Acp 003
Acp 003
Acp 003
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1. This booklet is for the guidance of staff concerned with the compilation and
submission of recommendations for honours and awards.
2. Men and women are equally eligible for honours and awards and the use of the
masculine in this booklet should be read as including the feminine unless otherwise
4. Competition for honours and awards is intense and the qualities required in nominees
are extremely high. It is essential that great care is taken in selecting personnel to be
recommended for honours and awards and that every effort is made to ensure that there is
nothing in their past which renders them unsuitable to receive an honour or award. Citations
must be complete and accurate in every detail and the standard of their presentation
5. At Annexes A and B to this booklet is a schedule for the awards including eligibility,
channels and dates of submission.
6. The honours and awards for which HQ Air Cadets may make recommendations in the
half-yearly Honours Lists are:
(1) Commander (CBE). Senior members of the Air Cadet Council are
eligible for this honour.
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7. CAS’s Commendations. These are awarded coincidentally with the Birthday and
New Year Honours Lists and are available to RAF and RAuxAF personnel of sqn ldr rank
and below, paid state servants of C grade and below, RAFVR(T) officers of sqn ldr rank and
below, SNCO/WO (ATC), CIs and civilian members of the Corps. CAS will personally
approve Commendations awarded in his name from a shortlist provided by a joint Awards
Committee. The Awards Committee will consider direct nominations for CAS’s
Commendation and, where appropriate, unsuccessful nominations for State Awards and the
very best citations for awards of CinC’s Commendations. About 10 CAS Commendations in
total will be awarded each year to RAF airmen/airwomen, RAF SNCOs and ACO
SNCO/WOs (ATC). A further 3 will be awarded to civilians (all permissible grades inclusive)
and 3 for officers (all permissible ranks inclusive). Recommendations for CAS
Commendations may be initiated only by Rgnl Comdts or by HQAC for VGS and CCF
8. CinC’s Commendations. These are awarded coincidentally with the Birthday and
New Year Honours List and are available to RAF Personnel, paid state servants, RAFVR(T)
officers of flt lt rank and below, SNCO/WO (ATC), CIs and civilian members of the Corps.
Normally, the CinC will consider one candidate in each category and those who do not
qualify for this award may be considered for the Comdt AC’s Commendation at the Mar or
Sep Air Cadet awards.
9. AOC 22Gp Commendations. These are awarded coincidentally with the Birthday
and New Year Honours Lists and are available to airmen/airwomen, state servants not of
officer status, SNCO/WO (ATC), CIs and all volunteer civilian members of the Corps. Those
who are not selected may be considered for the Comdt AC’s Commendation at the Mar or
Sep Air Cadets Awards. Normally, the AOC will award his Commendation to a maximum of
2 personnel in each of the aforementioned categories.
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11. Defence Council Letters of Appreciation (DCLAs). DCLAs are awarded twice
yearly; in Spring and Autumn, to a maximum of 12 adult staff members, including civilian
committee members. Recommendations may be submitted up to a maximum of 3 months
after a candidate has left the Corps but all recommendations are normally to bear a date not
earlier than 4 weeks before that on which they are due to reach HQ Air Cadets.
Recommendations are not acceptable for the following personnel:
Recommendations for DCLA in the format of Annex C are to be submitted to HQAC (DPSO)
electronically and should be accompanied by a draft DCLA in the form shown at Appendix 1
to Annex C.
a. ATC. All ATC cadets may be nominated for the Commandant’s Certificate of
Good Service. Rgnl Comdts are the deciding authority on the award and only a
nominal roll of those to be honoured is to be forwarded to HQAC, as per Annex D.
14. The Commandant’s Special Commendation. This may be awarded for individual
acts of bravery or outstanding service by cadets and adult staff of the ATC and the CCF.
Recommendations may be made at any time in the format shown at Annex E.
15. Commandant’s Certificate of Long Service. All adult ATC non-uniformed staff are
eligible for the Commandant’s Certificate of Long Service on completion of 12, 24 and 36
years’ service to the Corps, subject to the conditions set out in Annexes F and G.
Recommendations may be made at any time.
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16. Royal Humane Society Awards. The Society considers applications for awards to
personnel who have taken part in rescues or attempted rescues and the details are given at
Annex H. ATC personnel who have been awarded a Society Medal may wear the
appropriate ribbon on the right breast of their uniforms.
