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The document discusses a roleplaying book called Heroes of Legend that provides tools and tables for generating character backgrounds and histories.

It is a roleplaying aid book that helps create detailed backgrounds and personalities for player and non-player characters in fantasy roleplaying games.

In addition to creating character histories, a GM can use the book for combat systems, adventure scenarios, random encounters, businesses for towns, and more with a bit of imagination.

The Ultimate Character Creation System and Roleplay

Aid for All Heroic Fantasy Roleplaying Games!

A detailed, stand-alone system for creating thoroughly individualized, involved and invigorating
backgrounds, personalities, motivations, and skills for both player characters and nonplayer characters.

Heroes of Legend, First Edition Heroes of Legend, Second Edition
Author, Cover Artist, Illustrator Paul Jaquays New Material, Fiction, Layout, Editing Robert L. Sassone
Editor Ruta Jaquays Publisher John Olsen, Task Force Games
Logotype Design Darlene Editing, Production Timothy D. Olsen
Special Thanks Mike Stackpole & Mark O'Green Additional Review Jamie Sassone
Additional Review Randy Cox, Bob Leake, Logo Artist David Martin
Tamara Wieland, Jennifer Matthies & Heather Matthies. Cover Artist John Matson
Interior Artist Darla Hallmark
"This book is lovingly dedicated to my wife Ruta, who
has seen it develop over the last seven years and who has "Thanks to my family and to John and Tim for making
had more than a little to say on its final content and form." this Second Edition possible, but also thanks to you, the
Paul Jaquays, 1988 discriminating gamer who recognizes the quality and value
of this book,"
Robert L. Sassone, 1995
Player One: Hey, Bill, you gonna' be there for th' campaign tonight? Did

So, What's the

you decide which character you're gonna' take in?
Player Two: Are you kidding? We hit the Gambling Pit tonight! I wouldn't
miss it for anything! . .. Oh, and I decided to bring in Gorg the Warrior.

Player One: Really? What happened to Gruk the Strong?
Player Two: Well, Gruk's strong, but I decided to go with Gorg's extra
Player One: True . . . not that it makes a difference. If you've seen one
warrior, you've seen them all. Right?

Make a difference Perhaps the most important components As Paul Jaquays stated in the opening to
of any gaming world are the characters who Heroes of Legend first edition, "If your charac
with Central inhabit it. The effective combination of variety, ters end up seeming like heroes (or antiheroes)
Casting: Heroes of depth and, most of all, creativity in players' out of melodramatic fiction, then Heroes of
Legend! characters and members of the game master's Legend has done its job. The desired goal here
"supporting cast" will determine the success or is good, fun role-playing, not the creation of
failure of the role-playing campaign. More than superhuman beings." This new, second edition
simply spark interest, characters must come to of the original Central Casting character back
life. ground generator contains new, revised and
Enter Central Casting: Heroes of Legend. expanded material, but the goal for its creation
The Central Casting series of role-playing of character histories remains the same.
products helps you, the role-play gamer, create Game masters and players alike will find in
detailed, exciting, and even mysterious role- Heroes of Legend an invaluable role-playing
playing campaigns. Heroes of Legend, the first aid. With Heroes of Legend, characters come
book in the Central Casting series (now re alive in colorful detail of epic caliber. Dozens
leased in its revised, expanded and improved of tables guide every move, leading from each
second edition format), generates fantasy back character's genesis to his or her first steps down
grounds for player and non-player characters the road to adventure. On the way, characters
alike, determining details such as unusual birth learn occupational skills, pick up personality
and childhood events, family histories, occupa traits, gain unusual pets, experience lost loves,
tional experiences, social standing, and even and much, much more.
"dark-side" traits and hidden, unsavory secrets. "If you've seen one warrior, you've seen
Heroes of Legend creates unusual characters them all. Right?" Not anymore! Not with
that break out of the mundane norm. Central Casting: Heroes of Legend!

Central Casting: Heroes of Legend is not ters and the extent of victory will be determined
Other Uses and limited to just creating character histories. A by table 633 Battle Events.
clever (or desperate) CM can use this book to Between Adventures: Between each ad
Abuses double for a vast array of other role-playing aids. venture, choose one character to be the subject
It can be used as a combat system for battles (or victim) of an event. Select the event with
between armies. It can form the basis for section 419 Significant Events of Adulthood, and
adventure scenarios. It can also fill the time modify the event to work with the character's
between adventures with interesting happen current circumstances. Be sure to involve other
ings, create businesses for a town, predict the player characters in some way, and have the
future, or set up random street encounters. All event affect subsequent campaign play.
it takes is a little imagination. Who's Minding the Store: Need to select
Wars and Rumors of Wars: Use section businesses for a town? First, decide the town's
633 Combat! to fight wars quickly. Always let Cultural Level. For civilized towns, also deter
the player character's side (or a side which mine the Social Level of the neighborhood you
favors the player characters) roll a d20 first, then are creating. Then use the Occupation Table
roll a d20 for the enemy, adding or subtracting appropriate for the Culture and Social Level
as appropriate to account for the size of the (see sections 310 through 313) to randomly
opposing forces. The side with the highest select businesses in that area. You may wish to
result wins, but additional effects for the charac- modify the table to include residences, public
buildings and religious edifices. You can also character backgrounds for your science fiction,
use table 107b Items of Note to help define the modern day and near future game systems. In
shop's proprietor. a pinch, though, you can create a character
Soothsaying: Use Heroes of Legend to background for those games by using Heroes of
predict a character's future. Often a character Legend and converting elements of fantasy and
will want to know things like, "When and how magic to something more appropriate to your
will I die?" or "Whom will I marry?" Section 643 required era. For example, in a science fiction
Death Situations can be used to describe the game, you may decide that your "barbarian
type of death that awaits the character should horsemaster" is actually a primitive authority on
he choose to stop adventuring. 640 Ah, Love! transports powered by internal combustion
can be used to tell about a future love affair. engines. If you determine that the same charac
Use 419 Significant Events of Adulthood to give ter suffers under a curse that sends a ghost or
a brief glimpse of the near future. Timing is up evil spirit to attack him every so often, perhaps
to the CM, but offer these futures as possible the "ghost" could actually be an extra-dimen
futures, generally assuming the character does sional being or an alien bent on controlling the
not die on the next adventure. character's mind.
Random Street Encounters: Use section No Limits! Let your mind wander, and
745 Others to determine randomly encoun take Heroes of Legend with you! This huge
tered people on the street or to fill a bar, inn or resource of fantasy gaming information will
brothel with clientele. prove useful in any number of situations which
Non-Fantasy Games: Additional Central are only limited by your own imagination. It is
Casting products, Heroes for Tomorrow and your book, so use it however you wish, and be
Heroes Now! will help you create detailed creative! (This is your book, right?)

Central Casting: Heroes of Legend 2nd (806) 372-1266, and our fax number is (806)
Edition is written and published by 372-1361.
Task Force Games Players can contact Task Force Games via
P. O. Box 50145
the GEnie computer network at the GEmail Information
Amarillo,TX 79159-0145
address TFG, via lntemetatTFG@genie.geis.com.,
Send the following correspondence to Task via CompuServe at 76443,3031, or via Ameri
Force Games: requests for catalogs, orders for ca Online at TFG1. For more information about
spare parts, replacement of defective or miss the GEnie network, please call them direct at 1
ing parts, submissions of art (photocopies only, 800-638-9636 (voice only). For more informa
please), rules questions, and inquiries into the tion about CompuServe, call them at 1-800-848
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mail order service accepts Visa, Mastercard, On America Online, look for Task Force
and Discover. All consumer correspondence Games in the Gaming Company Support area
(other than mail orders) requires a stamped, (keyword; GCS).
self-addressed envelope. Our phone number is

Central Casting: Heroes of Legend 2nd Central Casting can be published by any party
Edition and all contents thereof are copyright without the advanced written permission of Copyright and
1995 by Task Force Games. All rights are Task Force Games.
reserved under the Pan-American, Berne, and Central Casting is Task Force Games' trade Trademark
International Copyright Conventions. No ma mark for its game aids dealing with character Information
terial which is based on, for use with, incorpo and adventure creation.
rates elements of, or is designed for use with

"You've seen those ads for magic growth pills that flesh out 90 pound weaklings into 280
pound behemoths who never get sand kicked into their faces again? Heroes of Legend does that Shameless
for characters."
Author of Superb Fantasy Role-Playing Supplements Endorsements
"I hates flat char'cterz, I duz. They're alwayz so tasteless, they iz. Like crackerz."
Brubnub, Goblin Guard, 2nd o' the Watch
Table of Contents

Instructions Creating a Character 6 Heroes of Legend Races and Age

Before Starting 6 Ranges 10

Getting Started 6 Success or Failure? 11

Table Numbers 6 Bonuses and Penalties to Skill and

Dice Explanations 6 Attribute Ranks 11

Character History Worksheet 7 Bonus Point Conversion Table 12

Using the Tables (Or Not) 8 Survival Skills 12

Problems and Conflicts 8 Literacy 12

Finishing Touches 8 Starting Money 12

Skills and Attributes 9 Character Motivation 13

Rules and Terms and Stuff 9 Justify Your Character's Life 13

Heroes of Legend Rank System 9 Select Character Motivations 13

General Attributes 10 Motivation Descriptions 13

Age Effects 10 Using This Book's Pages 15

Heritage and Origins 16

628 Dwarven Events 92

101 Race and Ancestry 17

629 Halfling Events 93

Character 102 Cultural Background 20

630 Monster Events 94

Creation Sections 103 Social Status 24

631 Underworld Events 95

104 Birth and Family 28

632 Military Events 98

105 Place & Time of Birth 30

633 Combat! 101

106 Unusual Births 32

634 Military Duties 103

107 Parents & NPCs 35

635 Military Skills 105

Childhood & Adolescence 38

636 Military Rank 107

208 Significant Events of Youth 39

637 Enslaved! 109

638 Imprisoned 111

Occupations & Hobbies 44

639 Religious Experience 113

309 Apprenticed 45

640 Ah, Love! 115

310 Primitive Occupations 47

641 In the Service of... 117

311 Nomad Occupations 48

642 Exotic Events 119

312 Barbarian Occupations 49

643 Death Situations 122

313 Civilized Occupations 50

314 Merchants 54
644 Death of a Loved One 124

315 Government Jobs 56 Contacts & Acquaintances 126

316 Crafts 57 745 Others 127

317 Occupation Performance 59 746 Other Groups 129

318 Hobbies 60 747 Guardians 130

Events of Adulthood 62
748 Nobles 131

419 Significant Events of Adulthood 63

749 Monsters 134

750 Adventurers 135

Personality Development 67
751 Nonhumans 136

520 Values 68
752 Unusual Pets 137

521 Alignment & Attitude 70

753 Companions 139

522 Personality Traits 73

754 Rivals 141

523 Exotic Personality Traits 76

755 Villains 143

Miscellaneous Events 82
756 Deities 145

624 Tragedies 83
757 Relatives 147

625 Something Wonderful 86

Special Miscellaneous 148

626 Horror Events 88

858 Gifts & Legacies 149

627 Elven Events 91

859 Colors 151

860 Birthmarks 152 866 Unusual Skills

861 Body Locations 153 867 Appearance
862 Exotic Features 154 Game Masters Only 168
863 Serious Wounds 158 968 GM's Specials 169
864 Psychic Powers 160 969 GM's Additional Specials 172
865 Crimes 162

Appendix A: NPCs 176 Heritage and Birth 182

Create Those Special NPCs 176 Events of Youth 183 Appendices,
NPC Special Features 1 76 Occupations & Hobbies 184
General Types of NPCs 177 Events of Adulthood 184 Etcetera
NPC Archetypes 177 Personality Development 185
Appendix B: Linking Events 180 Finishing Touches 185
Put It All Together! 180 Xulcandra's Life Story 186
Writing the History 180 The GM's Additions 188
Tricks & Hints 180 Xulcandra's Character History
Worksheet 189
Appendix C: Example 182
Get Rolling 182 Character History Worksheet 191
Creating a Character

Let's do it! Grab your favorite bag of dice, characters that look, feel, and act like they just
and we'll start creating super-exciting, dynamic walked out of the pages of an epic fantasy.

In addition to this book, make sure you copy the worksheet on pages 191-192 for
Before Starting have the following items: personal use only. Make sure you have at
least one copy for each character you wish
A Variety of Dice: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12 and to make.
d20if you don't know what these are, see A Pencil.
Dice Explanations, below. An Eraser.
A Copy of the Character Worksheet: Task Numbered Bookmarks: These record your
Force Games grants permission to photo- progress as you jump from place to place.

Creating character histories is fun, but it page 176. If you just want to get going, jump
takes time. Plan on spending as much as a half- ahead to section 101 Race and Ancestry and
Getting Started hour per character. However, there are short start rolling dice. On the other hand, if you want
cuts you can take. For a quick NPC (or player to know what to do when you get there... read
character) history, go to Appendix A: NPCs on on.

You have probably noticed that most sec ing around from section to section, grabbing a
tions and tables in Heroes of Legend start with bit of data here, some information there, until
Table Numbers three-digit codes like 101 or 625. There are you finally complete your character history.
reasons for this.
Initially, you will consult these sections and Table Categories
tables in sequence. After 101 Race and Ances Code Category
try you will go to 102 Cultural Background, then 100's: Heritage and Birth
to 103 Social Status and so on. When you 200's: Events of Youth
complete section 521 Alignment & Attitude, 300's: Occupations and Hobbies
you will be done (mostly). 400's: Events of Adulthood
However, you might ask, if the history ends 500's: Personality Development
at section 521, why do section numbers go as 600's: Miscellaneous Events
high as 969? Good question. 700's: Contacts and Acquaintances
The rest of the sections in this book are like 800's: Special Miscellaneous
data banks in a computer or reference books in 900's: GM's ONLY (players not allowed)
a library. The section numbers divide the tables Do not read this unless you are told to
into nine general categories. As you generate by the book. Do not read ahead and
your character background, you will be jump- spoil the surprise for later characters!

To use Heroes of Legend, you must have a Throughout Heroes of Legend, abbrevia
set of polyhedron dice: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 20 tions are used to refer to the different die types.
Dice sided. You should have at least two 10 or 20 The fetter " d " preceding a number indicates a
Explanations siders of different colors (to create percentile die. The number following the "d" is the
results), but one each of the others will be number of sides on the die and usually indicates
sufficient. In all likelihood, the place where you the highest number that die can roll. A number
bought this book can supply you with the dice preceding the "d" indicates the number of dice
as well. of that kind to be rolled. Still other "dice" can
be created by combining or modifying die rolls d12 A 12-sided die: This generates a
(see below). number from 1 to 12.
Examples: If a "d6" is called for, roll a d20 A 20-sided die: This generates a
single six-sided die. For "2d4," roll two four- number from 1 to 20. However,
sided dice and add the results together. If a die many d20s are marked 0 to 9 like
type is shown with a plus (+) sign and a second a d10, but repeated twice. In this
number after the die type, such as "1d4+3," case, you need to indicate which
then add the number after the plus sign to the set of 0 to 9 represents 1 to 10
die roll. If a minus sign follows the die type, then and which set represents 11 to
subtract any following number from the die roll, 20. Try coloring each set of
as in "2d10-1." Heroes of Legend uses the numbers with differently colored
following real and simulated dice: pens or crayons. Alternatively,
use a d10 and a d6 to simulate
Dice in Heroes of Legend the result of a d20. Roll the d10
Die Type Explanation for a number from 1 to 10, and
d2 or Hi/Lo Technically, this is not a die. the d6 to obtain a "Hi/Lo" value.
When indicated, it means that a If the d6 is Lo, the d10 value is 1
six-sided die should be rolled. If to 10. If the d6 is Hi, add 10 to
the result is 1, 2, or 3, the roll is the d10 roll to get a number from
low (Lo) or 1. If the result is 4, 5 11 to 20.
or 6, the roll is high (Hi) or 2. d100 A 100-sided die: This generates
d3 This is not a true die. Obtain a d3 a number from 1 to 100. If you
result by rolling a six-sided die. A do not have a true 100-sided die,
result of 1 or 2 means 1. A result a d100 can easily be simulated
of 3 or 4 means 2. A result of 5 with two different colored d10s.
or 6 means 3. Choose one d10 to represent
d4 A four-sided die: This generates the 10's digit (multiply the die
a number from 1 to 4. result by 10 for 0 through 90)
d5 This is not a true die. Obtain a d5 and the other to represent the
result by rolling a 10-sided die. A one's digit (0 through 9). Add
result of 1 or 2 means 1. A result the results. Example: results of
of 3 or 4 means 2. A result of 5 40 (4 x 10) and 6 added together
or 6 means 3. A result of 7 or 8 become a result of 46. The only
means 4, and a result of 9 or 10 exception is a roll of 0 and 0,
means 5. which yields the result of 100.
d6 A six-sided die (probably the most Percentiles Often, Heroes of Legend will state
familiar type): This generates a that there is a percentage chance
number from 1 to 6. that some circumstance will oc
d8 An eight-sided die: This gener cur, such as, "There is a 15%
ates a number from 1 to 8. chance the character will be left-
d10 A 10-sided die: This generates a handed." To obtain a percentile
number from 1 to 10. However, result, roll a d100 (see above). If
it is often marked 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, the result is less than or equal to
7, 8, 9. When used as a d10, the the given percentage chance, the
zero means 10. A 20-sided die circumstance occurs. Otherwise,
easily simulates a d10 if it is marked the circumstance does not oc
from 0-9 twice (and not 1-20). cur.

The form on pages 191-192 is the Heroes Worksheet correspond to table numbers else
of Legend Character History Worksheet, on where in the Heroes of Legend book. Informa
which you will be recording character back tion for those lines will come from the matching
ground information as you generate it on the tables. In the future, after familiarizing yourself History
tables in this book. You have permission from with the Heroes of Legend system, you may find Worksheet
Task Force Games to copy that form for your it convenient to skip these instructions and
personal use, so make as many as you need. simply follow the order of tables on the
Several lines of the Character History worksheet. Until then, read on.

"Welcome! Welcome to Salty's Tavern! How much coin do you bring?"

Take a copy of the worksheet in the back will temporarily send you to another table or
of this book and write down your character's section to resolve something. When this hap
Using the Tables name, your character's sex, and anything else pens, leave a bookmark at your current location
(Or Not) you or your game master (GM) have already and then proceed to the new section or table.
decided about your character. For example, if If this new place again sends you elsewhere,
you want to play a human barbarian, then leave another, different bookmark and con
simply record this information rather than using tinue onwards. Eventually, you will need to
the tables for Race and Cultural Background. trace your way back along the trail of book
If you have not chosen a race (human, elf, marks to your original location.
dwarf, orc, etc.) for your character, then start When you finish a section, look at the big
with table 101a: Character Race under section black bar across the bottom of the section's
101 Race and Ancestry on page 17 and follow concluding page. The message there will tell
the instructions you find there. Chances are, you where to go next. When the message says
however, that you have already picked out "From here: Return to the table that sent you
racial information on your own. In that case, here," do just that. Go back to the most recent
you may begin with table 101c: National and bookmark you left behind.
Ethnic Heritage and then proceed to section Sections 707 through 208 follow each
102 Cultural Background to find out if your other in order. Your character will use most of
character is a barbarian, highly civilized, or these sections in their given sequence. Record
something in between. the information you get from these sections on
Each table in Heroes of Legend contains the lines provided on the Character History
the instructions you need to use it: the kind of Worksheet.
dice to roll, where on your worksheet to write Finally, do not use any tables until you are
any relevant information, and what to do next. instructed to use them.
Quite often, the instructions within the table

On rare occasions, you may run into prob nal and enjoyable members of a role-playing
lems or difficulties trying to integrate the infor crew.
Problems and mation from various background-generating If, for whatever reason, you simply cannot
Conflicts tables. If this happens, try your best to reconcile or will not accept a table's result, then roll again
the different tables without discarding the infor fora new result. Remember, it is your character's
mation. Characters who have seemingly incon background and your role-playing game. If you
gruous backgrounds that nevertheless resolve are forced to decide between having fun and
themselves often turn out to be the most origi- following the letter of the rules, have fun.

After you have filled out a character work raw data into a unified character history (kind of
sheet, reread the Character Motivations sec like writing your own fantasy novel!). Also,
Finishing tion beginning on page 13 to find your reread Skills and Attributes beginning on page
Touches character's reason for adventuring and/or for 9 to best decide how the skills your character
continuing to exist. From there, go to Appendix has gained will work in your game system.
B: Linking Events on page 180. This section Congratulations! Your character back
contains helpful hints for turning your page of ground is now complete.
Skills and Attributes

Central Casting: Heroes of Legend is a duplicated by each and every game system. Rules and Terms
generic role-playing aid for use with all heroic These "rules" are here to help you adapt
fantasy game systems. Even though game rules the Heroes of Legend histories to your favorite and Stuff
are as varied as humanity, like humanity, they all game system, not to replace that system. In all
share basic precepts. The Heroes of Legend cases, the Game Master (GM) who moderates
system builds upon these likenesses to provide the fantasy role-playing campaign, not this book,
solid game-play benefits for the characters whose is the last word on his game world! Allow your
histories it creates. A basic set of mechanics for GM to read this book before you create histo
generic attributes and relative skill systems fol ries for characters in his world, and, if possible,
lows. In some cases these are guidelines. In let your GM be a part of creating that history.
others, minimal rule systems are set forth to Keep in mind, however, that this is your book;
accommodate special skills that may not be if you wish to change anything, go ahead!

To be all things to all role-playing games, 4 Fairly Competent: The character is

Central Casting: Heroes of Legend uses an 11 better than average and shows talent, Heroes of Legend
level ranking system for all skills and abilities but nothing extraordinary.
that a character learns, including combat 5 Good! The character may be a jour Rank System
(weapon use), magic use and occupational neyman at this skill. There is real
skills. The Heroes of Legend Rank system is talent here that needs further devel
designed to work with game systems in a oping.
relative manner. Based on the 1 to 10 value 6 Very Good!! The character is good
range for known skills, a character with a Rank enough to have some razzle dazzle at
1 skill at something is a beginner, novice or this skill, but is not yet a master. But
apprentice, while a character with a Rank 10 then, only a master of the skill would
ability is a master whose skills have reached the know that.
mortal limits available to those of his racial 7 A Master: Many will seek the charac
heritage. This Rank system easily extends be ter for service and instruction.
yond 10 to accommodate characters whose 8 A Renowned Master: Folk from dis
skills become mythical, approaching those of tant corners of the world know of the
legendary heroes or demigods. character's skill.
9 A Grand Master: There are few, if any,
Heroes of Legend Ranks with greater skill. The character's skill
Level Description is known throughout the world. Such
0 No Skill: The character has no knowl talented people are quite rare.
edge of, talent for, or skills at the 10 Legendary Skill: Though still within
indicated occupation or ability. mortal bounds, tales of the character's
1 A Raw Beginner: The character knows prowess will live on long after she is
just enough to perform a skill, or be gone. Skill of this level is hardly ever
dangerous with it. encountered, if at all.
2 An Apprentice: The character has 11+ Mythical Skill: The character has abil
learned most of the basics, but has yet ity far beyond the mortal norms. Some
to become competent. kind of supernatural influence must
3 Average: Most folk who practice this be present for the character to obtain
skill never go much beyond this level this level of mastery.
of mastery.

"Ha! And she claims to tell fortunes! Couldn't even foretell an inn! I asked where we'd rest
tonight, and she jerked a hand towards the road out of town. Ha! Nothing's out there but the
woods, Bremen's Creek and the graveyard..."
Qinin Leepsalot
It is fair to say that no two game rules Willpower. This is a measure of a
systems are exactly identical, especially when it character's ability to resist psionic (mental) at
General comes to a character's attributes, the building tacks, overcome personal temptations, or urge
Attributes blocks which form the character's physical and his body on to feats above and beyond their
mental existence and define many of the normal capabilities. It is also his strength for
character's basic skills, his life energy, psionic psionic attacks against others.
ability and so on. Nevertheless, most, if not all, Dexterity. This is sometimes referred to as
systems build their characters up from similar Agility or even Physical Prowess, and it includes
types of attributes. Manual Dexterity. It is a measure of a character's
Heroes of Legend assumes that most char nimbleness, the ease with which he moves.
acters will have basic attributes similar to or Low Dexterity means a slow, clumsy character,
based on the ones described below. During the while high Dexterity can mean a hand that is
course of generating a history, some of these truly quicker than the eye.
attributes may be modified: by events in the Constitution. This is the measure of a
character's life. Record any modifications to character's health, his physical well being. A
the character's attributes in the spaces pro character with a high Constitution can gen
vided in the lower right-hand corner of the erally be expected to endure physical hardships
history worksheet. with ease, and be more resistant to disease and
Strength. Sometimes called Physical injury.
Strength, this is a measure of the character's Charisma. Used here in the sense of
ability to lift, move, wear or use things. Low personal magnetism or leadership ability, this is
Strength indicates a weakling, while high not Appearance. A character with low Charis
Strength is found in muscle-bound heroes. ma would have problems attracting followers.
Intelligence. Also called IQ. This is braini Appearance. This is also called Physical
ness, the ability to think logically, solve prob Beauty or Comeliness, but is often called Cha
lems, and deal with complicated concepts. risma. Essentially, Appearance is a character's
Low Intelligence indicates deficient mental abil looks, what others see. A low Appearance is
ity. High Intelligence is genius level. unattractive, while a character with very high
Magical Ability. Called Power by some Appearance would literally stun members of
and Magical Aptitude by others, it can also be both sexes. If a game system does not normally
a character's Luck or even an indicator of have an Appearance attribute, the Charisma
Sanity. It is a measure of the character's ability attribute does double duty and represents both.
to use, or proficiency at, wielding forces arcane. Age. This is the character's physical age.
Characters with low Magical Ability would not When a character is born, he is age 0 (zero).
be wise to give up their day jobs to become Most events that happen to a character occur at
wizards. Characters with high Magical Ability a specific age, and the date for these events is
are magic wielders of great magical potential. usually calculated forward from birth. When
Luck. Called Power by some, Luck can creating beginning player characters, Heroes of
also be an indicator of the character's Sanity. It Legend assumes they begin adventuring just as
is a measure of the character's innate ability to they reach adulthood. The chart under Age
ride out the influences of the random events in Effects, below, shows the life stages for a typical
the universe. character of several races.

Heroes of Legend Races and Age Ranges

Age Effects
Race Child Adolescent Adult Mature Elderly Ancient
Human 0-12 13-18 19-39 40-60 61-80 81 +
Halfling 0-12 13-30 31-59 60-80 81-100 101 +
Dwarf 0-16 17-36 37-90 91-145 146-170 171 +
Elf 0-20 21-58 59-400 401-600 601-800 801+
Reptileman 0-20 21-58 59-80 81-100 101-120 121 +
Orc 0-9 10-11 12-30 31-40 41-50 51 +
Beast 0-12 13-17 18-49 50-60 61-80 81 +

Childhood covers the years prior to adoles Adolescence moves the character from
cence. During this period, a character is rarely childhood into adulthood. A character at this
able to match an adult in anything. A character age will only have (1d6 x 10) + 3 0 % of his
at this age will only have (1d6 x Age)% of his Strength and Constitution attributes.
Strength, Constitution, and Intelligence at Adulthood is quite often as much a social
tributes. consideration as it is a physical one. The
character is assumed to be a full and responsible could begin (see chart above), roll a d8 for each
member of society. All the character's at affected attribute. If the result is an 8, reduce
tributes are at their peak. the attribute by 1 point. (See Bonuses and
Mature, Elderly, and Ancient. At some Penalties, below for how this affects characters
point in a character's life, his body begins to with maximum attribute ranges higher than 18.)
slowly deteriorate under the burden of age. His Roll once each year thereafter. .
reflexes slow, his strength wanes and his mind Dexterity decline begins at Mature
wanders. Those attributes that decline with Strength decline begins at Mature
advancing age and the stage of life in which Appearance decline beings at Elderly
attribute decline begins, are listed below. When Constitution decline begins at Elderly
a character reaches an age in which decline Intelligence decline begins at Ancient

When a character wants to use a skill, the ter not only succeeds, but the results of the
player must decide what he wishes to accom success are beyond his wildest expectations
plish, then use the following steps to determine (CM interpretation is very important here!).
Success or
success at the skill: Fumbles: This is a "blow-it-badly" result. Failure?
1. Have the GM assign a difficulty rating to There are two ways to set this up.
the task between two (automatic success) Method A: Mark a big red X on the " 1 " side
and 50 (nearly impossible for even a Rank of one die used to roll the skill check. If this die
10 skill master). Remember, the statistical face comes up during the roll, and the character's
average for a single d6 roll is 3.5. die results are less than the difficulty rating, the
2. For each skill Rank the character has, he character "fumbles."
may roll 1d6 (up to a maximum of 20d6 for Method B: If the character rolls all 1's,
characters with godlike skills). regardless of the difficulty rating, the character
3. If the value of a character's attributes (such fumbles.
as a high Dexterity or a poor Strength) You may wish to use both methods. A
seems likely to affect the outcome, dice fumble means that not only has the character
may be added to or subtracted from the failed in what he tried to accomplish, but that
character's skill dice (GM's decision stands the end result is the worst thing he could
here). Add an extra d6 for high attributes, imagine happening.
subtract a d6 for poor ones. Improving skills during game play: To
4. If the character's totalled die results ex improve a skill, the character must perform
ceed the task's difficulty rating, he suc difficult tasks, ones which allow the character a
ceeds with the skill. If it is under the chance to fail. Each time a character uses a skill
difficulty rating, he fails. on a task with a difficulty rating that is at least
Special circumstances may modify this equal to the skill's Rank x 3, make a "hash-mark"
system. When performing a skill under extreme next to it. (Four qualifying uses of the skill would
duress (high stress or danger to life and limb), mean four hash marks: ||||.) After each adven
the GM may, at his discretion, remove one or ture, the character may either attempt to im
more of the character's lowest individual die prove the skill or wait to accumulate additional
results from the total. However, he must an hash marks on a future adventure.
nounce this BEFORE the player makes any die To improve the skill, roll 2d6. If the result
rolls. is less than or equal to the number of hash
Special Success: If the character rolls all marks minus the character's Rank with the skill,
6's on a task he would have any chance of the skill improves by one Rank. A roll of 12 is
success at, he succeeds regardless of any other always a failure. After rolling, remove all hash
modifiers that might reduce the number of dice. marks from the skill. Regardless of success or
If the result with modifiers would normally failure, the character must start over again,
exceed the difficulty rating anyway, the charac- collecting new hash marks for successful uses.

Skill Bonuses and Penalties are expressed attribute. Record these changes in the section
as a number of Ranks to increase or decrease an provided for them in the lower right corner of Bonuses and
existing skill. Throughout Heroes of Legend, the worksheet. For beginning characters, to
characters are rewarded (or penalized) with account for future changes, the GM should not Penalties to Skill
changes to their existing physical attributes allow any skill to exceed Rank 6 before starting and Attribute
(such as Strength, Constitution, etc.). The player play. NPC skills may go higher as needed to
is told to add to or subtract points from an fulfill their intended purpose in the game. Ranks
Although modifications are given as a fixed Bonus Point Conversion Table
value (such as 1 point or 1d3 points), the actual Attribute Maximum Conversion Factor
value of the modification depends on the high 01-29 x 1
est score possible for the character's attributes 30-49 x 2
when creating the character (Example: 3d6 50-69 x3
yields a maximum value of 18). This maximum 70-89 x4
is set by the actual fantasy role-playing system 90-100+ x5
that you use. If the maximum possible attribute Have the GM review and approve all
score is higher than 29, multiply your modifica changes brought about by attribute increases
tion points by the conversion factor in the table or decreases. He may not want a demigod or
below to find the actual number of points a hopeless wimp running around in his cam
added to or subtracted from the attribute. paign.

If you were dumped naked in the midst of character's Cultural Background and Social Sta
a forest or in a back alley of an unfamiliar city, tus will determine the quality of his skills and the
Survival Skills could you survive? Most people have the skills environment for which those skills are best
necessary to exist by their wits in their own suited. A space for all three settings has been
familiar environment, assuming no outside sup provided for Survival in the SKILLS section on
port. Survival Skills are similar to occupations: the character history worksheet.
they encompass a number of skills, rather than Wilderness Survival skills let the character
just one. Survival skills are the means by which survive in the great outdoors. The character can
characters obtain basic necessities: food, wa find food, shelter and water in the wilds, avoid
ter, clothing and shelter. natural predators, even live through dangerous
A Rank 1 Survival Skill indicates the charac weather conditions and environments.
ter is barely able to survive in a familiar, "safe," Rural Survival skills deal with a cross be
environment. At Rank 3, the character can get tween wilderness and urban found around
by in a familiar place. A Rank of 5 would small villages, farms and frontier outposts.
indicate an ability to get by even in a strange Urban Survival skills let the character make
locale, while Rank 10 would indicate that the his way in cities. The character knows common
character can survive and even thrive in a truly customs, where to buy or find food, where to
exotic or alien setting. find shelter, how to avoid becoming a victim of
Heroes of Legend recognizes three distinct sentient predators, even how to find work.
environments: Wilderness, Rural and Urban. A

Literacy is a character's ability to read and of his Literacy skills.

write his native language. A space has been A literate character's initial Literacy Rank
Literacy provided for the character's Literacy skill in the will be equal to 1d4 plus his SolMod (see 103
SKILLS section on the worksheet. A character's Social Status) and will never have an initial Rank
Culture and Social Status will affect the quality of less than 1 nor more than 7.

