Literacy Planner

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Topic: My Place. Episode 5- 1968 Sofia Year Level: 5 Term: 3 Weeks: 7-9 Date:

GRAMMAR FOCUS: (levels) Text type Listened Spok Read Written Viewed Produce
and mode to en d
1. Whole text structure of a persuasive text
Persuasiv x x x x x x
Opening statement
A statement of opinion
Background information to support opening statement Steps in Teaching and Learning Cycle: (adapted Derewianka,
Sequentially ordered arguments (evidence or examples to 1990/2007)
support each argument) 1. Building topic knowledge
A concluding statement 2. Building text knowledge/Model the genre
3. Guided activities to develop vocabulary and text knowledge
Language features for the text-type: (Wing Jan, 2009, pp. 166-
4. Joint construction of text
5. Independent construction of text
use of quotes 6. Reflecting on language choices
Frequently used Literacy Instructional Strategies: Gradual Release of
emotive words Responsibility Model
first person Language Experience Approach (R/W) Picture Chat Read to Shared R/W
Guided R/W Modelled writing Interactive writing Independent R/W
conjunctions Literature Circles Reciprocal Teaching Mini lesson Roving conferences
Teaching techniques: Think Aloud, Text analysis, Cloze exercises, Note-
inclusion of facts and opinions taking,
connectives Graphic Organisers: T-chart, Y-chart; Venn diagram, Data grid, Sunshine
wheel, KWL chart, Flow chart, Story map, templates for text-types for planning,
This unit planner aims to develop students ability to analyse,
evaluate, discuss, inform and express their point of view or an
argument. Students will become familiar with the language
features and structures of a persuasive piece and learn to construct
their own. Over the course of the sessions the students will be
given many opportunities to express their opinions/arguments
through many oral language activities. My Place has been used as
the core foundation for planning the sessions.
The students will have some/little understanding how to construct
and write a persuasive piece as well as knowledge of the Vietnam

Pre-assessment of students skills and knowledge: Four resource model (Freebody & Luke, 1990/1999): Code Breaker; Text
Standardized tests for reading/writing/ NAPLAN Participant/Meaning Maker; Text User; Text Analyst
Profile of Data Progression of Reading Development Comprehension Strategies: Predicting; Visualising; Making connections;
Conferences/interviews Questioning; Inferring; Determining important ideas; Summarising; Finding
Student written work samples evidence in the text; Understanding new vocabulary; Synthesising; Comparing
Self-assessments and contrasting; Paraphrasing; Recognising cause and effect; Skimming and
Literacy Learning intention: We are learning to develop the scanning; Five semiotic systems: linguistics, visual, auditory, spatial, gestural.
necessary knowledge, skills and vocabulary in order to write a Question types: self-questioning; 3 levels; (literal, inferential, evaluative);
persuasive piece. QAR
Learning behaviours: I need to effectively listen, communicate Thinking Routines: See, Think, Wonder; Headlines; +1, Three word summary,
and engage both collaboratively and independently in order to 5VIPs, Give One, Get One (refer Ritchhart, R., Church, M., & amp; Morrison, K.
develop the skills required for persuasive writing. (2011). Making Thinking Visible: How to Promote Engagement, Understanding,
Success criteria: I know Im doing well if I can use the and Independence for All Learners. eBook online)
appropriate structure and relevant language features of a
persuasive text in my oral and written pieces.

Topic-specific vocabulary for the unit of work: Resources:

learning, Vietnam war, Vietnam, forced, provoked, army, death, Australian Children's Television Foundation. (2011). Episode 5| 1968: Sofia.
television, customs, traditions, key words, paragraphs, argument, Retrieved from
evidence, support, justify, for, against, contend, assert, believe,
think, firstly, secondly, finally, because, therefore, so, topic
sentence, statement, opinion, examples, education, Australia, war, Wing Jan, L. (2009). Write Ways: Modelling Writing Forms. (3rd edn). South
freedom Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
Analysing Estimating Listening Performing Reading Seeing patterns Testing
Checking Explaining Locating Persuading Recognising bias Selecting Viewing
Classifying Generalising information Planning Reflecting information Visually
Cooperating Hypothesising Making choices Predicting Reporting Self-assessing representing
Considering Inferring Note taking Presenting Responding Sharing ideas Working
options Interpreting Observing Providing feedback Restating Summarising independently
Designing Justifying Ordering events Questioning Revising Synthesising Working to a
Elaborating Organising timetable

