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3103 PDF
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IS : 3103- 1975
( Reaffirmed 1999 )
Indian Standard
( First Revision )
UDC 628.83:725.41
@ Copyright,1976
Indian Standard
( First Revision )
Functional Requirements in Buildings Sectional Committee, BDC 12
Chairman Representing
DrREo!F ) ( Allcrnate )
Directorate Geaeral of Observatories, New Delhi b
DIRECTOR ( ARCHITECTURE ) Central Public Works Department
SHRIMATI E. S. GHUMAN Indian Institute of Architects, Bombay
SBRI J. M. BENJAMIN ( Alternate )
SHR3 R. G. GOKHALE In personal capacity ( Nitman Bhavan, flew Delhi )
SHRI J. C. KAPUR Danfoss ( India ) Ltd, New Delhi
SKRl B. D. KaHIRSAQAK Ministry of Defence
SHRI L. R. LALLA ( Alternate )
SRRI G. C. MATRUR National Buildings Organization
SHRI M. M. MISTRY ( Alternate )
DR V. NARASIMHAN Central Building Research Insritute( CSlR ), Roorkee
SHRI M. R. SHARMA ( Alternate )
SHRI J. R. OVALEKAR Narional Safety Council, Bombay
SHR~ N. RAWAVAN ( Altenate )
SHRI M. M. PANDE Voltas Ltd, Bombay
SHRI R. N. PAWAR Directorate General of Health Services. New Delhi
SHRI S. PURU~HOTHAMA Ministry of Labour, Employment & Rehabilitation,
New Delhi
PROP RATTAN KUMAR University of Roorkre . .
SHRI S. SURBA RAO All India Insritute of Hygiene & PubI& Health,
SHRI A. V. RAO ( Altcrnnte )
SHRI SAYED S. SHAFI Institute of Town Planners, Nrw Delhi .
SHRI D. P. SHARMA ( Alternate )
( Continued up #age,? !
@ Copvrighf 1976 I
This publication ts protected under the In&n Coplrigk Act ( XIV of 1957 ),and
reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission 01 the
publisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the raid Act.
IS : 3103- 1975
page 1 )
( Continuedfrom .
Members Re@resenting
Assistant Director ( Civ Engg ), ISI
Indian Standard
( First Revision )
0.1 This Indian Standard ( First Revision ) was adopted by the Indian
Standards Institution on 3 1 December 1975, after the draft finalized by the
Functional Requirements in Buildings Sectional Committee had been
approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council. .
0.3 This standard covers ventilation of industrial buildings only and was
first published in 1965. The present revision was taken up with a view to
incorporate necessary provisions regarding control of heat hazards due to
various processes in the industry. Some of the significant changes made
are given in 0.3-l.
0.3.1 In this code certain new definitions have been 4ded. The range
of recommended capture velocities and_ the piovisions for orientation of
buildings have been included. The design considerations for ventilation,
provisions for mechanical ventilation have been modified: The require-
ments for ventilation of buildings, natural ventilation and positive ire&la-
tion have also been modified. :
1s t 3103- 1975 ,.
0.4.The current practice in this country regarding the threshold limit
values for contaminants ( see 2.21 and 4.5.1 ) is to refer to the latest pub-
lication of the American conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists.
1.1 Thii standard covers certainbasic requirements re ardiag safe design,
installation, operation, testin and maintenance of ven Pilating systems with
respect to general vent&i0 a and wherever appropriate dilution ventila-
tion for industrial process; This standard also briefly describes measures
to reduce the heat hazards due to industrial processes.
2.0 For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions shall apply.
2.1 Air change per Hour - The volume of outside air allowed into a
room in one hour compared with the volume of the room.
2.7 Aria1 Flow Fan - A fan having a casing in which the air enters and
leaves the impeller in a direction substantially parallel to its axis.
2.4 Centrifugal Pan-A fan in which the air leaves the impeller in a
direction substantiaily at right angles to its axis.
