Glossary of Chartering Terms
Glossary of Chartering Terms
Glossary of Chartering Terms
The following are generally accepted code terms used internationally in the shipping community
AGW All going well
AAAA Always Afloat, Always Accessible
AARA Amsterdam-Antwerp-Rotterdam Area
ABT About
ADCOM Address Commission
AFSPS Arrival First Sea Pilot Station (Norway)
AFFREIGHTMENT The hiring of a ship in whole or part
AFT At or towards the stern or rear of a ship
AHL Australian Hold Ladders
ANTHAM Antwerp-Hamburg Range
APS Arrival Pilot Station
ARAG Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp-Gent Range
A/S Alongside
ATDNSHINC Any Time Day/Night Sundays and Holidays Included
ATUTC Actual Time Used To Count
BAF Bunker Adjustment Factor
BALLAST Heavy weight, necessary for the stability of a ship not carrying cargo.
BBB Before Breaking Bulk
BDI Both Dates Inclusive
BENDS Both Ends
BI Both Inclusive
BIMCO Baltic and International Council
BL Bill of Lading
BM Beam
BOB Bunker on Board
BOFFER Best Offer
BROB Bunkers Remaining on Board
BSS Basis
B S S 1/1 Basis 1 port to 1 port
BT Berth Terms
BWAD Brackish Water Arrival Draft
CBM Cubic Meter
CBFT Cubic Feet
C&F Cost and Freight
C&F FO Cost & Freight Free Out
CHOPT Charterers Option
CHTRS Charterers
CIF Cost, Insurance & Freight
CKD Completely knocked down
COA Contract of Affreightment
COACP Contract of Affreightment Charter Party
COB Closing of Business
COD Cash on Delivery
COGSA Carriage of Goods by Sea Act
CONS Consumption
COP Custom Of The Port
CP Charter Party
CPD Charterers Pay Dues
CPT Carriage Paid To
CQD Customary Quick Dispatch
CR Current Rate
CROB Cargo Remaining on Board
CRN Crane
CST Centistoke
CTR Container Fitted
DAPS Days All Purposes
DAMFORDET Damages for Detention
DDU Delivery Duty Unpaid
DDP Delivery Duty Paid
DEM Demurrage
DHDATSBE Dispatch Half Demurrage on All Time Saved Both Ends
DHDWTSBE Dispatch Half Demurrage on Working TIme Saved Both Ends
DISCH Discharge
DK Deck
DOP Dropping Outward Pilot
DOT Department of Transportation
DNRCAOSLONL Discountless and Non-Returnable Cargo and/or Ship Lost or Not Lost
DRK Derrick
DWAT Deadweight
EC East Coat
EIU Even if used
ELVENT Electric Ventilation
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
ETC Estimated Time of Completion
ETD Estimated Time of Departure
ETS Estimated Time of Sailing
EXW Ex Works
FAS Free Alongside Ship
FCA Free to Carrier
FDEDANRSAOCLONL Freight Deemed Earned Discountless & Non-Refundable Ship &/or Cargo Lost Or Not Lost
FDESP Free Dispatch
FDD Freight Demurrage Deadfreight
FDIS Free Discharge
FEU Standard 40' Container
FHEX Fridays, Holidays Excepted (Muslim Countries)
FHINC Fridays, Holidays Included (Muslim Countries)
FILO Free In/Liner Out
FIOS Free In & Out & Stowed
FIOST Free In & Out, Stowed & Trimmed
FIOT Free In & Out & Trimmed
FIW Free In Wagon
FMC Federal Maritime Commission
FMS Fathoms
FO Fuel Oil
FOB Free On Board
FOG For Our Guidance
FOQ Free On Quay
FOQ Free On Truck
FOW Free On Wharf
FWAD Fresh Water Arrival Draft
FWDD Fresh Water Departure Draft
FYG For Your Guidance
FYI For Your Information
GA General Average
GLS Gearless
GNCN General Conditions
GN Grain
GO Gas Oil
GRD Geared
GRT Gross Restricted Tonnage
GSB Guaranteed Safe Berth
GSP Good Safe Port
GTEE Guarantee
HA Hatch
HDLTSBENDS Half Dispatch Lay Time Saved Both Ends
HDWTS Half Dispatch Working Time Saved
HMS Heavy Metal Scraps
HO Hold
HW High Water
IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
IMO International Maritime Organization
IND Indication
IU If Used
IUHTAUTC If Used, Half Time Actually to Count
I WL Institute Warranty Limits
LAT Latitude
LOA Length Overall of the Vessel
LW Low Water
LYCN Laycan (Layday Cancelling Date)
MB Merchant Broker
MDO Marine Diesel Oil
MOLCHOPT More or Less Charterers Option
MOLOO More or Less Owners Option
MT Metric Ton
M/V Motor Vessel
NAABSA Not Always Afloat but Safely Aground
NCB National Cargo Bureau
NOR Notice of Readiness
NRT Net Restricted Tonnage
NYPE New York Produce Exchange
OO Owners Option
OSH Open Shelter Deck
OWS Owners
PC Period of Charter
PCGO Part Cargo
PCT Percent
PDPR Per Day Pro-rated
PHPD Per Hatch Per Day
PRATIQUE License or permission to use a port
PWWD Per Weather Working day
RCVR Receivers
ROB Remaining on Board
RT Revenue Ton
SATPM Saturday P.M.
