Paul Lafargue - La Religion Del Capital
Paul Lafargue - La Religion Del Capital
Paul Lafargue - La Religion Del Capital
The Religion
of Capital
By Paul Lafargue
A Satirical Exposure
of Capitals Claims
to Sanctity
Published by the
New York City
Are You a Reader of the
Weekly People?
upon the capitalist clasv for a chance to earn a
living as long as you allow that class to retain its
autocratic hold on industry. If you would attain
That Is to Say, An Instruction, to be Inculcated in the
Working People from Early Life.
Q. Fhat is your name?
A. Wagelvorker.
Q. \Tho are thy parents?
.4. My father was called Wageworker; my mothers
name is Poverty.
Q. Vhere wast thou born?
il. In a garret untlcr the roof of a tenement housewhich
my father and his comradesbuilt.
Q. Khat is thy religion?
d. The I?eligion of CAPITAL.
Q. What general duties does thy religion enjoin upon
thee ?
A. Two principally: first, the duty of Abnegation;
second, the duty of Toil. Xv religion commands me to
abdicate my rights to all property on earth, that common
mother of us all, to the treasures she bears in her womb.
to the product of her surface, to her wonderful fertilitv
through the light and the heat of the sun; it commands
me to abdicate my rights of property in the product of
the labor of mv hands and my brain. My religion com-
mands me to toil from early childhood to mv dying day-
to toil by sun light, gas light, or electric light, by day and
by night; to toil on the earth, under the earth. and in the
waters that are under the earth; to toil everywhere and
Q. Does thy religion lay upon thee any other duties?
A. It lays upon me the further duty of self-denial and
privation ; to still my hunger only partially ; to pinch all
my physical wants; and to suppressall my mental aspira-
Q. Does thy religion forbid thee to taste of certain
articles of food?
A. It forbids me to touch game, poultry and meat un-
less they arc of fourth rate quality, and it forbids me to
taste at all the better qualities of fish, wine or milk.
Q. What food does it aIlow thee?
A. Bread, potatoes, beans, herrings, the refuse of the
butcher shops and also sausages. To the end that I may
stimulate my exhausted strength, it also allows me adul-
terated wines, beer and similar liquors.
Q. What duties does thy religion lay upon thee wit11
regard to thyself?
A. To retrench my expenses, to live in narrow and
spare rooms, to wear torn, tattered and patched up clothes,
until they actually fall off my body in shreds. To go
about out at toes and heels and without stockings, exposed
to the wet and the soilure of the streets and roads.
Q. What duties does thy religion lay upon thee with
regard to thy family ?
A. To deny my wife and daughters all ornaments of
elegance and good taste ; to cause them to be dressedin
rude materials and with barely enough to escape being
hauled up by the police for indecent exposure. To teach
them not to shiver in the winter in calicos, and not to
smother in the summer in close or topfloor rooms, under
tin roofs heated with the heat of the Dog Days. To in-
culcate in my littlc ones. from their tenderest years, the
sacred principle of toil, to the end that they may be able
to earn their living from earlp childhood, and not become
a burden upon society: to teach them to go to bed without
a light and supperless: and to accustom them to the
misery that is their lot in life.
Q. What duties doesthy religion lay UPOL thee with re-
gard to society ?
A. To increase the national weaIth-first through my
Ultima Verba.
1. I am CAPITAL, the King of the earth.
2. I strut about with Falsehood, Envy, Covetousness,
Deception and Murder as My bodyguard. I carry war into
cities and famiIies. Wherever I passI sow Rage, Despair,
and Hopelessness.
3. I am the pitiless God. I feel well in the midst of
strife and suffering. I butcher the wageworkersand do not
spare even My chosenones, the Capitalists.
4. The wageworker is unable to tear himself from Me.
When, like the hunted deer, he flees before Me beyond the
mountains, he finds Me there ahead of him ; when he, try-
ing to escapeMe, crossesthe ocean,he finds Me waiting for
him on the shoreswhere he lands. The wageworker is *My
prisoner; the earth is his prison.
