A Smarter Way of Preventative Maintenance 02

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A Smarter Way of Preventative Maintenance

4 Simple Steps to Improving Profitability through
Smart PMs
By James Kovacevic of
High Performance Reliability
This eBook is dedicated to my two daughters, Olivia & Norah, and my beautiful
wife Michelle. You support me in everything and are my inspiration for what I do.

The information provided in this eBook is for information purposes only.

Any information or advice found within this eBook is my opinion based on years of experience.
You should always seek the advice of a professional and review any regulatory requirements
before acting on the advice or recommendations within.

There are links contained within this eBook that may direct the reader to High Performance
Reliabilitys services, products or resources and to third party providers or resources.

No part of this publication shall be reproduced, transmitted, or sold in whole or in part in any
form, without the prior written consent of the author. All trademarks, and registered trademarks
appearing in the guide are the property of their respective owners.

Readers of this guide are advised to do their own due diligence when it comes to making
changes to a Preventative Maintenance routine or Equipment Strategy as the changes can
greatly affect the reliability of the manufacturing process and hence the profitability of the
business. By reading this eBook, you agree that myself, and High Performance Reliability is not
responsible for the success or failure of the improvements in the business relating to any
information presented in this guide.

2015 High Performance Reliability. All Rights Reserved


Solve, Achieve, Sustain

Having the right equipment strategy and preventative maintenance (PM) routines
can mean the difference of a profitable business or one that fails. But how does
one ensure the right equipment strategy and preventative maintenance routines
in place?
I wrote this eBook to help all manufacturers and professionals involved in
maintaining the integrity of physical assets and systems. Earlier in my career, I
was put in charge of the maintenance department of a small manufacturer.
Without any knowledge or experience in the development of PM routines, I took
the OEM recommendations as the Holy Grail. With the OEM recommendations in
place, the equipment did not perform to the level of performance expected.
Too often equipment strategies and PM routines are copied from the OEM
recommendation, which do not take the operating context or the business needs
into account. This eBook is a guide to designing, writing, evaluating and
improving PM routines that make sense for the business.
This is not a get reliable quick scheme. It requires hard work, resources and
time. But by following the
information contained within QUESTION?
this eBook, you can begin to
If at any time while you are reading this eBook you
build a highly effective
have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact
equipment strategy with
me. You can reach me on twitter (@HPReliability) or
nothing but value added PM you can reach me in private at
routines. james.kovacevic@HPReliability.com. Even if you dont
If this eBook helps one have any questions, Id love to hear your comments,
stories, or just to say hi.
manufacturer, one
professional, or one
community, then I accomplished my goal.
To all of my subscribers, followers and friends, thank you for all of the support
you have given me. I only hope this eBook can begin to repay you for your time
and attention that you have given. Heres to you, a profitable business, and
prosperous communities!

James Kovacevic
Founder High Performance Reliability


Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 5
Write a Repeatable PM Procedure .......................................................................................................... 14
Evaluate PM Effectiveness ...................................................................................................................... 16
Continuous Improvement ........................................................................................................................ 17
Tool Box Talk PM Feedback................................................................................................................. 19
Final Words ................................................................................................................................................ 20



What Can A Smarter Way of 28% reduction in PM work load
Preventative Maintenance Do 4% increase in OEE
For You?
Simply put, smart preventative How Can Smart Preventative
maintenance translates into increased Maintenance Be Created?
profitability to the business. How does Using four simple steps, you too can
smart preventative maintenance achieve create a Smarter Way of Preventative
this improved profitability? Maintenance;
Smart PM routines target failure Design A Smart PM Routine:
modes that can be detected or How do you determine what
prevented, not failure modes that activities will be value added to
cant be the business?
Smart PM Routines are not Write a Repeatable PM Procedure:
blanket work orders, which are The PM routine needs to be
open to interruption broken down into a
Once an Existing PM Plan
repeatable procedure to
program is converted ensure quality and
to a Smart PM program, Smart consistency in execution and
Act Do
all non-targeted PM PM measurements
routines are removed, Evaluate PM Effectiveness:
reducing the total PM Check With the PM routine in place
work load. and moving along, the
outcomes of the PM routine
What Results Can Be Expected
needs to be evaluated to ensure
With Smart Preventative the business needs are met.
Maintenance? Continuous Improvement:
Once a PM program has been made The final step in the Smarter PM
smarter, the benefits to the business will process, involves taking the
be tremendous. learnings from the technicians
28% average reduction in re- and the previous step and further
occurring PM workload. improving the routine.
4% average increase in OEE
A smarter way of preventative
These two figures are significant, but maintenance awaits, what are you
are real and could be yours if you waiting for?
choose to make your Preventative
Maintenance program smarter.