In most places one needs money to get by. multiplying it by a percentage. Keep a running
Fantasy role-playing systems often assign new tally of these money modifications in the space
Starting Money player characters a certain amount of money to provided for Starting Money Modifier in the
purchase supplies. This is called "Starting box in the lower right hand corner of the
Money." Some entries in Heroes of Legend will Character History Worksheet.
modify a character's Starting Money, usually
Character Motivation

Why would anyone become a professional learn. All three search for the same thing, a Justify Your
hero or even dabble in things adventurous? motivation: something that will provide a rea
What would make someone seek out hideously son for future actions or explain and justify past Character's Life
dangerous situations or brave the unknown? actions.
What makes characters do what they do? Every character, whether an NPC or a
In a courtroom situation, an attorney probes recently created player character, has a reason
to discover why someone would allegedly com for existing, something that serves as a focus for
mit a crime. An actress on stage seeks to justify his life. Usually, this reason is not a single goal
her movements in front of the footlights, and a or desire, but something complex, involving
teacher looks for a way to make a child want to several factors.

Each character should have more than one vation would hardly be worth the trouble to
motivation. One will always be a strong pri resolve, yet a character who is obsessed with Select Character
mary motivation, and the others will be secon the need to fulfill his motivation may stop at
dary, less important, but will still provide direc nothing to accomplish his goals, and heaven Motivations
tion. Use the list of motivations that follows as help any who get in his way. Primary motiva
a guide, but feel free to add your own. Select tions should have relatively high strengths, and
one or more motivations for the character, then secondary motivations should have substan
customize them to better fit the character and tially weaker strengths.
his history. Role-playing and Accomplishing Goals:
Base the selection of the character's moti After deciding strengths and weaknesses, write
vations on his past, his alignment, his attitude a brief description of the character's motiva
and his personality factors. Do not select tions in your own words on the back of the
motivations that conflict strongly with other worksheet to help you make decisions when
aspects of the character's background. role-playing. Also, consider what will happen if
Assign a strength to each motivation, and when the character finally does what he
particularly for NPCs. This strength will repre sets out to do. Will he set a new course for his
sent the relative importance of the motivation life, or is life as he knows it simply over? What
to the character. For descriptive strength will keep the character going once his goals are
levels, you might try Trivial, Weak, Average, met, or will he just sit around and get fat? Think
Strong, Driving and Obsessive. A trivial moti- about these things as you play the character.

The following list should provide you with Faith. The character's greatest desire is to
a good starting point for choosing the specific serve Cod to the fullest possible extent. Every
motivations for your own characters, but feel action will be weighted based on the teachings
free to go beyond what you find listed here, of his religion and the extent of his personal Descriptions
possibly to derive motivations from such sources belief. This is a great motivator for quests and
as your favorite works of fiction, movies, leg crusades in the name of God. Note that,
ends, folk tales, etc. unfortunately, characters motivated by Faith
Discovery of the truth. This is finding the need not be good guys only. Many evil and
truth about something. The character has misguided cults have more than their fair share
learned that something in his past is not what he of fanatical followers.
has been told. His goal is to find out the true Creed. This may be the most basic adven
story, even if the truth hurts. turer motivation: "How much loot can we get

"Exalted Gorvan the Ruthless, greetings from Baron T'ar. He sends thanks for your gift of a fine
sword but reminds you that there will be no peace until the throne is his and uncontested...."
Flinar Longneck, Most Unfortunate Messenger for Baron T'ar
{drool, slobber, drool)?" Rather than as a pri the world at their command. This is never a
mary motivation, however, try to use Greed as particularly commendable motivation, even
a secondary motivation, or at least to come up when combined with service for humanity (or
with a justification for loot gathering other than other races). Other things always seem to get
simply to become rich. Why does the character in the wayand have to be dealt with.
want or need the money? Maybe his sick Revenge. In this perennial favorite, some
mother needs fifty bags of gold to be released one did something to the character or his family
from prison, or maybe he just wants a nice new and now the character's gonna pay them back.
palace on the coast... Survival. The goal is to stay alive. In some
Promotion of a Field of Knowledge, The sense, this is assumed by other motivations,
character pursues knowledge to advance a since staying alive is usually a necessary part of
specific field of inquiry. He seeks to advance other goats. However, here it is in its pure form:
the frontiers of magic, science, medicine or the character strives to stay alive even in the
some craft, such as smithing. face of odds that would cause lesser men and
Knowledge for Its Own Sake, This is the women to simply give up.
pursuit of knowledge regardless of its conse To Be the Best. This is common among
quences, value or intended use. The character warriors, knights and athletes, who strive to be
wants to know more, to know the most to the strongest, the fastest, the most skilled. It
know it ALL! also can be a strong motivation for craftsmen.
Insight. This is a search for wisdom or To Reach a Goal. The character has a
philosophy apart from the search for knowl mission. He must find something or do some
edge, insight almost always involves an at thing specific that matters to him. This motiva
tempt by the character to improve himself tion is particularly sensitive to a "what-do-l-do
through a better understanding of himself, oth now" situation once the character actually ac
ers and possibly the universe, possibly on a complishes the goal. ("Well, 1 guess now HI go
spiritual level down the mountain...")
Love. The character lives bis life only to To Serve Humanity. Other people always
serve someone he loves, and he puts this need help and the character realizes that his lot
person's welfare and happiness above his own. is to help them out (this motivation is easily
This is particularly suited to characters who combined with Faith). This motivation may be
have an ongoing romance. The GM may even directed towards any or all sentient races, and
wish to kidnap the beloved as a hook for an it may even be directed towards animal rights,
adventure. Love is also the basis for parent/ plant-life, a certain forest, etc.
child scenarios, perhaps in which a sick or Working Out a Past Event. One of the
missing child motivates a character into an events that happened to the character in his
adventure. past left something unresolved, and an adven
Pleasure. The character's goal is to pro ture is needed to complete the situation. For
vide pleasure for himself, to have fun, to feel example: The character was kidnapped, disap
good. This can range from simply having a full peared, and lost ten years of his life without a
belly and a warm place to sleep to fulfilling base trace. He then becomes motivated to discover
desires and living in luxury. who kidnapped him, what happened, and why
Power! Some people simply need to have his memory was wiped clean.
Using This Book's Pages

The layout of each page in Central Casting: more enjoyable. Look for the following fea- Make Life
Heroes of Legend, is designed to make generat- tures:
ing a character background easier, faster and EasierFollow

Each section begins with a story excerpt which Each section's title appears
both illustrates the purpose of the section and in the upper outside corner A Sample Page:
provides ideas for your own rale play. of its first page.
Page 91

Text in the thick

bar at the start
of a section will
indicate when
the section may
be used.


always come

first. Read

them that way.

One or more

tables usually

form the heart

of each section.

Quotes are just

for fun.

Text in the thick

concluding bar
will direct you

where to turn


Subheads and table names appear

in the narrow outer column.
Heritage and Origins

Start Generating Begin generating your character history by 104 Birth and Family, beginning on page
consulting the seven sections under this head 28, takes a closer look at the details of a
Your Character ing. Take these sections in order (101, then character's relatives and upbringing.
Background 102, then 103, etc.) and then continue on with 105 Place & Time of Birth determines just
Here! 208 Significant Events of Youth on page 39. that, when and where the character was born.
101 Race and Ancestry, beginning on page This section begins on page 30.
1 7, provides you with information about your 106 Unusual Births provides unique cir
character's racial and national heritage. cumstances that surrounded your character's
102 Cultural Background, beginning on birth and set him out as special, even from his
page 20, gives cultural details about the larger first moments outside the womb. This section
society and environment in which your starts on page 32.
character's family lived. 107 Parents & NPCs, beginning on page
103 Social Status establishes a character's 35, provides additional interesting details about
wealth (or lack thereof) and possible nobility. a character's parents or, if necessary, about
This section starts on page 24. some other significant nonplayer character.

"Those are Dwarven Runes, Jharsvend. Stand aside and let me look at them. Hmmm.... They
begin, 'On midwinter's night a great calamity struck these hills....' I guess you're right, Jharsvend.
You were born near here."
Bertran Stoneback
The chest's false bottom lifts out, and below you find a trove of brittle
parchment bound into books or gathered into fragile, leather or cloth-
tied scrolls. The first scroll that you try to remove crumbles to dust in
your fingers . . .
The book-bound parchment holds up better than the scrolls did,
possibly reflecting a more recent creation. The first tome that you
examine, interestingly, bears the tracing of a family crest strikingly
Race and
similar to your ownperhaps too similar for coincidence.
The book, written in a bold, elvish script, is a journal by an author
holding your family name! But weren't all your ancestors human?
Start here to create a new character history.

If you have not decided your character's continue by rolling a d20 and recording the INFORMATION &
race, begin generating your character history corresponding information contained under
here by using this table to decide whether the table 101c. When you have completed this INSTRUCTIONS
character is a human being or one of the other step, move forward to 102 Cultural Background
races of humanoids common to most fantasy on page 20.
role-playing game systems. Note that the word Role-play: Racial heritage, whether a char
"race" is used here in the sense of species, acter is human, elf, dwarf or something else
rather than species subdivisions based on dif altogether, is the basis for a character's back
ferences such as skin color, etc. This table ground. Humans are easiest. As players, we
follows the supposition made by many game have something in common with them. Nonhu
systems that characters will be primarily hu mans, on the other hand, are just that: not
man. human. Like human characters, they have
Instructions: If you have not already se childhoods, the agonies of adolescence, the
lected a character Race, roll a d20 and consult pangs of love, and the responsibilities that
table 101a below. Read the guidelines for the adulthood brings, but these will be skewed and
selected race, and record relevant information colored by their alien upbringing. Consider all
on line 101 of your character worksheet. Next of this before trying to play a nonhuman char
(or if you did not roll against table 101a because acter like just another human.
you already had a character race chosen),

d20 Race race of high elves who are slowly

1-12 Human: The most common race in dying out.
many game systems, the humans of For racial events, use 627 Elven Events.
Table 101a:
fantasy worlds are in most respects 15-16 Dwarf: Stalwart, short, stocky human Character Race
identical to humans found anywhere oids, with long beards and dour per
or anywhen else. If you are familiar sonalities, dwarves are longer-lived
- with modern examples of humanity, than men. Dwarves are excellent
then you already have a good basis metal and stone workers, renowned
for role-playing a human in a fantasy as fighters, and are often found living
setting. in underground cities. Dwarves can
Culture: May be of any Culture level. be gruff, grumpy, gloomy or rowdy,
This race uses standard events tables. and often trust none but themselves.
13-14 Elf: A race of beautiful humanoids, Culture: Never higher than Civilized.
often referred to as an elder race, For racial events, use 628 Dwarven
possibly a branch of faery, elves are Events.
associated with forests, have a natural 17-18 Halfling: Barely waist-high on hu
affinity for magic, and have life-spans mans, this is a pleasant race of sturdy
far longer than humans. Elves can be farmers and shopkeepers who feel
aloof and distant or flighty and seem more comfortable with their furry feet
ingly carefree, and they may consider propped up in front of a fireplace than
other races to be their inferiors. anywhere else.
Culture: May be of any Culture level. Culture: Never higher than Civilized.
Primitive elves are assumed to be lost For racial events, use 629 Halfling
tribes. Decadent elves may be a sub- Events.
19 Crossbreed: A crossbreed has mixed human and elven blood. If any
racial blood that combines elements other race is rolled twice, your char
from a mixed ancestry. These charac acter is a mix between that race and
ters are sometimes outcasts or loners, humanity. If one of your results is
never fully blending in to any society "Crossbreed" again, your character
from which they hail. Other cross may have blood from more than
breeds choose to identify themselves two races. Otherwise, your
with one society, sometimes at the character's lineage stems from both
cost of forsaking all ties with part of races you roll.
their heritage. Culture: Culture level will depend on
Not all crossbreeds are half one race the society in which the character was
and half another. Many are primarily raised. Choose one of the character's
descendants of one race, but can races.
trace their lineage to a pureblood of As with culture, the character's event
another race a few or more genera table depends on which race domi
tions back. Decide the percentage of nated his upbringing.
your character's racial mix, or roll 20 Other Races: The character is of a
percentile dice, using the result to race not normally found mixing in
give an approximate indication of the with the races listed above. Roll a d10
balance. and consult table 101b. Unless other
To find out your character's mixed wise specified, these races all use 630
lineage, roll two more times on table Monster Events for race specific
101a. If your result is "Human" both events.
times, then your character has both

d10 Race Culture: Any, but treat rolls of Nomad

1-3 Beastman: Part man, part beast, this as Primitive and all rolls of Civilized as
Table 101b:
racial category includes minotaurs, Decadently Civilized.
Other Races
centaurs, satyrs, fauns, and goatmen. 6 Orc: A degenerate humanoid race,
A beastman's personality reflects its this may reflect an evil offshoot of
bestial nature: Minotaurs rush head elfkind. Noted for vile habits, coarse
long into things. Centaurs have the manners, and a rough way of life, orcs
nobility (or stupidity) associated with are cruel, self-centered and deceitful,
horses, and goatmen and satyrs have as well as often in fear of punishment
particular "appetites." for everything they do.
Culture: A centaur may be Civilized. Culture: Never higher than Barbar
Other races will never have more ian.
than a Barbarian Culture. 7-10 Half orc: A crossbreed of human and
4-5 Reptileman: Primitive humanoid liz orc, the character may look nearly
ard-like creatures who often dwell in human, but often partakes of an orc's
swamps and marshes, reptilemen may baser nature. Half orcs often have a
sometimes be degenerate survivors tendency towards evil. Their person
of ancient races. This category in alities can be coarse and callous but
cludes dragons and serpent men (who tempered with human emotion and
are usually evil). Of all the given logic.
races, reptilemen are the most alien. Culture: May be of any Culture level.
They have exotic mannerisms and Unless raised by humans, uses Mon
often exhibit weird, unexplainable ster Racial Events. If raised by hu
behavior. mans, uses standard event tables.

"Pay for the meal? You want pay for this? Ha!
"The meat had maggots. The bread was so infested by pests that it's a wonder it could feed
so much mold You promised a carrot or a radish, but the only other things I could find on the
trencher were a dead mouse, a few lumps of coal that may have been something else before they
were set afire, and a burgeoning colony of barley-lice. The wine was so watered down it sported
algae, and you want me to pay.' No! I've never been so insulted!

"But before I go, can I keep this same table again tomorrow night?"
d20 Heritage 16 The character is a member of an indig
1-8 The character's cultural ties are to his enous race that has been uprooted or
current nation of residence. While overthrown by invaders.
Table 101c:
the character's ancestors may have 17 The character is the child of recent National and
come from another land, he has no immigrants to this land and still does Ethnic Heritage
strong emotional, physical or cultural not fit in with the dominant society.
ties to another country. 18 The character was born in a foreign
9-10 The character's recent ancestry and land and moved to this land while
current nation of residence are the young. He retains memories of his
same. However, the character has original homeland and may even seek
strong ethnic ties to, and takes great to return.
pride in his more distant ancestors' 19 The character was born in a foreign
country of origin. land and moved to this land upon
11-14 The character is a member of a racial reaching adulthood. He almost cer
minority within his nation. tainly stands out as a foreigner.
15 The character is a member of a re 20 Reroll two more times on this table,
pressed race within his nation. combining the results.

From here, proceed to 102 Cultural Background on page 20.

Finally cresting the steep rise that your pack animals have been

102 struggling against for most of the day, you stare down into a secluded
and lightly wooded valley. Nestled within this valley and clustered
around the shores of a small lake at its heart huddle the sod huts of an

Cultural apparently primitive village. The scant signs of cultivated land sur
rounding the homes point to little more than subsistence farming, and
the rough, heavily rutted dirt road leading down from your position
shows little sign of recent tending, if any.

Background "Shinon's Dell," your guide sighs. "Home...your mysterious artifact

hails from this valley."

Consult this section after determining character race and ancestry.

INFORMATION & The Culture in which your character be- you have finished all of this, go on to 103
gins his life is a significant factor in all successive Social Status on page 24.
INSTRUCTIONS background determinations. Most of a Role-play: Role-playing a character from
character's preconceptions and prejudices as one culture in the confines of another Culture
well as his attitudes and beliefs will be an may initially seem difficult, but if you look for
outgrowth of Culture. simple guidelines, the task may become easier.
Instructions: If you have not previously Just imagine what it would be like for you to be
chosen a Culture background for your charac- placed in a totally new environment where
ter, roll a d100 on table 102 below. (Remem- nothing was familiar, neither customs, language,
ber that tables 101a and 101b suggest Cultural nor day-to-day chores.
limitations for some nonhuman races.) Fol- All but the most trusting people are natu
lowing each Culture is a Culture Modifier rally suspicious of anyone from another Cul-
Number (CuMod) and a native environment. turea fear of the unknown. This can be
After you determine a Culture, write the Cul- expressed as fearful hatred and persecution
ture level and this CuMod value down on line (that which we do not understand must be
102 of your worksheet. (You will use your evil and therefore must be destroyed) or
CuMod to modify several future die rolls.) fearful awe and wonder, although primitives
Then write your character's native environ- treating civilized folk like gods is clich. An
ment on the line provided for it. After reading other cliche is for characters from one Cul
the Culture description, write your character's ture to look down on folk from another Cul
base survival skills ranking as well as your ture (the "You are different, therefore infe
character's base chance to be literate on the rior" attitude).
lines provided for them under SKILLS. When

d100 Culture CuMod Native Survival

01-05 Degenerate Civilized 0 Wilderness/Rural/Urban 6
Table 102: 06-15 Primitive 0 Wilderness 7
Cultural 16-19 Regressive Civilized 2 Wilderness/Rural/Urban 6
Background 20-34 Nomadic 6 Wilderness 7
35-64 Barbaric 2 Wilderness/Rural/Urban 6
65-77 Developing Civilized 6 Rural/Urban 6
78-87 Dynamic Civilized 10 Rural/Urban 7
88-92 Stagnant Civilized 4 Rural/Urban 4
93-00 Decadent Civilized 7 Urban 5

Culture: See below, beginning on page 21, for a description of each cultural type.
CuMod: Record this in the appropriate location on the Character History Worksheet.
Native: This is the environment with which your character will be most familiar. If more than
one environment is listed, choose one.
Survival: This is the total survival ranks that you may distribute among the three Heroes of
Legend environment types. At least half of your survival ranks must be given to your native
environment. See Survival Skills on page 12 for more details.

"Adventurers? You're adventurers?... I assume you'll be paying in advance?"

Primitives do not read and write their own become a spear, a tree root becomes a spiked
language and do not form significant perma club, etc), if he remains within a Primitive
nent settlements. The chief industry of Primi Culture, a beginning character will always pos
Primitive Culture

tives is the procurement of food, usually by sess at feast one hand weapon.
hunting (traditionally a male role) and gathering A character from a Primitive Culture has
(traditionally the task of women, children and only a 5% chance to be literate. Since Primi
the elderly). Primitives do not work metal and tives Have no written language, this will always
organized farming is still rare. Their basic be the language of another culture.
political units are the family and the clan, and Role-play: Characters born into Primitive
their rulers are often chosen because they ace cultures tend to be superstitious. Tradition is
the most powerful hunters or warriors of the important to them. They are often distrustful of
group. The elderly are revered for their wis "higher" levels of Culture, viewing their accom
dom. plishments as evil. A Primitive character will
Game-play Benefits: A Primitive charac probably be less than willing to accept the
ter teams basic weapon use at Rank 3 ability "benefits" of civilization and may even suffer
and hunting/gathering skills at Rank 4 compe from exposure to civilized cultures. Primitive
tency. The learned weapon is usually a club, characters are often viewed as stupid but are
spear, knife or bow and arrow. All adult, male usually quite cleverthey lead hard lives, and
Primitives (and some females) can create weap they need sharp wits for daily survival.
ons from natural resources (flint and wood

Nomads rely heavily on livestock that can environment and at caring for their beasts. If he
move as seasons and resources dictate and are remains within a Nomadic Culture, a beginning
rarely agricultural. Most Nomads are mounted character will always possess at feast one hand
Nomadic Culture
or use beasts of burden to transport belongings, weapon and one missile weapon.
Nomads organize along family group lines, do A Nomad will almost always be able to
not settle permanently, and do not develop interpret his native pictograph writings but only
their own abstract writing beyond the level of has a 20% chance to write in it He has a 10%
pictographs, in most Nomadic tribes and clans, chance to read the pictographs of another
all adult males are warriors. Nomads may also Nomad Culture. A Nomad has a 10% chance
be skilled in other crafts or professions (rarely to be literate in the language of another Culture.
metalworking), but skill in combat is a necessity Role-play: like Primitives, Nomads rely
for survival. strongly on tradition. They may have wander*
Game-play Benefits: A Nomadic charac lust and can become uncomfortable when tied
ter will normally be at least a Rank 4 rider and down to one locale. A Nomad will always feel
will have a horse or other riding animal 75% of out of place in a city and often distrusts those
(he timeeven if encountered in another Cul who live in them. Nomads retain some of the
ture, Nomadic mates will learn weapon use to Primitives' superstitious nature, and a Nomad
Rank 3 capability after reaching adolescence character will tend to have a kind of wild vitality,
and will have 1d4 Ranks of skill both at navigat a lust for life that has been lost by more civilized
ing and pathfinding in his culture's primary people.

Barbarians are generally thought of as crude most adult mates are warriors in addition to any
and semiliterate. In fact, they are not. Barbarian other profession that they follow (although, like
cultures are dynamic, often highly educated the Vikings, they may put this skill to work
Barbaric Culture
societies with a keen sense of propriety and law pillaging as opposed to warring). They may live
and order. In a sense, they are pre-Civilized in small cities, which are often not much more
organized, but not yet developed (or degener than semipermanent camps.
ated) to the point where powerful central gov Game-play Benefits: After reaching ado
ernments are needed. They normally have a lescence, a Barbarian will learn weapon-use
solid economy with defined divisions of labor with a hand weapon and a missile weapon to
{occupational specializations). Organized reli Rank 3 ability. If he remains within a Barbarian
gion is often a central pillar of barbarian society Culture, a beginning character will always pos
(and may dominate it). Barbarians are generally sess at least one hand weapon and one missile
led by strong, charismatic warriors, but much of weapon.
the people are governed by extended family A Barbarian character has a 10% chance
groupings such as clans. Like the Nomads, to be literate in his native language.
Role-play: Like the Nomads, Barbarians ian character might easily be subject to extreme
five life with gusto. They live, love, fight, eat and emotions, such as deep depressions, berserk
drink like there may be no tomorrow. Barbar fighting moods, and exuberant joy, and they are
ians adapt well to Civilized cultures. A Barbar- often frank and open about their feelings.

Civilized cultures are most often noted for Regressive: This is a Stagnant Civilized
Civilized Culture: central governments (which seem to exist solely Culture which is slowly losing the social and
for the purpose of collecting taxes) and large cultural gains of earlier generations. Regressive
Degenerate, cities stocked with the dubious benefits of governments tend to be dictatorial or authori
Regressive, civilizationtable manners, royal dynasties, tarian, or perhaps they center on the "wisdom"
wizards, professional thieves, naval warfare, of a small group of elders.
Developing, civil engineering and, of course, tax accoun Game-play Benefits: A character from a
Dynamic, tants. The hereditary warrior classes become Regressive Culture begins with 1d3 objects (no
Stagnant and landed gentlefolk as knights and samurai are real estate) from section 858 Gifts & Legacies
replaced by paid soldiery. on page 149.
Decadent Heroes of Legend subdivides civilized so Role-play: The character may be highly
cieties into six sub-types: Degenerate, Retro defensive of his decaying culture, and he may
gressive, Developing, Dynamic, Stagnant, and refuse to believe things are as bad for the
Decadent. For details on each specific type, see society as they really are.
Game-play Benefits: In addition to ben Developing: A Developing Civilized Cul
efits listed below under the specific types of ture is making great strides to improve itself
civilized cultures, a civilized character has a technologically, socially and morally. Usually,
50% chance to develop a hobby. Determine this culture is on its way up from Barbarism or
the specific type of hobby by consulting section making a comeback from Decadence or Retro
318 Hobbies on page 60. Also, a character gression. The government may favor some
from a Civilized Culture has a 30% chance to be type of popular representation, and the people
literate in his native language. place have much faith for the future.
Role-play: Civilized peoplesespecially Game-play Benefits: Roll a d6. On a result
those of Well-to-Do and higher Social Status of 3-5, select one Lightside trait from table
classically take a dim view of lesser cultures, 522a. On a result of 6, select 1d3 Lightside
often viewing them as less than sentient. "Help traits from table 522a and one Neutral trait from
ful" Civilized folk may feel a need to bring table 522b.
Civilization to lower Culture levels. A civilized Role-play: A character from a Developing
character usually feels most at home in a city culture could easily have a pioneer spirit, willing
and will be aware of what a city has to offer. to take risks for the good of others and for a
better future as well as for personal gain.
Degenerate: This is a people living within
the ruins of their former greatness, unable to Dynamic: Dynamic Civilized Cultures are
understand let alone duplicate the feats of their marked by rapid growth, development and
forbearers. Members of a Degenerate Culture expansion. New ideas and technologies are
are often superstitious, even worshiping their being discovered and exploited. Governments
ancestor's lost technological mysteries. The in Dynamic Cultures are similar to those in
tern "Degenerate" does not necessarily reflect Developing Cultures, but access to power re
the society's moral status, and more often than sides in the hands of a relative few. In many
not their societies function like Primitive, No ways, a Dynamic Civilized Culture stands at the
madic or Barbaric Cultures. peak of its development.
Game-play Benefits: A character from a Game-play Benefits: Roll a d6. On a result
Degenerate Culture begins with 1d3 objects of 3-5, select one Neutral trait from table 522b.
(no real estate) from section 858 Gifts & Lega On a result of 6, select 1d3 Neutral traits from
cies on page 149. These are an inheritance and table 522b and one trait from table 522c:
may even have sacred status. The character will Darkside Personality Traits.
also usually have a Rank 3 skill in the religious Role-play: Dynamic cultures are often self-
knowledge of his people. centered, caught up in the wonderfulness of
Role-play: Characters born into Degener themselves. In their eyes, they can do no wrong
ate Cultures tend to be superstitious. Tradition (nor take responsibility for failures). This is a
is important to them. They may have a "ritual culture of great ego, one that believes that great
istic" approach to using elements of their more risk taking and great intellect should earn great
civilized heritage. rewards. Moral bankruptcy has begun.
Stagnant: No significant societal gains, government support of the Poor is expanding,
either technological, sociological or artistic are previously common civil liberties and services
being made, or have been made in recent are disappearing. Inflation in Decadent Civili
memory. This culture has remained essentially zations is often rampant.
as it is for decades, generations, or even millen Game-play Benefits: Street-smarts, sur
nia. The people refuse to adopt changes. They vival in the streets, come naturally to this char
may no longer dedicate themselves to work, acter. Give him 1d3 additional skill Ranks of
choosing to pursue hobbies instead. Govern Urban Survival skill. Roll a d6. On a result of 1
ments tend to be self-serving, self-perpetuating 3, select one Darkside trait from table 522c. On
and emphasize maintaining the status quo. a result of 4-5, select 1d3 Darkside personality
Game-play Benefits: A character from a traits from table 522c and one trait from table
society like this one has 1d4+2 skill ranks at an 522b: Neutral Personality Traits. On a result of
occupation that was handed down by his an 6, use the 4-5 result but add one trait from
cestors. Select an occupation from 313 Civi section 523 Exotic Personality Traits.
lized Occupations. Role-play: It is common for citizens of
Role-play: Characters born into Stagnant Decadent Civilized Cultures (even the lowliest
cultures may not believe that innovations are slaves and beggars) to believe that their Culture
possible, or desirable. They value tradition and is not only at its dynamic prime, but that it and
are uncomfortable with change. they are vastly superior to everything else. A
character from this Culture could easily have a
Decadent: These are Civilized Cultures haughty attitude, looking down his nose at
past the peak of their prime. Decay has begun everything. Simple pleasures might easily bore
to set in at all levels, and the people have a person from this Culture. On the other hand,
become hedonistic and jaded. The govern they could be so foreign to the character that
ment seems to have become self-perpetuating they may intrigue him to no end.
and careless of the people's needs. Although

From here, proceed to 103 Social Status on page 24.

The blare of calling trumpets grows louder, coming from somewhere

103 Social up the street, but you aren't tall enough to see over the heads of the vast
crowd pressing its way slowly towards the castle. As you stretch up on
your toes for a better look, the man behind you gets shoved into your

Status back, crushing one of his special pastries baked in honor of the king's
birthday against the man's chest...
At last an opening appears in the crowd and an ornate gilded
carriage appears, ushered through the throng by a tight knot of surly
guards and three trumpeters. You have only a moment to wonder why
anyone of such obviously high standing would be heading away from
the royal celebration before a strong hand thrusts you back into the

This section follows section 102 Cultural Background

INFORMATION & Social Status indicates the general wealth entry is a Social Level Modifier (SolMod). Write
of a character's family. Should subsequent the selected Social Level and the correspond-
INSTRUCTIONS events so dictate, this wealth could become the ing SolMod value on line 103 of the worksheet.
character's fortune ... or lack thereof. It is The SolMod will be used later to modify other
possible for the course of events in a character's die rolls.
life to change his Social Status for better or for After recording the SolMod and Social
worse. For a beginning character, Social Status Level, modify Survival Skills as described below,
affects initial starting money. A Wealthy char- read the role-play guidelines and the Social
acter will usually have more money than a Poor Level description, then go to section 104 Birth
character. and Family.
Social standing can also affect the attitudes Survival Skills: Add or subtract the num
that a character will have about himself and ber of ranks indicated on table 103.
others. One can also think of Social Status as a Role-play: Like Culture, the character re-
Subculture within a Culture. The basic beliefs, tains at least some of the values and attitudes of
attitudes and skills of the Culture remain, but the Social Status of his birth, even though he
they are modified by Social Status. changes social standing. The longer a character
Additionally, a character's Social Status spends in a Social Level, the more he adopts the
acts as a modifier when determining events that attitudes of that social level. A Poor character
occur to the character later in life. who becomes Well-to-Do may initially be fru-
Instructions: Roll a d100 and add the gal, but the longer he lives the good life, the
CuMod from table 102 to the result. Then more concerned he becomes about appearing
consult table 103. Following each Social Level Wealthy.

Social Level SolMod Survival

01-15 Destitute 0 +1d2 ranks
Table 103: 16-40 Poor 2 +1 rank
Social Status 41-84 Comfortable 4
85-86 (Reroll on this table, but do not add your CuMod to the roll.)
87-95 Well-to-Do 5 -1 rank
96-99 Wealthy* 7 -1d2 ranks
100-110 Nobility (see description) (+5)** -1 rank
Extremely Wealthy 10 -1d2 ranks

* Some Wealthy characters will be Extremely Wealthy. Roll a d100. If the result is less than
or equal to the character's TiMod (equal to 0 unless your character is a noble) plus 1, then he is
Extremely Wealthy.
** This +5 is added to the SolMod after a Noble title has been selected and the Social Status
rerolled on this table.

"'S late, but yer lucky. Mos' nights y'd get nothin', but th' dog hadn' finished this, so you'll get
some supper after all."
Jen Daisy, Wench of Salty's Tavern
These people are considered the dregs of a 40% chance to have Underworld experience
society. They own no property, and may have (go to section 631 Underworld Events). In a
no fixed home. Some perform no real work and Decadent Culture, this chance increases to
are often unemployable. Others are in bond to 60%. A destitute character has only a flat 5%
a master and live at his whim. Still more, chance of being literate (regardless of Culture).
especially Primitives, barely five off what mea Money: 25% of normal starting money.
ger bounty the land provides. The chief indus No sane person outside the character's own
try of this class is foraging and scavenging. This Social Level will loan him money.
is survival levelno luxuries. Money is rare for Role-play: Characters from this Social
the Destitute and all income goes toward merely Status may believe that they have no real con
staying alive. This social class includes non- trol over their own lives and exist merely at the
guild beggars and other street people, serfs, whim of others, whether it be the gods, the
sharecroppers, rural bandits, some slaves, and wealthy or just anyone who is not Destitute.
unfortunate Primitives. This attitude might be expressed as hopeless
Game-play Benefits: As a child, a Civilized ness, or it might become hatred and revenge
or Decadent character attains Rank 3 profi directed against either society or those be
ciency in street fighting (Dagger and Brawling lieved to be the cause of misfortune. A destitute
skills). As an Adolescent, this skill increases to person can easily be a street punk, or a goodly
Rank 4. In a Civilized Culture, the character has person with a heart of gold and a hopeless sigh.