5. I smite the Capitalists with a dull and stupid sense
of well-being. My chosen ones are physical and mental
eunuchs. Their descendantsrun out into idiocy and impo-
6. I pour over the Capitalist everything that is desir-
able, but I deprive him of every wish. I load his board
with the most toothsome viands, but I deprive him of ap-
petite. I throw upon his bed the handsomestand youngest
of women, but their caressesare unable to fire his ex-
hausted body. Everything in the world cloys him-tired
and feelingless, he yawns away his life. He longs for noth-
ing, yet is he afraid of death.
7. According as it may please Me, and in ways that
man is unable to fathom, .I fall upon My chosenones, and
hurl them down into the hell of wage-slavery.
8. Capitalists are My tools. I use them as a cat-of-a-
thousand-tails to scourgethe herd of the wageworkers with. .
I raise My chosenones to the highest places in society, and
yet I despisethem.
9. I am the God, who moves the world and upset the
brains of men.
10. The poet of antiquity has prophesied the era of
C?pitalism. He sang: As yet ill is mixed with good ; yet
the day will come when there will be neither family bonds.
nor justice, nor virtue. Hades and Nemesiswill reascend
to heaven, and then there will be no cure for the-ill.
That day has come; like unto the ravenous sharks of the
seasand the wild beastsof prey in the woods, men now de-
vour one another without pity.
11. I laugh at the wisdom of man, Work, and vou will
have plenty; work and pour locker will be filled, so
saith ancient wisdom. But I say unto you: Work,
and want and misery will be your faithful compan-
ions ; work, and you will carry to the pawnbroker your last
bit of furniture.
12. I am the God, who revolutionizes the nations of the
world. I bend the mighty under my leveling voke.
13. The day Socialism should come into power, that
day would be supremacy of the God CAPITAL be at end.
That gloomy day I, CAPITAL, would ceaseto rule the world,
I would become the slave of the workingman whom I
hate. He would no longer kneel before Me, his own handi-
work, he would rear himself erect on his feet, and, on earth,
recognize only Nature as his sovereign mistress.
14. Woe will be Me and My chosen ones should that day
ever dawn.
Confession of Faith.
I believe in CAPITAL, the ruler of body and mind.
I believe in PROFIT, His Right-hand Bower, and in
CRJZDIT, His Left-hand Bower, both of which proceed from
and are one with Him.
I believe in GOLD and SILVER, which, melted in the cru-
cible, cut up into bullion, and stamped in the mint, make
their a.ppearance in the world as coin, but, after having
rolled over the earth, and being found too heavy, descend
into the vaults of the BANKS, and reascend in the shape of
I believe in DIVIDENDS, in 5 per cents, 4 per cents and 3
per cents, and also in smaller per cents, that are shaved
from notes.
I believe in NATIONAL DEBTS, which secure CAPITAL.
against the risks of trade, industry, and the fluctuations of
the money market.
I believe in PRIVATE PROPERTY, the fruit of the labor of
others; and I also believe in its existence from and for alI
I believe in the necessity of &snnY-the furnisher of
wage slaves,and the mother of surplus labor.
I believe in the eternity of the WAGE SYBTEM, which
setteth the workingman free from all the cares of holding
I believe in the EXTENSION of the hours of work, and in.
the REDUCTION of wages; and I also believe in the adul-
teration of goods.
I believe in the holy dogma: BUY CHEAP AND SELL.
DEAR, and thereby in the fundamental principles of our
sacrosanct Church, as revealed by professional Political!
Economy. Amen.
Hail unto The, oh MISERY ; Thou art full of grace. Thou
dost oppressand bend the workingman ; Thou dost torture,
his entrails with perpetual hunger, and Thou dost con-
demn him to sell his life and his freedom for a~pieee-&
bread. Thou dost break the spirit of rebellion, and Thou
dost consecrate the proletarian, his wife and his children
to hard labor for life in the capitalist penitentiaries, called
factories, mills and mines. Hail unto thee, blessed
&?oration of Gold. .