(Identify step in (Identify a use of a new strategy (Extended opportunity (Focussed teacher (should relate to
the T & L cycle strategy or a tool or a tool to assist for students to work in questions and literacy learning
and the literacy to help activate with the literacy pairs, small groups or summary to draw out intention or focus of
learning prior knowledge learning intention or individually on a set the session.
intention or and/or to focus of the session task. Time for teacher the knowledge, skills Includes how &
sessions focus ) introduce the and to prepare to probe students and processes used in what you will use to
topic.) students for thinking or work with a the session) make a judgment on
We are learning successful completion small group for part of Link back to literacy students
to ... of the set task. the time. Reference to learning intention and attempt/work)
Reference to Wing Wing Jan include page key points of effective Success criteria
Jan include page details) written for students
details) reading/writing, to know what the
speaking, listening minimum
and viewing. expectation is.

Session 1: Brainstorm: Teacher will model Think, Pair, Share Plus 1 Anecdotal notes:
Building up the Class KWL chat Students will discuss what With the notes taken by Taken during the
field. discussion/brainstor Teacher will fill out the notes they have taken the students they are to guided writing with the
We are learning to m on the whiteboard KW section of the chart down of what they have be spilt up into groups of small teaching group
extend our prior in regards to the on the interactive white learnt. 3. Students are to write (Wing Jan, 2009, pg.
knowledge through students knowledge board. (Appendix 1) down 3 main facts they 83).
note taking on the Vietnam war. (Wing Jan, 2009, pg. Students are to fill out took note of while Have students
Questions: 112). their L section of their watching the video clip. extended their prior
When do you think Students will fill out KWL chart. Once the student has knowledge?
the war started? their own KWL chart. completed the 3 notes
Do you think the Explain to the students Class discussion: they are to pass their
people who went to that they will be viewing How do you think Sofia paper to the next Teach collects students
war had a choice to a video clip from the feels? student to add another plus 1 notes to assess
go? 1960s. How do you think note which hasnt been students work and
why? Why not? Michaelis feels? written down. compare with the
Why did it start? Teacher explains for the How do you know this? assigned task (KWL
Who was in it? students to take down Discussion: chart completed)-
notes as the students Small teaching group: Class discussion based annotated work
Discuss with watch the clip. Guided Writing: around the activities samples
students what they Students will view the Before the video have a performed in class (Wing Jan, 2009,
would like to know clip mini discussion of what Why do you think it is pg.80).
(wonderings) during My Place. Episode 5- the students have learnt important to document
the brainstorm and 1968 Sofia in the past two viewings. what we did before and
record them Students will watch the after the watching the
Teacher plays clip for a video for the third time. video clip?
second and pauses at As the video plays teacher How can all this
appropriate times for pauses at appropriate information help us?
students to take notes times and prompts How can we use it?
and quick discussions to students to write down
take place. Teacher- certain notes.
bring up the body
language between
Did they get a choice?

Why Michaelis does
feels as if he has to go?
How do you think Sofia
Session 2: Brainstorm: Teacher will model a T-Chart Debate: Work samples:
Building up the With the notes from T-chart Students are to determine Groups are paired Students work of the T-
field. the previous lesson; Teacher will model how their own point of view according to points of Chart will be analysed
students are to share to organise place (for or against Michaelis view (for and against).
We are learning to notes by placing information that they going to war). A debate is carried out Anecdotal notes:
identify the them under have collected using a T- Using the T-Chart students through the students Taken during the
different stances in appropriate chart are to fill out the side of presenting notes debate
an argument. headings- For and their choice with their (evidence from the video Have the students
Children will select, against Michaelis (Wing Jan, 2009, p. 171) views. clip). been able to take on a
and thoroughly going to war. Children are divided into point of view and an
consider, one side Questions: small working groups Discussion: argument point?
of the projected Why do you think that based around their points Discuss the importance
argument (for or should be a for? Or of view (4-5 students). of choosing stance and
against Michaelis against? how to collect argument
going to war) In their groups the points
students are to create Why do we have
debating points for the opinions?
prompt. Each student is to When have you ever
be allocated an argument stated you opinion
for their belief; which will Why is it important to
be used in a debate have argument points?
between groups. When would we use
Small teaching group:
Guided Writing:
Teacher helps students
and prompts them with
ideas for their arguments.
All students take notes
Teacher allocates students
with a point.
Session 3 Students develop an understanding of the appropriate language used within a persuasive text- emotive language (language
Guided activities to feature).
develop vocabulary Students in pairs research emotive language- each student is to write 5 emotive words they have found and researched. Students
and text are encouraged to use newspapers, magazines and the internet.