Design a Smart PM Routine

How do you determine what activities just production stoppages, but all other
will be value added to the business? failure mode(s):
Knowing what to do is just as important Stoppages: prevents equipment
as what not to do. from operating for a period of
time. These could be contributed
This section focuses on designing and to the equipment not starting,
developing smart PM Routines from stopping during operation, or
scratch. The principles covered can failing to stop on command.
also be applied when reviewing existing Intermitted stoppages should also
PMs for applicability and value. be included such as jams, trips
and blockages.
Preparations for Designing a Deteriorating Capability: prevents
Smart PM Routine equipment from operating at the
When using this methodology, it is desired performance. This is
important to properly prepare for it. usually observed through reduced
Having the right information and team in throughput, decreased flow rates,
place will ensure that this process yields etc. Having equipment operate
results. Some things to keep in mind below the desire performance can
are: greatly affect the profitability of
the business, no matter how small
Appoint a lead to the PM
the decrease in performance is.
development process.
Other: this failure mode category
Gather a diverse team. The team
is a catch bucket for all other
should include the maintenance
issues that may be realized.
planner, a mechanic, electrician
These include an increase in
and possibly an operator.
defect rates, the use of additional
Populate the supplied template as
man power, or additional energy.
you progress through the steps.
This will ensure all information is It is important to keep in mind that no
accurate and each step builds matter how smart a PM routine is, it will
upon each other. not overcome any initial incapability
found within the process or equipment.
With the preparations in place,
developing the Smart PMs can If the failure mode cannot be
commence. determined the process should not
continue, as the risk of introducing a
What Failure Mode Will The PM non-value added PM routine is high.
Before any PM routine can be developed
the failure mode needs to be
determined. A smart PM address not

What Is The Root Cause Of The Management Related: causes are

Failure Mode(s)? typically related to improper /
incorrect documentation or
The root cause of each failure mode
improper planning, organization or
needs to be determined in order to
develop an effective preventative or
detective measure to mitigate the Miscellaneous: this category is
failure. used when multiple simultaneous
causes occur at the same time,
If the root cause cannot be determined the cause is unknown or if cause
than the likelihood of developing an does fall into one of the other
effective counter measure is almost
negligible. Unfortunately this step is If the cause of the failure falls into the
often skipped when PM routines are design, fabrication, installation or
developed. This leads the high amount management category than a PM
of reoccurring PM workloads in plants routine will not be effective. Other
without any improvement in line measures can be implemented to
efficiencies. address the failure mode, such as
redesign of the equipment, training, etc.
Most failure modes can be attributed to However do not proceed any further
a small amount of root causes: unless the cause is within the operation
Design Related: causes can be / maintenance category.
attributed to improper capacity,
material or technology.
Fabrication / Installation Related:
What Are The Consequences Of
causes are attributed to defects in The Failure?
materials and improper Now that the failure is known, it is
installation. important to understand the
Operation / Maintenance Related: consequences that will be experienced
is the largest category of causes. by the business if the failure were to
The causes may be operating the occur. It is these consequences that will
equipment out of the design be used to assist in determining if PM
window, an error in the operation routine will be value added to the
of the equipment, and error in the business.
maintenance of the equipment, or Hidden: Hidden consequences
expected wear and tear within the occur when a failure occurs and it
equipment. is not evident to the users during
normal operation. These types of


