6.4.3. Torsional and Flexural-Torsional Buckling Under Thrust and End Moments
6.4.3. Torsional and Flexural-Torsional Buckling Under Thrust and End Moments
6.4.3. Torsional and Flexural-Torsional Buckling Under Thrust and End Moments
dmz !stds 2 u y0 ! yf&y0 ! y
stds 2 v ! x0 ! xf&x0 ! x
Integrating over the entire cross-sectional area and realizing that
s tds P; xtds ytds 0; y2 tds Ix ;
x2 tds Iy ; I0 Ix Iy Ax20 y20
one obtains
mz dmz Px0 v00 ! y0 u00 ! r02 Pf00 (6.4.10)
Equations (6.4.8), (6.4.9), and (6.4.11) are the three simultaneous differ-
ential equations for torsional, flexural-torsional buckling of columns with
arbitrary thin-walled cross sections. They are identical to Eq. (6.3.16)
derived in the previous section as expected, except the signs of x0 and y0 are
reversed as they are measured from the opposite reference point.
qy " stds v " x0 " xf&
A dz2
mz " stds 2 u y0 " yf&y0 " y
A dz
stds 2 v " x0 " xf&x0 " x
A dz
Substituting Eq. (6.4.12) into the above equations and integrating yields
d2u d2 f
qx "P " Py0 " Mx
dz2 dz2
d2v d2 f
qy "P Px0 " My
dz2 dz2
d2 u d2 v d2 f
mz "Py0 " Mx 2 Px0 " My 2 " Mx bx My by r02 P 2
dz dz dz
The three equations for bending and torsion of the column are
If the thrust P acts along the shear center axis (x0 ex and y0 ey), Eqs.
(6.4.17) through (6.4.19) become very simple as they become independent
of each other. The first two equations yield the Euler loads, and the third
equation gives the critical load corresponding to pure torsional buckling of
the column.
If the thrust becomes zero, one obtains the case of pure bending of
a beam by couples Mx and My at the ends. Equations (6.4.17) through
(6.4.19) take the form
Assume the x-axis is the strong axis. If My 0, then the critical lateral-
torsional buckling moment can be computed from
If the ends of the beam are simply supported, the displacement functions
for u and f can be taken in the form
pz pz
u A sin f B sin
Substituting derivatives of the displacement functions, one obtains the
following characteristic polynomial for the critical moment:
p2 EIy p2
GKT EIw 2 ! Mx bx ! Mx2 0 (6.4.25)
p2 EIy p2
Py ; Pf 2 GKT EIw 2
2 r0
Eq. (6.4.25) becomes
If the beam has two axes of symmetry, bx vanishes and the critical moment
EIy p2 1 p2
q !
Mxcr & r02 Py Pf & r02 2 2 GKT EIw 2
& EIy GKT EIw 2 (6.4.28)
Torsional and Flexural-Torsional Buckling 325
where sign in Eq. (6.4.28) implies that a pair of end moments equal in
magnitude but opposite in direction can cause lateral-torsional buckling of
a doubly symmetrical beam.
In this discussion, considerations have been given for the bending of
a beam by couples applied at the ends so that the normal stresses caused by
these moments remain constant, thereby maintaining the governing
differential equations with constant coefficients. If a beam is subjected to
lateral loads, the bending stresses vary with z and the resulting differential
equations will have variable coefficients, for which there are no general
closed-form solutions available and a variety of numerical integration
schemes are used. The computation of critical loads of lateral-torsional
buckling is discussed in the next chapter.
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