SB Safe Berth
SD Single Decker
SELFD Self Discharging
SF Stowage Factor
SHEX Sundays, Holidays Excepted
SHINC Sundays, Holidays Included
SL Bale (capacity)
SOC Shipper Owned Container
SOF Statement of Facts
SP Safe Port
SRBL Signing and Releasing Bill of Lading
SSHEX Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Excluded
SSHINC Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Included
STEM Subject to Enough Merchandise
SUB Subject (to)
SWAD Salt Water Arrival Draft
SWDD Salt Water Departure Draft
TC Time Charter
TEU Standard 20' Container
TTL Total
TW Tween Decker
USC Unless Sooner Commenced
UU Unless Used
UUIWCTAUTC Unless Used In Which Case Time Actually Used To Count
VPD Vessel Pays Dues
WIBON Whether In Berth Or Not
WIFPON Whether In Free Pratique Or Not
WCCON Whether Customs Cleared Or Not
WIPON Whether In Port Or Not
WLTOHC Water Line-To-Hatch Coaming
WOG Without Guarantee
WP Weather Permitting
WWD Weather Working Day
WRIC Wire Rods In Coils
WWR When, Where Ready
YAR York Antwerp Rules
A1 First class
ABDNT Abandonment
ABT About
ABV Above
ACCOMM Accommodation
ACDG According
ACK Acknowledge
ACKGT Acknowledgement
ACPT Accept
ADV Advise
AE After End
A/E Auxiliary Engine, Accept/Except
AFF Affirmative
AGCY Agency
AGD Agreed
AGN Again
AGT Agent
AGW WP UCAE All going well weather permitting unforeseen circumstances always excepted
AI In the meantime
ALRDY Already
ALW Allowance
AM Above Mentioned
AM, TLO & EXS American TLO disbursements clauses including excess liability
AMDT Amendment
AMT Amount
ANS Answer
ANTE Before
APMT Appointment
APORT Airport
APPD Approved
APPLN Application
APPT Appoint
APPTD Appointed
APR April
ARD(ARND) Around
ARGMT Arrangement
ARVD Arrived
A/S Alongside
ASBA TANK VOY Association of Ship Broker & Agents Tanker Voyage charter party
ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations
ASF As Follows
ASGD(ASG) Assigned
ASGMT Assignment
ASSN Association
ASSO Associate
ASST Assistant
ATT Attached
ATTD Attendant
ATTN Attention
AVE Avenue
BALTWOOD Chamber of Shopping Baltic Wood Charter, 1926, Adopted For Leningrad Trade
BAREBOAT CHTR Bareboat Charter-Owners lease a specific ship and control its technical
BCAUS Because
BDLS Bundles
B'DOWN Breakdown
BEACON Chamber of Shipping British North American (Atlantic) Wood Charter Party 1914
BEG Beginning
BG Bag, Being
BGE Barge
BI Both Inclusive
BIA British Insurance Association
BKD Booked
BKGD Background
BKGE Breakage
BL1 Bale
BLDG Building
BLNC Balance
BLR Boiler
BLS Bales
BN Been
BP Booking Prospect
BRL Barrel
BRKGE Brokerage
BS Boiler Survey
BSS Basis
BT Berth Terms
BTB Back To Back
BTM Bottom
BTWN Between
BUNDLING This is the assembly of pieces of cargo, secured into one manageable unit.
This is relevant to items such as Structural Steel, Handrails, Stairways etc. Whilst
this is a very flexible description, a rule of thumb is to present cargo at a size easily handled by a large
(20 ton) fork lift truck.