failures are typically found in the industry as well and should be

protective and safety systems. adjusted as needed
Safety & Environmental Effects:
The safety consequences can Probability
range from small injuries to death, 6 1x per day
while the environmental 5 1x per week
consequences can range from a 4 1x per month
small contained leak to a 3 1x per quarter
contravention of environmental 2 1x every year
regulations and a large scale 1 1x every 5 years or more
environmental realise.
Secondary Damage & Production To determine the appropriate probability
Effects: These are upsets in and severity, clearly defined criteria
production such as downtime or should be used:
quality losses. Also included are Safety & Environmental
all failures that can cause further 6 1 or more killed /
Environmental disaster
damage in another piece of
5 1 or more critically injured /
equipment. All of these failures
Large release into the
have a cost value associated with environment
them. 4 1 or more serious injury /
Non Production Effects: The Minor release into the
consequences of a Non environment
Production related failures are 3 Hospital visit /
usually only the cost of the repair. Contained large release
2 Minor first aid /
With the type of consequence
Contained minor release
determine, the probability and severity of 1 Near Miss
the failure needs to be determined,
which in turn provides a risk number. Hidden, Secondary Damage &
The risk number is used to determine if Production, and Non Production
the PM routine makes fiscal sense or if 6 Stoppage of a week or more
it is better to run to failure. It may also 5 Stoppage of several days
be used to determine the work priority 4 Stoppage of a day
once the PM routine is in use. 3 Stoppage of shift
2 Stoppage of a few hours
The probability of the failure, hence the 1 Stoppage of a few minutes
consequence, occurring should be
consistent across all consequences.
The timeline should be appropriate to


With the probability and severity equipment, without replacing materials

determined, the risk number can be unnecessarily.
If there are no specific warning signs,
6 12 18 24 30 36 can the life (cycles, days, widgets) of the
5 10 15 20 25 30 equipment be determined to a degree of

4 8 12 16 20 24 accuracy? If so than a Time Based PM

3 6 9 12 15 18 routine can be implemented to replace
2 4 6 8 10 12 specific components to prevent the
1 2 3 4 5 6 failure from occurring. Note that time
Severity based PM routine should only account
for 11% of the total PM program.
It is important to note, that depending
on where and how the equipment is For the CBM and Time Based PM
used will greatly affect the severity and routines, it is vitally important to
the risk number. For example, if the determine how these activities will be
equipment has a built in redundant back carried out and when. This will assist in
up then the severity of a failure is low. determining if the preventative or
detective measures will be able to
How Will The Failure Manifest happen. Often times warning signs are
Itself and What Can Be Done? known, but cannot be collected or acted
Knowing the failure causes will facilitate upon due to access, technology or a
and identify how the failure manifest host of other issues. By identifying
itself. This is critical to determining these issues ahead of time, resources
what activities can be done to prevent or and tools can be identified and the
detect it. activity can be made technically
For example, there will be warning signs
that can be monitored, as the failure If an activity is not technically
begins to develop. These include applicable, it means that the business is
specific measurables such as flow, unable to perform it because it does not
pressure, temperature, vibration, have the resources, tools, or knowledge
thickness etc. With these warning signs to complete. If the activity cannot be
determined, the PM routine than made technically applicable, then it
becomes a Condition Based should not be implemented.
Maintenance (CBM) activity. This
approach allows the monitoring of What happens when the life of the
component or system cannot be


accurately predicted and there are no overlooked, but can create a great
warning signs? There is little that can starting point.
be done to prevent or detect the failure.
In most circumstances, where there is Regardless of which approach is used,
no way to prevent or detect the failure, the frequency must be shorter than the
and the consequences dictate that the P-F interval. The P-F interval is the time
equipment cannot be left to fail than it takes from the start of a failure
basic care should be used. (Potential Failure) occurring to the time
it actually fails (Failure).
Basic care is the ensuring that the
equipment is clean, lubricated and
settings are correct. This basic care
should be developed as a Time Based
Cleaning & lubrication PM Routine.

