Design of A Micro Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) : M. M. Mench, Z. H. Wang, K. Bhatia, and C. Y. Wang
Design of A Micro Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) : M. M. Mench, Z. H. Wang, K. Bhatia, and C. Y. Wang
Design of A Micro Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) : M. M. Mench, Z. H. Wang, K. Bhatia, and C. Y. Wang
ABSTRACT ysat distance along cathode flow path until flow is fully saturated, cm
Recently, there has been increased interest in the development of
Greek letters
a small-sized direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) for low-power average void fraction, or effective water transport coefficient per
applications. In this paper, the design of a self-activated DMFC stack proton through electrolyte membrane, unitless
is presented. Gravitational and capillary forces feed the anode side volumetric thermal expansion coefficient, K-1
viscosity, g/cms
liquid methanol solution. On the cathode side, air is supplied by
kinematic viscosity, cm2/s
thermal and solutal buoyancy forces. Based upon experimental energy efficiency of DMFC
results for a larger test cell, and calculated flow velocities for the density, g/cm3
small-cell design, the fuel and oxidizer supply rates should be ! average density, g/cm3
adequate for acceptable performance. The entire DMFC is therefore stoichiometric flow ratio
a pump-less operation and self-activated by electrochemical
reactions. At 1 cm3 total volume, the DMFC is expected to provide a
a anode
power density around 1 W/cm3, with a range of output of 10V, 0.1A atm atmospheric
to 1 V, 1A depending on the arrangement of individual cell c cathode
cell fuel cell
connections. ch flow channel
f fuel
NOMENCLATURE g gas-phase
A Area term, cm2 in inlet
c molar concentration, mol/cm3 k species
cp specific heat, J/mole K l liquid-phase
D channel hydraulic diameter, cm ref reference value
F Faraday constant, 96,487 As/eq rxn electrochemical reaction
g gravitational constant, 9.81 m/s2 sto stoichiometric conditions
H Channel height, cm sat saturation condition
I current density, A/cm2
L flow channel length, cm
M molecular weight Superscripts
P pressure, Pa air air
R gas constant, 8.314 J/molK H2O water
T temperature, K MeOH methanol
U velocity, cm/s
V potential, V
W channel width, cm
INTRODUCTION systems for use as power source in electronic systems with low
In recent years, tremendous interest in the potential use of fuel parasitic losses for increased power density. This work is motivated
cell systems for a variety of power generation applications has arisen. by the need for an improved small-scale DMFC design for increased
The benefits of fuel cell systems include increased power and energy power density.
densities, higher efficiency, silent operation, environmentally benign The proposed DMFC design is pump-less and self-activated by
emissions, low temperature operation, and modularity of design. electrochemical reactions. The fuel in the anode channel is driven by
Unlike a hydrogen polymer electrolyte fuel cell (H2 PEMFC), the the buoyancy and capillary forces resulting from the gradient in the
direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) does not require ancillary bubble void fraction along the flow channel. The resulting fuel flow
components such as a separate humidifier, fuel processor, or cooling requires no parasitic power consumption. Oxidant flow is provided
system. In addition, use of dense liquid fuel at atmospheric pressure by thermal and solutal buoyancy forces, as ambient air becomes
eliminates the need for bulky fuel storage tanks. Even at 50% warmer and more moist when traveling through the flow channel. In
efficiency, one ml of methanol can deliver about 2.5 Watt-hours of addition, since the liquid methanol also acts as a coolant for the stack,
electricity. Because of these qualities, DMFCs are ideally suited for the DMFC can be effectively cooled by the liquid fuel itself. Hence,
electronic applications typically powered by electrochemical battery both air and fuel supply as well as stack cooling are achieved without
systems. any parasitic power losses.
There have been significant ongoing activities in the United
States and around the world to develop large-scale DMFC DMFC STACK DESIGN
technology. Preliminary studies have been performed on large-scale
(> 1 cm2 active area) DMFC systems by Surampudi and coworkers A design drawing of the DMFC fuel cell stack, including fuel
(Surampudi et al. 1994), Halpert and coworkers (Halpert et al. 1997) reserve tank and feed system, is shown in Figure 1. A top down and
at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Ren and coworkers (Ren et al. a bottom up perspective are shown to enhance clarity. The entire
2000) at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Wang and coworkers system is shown, in this case consisting of a 20-cell direct methanol
(Wang et al. 2001) at the Penn State University Electrochemical fuel cell (DMFC) stack with the total volume of around 1 cm3 (~ 1
Engine Center. While these studies on macro-systems show great cm high by 1 cm wide by 1 cm deep), including methanol solution
promise of DMFC technology, its application to portable and MEMS reservoir, fuel supply manifold system, and manifold interface with
power sources is not straightforward, in view of the fundamental the fuel cell. If additional fuel storage is desired, the height of the
differences between macro- and micro-systems. fuel tank can be increased accordingly. Depending on the
There has also been significant effort made to develop micro application, the stack size can be increased or decreased accordingly.