BUNKERS Name given for vessels Fuel and Diesel Oil supplies
BV Bureau Veritas
CACTLVO Compromised &/or Arranged &/or Constructive Total Loss of Vessel Only
CANC Cancelled
CAPT Captain
CCY Convertible-Currency
C/D Collection & Delivery, Carried Down, Certificate of Deposit, Current Density,
CFO Calling For Orders, Channel For Order, Coast For Orders
CGE Carriage
CGO Cargo
CHGS Charges
CHNL Channel
CHQ Cheque
CHRG Charge
CIF Cost, Insurance & Freight. Seller pays all these costs to a nominated
CK Check
CLMS Claims
CM Comma
CMD Commissioned
CMDTY Commodity
CMPL Complete
CMNT Cement
CMR Convention In The Contract For The International Carriage Of Goods By Road
CNCL Cancel
CNFM Confirm
CNTR Container
C/O Chief Officer, Cash Order, Certificate of Origin, Cost Of, Care Of
COA Contract of Affreightment - Owners agree to accept a cost per revenue tonne
CO-INS Co-insurance
COL Collision
COLLN Collision
COMD Commander
COML Commercial
COMM Communication
COMP Composit
COMPD Compromised, Compound
COMPEN Compensation
COMPLD Complete
CON Contract
CONCN Concentration
CONF Conference
CONN Connecticut
CONS Consumption
CONSGT Consignment
CONSPIC Conspicuous
CONST Constant
CONTD Continued
CONTR Contracted
CONTRA Opposing
CONWOOD The Baltic and International Maritime Conference Wood Chamber 1937
CRS Cranes
CRN Crane
CRT Crate
CSK Cask
CST Centistoke
CTGE Cartage
CTN Carton
CTS Crates
CUB Cubic
CUD Could
CW Commercial Weight
CWT Hundredweight
CY Container Yard
CYL Cylinder
CZ Canal Zone
D Depth, Draft
DA Deductible Average
DAMFORDET Damages for Detention. Penalty if cargo is not ready when ship arrives for working (1st
day of Laycan). This is not detention which is charged for ships time on delay. If the cargo is ready there is
DAPS Days all Purposes (Total days for loading & discharging)
DBL Double
DD Delivered, Dated
DE Dent
DED Deductible
DEG Degrees
DEPT Department
DERR Derricks
DESP Despatch
DESTN Destination
DEU Due To
DF Dead Freight
DIFF Difference
DISCH Discharge
DISPT Displacement
DIST Distance
DK Deck
DKS Decks
DM Deutch mark
DMG Damage
DMP Difference of Meridional Parts
DNRCAOSLONL Discountless and Non-Returnable Cargo and/or Ship Lost or Not Lost
DO Diesel Oil
DOS Documents
DOZ Dozen
DRK Derrick
DTD Dated
DTL Detail
DUP Duplicate
DUR Duration
DVLPMT Development
DWN Down
EA Each
EC East Coast
EE Errors Excepted
EL Employer's Liability
ELEC Electric
ELECTRO Electronic
ELTCN Electrician
ELY Early
ENCL Enclosure
ENG Engine
ENTD Entered
ENV Envelope
EP Estimated Position
EQUIV Equivalent
ER Equipment Receipt
ETY Empty
EUR Europe
EVAP Evaporate
EX Example
EXEC Executive
EXMD Examined
EXP Expense
EXPLOS Explosive
EX Q Ex Quay
EXW Ex Works
FA Freight Agent, Free Alongside
F/A Forward/Afterward
FAS Free Alongside Ship. Seller delivers goods to appropriate dock or terminal at
FB Freight Bill
FBD Freeboard
FCA Free to Carrier. A modern equivalent of FAS used in intermodal transport where goods are
transferred at a nominated forwarder premises, depot or terminal but not actually put on board vessel.
FCH Franchise
FCSSRCC Warranted Free of Capture, Seizure Etc, and Of Strike, Riots and Civil
FERM Fermentation
FFA Free Form Average, Free From Alongside, Free Foreign Agency
FH Fore Hatch
FILO Free In/Liner Out. Seafreight with which the shipper pays load costs and the
FIN Finnish
FIO Free In/Out. Freight booked FIO includes the seafreight, but no loading /
discharging costs, i.e. the charterer pays for cost of loading/discharging cargo.
FIOS Free In/Out Stowed. As per FIO, but includes stowage costs.
FLG Flag
FLWG Following
FM, EX From
FMS Fathoms
receivers of cargo.