GOLD,wonderful merchandise, who tarriest within Thy-
self all other merchandises;
GOLD, first-born merchandise, who converted au 0th
merchandises into Thyself;
Thou, who weighest and measured everything;
Thou, the completest, most ideal personification of the
Thou, the noblest, most wonderful element of Nature;
Thou, who canst be tainted by neither worm, mildew nor
rust ;
GOLD,unchangeable merchandise, blooming flower, bril-
liant ray of light, luminous sun, Thou immaculate metal,
who, torn from the entrails of the earth, the noble mother
of all things, turnest Thyself away, buriest Thyself in the
safes of usurers, and the vaults of Banks, and from that
place of concealment, where Thou liest in large heaps,
transferrest Thv power to common, wretched paper to the
end that it mul&ply and increase tenfold;
GOLD, inert metal, that settest the world jn motion, be- .
fore Thy brilliant majesty mankind has bent the knee for
centuries, and has humbly adored Thee !
Oh, bestow Thy godlike grace upon the faithful, who in-
voke Thee, and, to possess Thee, sacrifice everything-honor
and virtue, the esteemof mankind, the love of woman, their
soul, the children of their Own marrow and bone-and
who are not held back even by their own self-respect!
GOLD, Thou supreme, invincible, all-conquering power,
Oh, hearken unto our prayer!
Thou builder of cities and destroyer of empires; Thou
load-star of Morality ; Thou custodian of Conscience;
Thou, who dictatest laws to the nations, and who bendest to
Thy yoke Congressesand Parliaments, Presidents, Kings
of Emperors ;
Oh, hem-kenunto our prayer!
Thou, who purchasest the decisions of Judges, and the
votes of Congressmen;
Oh, hearken unto our prayer!
Thou, who callest into being flowers and fruits, nn-
known to Nature ; Thou, who spreadest.vice and virtue;
Thou, who quickened art and luxury ;
Oh, hearken unto our Prayer!
Thou, who smilest upon the Capitalist in his cradle, and
who frownest and maltreatest the proletarian on the lap of
his mother ;
Oh, hearken unto our prayer!
GOLD, Thou tireless wanderer, who are versed in all ras-
,cality and in all the tricks of scoundrelism.
Incline Thine ear toward us!
Thou interpreter of all tongues ; Thou most skilful of
all pimps; Thou resistless seducer; Thou standard of man ;
Oh, incline Thine ear toward v..s!
Thou Messenger of Peace and Herald of Strife; Thou
Jdistributer of leisure and, of excessive toil; Thou staff of
virtue and of corruption ;
Oh, incline Thine ear Toward us!
GOLD, Thou who are cursed and invoked in numberless
prayers ; who art honored by Capitalists and loved by pros-
Oh, incline Thine ear toward us!
Thou, who startest evil and good; Thou, who art the for-
tune and misfortune of man ; Thou, who healest the sick,
and who art balm to all pain ;
Oh, incline Thine ear toward us!
Thou, who bewitchest the world, and confusest the hu-
man intellect; Thou, who turnest uglinessinto beauty, and
dullness into cleverness; Thou, who reconcilest all things ;
who makest shame and dishonor estimable. and renderest
theft and prostitution respectable;
Oh, incline Thine ear toward us!
Thou, who heapest upon cowardice the glory that be-
longs to bravery; Thou, who securest to ugliness the hom-
age that belongs to beauty ; Malignant wizard, who pro-
cure& to senility and impotence the love that belongs to
yen and vigor ;
Incline Thine ear toward US!
Demon, who in&test to murder, and lettest insanity
Oh, incline Thine ear toward U-S!
Job Capitalist, A Bankrupt.
CAPITAL, my God and my Master, why hast Thou turned
Thy countenance from me.? What sin have I committed
that Thou shouldst cast me from the heights of prosperity,
and plague me with the burden of poverty ?
2. Have I not lived according to Thy laws? Were my
actions not agreeableto the Law and the Statute?
3. Canst Thou charge me with ever having worked?
Have I not tasted al1 pleasures, which my millions and my
Translated by Arnold Petersen
56 Pages