A Poor person has a very low income 3 rating in street fighting (Dagger and Brawling
compared to many. He usually does not or skills).
cannot own property. His home is usually of Money: 50% of normal starting money.
lesser quality, sometimes due to uncaring land The character will have difficulty borrowing
lords who may also be the Poor person's em money from any other than criminal sources.
ployer. The luxuries of the poor often include Role-play: The Poor must work hard to
nice food, heat in winter, pets and clean water. keep what little they have, otherwise they will
In some societies, the Poor are but a step above become Destitute. A Poor character might
slaves. This class includes most non-leader always be concerned about having enough to
Nomads, Primitives, peasants, uncivilized war get by, but the Poor usually have hopethat
riors, most laborers, public welfare recipients, they or their children might have a better life if
some land-owning farmers, some craftsmen, they can work hard and long enough. Although
young or partly-skilled urban thieves, appren a character from this Social Level may long for
tices, office clerks and most professional sol a better life, he could be satisfied with the way
diers. things are. Hard work is good and the rewards
Game-play Benefits: Subtract 15% to the enjoyable. Of all the Social Levels, the Poor are
character's literacy chance. As an adolescent, most likely to strongly emphasize religious
the character has a 50% chance to attain Rank matters in their lives or to be superstitious.

This is the middle class of any Culture, merchants, highly-skilled laborers, lower gov
regardless of the average wealth of its citizens. ernment officials, lower-ranking military offic
These folk usually live in clean, nicely appor ers, lesser priests and magicians, shopkeepers,
tioned homes or apartments, often in better and prominent warriors and lesser chieftains.
neighborhoods. They eat regularly and occa Game-play Benefits: The character may
sionally very well. Children are often educated add 5% to his chance to be literate. He may
by tutors. Luxuries include warm houses, good also own an heirloom weapon.
food, nice clothing, family heirlooms, books, Money: 100% of normal starting money.
and the ability to hire a servant or workman. A The character has no problem borrowing money
family in this class may own a conservative form at reasonable rates.
of transporta buggy, a wagon or a horse. This Role-play: Folk from this Social Status are
class includes "impoverished" nobility, univer considered to represent the mainstream of their
sity professors, scribes, some craftsmen and Culture's beliefs and attitudes.

"Hire us? Hire us! Run the bl'ckade? If m'corpse was whole... you'd have none of me!
Dang'rous! Too much, too much ... but th' pain comes back. M' leg calls from serpent's gullet
and th' sea'll claim th' rest... When must th' crew be ready?"
Ty S'Grit, Seamaster of the Brimwiht
These are the upper end of the middle or character can begin play with a riding animal
merchant class in Barbarian and Civilized cul and two weapons.
Well-to-Do tures. They typically own larger homes, have a Money: 150% of normal starting money.
household servant (a cook and/or a maid), have He has no problem borrowing good-sized sums
private transportation, and sometimes travel of money at reasonable rates.
abroad. They may own more than one home in Role-play: Outward appearances are of
more than one city. Their children are privately ten the be-all and end-all of this Social Status,
educated. Luxuries include elegant furnishings, and these folk may try to act like they are
artwork, libraries, parties, fine clothing, and Wealthy. A strong tendency exists in this class
occasional exotic foods. This class includes to look on lower Social Statuses as something
younger offspring of Nobility, successful crafts bordering on "unclean" and to attempt to asso
men, high-ranking military officers, merchants, ciate only with those of equal or higher status.
ship owners, successful magicians, priests of Of all Social Statuses, Well-to-Do folk are prob
prominent religions, guild leaders, city officials, ably the least tolerant of their children becom
and Nomad and Barbarian chieftains. ing adventurers ("What will the neighbors
Game-play Benefits: Add 30% to the think?").
character's literacy chance. Additionally, the

These people are rich. They own large furnished home, a riding animal, fine clothing,
Wealthy estates, have many servants, plush furnishings 1d3 pieces of jewelry worth 10x starting money
and large holdings of land. They usually make each, a dagger, and a fine hand weapon appro
their money from real estate, merchant trading priate to his culture.
and gouging poorer people. What most lower Money: 300% of normal starting money.
social levels see as luxuries, Wealthy people The character also has no problem borrowing
take for granted. This class includes most titled large sums of money at favorable rates.
nobility, merchant princes, high priests of rich Role-play: A Wealthy character is accus
cults, owners of very successful large compa tomed to the finer things in life and may be
nies, government leaders, very successful magi uncomfortable in less-than-elegant surrounds.
cians, and leaders of criminal organizations. It may be hard for a Wealthy character to
Game-play Benefits: The character is al accept someone from a lower Social Status as
ways literate. He will usually have a finely an equal.

Like the Wealthy, the Extremely Wealthy and armor, expensive clothing, a minor magical
has lots and lots of money. However, they view item, etc. Availability of items may be the only
Extremely the merely Wealthy as just penny-ante. The limiting factor.
Wealthy Extremely Wealthy own estates the size of Money: Within reason, the character has
baronies (even dukedoms), have armies of ser as much money as he requiresas long as he is
vants (and usually at least one army), throw at home (perhaps limit this to 20x the normal
parties that would beggar most cities, and are starting money). The character usually has no
often quite eccentric. This class includes heirs need to borrow money unless he is bank-rolling
of old family fortunes who have continued to a country or a war.
expand their holdings, kings of wealthy coun Role-play: Chances are that a character from
tries, and emperors. this social class will believe that money solves all
Game-play Benefits: The character is al problems. He may also never have been exposed
ways literate in his own language (100% chance), to the seamier side of life and may have no
and he has a 30% chance to be able to speak concept of what it is like NOT to have a desire
1d4 other languages. Within reason, a charac gratified instantly. Although cliche, the "spoiled
ter will begin with just about any material rich kid" could easily fit as this type of character.
possession he desires, including carriages, arms Also see Wealthy role-play guidelines.

"Master, I received this bottle from the prince's own vintner with such lavish praise of its liquor's
sweetness and strength that, beyond doubt, the prince himself could savor no better. You know
the tales of the royal vineyard, of the death that awaits any who trespass, of the value even of its fruit's
succulent aroma. I vowed that never would this treasure leave my hands, never would we part I
will drink this wine on my deathbed and take the liquid to my grave. No, no... but perhaps for your
jewelled broach an arrangement can be made..."
Overheard in the market square of Cifinesalli
The character who rolls this is a member of Social Status must be at least Well-to-Do for this
a noble family, the aristocracy of the land. armor to be of exceptional quality, such as full
These folk have fancy titles, and are generally plate). A Noble character has a 50% chance to

better off than their fellows (whom they often have a strange personality quirk. Select it with
consider to be less than human). Follow the 523 Exotic Personality Traits.
instructions below to select titles, lands, kinships Money: Money is determined by Social
to other rulers and so on, then return here. Status (the second roll on this table).
Special Instructions: Go to section 748 Role-play: Nobles, by definition, are sup
Nobles to determine the Noble title of the posed to be better than other men, born to lead
character's parents and other items of impor their lesser brethren. Even a Destitute Noble
tance to Nobles. Then, the character must will consider himself to be better than others.
reroll his Social Status on table 103 (to find out The importance and role of Nobility within a
the family's wealth and current situation), add Culture will vary with the Culture. They may be
ing the TiMod from table 748a to the result. dynamic hereditary leaders, able to command
Reroll results of over 99. men to their deaths, or pleasure-loving para
Game-play Benefits: Add 30% to the sites who are tolerated only because their exist
character's chance for literacy. A beginning ence is traditional. Also read the role-play
character will usually have a full set of non- guidelines in section 748 for further assistance
magical weapons of his choice and a good in role-playing this character.
quality suit of armor. (However, the Noble's

From here, proceed to section 104 Birth and Family on page 28.
A rhythmic wail breaks the incessant moaning that for hours has

104 Birth
rolled from the royal bedchamber and signaled the birthing pains of the
queen and mother. At last the time has come! At last the heir is born!
But moment follows moment and the doors do not open in triumph.

and Family
Neither do the mother's painful sobs cease. You wait for an intermina
bly long time, until, finally, a second wail to echo the first comes from
beyond the doors. Twins . . .
A midwife erupts from the room, bearing a troubled look and a tiny
bundle. She hands the sleeping child to you.
"Take him away and forget where you leave him!" she says. "There
can be only one heira second means bloodshed!"
The midwife returns to the royal bedchamber, leaving you with a
prince who must never know his true identity . . .

This section follows 103 Social Status.

A character's life begins among his family. sex. Hi=female, Lo=male. Also, for relations
Though they may not figure heavily into his later outside the immediate family, determine which
adventures, a character's first values come from side of the family the relative is related to. Roll
his family, and it is here that he may place his Hi/Lo. Hi=mother's side of the family.
strongest allegiances. Lo=father's side of the family.
Also, chances are that the character has or Role-play: The family is the core of a
had one or more brothers or sisters. Birth order character's early growth. A character who
affects things like inheritance, family influence, grows up surrounded by many relatives often
career, titles and personality. has a different perspective on life than a child
Instructions: In order; roll a d20 to raised by a single parentor none at all. Family
consult 104a; Birth Legitimacy, roll a d20 to may be relied upon for aid in times of need.
consult table 104b: Family Head, and roll an Siblings can be best friends, ardent rivals or
additional d20 to consult table 104c: Siblings even worst enemies. They can be ordinary
and Birth Order. Do not consult 104d: Other people or they can be exceptional individuals
Relations unless you are instructed to by an whose talents outshine the character's own
other table. As always, record all results in the (imagine always living in the shadow of a more
appropriate locations of your Character History successful brother or sister). You may wish to
Worksheet. further expand upon siblings by giving them
If you determine that the character has names, ages, and so on.
siblings, then for each sibling roll a d20. If the First borns may be more aggressive and
roll is 9 or lower, the sibling is male; otherwise, receive most of their parent's attention and
the sibling is female. After recording the siblings resources. A younger child may try to live up to
and their gender on the Character History an older sibling's reputation, or take on a "why
Worksheet, roll a die that closely corresponds even try" attitude.
to the number of children in the character's Game-play Benefits: First borns are usu
family. Reroll until the result is equal to a ally the designated family heir and inherit Noble
specific birth order ["2" out of seven children, family titles, household careers, fortunes and
perhaps). This is the character's order of birth: land. Younger children often only receive a
record it on the character worksheet. smaller portion of these things. First borns
If you are instructed to consult table 104d: generally receive more money from parents
Other Relations, roll Hi/Lo to select the relative's (+20% additional starting money).

An illegitimate child is a child begotten of Record birth legitimacy on line 104a of

104a: Birth
a woman not married to the father and who is your worksheet, then go to table 104b: Family
not adopted by the father's family. Head.
Roll a d20. If the result is 19+, the character Game-play Notes: If a Noble character is
is illegitimate and has a LegitMod equal to 1d4. illegitimate, he gains no further benefit from his
Subtract the LegitMod from the character's TiMod, unless he is the sole heir of his Noble
SolMod to get the character's new SolMod. parent.
d20 Family Head a second time on this table, rerolling
1-9 Two Parents (if illegitimate, parents results of 16 or higher.
not married). 17 None known. Left to fend for self.
104b: Family
10-12 One Parent. Roll Hi/Lo. Hi = Mother. Change Social Status to Destitute (+d3 Head
Lo = Father. Ranks to Survival Skills).
13 Aunt and/or Uncle. 18 None known. Raised in an Orphan
14 Older Sibling. Roll Hi/Lo. Hi = Brother. age. Change Social Status to Poor.
Lo = Sister. GM ONLY: See entry #104b on table
15 Grandparent(s). 968: GM's Specials.
16 Guardian. Roll 1d20. On a result of 19 Other Relation. Select on table 104d.
8 or less, refer to 747 Guardians. 20 More Relatives. Reroll basic family
Otherwise, the character was or- type, ignoring rolls higher than 16.
phaned at birth and adopted into a Then select 1d6 additional relations
more-or-less normal family group. Roll from table 104d: Other Relations.

d20 Number of Siblings 14-16 1d4+2 Siblings

1-2 None: Character is an only child. 17-18 2d4 Siblings
3-8 1d3 Siblings 19 +1d4 Siblings. Roll again.
104c: Siblings
9-13 1d3+1 Siblings 20 +1d3 Illegitimate siblings. Roll again. and Birth Order

2d8 Relation 13 Ancestor. Roll a d3+1. The result is

2-3 Distant Relative. Shares a common the number of generations removed
ancestor. from the character's grand parents
104d: Other
4 2nd Cousin. A cousin's child or a {Great Grandparent, Great-great Relations
parent's cousin. Grandparent, etc.).
5-8 Sibling. Roll Hi/Lo. Hi=Brother, 14-16 Mysterious. The person claims to be
Lo=Sister. a relation, but no solid evidence backs
9 First Cousin. An uncle or aunt's child. up that claim, and suspicious circum
10-11 Great Aunt or Uncle. Sibling of a stances surround the "relation's" ori
grandparent. gins. Reroll the relationship, ignoring
12 Great Grandparent. Parent of a grand rolls over 15. GM ONLY: see entry
parent. #104d in table 967: GM's Specials.

From here, proceed to section 105 Place & Time of Birth on page 30.
"In here. Wouldn't take a normal room. Said somethin' 'bout bein'

105 Place close t' th' ground."

The innkeeper stands back from the doorway and hands you his
torch. Thrusting it through the low opening before you in the stone wall,

& Time of you gaze upon a tiny cubicle devoid of furnishings except a damp cot
which still holds birthing rags from the night before. You shiver as your
breath comes out in a cloud that slowly dissipates towards the rotting

Birth straw on the floor.

"See," the innkeeper continues. "No windows in th' cellar. The
mother just vanished, leavin' th' child wailing . . . "

This section follows 104 Birth and Family.

INFORMATION & All characters were born somewhere and Do not consult table 105c: Exotic Birth
at some time. Locations unless instructed to do so by another
INSTRUCTIONS Instructions: Begin by consulting 105a: table.
Time of Birth. Write relevant Time of Birth Role-play: Imagine the situation that
information on line 105a of the Character His brought the character's mother to the place of
tory Worksheet. Next, roll a d20 and consult birth. Could some event or individual have
table 105b: Place of Birth, again recording caused the character to be born here? How
relevant information. Note that every birth does it fit with his Culture or Social Status?
location, including those on table 105c: Exotic Would it be normal to be born here, even under
Birth Locations, has a corresponding BiMod unusual circumstances?
value which will be used by later tables.

If you or your GM feel that the season, the time periods are of nearly equal length, the
105a: Time of month or day of the character's birth is impor chances to select any time period should be
tant to the campaign, create a dice table similar equal. If the time periods are of unequal length,
Birth to the other tables in the book. Use the size of use a d100 and assign a range of values propor
dice that most readily matches the number of tional to the relative lengths of each time pe
seasons, months, etc. being selected. For a 12 riod.
month calendar, you would use a d12, etc. If

d20 BiMod Place of Birth 11 (8) In a common barn.

105b: Place of 1-6 (2) In the character's family 12-13 (+5) In a foreign land (roll once
home. again on this table for more
Birth 7 (2) In a friend's home. information).
8 (0) In a hospital or healer's guild 14 (10) In a cave.
hall. 15 (8) In the middle of afield.
9 (8) In a voyaging ship. 16 (9) In a forest.
10 (8) In a carriage or wagon while 17-20 Roll 1d20 on table 105c:
travelling. Exotic Birth Locations.

"He lies to you! He clouds your eyes!"

"Prince Lyr? You must be mistaken."
"Must I? When does he say he was born?"
"On the eve of septnight after the harvest's dawn"
"He lies! He lies! Your lordling came to birth during death-night for the midwinter's dragon
moon! Ere that eve he cried from his mother's womb and struck the seer Paneir dumb with the terror
of his foretelling. I feel the presence of Panier now, of his cold touch in the pit of my heart. I feel
the fear that even now shackles him within these castle walls. Not even the dead rest safely in the
shadow of Prince Lyr's inevitable doom. Prince Lyr is the one spoken of by prophesy! The lordling
is bane of us all! His lies cannot hide this! They cannot!"
"Oh. Well... y'know, 'lie' is an awfully strong word. Perhaps he just forgot..."
Mistress Wernacht and Jharsvend the Thief
d20 BiMod Location evil person, ruler or crea
1 Roll twice more on this table. ture.
10 (9) In a bar, tavern or alehouse.
105c: Exotic
Combine the results (and
BiMods) together in a work 11 (17) In the sewers. Birth Locations
able way. 12 (12) In a thieves' den.
2 (10) In a prison cell (possibly 13 (9) In the lair of monsters. De-
because the mother was termine the type with sec
imprisoned at the time). tion 749 Monsters.
3 (22) In temple of a good deity 14 (32) CM ONLY: Refer to entry
(Optional: determine deity #105 on table 968: GM's
type in section 756 Deities). Specials.
4 (15) On a battlefield. Roll a d6. 15 (27) In the temple of an evil or
On a result of 6 the charac malignant deity.
ter was born on the battle 16 (22) On another plane of reality,
field; otherwise, the birth then transported to this
occurred in camp. world sometime soon after
5 (12) In an alley. birth.
6 (9) In a brothel (this does not 17 (17) ln another time period, then
necessarily indicate that the transported to this world
character's mother was a . sometime soon after birth.
prostitute). 18 (9) On a ship at sea.
7 (9) In the palace of a local ruler 19 (16) In a prison cell (might indi
(mayor, baron, etc.). cate that the character's
8 (12) In the palace of the ruler of mother was imprisoned at
the country (king, emperor, the time).
etc.) 20 (27) In a wizard's laboratory.
9 (22) In the palace of a powerful

From here, proceed to section 106 Unusual Births on page 32.

The crone waves her hand over the surface of a small pool and

106 mutters an unintelligible incantation. The pool becomes perfectly calm,

and its surface takes on a dark, misty cast in which no reflection

Unusual "Back, back..." she whispers, "back through the whirl of time.... A
woman cries, for the agony of her labor weighs heavily upon her.... It
is your mother! And the time is the night of your birth.

Births "As you enter the world, a tremendous storm rages outside, driving
a mysterious stranger to your door. He enters and asks to see you,
claiming to bear a great gift for the one just born under that roof.
"The stranger asks to gaze on your face, and as he does so, his eyes
widen in disbelief. 'Sorry,' he murmurs, 'wrong house.'"

This section follows 105 Place & Time of Birth.

Legendary characters often began their results of the roll and make a note of the "truth."
lives under unusual, often mysterious circum Discovery of the "truth" about the character's
stances. Some are born at crucial times during birth can easily become a motivation for the
the day or year, others are the children of gods. character's later adventuring.
These circumstances of their births often shape If you are a Game Master creating a
their later lives, whether the characters know it Nonplayer Character (NPC) and the result on
or not, and may foreshadow lives fraught with table 106a indicates that the GM is to deter
the unusual. Of course, not every character is mine one or more unusual birth circumstances,
born under unusual circumstances. In fact, continue making the rolls, but the NPC will be
many have rather normal or near normal births. unaware of the true nature of each GM-only
If you want your character to be more-or roll.
less normal, do not use this section. It has a If table 106a indicates that there are no
tendency to make the character as unusual as unusual birth circumstances, proceed to sec
the circumstances under which he is born. To tion 107 Parents & NPCs.
avoid this section completely, simply proceed If a later roll on table 106b contradicts an
on to section 107 Parents & NPCs. earlier one (such as rolling both "born at noon"
Instructions: Roll a d100 and add the and "born at midnight"), take the first result
character's BiMod (from either table 105b or obtained. Reroll all duplicate results. Record
105c) to the result. Match the total against each birth circumstance on the lines provided
table 106a: Nature of Birth to check for the in area 106b on the Character History
occurrence of unusual circumstances surround Worksheet.
ing the character's birth. Role-play: The circumstances surround
If table 106a shows that one or more ing a character's birth are often seen as omens
unusual occurrences took place at the that foretell their later life. An asterisk (*)
character's birth, record the number on line following the number on an entry of table 106b
106a of the Character History Worksheet and indicates that others who know of this occur
go to table 106b: Unusual Birth Occurrences. rence may treat the character differently than
Take the result from table 106a and roll a d100 they might a "normal" child. The character
that many times on table 106b. might be thought of as special, gifted, or even
If you are a player and the result on table "unclean"perhaps something to be hidden
106a indicates that the CM is to determine one away. Often the worst omens are kept from a
or more unusual birth circumstances, make a child, but he may then grow up surrounded by
note of this on your character worksheet. Your whispers, strange looks and possibly avoid
character is not aware of the true nature of the ance. These situations can make a character
resulting circumstance (or its effects have yet to curious about the future, or even fearful of it.
reveal themselves). Let your GM make the He may believe that there is something special
necessary rolls. The GM will reveal any obvious (for good or ill) about his life.

"Good fellow! I am glad to find you here at this early hour! Only one awake so early will have
the opportunity to sample this newly purchased wine, to touch its fire, to drink this burning fruit,
to Ick! Ack! (Cough, cough) Ptui! (Cough, cough, cough) Um... to imbibe this rich vintage,
d100+Bimod Unusual Birth Occurrences 100-101 Three unusual occurrences.
01-67 Nothing unusual occurred. 102-104 Three unusual occurrencesGM se 106a: Nature of
68-83 One unusual occurrence. lects 1d2.
84-92 Two unusual occurrences. 105 Four unusual occurrences. Birth
93-99 Two unusual occurrencesGM se 106+ Four unusual occurrencesGM se
lects one. lects 1d3.

d100 Occurrence 8-9 +2 to Magical Ability at

01 -05* A person of note in the vicinity of the tribute after sun sets (or
character's home died when he was
106b: Unusual
when in darkness or
born. The character may be blamed shadow). Birth Occur
for the death, or he might be pre 10 -2 to Magical Ability attribute rences
sumed to be the reincarnation of the during daylight.
deceased. 42-44* The character was born at exactly
06-10* Wolves and dogs set up a howling at Noon. Rolf 1d3 times on the follow
the moment of the character's birth. ing subtable. Retoll any duplicates.
11-20* The mother died in childbirth. See 1 +1d6 to Magical Ability at
section 644 Death of a Loved One. tribute for the hour immedi
21-23 All glassware in the house suddenly ately following Noon,
shattered. 2-3 No Night Vision (blinded in
24-25* All milk in the area soured at the darkness).
character's birth. 4-5 Extremely tanned skinskin
26-27 Father believes the character is not his is treated as 1 point of ar
child, but the offspring of another mor,
man {whether true or not). 6 -1d6 to Magical Ability at
28-31 The character has an identical twin tribute for the hour immedi
(20% chance of being separated at ately following Midnight.
birth). Also, roll a d6. On a result of 7 -1 Rank for any stealth re
6, the twin's personality is drastically lated skills.
different than that of the character, 8-9 +2 to Magical Ability at
possibly even opposite (if one be tribute during daylight.
came a good warrior, the other might 10 -2 to Magical Ability attribute
have become an evil wizard). after sun sets (or when in
32-34* Water froze or boiled by itself. darkness or shadow).
35-37 Seasonally unnatural weather oc 45-48* A seer declared that the character
curred. would be afflicted by an ancient fam
38* Unnaturally potent storms raged. ily curse (that the character's family
39-41* The character was born at exactly thought was long gone). Go to table
Midnight. Roll a d10 1d3 times on the 862a: Curses to determine the afflic
following subtable to determine ef- tion upon the character. Decide a
fects to the character. Reroll any reason for the curse to have been laid
duplicates. upon the family in the first place.
1 +1d6 to Magical Ability At 49-50* A goose laid a golden egg when char
tribute for the hour immedi acter was born. Roll a d10. If the
ately following Midnight. result is 7-9, the character still has the
2-3 Night Vision (sees in the dark egg. If the result is 10, he has the egg
as if in the day). and it is magical.
4-5 Extremely pale skinskin is 51-53* The sky darkened when character
sensitive to bright sunlight was born (like an eclipse). If born at
(1 Hit Point damage per hour night, the moon and stars went dark
of exposure to bright day briefly.
light}. 54-55* The house became infested with poi
6 -1d6 to Magical Ability at sonous snakes the next day (and some
tribute for the hour immedi one may have been killed).
ately following Noon. 56* All gold in the house turned into lead.
7 +1 Rank natural skill bonus 57* All metal in the house turned into
for any stealth-related skills precious metals.
(sneaking around, hiding, 58-59* The character was lost or abandoned
etc.). in the wilds almost immediately after
birth and raised by wild animals. Gifts & Legacies to determine the
Choose an appropriate animal, such nature of the gift).
as a wolf, bear, ape, etc., and assume 00 Roll Twice more and add 20 to the
that the character can now communi- resulting rolls.
cate reasonably well with that spe 101-110* The character is the offspring of a
cies. The character may now have mortal and a demon (other-planar
abilities not available to most humans, creature of evil). The evil creature's
or perhaps performs some much bet- parentage affects the character's at
teror just differentthan normal. tributes. For each attribute, roll a d3
60-62* The infant character was left to die on and a d6. If the d6 result is 1-4 add the
a hillside by his natural parents. The d3 to the attribute. If the d6 result is
character was subsequently raised by 5-6 subtract the d3 from the attribute.
foster parents who discovered the Also, roll once each on table 862d:
child. Unusual Physical Traits, table 862a:
63-64* The character was born immediately Curses and table 522c: Darkside
after a momentous event. Roll Hi/Lo. Personality Traits to learn things gained
On a Hi result, go to 624 Tragedies to from the demon.
determine the nature of the occur- Role-play: This character may be
rence. On a Lo result, go to section despicably evil, or he may be in a
625 Something Wonderful. Others constant battle to keep his demonic
who know of this occurrence some- nature in check. The demonic parent
times believe the character's birth may not care about its offspring, or it
was related to (or even the cause of) might have a special purpose in mind
the event. for him. Assume that most who know
65-69* The character was born with an un of the character's heritage will shun or
usual birthmark (see 860 Birthmarks). even seek to destroy him.
70-75* Born with a curse (go to table 862a: 111-120* The character is the offspring of the
Curses}. avatar of a god and a mortal (an avatar
76-81 * Born with a blessing (go to table 862b: is a semi-mortal incarnation of a god).
Blessings). The character may add 3 points to
82-85 The character was born with a frater each attribute to represent godlike
nal twin. Roll Hi/Lo to determine qualities inherited from the parent.
gender (Hi = female. Lo male). Character is automatically an initiate
There is a 20% chance that the twin of the parent god's cult and may
died at birth. become a priest once minimum re
86 The character is one of a set of iden quirements are met. Roil once each
tical triplets. Roll Hi/Lo to determine on table 862d: Unusual Physical Traits,
gender (Hi = female. Lo = male). 858 Gifts & Legacies and table 862b:
There is a 20% chance that each Blessings to learn things gained from
triplet died at birth. the parent god. Finally, see 756 Dei
87-88* An old hag (witch) prophesies the ties to determine the god who is the
character's death (go to 643 Death character's parent.
Situations). Role-play: The parent deity may not
89-93* The character was born with an un care about his or her offspring, or he
usual physical trait (go to table 862d: or she may have a special purpose in
Unusual Physical Traits). mind for the child. Assume that most
94 The character was born with 1d3 who know of the character's heritage
psychic powers (go to 864 Psychic will be in awe of the character. How
Powers). ever, foes of the god (and possibly the
95-99 A Mysterious stranger bestowed a gift god's immortal spouse) may seek to
on the character at birth (go to 858 oppose and destroy the character.

From here, proceed to section 107 Parents & NPCs on page 35.
The door to the tavern swings open and the short, wiry figure of
Piktig slips in, carrying a small sack that thumps heavily as he sets it
down on the table before you.
"I got it!" Piktig squeaks. "I told you I had the gold! Now where's the
107 Parents
fire stone?"
The tavern door opens again, and you can't help but smile as the tail
you placed on Piktig steps inside and catches your eye.
& NPCs
"I followed him," the tail says. "You were right. The little rat's a thief.
He even has a tunnel that surfaces in the mayor's treasure room . . . "

This follows section 106 Unusual Births. It deals cither with a player character's parents or an NPC himself.

For most NPCs, just labeling them by their and their dependents. (The head of the house INFORMATION &

occupation or relationship to the character will hold is the parent upon whom the society
be enough. For other important NPCs, you will traditionally places the burden of support. In INSTRUCTIONS

want to create backgrounds as detailed as many societies this is the father or male parent.)
those you make up for player characters. How If you are creating an NPC who already has an
ever, rather than use the regular (and admit occupation, then skip table 107a and go on to
tedly time-consuming) method to create every table 107b.
NPC who needs a bit of history, it's nice to Roll a d20 against table 107a to select the
touch only the highlights and yet still get an number of occupations held by the Parents or
interesting character. NPC. Note that this table merely selects the
For NPCs, this section determines the un number of occupations in the household, not
usual events that have already taken place in the actual jobs performed. Follow the direc
their livesthe things they are known for. These tions given for the result, determining all actual
are the NPCs most outstanding features. Most occupations on the Occupation Tables (see
of these features will be readily apparent either sections 310-313; consult the section appropri
upon encountering the NPC or upon getting to ate for the parent/NPC's Culture and Social
know them better. Status unless otherwise noted) and then con
For parents and guardians, this section tinue with table 107b for the NPCs (or parent's)
determines the aspects that a character remem further development.
bers about the person or persons who raised For table 107b, roll a d3. The result is the
and reared him through childhood or the things number of rolls for Noteworthy Items about the
that those persons did or became that most Parents or NPC to make on that table. Roll a
affect him. For the most part, these things in this d20 for each item, match the result on the table,
section relate to the head of the household. and then record any important information in
Special Notes about Parents: What a area 107 of the Character History Worksheet.
character becomes is greatly influenced by the For Parents/Guardians only, roll an addi
beliefs, attitudes and life-styles of those who tional d6 for each Noteworthy Item rolled on
rear him as a child or adolescent. In the best of table 107b. The d6 determines to which parent
situations, these are the character's parents, but (or guardian) the listing applies. A d6 result of
they can also be guardians or masters of an 1-4 indicates the head of the household. A
orphanage. These tables touch on aspects of result of 5-6 indicates the listing applies to the
the character's parents that may be important other parent (or guardian). If only one parent
parts of his later development. (or guardian) is alive, then apply all results to
Instructions: Regardless of culture or that parent only. If an orphanage is being rolled
social status, all heads of household in a society for, apply the results to the head master or
have an occupation, something that they do mistress of the orphanage.
that provides food and shelter for themselves

"Service, wench!"
"Lessee some pay first Y'll get nothin' but y'can afford it."
"What? A few bits o' iron?"
"Iron! Silver's what y' mean!"
"Silver? Silver? Hah! 'S covered with rust!"
"That's not rust! That's ...Urn, that's decoration."
Wrag Halseth and Jen Daisy
d20 Number of Occupations Culture and Social Status. On a roll of
107a: Number of 1-12 Head of household (NPC) has one 4-5, use the table for the next lower
occupation. Social Status. On a roll of 6, use the
Occupations 13-14 Head of household (NPC) has one table for the next higher Social Status.
primary occupation which is per 17-18 Both parents within the household
formed full-time and a secondary oc have an occupation. (For an NPC,
cupation which is performed on a treat this as a result of 13-14.)
part-time basis. For the secondary 19 Head of household (NPC) is or was an
occupation, use the occupation table adventurer. Go to 750 Adventurers
for the next lower Social Status within to determine the type of skills pos
the appropriate Culture. sessed by the parent or NPC.
15-16 Head of household does not work, 20 Head of household (NPC) does not
but the other parent does. (For an have a readily apparent occupation
NPC or single parent household, treat of any kind. When money is needed,
this as a result of 13-14.) Roll a d6. On it just seems to be available. (GM
a roll of 1-3, use the occupation table ONLY: See entry #107 on table 968:
appropriate for the parent/NPC's GM's Specials).

d20 Result thing that has happened (or might

1 NPC is Noted for his personality. Roll happen), something that dominates
107b: Items of a d6 on the subtable below to select the rest of his or her life. Roll a d6 on
Note the NPCs noted trait. the following table to determine the
1-3 Noted for a Lightside per- focus of the obsession:
sonality trait. Go to table 1 A relationship with some
522a: Lightside Personality one. Go to 745 Others to
Traits to determine this out- determine the person.
standing aspect of the NPCs 2 A significant event from the
character. past. See 208 Significant
4-5 Noted for a Darkside per- Events of Youth to deter
sonality trait. Co to table mine what happened.
522c: Darkside Personality 3 The working out of a per-
Traits to determine this out sonality trait. Roll a d6. On
standing aspect of the NPCs a result of 1-3, go to table
character. 522c: Darkside Personality
6 Noted for an exotic person- Traits to determine this trait.
ality trait. Go to 523 Exotic On a result of 4-6, go to
Personality Traits to deter- table 522a: Lightside Per-
mine this strange aspect of sonality Traits to determine
the NPCs character. this trait.
2 NPC had 1d3 unusual birth circum 4 The accomplishment of a
stances. Select them on 106 Unusual motivation. Go to Charac-
Births. ter Motivations on page 13
3 Devotes time to a hobby. Go to 318 to determine this goal.
Hobbies to determine the hobby and 5 Accomplishing a future
the devotion to it. event. With 419 Significant
4 NPC possesses an unusual item. Se- Events of Adulthood, deter
lect the item with 858 Gifts & Lega mine what the NPC seeks to
cies. have occur.
5 NPC is noted for his appearance. 6 Preventing a future event.
Select 1d3 appearance items with Determine what the NPC
867 Appearance. seeks to stop on 419 Signifi
6 NPC was affected by an Exotic Event cant Events of Adulthood.
which is spoken of often. Go to 642 9 NPC has a secret identity. Select the
Exotic Events to determine what oc- Social Status (section 103) and occu
curred. pation (as appropriate to the Cul
7 NPC is noted for an unusual ability or turesee sections 310-313) for the
physical feature. Select this oddity other identity.
with 862 Exotic Features. 10 NPC has a patron. Determine the
8 NPC has an obsession regarding some- details about this service relationship
with 641 In the Service of... emies. Roll a d6 once on the subtable
11 NPC is a military veteran. Select the below.
branch of service on table 632a: Type 1 NPC has a rival. Go to 754
of Service. Rivals to select the antago
12 NPC is very religious and constantly nist. If the NPC is the
seeks to evangelize others to join his character's parent or guard
religion, faith, or cult. Select the deity ian, roll a d6. On a result of
worshipped on 756 Deities. 5-6, the rival also includes
13 NPC is noted for or hesitant to speak and seeks out the character.
of something that occurred in his past. 2 NPC had many enemies.
Roll a d4 on the subtable below to Roll 1d10+2 to determine
determine the situation. the number. Go to 754
1 NPC is famous for the oc Rivals to determine these
currence of a significant antagonists. If the NPC is
event, possibly even a hero. the character's parent or
Go to 419 Significant Events guardian, roll a d6. On a
of Adulthood to determine result of 5-6, the rival also
what happened. includes and seeks out the
2 NPC is persecuted or character.
villainized for the occur 3 NPC has many close friends
rence of a significant event (Roll 1D10+2 for their num
Go to 419 Significant Events ber). These folks usually
of Adulthood to determine dwell in the NPC's home
what happened. village/town/city. If the NPC
3 NPC is important in home is the character's parent or
village/town/city, not just guardian, they are known as
another face in the crowd. "uncle" or "auntie." Be
4 NPC won't speak of some cause they are like family,
thing that occurred in the they may be relied on for
past. GM ONLY: Go to aid in times of trouble. De
419 Significant Events of termine backgrounds for
Adulthood to determine these folks only as needed.
what happened. 4 NPC has 1d6+1 jilted ex-
14 NPC's relationship with his family in lovers.
volves one of the following. Roll a d4 5 NPC had a companion.
on the subtable below. Select the companion on
1 NPC is particularly loving 753 Companions. If the
towards family. character searches long
2 NPC does not love family or enough, the old companion
children. can be found.
3 NPC is unfaithful to spouse. 6 Roll two more times on this
4 NPC has married more than subtable, rerolling dupli
once: Current spouse is cates.
number . . . (roll 1d4). 19 NPC was horribly wounded once.
15 NPC was originally from a different Select the type of injury on 863 Seri
Culture. Go to 102 Cultural Back ous Wounds.
ground to determine original home 20 NPC is noted for his extremely un
Culture. usual personality. Select 1d3 exotic
16 NPC originally of a different Social personality traits with 523 Exotic Per
Status. Go to 103 Social Status to sonality Traits and link them together
select the former social standing. in some fashion. Collectively, they
17 NPC is from a foreign land. should make the NPC character even
18 NPC has made friends and/or en stranger, possibly a real weirdo.