What Is The Proper Frequency

Of Task?
One of the most difficult tasks in
developing a Smart PM routine is getting
the frequency of the activity right. Now Depending on which method is used to
there are many ways to do this, with prevent or detect the failure, the P-F
some being very advanced to some interval will vary. Keeping this in mind,
simple ways. the frequency should allow for enough
time to detect, and repair the potential
Often times, the experience and failure before the failure actually occurs.
knowledge of the team will be enough to
determine the appropriate frequency If the P-F interval is short enough that it
without any failure history. does not allow for time to detect and
repair the potential failure, than CBM or
For example, ask the team how long a PM activities are most likely not the
bearing operating at 10,000 RPM will right solution for this preventing or
last once it starts to squeak. Next ask detecting the failure. Value added
them how long a large bearing moving solutions may be online condition
at 20 RPM will last once it begins to monitoring, or a redesign of the
squeak. The answers should be a few equipment or process.
minutes to a few hours and days to
weeks. This approach often is If a CBM or PM routine does not pass
the P-F interval check, than do not


proceed any further. To many times, I This single step will dramatically assist
have seen PM workloads extremely in reducing the total reoccurring PM
high, as the P-F interval is not workload.
understood, and despite all of the hard
work, results do not arise from the CBM DID YOU KNOW?
Run to Failure (RTF) is often not viewed as a
viable option. It is felt that all failures must
Does It Make Financial Sense? be prevented. This is a costly
The last criteria to determine if a PM misunderstanding. What must be
routine should be implemented is to prevented are the consequences of the
ensure that it makes financial sense. failure, not the failure itself. So if the failure
For example, does it make sense to results in minimal risk to the site, the most
cost effective option is RTF.
spend 4 hours each week performing
inspections and cleaning activities to The RTF option must be decided only after
prevent a failure that results in 30 the analysis has been completed and risk
seconds of downtime? The answer evaluated.
depends on the industry, but I am
betting the answer is no.
Who Will Do The Work?
Remember, that the best maintenance The final step to designing the Smart
programs are aligned with the business PM Routine is to determine who will do
needs. So unless the business requires the work. The most common answer is
99.9% uptime, chances are a little the maintenance technicians, but often
downtime will be accepted to offset the the operator is the ideal candidate to
tremendous amount of overtime and perform many of the inspections and
wasted time of the technicians. cleaning activities.

Do not be afraid to say that the PM The operators are at the machine, and
routine does not make sense based on will be able to take advantage of any
the cost of downtime vs the cost of the time to clean the equipment. They can
PM routines. By doing so the business also take process readings as the
consciously adopted a run to failure equipment is running.
approach and is completely acceptable,
provided there are no significant risks or The more activities that can be
consequences from that failure. transitioned to the operators, the more
time the maintenance technicians will
have for more skilled work, providing
greater value to the business.


not only save time, but improve plant

This is often easier said than done, but performance.
start the conversation with your
operational counterparts now so the Please use the template included to
business can begin to reap the rewards. assist you with starting the Smarter
Preventative Maintenance journey.
Tying It All Together
Congratulations on developing a Smart This is only step one of the journey, as
Preventative Maintenance Routine. now that only value added PM routines
These steps should be as many times will be completed, we need to ensure
as necessary for each piece of that they are done correctly and provide
equipment before moving on to the next repeatable measurements. This is
step, as the routines should be bundled accomplished by writing a repeatable
into as few PM procedures as possible. PM procedure.