fuel cells for MEMS applications; notable efforts include those by It is envisioned that the fuel reservoir will circulate within the cell
Savinell and co-workers at Case Western Reserve University to until depletion, to be replaced with another solution cartridge that
develop a micro hydrogen PEM fuel cell. This design suffers a low would interface with the top of the stack design shown in Fig. 1.
energy density due to the significant limitation posed by hydrogen Figure 2 is a schematic of the fuel supply tank and feed system
storage. The micro direct methanol fuel cell concept is currently shown in Fig. 1 as part of the fuel cell stack. The top row of inlet
being aggressively pursued by several organizations including holes that interface with the anode exit ports of the DMFC stack can
Motorola (Bostaph et al., 2001), JPL (Narayanan et al., 2001) and be seen. Figures 3 and 4 are schematics of the anode and cathode
University of Minnesota (Kelly et al., 2000). Motorola has already flow plates, respectively. Flow plate channel and current collector rib
demonstrated a DMFC that relies on external pumping with a net dimensions are chosen based on existing design, and to provide both
power density 15 mW/cm2. JPL has demonstrated a DMFC with an adequate contact area for rib surfaces as well as adequate flow area
even lower power density of 8 mW/cm , in a design where methanol for membrane contact and low pressure losses. Table 1 lists relevant
feed is accomplished by diffusion. This is in an attempt to eliminate dimensions of the DMFC stack. It should be noted that the power
the parasitic power loss. It is clear from these two studies that the density of this design relies on the ability to manufacture bipolar
liquid fuel feed is an important process affecting the power density. plates and membrane electrode assemblies with reduced thicknesses,
As a result of the relatively poor performance demonstrated so compared to that used in larger sized DMFCs. While current MEMS
far, there is a great need for advanced design of small-scale DMFC technology should be able to accomplish this task, production of the
proposed stack with Nafion 117 and conventional machining then proceeds upward and out of the fuel cell back to the ambient
techniques would increase the width of the stack twofold for the same through the space between the top of the fuel cell and the fuel
power output. solution storage tank, as shown in Fig. 1. At the top of the flow plate
The liquid methanol solution is primarily fed by gravity, taking shown in Fig. 4, the two middle gas channels are diverted away from
advantage of bubble formation from the anode electrochemical the midplane of the fuel cell to avoid interference with the anode/fuel
reaction upon closed circuit. For small length scales, the gravity- tank interface.
driven circulation of methanol can be further enhanced by capillary A design temperature of 80oC is chosen, based upon the desired
forces induced by gas-liquid two-phase flow through small anode output of 1 W. The operational design point is set at 100 mA/cm2 @
channels with geometry promoting capillary action. 0.5V, which is achievable according to the latest test data from a
The cathode air supply is designed to rely on thermal and solutal large cell of 50 cm2 at Penn State Electrochemical Engine Center
buoyancy forces. The ambient air becomes warmer and more moist (ECEC). Figure 5 is a DMFC polarization curve at 80oC taken at the
when it travels through the cathode channel, promoting a density- ECEC. Although the operating cathode pressure is higher for the
driven flow of ambient air through the cathode channels. Therefore, case shown, it is believed that the design set point output can be
the entire DMFC is a pump-less operation and self-activated by obtained, especially considering that the performance of DMFCs
electrochemical reactions. When the cell is at open circuit, no carbon generally improves as the size is reduced, a result of more uniform
dioxide bubbles are produced, so that the anode will be dormant. On temperature and species profiles.
the cathode side, until the circuit is closed there will be no water The DMFC of 1 cm3 (~ 1 cm high by 1 cm wide by 1 cm deep)
vapor production or temperature gradient to induce buoyancy forces, is expected to provide a power source of 1 W with either 10V, 0.1A if
rendering the cathode dormant as well. all 20 cells are connected in series, or 1V, 1A if 10 cells are
On the anode side, the methanol solution flows from the supply connected in parallel and every pair of cells is connected in series.
reservoir to the lower inlet manifold on the center strip of the bottom Ultimately, this can be configured to suit specific power
of the fuel cell, as shown in Fig. 1. The only interface between the requirements.