From here, proceed to section 208 Significant Events of Youth on page 39.
Childhood & Adolescence

All Characters Your character history generation is well of its hoard, I'm going to scream, kick, pound
underway. By now you have determined infor my fists on the ground, and possibly even soil
Must Consult mation about your character's racial, cultural myself.")
This Section and social background as well as information So, what's next? Consult section 208
relating to your character's birth. This is, of Significant Events of Youth beginning on page
course, only a beginning, unless all along you've 39 to determine some of the most significant
had a burning desire to role play a toddler. happenings from your character's adolescence
("Okay, unless the dragon gives me possession and childhood years.

"Th'cook, he use t'like t'play gamez on th'young'nz, he did. He'd gather th' lot o' 'em t'gether
an' toss 'em a hunk o' meat jez't' watch 'em scrap fer it. Course, th' cook gits hiz in th' end, he does.
Comes time fer hiz, he gits through wit' watchin' a scrap an' finds thet a couple o' th' rats'd snuck
roun' an' looted th' 'ntire kitchen."
Brubnub, Goblin Guard, 2nd o' the Watch

As you stand by the Baron's throne, waiting for your audience, a
guard drags in a small boy roughly thrusting him to his knees before the
feudal lord.
"Lord Baron, seven merchants accuse this urchin of thievery and
property destruction. Before my eyes, he ran through the marketplace
and snatched goods from two carts, upsetting a third and spoiling the
owner's wares."
"Well," the Baron begins as he rises from his throne, "this cannot
continue." Events of
The Baron approaches the boy and bends down to place a hand
under the lad's chin, forcing the child's face upwards, angled towards
his own. "I'm sure the child knows what he did was wrong." Youth
The child nods.
"All the boy needs is a reminder." The Baron shifts his attention to
the guard. "Take the lad out and flog him.... No, better yet, I'll do it...."

This section follows 107 Parents & NPCs.

In a sense, this is where the action begins. nonhuman characters, refer to Age on page 10. INFORMATION &
These are the events that occur during the Developing a Personality: As a character
character's "growing" years, the memories from grows, his personality takes shape. Many events INSTRUCTIONS
childhood and the activities of adolescence. that occur in a character's life also cause a
Instructions: Use this table twice. The first character's personality to develop. Personality
time, use it to select events that occur during traits shape the way a character acts or re-
the character's childhood. The second time, sponds later in life. Some of these traits are
use it to select events that take place during the good, or Lightside traits. Others are considered
character's adolescent years. bad, or Darkside traits, and still others are
To determine the number of significant neutral, neither good nor bad.
events that occur during childhood and adoles- Most of the events on the significant event
cence, roll a d3 once for each age period. For tables (tables 208a, 208b and 208c) are fol
each event, roll a d20 and add the character's lowed by a letter enclosed in brackets. This
SolMod to the result (Noble characters: double- letter represents the type of personality trait
check to see if 5 has been added to the that develops because of the event. An [L]
character's SolMod). means a Lightside trait. A [D] means a Darkside
For each roll, match the result against table trait. An [N] means a Neutral trait, and an [R]
208a and record the event in the EVENTS means that you will determine the trait later.
section of the Character History Worksheet. Each time you select an event followed by
(Only consult tables 208b and 208c if specifi- a letter in brackets, record it on the Character
cally directed to by an event on table 208a.) History Worksheet, and also record its corre-
Many events require additional rolls on other sponding letter in the space provided to the left
tables. If you are asked to use another table, go of the event line. When you get to 521 Align-
to that table, follow instructions found there, ment & Attitude, the instructions there will tell
record any relevant information, then return to you what to do with the letters.
this table until all rolls here are complete. Role-play: By the time a character reaches
Age: You must determine the age of the adulthood, his personality has already been
character when each event happens. For a determined for the good or the bad by the
human child, roll a d12 (forages 1 to 12). For events of childhood. Maturity may refine the
a human adolescent, roll a d6 and add the result character, but rarely does it significantly change
to 12 to obtain an age from 13 to 18. For his attitudes.

"Bertran, did you stable your horse here?"

"Yes. Why?"
"Um ... nothing to worry about, actually. Nothing at all. But, uh, I was iust wondering, did
you want to sell it?"
"No, of course not I would nev Jhars ... Jhars, come back here! Jhars!"
Jharsvend the Thief and Bertran Stoneback
d20+SolMod Event gious Experience [R].
1 All public assistance is terminated 11 Family has the following attitudes to
208a: Significant because the country is at war. This wards the character. Roll a d6 once
Events of Youth causes bloody riots in the poorer sec- on the subtable below.
tors of towns and villages. The 1 Character is loved by par-
character's family is very much in- ents or guardians [L].
volved in these uprisings against the 2 Character is unloved [D].
ruling class. Primitive characters reroll 3 Family has great plans for
this event [R]. character's future and
2 While foraging in a trash heap, the expect's character to fulfill
character finds an unusual object. those plans [R].
Select from 858 Gifts & Legacies. 4 Family does not approve of
3 Reroll, but do not add in SolMod. character's friends [R].
4 Character's friends involve him in ille- 5 Family encourages
gal activities. Go to 631 Underworld character's interests [L].
Events and follow the directions there 6 One parent is distant and
[D]. cold towards the character.
5 A tragedy occurs. Determine what Roll for Hi/Lo. Hi=mother.
happens on 624 Tragedies [R]. Lo=father [D],
6 Something wonderful occurs. Deter- 12 Character serves a patron. Deter
mine what happens on 625 Some- mine the details with 641 In the Ser
thing Wonderful [L]. vice of... [N]
7 Learn an unusual skill. Select skill with 13-14 A special age-specific event occurs. If
866 Unusual Skills [N]. the character is currently a child, roll
8 Learn head of household's occupa- d20 and consult table 208b: Special
tion to Rank 2 competency. If no Events of Childhood. If the character
head, use patron's occupation or a is currently an adolescent, select the
random selection from the appropriate event by rolling d20 against table
Culture's occupations [N], 208c: Special Events of Adolescence.
9 Character runs away from home. Roll 15 Gain a friend. Select friend from 745
a d10 on the subtable below to select Others [L].
the events which then occur [R]. 16 A race-specific event occurs. To se
1 Never returns home. lect the event, elves go to section
2 Returns after 1d8 days. 62 7, dwarves to section 628, halflings
3 Returns after 1d12 months. to section 629 and monsters to sec
4 Returns after 1d6 years. tion 630. If the character is human,
5 Travels to a distant land. then he has an encounter with nonhu
6 Joins the circus. rnans and befriends them. Roll the
7 Falls into the hands of crimi- type on 751 Nonhumans [N].
nals. Select events that oc- 17 1d3 more significant events occur
cur on 631 Underworld during this time.
Events [D]. 18 An exotic event occurs. Select the
8 Lives with another sentient event with 642 Exotic Events [R].
race. Select the type with 19 A change or upheaval occurs in the
751 Nonhumans. For char- character's family. Roll a d6 on the
acters who are nonhumans, subtable below to select this change
substitute "human" for the or changes. Note: Assume that sub-
character's race on table sequent events take place after this
751. event occurs. Roll all subsequent
9 Wanders the land, one step events using new CuMod or SolMod.
ahead of the authorities, liv- [R].
ing by wits. Survival skills 1 Character changes Culture
improve by one Rank in en- Level. Reroll Culture Level
vironment of choice. on 102 Cultural Back
10 Roll 1d3+1 times on this ground.
subtable, discarding any 2 Character changes Social
conflicting events (always Status. Reroll Social Status
keep earlier of conflicting on 103 Social Status.
rolls). 3 Character changes locale.
10 Character has a religious experience. Roll a d10 to determine the
Determine the details on 639 Reli- relative distance of the
move. A result of 1 is within panions to work out the
the same town. A result of details.
10 might mean a move to 22 A special age-specific event occurs. If
another continent. the character is currently a child, roll
4 The head of the household d20 and consult table 208b: Special
changes occupations. Use Events of Childhood. If the character
the occupation table appro- is currently an adolescent, select the
priate to the person's Cul event by rolling d20 against table
ture (sections 310-313). 208c: Special Events of Adolescence.
5 Character's parents split up. 23 Character develops jaded tastes for
Roll Hi/Lo to see who the exotic and possibly expensive plea-
character goes with. sures [D].
Hi=mother. Lo=father. Roll 24 Roll again, subtract 1 from the roll and
d6 for each parent. On a do not add in the character's SolMod
result of 1-4, parent remar (treat a result less than one as one).
ries within 1d3 years. 25 Rivals force the character's family to
6 Roll twice more on this move to a new locale, probably in
subtable. These changes all another country, or face reprisals [N].
occur at the same time. 26 Something wonderful occurs. Deter
Reroll duplicates. mine what happens on 625 Some
20 Something bad happens to the char- thing Wonderful [L].
acter. Roll a d4 on the subtable below 27 A tragedy occurs. Determine what
to select the event [D]. happens on 624 Tragedies [D].
1 Character is molested by an 28 Wealthy or Extremely Wealthy char-
adult. Go to 745 Others to acters reroll and add 5 to the roll
determine who is respon (scores over 33 are treated as 33). All
sible for this terrible thing. other Social Statuses reroll and add 2.
2 A tragedy occurs. Deter 29 Character is betrothed in a political
mine what happens on 624 marriage to be consummated upon
Tragedies. reaching age of majority (about the
3 Character teases and angers time that a character would begin an
an old woman (a witch) who adventuring career) [D].
then puts a curse on him. 30 Head of household is made a close
Select the curse on table advisor to a local ruler [R].
862a: Curses. 31 Family travels widely, visiting several
4 Character acquires a Rival. countries [N].
Go to 754 Rivals to work 32 A special tutor teaches the character
out the details. an unusual skill at Rank 3 compe
21 Something good happens to the char tency. Select this new skill with 866
acter. Roll a d4 on the subtable below Unusual Skills.
to select the event [L]. 33 Family throws an extravagant birth
1 Character inherits a large day party for the character. Everyone
sum of money10 times who is anyone attends. When all the
what the character's normal gifts are recorded, one unusual gift
starting money would be. stands alone without a card to say
2 A good fairy blesses the where it came from. Select this gift
character as a reward for a from 858 Gifts & Legacies [R].
good deed. Select blessing 34 Character exhibits symptoms of an
on table 862b: Blessings. exotic personality. Select trait from
3 Something wonderful oc 523 Exotic Personality Traits.
curs. Determine what hap 35 Family gives character 1d10 personal
pens on table 625: Some slaves to do with as he sees fit [R].
thing Wonderful. 36 Family gives character a personal es
4 Character acquires a com tate with 1d10 square miles of prop
panion. Go to 753 Com erty [N].

The best sword you have! I would like to buy the best sword you have, and nothing else will
be acceptable."
"Very well, this here is the best You can have it for 500 fingerweights of gold."
"Ah ... 500. Perhaps I could see the second best"
Wrag Halseth and Kiv Blacksmith
d20 Childhood Event of the character. Roll a d10. On a
208b: Special 1 A kindly neighbor teaches the charac- result of 8-10, the grandparent en
ter, improving the character's literacy trusts the character with a secret.
Events of skills in his own language by one rank Note: the GM should create some
Childhood of competency. piece of information that has been
2 Character becomes emotionally at- kept from the character until now [R].
tached to a toy and cannot bear to be 13 The character witnesses a crime be-
parted from it for 2d10 years [R]. ing committed by 1d4 persons. The
3 Character has a collection of related perpetrators of the crime (the crimi
things, such as pretty rocks, animal nals) see the character but are unable
skulls, dolls, sticks, leaves, etc. to catch him. It may be possible that
4 Character has a close friendship with these criminals still seek the charac
a sibling (or a cousin if no siblings ter, even now. Select the crime with
exist). Sibling is either next oldest or 865 Crimes [R].
next youngest in relation to the char- 14 A race-specific event. To select the
acter [L]. event, elves go to section 627, dwarves
5 Character has an imaginary friend [R]. to section 628, halflings to section
6 Character is a child prodigy at an 629 and monsters to section 630. If
unusual skill. He has a Rank 6 ability the character is human, then he has
with the skill. Select the skill with 866 an encounter with nonhumans and
Unusual Skills. befriends them. Roll the type on 751
7 Character learns use of a weapon Nonhumans [N].
appropriate to Culture and Social Sta- 15 An exotic event occurs. Select the
tus at Rank 1 skill. You select the event with section 642 Exotic Events
weapon. [R].
8 The character and a friend discover a 16 Through a brief misadventure, the
secret hiding place near his home. character discovers that he is a nearly
The hiding place remains undiscov- exact twin of a young Noble. Select
ered and undisturbed at least until he the title of the young Noble's parents
becomes an adult. on 748 Nobles. This could lead to
9 The character becomes proficient interesting events later in life [R].
(Rank 3) at a sporting event. Select an 17 A tragedy occurs. Determine what
appropriate event. happens on 624 Tragedies [D].
10 A friend of the family, an old warrior, 18 Something wonderful occurs. Deter-
tells the character grand tales of ad- mine what happens on 625 Some-
venture and derring-do [L]. thing Wonderful [L].
11 The character becomes well-known, 19 An event that would normally affect
even famous for the occurrence of an an adolescent occurs now. Reroll this
event in his life. Reroll the event on event on table 208c: Special Events
table 208a: Significant Events of Child- of Adolescence.
hood & Adolescence [R]. 20 The character acquires a hobby. Se
12 One of the character's grandparents lect the type of hobby on 318 Hob-
dies of natural causes in the presence bies.

d20 Adolescence Event 5 A wizard (or other spell-caster) teaches

1 Learn to use a weapon appropriate to the character a simple spell.
208c: Special the character's Culture and Social Sta- 6 Character is accused of a crime that
Events of tus at Rank 3 competency. he did not commit. Select the crime
Adolescence 2 To be fashionable, people tattoo their on 865 Crimes (ignore the punish-
faces. The character is tattooed with ment footnotes), then roll a d6 on the
an unusual marking. Select the type subtable below [D]:
of tattoo by using 860 Birthmarks. 1 Character is imprisoned. Go
3-4 Apprenticed to learn an occupation. to 638 Imprisoned to deter-
Go to 309 Apprenticed. This event mine the details of the pun-
ALWAYS takes place at age 13 for a ishment.
human character (for other races se- 2 Character is publicly stock
lect an appropriate early adolescent aded and flogged as an ex-
agesee the Age table on page 10) ample to others, causing his
[N]. Charisma attribute to be re
duced by a third of its total deposed. Any other result means that
value. any known participants are officially
3 Character is tortured to re outlawed and have a price on their
veal the names of accom head. Roll a d10 again if the rebellion
plices. Roll a d6. On a result failed. If the result is less than 10, only
of 5-6, he receives a serious a few close friends know of the
wound. Select the nature of character's participation. A result of
the injury on 863 Serious 10 means that the character is an
Wounds . outlaw [R].
4 Character is found innocent, 12 The character becomes well-known,
but not before suffering se even famous for the occurrence of an
rious humiliation. Reduce event in his life. Reroll the event on
the character's Charisma at table 208a: Significant Events of Child
tribute by 1d3 points. hood & Adolescence [N].
5 Character is sentenced to 13-14 The character has a romantic encoun
death, but at the last sec ter. Go to 640 Ah, Love! to determine
ond, he is rescued by noto the details of his romance. If the
rious outlaws. He now has character is not yet 16 years of age,
a price on his head. Roll a any results that indicate marriage to
d6. On a result of 6, he joins the lover are optional events at the
the outlaw band, remaining player's discretion unless children are
as a member until at least involved, in which case marriage is
age 18. Go to 631 Under usually enforced if the character and
world Events for additional his lover are of approximately equal
details of this phase of the Social Status (that is, not more than
character's life. one level apart) [R].
6 The character is sold into 15 The character learns to speak another
slavery. Go to 637 Enslaved! language at Rank 3 competency.
to determine the details. Decide what language is learned.
7 The character learns an unusual skill. 16 A race-specific event. To select the
Select skill on 866 Unusual Skills. event, elves go to section 62 7, dwarves
8 The character acquires a hobby. Se to section 628, halflings to section
lect the type of hobby on 318 Hob 629 and monsters to section 630. If
bies. the character is human, then he has
9 Learn head of household's occupa an encounter with nonhumans and
tion to Rank 1d3 competency. befriends them. Roll the type on 751
10 The character joins the military. Go to Nonhumans [R].
632 Military Events to determine the 17 An exotic event occurs. Select the
details of his military career. Roll a d4 event on 642 Exotic Events [R].
on the subtable below to select the 18 A tragedy occurs. Determine what
character's reason for joining [R]. happens on 624 Tragedies [R].
1 Character was drafted dur 19 Something wonderful occurs. Deter
ing wartime. mine what happens on 625 Some
2 Character patriotically vol thing Wonderful [R].
unteered. 20 A beginning character is older than
3 Character was rounded up normal when he begins his adventur
by a press gang who needed ing career. Roll d6. Add the result to
to meet a quota. the oldest age of the character's ado
4 Character mistakenly lescent period (see Age on page 10).
thought that he was apply The character will be at least this old
ing for some other govern before starting an adventuring career.
ment job. On 419 Significant Events of Adult
11 The character participates in a rebel hood the character will need to make
lion against local authority. Roll a 1d3 event rolls (instead of the usual
d10. If the result is 9-10, the rebellion one roll) to determine what happens
was successful and the local rulers to him after he reaches adulthood.

From here, proceed to 419 Significant Events of Adulthood on page 63.

Occupations & Hobbies

Get a Job! Many characters have an occupation which leading into 313 Civilized Occupations, which
they practiced before abandoning their past reflects the ordering of occupations according
and taking up a life of thrilling adventure. The to social classes. 313 Civilized Occupations
sections under this heading determine the na begins on page 50.
ture of that occupation. Note that not all 314 Merchants, beginning on page 54,
characters will consult these sections when defines several types of merchants who sell
creating their histories; do not consult them goods in barbarian and civilized societies.
unless another section directs you to do so. Occupations affiliated with the rulers of
Most every character begins his occupa the land or the city appear in 315 Government
tion by surviving an extensive period of appren Jobs on page 56, and occupations for skilled
ticeship, during which he works as an essen artisans may be found beginning on page 57
tially unpaid servant under the rule of a master under 316 Crafts.
craftsman. See 309 Apprenticed, beginning on All characters who have an occupation or
page 45. craft in their background may decide to use 317
Four sections under the Occupations and Occupation Performance, on page 59, to deter
Hobbies heading define occupations that stem mine how well or poorly they did in their work
directly from the character's native culture. 310 as well as what sort of attitude they held in that
Primitive Occupations on page 47 defines such capacity.
trades as "Fisherman" and "Hunter." On page Some characters are too wealthy or ob
48, 311 Nomad Occupations expands the oc sessed to worry much about an occupation and
cupation list to include "Herder" and even instead devote their time towards developing a
"Adventurer." 312 Barbarian Occupations on hobby. See 318 Hobbies, beginning on page
page 49 reflects a still more diverse culture 60.

"I didn' always wan' t' be a wench. When I was younger I want'd t' be a princess, 'cept then
I found out I'd have t' wear uncomf'table shoes all day."
Jen Daisy
The blacksmith takes your sword closer to the forge and twists the
blade back and forth to catch the warm light of the fire.
"Dull, yes," the man growls, "but it'll sharp on th' stone. Worm!" 309
The smith's call summons a thin, breathless young man who joins the
master at a huge grinding stone in the corner of the room.
"Turn th' stone, Worm. Faster. Faster! You'll never be a master
smith with arms like that! FASTER!"
At last, with a shower of sparks, the blacksmith applies your blade
to the stone....

Use this section only if directed to do so.

Many crafts and professions are perpetu Game-play Benefits: After completing a INFORMATION &

ated by the practice of taking on an apprentice five year apprenticeship, the character will have
who lives in the shop of a master of the craft. In learned the skills of his new trade to at least INSTRUCTIONS

return for payment from the apprentice's par Rank 2 ability. Roll a d20 (note modifications
ents and a large amount of menial labor, the for shortened or lengthened apprenticeships
master slowly teaches the apprentice the se below). If the result is 12 to 16, the character
crets of the trade. This is a process that takes learns his craft at Rank 3. If the result is 17 to 19,
several years, but at the end, a diligent appren the craft is learned at Rank 4. If the result is 20,
tice knows his craft and may seek his livelihood the craft is learned at Rank 5.
at it. Shortened Apprenticeship: If the charac
Instructions: First, select the occupation ter does not complete the full five years, his skill
to which the character is apprenticed by rolling at the craft is only Rank 1.
a d10. Match the result against table 309a: Lengthened Apprenticeship: For each
Occupation. Select the occupation on the extra year the character spends at his appren
table indicated by the die roll result. ticeship, he may add 1 point to the d20 die roll
Next, roll a d10 once and match the result for skill Rank (as described above). If the
against table 309b: Apprenticeship Events to modified result equals 26 or more, the charac
select the noteworthy event or situation which ter learns the new craft at Rank 6.
marks his apprenticeship. Remember to note The Master: As an option, the player may
whether or not the apprenticeship runs its full develop the personality of the character's mas
duration (see below). ter. Determine the master's sex (roll Hi/Lo) and
Duration: An apprenticeship normally assume that he has at least a Rank 7 skill in the
lasts five years and always begins at age 13. A craft he teaches. Use section 107 Parents &
shortened or lengthened period of apprentice NPCs for additional information regarding the
ship can affect the character's skills at the craft. master.

d10 Occupation the skill ranks correspond to knowl

1 -2 Select occupation on table 316a: Craft edge about the world's science, lore,
Table I. philosophy, magic, arts, etc., rather
309a: Occupation

3-4 Select occupation on table 316b: Craft than corresponding to an occupa

Table II. tion. A character who gets this result
5-6 Select occupation on table 316c: Craft is automatically literate in one lan
Table III guage and should roll percentile dice
7 Instead of a normal apprenticeship, twice for two 50% chances of literacy
the character receives an education in additional languages.
from a college or university. Treat any 8-10 An occupation selected from the oc
result from table 309b as having oc cupation table appropriate to the
curred at the school. The master is an character's Culture Level. Select it
instructor. The character picks up skill from sections 310 through 313.
ranks just as an apprentice would, but

"Uh oh. Bertran, I think I just accidentally broke Grug's scepter. D'ya think he'll be mad."
"Oh, no, Jhars. Grug the Merciless Marauder is known for his kind, gentle ways."
Jharsvend the Thief and Bertran Stoneback
d10 Events onment (see 638 Impris
309b: 1 The character's master is noted for his oned) and also gains 1d3
strong and often annoying personal Darkside Traits (see table
Apprenticeship ity. Select a personality trait on table 522c).
Events 521b: Random Personality Trait. If 4 The character is caught in
the result is "01-50 No Personality an attack by soldiers or a
Trait Develops," the master has an rival crime network and has
exotic personality trait. (Select the a 50% chance of suffering a
trait with section 523 Exotic Person serious wound (if so, see
ality Traits.) This feature so irritated 863 Serious Wounds).
the character that he cannot stand to 5 The character remains for
be around anyone who acts in the the full period of appren
same manner. ticeship but gains 1d3
2 The character accidentally breaks his Darkside Traits (see table
master's valuable collection of sculp 522c).
tured ceramic chamber pots (or some 6 The character remains for
thing else appropriate). For this, he is the full period of appren
expelled from his master's service and ticeship without incident.
the apprenticeship ends after 1d4 6 The master under whom the charac
years (remember to note the effect on ter studies is world-renowned, one
the character's occupation skill). whose skill is legendary (Rank 10).
3 The character accidentally stumbles The character learns his craft to at
upon a lost secret of the craft. His least Rank 3 (instead of the normal
master takes the credit (of course). Rank 2).
However, the character only revealed 7 One of the other apprentices becomes
part of the secret. The GM should the character's best friend. Roll Hi/Lo
determine some craft secret that could for the friend's sex. Hi=female,
have a later impact on game play. Lo=male. He or she eventually goes
4 The character continues to study the on to become a noted master of the
craft with his master for an additional craft. This NPC may be developed
1d6 years beyond the normal period using the NPC suggestions on pages
of apprenticeship. Remember that 176-179.
this affects the character's chances of 8 An exotic event occurs in the master's
learning better skills. shop while the character is appren
5 While the master was out, the charac ticed there. Roll for Hi/Lo. Hi=the
ter investigates his record books, only event affects the master, Lo=the event
to discover that his master's shop is a affects the character. Determine this
front office for a vast criminal net event with 642 Exotic Events.
work. Roll d6: 9 The character accompanies his mas
1 -2 The character runs away af ter on several long, eventful journeys
ter only 1d4 years of ap to the courts of distant Nobles. Roll
prenticeship. 1d3 to determine the events that oc
3 The character gets involved cur to the character and his master.
in the criminal network and Select these events with 419 Signifi
commits 1d4 types of cant Events of Adulthood. Reroll any
crimes. See 865 Crimes. conflicting events.
The character has a 50% 10 Roll twice more on this table. Reroll
chance of suffering impris any conflicting events.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

When you enter the small clearing, a tall, wiry man leaps out from
the trees opposite your party. The man sports a worn woven cloak
bristling with feathers, twigs, strips of colored cloth, and several sets of
bones from small woodland animals. A fur hat topped by deer antlers
rests upon his head, and beneath the cloak bits of ragged furs gather
together in a long, loose-fitting tunic.
The man lifts a twisted staff in his right hand and begins to chant in
an unfamiliar tongue ...
Drawing weapons might not have been a wise choice. The shaman
backs off, but in his place rush several dozen spear, axe and club-
wielding tribesmen...

Use this section only if directed to do so.

Technically speaking, Primitives do not Role-play: Survival is the occupation of a INFORMATION &
learn occupations. Their occupation is survival. Primitive character. All other things are frivo
A Primitive character must master all the skills lous, if not down right dangerous to you and INSTRUCTIONS
of his Culture in order to live with his environ your clan. It is not impossible for a Primitive
ment. If specialization of skills exists, it is only character to learn the skills of other Cultures,
because the clan or tribe can afford to have but it may be hard for him to understand why he
someone not gathering food. Even then, the should need to learn them.
function provided is one of survival. Game-play Benefits: Each occupation has
Instructions: Begin by rolling a d20. Match several skills associated with it that the charac
the total against table 310a to select an occupa ter can learn and improve. The GM and the
tion. From here, go on to 317 Occupation player will need to determine how they are to
Performance. be used in play.

d20 Occupation supplemented by gathered foods.

1-9 Fisherman: he lives off the bounty of 19 Warrior: all primitives are warriors if Table 310a:
the waters: fish, shellfish and crusta the need arises. This profession usu
ceans. The fisherman is a net crafter ally protects the clan or tribal chieftain Primitive
and a boat maker, though boats are and does not hunt or fish to provide Occupations
rarely more complex than a dugout, food.
raft or hide boat. 20 Special Occupation: select on table
10-18 Hunter: he stalks wild game, provid 310b.
ing both food and clothing. Diet is

d4 Occupation tainers from reeds and branches.

1 Shaman: a religious leader. Often Often a task of clan women. Table 310b:
feared and quite powerful within the 3 Artist: can render lifelike ceremonial
clan. This is the primitive equivalent of pictures of beasts and gods. Special Primitive
a physician and priest. In addition to 4 Toolmaker: he can make the best Occupations
totem magic, he is wise in the ways of wood and stone weapons for the clan
plant lore and homespun medicines. and is allowed to focus on this task,
2 Basket Weaver: makes woven con- rather than provide food.

From here, proceed to 317 Occupation Performance, (hen return to the section that sent you here.
On and on into the night the storyteller weaves his fascinating tale

311 Nomad
about why his nomadic tribe first abandoned its ancient home and why
it must never return. Around you, the storyteller's fellow tribesmen nod
and smile their agreement at each turn in the tale, sometimes even

joining in to chant the storyteller's singsong verses.
A jug of sweet liquid passes from hand to hand and you drink your
share, but not long after a tremendous weariness overtakes you. When
you awake, the nomads are gone, and so are your horses....

Use this section only if directed to do so.

INFORMATION & Few occupations within Nomad Cultures character becomes a contributing member of
are very specialized. Most Nomads are self- society. He gains skills that may be useful when
INSTRUCTIONS sufficient. The skills needed to live their No adventuring and also has a means to make
madic lives are known by all. Still, in a few larger money when not adventuring. Follow direc
camps, some individuals perform but a single tions to other tables if required.
function (or group of related functions) for their Game-play Benefits: Each occupation
clan or tribe. should have several skills associated with it that
Instructions: Roll a d20. Match the total the character can learn and improve upon. The
against table 311a to select an occupation. GM and the player will need to determine what
From here, go to 317 Occupation Performance. these are and how they are to be used in play.
Role-play: By learning a trade, a Nomad

d20 Occupation 17-18 Warrior: though most adult Nomads

1-2 Craftsman: type i. Select craft on are warriors, this is a full-time position.
311a: Nomad table 316a. 19 Merchant: select type with 314 Mer
Occupations 3-12 Herder: raises the animals that are the chants.
mainstay of the nomadic way of life. 20 Special Occupation: select on table
13-16 Hunter: a hunter of animals. 311b.

d10 Occupation 6 Weapon Master: teacher of weapon

1 Priest or Shaman: See entry #1 on skills.
311b: Special table 310b. 7 Counselor/Philosopher: usually an
Nomad 2 Healer/Herbalist: one who is wise in old man or woman who serves the
Occupations the ways of plant lore and medicines. leader of the clan.
3 Adventurer: select on 750 Adventur 8 Civilized Occupation: see section
ers. 313.
4 Career Criminal: select type with 865 9 Horsemaster: a horse (or other riding
Crimes. mount) breeder and teacher of riding
5 Tent Maker: makes the leather, felt or skills.
fabric tents which are the nomads' 10 Entertainer: storyteller, minstrel, jug
homes. gler, tumbler, etc.