FPA ABSOLUTELY Free from Particular Average Absolutrly But Including Running Down
FPA UNLESS ETC RDC Free from Particular Average Unless Caused By Sinking Stranding, Fire Or
FREQ Frequent
FR NO Frame No
FRNT Front
FRT Freight
FTD Fitted
FTH Fathom
FTR Footer
FV Fishing Vessel
FW Fresh Water
FXLE Forecastle
FY Fiscal Year
GA General Average
GARMT Garment
GDS Goods
GLS Gearless
GO Gas Oil
GP Group
GR Gross or Grain
GRD Geared
GRNTEE Guarantee
GTEE Guarantee
GZ Righting Level
HA Hatch
HANDING Handling
HB Hire Base
HBR Harbour
HC Held Covered
HDWE Hardware
H/H(HO/HA) Hold(s)/Hatch(es)
HKG Hongkong
HOR Horizon
HOZ Hazard
HR Hour
HV Have
HVF High Viscosity Fuel
HVY Heavy
HVING Having
HW Heavy Weather
HW High Water
IC OR I/C In Commission
IE That Is
IF In Full
IMM Immediate
IMM Immediate
IMPSBL Impossible
IN Inch(es), Insurance
INCE Insurance
INCL Including
INDEF Indefinite
INS Insurance
INSP Inspection
INST Instant
INSTR Instruction
INSTRMT Instrument
INT Interest
INTL International
INTERMODAL Carriage of a commodity by different modes of transport, i.e. sea, road, rail and air
within a single journey. INCOTERMS (Refer comments in covering letter)
INV Invoice
IT In Transit
IU If Used
J Judge, Justice
JAN January
JETT Jettison
JKT Jakarta
JPN Japan
JUN June
KD Knock Down
KNT Knot
KT Kilo ton
L Lumber, lloyd
LANE METER whereby Each Unit of Space (Linear Meter) is represented by an area of deck
LASH To hold goods in position by use of Ropes, Wires, Chains or Straps etc.
LAT Latitude
LBS Pounds
LC London Clause
L/D Loading/Discharging
LDG Loading
LDN London
LDR Leader
LDS Loads
LIAB Liability
LKGE Leakage
LLDS Lloyd's
LM Last Month
LO Lubricating Oil
LONG Longitude
LONGL Longitudinal
L/S Longshoreman
LTD Limited
LTGE Lighterage
L/U Laid Up
LT Liner Terms
LVL Level
LWR Lower
MA Mechanical Advantage
M/A My account
MACH Machinery
MAJ Major
MARPOL 1973 International Convention For The Prevention of Marine Pollution from
Ship 1973
MALPRA Malpractice
MAX Maximum
M/F Manifest
MDNT Midnight
MDSE Merchandise
MEM Member
MEMO Memorandum
M/F Manifest
MFG Manufacturing
MGR Manager
MGT Management
MH Main Hatch
MI Marine Insurance
MID Middle
MIXT Mixture
MLD Moulded
MM Merchant Marin
MNTIME Meantime
MODIF Modification
MOD Modern
MODIF Modification
MPPS Multipurpose
MR Master Receipt
MSG Message
MTG Meeting
MTGOR Mortgagor
MTIME, MT Meantime
MTR Matter
MWHILE Meanwhile
MXD Mixed
MYN Minimum
N And
NA No Acceptance
N/A Not Applicable
NAUT Nautical
NB New Building
NBR(NR) Number
ND Non Delivery
NE No Effects
NEG Negligence
NEGO Negotiation
NITE Night
NK Not Known
N/M No Mark
NO B.N.A Warranted the Vessel is not Calling at British North American Ports or Places
NON-REVERSIBLE (Detention). If loading completed sooner than expected, then saved days will not be
added to discharge time allowed.
