Free Wifi
Free Wifi
Free Wifi
Information GOES
and Communications Technology (ICT) Offices Free
Wi-Fi Internet Access in Public places project will be including class one and
two municipalities in its roll out, in order to better reach the class three to six
municipalities which were the original target beneficiaries of the project.
The decision to include class one and two municipalities initially stemmed
from the low participation in the procurement of providers for the original
967 beneficiary municipalities. A reason cited by the providers was the low
price of Allocated Budget for Contract (ABC) for the various municipalities.
According to Undersecretary Louis Casambre of the ICT Office, We intend to
increase the budget allocation for Municipal Connectivity for the project, by
around 50%, likewise, we will also be including class one and two
municipalities in order to better reach classes three to six, the ones who
need Internet connectivity the most. The total number of beneficiary
municipalities now stands at 1,435.
Usec. Casambre further stated that providers would need to upgrade and
expand their communications infrastructure in order to serve far flung areas,
and with class one and a municipalities included it would be easier for them
to reach the poorer communities. Tenders are currently being prepared for
the new municipalities with the new budget, and they should be available
within the month. Usec. Casambre added. According to the Project
Management Team, 1.6 billion pesos was added to the 2015 unobligated
funds for the 2016 budget.
The Free Wi-Fi in public places project will install wireless Internet access
points in public places such as, town plazas, parks, government offices,
health units, and transport terminals including train stations, seaports and
airports. World bank studies have shown that every 10% increase in
broadband Internet penetrations translates to 1.38 percent increase in a
countrys gross domestic product (GDP) growth.
DOST Secretary Mario G. Montejo is hopeful that with the increased budget,
industry will better participate in the program, We are looking forward to
providing connectivity through our private sector partners especially in the
rural areas. With Internet connectivity readily available, their lives can be
enhanced with better access to weather information, education, agricultural
resources, commerce, e-government services, as well as employment,
through online jobs Sec. Montejo said.
Domestic Internet connectivity to the 14 major cities of the project which will
act as hubs for the project was already been awarded to a joint venture
between Innove & Yondu Inc. While connectivity to the international Internet
was awarded to PLDT, connectivity to various municipalities was awarded to
WIT, Converge ICT Solutions and a joint ventue between AZ Communications
and Omniprime. While the System and Management and Access component
of the project which will oversee the nationwide network of access points and
provide the hardware necessary was awarded to Abratique and Associates
Inc. which will be utilizing CISCO equipment to deliver connectivity to the end
users .