From here, proceed to 317 Occupation Performance, then return to the section that sent you here.
As the sun begins to rise, farmers from the valley's small huts begin
to file out towards the field where you dig and almost immediately they
note your presence. A few of the farmers huddle together well out of
your earshot while others retreat to their homes and return with heavy
tools, pitch forks, scythes and, in some cases, spears or hunting bows.
One by one they gather at the edge of the field and begin to make
menacing gestures in your direction. Barbarian
Eventually, an elderly farmer separates himself from the others and
approaches, but how will you explain the corpse you have uncovered,
and do you dare reveal the chest lying beneath it?
Use this section only if directed to do so.

Most Barbarian Cultures begin to adopt against table 312a: Barbarian Occupations. INFORMATION &
specialized occupations. In their towns and Role-play: By learning a trade, a Barbarian
larger camps, Barbarian folk have found needs character becomes a contributing member of INSTRUCTIONS
for artisans who can provide a specific service society. He becomes welcome in professional
to the community. However, many occupa societies, guilds, and trade fellowships. He
tions encompass multiple facets of a broad gains skills that may be useful when adventur
range of professions. A weaver will generally ing and also has a means to make money when
also be a cloth dyer, and may even be a tailor. not adventuring.
A carpenter might also be a wood cutter and a Game-play Benefits: Each trade should
furniture maker. Lines between similar oc have several skills associated with it that the
cupations are vague. Special occupations are character can learn and improve upon. The
less common in Barbarian societies, and usually GM and the player will need to determine what
include trades from other Cultures. these are and how they are to be used in play.
Instructions: Roll a d20. Match the result

d20 Occupation 16-17 Warrior

1-2 Craftsman: select on table 316a. 18 Craftsman: select on table 316b.

3-8 Farmer 19 Merchant: see 314 Merchants.

Table 312a:

9-11 Fisherman 20 Special Occupation: select on table Barbarian

12-13 Herder 312b. Occupations

14-15 Hunter

d20 Occupation (such as the Viking long ship).

1-7 Civilized Occupation: see section 14 Barbarian Wizard, Witch, or Warlock:
313. This person has learned the a local magic wielder, rarely more
Table 312b:
occupation in other lands and brought powerful than Rank 5. Usually more Special
it to his own people. feared than respected. Barbarian
8-9 Priest or Shaman: a religious leader. 15 Counselor/Philosopher: Usually a
Often quite powerful within the clan learned man or woman who serves
or tribe. See description under entry the chieftain, jarl or king.
#1 of table 310b for details. 16 Horsemaster: a horse trainer and
10 Healer/Herbalist: the barbarian riding teacher.
equivalent of a physician, this person 17 Explorer: one who seeks new lands
is wise in the ways of plant lore and for trade or conquest.
homespun medicines. 18 Entertainer: a bard, juggler, tumbler,
11 Adventurer: a professional hero. See actor or poet (skald).
750 Adventurers. 19 Forester: a warrior, guide and hunter
12 Career Criminal: select type with 865 who knows the forest, its flora and its
Crimes. fauna.
13 Ship Builder: a builder of sailing ships 20 Craftsman: select craft on table 316c.

From here, proceed to 317 Occupation Performance, then return to the section that sent you here.
Before locating the chief mason, you stop to look over the massive

313 project that is slowly transforming the rocky hilltop into a formidable
fortress. Hundreds, perhaps even thousands of workers move here and
there about the hill and the extensive camp below. Some cut giant

Civilized blocks out of solid stone, others unload wagons, others make and
transport bucket after bucket of thick mortar, and still others busy
themselves over wood, metal or even foodan army of craftsmen must
eat. Supervisors, scattered through the throng of laborers, march from

Occupations place to place, scolding, exhorting, or sometimes lending a hand.

When you finally continue your search for the chief mason, you do
so somewhat guiltily, clutching the scroll of orders that changes the
castle's design a little bit more tightly by your side....

Use this section only if directed to do so.

INFORMATION & Civilization brings with it occupational Instructions: Roll a d10 and add the
specialization. As a Culture becomes Civilized, character's SolMod to the result. Match the
INSTRUCTIONS job duties are broken down into smaller and total against table 313a: Civilized Occupations
smaller components until each person in the to find which other table contains the character's
society performs but a single function. Finding specific occupation. Go to that table and roll a
a civilized man or woman who is skilled at more d20. The second d20 result selects the specific
than one occupation is rare. occupation (or gives instructions to go to an
Civilized occupations are divided into four other table).
classifications: Lower Class, or those jobs which Role-play: By learning a trade, a civilized
commonly provide little income and are often character becomes a contributing member of
based on physical labor; Middle Class, or those society. He becomes welcome in professional
jobs which require formal education and/or societies, guilds, and trade fellowships. He
some monetary investment to learn or perform; gains skills that may be useful when adventur
Upper Class, or (hose which may require noth ing and also has a means to make money when
ing more than mental effort and can either not adventuring.
produce large amounts of money or provide Game-play Benefits: Each trade should
diversion for those who have no need for more have several skills associated with it that the
money; and Special Occupations, or those character can learn and improve upon. The
unusual jobs which fit no other classification GM and the player will need to determine what
and are often uncommon within any Culture. these are and how they are to be used in play.

d10+SolMod Occupation 11-14 Middle Class Occupation: see table

1 Nomad Occupation: see section 311. 313c.
313a: Civilized 2-8 Lower Class Occupation: see table 15-17 Upper Class Occupation: see table
Occupations 373b. 313d
9 Barbarian Occupation: see section 18 Special Occupation: see table 313e.
312. 19-26 Upper Class Occupation: see table
10 Special Occupation: see table 313e. 313d.

d20 Occupation 9-10 Laborer: roll a d6 on the subtable

313b: 1 Beggar below:
2-6 Farmer: roll a d4 on the subtable 1 Miner
Lower Class below; 2 Stone cutter
Occupations 1 Freeman farmer 3 Wood cutter
2 Herder 4 Charcoal burner
3 Sharecropper (works 5 Peat cutter
another's lands) 6 Unskilled laborer (ditch dig
4 Serf (an agricultural slave) ger, etc.)
7 Tinker: repairs pots, sharpens blades. 11 Launderer
8 Sailor 12-14 Fisherman
15 Household servant: roll a d6 on the 4 Bouncer
subtable below: 17 Street Vendor: sells goods he makes,
1 Butler finds, buys, or "acquires" at his mov
2 Cook able street-side stall. Often a source
3 Housekeeper of inexpensive (or imitation) goods.
4 Gardener 18 Soldier: for details in depth see sec
5 Stable hand tion 632 Military Events.
6 Footman 19 Craftsman: select craft on 316a Craft
16 Tavern or Inn Employee: roll a d4 on Table I.
the subtable below: 20 Second Hand Shop: buys used goods,
1 Bartender fixes them up a bit and resells them for
2 Serving person less than new. Offers much junk, but
3 Housekeeper often provides real bargains.

d20 Occupation tion, possibly a second in command,

1 Money Lender: makes loans at outra or deputy director. 313c:
geous profit, often to people who can 11 Craftsman: select craft on table 316a.
least afford it. 12 Chef: cook for a good restaurant or a Middle Class
2-5 Merchant: go to 314 Merchants. Noble family. Occupations
6 Business Owner: select the type of 13 An overseer: a supervisor of others.
activity the business performs by roll Use table 313a to select the industry
ing the die again on table 313a. The which he oversees.
character does not actually do this 14 Innkeeper: runs a boarding house
service, but has employees who do it. where travellers can get a night's rest
7-8 Craftsman: select craft on table 316b. or keep semipermanent lodgings.
9 Instructor: a master of some skill who Serves meals but not alcohol.
teaches others what he knows for a 15 Scribe: can read and write fluently in
fee. Roll a d4 on the subtable below several languages and has legible,
to select what the Instructor teaches: possibly elegant handwriting. Can
1 Weapon use (Rank 7+ with probably make ink if he has to.
one weapon). 16 Guide/Pilot: a pathfinder who aids
2 An unusual skill, select from travelers and merchants in unknown
866 Unusual Skills. areas. The pilot is a seagoing guide
3 A military skill, selected from (more than just a navigator).
635 Military Skills. Roll a d4 17 Ship Captain: sails ships on the high
to select the Military Skill seas, lakes and rivers. Often in
subtable: 1=635a: Combat another's employ, owns own ship on
Skills, 2=635b: Horse Skills, a d20 roll of 7+SolMod or less.
3=635c: Forestry Skills, 18 Engineer; a designer and constructor
4=635d: Navy Skills. of mechanical devices and structures.
4 A Craft. Roll a d3 to deter May be a tinkerer or mad inventor.
mine which Craft Table to 19 Teacher: a scholar who teaches stu
use to select the Craft. dents history, language, writing, and
1=316a, 2=316b, 3=316c. the arts.
10 Government Official: select type on 20 Tavern Owner: runs a tavern where
315 Government Jobs. If the selected drinks and food are sold. Roll a d10.
occupation appears to be one of rela On result of 7-10, the tavern is also an
tively high status, assume that the inn. If the result is a 10, the inn is a
character is an assistant to that posi road house on a highway.

d20 Occupation 3 Architect: the designer of grand and

1 Alchemist: a maker of potions, a glorious buildings like temples, pal- 313d:
magical meddler in the sciences. Not aces and fortresses.
truly a wizard, not quite a scientist. 4 Chirurgeon: doctor/surgeon. Anon- Upper Class
2 Engineer: a designer and constructor magical healer who specializes in sew- Occupations
of mechanical devices and structures. ing up wounds and in bleeding.
Usually works on a grand scale. 5-7 Merchant: go to 314 Merchants and
select the type of mercantile opera tached to a government office or a
tion. large mercantile guild.
8 Craftsman: select the craft on table 16 Government Official: select type on
316c. 315 Government Jobs. If the selected
9 Courtier/Courtesan: an attendant in occupation appears to be of low sta
the court of a Noble or Royal ruler tus within the government, assume
sometimes nothing more than a fancy that the character is in charge of ail
prostitute (particularly the female cour that type of activity for the govern
tesan). ment.
10 Diplomat or Negotiator: establishes 17 Banker: keeps other folks money safe
or soothes relationships between gov for them and loans money wisely.
ernments or between businesses and Does not pay interest on money kept
governments. in savings and may even charge to
11 Author/Playwright/Poet; this indicates keep it there.
a successful writer. Most practitio 18 Business Owner: select the type of
ners of the literary arts are paupers. In activity the business performs by roll-
a fantasy society, such a person has a ing the die again on table 313a. If the
75% chance to have a Patron who result makes no sense or is too diffi
sponsors his work. cult to work out, reroll. The character
12 Litigation Trickster: a lawyer or barris does not actually do this service, but
ter. Deals in the finer points of the has employees who do it.
law, defending the innocent against 19 Landlord: owns property and rents it
unjust prosecution, or perhaps work toothers. Roll 1d10 for the number of
ing as a mercenary and seeking to properties owned. Select the average
manipulate the law to serve the high- Social Status of the landlord's tenants
est bidder. on table 103: Social Status.
13 Philosopher: a thinker, a sage, prob 20 Craftmaster: local guild leader for a
ably associated with either a religious particular craft. An NPC character is
institution or a school of higher learn- automatically a master of his craft.
ing. May be quite wise or simply Select the craft by rolling a d6. If the
pompous. result is 1-3, select the craft on table
14 Craftsman: select the craft on table 316a. If the result is 4-5, select the
316b. craft on table 316b. If the result is 6,
15 Interpreter: speaks several important select the craft on table 316c.
languages fluently. Is probably at

d20 Occupation Rank 11+ = Chief High Priest above

1 Assassin: a professional killer. Works all.
313e: Special secretly. 6 Wizard: usually an honored practitio
Occupations 2 Gladiator: a professional killer. Works ner of magical mysteries. Might be a
publicly for the entertainment of oth charlatan, a non-magical master of
ers. hokum and illusion.
3 Adventurer: a professional hero. 7 Jack of All Trades: roll 1d3+1. The
Select type on 750 Adventurers. character has minimal skill at this many
4 Career Criminal: select type from different trades (never higher than
865 Crimes. Rank 2 at any trade). Select occupa
5 Priest: select god on 756 Deities. The tions on table 313a.
priest's occupational Rank represents 8 Entertainer: a bard, minstrel, skald,
his standing within the religion, not juggler, actor, or tumbler. Is usually
necessarily his skill at being a priest. skilled at a musical instrument or two.
This character will have experienced 9 Printer: prints books using carved
one event from 639 Religious Exper wood or engraved metal printing
ience. plates.
Rank 1 = Novitiate 10 Private Detective or Spy: both ferret
Rank 2 - Monk (an initiate of religious out hidden information. The spy usu
mysteries) ally works for a government or large
Rank 3-5 = Full priest mercantile operation. May have had
Rank 6-9 = Chief Priest underworld experience (from 631
Rank 10 = A High Priest Underworld Events).
11 Professional (Guild) Thief: Definitely similar. Has a 50% chance
has had underworld experience (from to be "not right in the head."
631 Underworld Events). 3 Hermit: is a reclusive holy
12 Astrologer/Diviner/Fortune Teller: man who is tormented by
purports to tell the future from signs visions. Fears he may be
and omens. May be a priest, but is mad, but has true visions of
probably not. the future. Longs for com
13 Rumormonger: collects information pany, but often denounces
and spreads it for a price. Also works the actions of others.
as a storyteller. 4 Seer: is more like a religious
14 Prophet: someone who speaks for a fortune teller. He sees the
god, not necessarily a priest. This future through his god, but
character will have experienced one for a price.
event from 639 Religious Experience. 15 Chariot or Horse Racer
Roll a d4 on the subtable below: 16 Professional Gambler
1 Doomsayer: prophesies 17 Healer/Herbalist: uses plant lore to
about evil fortune to come heal wounds and illnesses.
upon those who fail to heed 18 Scientist: biologist, geologist, astrono
his words. This character's mer, etc. Often does not believe in
Social Status always drops the existence of deities, magic or the
1d3 levels. supernatural. Tries to explain things
2 Oracle: is part of an estab in terms of what he knows (or thinks
lished temple. Sees the word he knows).
of the god in the vapors of a 19 Veterinarian: A healer of animals.
burnt offering, the entrails 20 Ship Builder: A maker of boats and
of a sacrifice, or something ships.

From here, proceed to 317 Occupation Performance, then return to the section that sent you here.
"No! No! I did not agree to that at all!" The little man shakes his head

314 vigorously, scattering drops of sweat from his brow onto your shirt as
well as onto his own richly adorned clothing. "I never would have
agreed to pay you so much! Thirty in gold just to guard a caravan. Ha!"

Merchants About twenty additional guards gathered around the neighboring

camp fire have begun to take notice of your argument. They took in your
direction, and the merchant seems to take that as a cue.
"Why, if I pay you what you ask there will be very little left to pay the
others! Is that really what you want?"
Several growls of discontent rise from around the neighboring camp

Use this section only if directed to do so.

INFORMATION & Just as important as the business of making table 314 to select an occupation.
and growing things, is the business of selling Game-play Benefits: Merchants learn lan
INSTRUCTIONS things. Merchants are the lifeblood of most guages, usually due to exposure to people who
civilized and many barbarian economies. They don't speak their own. This translates to Rank
keep money moving. They also provide the 2 skill in 1d4 foreign languages. Merchants also
things adventurers so desperately need to get learn the value of what they sell. A merchant
by. will have an ability to evaluate trade goods
Instructions: Roll a d20. Add the (usually limited to those he is familiar with)
character's SolMod and match the total against equal to his skill Rank as a merchant.

d20+SolMod Merchant Type Travels a lot.

314: Merchant 1 Pawnshop: Valuables are used to 9 Book Seller: Purveyor of rare and
secure loans from this merchant. If unusual books.
Type items are not reclaimed within a spec 10 Clothing Seller: Sells clothes made by
ified time period, the pawnshop sells others.
them. 11 Weapon Shop: Buys and sells weap
2 Caravan Master: Transports goods ons.
on pack animals between destina 12 Fishmonger: "Fresh" fish for sale.
tions. May be a trader. 13 Green Grocer: Fresh vegetables and
3 Trader: The ancestor of the traveling produce.
salesman. There is a little bit of every 14 Wine merchant: Sells the finest vin
thing in his packs, but the more one tages along with cheap tavern wines.
needs what he has, the greater the 15 Importer: A general importer of trade
price. goods, including spices, raw materi
4 Tavernkeeper: Sells alcoholic bever als for manufacturing, crafts, grain,
ages, a cheerful atmosphere and a curios, and wild animals.
limited meal menu. 16 Furniture dealer: Sells finely made
5 Innkeeper: The hotelier of yesteryear. furniture to people with taste and
Provides a bed, a meal and often the money.
atmosphere of a tavern. 17 Slaver: Buys and sells people. Often
6 Dry Goods Seller; A hardware shop, hires adventurers to collect "trade
a feed store, a fabric merchant, a little goods."
bit of everything and at a reasonable 18 Carpets & Tapestries: Antique and
price. exotic wall hangings and floor cover
7 Curio Merchant: Shop contains mar ings.
vels from the four corners of the 19 Livestock Trader: Buys and sells cows,
worldknickknacks, curiosities and pigs, sheep, horses, chickens, etc.
collectibles, rare herbs, incenses, and 20 Shipping Agent: Arranges the trans-
spices. Occasionally buys and sells portation of goods to many destina
magical items. tions. May run caravans or own ships,
8 Snake Oil Salesman: Sells wonder but more usually uses others.
tonics and elixirs to a needy world. 21 Silk Merchant: Imports silk fabric and
thread from far-off lands. timber and sells dried lumber.
22 Art Dealer: Acquires and sells antiqui 26-29 Master Merchant: Runs several busi
ties (ancient statuary and historical nesses at the same time. Roll 1d6+1
artifacts) and arranges work for popu to select number of businesses. For
lar artists. each business, roll again on this table.
23 Gem Merchant: Buys and sells cut 30-34 Monopoly: Roll again on this table to
and uncut gemstones. select business, and add 5 to the die
24 Real Estate Broker: Locates potential roll but do not add the character's
properties for clients and arranges the SolMod. The merchant controls all
sale. businesses of this sort in either a ma
25 Lumber Merchant: Buys stands of jor city or a small country.

From here, proceed to 317 Occupation Performance, then return to the section that sent you here.
Guards stop you at the gates to the city and hold you in place until

315 a heavy, lavishly dressed woman steps out of a nearby building and
approaches you. As she comes nearer, you hear the woman listing your
various possessions out loud.

Government " . . . a fine horse, heavy cloak, plain sword, riding hat, ring mail,
jeweled dagger, heavy boots . . . open those sacks."
The guards don't give you a chance to comply. They quickly open

Jobs your bags and display their contents as the woman continues to note
what she sees out loud.
When she has finally finished, the woman addresses you, "I have
seen what you wish to bring into our gates. You must deliver an entry
tax of seventy-three pieces of silver...."

Use this section only if directed to do so.

INFORMATION & These are people who either govern oth- workers almost as long as there have been
ers or work as a cog in the wheel of one of the governments. There are four reasons that some
INSTRUCTIONS multitude of governments that oversee the lives one becomes a government worker, 1) he has
of people around the world. In general, these a desire to serve humanity, 2) he has a lust for
folks inherit, are elected (by the people or a power and enjoys dominating and humiliating
ruling power bloc), or are appointed to perform others, 3) the money is good, or 4) he is simply
a job. A society's Culture often determines not qualified to do anything else. When role-
which. playing a government worker, one or more of
Instructions: Roll a d20 and match the these four reasons can easily be the character's
result against table 315: Government Jobs. motivation.
Role-play: There have been government

d20 Government Job 13 Judge: adjudicates disputes, judges

1 Chief executive officer: chancellor, transgressions against law and deter
315: Government president or chairman. This is the mines penalties.
Jobs nation's highest office potentially avail 14 Secret Police: undercover arm of the
able to non-nobles. law, spies on the natron's own popu
2 Scribe: records government business lace.
and decrees. 15 Soldier: a paid member of the stand
3 Guard: protects the populace and ing army. Roll a d10. If the result is a
enforces the law or the ruler's will. 1 -5, the soldier is not an officer. If the
4 Guard captain: head guard. result is 6-8, the soldier is a noncom
5 Sheriff or Reeve: enforces the will of missioned officer. If the result is 9-10,
the government at the lowest levels the soldier is a commissioned officer.
and often collects taxes in a desig Officers go to 636 Military Rank to
nated area such as a shire. select their rank.
6 Tax collector: collects money and 16 Crier or Messenger: Ensures that
goods for the government. communications are transferred and
7 Magistrate: a judge with limited au delivered.
thority. 17 Bureaucrat: a petty official within the
8 Diplomat or ambassador. government.
9 City Ruler: a mayor, council member, 18 Legislator: part of a lawmaking body.
guild officer, etc. 19 Government Employee: select the
10 Advisor to the ruler of a country: a job on table 313a. Reroll any obvious
high counselor. absurdities (but think first, would any
11 Chief Advisor to a ruler: like a Prime job be too absurd for your favorite
Minister or chancellor. government to undertake?).
12 Governor: appointed to rule a colony 20 Spy: covert intelligence agent.
or territory.

From here, proceed to 317 Occupation Performance, then return to the section that sent you here.
Pilnit speaks up. "I can sew. I'll just piece together a guard's
uniform. Then with my smithing skills I'll make a badge of high rank.
I'm certain that shoes must be simple to make, especially with my
leather working skills... then we can walk into the palace through the
front doors!"
316 Crafts
Use this section only if directed to do so.

Crafts are skilled occupations in which the may find themselves the victims of Guild retri- INFORMATION &
end product is usually something tangible, like bution.
a piece of pottery, a ship, an iron tool, or a piece Game-play Benefits: Each craft consists of INSTRUCTIONS
of furniture. Most crafts are worked and sold in one or more skills that a character can learn and
small, family owned shops. improve upon. The GM and the player will
Instructions: Each of the three Craft tables need to determine what those are and how they
is separate from the others. The occupation are to be used in play.
table entry which sent you here should have Guilds: Each craft has its own guild or
indicated which subtable to use. To select a league that restricts who may learn the craft,
craft occupation, roll a d20 and match the result how much can be charged for goods, what the
against the appropriate table. quality of goods should be, and who in the craft
Role-play: Craftsmen are usually respected wields political clout. Membership in a craft
members of society. Master Craftsmen, espe guild is not automatic and is usually limited to
cially artistic ones, are treated with honor often those who reach journeyman status or higher.
reserved for Nobles. Characters who attempt Members of craft guilds can often find lodging
to ply their craft skills without guild sanction in craft guild halls when they travel.

d20 Craft
11 Leather Worker: makes leather goods.
1 Blacksmith; maker of iron goods.
12 Cobbler: a shoemaker. 316a: Craft Table
2 Potter: makes pottery.
13 Basket weaver: maker of baskets and
3 Weaver: makes cloth.
wickerware. I
4 Stone Mason: shapes and lays stone.
14 Cooper: barrel maker.
5 Bowyer: makes bows.
15 Painter: paints houses, ships, etc.
6 Baker: bakes bread.
16 Spinner: spins wool, flax, and cotton
7 Butcher: butchers animals, smokes
into thread.
meats. 17 Dyer: colors woven fabrics.
8 Carpenter: builds with wood. 18 Fletcher: makes arrows.
9 Tanner: prepares leather. 19 Sailmaker.
10 Rope and Net Maker. 20 Saddle and Riding Harness Maker.

d20 Craft 13 Glazier: makes and installs window

1 Shipwright: builds ships. glass.
2 Wheel/Cartwright: makes wheels and 14 Tailor: makes/repairs clothing of all
316b: Craft Table
wagons. kinds. II
3 Distiller: makes distilled beverages. 15 Copper and Pewter Smith: makes
4 Fuller: makes cloth heavier and and repairs metal vessels.
thicker. 16 Glassblower: makes bottles and glass
5 Sign Painter: paints signs for all occa ware.
sions. 17 Cabinet Maker: makes fine wooden
6 Chandler: candle maker and seller. furniture.
7 Miller: grinds grain into flour. 18 Weapon Master: a teacher of weapon
8 Armor Smith: makes armor and some skills.
weapons. 19 Dress Maker: makes everyday
9 Sausage Maker women's wear.
10 Brewer: makes beers and ales. 20 Sword Master: a ritualistic sword
11 Animal Trainer: trains common ani fighter, often found as a mercenary.
mals like dogs or horses. The best sword masters are instruc
12 Plasterer: plasters walls and ornate tors.
d20 Craft 11 Furrier: makes and sells fur clothing.
316c: Craft Table 1 Silver Smith: a crafter of silver for all 12 Horse Breeder: blends the bloodlines
uses. of fine horses.
III 2 Costumer: makes costumes and el 13 Artist: paints murals and portraits,
egant clothing. sculpts statues.
3 Goldsmith: a crafter of gold for all 14 Wine Maker: knows his wines and
uses. grapes.
4 Jeweler: a maker and assessor of fine 15 Oculist: makes lens, crystal balls, and
jewelry. eyeglasses.
5 Instrument Maker: musical instru 16 Pastry Chef: makes cakes, sweet
ments. breads and pastries.
6 Clock Maker: makes clocks of all kinds. 17 Confectioner: candy maker.
7 Cartographer: surveyor and map maker. 18 Paper and Ink Maker: source of writ
8 Perfumer: makes perfumes and ing materials.
scents. 19 Sword Smith: makes swords, dag
9 Animal trainer: train exotic animals. gers, and other bladed weapons.
10 Apothecary: a pharmacist, medicine 20 Illuminator: illustrates manuscripts.

From here, proceed to 317 Occupation Performance, then return to the section that sent you here.
"Finished? Y' call this finished? Look 'ere."
The master carpenter grabs you by the shirt collar and lifts you off
your bench with one hand while thrusting the chair you just gave him
towards your face with the other.
"Look at th' edges 'ere. They're too rough. Look at th' seat. Would
you want ta' sit on this? Why aren't these boards flush? Look at th' legs.
They're uneven 'n not properly joined."
To prove his point, the master twists one of the legs until it comes off,
then tosses the chair back into your arms, grumbling, "Do it right."
Use this section only if directed to do so.

This section is optional. Use it only if you and a d6 for each description to be selected. INFORMATION &
want to. It goes into details about a character's On table 317a: Work Attitude, go to the line
or an NPC's performance of his occupation, indicated by the d20 result. If the d6 result is 1 INSTRUCTIONS
including attitudes about work and coworkers, 4, use the entry in the left column. If the d6
work habits, and level of achievement within result is 5-6, use the entry in the right column.
the occupation. For NPCs, roll an additional d20 and con
Instructions: If you choose to use this sult table 317b: Level of Achievement to
section, roll a d3. The result is the number of determine how well the NPC does in his chosen
different descriptions which apply to the occupation, including a relative Rank for his skill
character's or the NPC's work habits. Roll a d20 level.

d20 Work Attitude (d6: 1-4 or 5-6) 11 Humble... or Arrogant

1 Hard w o r k e r . . . or Lazy 12 Trusting... or Jealous
2 Ambitious... or Laid back 13 Creative... or Uncreative
317a: Work
3 Overbearing . . . or Submissive 14 Adept... or Clumsy Attitude
4 Well-liked... or Hated 15 Efficient... or Inefficient
5 Patient... or Impatient 16 Workaholic . . . or Slacker
6 Talented... or Incompetent 17 Productive . . . or Unproductive
7 Generous... or Stingy 18 Politician... or Avoids politics
8 Fair... or Underhanded 19 Happy... or Unhappy
9 Opinionated . . . or A Yes-man 20 See Table 522a: or See Table 522c:
10 Loyal... or Untrustworthy Lightside Traits Darkside Traits.

d20 Level of Achievement few better at it than he. Usually has

1-2 Apprentice: Has only the most basic his own business, though he may be
skills. Roll a d20 again. If the result is in the employ of some wealthy pa
317b: Level of
19-20, the NPC is an acknowledged tron. Many times his business in Achievement
failure, and anyone in the profession volves training apprentices to the craft.
knows it. Skill Rank is 1 or 2. Skill Rank is 7 or 8.
3-14 Journeyman: Skilled, but has no mas 20 A Master of Note: The NPC has gone
tery. Probably works for someone beyond mere practice of the craft to
else, since his skills are hardly worth turn it into an art form. He is a Grand
noting. Skill Rank is 3 to 5. Master, known throughout the world.
15-17 Skilled Tradesman: A well-respected His work is in high demand and often
practitioner of the craft or profession, demands a high price. Such a
though he has gained little renown for character's skill Rank is Rank 9. Roll a
it. A character with this skill ranking d20 again. If the result is 18-19, the
will usually own his own business or character has legendary skill at his
be an overseer in someone else's craft (Rank 10). If the result is a 20, the
business. Skill Rank is 5 or 6. character has Mythical skill (Rank 11+).
18-19 Master Craftsman: An acknowledged Others who practice the same profes
master of the profession. There are sion will be in awe of the character.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

Very carefully, you set up your easel to allow yourself the best view

318 Hobbies of the multicolored hillside in front of you. The spring flowers scattered
liberally through the grass are in full bloom, and the light of the newly-
risen sun displays them to best advantage.
Suddenly, one, then two, then perhaps three hundred goblins crest
the hill and pour towards you, screaming bloody battle cries and waving
their weapons wildly through the air.
It appears that yet another perfect morning has been spoiled....

Use this section only if directed to do so.

Regardless of Culture or Social Standing, minimum skill Rank at any hobby is one.
intelligent beings devote their "free" time to Finally, go to table 318c and roll a d10 to
diversions that entertain, challenge or improve determine the character's degree of interest in
themselves in some way. the hobby.
Instructions: Roll a d20 and match the Role-play: Hobbies provide characters
result against table 318a below to select a with unusual, but often useful skills, often unob
hobby. tainable by other means. Hobbies often have a
Next, roll a d4 and add or subtract the negative side-effect: they become compulsive,
applicable modifiers from 318b to determine consuming all of a character's time, energy, and
the character's skill Rank at the hobby. The money.

d20 Hobby or Diversion subtable below to determine the type

1 Collecting something (weapons, ani of activity or competition in which the
318a: Hobbies mals, books, paintings, signatures, character is involved:
and Diversions religious symbols, antiques, etc.) 1 Wrestling (+1 point Strength
2 Dancing (as either a participant or a attribute)
spectator) 2 Running (+1 point to Con
3 Playing a musical instrument (horn, stitution attribute)
flute, pipe, lute, drum, harpsichord, 3 Fencing (gain Rapier skill)
lyre, etc.) 4 Team ball sport (+1 point to
4 Reading for enjoyment Dexterity attribute)
5 Creative Writing (poetry, histories, 5 Horse racing (gain riding
biographies, plays) skill)
6 Acting (dramatics) 6 Swimming (gain swimming
7 Drawing, painting or sculpting skill)
8 Needlework (crochet, needlepoint, 7 Archery (gain skill with bow)
sewing). 8 Boxing (gain skill with fists)
9 Singing 12 Building detailed models
10 Studying. Roll a d8 to determine the 13 Developing appreciation of the arts
character's area of interest: learn to appreciate and critique art,
1 History music, drama, poetry, etc.
2 Religion 14 Hairdressing and cosmetics
3 Art 15 Hunting for sport
4 Astronomy 16 Gardening
5 Astrology 17 Breeding dogs
6 Other Cultures 18 Animal husbandry (breeding livestock)
7 Magic 19 Fishing for sport
8 Weapons 20 Heraldry (study of the coats of arms of
11 Sports and Athletics. Roll a d8 on the Nobility)

"Th' High Lord Grotrig had hizsef a hobby t' r'lax hizsef after a buzy night o' raidin' an' p'illagin',
he did. He liked t' collect rats n' roachez n' lice n' vermin o' all sorts n' kindz.
"Thet kept th' High Lord's whip from our backsez fer moonz an' more, 'cept then th' hyumanz
held us a seige, n' suppliez ran low n' th' whole lot wen' in t' th' pot fer stew. Good eatin' it waz,
'cept now th' High Lord collec's rocksez instead."
Brubnub, 2nd o' the Watch
Roll 1d4 and apply the following modifi Character is Wealthy: +1 Rank
ers: Character is Nobility: +2 Ranks 318b: Hobby Skill
Character is Extremely Wealthy: +2 Ranks
Age or Cultural Status Skill Modifier Character is Primitive: -2 Ranks Rank
Character is a child: -2 Ranks Character is Nomad: -1 Rank
Character is Destitute: -1 Rank Character is Civilized or Decadent: +1 Rank

d10 Degree of Interest About 10 to 15% of total income is

1 -2 Casual. Easy to put aside when neces spent on this hobby. 318c: Degree of
sary. Spending money on this hobby 10 Consuming Passion. This activity is a
is a rare occurrence. focal point of the character's life (see Interest
3-7 Sporadic and Variable. Interest runs Obsessive Behavior description, en
in spurts, intense at times, nonexist try #14, in table 523b: Mental Afflic
ent at others. Character will easily tions), Character will spend
spend 1% of his total income on this (1d6+2)x10% of his total income on
hobby. this hobby and may have to be forc
8-9 Devoted. Given a choice, this is how ibly pried away from the pursuit of the
the character spends his free time. hobby.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

Events of Adulthood

All Characters By now you should have determined your eventually confront the trials, tribulations, and
character's background through his childhood possible rewards of adulthood. 419 Significant
Must Consult and adolescent years (208 Significant Events of Events of Adulthood, beginning on page 63 and
This Section Youth), including any time he spent as an the only section under this heading, reveals the
apprentice to a specific trade or craftsman miscellaneous circumstances that affect your
(sections 309 through 317). But no one stays character after he reaches the age of maturity
young forever (unless they have found a really for his race but prior to his decision to set out as
powerful spell), and so your character must an adventurer.