17. The Guinea Pig Prize. Details of this Prize are given at Annex I. It is to be noted that
the Prize may be awarded annually. All recipients of the Commandant’s Special
Commendation (see para 14 above) will automatically be considered for the Prize in the
current year but recommendation may otherwise be made, through Wing and Regional HQ to
the Comdt AC. The Prize will not be awarded in any year where the necessary high
standards are not met.
18. Annex A deals with Honours and Awards submissions for RAFVR(T) and civilian
volunteer personnel, scheduling the type of award, the category of personnel eligible , the
channel of submission and the dates due. Part I deals with RAFVR(T) submissions and Part
II with civilian volunteer staff, including those for SNCO/WOs (ATC).
19. Annex B provides schedules of honours available to RAF personnel and paid state
servants. It should be noted that recommendations for state awards are submitted by HQ Air
Cadets to the CinC Air Cmd who may, as he deems appropriate, forward the
recommendations to MOD with his own endorsement. For this reason recommendations for
RAF personnel and paid state servants are to be submitted to HQ Air Cadets earlier than
those for volunteers.
20. Commanding Officers recommending a candidate for an honour or award are to sign
the citation on a date not earlier than 4 weeks before it is due to reach HQ Air Cadets.
22. End of Service Recommendations. The rule is that a candidate should be honoured
while he is still performing the services for which recognition is proposed. As this is not
always possible, it is permissible to nominate a candidate for the list immediately following
his retirement and this nomination will be regarded as his last chance. Recommendations for
honours and awards submitted after the last chance period has elapsed, will be considered
in only very exceptional circumstances.
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24. All candidates for honours and awards will be in competition in their current category
and, although previous service will be taken into account, it is to be borne in mind that
candidates will have been considered for honours and awards during such previous service
and cannot use it again in order to give them an unfair advantage over their present
colleagues. Another consideration is that an award currently recommended may be
inappropriate to the level of work and responsibility to which the candidate had been
subjected in his earlier career.
25. Many hundreds of recommendations for honours and awards are received at
Government level in respect of each list and these are screened several times before the
authority responsible makes the final recommendation to Her Majesty the Queen. Obviously,
if a recommendation is to survive the filtering process, it must be convincing. A recital of
routine work, however, well done and for however long, is not enough. Originating officers
should consider the following:
a. A candidate must have distinguished himself among his fellows not only by
long service, hard work or inspired leadership but also by proven achievements.
b. Simple honest expressions are more effective than resounding empty phrases.
The originating officer is to clearly convey his reasons for the recommendation and his
conviction that the honour is fully merited.
26. Nominations for State Awards for RAFVR(T) personnel are to be submitted in
accordance with the Calling Notice sent out electronically by HQ Air Cadets (PSO).
27. Nominations for State Awards for Civilian Personnel are to be submitted in
accordance with the Calling Notice sent out electronically by HQ Air Cadets (PSO). It is
important that the personal details are accurately and correctly completed.
28. The following points are to be observed in regard to the production of citations:
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b. The format is to conform to the rules for Defence Writing in displacement and
balance. Paragraphs are not to be numbered.
c. Citations are to be contained within a single form or proforma and, where they
are lengthy, they are to be wholly produced on the reverse with remarks “see overleaf”
inserted above the signature.
a. Citations and continuation sheets (if any) are not to be pinned or stapled
b. Paper clips may be used to hold citations together provided a thin card is folded
over the edge of the papers to prevent damage when the clip is attached or removed.
30. Priorities. Where Regional Commandants submit more than one recommendation in
a particular category of honours and awards, they are to state their order of priority.
32. Submission Dates for Recommendations. The dates for submissions of all
categories of honours and awards are set out in the schedules at Annexes A and B but will
be confirmed electronically by HQ Air Cades (PSO) in the standard Calling Notice.
33. Where appropriate, nil returns are to be submitted to the next higher formation by the
date that the submissions are due. They are to be marked “Restricted – Honours” and
handled accordingly.
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34. Ceilings for Recommendations. There are no quotas for honours and awards as
such but only a limited number of awards are available in certain categories (see paras 7 and
35. Military Honours Lists are published several days before the official announcement
date ie. Sovereign’s Official Birthday or New Year’s Day as appropriate. Civilian lists are not
published in advance and although recommending authorities may be informed of their
successes one or 2 days in advance, the only comprehensive list is that published in
newspapers such as The Times, The Daily Telegraph etc.