anode solution lines and the fuel cell is along the center strips at the
top and bottom of the fuel cell. This way, anode and cathode effluent Gravity-Driven Feed of Anode Methanol Solution Fuel
are effectively separated. The methanol solution enters the center
section and is distributed to the parallel flow channels shown in Fig. The mechanism of gravity-feed of liquid methanol is
3. Within the fuel cell along the anode flow path, carbon dioxide schematically shown in Figure 6, which shows a cross-section of the
bubbles are formed by the anodic methanol oxidation reaction, shown DMFC anode with inlet and outlet manifolds. Based upon basic fluid
as: dynamics for laminar flows, the resulting anode inlet velocity of the
CH3OH + H2O 6e + 6H
- +
+ CO2 (1) methanol aqueous solution can be calculated from a force balance
between the retarding friction forces of flow through the channel and
The production of the CO2 bubbles force the flow upward to the the net buoyancy force resulting from two-phase flow in the anode.
exit of the anode plate. This two-phase flow lowers the mean density This neglects the additional flow resulting from capillary forces
in the anode channels compared to the single-phase supply lines, acting on the mixture. The net force balance neglecting capillary
providing a natural driving force for fluid motion in the anode side of forces can be shown as:
the fuel cell. At the top of the anode flow plate, the flow is then l gL = l gL (1 ) + lU in, a L (2)
redistributed back into a single channel and exits at the interface with Da2
the anode supply tank shown in Figs. 1 and 2 along the top center of The last term on the right hand side describes the laminar flow
the fuel cell. The carbon dioxide gas exits from anode side as well, resistance through the anode channel, and L is the channel length. In
and leaves the assembly through small openings in the top of the comparison, the flow resistance through the returning channel in the
supply tank. methanol circulation loop is negligible. The parameter is the
On the cathode side, air is forced, primarily by natural average void fraction within the anode channel, and is thus related to
convection, from the ambient into the parallel cathode flow channels the cell current density, I, by:
of the fuel cell, which are shown at the bottom of Fig. 4. The flow
1 1 RT IArxn achieved with little or no effort. The remaining energy generated as a
= (3)
U in, a Ach 2 Patm Psat 6 F
H 2O
result of inefficiency in the electrochemical reaction must be
dissipated from the cell. Considering the methanol also as a coolant,
In Eq. (3), the bracket denotes the average gas phase volumetric flow calculation of the expected temperature rise in the gravity-induced
rate, which is proportional to the total electrochemical reaction rate flow rate of methanol leads to a temperature rise of less than 2oC for
(i.e. IA/6F on a molar basis). Arxn represents the reaction area per the highest power density condition, indicating that the cell can be
channel, and is the current collecting rib width, plus the channel effectively cooled by the liquid fuel itself. This confirms the belief
width, multiplied by the channel length. A simple homogeneous that a DMFC of this size needs no external cooling as in a hydrogen
model has been assumed for the estimation of the void fraction. PEM. Stable temperature operation would be ensured in a static
Solving Eqs.(2) and (3) simultaneously, one can readily determine environment with fuel cell insulation/radiation fins tailored to match
the estimated methanol inlet velocity induced by the buoyancy forces. the ambient conditions and desired operating temperature.
If capillary forces are present to aid the buoyancy forces, then a Figures 7 and 8 display results from the above calculations as a
capillary pressure gradient, proportional to the void fraction gradient function of the cell current density at a cell operating temperature of
along the anode channel, should be added to Eq. (2). The resulting 80 oC. It is shown in Figure 8 that the gravity-fed velocity can
methanol inlet velocity will reflect the capillary-driven mechanism as support an anode stoichiometric flow ratio as high as 70 for methanol
well and be even higher providing additional methanol for DMFC concentrations as dilute as 0.2M, even without inclusion of capillary
operation. forces in the analysis. Based upon previous work with DMFC cells,
The methanol flow rate given by Eq. (2) can be shown to this magnitude of the stoichiometric flow ratio will provide
correspond to a stoichiometric current density given by: sufficiently large flow rates for DMFC operating at 100 mA/cm2
(Mench et al. 2001).