By beginning to review or develop new

PM routines with this method, you will

Ref Failure Mode Root Cause of Failure Conseque Pr Se Risk Warning Signs or Frequency Financially Who Will
No. nce type Estimated Life of Task Acceptable Do the



Write a Repeatable PM Procedure

With a Smart PM routine developed, the The routine has an area to record
routine needs to be written into a the As Found and As Left
repeatable procedure. This ensures measurements or comments
each routine is executed the exact same The routine has an area to record
way, regardless who completes the improvements to the PM and the
work. revisions identified.
The routine should be written in an easy
This consistency is required to ensure to read format, clearly outlining each
the quality of the measurements and individual step.
activities. It also serves to reduce any
maintenance induced failures, and to IMPORTANCE OF PROCEDURES
expedite the training of new technicians. Procedures are used by highly trained,
qualified professional every day.
What Needs to Be Included In a Pilots, nuclear engineers, astronauts
are all incredibly talented and smart
people. However they all rely on
To convert the PM Routine into a
checklists and procedures to ensure
repeatable procedure, there are certain the task they set out to accomplish
pieces of information required on each are done correctly. If they find value
and every procedure: in procedures, shouldnt your
The routine has a clear definition
of the task and the failure mode it
is trying to prevent. Tangible and Specific Values
The routine has necessary safety
warnings, appropriate tools, The most effective procedures are ones
required parts & consumables that provide tangible, specific
listed (quantitative) values within the
The routine has specific steps procedure. This ensures that the
with detailed quantitative procedure is executed the same way to
measures, ensuring that a target the same quality standard each time.
measure is provided with a Provided are some examples for
tolerance. Quantitative Measures:
The routine requires the use of Use the Vernier calipers and
measurement tools such as measure the thickness of the
calipers, micrometers, torque table top in 8 different places
wrenches, etc. equally spaced across the length
If a qualitative measure must be of the table top conveyor and
used, the criteria must be record the values. If the table top
described in a repeatable way is less than 2.4mm thick, in more
than 2 places, note that the table
top has exceeded the minimum

wear value and it requires

But There Are No Numbers!
Measu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 In the event that there are quantitative
remen values that can be used to describe the
t Point
steps or process, descriptive or
Measu 3m 2.8 2.2 2.9 3.1 2.3 3m 2.7 qualitative measures must be used. Be
remen m m m m m m m m
sure to provide detailed descriptions of
t m m m m m m
the various states that the equipment
Another example with the As Found / As may be found in. For example:
Left approach would be:
Inspect the belt for wear looking
Use the torque wrench and for the following; 1) is there any
validate that the 8 mounting bolts cracking in the belt? 2) Is the belt
are torqued to 50 ft-lb +/- 10%. frayed around the edge? 3) is
Record the As Found and As Left there any grease or oil on the
Bolt # As Found As Left
belt?, 4) is there a buildup of
debris under the belt?. If any of
1 46 ft-lbs 50 ft-lbs
the following conditions are met,
2 40 ft-lbs 51 ft-lbs record and create a follow-up
3 50 ft-lbs 50 ft-lbs work order
Provide pictures of acceptable
4 55 ft-lbs 55 ft-lbs
conditions, and different levels of
5 47 ft-lbs 50 ft-lbs
unacceptable conditions.
6 48 ft-lbs 51 ft-lbs
By providing detailed criteria for the PM
7 47 ft-lbs 50 ft-lbs routines, we can ensure the quality of
8 45 ft-lbs 50 ft-lbs the work that is performed and ensure
that it is adding value to the business.