I _
2.5 $hk&mmts .l_ Dusts, fumes, gases, mists, vapours and such, other
substances present in air are likely to be injurious or offensive to the
2.6 XIihntion Ventiktiom - Supply of outside air to reduce the airborne
concentration of contaminants in the building.
fS : 3103 - 1975
2.8 Exhaust of Air- Removal of air from a building and its disposal
outside by means of mechanical device, such as a fan.
2.9 General Ventilation - Supply of outside ai.r either by positive
ventilation or by infiltration into the building.
2.10 Humidification - The process whereby the absolute humidity of
the air in a building is maintained at a higher level than that ofoutside air
or at a level higher than that which would prevail naturally.
2.11 Humidity Absolute - The weight ofwater vapour per unit volume.
2.12 Humidity Relative - The ratio of the actual to the partial pressure
of the water vapour at the same temperature.
2.13 Local Exhaust Ventilation - Ventilation effected by exaust of air
through an exhaust appliance, such as hood with or without fan located as
closely as possible to the point at which contaminants are released so as to
capture effectively the contaminants and convey them through ducts to a
safe point of discharge.
2.14 Make Up Air - Outside air supplied into a building to replace the
air removed.
2.15 Mechanical Ventilation - Supply of outside air either by positive
ventilation or by infiltration by reduction of pressure inside due to exhaust
of air, or by a combination of positive ventilation and exhaust of air.
2.16 Natural Ventilation - Supply of outside air into a building through
window or other openings due to wind outside and convection effects
arising from temperature or vapour pressure differences ( or both) between
inside and outside of the building.
2.17 Positive Ventilation - The supply of outside air by means of a
mechanical device, such as a fan.
2.18 Propeller Type Fan -A fan in which the air leaves the impeller in
a direction substantially parallel to its axis designed to operate normally
under free inlet and outlet conditions.
IS : 3103 - 1975
3.1 Solar Load Factors - In the tropics orientation for minimum solar
load during summer should be the main criterion. Wherever appropriate,
orientation to avoid the solar heat during summer and to take the desir-
able *heat during winter should be preferred.
3.1.1 Wherever possible suitable sun-breakers have to be provided to cut
off the incursion of direct sunlight to prevent heat radiation and to avoid
4.1 General - Ventilation is required to supply fresh air for respiration,
to dilute inside air to prevent vitiation by body odours, to remove any
contaminants in air and to provide such thermal environments as will
assist in the maintenance of heat balance of the body in order to prevent
discomfort and injury to health of the occupants.
4.1.1 Respiration - Supply of fresh air to provide oxygen for the human
body for\elimination of waste products and to .maintain carbon dioxide
concentration in the air within safe limits rarely calls for special attention
as enough outside air for this purpose normally enters the areas of occu-
pancy through crevices and other openings.
4.1.2 Vitiation by Body Odours - Where no contaminants are to be
removed from air, the amount of fresh air required for dilution of inside
air to prevent vitiation by body odours, depends on the air space available
per person and the degree of physical activity; the amount of air decreases
as the air space per person increases, and it may vary from 20 ma to 30 ms
per person per hour. In rooms occupied by only a small number of person
such an air change will automatically be attained in cool weather by
normal leakage around windows and other openings and this may easily
be secured in warm weather by keeping the openings open. Recommended values for air changes - No standards have been
laid down under the Factories Act (1948), as regards the amount of f&h
air required per worker or the number.of air changes per hour. Set tion.
16 relating to overcrowding requires that at least 14 ms to 16 ma of space
shall be provided for every worker and for the purpose of that section no
account shall be taken of spaces in a work room which is more than425 m
above the floor level.
1s : 3103- 1975
/ , 3s : 3103- 1975
30 29.0
35 285
40 28.0
45 27.5
50 27.0
NATE 1 -The .limits indicated in the ta.ble are baaed on the upper safe limits
recommended in the report Thermal Stress on Textile Industry ( Report No. 17 )
issued by the Chief Adviser Factories, Government of India, Ministry of ,Labour and
Employment, New Delhi; these are hmits beyond which the industry should not allow
the thermal conditions to go for more than one hour continuously. The limits are
based on a series of studies conducted on Indian subjects in a psychrometric chamber
and on other data on heat casualties in earlier studies conducted in Kolar Gold Fields
and elsewhere.