AchU in ,a cinMeOH
I stoich ,a = 6 F ,a (4) Cathode Air Circulation via Thermal and Solutal Buoyancy
Arxn Forces
Based upon natural convection and the fact that moist air will be
From a comparison of the estimated stoichiometric current lighter exiting the cathode that the dry air entering, the air cathode
density with the design current density, one can then determine the induced velocity can be shown as:
anodic inlet stoichiometry at the design current density. The
g { g , [1 (T T )] g ,c }
calculated anode flow rate also permits determination of the H2
U in ,c = (6)
temperature rise in the anode solution from inlet to exit. Assuming 12 g , g
that all waste heat generated from the cell is carried away by the
where H is the channel height and is g , c the average air density due
liquid fuel, the fuel flow temperature rise can be shown as:
to the moisture content which can be calculated as:
1 1
T f = 1Vcell IArxn (5)
l c p ,lU in , a Ach
g ,c =
[ ]
g , 0 _ ysat y sat + g , sat (L y sat ) (7)
that proper insulation may not even be needed to maintain the fuel g , sat M H 2O + atm M air (9)
cell at a desired operating temperature, and that effective thermal
control of the fuel cell within the desired operating range can be
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membrane. Based upon literature, (e.g. Ren and Gottesfeld, 2001), symposium on direct methanol fuel cells, the 199th Electrochemical
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is estimated to be 2.5. Correspondingly, the cathode air-breathing S. R Narayanan, F. Clara, and T. I. Valdez, Development of a
stoichiometric current density is given by: miniature direct methanol fuel cell system for cellular phone
applications. in Proc. of the symposium on direct methanol fuel
cells, the 199th Electrochemical Society Proceedings Series,
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I stoich, c = 0.21 4F (10) Princeton, NJ, 2001.
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Poly(perfluorosulfonic acid) Membranes," J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol.
Similar calculations can be made to determine ranges of flow 148, pp. A87, 2000.
velocities and stoichiometries supported by the cell design. Figures 9 X. Ren, T. E. Springer, and S. Gottesfeld, "Water and methanol
uptakes in Nafion membrane and membrane effects on direct
and 10 show the calculated air velocity induced by thermal and
methanol cell performance," J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 147, pp. 96,
solutal buoyancy forces in the DMFC cathode, and the corresponding 2000.
stoichiometric current density at a cell operating temperature of 80oC. S. Surampudi, S. R. Narayanan, E. Vamos, H. Frank, G. Halpert,
A. Laconti, J. Kosek, G. K. Surya, and G. A. Olah, J. Power Sources,
It is clear that it is possible to have a stoichiometric ratio between 2 Vol. 47, pp. 377, 1994.
and 3, depending on the choice of the channel length. This C. Y. Wang, M. M. Mench, S. Thynell, Z. H. Wang and S.
stoichiometry is sufficient to sustain the air cathode air operation. In Boslet, Computational and experimental study of direct methanol
fuel cells. Int. J. Transport Phenomena, Vol. 3, August issue, 2001.
order to facilitate a higher cathode stoichiometry, a cathode channel
length of 0.3 or 0.5 cm can be realized by using an interrupted
Table I. Dimensions of the DMFC Stack
cathode channel design, namely breaking the entire cathode channel
into 2 or 3 sections. This would alter Fig. 4 by breaking up the Quantity Value
Gas channel length 1 cm
parallel flow channels into two or more sets of shorter parallel
Gas channel height 0.010 cm
sections with inlets and exits to the sides of the fuel cell shown in Gas channel width 0.050 cm
Fig. 1. The resultant design would have a higher cathode Membrane electrode assembly thickness 0.020 cm
Current collector rib width 0.050 cm
stoichiometric ratio, but would not be significantly more complex. Bipolar plate thickness 0.030 cm
Methanol solution
flow direction
Exit manifold
Air in
Methanol solution in
0.8 0.14 6
0.7 0.12
Anode pump velocity, cm/s
0.6 0.1
Power (W/cm )
Voltage (V)
0.5 0.08
0.4 0.06
0.3 0.04
0.2 0.02
0.1 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
2 0
Current Density (A/cm ) 0 50 100 150 200
Cell current density, mA/cm
Figure 5. Polarization curve and power density for a 50 cm
Figure 7. Calculated anode feed velocity based on
DMFC under operating conditions: 1.0 M solution, anode
buoyancy forces
flowrate: 20 mL/min, cathode air flowrate: 6000 mL/min,
anode exit pressure: 1 atm, cathode exit pressure: 2.1 atm
Anode pump stoichiometric current density, mA/cm2
50000 500500m2
Air stoichiometric current density, mA/cm
40000 1M L=0.3cm Rstoich=3
L=0.5cm Rstoich=2
20000 0.5M
R stoich=100
10000 0.2M
R stoich=10 R stoich=1
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 20 40 60 80 100
Cell current density, mA/cm 2 Cell current density, mA/cm
L=0.5cm, T=80C
Air inlet velocity, mm/s
4 500500m2
0 20 40 60 80 100
Cell current density, mA/cm