Biography,Volume 5: American Poets since
World War II, Gale, 1980.
George, Diana Hume, Oedipus Anne: The Poetry of Anne Sexton,
University of Illinois Press, 1987.
Hungerford, Edward, editor, Poets in Progress, Northwestern
University, 1967.
McClatchy, J. D., editor, Anne Sexton: The Artist and Her
Critics, Indiana University Press, 1978.
Middlebrook, Diane Wood, Anne Sexton: A Biography, Houghton, 1991.
Northouse, Cameron and Thomas P. Walsh, Sylvia Plath and Anne
Sexton: A Reference Guide, G. K. Hall, 1974.
Phillips, Robert, The Confessional Poets, Southern Illinois
University Press, 1973.
Sexton, Linda Gray, Searching for Mercy Street: My Journey Back
to My Mother, Anne Sexton, Little, Brown, 1994.
Atlantic,November, 1962.
Centennial Review,spring, 1975.
Christian Science Monitor,September 1, 1960.
Commonweal,Volume 118, November 8, 1991, p. 635.
Concerning Poetry,spring, 1974.
English Journal,Volume 83, March 1994, pp. 92, 96.
Epoch,fall, 1960.
Harper's,September, 1963.
Hollins Critic,June, 1984.
Hudson Review,winter, 1965-66.
Los Angeles Times,May 3, 1986.
Moons and Lion Tailes,Volume 2, number 2, 1976.
Ms.,March, 1974.
Nation,February 23, 1963; September 14, 1974; November 21, 1981;
March 23, 1992, p. 385.
New Boston Review,spring, 1978.
New Republic,November 22, 1969; October 16, 1971; November 11,
1981; Volume 205, November 4, 1991, p. 32.
Newsday,March 23, 1975.
New Statesman,June 16, 1967; Volume 4, November 15, 1991, p. 46.
Newsweek, Volume 118, July 29, 1991, p. 54.
New Yorker,April 27, 1963.
New York Review of Books,June 6, 1968.
New York Times,March 8, 1969; October 28, 1969; November 2, 1969;
November 9, 1969; September 27, 1971; May 18, 1988.
New York Times Book Review,April 28, 1963; May 30, 1976; July 25,
1976; November 26, 1978; October 18, 1981; August 18, 1991, p. 20.
Observer Review,May 14, 1967.
Paris Review,spring, 1971.
Parnassus: Poetry in Review,Volumes 12-13, numbers 1-2, 1985.
Poetry,February, 1961, May, 1967.
Punch,July 5, 1967.
Reporter,January 3, 1963.
Saturday Review,December 31, 1966.
Shenandoah,summer, 1967.
Society,Volume 29, January-February 1992, pp. 9, 12.
Time,Volume 138, September 23, 1991, p. 76.
Times Literary Supplement,May 18, 1967.
Village Voice,November 6, 1969.
Virginia Quarterly Review,winter, 1967.
Washington Post Book World,November 22, 1981.
AB Bookman's Weekly,December 2, 1974.
New York Times,October 6, 1974.
Publishers Weekly,October 28, 1974.
Time,October 14, 1974.
Washington Post,October 6, 1974.