"Meant no harm? Meant no harm? He charged with weapons drawn! In what language is
that 'Pleased to meet you'?"
Bertran Stoneback
The last of the orcs falls beneath your blade and you spin on your
toes to trace your way back to where S'tara buckled under the first orc's
The battle couldn't have taken you more than a dozen or two paces
from where the orcs initially attacked, but because of the darkness and
the forest's thickness you have trouble locating the spot....
At last you stumble over a lifeless orc and know S'tara must be near.
You sink on hands and knees to the impenetrably black forest floor and
sweep your hands back and forth, searching this way and that for any
sign of your younger sister....
Events of
Eventually, morning comes, bringing with it enough light for you to
see that only orcs litter the forest floor. Your sister has vanished. Adulthood
This section follows 208 Significant Events of Youth.

Once a character reaches maturity (that is, cated table and follow the instructions found INFORMATION &
their race's official age of responsibilitysee the there, record any relevant information, then
Age Chart on page 4), the events that affect him return to this table until all rolls on this table are INSTRUCTIONS
change. The character assumes greater respon complete.
sibility for his life, and to some extent, has more AGE NOTE: For each event you may de
control over surrounding events, although usu cide to choose the age at which it occurs, rather
ally not as much as he would like. This table is than roll dice to determine the age.
primarily used when creating adult NPCs or for Developing a Personality: As discussed
player characters who do not begin adventur under 208 Significant Events of Youth, events
ing immediately upon reaching adulthood. cause personality development. Most events on
Instructions: All player characters who this table are followed by a letter enclosed in
are just beginning their adventuring careers brackets. This letter represents the type of
make one roll on this table. Older characters personality trait that develops because of the
(that is, anyone older than the minimum adult event. An [L] means a Lightside trait. A [D]
age) make 1d3 rolls on this table. For each means a Darkside trait. An [N] means a Neutral
event, roll two d20s, total the results, then add trait, and an [R] means that the trait, if any will be
the character's SolMod to the sum. selected by a later die roll on table 521b: Ran
For each roll, match the total on the table dom Personality Trait.
below and record the event that occurs and any Each time you select and record an event
relevant information given with it in the EVENTS also record its corresponding letter (if any) in the
section of the Character History Worksheet. As space provided to the left of the event line. The
with earlier event tables, many events require instructions for table 521 Alignment & Attitude
additional rolls on other tables. If you are will tell you what to do with the letters.
requested to use another table, go to the indi

2d20+SolMod Event the character has an encounter with a

2 While exploring an unfamiliar area trapped predatory beast. Instead of
near his home, the character has an slaying it, he frees it. The freed beast
419: Significant
encounter with an unusual person, disappears. Later, the character is Events of
who, as far as the character can tell, trapped by a falling log. The same Adulthood
has no home or family. The character beast reappears and frees the charac
offers to help in anyway he can. After ter [L].
partaking of a meal, a bath, a hot 4 To earn a living, the character learns a
drink, and a long nap, the person new occupation to Rank 2 ability.
disappears, leaving behind a note that Select occupation on table appropri
simply says "Your kindness wilt be ate to Culture (sections 310-313) [N].
remembered." GM ONLY: refer to 5-7 Roll Hi/Lo. On a High result, some
entry #419a on table 968: GM's thing wonderful occurs. Determine
Specials [L]. what happens on 625 Something
3 While foraging or hunting for food, Wonderful. On a Low result, a trag-
edy occurs. Determine what hap d10. On a result of 1-5, the com
pens on 624 Tragedies [R]. panion falls in love with the character.
8 Learn an unusual skill. Select skill on It is up to the player to determine if the
866 Unusual Skills. character returns the feelings [L].
9 The character participates in a rebel 15-16 A race-specific event. To select the
lion against local authority. Roll a event, elves go to section 627, dwarves
d10. If the result is 9-10, the rebellion to section 628, halflings to section
was successful and the local rulers 629 and monsters to section 630. If
deposed. Any other result means that the character is human, then he has
any known participants are officially an encounter with nonhumans and
outlawed and have a price on their befriends them. Find out the type
head. Roll a d10 again if the rebellion with 751 Nonhumans [R].
failed. If the result is less than 10, only 17 1d3 additional significant events of
a few close friends know of the char adulthood occur.
acter's participation. A result of 10 18 An exotic event occurs. Select the
means that the character is an outlaw event on section 642 Exotic Events
[R]. [L].
10 Character serves a patron. Deter 19 Learn use of a weapon appropriate to
mine the details on 641 In the Service Culture and Social Status at Rank 3
of... [N]. competency. You select weapon.
11 Character has wanderlust and decides 20 Something bad happens to the char
to travel. Roll a d6 to determine the acter. Roll a d6 on the subtable below
number of years spent travelling and to select the event [D].
add the result to the age at which the 1-2 A tragedy occurs. Deter
character begins travelling. If the mine what happens with
resulting age exceeds the character's 624 Tragedies.
"final age," change the final age to the 3 A crude and tactless joke
time when the character ceases his angers an old woman (a
travels. Roll a d8 on the subtable witch) who puts a curse on
below to select the character's travels the character. Select the
IN]. curse on table 862a: Curses.
1 Visit most of the major cities 4 Character acquires a rival.
and towns in the land. Go to 754 Rivals to work
2 Sign on as a seaman on a out the details.
ship. Gain Rank 2 skill as a 5 A sudden mishap leaves the
sailor. character severely injured.
3 Journey to the mountains. Co to 863 Serious Wounds.
4 Investigate nearby dark 6 Someone close to the char
woods. acter dies quite suddenly.
5 Travel to a distant land. Roll d6 on the subtable be
Learn a foreign language at low, then go to 643 Death
Rank 3 ability. Situations to determine the
6 Live with nonhumans. Se cause of death and to 644
lect the type on 751 Non- Death of a Loved One to
humans. (Nonhumans that determine other events sur
roll their own racial type live rounding the death.
with humans instead.) 1 Employer
7-8 Roll twice more on this 2 Coworker
subtable, discarding any 3 Mentor
conflicting events (always 4 Close Friend
discard the second roll). 5 Neighbor
12-13 Character has a religious experience. 6 Family Member.
Determine the details on 639 Reli See 757 Relatives.
gious Experience [L]. 21 Something good happens to the char
14 The character saves someone's life. acter. Roll a d3 on the subtable below
This person becomes the character's to select the event [L].
companion. Select the companion 1 An old man whom the char
and the companion's sex and person acter rescues from Brigands
ality on 753 Companions (using tables blesses his benefactor. Se
753a and 753c). If the person is of the lect the blessing on table
opposite sex from the character, roll a 862b: Blessings.
2 Something wonderful oc exotic and possibly expensive plea-
curs. Determine what hap sures [D].
pens on 625 Something 38-39 The character is accused of a crime
Wonderful. that he did not commit. Select the
3 Character acquires a com crime on 865 Crimes, then roll a d6 on
panion. Co to 753 Com the subtable below:
panions to work out the 1 Character is imprisoned. Go
details. to 638 Imprisoned to deter
22 The character becomes well-known, mine the details [D].
even famous for the occurrence of an 2 Character is publicly stock-
event in his life. Reroll the event on aded and flogged as an ex-
this table [L]. ample to others. The
23 Character develops an exotic person- character's Charisma at
ality trait. Select the trait on 523 tribute is reduced by a third
Exotic Personality Traits. of its total value [D].
24 Character inherits property from a 3 Character is tortured to re-
relative. Co to 858 Gifts & Legacies, veal the names of accom
and roll a d10 on the subtable below plices. Roll a d6. On a result
entry #14 to determine the type of of 5-6 the character receives
property inherited. GM ONLY: See a serious wound. Select the
entry #419b on table 968: GM's injury on 863 Serious
Specials [R]. Wounds [D].
25 Roll again, subtract 1d3 from the roll 4 Character is found innocent,
and do not add in the character's but not before suffering seri-
SolMod. ous humiliation. Reduce the
26-2 7 Character becomes involved in illegal character's Charisma attri
activities. Select what occurs on 631 bute by 1d3 points [D].
Underworld Events [D]. 5 Character is sentenced to
28 Learn to use an unusual weapon at death, but at the last sec
Rank 3 proficiency. The weapon is ond, is rescued by notori
something alien to the character's ous outlaws. The character
Culture. now has a price on his head.
29-31 Character joins the military. Go to Roll a d6. On a result of 6,
632 Military Events to select details of the character joins the out
his new career. Roll a d6 on the law band, remaining as a
subtable below to select his reason member for 1d6 years. Go
for joining [R]. to 631 Underworld Events
1 Character was drafted dur for additional details of this
ing wartime. phase of the character's life
2 Character patriotically vol (begin with table 631b) [R].
unteered. 6 The character is sold into
3 Character was rounded up slavery. Go to 637 Enslaved!
by a press gang who needed to determine the details [D].
to meet a quota. 40-41 Roll 1d6. For beginning characters,
4 Character mistakenly add the result to the character's "fi-
thought that he was apply nal" age. More adult events occur
ing for some other govern- during this time. Roll a d3 to deter
ment job. mine the number of events. For NPCs
5 Character was trying to es- whose age is already established, ig
cape his current life and nore this result and reroll.
sought the adventure of a 42 Select any one personality trait from
soldier's life. any of the following; table 522b:
6 Character honored a family Neutral Personality Traits, 522a: Light-
or feudal obligation. side Personality Traits, 522c: Darkside
32-35 The character has a romantic encoun- Personality Traits, or section 523 Ex-
ter. Go to 640 Ah, Love! to find the otic Personality Traits.
details of his romance [R]. 43-44 The character learns an occupation
36 The character acquires a hobby. Se- appropriate to his Culture and Social
lect the type of hobby on 318 Hob- Status at Rank 2 ability. Select the
bies. occupation from sections 310-313. if
37 Character develops jaded tastes for the character already has an occupa
tion, improve proficiency in that oc- Exotic Personality Traits.
cupation by 1d3 ranks (up to Rank 6 52-53 Family sends character a personal
for player characters) [N]. servant (along the lines of a proper
45-46 Reroll and add 5 to the result. butler), who refuses to leave the
47 Character has a run-in with a govern- character's service. Treat the servant
ment leader. Roll d4 to determine the as a companion. Go to 753 Compan
end result: ions, table 753c, to select the servant's
1 The leader becomes a true nature. The GM may wish to
deadly enemy. See 754 Ri create the servant's attributes.
vals for details. 54-56 A noble whose Social Status is slightly
2 The leader becomes a close lower than the character's proposes
friend. marriage to the character. The mar
3 The leader becomes a rival. riage is obviously political in nature to
See 754 Rivals for details. take advantage of the character's fam
4 The leader becomes a pa ily status.
tron. Select additional de 57-61 A radical change in the political struc
tails from 641 In the Service ture of the land instantly drops the
of... character's Social Level to Poor and
48 Character is made a close advisor to strips him of ail the benefits of Noble
a local ruler [N], birth and wealth. Roll 1d6. If the
49-51 Character develops an exotic person result is 5-6, the character's family
ality trait. Select the trait from 523 members are outlaws in the land.

From here, proceed to section 520 Values on page 68.

Personality Development

Now you are almost finished with the dice (page 70) to determine how the character's Almost Finished!
rolling portion of your character history genera values and events from his past have shaped
tion. All of the physical elements of your him into a good or somewhat troubled being.
character's history are in placethe actual When you have completed section 521,
events, things and beings in his past Your next your character history will be essentially com
step is to peer inside your character to deter plete. The remaining two sections under this
mine important aspects of his personality. heading, 522 Personality Traits beginning with
Consult 520 Values, beginning on page page 73 and 523 Exotic Personality Traits start
68, to find out which people, things and ideas ing on page 76, both serve as reference sec
your character holds above all others. tions which you should only consult only if and
Next, go to 521 Alignment & Attitude when directed to do so by some other section.

"Y'know, Jhars, I suppose you just can't put a price on the things that mean the most, can you.
just think: would you take any amount of gold in exchange for your most valued possession?"
"That'sa difficult question, Bertran. Gold is my most valued possession."
Bertran Stoneback and Jharsvend the Thief
In a blind panic you leap through your ransacked room, past the

520 Values clutter of overtured chairs, shredded clothing and smashed belongings,
and right the battered chest that once sat near your now-demolished
bed. The false bottom is in place, and after opening the secret compart
ment you sigh with relief to find your well-worn cloth doll unharmed.

This section follows 419 Significant Events of Adulthood.

INFORMATION & Tables 520a-520c look at the people, things determining how the character responds to his
and concepts that are of greatest value to the world. A character with a Driving passion for
INSTRUCTIONS character. Other things on each table may also Money may do nearly anything to obtain it. A
hold some importance for the character, but character who places a trivial value on his
the selected things are of paramount impor Friend (remember this is his STRONGEST value
tance. for persons) will probably think even less of
First determine the most important person anyone else. Assume that for anything valued
in the character's life by rolling 2d10 and con Strongly or higher, the character will spend a
sulting table 520a. great deal of time in activities that either in
Second, roll 1d20 and consult table 520b volve, care for, or protect the thing of value.
to determine the most important thing for the For 'real' people, the other people in their
character. Note that this is not necessarily a lives can be very important. The person se
thing that the character owns. A ship's captain lected on table 520b plays a key role in the
can place a great deal of value on his craft character's personality. The character places a
even if another owns it. Also, remember that great deal of emphasis on their relationship,
many items are valued for sentimental or sym whether real, imagined or desired. Consider
bolic reasons, not for any inherent objective or how the character would react if the valued
monetary worth. person died. What would happen if their
After determining the character's most relationship changed?
valued thing, roll 1d20 against table 520c: In role-playing, it's quite common to define
Most Valued Abstraction. Abstractions are not a character in terms of his "stuff." A player
physical things. They are concepts, beliefs or values items for their usefulness in game play.
states of being upon which the character bases Still, consider how the character feels about his
his life. possessions, particularly the special one se
Devotion to abstract beliefs tends to color lected on table 520c. How would he feel if it
the rest of a character's life, often overriding was lost? Stolen? Destroyed? Where does he
positive or negative personality traits. For this keep it? How does he keep it safe?
reason, a formula in brackets precedes each As for the valued abstraction, one can
abstraction. This formula will modify one of the assume that, given the choice, the character will
column totals (Lightside or Darkside) on the spend most of his time in an activity involving
character's PERSONALITY chart on the Charac this abstraction. A scientist might spend his life
ter History Worksheet. Record the formula questing for knowledge. Someone else might
under the appropriate column on the worksheet. devote their life to seeking love, perhaps never
Finally, consult 520d: Value Strength for realizing when they have found it. Consider
each value, and record the values together with whether or not a character would be willing to
their strengths under VALUES on the Character die in defense of this ideal. Would he be willing
History Worksheet. to die in order for someone else to benefit from
Role-play: Use these values as a guide for it?

2d10 Person 12 Mother

2 Non-ruling noble 13 The character himself
520a: Most 3 Ruling noble 14 A relative. Select with section 757
Valued Person 4 Military Hero Relatives.
5 A fictional or legendary hero 15 Child or children
6 Character's patron (if none, roll again) 16 A religious leader
7 Friend 17 Master craftsman or teacher
8 A sibling 18 A spell caster
9 Father 19 An entertainer (musician, actor, etc.)
10 Lover 20 Pet (not a person, but treated like
11 Deity one)
d20 Thing zor or other personal grooming item,
1 Riding animal or beast of burden pouch, pipe, cane, hairpin. 520b: Most
2 Article of clothing 17 Portrait of... Roll a d4:
3 Boat 1 A treasured place Valued Thing
4 Book 2 The character's most valued
5 Childhood toy person
6 Diary 3 A relative from 757 Rela
7 Place of residence tives.
8 Weapon 4 Someone from 745 Others.
9 Piece of jewelry 18 Vehicle, such as a cart, wagon, or
10 Knickknack carriage.
11 Art object 19 Reroll. Item is a focus for or symbol of
12 Letter or document the Most Valued Abstraction. Ex-
13 Item of furniture ample: A character who values a
14 Tool deity might possess a symbol of that.
15 Legacy. Select from 858 Gifts & Lega 20 Reroll. Item is linked to the Most
cies. Valued Person, either as a former
16 Personal item. Examples: comb, ra possession or a gift.

d20 Abstraction 11 [D+1] Political beliefs

1 [L+2] Family, love of and loyalty 12 [D+2] Possessions
to one's kin. 13 [D+3] Power
520c: Most
2 [L+2] Freedom, both personal and 14 [N-1] Privacy Valued
national. 15 [*] Religious beliefs (*for a good Abstraction
3 [L+2] Friendship, loyalty to one's religion, not one devoted to
friends selfishness or evil, L+3; oth
4 [N-2] Fun, just having a good time erwise, D+3)
5 [L+2] Honesty 16 [L+3] Sanctity of Life
6 [N-1] Knowledge 17 [N-1] Scientific beliefs
7 [N-1] Love (or possibly just Ro 18 [L+1] Social Welfare (equal pro-
mantic Activities) tection under law, amelio
8 [D+2] Money ration of poverty, etc.)
9 [L+2] One's word 19 [N-1] Peace
10 [L+1] Patriotism, loyalty to one's 20 [N-1] Work

Assign a relative strength to each of the Afflictions, entry #14).

character's values. If you wish to use dice for For more information about Value 520d: Value
this, roll a d100 on table 520d. This strength Strengths, see 523g: Trait Strength.
represents the amount of influence the trait has Strength
over the character's life. Value Strength is Table 520d: Value Strength
measured on a scale of trivial to obsessive, and, d100 Strength
of course, it can increase as the player plays the 01-10 Trivial
character. The GM should determine how and 11-29 Weak
when this occurs. 30-59 Average
An obsession means that the character's 60-79 Strong
life centers around the value and he becomes 80-94 Driving
frustrated, possibly even dangerous if prevented 95-00 Obsessive
from fulfilling his needs (see table 523b: Mental

From here, proceed to section 521 Alignment & Attitude on pace 70.
As the three of you look down on the village from your hiding place

521 in the surrounding hills, the village's inhabitants gather in the village
square, goaded forward at each step by the barbed spears of goblin
raiders. At your right, Jhihiri speaks up.

Alignment "We've got to do something. We can't just stay up here and watch!"
"Oh yes we can," Kornal counters on your left. "What are we going
to gain by helping those people? Spears in our throats and little else.

& Attitude Don't be a fool."

Jhihiri and Kornal glare at each other then turn towards you....

This section follows 520 Values. This is also the final section for creating a character history.

In addition to a knowledge of the worksheet and record the total beneath each
character's personal values, a player or GM column. Then look at the formula recorded
needs to have a feeling for the character's from table 520c; Most Valued Abstraction. If
personality to role-play him effectively. Align the formula says "L" plus a number, add that
ment is a rough organization of personalty number to the character's Lightside trait col
traits including the influence of values. Is the umn. If the formula says "D" plus a number, add
character's personality weighted toward pre that number to the character's Darkside trait
dominantly acceptable behavior? Is it seriously column, if the formula says "N" minus a num
flawed or possibly somewhere in between? ber, subtract that value from whichever column
Attitude refines this organization further, but has the largest total value. (For example: if the
still uses broad strokes. character's Lightside total was 5, his Darkside
Building up and out from alignment, atti total was 3, and the formula said "N-1," you
tude and personal values define the foundation would subtract 1 from the Lightside total, leav
of a characters personality. Competing this ing it at 4). If both Darkside and Lightside
collection of tables is the final step in creating a columns are equal, then DO NOT subtract the
character. number from either total.
Instructions: First, select personality traits. Next, compare the final totals beneath the
While you were selecting events in sec columns of Darkside and Lightside traits. If
tions 208 and 419, you should have been either column total is two points greater than
writing the letters that followed those events in that of any other column (including the total for
the brackets next to the lines in the EVENTS Neutral), then the character's Alignment is the
section of the Character History Worksheet same as the highest column total (either Lightside
(see Developing a Personality under 206 Signi or Darkside). If neither the Lightside column
ficant Events of Youth). Each letter indicates a nor the Darkside column is two points greater,
table to be used to select the personality trait then the character's Alignment is Neutral.
that develops. For each letter in brackets in the Record the character's Alignment on the line
EVENTS section, go to the table indicated on provided for it.
table 521a and follow the directions there to Finally, read the Attitudes from the section
select the personality trait. below that corresponds to the character's Align
Record the name of each selected trait on ment (Lightside, Neutral or Darkside). Each
a line in the Character History Worksheet's Attitude suggests a behavior pattern that might
PERSONALITY section. To the left of each line be followed by a character of that Alignment.
are three columns of boxes. Above the col Select the Attitude that is most appropriate for
umns are the letters I, N, and D, corresponding the character, and record it on the appropriate
to the types of traits. Mark the box in the line of the Character History Worksheet. When
column that corresponds to the type of trait you have completed this step, your character
recorded on that line. Repeat these steps for generation is DONE (except for a few loose
esch letter in brackets in the EVENTS section of ends which you may tie together as shown on
the worksheet. If you wish, you may also assign page 72).
a strength to each trait, perhaps using table Role-play: A character's Alignment is his
520d; Value Strength as a guide (on page 69). moral philosophy of life, based on the predomi
After you have determined all personality nance of Personality traits and modified by the
traits, add the number of traits in each column things he values most. His Attitude is how he
of boxes in the PERSONALITY section of the lives out that philosophy. Like all things, both

"Eat drink, and be eating some more!" An Ogre Saying

alignment and attitude are subject to change as remember to play up his attitude. Use your
the character grows and changes. Try to play discretion, but try to act in character.
the character in keeping with his alignment and

Code Trait and Table

[L] This is a Lightside Trait. Use table 522a: Lightside Personality Traits. 521a: Personality
[N] This is a Neutral Trait. Use table 522b: Neutral Personality Traits.
[D] This is a Darkside Trait. Use table 522c: Darkside Personality Traits. Trait Codes
[R] Roll 1d100 to select this personality trait on table 521b: Random Personality Trait.

d100 Personality Trait

01-50 No personality trait develops. 521b: Random
51-65 The character gains a Neutral Trait. See table 522b: Neutral Personality Traits.
66-80 The character gains a Lightside Trait. See table 522a: Lightside Personality Traits. Personality Trait
81-95 The character gains a Darkside Trait. See table 522c: Darkside Personality Traits.
96-100 The character gains an Exotic Trait. See section 523 Exotic Personality Traits.

Followers of the Lightside respect others' a strict personal code of ethics. He is often an
reasonable rights. The preservation of life and individualist who works for the law and the Lightside
freedom are among their highest goals. Such good of the greatest number of people, but
characters are often considered "good." who may distrust higher authority, living and Alignment
Ethical: "What is true for one is true for all" working "outside the law." This includes vigi Attitudes
is his motto. He lives according to a strict, lantes and "Robin Hood" types.
universal moral code of ethics. He values fair Chivalrous: 'The strong are morally re
play and respects authority, does no evil to self sponsible to be the shepherds of the weak" is
or others, and works for the good of all. the chivalrous character's rule for life. He lives
Conscientious: "Each man knows his own by the belief that the strong must protect the
'good' and defends it" sums up the conscien weak. This is often found among warriors or
tious character's beliefs. He lives according to those of high Social Status.

The character's personality is roughly bal lives his life as if choosing to side with good or
anced between Darkside, Lightside, and Neu evil does not matter because he doesn't care
tral traits. None has dominance. Such char which wins.
acters are neither strongly good nor strongly Materialistic: "He who dies with the most Alignment
flawed. They may quite readily fit into one of toys, wins!" is this character's battle-cry. This Attitudes
the following attitudes: greedy character puts great emphasis on mate
Self-centered: "What's in it for me?" is the rial things, particularly ones he can own. He
motto of the self-centered character. He tends strives to own the best of everything and may
to look out for his own interests above anything compromise other principles for self gain. Like
else, though there are limits to what he will do. the self-centered character, he takes the course
Like the Lightside alignments, he tends to have of action that will best suit his desires for
a high regard for life and freedom. He may be material gain.
friendless, a mercenary who serves a cause only Anarchic: "It's my life, I'll do as I please."
because it pays well, but once he gives his word This character lives according to a loose per
or his loyalty, he does not go back on it. sonal code of ethics, though he does not feel
Nevertheless, there is no higher cause to him bound to tell the truth, keep his word or help
than self service and self preservation. others if there is nothing in it for him. An
Apathetic: "What does it matter and who individualist who disrespects higher authority,
cares?" are his mottos. Such a character be he does what he pleases, when it pleases him.
lieves that nothing really matters in the end. He Crusader: "Both sides have a right to their

'"Red wine? Red wine! Sure ya' didn' say 'Bled Swine'? Sure ya' don' wan' t' try some
Jen Daisy, Wench of Salty's Tavern
own views (but you're wrong if you disagree Conformist: "Don't make waves," "Don't
with mine)." He champions the underdog, stick your neck out" and "It's none of my
regardless of whether the cause is good or evil. business" are his quotable quotes. He's Joe-
He believes in fairness and equality for all. Like average and likes it that way. He goes with the
the chivalrous knight, he is dedicated to his flow. His values are the popular ones (or bis
code of honor, but the causes that he champi times, and he make no effort to side with or
ons may not be the best for society. against good or evil.

These three are the big "D" attitudes: for the sheer fun of it.
Depraved, Deviant and Diabolical. The Deviant: "I have rights!" and "What is true
character's personality is weighted heavily to for ME is true for all." Like the Ethical attitude,
wards unpleasant or unacceptable behavior. he lives by a strict and ordered moral code, but
Darkside attitudes are often marked by a crav this code is centered around the Deviant's self-
ing for personal power or imposition of morally centered personal goals and may have little to
flawed value systems at the cost of others' lives do with acceptable morality. He respects honor
and freedom. The character may do anything and discipline in others, and may even protect
to accomplish personal goals and is generally the innocent, but he will not tolerate those who
considered "evil" by society. work to cross him.
Depraved: "This is going to be fun" is not Diabolical: "No one can tell me what to
something one wants to hear this character say. do!" is his motto. The despicable Diabolical
Self-serving and unscrupulous, like the Self- character has no code of ethics. He is unpre
centered attitude (see above), he seeks to fulfill dictable, helps others only to be able to hurt
personal desires, but unlike that attitude, this them later, and despises all that is honorable,
character will do anything to obtain his goals. A disciplined or that reminds him of authority.
depraved character may even torture and kill

Your Character History is Complete!

1. Make any necessary adjustments to your character's attributes (see Finishing Touches on page 8).
2. Roll percentiles to determine whether your character is Literate or not (see page 12).
3. Calculate your character's starting money (see page 12),
4. Convert skills and their Ranks into skills for your game system.
5. Reread the Character Motivation section beginning on page 13.
6. Read Appendix B: Linking Events beginning on page 180.
7. Write your character's history as his life story (see Appendix C: Example starting on page 182).
Your horses charge down another narrow canyon, putting a little
more distance between you and the howling, snarling dire wolves on
your trail, but you soon realize that this last canyon has no other way
out. Unfortunately, you've trapped yourselves.
"We're dead," Vel mutters when you reach the canyon's far end.
"There's no getting out of this one. We're finished."
"Nonsense!" laughs Gillian. "There's always hope if you don't give
up. Let's look for a way to climb up."
'It's a waste of time. Let's just concentrate on taking a few of them
with us and then"
"Nothing's a waste of time if you do it while smiling! C'mon, Vel, I'm
just asking for a little help."
"Oh, yes, you're asking for something," Vel snarls as he draws his
sword and turns to face the canyon entrance where the first dire wolf
has just stepped into view, "and if we somehow get out of thiswhich I
doubtyou'll get it...."

Use this section only if directed to do so.

Use this table when the character has of 0 as a 30. Match the total against the INFORMATION &

assumed a Lightside, Darkside or Neutral per appropriate table to determine the trait.
sonality trait. Note that each Lightside trait in table 522a: INSTRUCTIONS

Central Casting assumes that it is possible Lightside Personality Traits has an opposite trait
to classify a character's behavior in terms of to be found in the same numerical position in
right or "good" behavior and wrong, sinful or table 522c: Darkside Personality Traits.
"bad" behavior. Lightside traits are so called Role-play: The presence of a Lightside or
because they represent the "lighter" or better a Darkside trait in a character's personality does
aspects of a person's character. Folks who not mean that a character is either good or evil,
exhibit these traits are often considered "nice" it is only when the traits of one side or the other
people, though that may not be the truth. Even dominate a character's personality that the
characters who are mostly bad will have their character can be said to lean in a particular
good points. direction.
Neutral traits tend to be mostly free from While it is likely that a character will have
association with the concepts of right and wrong Darkside traits, the designers of Central Casting
(though this is also often a matter of opinion). strongly feel that actively role-playing Darkside
They are found in characters who tend toward traits is a bad idea. Instead, Central Casting
either or neither extreme of right or wrong. takes what can best be called a redemptive
Finally, there are traits that represent the approach to character development. The goal
darker, unpleasant and wrongful forms of hu of the character afflicted with Darkside traits
man behavior. These traits, found on table should be to role-play out how he overcomes
522c, are flaws in makeup of a character's this problem aspect of his personality.
personality and are harmful to one's self and Good vs. Evil: Certain traits are usually
others. They are called Darkside, and more found only in good people, as they are not in
often than not, characters who exhibit several keeping with evil acts. Traits marked with an
of these traits are either knowingly evil or have asterisk (*) will usually not be found in strongly
become trapped in a life-style of wrong behav evil characters (such as NPC villains) unless
ior. Nevertheless, these traits can also be found they are a part of a split personality (that is to
in characters who are otherwise good. say, a good personality and an evil personality
Instructions: For each trait to be selected, in the same being). Some traits are normally
roll a d4 and a d10 at the same time. Do not add found only in evil people, as they are not in
the results. Instead, read them like a two-digit keeping with good acts. Traits marked with a
number, with the d4 result always the first or dagger () will usually not be found in good
"ten's" digit and the d10 the "one's" digit. For characters.
example: Read a d4 result of 3 and a d10 result

"Why?" Number 1 from 1001 Questions for Game Masters

d4/d10 Lightside Trait 30 Respectful: shows respect for others.
522a: Lightside 10 Optimist: always see the good side. 31 Calm: difficult to anger, a peaceful
11 Altruist (*): selfless concern for oth spirit.
Personality ers' welfare. 32 Patient: able to wait with calmness.
Traits 12 Helpful: helps others in need, 33 Wise: understands what is true, right
13 Kindly (*): warmhearted and friendly. or lasting.
14 Careful: cautious in thought and deed. 34 Generous: willing to give more than
15 Considerate: thinks of others' feel- fairly.
ings. 35 Imaginative: clever and resourceful.
16 Sober: serious, plain-thinking, straight 36 Forgiving (*): able to pardon faults in
forward. others.
17 Teetotaler: abstains from alcohol. 37 Virtuous (*): chaste, pure, of excellent
18 Trusting (*): trusts others to behave morals.
correctly. 38 Dependable: does duties reliably,
19 Peaceful: serene of spirit. responsibly.
20 Peacemaker: tries to calm others. 39 Well-mannered: polite, courteous.
21 Pious: reverently devoted to worship 40 Benign (*): gentle, inoffensive.
of God. 41 Friendly: warm and comforting.
22 Honest (*): always gives what is due. 42 Humble: lack of pretense, not proud.
23 Loving: affectionately concerned for 43 Energetic: does things quickly, with
others. verve.
24 Giving: gives of self and possessions. 44 Truthful (*): always tells the truth.
25 Organized: everything has a place. 45 Cheerful: always happy and smiling.
26 Clean: practices good hygiene. 46 Enthusiastic: excited, eager to act.
27 Punctual: always on time. 47 Thrifty: careful with money.
28 Self-confident: sure of self and abili 48 Diplomatic: careful to say the right
ties. thing.
29 Courageous: brave in the face of 49 Extra trait: roll twice more on this
adversity. table

d4/d10 Neutral Trait 33 Emotional: lets emotions show.