Evaluate PM Effectiveness
With the PM routine in place and moving safety related? If unsure, review
along, the outcomes of the PM routine against the consequences and
needs to be evaluated to ensure the risk levels defined above.
business needs are met. Is the inspection method being
applied appropriate for the
How do we ensure that the smart PM specific failure mode we are trying
routines we are completing are in fact to address? Are there specific
adding value to the site and improving measures or criteria that the
performance? Here are a few quick equipment is evaluated against,
steps that can help you evaluate the and will provide warning of a
effectiveness of the smart PM. Potential Failure?
Is the inspection being conduct
Do the Math properly? Ensure the PM
Evaluating the effectiveness of the PM procedure is written with detail
routines is as simple as basic and requires specific as-found
arithmetic. Anyone of the principles measurements to prevent pencil
below can be used to evaluate the PM whipping.
routines, depending on which data is Is the frequency of the inspection
available. correct? The inspection interval
Is the cost of doing the PM more should be half of the time required
than the consequences we are for the problem to enter the
trying to avoid? system and fail. This allows two
Is the PM routine developing opportunities to mitigate the
follow up work at least once out consequences prior to failure
of every five inspections? If the answer to these questions are No,
Is the PM routine discovering at then the PM routine needs to go through
least 30 minutes of follow up a detailed revision or it is removed.
work for every 1 hour of PM work? Remember that only 11% of failures are
If the PM routine does not meet any of age related, so it is vitally important that
the above, then it may not be providing most of the PM routines are condition
the right value to the business. But
before removing the PM routines
The Fine Line
Stop and Think There is a fine line between doing too
Before stopping any PM routines that much, too little, and just the right
did not pass the criteria above, certain amount of PM. As seen, there is a point
questions must be asked to ensure that at which equipment reliability adds too
the business is not put at risk.
much unnecessary costs, therefore the
Does this PM routine preserve the
optimum level of PM must be defined
manufacturing output or is it
within the needs of the business.
regulatory, environmental, or


Continuous Improvement
The final step in the Smarter PM proactive work to address
process, involves taking the learnings breakdowns
from the technicians and the previous
To assist in educating the technicians in
steps and further improving the routine.
the value of providing feedback, and
what is required a toolbox talk has been
Evaluating the PM routines with the
developed and provided on page 19.
criteria defined in the previous steps will
Use the toolbox talk to launch the
generate significant results to the
program to start receiving feedback and
business. However one of the greatest
to periodically refresh the memories of
sources of improvements to the PM
why the feedback is provided.
routine is the feedback and input from
the maintenance technicians. WHATS IN IT FOR ME (WIFFM)

The feedback received from the WIIFM is often used in sales to

demonstrate to the buyer the benefits
technicians allow the PM routines to
that they will experience as a result of
further evolve in not only what is
the purchase.
checked, how it is checked, and what is
required to perform the routine, but also It is used to connect on an emotional
specific tip, tricks and hints which level and avoids promoting the features
improve the job procedure. and specifications.
By taking about the WIIFM, the
Please Provide Feedback technicians will be able to see how they
The first step to gathering great will personally benefit from providing the
feedback from the technicians is to
educate them on why feedback is
required, the benefits that feedback will
provide to them and the business.
A System Must Be In Place
Finally the technicians need to know
In order to take advantage of the
specifically what data points and
feedback from the technicians, systems
information should be provided.
must be in place to utilize the feedback.
Nothing is worse than having the
Education on the Whats In It For Me
technicians provide feedback and go
(WIIFM) will greatly increase the
unused. When this happens the craft
engagement from the technicians on the
will stop providing feedback and it is
feedback. A few of the benefits that the
very difficult to restart.
technicians will realize are:
Reduced trips to the storeroom
Having a system in place will ensure the
Reduction in number of times the feedback is utilized. The system can be
technicians are pulled from simple, but it has to be followed:

Feedback should be provided via Take an Hour a Week

a consistent process, i.e. on the With the feedback being utilized, one
PM routine, or in the confirmation final step can be implemented to ensure
text of the CMMS. Regardless the continued evolution of the smart PM
which approach is used, there routine, and that is taking an hour a
should only be one way that week to review a PM routine.
feedback is provided by the craft.
All feedback should be utilized The routine can be selected based on
and the PM routine updated the last revision date, or on any bad
before the next time the PM actors from the previous week. It is not
routine comes due. important how they are selected, but
All revisions to the PM should be that the time is taken to review a PM
validated and approved prior to routine.
the PM routine being changed.
Use a revision log for each PM This can typically be performed by the
routine, keeping track of all maintenance planner and a technician.
changes and who provided the The review should consist of reviewing
feedback. the PM routine through the first two
With a system in place, and the steps in the Smart PM process. This
feedback being utilized the PM routines ensures that all PM routines are
will continue to improve over time, and reviewed on a regular basis, ensuring
further the value to the business. relevance and value to the business.
The PM Review Meeting;
A successful PM Review meeting has 3 specific parts, each require 33% of the time.
Prep Work: During this phase the PM should be selected. All feedback and findings from
past PM routines should be gathered, along with all relevant equipment history
The Meeting: During the meeting, the PM routine is reviewed to ensure that it is designed
correctly, and has a detailed repeatable procedure. The history and feedback is then
reviewed for additional failure modes, and causes which may need to be added to the
specific routine. If any new failure modes or causes are discovered, they should be
evaluated using the steps about.
The Follow Up: Write the repeatable procedure to include the new failure modes, causes
and any additional updates to the procedure that may be required. Have a technician
review the new procedure and provide feedback prior to releasing for use.