NOTE 2 -Figures given in the table arc not intended to convey that human efficiency
at 50% will remain the same as at 30% provided appropriate wet bulb temperatures
are maintained. Efficiency decreases with rise in the dry bulb temperature for a
given wet bulb temperatures attained and efforts should be made to bring down the
dry bulb temperatures as well, as much as possible. Long exposures to temperature
of 50% dry bulb/27*C wet bulb may prove dangerous.
lighly reflecting surface between the source of heat and the worker so
:hat a major portion of the heat falling on the shield is reflected back to
.he source. Surfaces, such as, of tin and aluminium have been used as
materials for shields. The efficiency of the shield does not depend on its
thi&ness but on the reflectivity and emissivity of its surface. Care should
be taken to see that the shield is not heated up by conduction and for this
purpose adequate provision should be made for the free flow upwards of
the heated air between the hot surface and the shield by leaving the
necessary air space and providing opening at the top and the bottom of
the sides.
4.3 Ventilation of Buildings - In the case of an industrial building
having a significant internal heat Ioad due to manufacturing processes, the
following items may be considered when designing for the maximum
possible control of thermal environment:
a) Orientation of the building with respect to the direction of the
prevailing winds and of the path of the sun in the sky and to the
location of adjoining buildings.
b) Configuration of the building and the manufacturing processes
in it.
c) Proper inlets (windows and other openings) and their location
with respect to outlet openings.
d) Mechanical ventilation including selection and disposition of fans,
inlet grilles and arrangement of ducts.
In the case of industrial buildings wider than 30 m, the ventilation
may be augmented by roof ventilation.
4.3.1 The volume of air required shall be calculated by u$ng both the
sensible heat or latent heat as the basis. The larger of the two figures
obtained should be used in actual practice. Volume of air required for removing sensible heat when the
amount of sensible heat given off by different sources namely the sun, the
manufacturing processes machinery, occupants and other sources is known
and a suitable value for the allowable temperature rise is assumed, the
volume of outside air to be provided for removing the seniibie heat may
be calculated from:
3462 X K,
Ql= t
QI = quantity of air in ma/h,
K-8 = sensible heat gained in kcal/h, and
t = allowable temperature rise in C.
1s : 3103- 1975
m OC
6 3 LO 4.5
9 4.5 to 6.5
12 6.5 to 11
Nozx I -The conditions are limited to light or medium heavy manufacturing pro_
cesses, freedom from radiant heat and inlet openings not more than 3 to 4.5 m above
floor level.
NOTE 2 - At the working zone between floor level and 1.5 m above floor level, the
recommended maximum allowable temperature rise for air is 2 to 3% above the air
temperature.at the inlet openings.
_ Volume of aif required for removing latent heat - If the latent
heat gained from the manufacturing processes and occupants is also
known and.a suitable value for the allowable rise in the vapour pressure
is assumed:
4 800 x kl
Q2= h
Qz = quantity of air in ms/h,
kl = latent heat gained in k Cal/h, and
h = allowable vapour pressure difference in mm of mercury.
NOTE - In majority of the cases the sensible heat gain will far exceed the latent
heat in so that the amount of outsideair to be drawn by ventilatingequipmentcan
be ca $c&ted in most cases on the basis of the equation given in
IS : 3103- 1975
work zone with adequate velocity, will provide the desired heat relief
quite independently of the ceiling height of the space, with few exceptions.
Ventilation rates of 30 to 60 ms/h/ma have been found to give good results
in many plants.
IS : 3103- 1975
1s : 3103 - 1975
IS : 3103 - 19Y5
4.3.6 Fresh air shall be free from organic matter and deleterious
inorganic dust and fume, and should be drawn from areas where the air
is not likely to be polluted or vitiated; where necessary, the air should be
efficiently filtered.