10 Curious: inquisitive, needs to know. 34 Emotionless: rarely shows emotions.
522b: Neutral 11 Hedonist: values pleasure over all. 35 Humorous: appreciates humor and
Personality 12 Precise: always exacting. likes to joke.
Traits 13 Studious: studies often, pays atten 36 Grim: unsmiling, humorless, stern of
tion to detail. purpose.
14 Mysterious: has an air of mystery. 37 Conservative: restrained, opposed to
15 Loquacious: talks and talks and... change.
16 Silent: rarely talks. 38 Liberal: tolerant of others, open to
17 Foppish: vain, preoccupied with ap change.
pearance. 39 Aggressive: assertive, bold, enterpris
18 Immaculate: clean and orderly. ing.
19 Rough: unpolished, unrefined. 40 Passive: accepts things without resist
20 Skeptic: wants things to be proven. ing them.
21 Immature: acts younger than age. 41 Self-sufficient: does not need others.
22 Even-tempered: rarely angry or over 42 Dependent: relies heavily on others,
joyous. needs others around him.
23 Rash: acts before thinking. 43 Romantic: given to feelings of ro
24 Extroverted: outgoing. mance.
25 Introverted: shy. 44 Logical: uses deductive reasoning.
26 Materialistic: emphasizes possessions. 45 Illogical: may not use reason to make
27 Aesthetic: possessions are unneces decisions.
sary. 46 Frivolous: flighty, harebrained, rarely
28 Amoral: no care for right or wrong. serious.
29 Dreamy: a distant daydreamer. 47 Aloof: distant from others, even cold.
30 Creative: able to make something 48 Atheistic: denies the existence of a
out of nothing. deity or deities.
31 Leader: takes initiative, commanding, 49 Extra trait: roll twice more on this
32 Follower: prefers to let others lead. table
d4/d10 Darkside Trait 28 Self-doubting: unsure of self and abili
10 Pessimist: always see the bad side of ties.
29 Cowardly: afraid to face adversity.
522c: Darkside
11 Egoist: selfish concern for own wel 30 Disrespectful: does not show respect. Personality
fare. 31 Angry: spirit always unsettled, never Traits
12 Obstructive: acts to block other's at peace.
actions. 32 Impatient: unable to wait with calm
13 Cruel (): coldhearted and hurtful. ness.
14 Careless: incautious in thought and 33 Foolish: unable to discern what is true
deed. or wise.
15 Thoughtless: rarely thinks of others' 34 Greedy: hoards all for self.
feelings. 35 Dull: a slow, uncreative mind.
16 Flippant: unable to be serious about 36 Vengeful: revenge is the way to pun-
anything. ish faults.
17 Drunkard: constantly overindulges in 37 Immoral: lecherous, lawless, devoid
alcohol. of morals.
18 Suspicious: trusts no one. 38 Untrustworthy (): not worth trust
19 Violent (): seeks physical conflict. ing.
20 Argumentative: starts arguments and 39 Rude: polite, courteous.
fights. 40 Harsh: ungentle, sharp-tongued.
21 Irreverent (): mocks religion and 41 Unfriendly: cold and distant.
God. 42 Egotistic: proud and conceited.
22 Cheat (): shortchanges others of 43 Lazy: difficult to get motivated.
their due. 44 Liar: hardly ever tells the truth.
23 Hateful (): strongly dislikes others. 45 Morose: always gloomy and moody.
24 Selfish: unwilling to share time and 46 Unenthusiastic: can't get excited.
possessions. 47 Spendthrift: spends money without
25 Slovenly, messy, nothing is ever put thought.
away. 48 Tactless: speaks before thinking.
26 Filthy: knows nothing of hygiene. 49 Extra trait: roll twice more on this
27 Tardy: always late. table

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

"What was that? What? Oh... What?" The twig-thin woman sits in

523 Exotic front of you holding the bread and honey you gave to her, but she floats
her gaze around the tavern common room as if everyone there hangs on
her every word.

Personality "What? You wanted what? Oh... information..." Her eyes bounce
back and forth inside their sockets, and she sets the honey down so she
can tear the bread apart with both hands, scattering the crumbs across

Traits the table top and onto the floor.

"I've got information... I've... I've...." Suddenly the woman's eyes
roll back and her body slumps silently to the floor.

Use this section only if directed to do so.

INFORMATION & Use this table when a character has as character has over the exotic personality trait
sumed an unusual or exotic personality trait. or vice versa. Select a trait strength from the left-
INSTRUCTIONS These traits, which range from simple fears to hand column that best suits the character, or
truly bizarre behavior, might even be called roll 1d100 and use table 520d on page 69.
personality afflictions. Folk with these traits are Role-play: A person with an exotic person
considered eccentric, odd or even weird. ality feature is decidedly different from other
Instructions: Roll a d20 and match the folk, regardless of whether the feature is readily
result on table 523a. This selects the general apparent to others or not. Such a person may
category of the exotic personality feature. To try to hide his exotic trait or possibly imagine
determine the specific feature, go to the table that what he does is normal and acceptable. In
indicated by the selected category. extreme instances, he may not even be aware
Record the trait on the Character History that the odd personality feature exists.
Worksheet and mark the box on the same line Many role-play games lump mental afflic
which corresponds to the trait's letter in brack tions together as "insanity," but they are best
ets (if anyL, N or D). Also, record any relevant defined as mental illnesses, the symptoms of
information in the worksheet's EVENTS section. which are greatly simplified here for game pur
Developing a Personality: Many events in poses. Many of these illnesses are treatable even
a character's life affect his personality develop in a fantasy worldif the person desires help.
ment. Personality, in turn, shapes the way he As for phobias, a phobia is something that
acts later in life. Some personality traits are the character is deeply afraid of, possibly for no
good (Lightside), others are bad (Darkside), and known reason. The afflicted character will do
still others are neither good nor bad (Neutral). whatever he can to avoid the thing feared. A
Most features here are not aligned (that is, person in power may try to have the source of
they are neither Darkside, Lightside, or Neutral) his fear destroyed.
and do not count toward determining align Behavior tags, on the other hand, are' gen
ment. Those that do affect the selection of a erally colorful "trademarks" by which a charac
character's alignment are followed by a letter ter becomes known ("the absentminded wiz
enclosed in brackets: [L]=Lightside, [D]=Darkside, ard," or "the cat lady," etc.). These tags are
and [N]=Neutral trait. unusual or uncommon types of actions or ac
Trait Control: Use table 523g: Trait tivities which the character performs, usually
Strength to gauge the amount of control the out of habit.

d20 Exotic Trait Category

01-04 Mental Affliction. Roll d20 on table 523b.*
523a: Exotic 05-08 Phobia. Roll d4 and d10 on table 523c. The d4 represents a "ten's" digit, white the d10
Trait Categories represents the "one's" for a result from 10 to 49. The character fears the item listed on
the table first, while the name in parentheses is the fear's name.
09-12 Allergy. Roll d10 on table 523e.
13-19 Behavior Tag. Roll d4 and d10 on table 523f. The d4 represents a "ten's" digit, while
the d10 represents the "one's" for a result from 10 to 49.
20 Several Exotic Traits manifest themselves. Roll 1d3+1 times on this table.
* The author recommends that these features be played only by adults capable of role-playing
them in a mature manner. If role-playing a character with a mental affliction makes you or others
in your group uncomfortable, or if you simply disagree with the concept, reroll this trait.
d20 Mental Affliction 11 Panzaism. This character cannot see
1 Catatonia. When overstimulated or evidence of the fantastic or super 523b: Mental
over stressed, the character collapses natural in any way shape or form. He
into a fetal position, completely and even sees obvious examples as things Afflictions
totally withdrawing from the world mundane. Such a character could
deaf, unfeeling, unseeing. easily be an atheist, too. GM ONLY:
2 Multiple personalities. Sometimes the see entry #523b on table 968: GM's
person literally becomes someone Specials.
else. 1d3 additional personae may 12 Depression. Beyond merely feeling a
manifest themselves, usually to help bit "down" or "blue," the afflicted
the character deal with something his person feels an absence of all hope.
"normal" identity can't handle. Each Unable to cope with his problems, or
individual personality should have one even ask for help, he talks about or
key personality trait that typifies it, attempts suicide to communicate his
possibly basing the entire personality unspoken cry for help. Reduce all skill
around that trait. Select the trait on Ranks to half when this character is
table 521b: Random PersonalityTraits. depressed.
Additionally, each personality has a 13 Hysterical injury. The person believes
60% chance to have an Exotic Per- he suffers the effects of a serious
sonality Trait of its own. injury. Determine the "injury" on 863
3 Compulsive Lying [D]. The person Serious Wounds.
cannot tell the simple truth. He must 14 Obsessive behavior. With a need to
always reinterpret or expand upon it. perform some action to the exclusion
4 Paranoia [D]. This is a feeling of of everything else, the character can-
persecution, that everyone is out to not be comfortable, or in extreme
get the character, or is plotting against cases, think rationally, until the obses
him. Extreme cases may imagine sion is resolved. The obsession can
fantastic plots concocted by magical vary from something simple, like clean-
beings. The character may also plot ing, to a need to expunge evil (or
to strike back at his oppressors (i.e., at good) from the universe.
everyone). To select the object of the obsession,
5 Hallucinations. He sees unreal vi- either make something up, or roll a d8
sions and distortions of reality. Each on the subtable below:
occurrence has a 10% chance of driv 1 Devotion to a Lightside trait.
ing the character into temporary Select on table 522a.
Catatonia (see entry #1 of this table). 2 Devotion to a Darkside trait.
6 Megalomania [D]. This is infantile Select on table 522c.
delusions of personal omnipotence 3 Character has an obsessive
and grandeur (commonly found in hatred. Roll a d3 to select
petty tyrants, self-important bosses, the target of the hate [D]:
and other egotists). 1 Any other sentient
7 Severely Phobic. The character has race.
an unreasoning, obsessive fear of 2 Machines
something of the GM's choice. 3 Select someone
8 Hypochondria [N], This is an un on 745 Others.
healthy concern for one's health. 4 Character feels an obses-
Person only has to hear of a new sive need to destroy [D].
disease to imagine that he suffers or is 5 Character feels an obses
even dying from it. sive need to clean.
9 Manic-depressive [D]. Alternating 6 Character is obsessively su
excitable hyperactivity and inability perstitious.
to cope with everyday pressures. 7 Character feels an obses
10 Quixotism. This deluded soul sees sive need to help others.
proof of the fantastic everywhere he 8 Character feels an obses
looks. Even the most mundane thing sive need to collect certain
becomes an example of the super- objects (possibly even own-
natural or faery. The character's vi ing everything of that type).
sions are most likely hallucinatory... Make up an object or roll a
but then again, maybe they're not. d4 on the subtable below:
GM ONLY: see entry #523a on table 1 See 858 Gifts &
968: GM's Specials. Legacies.
2 Gold (or platinum, nores others. He may wander aim-
or gemstones, lessly, giggling, muttering to self and
etc.). sometimes acting in a childish man
3 Animals ner. If sufficiently annoyed, the char
4 Beautiful things acter may become violent, then sub
(including side into a catatonic state for a few
people). hours.
15 Delusional Identity. Character be- 19 Berserker RageMindless Aggression
lieves self to be a famous personage, [D]. Person is subject to fits of mind-
usually someone quite well known less aggression lasting 1d100 min
from history or current events. Ac- utes.
tions are otherwise quite normal, if 20 Multiple Afflictions. Roll 1d3+1 more
one accepts that the character is act- times on this table. Afflictions have a
ing as someone else. 60% chance to have some form of
16 Kleptomania [D]. This is an obsessive interrelationship: one intensifies an-
impulse to steal, regardless of want or other or causes it to occur, or is the
need. object or target of the other. Ex
17 Pyromania [D]. This is an obsessive ample: A phobia reaction is so in-
impulse to set, and then watch fires. tense the character becomes
18 Hebephrenia. Character remains catatonicor berserk.
semi-aware of surroundings, but ig

d4/d10 Phobia 29 Insects (Entomophobia)

10 Being alone (Monophobia) 30 Magic spells or items (Magiophobia)
523c: Phobias 11 Animals (Zoophobia) 31 Males (Androphobia)usually found
12 Being buried alive (Taphophobia) in females.
13 Blood (Hematophobia) 32 Missiles and missile weapons
14 Cats (Ailuroophobia)especially (Ballistophobia)
house cats. 33 Monsters and monstrosities
15 Cold (Psychrophobia) (Teratophobia)
16 Colors (Chromophobia)usually spe- 34 Night (Nyctophobia)
cific colors. 35 Open spaces (Agoraphobia)
17 Corpses (Necrophobia)should in- 36 Physical Love (Erotophobia)
clude undead. 37 Poison (Toxiphobia)
18 Darkness (Achluophobia) 38 Rain (Ombrophobia)
19 Empty rooms (Kenophobia) 39 Sinning (Peccatophobia)fear of do
20 Enclosed spaces (Claustrophobia) ing wrong.
21 Females (Gynephobia)usually found 40 Slime (Blennophobia)
in males. 41 Snakes (Ophidophobia)
22 Fire (Pyrophobia) 42 Spiders (Arachnophobia)
23 Flying (Aerophobia)also fear of the 43 Storms (Astaphobia)includes thun
air. der & lightning.
24 God (Theophobia)one deity or all? 44 Trees or treelike creatures
25 Ghosts (Phasmophobia) (Dendrophobia)
26 Graves (Barophobia) linked with 45 Water (Hydrophobia)
Necrophobia. 46 Wind (Anemophobia)
27 Hair (Trichophobia)hairy monsters, 47 Wounds or injuries (Traumatophobia)
hair on people, etc. 48-49 More than one fear. Reroll 1d3+1
28 Heights (Acrophobia) times on this table.

After being exposed to an allergen (a thing attribute should add 1d3 points to his allergy's
that causes an allergic reactionsee table 523e), initial Trait Strength, while a character with an
523d & e: a character will quickly begin to suffer from his above average Constitution attribute should
Allergies allergy's effects. subtract 1d3 points. Reaction severity (see
Roll a d10 to determine the allergy's Trait table 523d) varies according to an allergy's Trait
Strength (this differs from the rules on page 69). Strength, and is classified as Mild (1-4), Serious
A character with a below average Constitution (5-7), Severe (8-9) and Deadly (10).
Table 523d: Allergy Reaction and 3 Insect Bites/Stings. Multiple bites or
Effects stings increase reaction level by one.
4 Common food. Usually a high-pro
Reaction Effects
tein food such as cheese, eggs, red
Mild: Red, itchy eyes, sniffles. Minus 1 Rank meat or wheat flour.
to combat skills until 1d3 hours after 5 Unusual food. Caviar, horse milk
exposure ends. cheese, jalapeo peppers, primitive
Serious: As above, plus asthmatic reaction hoagies, etc.
(hard to get one's breath). Minus 3 6 Exotic food. Use imagination. Can
Ranks to combat skills, minus 1d8 to died prawns, kumquat surprise, pick
Strength attribute. led roc eggs, etc.
Severe: As above, plus skin rash and high
7 Common medicine or home remedy.
fever. Subtract 1d6+3 Ranks from all
Fever cure, stomach remedy, mus
skills. Victim is very ill, cannot clear
tard plaster, etc.
head to concentrate (especially on
8 Unusual medicine. A strange, even
magic spells), and may suffer physical
magical potionincludes antidotes
harm if he does not end exposure
for monster poisons.
upon occurrence of symptoms.
9 Mold. Includes mildew and possibly
Deadly: As above, but victim becomes
even damp dirt. Additional effect of
catatonic (unconscious). Curative
constant sneezing.
magics or healing medicines will be
10 Magic. Primarily for cast magic. In
necessary to revive the victim.
creased Trait Strength usually implies
Table 523e: Allergies a sensitivity to enchanted items or
creatures. Relative intensity of magic
d10 Allergic to...
increases reaction level. A low power
1 Fur. Additional effect of constant
spell may trigger a mild reaction, while
touching an ancient artifact may cause
2 Dust. Additional effect of constant
sneezing. a deadly reaction.

d4/d10 Behavior Tag are set down, dropped or hidden

10 Secret Identity. Maintains two sepa have a 1d20% chance of being lost 523f: Behavior
rate identities, switching as necessary permanently.
to keep both "active." Create a sec 16 Fumble-fingers. Regardless of his Tags
ond background, and decide which is Dexterity attribute or skills, this char
real and which is a charade. Come up acter is often clumsy with things he
with a good reason for this tag, such holds in his hands. At the worst
as employment as a spy. moments, they seem to slip or, more
11 Flirtatious. Most interchanges with likely, flip out of his hands. The base
members of the opposite sex involve chance is 1d4 x 10%.
some kind of "innocent" or playful 17 Collector. The character surrounds
sexual innuendo. himself with things that appeal to him.
12 Chemical Addict [D]. Character's day- These things may be valuable, histori
to-day existence centers around a cally important, attractive, or just plain
chemical substance, such as tobacco, unusual.
alcohol, narcotics, caffeine, choco 18 Romantic. Character yearns for ideal
late, etc. Character becomes "ugly" ized adventures and can't understand
and unpleasant if deprived of the sub why the world has to be so harsh and
stance for too long. All skills drop by real.
1 Rank until character gets a "fix." 19 Distinctive Possession. Select an ob
13 Primps Constantly. Character is con ject from 858 Gifts & Legacies, for
stantly and publicly combing or brush which the character is well known
ing hair, applying makeup, straighten and from which he may not wish to be
ing clothing or otherwise maintain parted. Roll until you get something
ing, correcting or improving his physi with which you are comfortable.
cal appearance. 20 Ego Signature [N]. Character cannot
15 Absentminded. The character mis do anything anonymously, but must
places things easilythe more impor leave some mark or item that links
tant something is, the greater the him with the act (the "Mark of Zorro,"
chance it will be mislaid. Items that for example). This character has a
25% chance to be a Vandal [D] who the effective value of all skills and
leaves his mark by destroying or de attributes drop by 1d6 Ranks or points.
facing property. 33 Insomniac. Character finds it almost
21 Hiccupping. Brought on by stress or impossible to sleep or get any rest
eating, these range from mild "hics" ... at least during the night.
to thunderous body shakers. At the 34 Fanatic. Strong belief in some idea
GM's discretion, these diaphragm and an equally strong devotion to its
glitches can cause penalties to fight achievement, even to the point of
ing and skill use checks. death.
22 Unusual Appearance. The character 35 Picky Eater. Character won't try new
compensates for, or is self-conscious foods, even to the point of going
about some aspect of his appear hungry rather than eating something
ance. Select the feature using 867 disliked. Diet may be limited to a few
Appearance. "comfort foods" enjoyed during child
23 Know-it-all [N]. Has an opinion or hood. When presented with any new
knows the "truth" about everything food, the character has a d10 x 10%
(but, of course, you already knew chance to dislike the food. This does
that). Actually has only a 10% chance not mean the character is thin. Com
to really know something. fort foods are often high in carbohy
24 Perfectionist. The character insists drates and fat!
that all tasks be performed in accor 36 Glutton. Character eats like there is
dance with his own extremely high no tomorrow, whether he is hungry or
standards. not. Eats at least twice as much as a
25 Squeamish. Can't stand to be around normal being of his race. Has a 70%
little creepy-crawly things, touch slimy chance to be grossly overweight.
stuff, watch other people bleed, or eat 37 Pacifist. Character will not fight. This
certain types of foods. Treat this like ranges from vowing never to kill, never
a phobia. taking an offensive stance in combat
26 Stuttering. Reduce Charisma attribute (self-defense only), or even "turning
by 1d4 when talking. Penalize any the other cheek" and not defending
speaking skills by 1d3 Ranks, or more oneself at all.
if the character is under pressure or 38 Gung Ho! This character has an ag
nervous. gressive, excited attitude that he ap
27 Sexy. Regardless of his appearance, plies to every task.
members of the opposite sex are 39 Pet Lover [L]. This character has many
strongly attracted to the character. pets and usually has one with him. He
28 Bloodthirsty [D]. Seems to enjoy com is always looking for something else
bat just a little too much, particularly to bring home. The character may
when blood is spilled. focus on a specific type of animal:
29 An Attitude! Choose a work-related cats, dogs, giant amoebae, etc.
attitude from 317 Occupation Perfor 40 Political Activist. Always involved in
mance. This work-related attitude some kind of cause. Most support the
strongly influences all aspects of the masses against their overlords, but it
character's behavior. may involve protecting something
30 Dislike Something. Go to table 523c: from destruction like "Save the Ice
Phobias and determine what the char Caps" or "Equal Rights for Field Mice."
acter doesn't like. This is not a fear, 41 Practical Joker. Enjoys pulling off
but is instead something the charac jokes at other's expense. He's a guy
ter does not care for. The strength of who packs food with hot peppers,
the trait determines the degree of changes labels on potion vials, and
dislike. puts a little too much oil on your
31 . High Pain Threshold. He laughs off sword's leather-wrapped hilt. Whose
wounds that would normally inca side is he on anyway?
pacitate another character. Each time 42 Neatnik [N]. This is an obsessively
the character receives a wound that neat person. Personal effects are al
would incapacitate him, he has a 60% ways clean, polished, sharp, well-or
chance to treat it as a non-incapacitat ganized, and neatly arranged. Dis
ing injury and to continue to function likes mess and has a 10% chance to
(the GM may have to make judge have a phobia regarding dirt.
ment calls for this). 43 Slob. Unconcerned about the ap
32 Low Pain Threshold. ANY pain makes pearance of his person or property.
Tends to be disorganized where be ing, licking or smacking lips, swallow-
longings are involved, takes longer to ing, rubbing part of face or body,
find things (though he may be a mas- waving hands while speaking, twist
ter of the "vertical piling" system in ing hair, snapping or drumming fin-
which items are located in a manner gers.
similar to geological sedimentation). 46 Figures of Speech [D]. Constantly fills
44 Packrat [N]. "Say, this looks like it his conversations and pronounce-
might be useful!" is the battle-cry of ments with colorful phrases, often
this fellow who picks up everything, based on homey sayings, like "Dance
but never throws any of it away. On 'til the cows come home," or
the other hand, he always has just the "Thicker'n fleas on a dawg," or "We
right thing for any situation...if he can have a wonderful old saying where
find it. I'm from ..."
45 Unique Physical Habit. An action 47-49 Quite Eccentric. Roll 1d3+1 times for
which the character performs uncon multiple Behavior Tags. Reroll con
sciously. Select from the following, or flicting Tags, such as Neatnik and
create your own: winking, rapid blink- Slob.

Strength Description caught off guard or is too fatigued to

Trivial Feature is barely noticeable, even control himself. 523g: Trait
when actively affecting the charac Strong Unless character consciously resists
ter. Special circumstances may have the feature, it manifests itself strongly. Strength
to exist for the feature to come into Driving Feature dominates the character's
play. lifecharacter finds it difficult to re-
Weak Feature is easily sublimated, over sist its compulsions.
come, or ignored, but is noticeable Obsessive Character cannot rest or find peace
when actively affecting character. unless actively pursuing the desires,
Average There is an uneasy balance. Feature needs or compulsions of the fea
is not active unless the character is ture.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

Miscellaneous Events

Things Happen When generating your character history, Events, you may need to consult 633 Combat!
you will not necessarily consult any of these (page 101), 634 Military Duties (page 103), 635
miscellaneous event sections, but you are quite Military Skills (page 105) and/or 636 Military
likely to consult several of them, some more Rank (page 107),
than once. Obviously, anything that happens Various occurrences can lead to a charac
to your character in these sections should be ter being forced into servitude or slavery. When
recorded under the EVENTS section of your this happens, see 637 Enslaved, starting on
Character History Worksheet. page 109.
Every once in a while, tragedy hits, and Characters who commit crimes will almost
when it does, consult 624 Tragedies starting inevitably find themselves on page 111 consult
with page 83. ing 638 Imprisoned.
Fortunately, good things tend to balance The famous Arthurian Quest for the Holy
out the tragedies that cause characters so many Grail began because of a religious experience
problems. See 625 Something Wonderful be shared by Arthur and his knights. Perhaps
ginning on page 86. something similar will happen to your charac
Sometimes the bizarre or hideously evil ter. See 639 Religious Experience, beginning
becomes manifest through 626 Horror Events. on page 113.
See page 88. Romantically inclined characters will need
A few of the miscellaneous event sections to consult 640 Ah, Love! on page 115, while
are race specific: 627 Elven Events (page 91), those characters who are simply dedicated to
628 Dwarven Events (page 92), 629 Halfling the service of a patron will find important
Events (page 93) and 630 Monster Events (page information on page 117 with 641 In the Ser
94). vice of ...
Criminals or those who inadvertently come 642 Exotic Events, beginning on page 119,
in contact with the treacherous criminal world determines happenings that are truly out of the
may need to determine events beginning on ordinary.
page 95 with 631 Underworld Events. Sections 643 Death Situations and 644
A series of sections, starting with 632 Death of a Loved One deal with the regrettable
Military Events on page 98, relate to the expe loss of life that happens all too often in lands of
riences of soldiers. In addition to 632 Military medieval medicines, monsters and monarchies.

"Ah, yes! I'll never forget that time at Lord Vilkner's castle when we... No... Um, help me
out with this, Bertran."
Jharsvend the Thief
As you look over the prison records in the jailer's timeworn collec
tion of parchment scrolls, you think back to your childhood, to the early
evening when you returned home from the well with two buckets of
water only to find your parents missing....
After searching for most of the day, you discover the entry you had
been looking for: "CoupleWennon and TessFarmersOrders of
LordRoekCell 119."
"Thassit?" the jailer asks. "S'ry. Lost th't wing t' a cave-in ten years
ago "

Use this section only if directed to do so.

Instructions: When bad things happen to often learn and grow from them. More than INFORMATION &
good characters, it becomes necessary to roll a many types of events, these strong emotional
d4 and a d10, with the d4 result serving as a occurrences have profound effects upon char INSTRUCTIONS
"ten's" digit and the d10 serving as a "one's" acters.
digit. For example: a d4 result of 2 and a d10 A tragedy can provide lifelong motivation
result of 0 is a 20. Match the number against the for a character or drastically change his percep
table below. Should the die roll indicate a tion of the world. The violent death of a loved-
situation that could not occur, such as a parent one might begin a vendetta against the perpe
dying when the character has no living parents trator that may later be played out. A string of
or guardians, reroll until the table indicates a tragedies may make the character feel that he
tragedy that could happen. has inborn bad luck or even that the universe is
Role-play: Tragedies happen to almost against him.
everyone to one degree or another, and we

d4/d10 Tragedy prisoned. Go to 644 Death of a

10 Wild beasts attack. The character Loved One for the effect on the char-
receives a grave injury, but survives. acter. The parents may still be
624a: Tragedies
He is forced to watch while the beasts alive...
drag off and devour 1d4 family mem 16 A favorite pet dies painfully (special
bers (if no family, then guardians or pets created on 752 Unusual Pets are
friends). Go to 863 Serious Wounds included in this). Roll a d6. If the roll
to determine the character's injury is 5 or 6, the death was caused by
and its lasting effect. Select relatives someone else. Go to 745 Others and
with section 757 Relatives (reroll any determine who caused the pet to die.
thing that really does not work). 17-18 Orphaned! Co to 644 Death of a
11-12 Character is imprisoned for a crime he Loved One.
did not commit. Co to 865 Crimes to 19 The town where the character lives is
select the crime for which the charac wiped out. Roll a d6 for each close
ter is imprisoned. Following each crime family member or friend living in the
is a number that indicates the type of affected area. On a roll of 5-6, that
die to roll to find the number of years person dies in the tragedy. Select the
for or type of sentence. Go to 638 cause of destruction on table 624b:
Imprisoned for special occurrences that Tragic Causes.
happen in prison. 20 The character is responsible for a
13 If the character has children, one of death. Go to 745 Others to deter
them dies. Select the cause of the mine who died. Then go to 643
tragedy on table 624b: Tragic Causes. Death Situations to determine how
Then go to 643 Death Situations and the death occurred.
select how the death occurred. If the 21 Family/Guardian(s) is wiped out. Roll
character has no children, then the a d6 for each close family member.
event affects a sibling. If the character On a roll of 3-6, that person dies.
has no siblings, reroll a different trag Select the cause of the tragedy on
edy. table 624b: Tragic Causes.
14-15 Unable to pay their taxes, the 22-23 A favorite, possibly valuable, posses
character's parents/guardians are im sion vanished. Roll a d6 on the
subtable below to find how it hap 33-35 If the character has a lover, then some
pened: thing terrible happens to the beloved.
1-3 It was lost. Roll a d10 on the subtable below to
4-5 It was stolen. discover the nature of this tragic event
6 It was stolen and a fake was If the character has no beloved, then
left in its place. reroll a different tragedy.
24 One or both of the character's par 1 Unfaithful lover leaves the
ents are outlawed and go into hiding. character heartbroken. Roll
Roll a d6 on the subtable below to d3. On a roll of 3, the lover
determine the affected parent. The left due to a magical en-
numbers following each name indi chantment.
cate the chance on a d6 that the 2 Lover attempts to kill char-
character and the rest of his family acter, then disappears. On
followed the outlaw(s) into hiding. a d6 roll of 6, the character
1-3 Father (1-2) receives a severe injury that
4 Mother (1-4) does not heal properly. Se
5-6 Both parents (1-5) lect injury with 863 Serious
Now go to 865 Crimes to find why the Wounds.
parent(s) was outlawed. Then roll a 3 Lover tries to kill character,
d6. On a roll of 5-6, the parents go but dies in the attempt.
into hiding within a different culture 4-5 Lover dies. Select cause on
level. Goto 102 Cultural Background table 624b: Tragic Causes.
to find the Culture (and CuMod) that 6 Lover is cursed into a deep
will affect all the character's future sleep. Only a rare, distant,
rolls. difficult to find object can
25 The character is kidnapped and sold wake the lover.
into slavery. Co to 637 Enslaved! 7 Lover is killed by lover's own
26 The character is banned from per- jealous former lover, who
forming his primary profession and is then gets away.
cast out of any guilds, associations or 8 Lover disappears and is
societies associated with the trade. If never seen again.
the character's identity is known, he 9 Lover is magically trans
cannot safely practice the profession formed into a beast or mon
within the known world of his current ster and runs off into the
culture. Reduce the character's start- wilderness.
ing money by 50%. 10 Lover is imprisoned. Go to
27-28 Character receives a severe injury 865 Crimes to determine
that does not heal properly. Go to what the lover allegedly did.
863 Serious Wounds to select the Roll d3. On a 1 or 2, the
injury and its lasting effects. Select the lover is actually innocent.
cause of the tragedy on table 624b: 36 A disease almost kills the character
Tragic Causes. and leaves horrible scars. Reduce
29-30 One of the character's parents or guard Charisma and Appearance by 1d4
ians is killed. Roll Hi/Lo. Hi=father/ points.
male guardian. Lo=mother/female 37-38 War ravages the character's home
guardian. Select the cause of the land. Roll a d6 on the subtable below
tragedy on table 624b: Tragic Causes. to determine the number of addi
31 The character's home area is overrun tional tragedies that afflict the charac
by hostile forces or raiders. All his ter.
possessions are destroyed and he and 1-2 One additional tragedy.
his family are forced to perform slave 3-4 Two additional tragedies.
labor for the enemy. Consult 638 5 1d3 additional tragedies.
Imprisoned, but do not add the 6 If 14 years or older, the char-
character's SolMod when selecting acter is conscripted into
the prison type. During captivity, 1d3 military duty. Roll for 1d3
members of the character's family additional tragedies then go
die. Select them with section 757 to 632 Military Events.
Relatives. 39 The character's home is destroyed
32 The character is cursed. Go to table along with all belongings. The
862a: Curses to determine the nature character's Social Status drops by one
of the curse. level. Adjust the character's SolMod,
and then select the cause on table do not add in the character's CuMod
624b: Tragic Causes. or TiMod. If the character does not
40 The tragedy is like a cloud with a have an occupation that he can prac
"silver lining." Reroll the event on this tice at Rank 3 or better skill, subtract
table and then select the good thing an additional 35 from the roll.
that comes about because of it with 46 The character is forced into an un
625 Something Wonderful. wanted marriage. If the character is
41 The character's family loses all its already married, the old spouse "dis
wealth. Reroll Social Status on 103 appears" (he or she may have been
Social Status subtracting 30 from the kidnapped, imprisoned or killed). At
die roll. The SolMod from this new the time of marriage, the new spouse
status will be the one that affects all dislikes the character and will obvi
future die rolls. ously cause the character grief for
42 All persons belonging to the some time to come.
character's racial background are 47 A shift in the economy causes severe
rounded up by government troops inflation. The value of money be-
and imprisoned, executed or exiled. comes a fraction of what it was. All
The character escapes, but does not Social Status's above Destitute drop
know the status of his family. The 1d3 levels for 1d6 years. After that,
character must assume that he too they rise one level, but remain there
will be hunted down by the govern (unless changed again).
ment for recapture. 48 The character's family is stripped of all
43 The character's best friend dies. Go titles and lands. Reroll Social Status
to 643 Death Situations and deter- on 103 Social Status and subtract 10
mine how the death occurred. from the die roll. The SolMod from
44 The character is doubly cursed. Roll this new status will be the one that
twice on table 862a: Curses to deter- affects all future die rolls. Roll a d6.
mine the nature of the curses. On a result of 6, the character's family
45 The character is disinherited by par- is outlawed as well (see #24 above).
ents. For subsequent standard of 49 Roll twice more on this table and
living, reroll Social Status on table 103 combine the results into one horrible
but subtract 10 from the die roll and tragedy.

d10 Tragic Causes 9 The character's own actions!