NORDER In Order To
NOV November
NP Notary Public
NR Notice of Readness
NR No Risk
NS Nuclear Ship
NT Net Ton
NTD Noted
NU Name Unknown
NY New York
OA Overall(measurement)
OBTN Obtain
OCCASL Occasional
OCT October
ODR Order
OM Oil Mooring
ON On Net
OO Owners Option
OPN Open
OPP Opposite
ORS Others
O'WISE Otherwise
OWS Owners
OZ Ounce
PA Particular Average
PARA(PAR) Paragraph
PAYT Payment
PB Permanent Bunkers
PCDS Proceeds
PCL Parcel
PCS Pieces
PCT Percent
PERF Perfect
PERH Perhaps
PER.INJ Personal Injury
PERM Permanent
PER SE By Itself
PFD Preferred
PHOSCON Phosphates Charter-Party From Belgium To North Sea Ports And Baltic
PI Personal Injury
PILF Pilferage
PKT Packet
PLS Please
PLSD Pleased
PND Pound
POLCON The baltic and International Maritime Conference Polish Coal Charter 1950
POLL Pollution
POST After
P'P Pump
PPT Prompt
PR Pro Rata
PREC Preceeding
PRED Predicate
PREM Premium
PRM.RED Premiums Reducing
PRES President
PRIN Principle
PRO Protest
PROF Professor
PROPCON The Baltic and International Maritime Conference Prop and Pulpwood
Charter 1937
PRORATA In Proportion
PROV Provision
PUS Past Us
PWR Power
QN Quotation
QTE Quote
QTINE Quarantine
RBR Rubber
RC Return Clause
RCPT Receipt
RCVD Received
RCVR Receivers
RDLY Redelivery
RDVOY Round Voyage
RECAP Recapitulation
RECOMM Recommend
REDEL Redelivery
REDN Reduction
REG Regulation
REP Representative
REQD, RQ Required
RETRO Retroactive
REV Revenue
REVERSIBLE (Detention).If loading completed sooner than expected at load port, then days saved can
be added to discharge operations.
RF Reefer
RGDS Regards
RGE Range
RI Reinsurance
RM River Moorings
RMKS Remarks
RP Return Premium
RQMT Requirement
R/R Railroad
RTRN Return
RVRTG Reverting
S Summer
S/A L/U Subject to Acceptance by the assured, to be advised to the Leading underwriter only
SATPM Saturday PM
SB Safe berth
SBJ Subject
SCAN Scandinavian
SCH Schooner
SCHDL Schedule
SE Stock exchange
SEAFREIGHT Costs charged for transporting goods over the sea. This does not cover any
SEC Second
SECT Section
SECUS Otherwise
SEL Seoul
SEPT September
SH Shipper
SHPG Shipping
SHPR Shipper
SHTG Shortage
SHS Shippers
SHUD Should
SIG Signature
SK Sack
SKIDS Are bearers (timber or steel) positioned under cargo to enable fork lift
handling at port, and for ease of rigging and lashing on board ship.
SLD Sailed
SLD A.P.L Sailed As Per List
SN Shipping Note
S/O Shipowner
SPCL Special
SPEC Specification
SPIDERING Is the internal strengthening of circular tanks for transport, this prevents the tanks
becoming warped. The tanks are strengthened with steel or wood crossbeams giving a _spider_ appearance.
SR Shipping Request
SS Steamship
SSE South-South-East
STA Station
STBD Starboard
STH South
STMT Statement
STP Stop
STS Stevedores
STTN Situation
SU Set Up
SUBT Substitute
SV Sailing Vessel
SVC Service
SX Sacks
T Tropical
TAR Tariff
TB Trial Balance
TBA To be Advise
TBCCO Tobacco
TDY Today
TE Trade Expense
TECH Technical
TELY Telegraphy
TELCOM Telecommunication
TEMP Temperature
TFR Transfer
TGM Telegram
THRU Through
TLX Telex
TMNL Terminal
TMW Tomorrow
TOVALOP Tanker Owner's Voluntary Agreement Concerning Liability For Oil Pollution
TR Transfer
TRANS Transverse
TRDG Trading
TRF Tariff
TRFD Transferred
TT Telegraphic Transfer
TTL Total
TW Tween Decker
TWA Taiwan
TX Tax
U You
UA Underwriter Account
U/A Underwriting Account
U/D Under-Deck
U DK Upper Deck
ULL Ullage
ULT Ultimate
UNAVLBL Unavailable
UP Under Proof
UPR Upper
U/R S Underwriters
USA. ATL Port or Places On the Atlantic Seacoast of the United States of America
UT Unlimited Transshipment
UTM Utmost
UU Unless Used
VC Valuable Cargo
VCR Vancouver
VD Valued
VENT Ventilator
VOY Voyage
W Winter
WB Water Ballast, Word Before, West Bound, Warehouse Book, Way Bill
WC West Coast
WHF Wharf
WHZ Whether
W/I Within
WK Week
WR War Risk
WRK Wreck
WS World Scale
WT Weight
W'TIES Warranties
WTY Warranty
WUD Would
WW Worldwide
WWDSHEXUU Weather Working Laydays, Sunday and, Holidays Excepted Unless Used
XD Ex Dividened
XGE Exchange
XI,XIN Ex Interest
XN New Share
XS Excess
XS OF Excess of
XTRA Extra
Y And
YR, UR Your
YT Yacht
YTD,YESTDY Yesterday