Legal protection. By providing

Tool Box Talk PM feedback it demonstrates that the
Feedback PM routine was completed, and not
Most organizations have a percentage of just checked off.
PM routines that were put in that do not
address the failure cause. These PM What Feedback Is Required
routines do little for the business expect From The Technicians?
to consume valuable technician time. The feedback provided by the craft should
include specific data points, which will
Eliminating these non-value added PMs improve the effectiveness and
must be a top priority for the business and repeatability of the PM routine:
requires the full support of the technicians Length of time to complete the task
to make it a reality. Any parts or consumables used,
not listed in the procedure
Whats In It for the Technicians? Any changes to the procedure,
There are numerous benefits to the including the order of the steps,
technicians once the non-valued added specifications, etc.
PMs are removed. These include: Any tips, tricks or hints to complete
Reduction in the number of trips to the routine
the storeroom Any changes to drawings,
Reduction in the number of documents and equipment
interruptions during planned work information
Having all parts available prior to Any issues encounter during the
starting the work routine
Having enough time to complete If the activities are of any perceived
the work value
Any follow up work identified
Talking Points for the Supervisor;
Ask for other benefits to providing feedback Utilizing this feedback allows the PM
Explain how checking off PMs without routine to be completed in the safest,
actually doing the inspection is against most efficient way possible. It also
company policy and may be in violation of
identifies any non-value added tasks for
the law.
Ask for other types of feedback
Explain that providing feedback is expected
moving forward

High Performance Reliability Belle River, ON
For Questions and assistance, Canada
please email www.HPReliability.com

Final Words
Congratulations Once the PM routines are improved, it
on taking a step to will take time to see the results in the
improving the equipment performance.
profitability of
your business and Continue the Learning
contributing to a Dont be afraid to ask for help. Many
prosperous people, including myself are happy to
community. I help you out.
know I have provided a lot of Continue to stay up to date with the
information in this eBook, but you now latest by following High Performance
have the knowledge to make a Reliability on Twitter, Facebook and
difference with smarter preventative myself on LinkedIn.
maintenance. Here are a few final
thoughts Id like to share with you Please!
Please do not share this eBook. I put a
The Results You Achieve Are Up lot of time into the creation of it and
To You would appreciate it if you would refer
What you apply from this eBook and the anyone interested in it to this link to get
rigour in which it is applied will greatly a copy for themselves
affect the results you achieve.
Start small by applying the Thank You!
techniques in this eBook for an
hour a week. I hope you enjoyed this eBook as much as I enjoyed
writing it for you.
Dont worry about perfection,
I appreciate each and every one of you for taking the
thats why the 4th step is
time out to read this, and if you have an extra
continuous improvement. The second, I would love to hear what you think about it.
PM routine is continuously
evolving, based on experience Please leave a comment on twitter (@HPReliability)
and learnings. or on my Facebook Page. If you prefer to provide
feedback in private, you can send me an email. I will
Lastly, Results take time and this read each and every comment and work to improve
is no exception. this eBook.
Thanks again, and I wish you nothing but success in
your journey to improved maintenance and
James Kovacevic
Founder of High Performance Reliability

High Performance Reliability 2015
All Rights Reserved

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