37. An Award is not processed until the recipient’s name has been published in the
London Gazette and for this reason there is a delay between the announcement of the award
and the date of investiture or presentation. Awards will normally be presented at a Royal
Investiture. Recipients of honours will be instructed in good time about investitures (see para
38. Defence Council Letters of Appreciation will normally be dispatched to HQ Air Cadets
and then sent onwards to Regional Commandants for presentation. CinC’s, AOC 22Gp
Commendations, Commandant AC Commendations and Certificates of Good and Long
Service will be sent by HQ Air Cadets to Regional Commandants for presentation.
39. Investitures. The insignia of the OBE and the MBE are presented to the recipients at
investitures held at Buckingham Palace but such awards to personnel serving in overseas
squadrons may be made by the representative of the Sovereign in that area. Travel by land
at public expense as for a duty journey will be allowed for personnel summoned to attend
investitures or presentations. Additionally, standard rail travel may be reimbursed to 2
relatives or friends who are given tickets of admission to witness a presentation of the
decorations at Buckingham Palace.
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All Wing HQs
All VGSs
All AEFs
Wg Cdr CCF
Wg Cdr Flying
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1. Contenders for both civilian State and Non-State awards are in direct competition with
civilians from all other walks of life unlike members of the Armed Forces who compete
against each other within the Military Division of each list.
4. Finally, when considering recommendations for the award of the MBE it is important
that those who formerly would have been eligible for the BEM are not overlooked. Therefore,
when assessing an individual’s contribution it is necessary to measure it against the standard
expected of the grade/appointment, rather than against a single standard applied to all
grades/appointments eligible for the award of the MBE. With this in mind, sponsors are
requested to ensure that all those from the old style BEM ranks who merit consideration, are
put forward.
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CI from to (3)
As from to (3)
As from to (3)
As from to (3)
NOTE: The Defence Council wish to receive a comprehensive history of the Candidate’s
ATC service, with emphasis on special achievements.
Initials and Name (2)
Rank (1)
Date (3) Appointment (1)
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Group Captain
Regional Commandant
Date (1) ( (1) ) Region
Air Commodore
Date Air Cadets
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(3) Abbreviated.
(5) Numerals.
(6) Type in single spacing. Not to exceed 350 words for RAFVR(T) personnel, 200 words
for volunteer personnel including SNCO/WO (ATC).
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I am commanded by the Air Force Board of the Defence Council to inform you that
their attention has been drawn to the valuable service you have rendered to the Air
Training Corps since (year).
The Commandant of the Air Training Corps has paid tribute to the enthusiastic and
dedicated manner in which you have served the Corps in a variety of roles over the
years (or, for a member of a Civilian Committee: the loyal and dedicated manner in
which you have carried out your duties as a ______________). Particular mention has
been made of (or your meritorious service included ) followed by no
more than 150 words describing the meritorious service.
The Air Force Board wish me to express to you their warm appreciation of your devoted
service to the Corps.
I am, Sir
Your obedient Servant
(Rank if applicable) plus initials and name plus approved post-nominal letters.
Full address of recipient.
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Signature _________________
Name ____________________
Rank ____________________
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I hereby certify that from the information available to me, I am satisfied that the details
recorded above are correct. I further certify that the above named has completed his
voluntary duties satisfactorily and that he is in every way deserving of a certificate for
____________ years Service.
Rank ______________________________
Appointment ________________________
Rank ______________________________
Appointment ________________________
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I hereby certify that from the information available to me, I am satisfied that the details
recorded above are correct. I further certify that the above named has completed his
voluntary duties satisfactorily and that he is in every way deserving of a certificate for
____________ years Service.
Rank ______________________________
Appointment ________________________
Rank ______________________________
Appointment ________________________
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1. Eligibility for Certificates of Long Service. All adult persons appointed to service
with the ACO in a voluntary unpaid capacity, other than RAFVR(T) officers and SNCO/WOs
(ATC) who are eligible for the Cadet Forces Medal, will be eligible for the Commandant’s
Certificates of Long Service (CCLS) on time qualification.
2. Service Required. The periods of qualifying service required for the CCLS are 12, 24
and 36+ years as defined in para 3 below. Broken service may be counted in the aggregate
provided that each period of service is not less than one year in duration.