We are learning to

explore the
language feature of
emotive language

Session 4 Students in pairs will be given a scenario of Students shouldnt have homework. Students are to choose a side (for or against);
Guided activities to using their pervious knowledge of emotive language students are to persuade their audience (pair). The use of emotive language
develop vocabulary is apparent.
and text Students argument will be delivered orally.

We are learning to
further develop our
language features
through a specific

Session 5 Think, Puzzle, Model persuasive Edit and construct Further editing: Anecdotal notes:
Model the genre Wonder piece sample work: In pairs students are to Taken during the
Students will Teacher models how to Students are provided analyse the sample text; guided reading with
We are learning to participate in think, construct a persuasive with a sample text which identifying language the small teaching
structure and puzzle, wonder on piece. is given to them out of features within the text. group
identify language the structure and Teacher will display the sequence. Students must Once again students are (Wing Jan, 2009, pg.
features of language of construction on the reconstruct the text in the encouraged to 83).
persuasive texts. persuasive texts. whiteboard. (Wing Jan, correct order. Sample collaborate with other Have the students
Discussion is based 2009, p.176) piece Factory farming pairs to help identify any been able to construct
around the language (Wing Jan, 2009, p.167)- examples. the correct order of the
features (emotive annotated notes are text?
words, phrases, deleted when handed to Discussion:
connectives and the students Teacher discussed the Work samples:
conjunctions). Questions: importance of being able Students work
Students create a Firstly where do you to correct structure a throughout the lesson
poster of the think that paragraph persuasive piece. is taken in
outlining features of goes? Why should we know (reconstruction of
a persuasive piece. Point of view? how to structure a sample text and
Students are Students are encouraged persuasive piece? further editing)
encouraged to uses to help fellow peers. How will this help us?
newspapers, Small teaching group:
magazines, etc Guided Reading:
As a group read the
sample text given.
Teacher prompts students
with where each section
goes referring to the
construction on the
Teacher helps students to
construct the text in the
correct order
Session 6 Discussion: Model introduction: Introductory Reading Anecdotal notes:
Model the genre Revisit structure of a Teacher models paragraph: Introductions: Taken during the
persuasive text. introductory paragraph Students attempt to write Teacher chooses guided writing with the
We are learning to emphasising on the an introductory paragraph students to read their small teaching group
construct/write an Brainstorm: inclusion of an opening including all the main introductory paragraphs. (Wing Jan, 2009, pg.
introductory piece As a class students statement and aspects. Class discussion on their 83).
are to brainstorm statement of opinion. features of an Have the students
main features of a Once students have introductory paragraph. included a opening
persuasive piece. Prompt: completed introduction Discuss the importance statement and
Emphasise on the Should Michaelis (Sofias they can shared their of opening statement statement of opinion?
importance of brother) be forced to work with a fellow student and statement of Do they understand
including an opening war? to correct any mistakes opinion. the importance?
statement, a and work together to edit Why should we include a
statement of opinion, Questions: piece. opening statement? Work samples:
sequentially ordered Why is it important to Why should we include a Students introductory
arguments and a have an opening Small teaching group: statement of opinion? piece is taken up to
concluding statement? Guided writing: collect whether
statement in a Why should we state our Teacher works with students have grasped
persuasive piece of opinion? students to construct their the main features
writing as well as introductory paragraph
having evidence to prompting them on their Peer assessment:
support topic opening statement and Peer
sentences. (Wing statement of opinion. corrections/editing
Jan, 2009)