IS : 3103- l!n5
confine the contaminants as much as possible and openings for access shall
be located, wherever possible, away from the natural path of the contami-
nants travel. When an exhaust appliance is provided to enclose the point
at which contaminants are released, the volume of air required is cal-
culated from the area of openings and the capture velocity sufficient to
prevent outward escapement. In other cases, the volume of air required
and pattern of air flow in front of the exhaust appliance shall be such that
the capture velocities necessary to overcome air currents and convey the
contaminants by causing the air recommended capture velocities are
listed out in Table 3.
is : 3103- 1915 The exhaust outlets and the air supply inlets shall be so located
that air passes through the zone of contamination with the points at which
the contaminants are released between the worker and the exhaust outlets.
The workers should not stand too close to the zone where contaminants
are released. If the rate of vapour generation of rate of liquid evaporation
is known, the dilution air requirements is calculated from:
Air required in ma/kg 24 x lo8 x k
of evaporation
= molecular weight of liquid X 7LV
k = constant varying from 3 to 10 depending on solvent in
question, uniformity of air distribution, dilution of vapours
in air, location of exhaust plant and its proximity to
evolved vapours, and
TLV = Threshold Limit Value of the solvent
4.5.3 Make-Up-Air- Sufficient make-up-air shall be brought into the
work room by natural infiltration or by positive ventilation at suitable
points in relation to the exhaust points to replace the air exhausted by
local exhaust ventilation or by dilution ventilation, and the air may be
efficiently filtered or treated, when necessary.
5.1 Location - Fans and other equipment may be located in convenient
positions considering the intake of fresh air, accessibility for maintenance
and noise control.
5.1.1 Where the exhaust of air laden with inflammable dusts, gases or
vapours is conveyed through ducts, the electric motor and fan shall be
situated outside in such a way that an explosion will not vent into the
work room. The fan should be of non-sparking construction and the
motor, if not located outside the air stream, should be of flame proof
5.2 Ducts -Where positive ventilation requires ducts for proper air
distribution considerable advantage may be achieved by incorporating the
ducts into the building structure and by having the interior surfaces care-
fully finished to render them smooth and air-tight and treated. to prevent
the possibility of dust being scoured from the walls by the passing air.
For removal of corrosive or dust laden contaminants, ducts shall be pro-
tected against corrosion and erosion and shall be installed for easy
inspection, maintenance, repair and replacement.
5.2.1 Where metal duct work is installed, it shall conform to IS : 655-
IS : 3103 - 1975
6.1 All parties concerned shall agree to the objects of test, methods and
duration of test, degree of accuracy required and state of ventilating
equipment under test. The plant should be run dllring normal working
hours and adjusted properly 1:rior to the test.
IS : 3103- 1975 When areas of inlet and outlet openings are unequal, A given
in equations under and will be the smaller area and the
volume of air will be increased according to the percentage given in Fig. 1. Ventilation by combined effect of wind outside and tempera-
ture difference may be evaluated as follows:
a) Calculate the amount of outside air by methods given under
b) Express the amount ofair due to method as a percentage
of the total, and
c) Use Fig. 2 to determine actual flbw caused by the combined effect
of both.
IS : 3103 - 1975
6.3 Air Movement - Turbulent air movement at the workixig zone may
be measured either by Kata thermometer ( dry silvered type ), heated
therm0 anemometer or properly calibrated thermocouple anemometer.
Kata thermometer and heated thermometer give cooling, power rather
than the velocity of air, and the rate of air movement is found out
from the cooling power by reference to a nomogram using the ambient
6.4 Tolerances - The rate of air llow as measured in the duct or at a
grille either by positive ventilation or exhaust of air shall be within
16 percent of the amount required.
6.4.1 Variation of air flow through filters and grilles shall not at any
l time be more than f 20 percent of the mean value.
*Code of pracsite for elecuical wirtig %staliations ( system voltage not exceedirlg
650 volts ) ( revised ) .
tCode of practice for electrical wiiing insfallaiions (system voltage exceeding
650 volts).
$Code of ppctide for fire safely of buildings (general ) electrical installations.
20 .
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