3. Qualifying Service. Qualifying service for the CCLS will be time spent with the ACO
as a civilian instructor, civilian gliding instructor, squadron or wing committee member, or
other voluntary unpaid helper. Other considerations are:
a. Service with organisations other than the ACO will not count as qualifying
service for the CCLS.
b. Service which has qualified for the Cadet Forces Medal will not count as
qualifying service for the CCLS.
5. Cranwell Presentations. Anyone qualifying for the 36+ year Long Service Certificate
will automatically be eligible to attend the annual Award Ceremonies held at RAF Cranwell.
Submissions will be held at HQ Air Cadets until a suitable date has been agreed.
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1. The Royal Humane Society considers applications for awards to personnel who have
taken part in rescues or attempted rescues. Notwithstanding that risk is the criterion
normally governing awards the Committee may, in a case where outstanding skill is
displayed in effecting a rescue, make a higher award than the degree of risk alone would
justify. Occurrences solely involving Service personnel may be reported, as well as those
which involve Service personnel and civilians.
2. The following are examples of cases recognisable by the Society for Honorary
(1) Drowning anywhere at sea, including the coast, in rives, lakes, canals,
docks, wells, reservoirs or mines.
Provided that the rescue or attempted rescue involved a certain amount of personal
c. Cases where life has been restored from drowning or asphyxia by means of
resuscitative treatment.
a. Where there is a near relationship between the rescuer and the rescued,
unless the Committee considers that there are special circumstances to justify an
exception being made.
b. Cases coming within the scope of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, the
Society for the Protection of Life from Fire, or local (eg Glasgow and Liverpool)
Humane Societies.
c. The Society does not take cognizance of cases outside the British Isles where
foreign subjects are concerned, unless the rescuer or the rescued is a British subject,
in which case it may do so. The expression “British” is used in its broadest sense.
4. Time Limit for Reporting Cases. It is particularly important that all applications for
the Society’s awards one cases occurring in the British Isles be sent to the Secretary within 2
months after the date of the occurrence, in order that the Committee may have current
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evidence for guidance. (The time limit may be waived in special cases). If the rescue, or
attempted rescue, occurs at a distance from the British Isles the time limit may be extended,
but 18 months after the date is the maximum.
8. Clasps. Clasps may be awarded to persons already entitled to wear the medal.
9. Levels of Award. Dependent upon the degree of bravery, awards made by the Royal
Humane Society consist of:
a. The Stanhope Gold Medal. This award is for the most meritorious case
reported to the Society each year. It is awarded only by the General Court of the
b. A Silver Medal or Silver Clasp. Gallantry in saving life from drowning, from
dangerous cliffs, or from asphyxia in wells etc under circumstances of very great
danger and personal risk to the Rescuer(s) may be recognised by the award of a
silver medal or clasp.
c. A Bronze Medal or Bronze Clasp. This award is for courage and promptitude
in saving life from drowning, from dangerous cliffs, or from asphyxia in wells etc under
circumstances of great danger and personal risk to the Rescuer(s).
d. A Testimonial on Vellum. For saving life from drowning, from dangerous cliffs
or asphyxia in wells etc under circumstances of considerable personal risk to the
Rescuer(s) a Testimonial on Vellum signed by the President of the Society may be
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2. History. The Guinea Pig Club was formed at the Queen Victoria Hospital, East
Grinstead on 20 July 1941, membership being drawn from aircrew of the Royal Air Force,
Empire Air Forces and, later, Allied Air Forces who were injured badly in air battles. As part
of the 40th Anniversary celebrations on 20 July 1981, members of the Club presented their
President, His Royal Highness, The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, with a porcelain
figurine of a Royal Air Force fighter pilot, circa September 1940. His Royal Highness
decided to award it as a prize to the Air Training Corps, of which he is Air Commodore-in-
3. Eligibility and Conditions of Award of the Prize. All Air Training Corps officers,
adult staff and cadets are eligible for the Prize which will normally be awarded annually in
April to the person who most distinguishes him/herself by an act of bravery or other
achievement during the previous calendar year. At the discretion of the Commandant Air
Cadets, the Prize may be withheld in any year where there is no act or achievement of the
requisite high standards.
5. Description of the Prize. The figurine is too fragile to change hands each year and
will be retained on permanent display at HQ Air Cadets. Winners will receive framed colour
photographs of the Prize and a signed declaration by the Commandant Air Cadets.
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Unit Wing
Date Unit
Date Unit
Group Captain
Regional Commandant
Date ( ) Region
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