Session 7 Think, pair, share: Teacher models: Constructions of first Peer Conferences: Work samples:
Joint construction Students participate Library session: body paragraph: Students join to a Teacher will assess the
in think pair share Teacher models how to Students work in pairs second pair to discuss quality of the body
We are learning to based around what collect information (same view point) to (verbally) their VIPs that paragraph (topic
further research might be required posed for their view construct the first body they have taken note of sentence, supporting
and write a body when writing main point using computers paragraph. Students are and what they have evidence and use of
paragraph of the body paragraphs and non-fiction texts. to discuss their VIPs to linked it to within the language features).
persuasive piece help construct evidence of clip.
Students re-watch 5 VIPS: their paragraph. Students
My Place. Episode 5- Students use the may use this piece in their Discuss the importance
1968 Sofia computers and any individual end piece. of having strong
Class discussion on books to gather (Wing Jan, 2009). argumentative points.
clip information posed for Why should we include

their view points. They Small teaching group: evidence?
are to select 5 very Guided reading:
important points and Teacher works with
write them in their students discussing their
books. VIPs they have noted of
and discussing their
Session 8 Sentence, phrase, Teacher models: Independent writing Read Aloud: Anecdotal notes:
Joint construction word: Finding language Students are to continue Teacher chooses Taken during the
With the body features within working on their text students to read body guided writing with the
We are learning to paragraph written in newspapers and individually. Teacher paragraphs out small teaching group
revisit our pairs they are to magazines. With the encourages students to (Wing Jan, 2009, pg.
persuasive text and swap their written words found the teacher engage in discussion with Class discussion: on the 83).
adding new piece with another places them on a other peers to help their different words they
language features pair. Once the pairs continuum of weak to progression. found when finding Anecdotal notes:
in to create a have read each other strong in terms of language features within Taken during the
stronger piece work they are to fill persuasion. Questions: the magazines and finding words activity
out the Sentence, What words did you take newspapers. (Wing Jan, 2009, pg.
Phrase, Word work Students are to repeat from the activity and 83).
sheet (appendix 2) this activity in pairs. place in your work? Are the students able
(extend their language How do you think you will to collect language
for written piece) finish your argument? feature words
Small teaching group: correctly?
Have they extended
Guided their prior knowledge
Teacher works with Work samples:
students to create a Collection of work
continuum of language samples are taken and
feature words. Teacher analysed
prompts students when
placing and choosing
Session 9 Resume work: Model work: Independent writing Peer conferences: Anecdotal notes:
Independent Teacher instructs Teacher models work for Students continue on their Students in groups of Taken during the
writing students to continue a pervious student persuasive piece. four are to discuss their guided writing/reading
on their pieces displayed on the IWB. Teacher once again progress of their written with the small
We are learning to Students are encourages students to piece; students are teaching group
start to edit our encouraged to give engage in discussion with encouraged to ask their conference notes
work to make our constructive feedback other peers to help their peers any concerning (Wing Jan, 2009, pg.
argument stronger and state strengths that progression. questions they have or 83).
they see within the any words/language to Have the students
written piece. Students Small teaching group: help their argument improved their writing

are also encouraged to Guided and editing skills over
reword sentences and writing/reading: Discussion: the course of their
phrases to make the One-on-one conferences- Class discussion on why persuasive piece?
piece stronger. teacher holds conferences editing is important
with students to see how Why should we edit? One-on-one
well students are progress How will this help us? conferences:
throughout the writing Notes and discussion
process. Teacher helps from students
students with any
mistakes and language
Session 10 Resume work: Teacher Models Independent writing: Read Aloud: Work samples:
Independent Teacher instructs conference: Students are to finish and Students are chosen to Collection of work
writing students to resume Previous students work complete their piece. read their final copies samples are taken and
their work in order to is again used for holding Once completed students aloud to the class analysed. Teacher
We are learning to complete their a peer conference. are to revisit their work All students will get a takes notes of quality
completely edit our persuasive piece. Teacher models the from their peer chance to share their of final piece. Teacher
and produce our Teacher reminds correct language used. suggestions and edit work of the weeks will also take note of
final piece students of the -e.g Can you think of changes. any editing that took
editing process that another emotive word Discussion: place throughout their
should be that would better Discussion on how the text and how they
undertaken before support your topic process of constructing adapted to change
final piece is sentence? and editing has made their piece.
produced. the process of writing a
Students are split into persuasive piece Teacher corrects final
pairs students stronger piece.
exchange their work. What was the processes
Students are to give we used?
suggestions and edit Why did we use them?
peers work. (Peers
highlight and correct).
Session 11: Students that havent already read their final pieces reads to the class.
Students are to complete a self-assessment sheet based around the unit completed (Appendix 3)
Reflecting on (Wing Jan, 2009, pg. 87).
language choices

We are learning to
ourselves on what
we have learnt
about persuasive


Appendix One:

Appendix Two:

Appendix Three:
10 | P a g e
11 | P a g e

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