1 An unexplainable accident. 10 A natural disaster. Roll a d12 on the 624b: Tragic
2 A terrible fire. subtable below:
3 A virulent, incurable disease. 1 Avalanche Causes
4 Someone's actions. Select person 2 Flood
using 745 Others. 3 Earthquake
5 A rival's actions. Create the fiend with 4 Drought
754 Rivals, but roll Hi/Lo instead of 5 Volcano
against table 754c. Hi=Deadly, 6 Lightning
Lo=Obsessive. 7 Meteor strike
6 Magic. 8 Forest or brush fire
7 Roll for Hi/Lo. Hi=a revolt, Lo=a War. 9 Tornado
8 An accident while travelling (a ship 10 Mine cave-in or landslide
sinks, wagon is crushed by a land 11 Hurricane or storm
slide, etc.). 12 Tidal wave

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

While searching for herbs to spice up the evening's stew, you hear

625 distant sounds of screams and shouting coming from your village....
As you race closer and closer to home, you can hear that the screams
and shouts are accompanied by deep, guttural growls and snarls, and

Something your heavily panted breath almost catches in your throat. The beastly
noises sound like swamp lizards, but dozens, not the two or three
normally seen hunting in these woods....

Wonderful Finally in sight of your village, you almost collapse when your feet
get caught up on the bloody carcass of a guard dog almost buried in the
tall grass at the village's outskirts. Before you, the village's inhabitants
are clustered together in a protective knot around the children and
elderly. Perhaps a hundred reptilian forms circle around the inhabit
ants, moving closer and closer to their prey.
Horrified, you instinctively yell out, "NO!"
Suddenly, the beasts stop their movement, turn in your direction,
and then seemingly cock their heads as if awaiting your next word....

Use this section only if directed to do so.

INFORMATION & Life is tough, so when something good until you get an event that could happen.
happens to a character it always seems to be Role-play: Good things do happen, even
INSTRUCTIONS unexpected. This is a list of good, wonderful miraculous things. When these sort of things
things that can happen. happen, the character may feel touched or
Instructions: Roll a d20 and add the blessed by the gods. Some characters might
character's SolMod. Match the result against accept this with gladness and humility, while
table 625. Some entries may require that others might feel that they are finally getting
additional rolls be made. Should the die roll their due.
indicate a situation that could not occur, reroll

d20+SolMod Wondrous Event is a true adoption. If he has living

625: Something 1 Wild carnivorous beasts invade the parents, he is treated just like a son.
character's camp. During the attack, Assume that the new family is of the
Wonderful the character finds that he has the same Culture level as the character at
innate ability to command wild beasts the time of adoption. Roll for impor
(not monsters) to do his will (so long tant information about the new family
as it does not seriously risk the ani on 104 Birth and Family and 107
mals' lives). Parents & NPCs.
2 Get out of jail free. A magnanimous 8 The village/small town where the char
ruler pardons all prisoners. If the acter lives is destroyed, but there is
character, or his friends or relatives little loss of life. If he lives in a large
are in prison, they are set free with an town or city, the affected portion of
admonition to "Sin no more." the city is where he or his immediate
3-4 If the character has a lover or spouse, family live. However, after the disas
he is blessed with the birth of a healthy, ter passes, the area is rebuilt and
beautiful child. Roll Hi/Lo for the becomes more prosperous than ever
child's gender. Hi=male, Lo=female. before. The Social Status of the
5 While repairing the family home, the character's family raises by one level
character discovers a magical item. (but never above Wealthy).
Go to 858 Gifts & Legacies to deter 9 The character is responsible for sav
mine what has been found. ing a life. Go to 745 Others to deter
6 Character acquires an unusual pet. mine who was saved. Then go to 643
Go to 752 Unusual Pets to determine Death Situations to determine how
the details about this animal. the death almost occurred. Roll So
7 The character is adopted into a cial Status for the near-victim with
Wealthy family. If he is an orphan, it section 103. If the victim was Well-to
Do or better, the character receives a nature of the blessing.
reward. 22 A lasting peace takes hold in the land.
10-12 Reroll, but do not add in the character's If the character is currently in the
SolMod. Military, he is discharged with honors.
13 A despotic and evil local ruler outlaws 23 The character gains a loyal friend and
the character's parents. Go to 748 companion. Go to 753 Companions
Nobles and determine the ruler's title. to determine the details.
After 1d10 years, the ruler's liege 24 Family home is declared a national
overthrows the evil ruler and the treasure. The government pays to
character's parents are not only par- restore it and maintain it, while allow
doned, but are honored for their role ing your family to live there.
in the despot's demise. The reward: 25-26 Reroll, but do not add in the character's
elevation to Nobility, equal to one SolMod.
rank below the overthrown evil Noble. 27-28 Character is named sole heir to the
The Social Status of the parents rises small fortune of a distant relative.
to at least Well-to-Do. 29-30 The character is forced into an un
14 Slavery is outlawed in the land. All wanted marriage, but quickly comes
slaves are freed. to love, even worship, his spouse.
15 Character receives a severe injury 31-32 A shift in the economy increases the
that does not heal properly and al- value of precious metals. The rich get
most kills him before he is rescued by richer. All Social Status's above Com
a benevolent wizard who replaces fortable increase one level (Wealthy
the damaged limb or organ with a have a 1% chance of becoming Ex-
magical prosthesis, and this gives the tremely Wealthy).
character a magic power. Go to 863 33-35 A new market opens up for the chief
Serious Wounds to select the injury. source of the character's income (or
The GM must determine the nature of his family's income). Several new
this new power. estates are established in foreign coun
16-17 The character becomes renowned for tries.
his occupation. Clients from around 36 The ruler of the land consolidates fiefs
the world seek his services. The influx and eliminates troublemakers. The
of business allows the character to character's loyal parents (or the char-
increase his Social Status by 1d2 lev acter if he is a first born) are elevated
els (but not above Wealthy). one title level (as determined by Cul
18-19 A disease almost kills the character, ture). For example: A baron would
but miraculously, the character be- become a count. Land holdings and
comes immune to all disease. titles increase to match the new posi
20-21 The character is blessed. Go to table tion.
862b: Blessings to determine the

From here, return to the section which sent you here.

Stepping into the dark, burnt out confines of the ruins of Highridge

626 Horror Keep, you look up at the moon peering back at you through a maw-like
rift in the southern wall. At your second step, the voices start up again,
just like they did the last time you visited the ruins all those years ago.

Events This time, though, the voices seem to be laughing at you, as if they know
why you came back, know that you must join them for the night if you
want to break the hag's curse.
The voices start to grow louder, much louder than you remember,
and something moves at the edge of your vision....

Use this section only if directed to do so.

Instructions: Roll a d20 on the following Role-play: Imagine that time when you
table to select the character's brush with the were scared of something in the dark: a shape,
dark unknown. Also roll a d6. On a result of " 1 , " a shadow, a sound. Now imagine that you
the character has developed an exotic person didn't imagine it. There really was something
ality trait stemming from this horror event. theresomething dark, unexplainable and ma
Determine the trait with 523 Exotic Personality lign. Maybe you'd still be afraid of the dark?
Traits. That's how your character may feel after this
Game-play Notes: The player and GM encounter with the supernatural. On the other
should assume that the mystery surrounding hand, it may pique his interest to the point
these events has never been solved or satisfac where he exchanges fear for an unquenchable
torily explained. Also, assume all events are desire to know the truth of what really hap
linked to some horrible, dark conspiracy. pened that dark night.

d20 Horror Events attempts to take them there.

1 A place frightens the character. Roll a 10 Roll twice again on this
626: Horror d10 to determine the place: subtable and combine the
Events 1 Basement/Cellar entries in a frightening way.
2 Attic 2 For a period of several months, people
3 Empty house disappear with no explanations. No
4 Old barn reason, even magical, is ever deter
5 Empty building mined. Just as suddenly, the disap
6 Vacant lot pearances stop. The character knew
7 Locked room at least 1d3 victims. Select the victims
8 Dark wood using 745 Others.
9 City or Castle ruins 3 The character suspects that an evil
10 Cave spirit has taken possession of a famil
Now roll a d10 to determine what iar object and is responsible for crimes
frightens the character: and horrors that have been occurring.
1 The shape of something dis Roll a d10 on the subtable below to
turbing is outlined on a wall. determine what the possessed thing
2 At certain times, a nauseat may be.
ing odor comes from there. 1 Pet
3 Voices are sometimes heard 2 Weapon
there. 3 Armor
4 The temperature drops to 4 House
near freezing. 5 Horse/Steed
5 Something unusual was 6 Shield
down there. Select the thing 7 Statue
with 749 Monsters. 8 Child's toy
6 Bright lights can be seen 9 Coin
there. 10 Gem
7 Water boils without heat 4 Someone or something strikes out of
when left there. the darkness to kill and mutilate. Roll
8 An oppressive, even evil, a d20 for the number of victims. The
sensation can be felt there. character knew the latest victim. (Se
9 Animals react violently to lect on 745 Others.) To determine
the killer, roll a d6. On a result of 1-4, rial killer.
the killer is a deranged person. (Se 7 Neighbor experimented
lect on 745 Otherschoose race.) with opening portals to other
On a result of 5, the killer is a monster. worlds, planes or dimen
(Select on 749 Monsters). On a result sions.
of 6, the GM should determine the 8 Neighbor led a coven of
killer secretly. witches.
The character receives a gift from an 9 Neighbor is a villain of world-
unknown source. The gift is imbued class proportions. Select
with a feeling of intense evil, but the details on 755 Villains.
character cannot seem to get rid of it. 10 Neighbor was using magic
Just before his adventuring career to manipulate the
begins, he comes across the unpleas character's friends and rela
ant gift yet again. Select the item on tives.
858 Gifts & Legacies. 10 The character experiences ghostly
The character participates in a "hunt" apparitions that appear repetitively.
which searches for and destroys a Roll a d20 on the subtable below to
creature who has been plaguing the select the nature of the vision.
area. Select the creature on 749 1 Assassinated noble
Monsters. 2 Horse drawn carriage
The character senses the presence of 3 Beautiful woman
an unquiet spirit. Roll a d10. On a 4 Pet
result of 1-3, the presence haunts the 5 Drowned person
character's home. On a result of 4-5, 6 Giant black cat
the spirit haunts an empty home. 7 Handsome man
Otherwise, select the owner of the 8 Warrior or warriors
haunted home on 745 Others. GM 9 Horse and rider
ONLY: see entry #626 on table 968: 10 Child
GM's Specials. 11 Monster (see 749 Monsters)
The character believes that a creature 12 Executed person
lurks about. Roll a d6 on the subtable 13 Severed body part (see 861
below to determine the location. Body Locations)
Select the type of creature believed to 14 Shapeless form
be there on 749 Monsters. 15 Ship
1 Under his bed 16 Skull
2 In his closet 17 A being identical to the char
3 In the attic acter
4 In the woods 18 A being identical to one of
5 In the water the character's loved ones
6 In a neighbor's house 19 Select on 745 Others
A neighbor behaves strangely. The 20 Wolf
character investigates out of concern 11 At an estate auction, the character
and curiosity only to discover some discovers the journal of one who is
thing totally unnerving. The discov obviously mad, yet the character is
ery forces the neighbor to flee, but he drawn to learn more of the mad things
is still out there ... somewhere. Roll the writer implies. The book tells of
Hi/Lo for neighbor's sex. Hi=male. lost cities, hidden knowledge, incred
Lo=female. Roll a d10 to select the ible creatures and worlds that exist
neighbor's dark secret: next to our own. Any subsequent
1 Neighbor tried to animate rolls on this table are directly linked to
the dead. the character's discovery!
2 Neighbor was actually a 12-13 Heroic intervention puts an end to a
monster. Select the type of horrifying event that the character
monster on 749 Monsters. experienced. Use 745 Others to de
3 Neighbor was a cannibal. A termine who caused the web or hor
few snacks lie about. ror to end. Also, roll a d6. On a result
4 Neighbor collected weird, of 5-6, the hero or heroes sacrificed
frightening artifacts. themselves in the effort. If no other
5 Neighbor worked black events have been rolled, roll once
magic. more on this table to find what the
6 Neighbor was a crazed se hero or heroes confronted.
14 See event number 9, but substitute 3 They are being replaced by
"relative" for neighbor. Select the shape-changers.
relation with 757 Relatives. 4 They are actually monsters
15 The character is cursed. See table in human guise. Select an
862a: Curses. appropriate monster.
16 The character finds an old book hid 18 An evil, depraved cult performs sacri
den in the false bottom of a trunk in fices in a nearby wood. The character
the attic of an empty house. Despite comes upon one of their night time
feelings of fear and dread, the charac rituals and witnesses things best left
ter reads the book and begins to learn unseen. Roll a d6 on the subtable
horrible secrets. A strange change below to discover other details the
affects the character. Roll a d6: character learns, but wishes that he
1 -2 Gain an exotic feature from hadn't.
table 862d: Unusual Physi 1 The cultists knew the char
cal Traits. acter was there.
3-4 Gain a trait from 523 Exotic 2 One of the character's close
Personality Traits. friends is a cultist.
5-6 Both results 1 -2 and 3-4 are 3 A noble or very prominent
inflicted on the character! member of the community
17 The character senses that a weird is a cultist.
change has come over several people 4 The character's parents (or
close to him, almost like they have guardian) are members.
become entirely different people. Roll 5 The cultists were attempt
a d6. On a result of 5-6, 1d4 family ing a ritual that would end
members are involved. The character the world or bring it under a
comes to believe that one of the lasting cloud of evil.
following situations is occurring. Roll 6 Roll twice more on this
a d4. subtable.
1 They are being replaced by 19-20 Roll three times again on this table
zombies. and combine the entries to form one
2 They are being possessed weird and frightening event.
by evil spirits.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

For days you've been using all your elven trickery to avoid the young
half-elf who has been asking almost everyone you know for information
about youincluding how to meet you. Others have told you that she
brushes off your messages that you don't want to take on any more
627 Elven

explorations or rescues just now, but now you have proof. At last she has
cornered you.
Finding you in an alleyway blocked at the other end by a hay cart

with a broken wheel, the half-elf runs towards you, calling your name
and waving.
"Don't go!" she cries as you look for a way out. "I must tell you!
Please.... You don't understand... I don't want I mean, I'm your

Use this section only if directed to do so.

The significant events on this table are an elf may see other races as humans see a INFORMATION &
particular to elven characters (or characters butterfly, something interesting but not around
raised by elves) and reflect some of the differ- long enough to become attached to it. The elf INSTRUCTIONS
ences in their upbringing, customs and society. loves beauty, especially the beauty of nature.
Instructions: Roll a d10 and match the An elf loves fun and good times. In his own
result against the table below. Record the event societies it is not uncommon for an elf to have
and the age at which it occurred on the charac- a "live for today and let tomorrow take care of
ter worksheet (see Age on page 10). itself" attitude. An elf dislikes "dead" wood,
Role-play: An elf's typically long life gives made from improperly harvested trees. An elf
him an unusual time sense. 'There is always has a mutual and deadly hatred of goblin-like
tomorrow" is a common elven attitude. Also, races.

1d10 Elven Event the pet and its powers.

1 Forest home is ravaged by monsters. 6 Character was found as an adult, pos 627: Elven
No friends or loved ones are killed, sibly 100 years old, sleeping in time
but it will be centuries before the worn clothes next to a giant tree in the Events
woodlands are restored to normal. woods. Character has no knowledge
2 Character is given a magical bow by of his true name, true past or actual
someone he knows. Go to 745 Oth skills and abilities. It is almost as if he
ers to determine who gave the gift. was born upon waking (Non-elves
The GM must determine the bow's wake at age 20).
magical powers. 7 Character is cursed with human mor
3 The character is given a special soul tality. He ages as a human. A quest
tree. As long as the tree survives and may be necessary to remove the curse
thrives, the character will gain +1 from the afflicted elf.
bonuses to his Strength, Constitution 8 Character's family adopts a young
and Magical Ability attributes. human.
4 At least one sibling is half-elven, half 9 Character gains Rank 5 proficiency
something-else (usually human). skills in story-telling and singing.
5 Character acquires an unusual pet. 10 From an ancient hermit, the character
The type of animal acquired is always learns 1d3 human or other languages
a natural forest creature of some kind. to at least Rank 4 proficiency.
Co to 752 Unusual Pets to determine

"Y'know, Bertran, sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be a full-blooded elf."

"What? You mean to be completely worthless?"
Jharsvend the Thief and Bertran Stoneback

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

At last the battle rage subsides from within you; your eyes clear,

628 your breath comes more easily, and a tremendous weariness forces you
to your knees where you rest, leaning heavily on your war hammer for
support. All around you, the scaly bodies of depth-dwellers litter the

Dwarven cavern floor, most bearing wounds that attest to the skills of the
mysterious stranger who showed up just in time to save your life.
Remembering him, you turn to offer the stranger your eternal

Events gratitude only to find him vanishedgone as mysteriously as he ar

rived. Resting up against the cavern wall, however, the stranger's
magical battle axe remains.

Use this section only if directed to do so.

INFORMATION & The events on this table are particular to greatest sin in life is time frivolously wasted. To
dwarven characters (or characters raised by a dwarf, finely crafted metal and stone are
INSTRUCTIONS dwarves) and reflect some of the differences in things of great beauty. Work in wood, cloth or
their upbringing, customs and society. paint is below a dwarf's notice (it is not "perman
Instructions: Roll a d10 and match the ent," so it must be frivolous). A typical dwarf
result against the table below. Record the event desires treasure. Family and clan ties are more
and the age at which it occurred on the charac important than allegiance to a king. A dwarven
ter worksheet (see Age on page 10). warrior feels that the hammer, when used as a
Role-play: A typical dwarf is a hard-work weapon, pays homage to his ancestors. A
ing soul who believes that hard work, sober typical dwarf hates goblin-like creatures, and
thoughts, a skilled hand, and devotion to one's distrusts elves, who spend too much time in
clan are the most important things in life. The frivolous activity.

d10 Dwarven Event the monsters still occupy the caverns

1 Character grows to an un-dwarven to the present day. Roll a d6. On a
628: Dwarven height. result of 1 to 4, the raid occurred a
Events 2 Character is unable to grow a beard. long time ago. On a result of 5 or 6,
3 Character receives an odd gift from the raid occurred during the
an unnamed source. Go to 858 Gifts character's lifetime.
& Legacies to determine the nature of 7 Character's family adopts a young
the gift. human.
4 Character is given a magical hammer 8 Character befriends a goblin, arch
by someone he knows. Go to 745 enemy of dwarves. Roll a d6. On a
Others to find who gave the gift. The result of 5 or 6, the goblin is his
GM will have to decide the powers companion. Go to 753 Companions
possessed by the magical hammer to find the details.
(possibly it is a weapon). 9 Character discovers a trove of min
5 Character stumbles upon lost dwarvish eral wealth that raises him up to
caverns. The caverns contain much Wealthy Social Status (see 103 Social
lost dwarf lore, treasure, and won Status). However, the newfound
drous devices. Yet, upon leaving the wealth is taken away within 1d4 years
caverns, the character cannot find his by a powerful monster. His Social
way back, and none believe his sto Status then drops 1d3 levels.
ries. 10 The dwarven home guard trains the
6 A monster raid forces the character's character to at least Rank 4 skill in war
family from their cavern homes, and hammer, sword and shield usage.

"Wonderful... breathtaking... absolutely tre Bertran! We stand before perhaps the most
magnificent woods in all the land and you stare down at your feet!"
"Well don't blame me! It sounded like you were talking about this stone here..."
Jharsvend the Thief and Bertran Stoneback

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

Sweat trickles down your brow and into your eyes, making it more
difficult both to stand still and to see the distant targetnot to mention
the subtle disturbances in the trees and grasses that could help you
track the wind. The time keeper has raised her hand, though, and you
must release your arrow or forfeit.
You let the shaft fly....
Teggi pulls his arrow and aims with the true fluidity of a champion.
Every one of his flights before this, the final round, has landed more
squarely on target than your last attempt, and the crowd of spectators
has begun to stir about, ready to congratulate Teggi on his winning shot.
Suddenly, inexplicably, Teggi's bow snaps in two, and after a mo
ment of stunned silence, the spectators rush forward and lift you in the
air as a sign of victory. Teggi, however, casts you a look of hateful

Use this table only if directed to do so.

The significant events on this table are Role-play: A typical halfling would rather INFORMATION &
particular to halfling characters (or characters hear about an adventure than participate in
raised by halflings) and reflect some of the one. He is complacent, often pleased with INSTRUCTIONS
differences in their upbringing, customs and things just as they are. Curiosity and wanderlust
society. are traits not encouraged in halfling children. A
Instructions: Roll a d10 and match the halfling likes to work only because the fruits of
result against the table below. Record the event his labor bring him pleasure. He is often
and the age at which it occurred on the charac overawed by elves, but distrusts big, clumsy
ter worksheet (see Age on page 10). humans.

d10 Halfling Event ily must seek a new home. Social

1 In a cluttered storeroom, the charac Status falls one level. 629: Halfling
ter finds a mysterious, dust-covered 5 Character stumbles upon a tumble
box which contains an odd item and down mansion in a wood. The ruin Events
no indication of where it came from. contains lost lore, treasure, and a won
To find the nature of the item, go to drous wine cellar. Upon leaving the
858 Gifts & Legacies. ruin, he can't find his way back, and
2 The character wins a skill contest at a none believe his stories.
local fair and gains wide renown for 6 Character becomes fat. Until he loses
this skill. To determine the skill, roll a weight, all Dexterity-related skill rolls
d6 on the following subtable; are reduced by 10% or have a one
1 Cooking Rank penalty.
2 Archery 7 The character gives an extravagant
3 Slinging stones birthday party for himself. In order to
4 Singing pay the staggering bill, he must take
5 Farming out a huge loan at unfavorable rates.
6 Story-telling The loan is still unpaid and the interest
The character will have at least Rank due is now equal to the loan itself.
5 with this skill. 8 Freeloading relatives move into the
3 The character's hospitality is strained characters home and, according to
by strange visitors who spend the custom, the character can neither
night telling tall tales of mystery and refuse them nor evict them.
adventure before leaving at dawn, 9 The character learns the elven lan
but when they go, they leave a gift. To guage to at least Rank 4 proficiency.
find the nature of the forgotten item, 10 The halfling militia trains the character
go to 858 Gifts & Legacies. up to Rank 4 prowess in archery and
4 The family business fails and the fam- use of the club.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

The fresh kill slung over your shoulder smells wonderful, and it

630 takes all your strength of will to hold out against sampling it before
winding your way back home to the cave. You manage though, and
when you finally reach sight of the dark, cavernous opening, you bellow

Monster a friendly greeting to all inside. Curiously, nobody replies....

Once inside, the reason for your clan's silence becomes obvious ...
the clan has been destroyed and its cache of treasure looted. Even

Events Ghriggych, with the slobbering mouth that made her so attractive,
stares up at you in lifeless silence....
As you suspected, with your snout to the ground you detect a
strange, fresh scentperhaps even fresh enough that the fleeing attack
ers heard your shout of rage. Tracking the fools will be simple....

Use this section only if directed to do so.

INFORMATION & The significant events on this table are lump all monsters together and say, "This is how
particular to monster characters (or characters a monster behaves." In their own society,
INSTRUCTIONS raised by monsters) and reflect some of the monsters are much like other folk. They have
differences in their upbringing, customs and mothers, often have jobs, tell tall tales, and try
society. This table deals with the "generic" to survive as best they can. The fact that they
monster, that is, a creature of no particular have disgusting eating habits or desires to domi
species, but one that generally dislikes other nate the known world is what makes them
humanoids and has less-than-particular eating monsters to us. In all likelihood, they frighten
habits. their children into behaving by telling them that
Instructions: Roll a d10 and match the the "humans" will get them if they don't mind
result against the table below. Record the event their manners. It would not be out of character
and the age at which it occurred on the charac for a monster to distrust everyone else. Still,
ter worksheet (see Age on page 10). imagine yourself being really different and still
Role-play: It is difficult, if not impossible to wanting to fit it with society.

d10 Monster Event 5 The character is a natural master of an

1 Adventurers attack the character's occupation (Rank 6 proficiency) and

630: Monster home, kill 1d6 family members (se goes to live peaceably among hu

Events lect on 757 Relatives), and steal the mankind to practice the profession.

family's belongings, including 1d3+1 Go to 312 Barbarian Occupations, to

heirlooms. Go to 858 Gifts & Lega determine the occupation.

cies to determine what these lost 6 Character befriends a human. Goto

items were. 745 Others to determine the type of

2 Character is driven out by his kind for person befriended.

being "different." 7 Character learns to speak a common

3 Character participates in several raids human language at Rank 4 proficiency.

against humankind in which he slays 8 Character learns to read and write a

1d3 significant opponents. He gains common human language at Rank 3

at least Rank 4 skill in one of his proficiency.

natural or cultural weapons. 9 Character knows of a great treasure

4 On the basis that "all monsters [of owned by rival monsters of the same

the character's type] are the same," a species. Character must determine

human is hunting after the character whether or not he would betray his

to exact retribution for some wrong own kind for a reward.

committed by others of the 10 Character has a natural ability to ei

character's kind. Treat this hunter as ther appear as a benign humanoid, or

an obsessive rival (see entry #10 on to at least effectively disguise the more

table 754c). monstrous aspects of his appearance.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

The thieves' guild alarm sounds, waking you from sleep, and you
leap from bed after only a moment's hesitation. You snatch up the few
belongings that rest close at hand, including a sack of tools and a heavy
cloak to shield you from the night air, and you dart to the window,
throwing it open and stepping up to the sill in one quick motion. The
street below appears deserted, but looks can be deceiving....
Once the sack is slung over your shoulders, you find that climbing
up towards the rooftop becomes a fairly simple exercise, until a city
guard's head suddenly looks down at you from the roof above. He points
a crossbow at you and a bolt slams into your right shoulder, causing you
to lose your grip and start to fall....
Use this section only if directed to do so.

When a character becomes involved with the result against table 631b: Types of Crimes INFORMATION &
criminals, he often follows their ways and learns to select the general type of criminal activity
their skills. A character with underworld expe that the character undertook. Finally, roll a d3, INSTRUCTIONS
rience may not become a thief, but he will rolling a d20 and consulting table 631c: Crimi
certainly be more knowledgeable about crimi nal Events that many times.
nals' ways and customs. Role-play: Possibly the character has not
Instructions: The first of the three things become a criminal himself, but is only involved
that a criminal character must do is roll a d10 on with them. How does the character feel about
table 631a: The Wrong Path to determine how this criminal past? Is he still a criminal or has he
he became a criminal. Then roll a d6 and match reformed and gone "straight?"

d10 Reason for Criminal Action he can not otherwise afford.

1 The character needs money to pay 7 The character seeks a life-style filled 631a: The Wrong
debts. with dangerous thrills and excitement.
2 Peer pressure "forces" character to 8 The character seeks to wield power in Path
do criminal acts. the crime world.
3 The character has a pathological urge 9 The character is forced into a life of
to do wrong. crime by criminals who threaten his
4 The character wants to defy authority. loved ones.
5 The character feels he is punishing 10 Roll two more times on this table and
those responsible for misdeeds done combine the results in some logical
to him. manner. Reroll duplicates.
6 The character wants to live a life-style

d6 Type of Crime make 1d4 rolls for the crimes he regu

1 Petty theft. The character and several larly commits (ignore footnotes). The 631b: Type of
pals steal things they want or need. character gains 1d4 Ranks in a wea
They act in violation of any organized pon skill of his choice (such as sword, Crime
thieves guild. dagger, crossbow, etc.)
2 Organized guild thievery. The char 4 Independent criminal. The character
acter is part of a thieves guild, under is heavily involved in one or more of
the direction of guild masters and the following activities. Roll a d10
senior thieves. The thieves are not a against the following subtable:
crime network and limit themselves 1 Confidence schemes and/or
to stealing and smuggling. Blackmail
3 Organized crime. This is a crime 2 Hired thug
network with a tight grip on its mem 3 Burglary
bers that treats the rest of the world as 4 Smuggling
ripe for plunder. A character who 5 Violating Curfew
becomes involved with organized 6 Stealing livestock
crime should go to 865 Crimes and 7 Selling illicit material
8 Robbing moneylenders and 631d: Piracy Events. Then go back to
money changers table 631c to find d3 standard Under
9 Kidnapping world Events.
10 Roll again 1d2+1 times on 6 Banditry. The character is part of a
this table. Reroll duplicates. gang of bandits who roam the coun
5 Piracy. Roll d3 Pirate events on table tryside.

d20 Underworld Event contacts in the underworld, including

1 Joins a gang. Members are usually thieves, informants, guild officers,
631c: about the character's same age and thugs, fences, and spies. So long as
Underworld the same sex. Give the gang a name, the character does not turn in his
Events such as the Street Sharks, the Big Six, former cronies, they remain friendly
the Brothers, etc. and can even serve as allies in "legal"
2 Jailed for a few days in a sweep of the activities.
streets by law enforcement officials. 12 The character learns the sewers of his
3 Seriously wounded in a fight. Select home town (or a nearby city) as well
injury from 863 Serious Wounds. as he knows the back of his hand. This
4 Whenever a crime occurs in a city, the knowledge is also useful in other cit
character is automatically a suspect, ies, since sewers tend to be built
even if law enforcement officials are along similar lines.
unfamiliar with his past. The charac 13 The character learns the secret pas
ter just looks like a hardened criminal. sages, entrances and exits to a local
5 Character becomes an informant for Noble's castle or estate. Select the
the law. Roll a d6. On a result of 6, the Noble's title on 748 Nobles. The
character is labeled a snitch by the Noble should be someone important
underworld and has a contract out on in the GM's campaign.
his life. 14 The character discovers that several
6 Character participates in a large jewel items taken in a recent heist are
heist, only to have his partners vanish "cursed." No fence will take them,
with the loot. There were 1d4 others and even the owner is making no
involved and the jewelry has never attempts to recover his property. It
reappeared. GM: This is an chance to seems impossible to dispose of these
create either a revenge adventure or items or even lose them. Select 1d3
a recapture scenario (depending on items on 858 Gifts & Legacies, then
which side of the law the character determine the alleged curse on the
now stands). owner of the items on table 862a:
7 A key gang boss is slain and the Curses.
character is blamed. Members of the 15 A crime lord becomes the character's
slain boss's gang seek the character's patron, and begins grooming the char
death. acter to be a leader of organized
8 The character is imprisoned for a crime.
crime. Select the crime on 865 Crimes, 16 The character's friends are being killed
then determine the length of impris off in horrible ways. Law enforce
onment. After being freed, the char ment officials are uninterested in stop
acter goes straight, but maintains his ping the killer, since only criminals are
underworld contacts. being slain. Soon only the character
9 The character acquires 1d4 Ranks (or and one other are left.
additional Ranks) of proficiency as a 17 The character discovers that a promi
thief (all thieving skills are learned at nent and popular government official
this proficiency rating). Thieving skills is really the head of a major crime
include wall climbing, lock picking, ring. Roll a d6. On a result of 1-4, the
hiding in shadows, moving silently, official is unaware of the character's
disarming traps, picking pockets, map knowledge. On a result of 5-6, the
reading and evaluating stolen goods. official thinks the character should be
10 The character chooses to go straight silenced.
and ends his life of crime. Still, he is 18 The character's thieving skills (see #9
often recognized by criminals who above) improve by one Rank.
remember him from the "old days." 19 The character steals and hides a valu
11 The character develops extensive able, but quite distinctive gem worth
10 times his normal "starting money." Reclaiming the gem would give the
The gem has remained hidden until character much money.
the present (or until a beginning char 20 The character becomes the leader of
acter starts an adventuring career), a gang (or if he is part of a bandit
but when the character goes to re group, he becomes the bandit chief.
claim the gem, it is gone. He discov- If a pirate, he becomes a pirate cap
ers that it is now possessed by one of tain).
the character's criminal "friends."

d10 Pirate Event lifted. Select the curse on table 862a:

1 The pirate captain buries his treasure Curses. 631d: Piracy
on a deserted island. As far as the 6 An old sailor teaches the character a
character knows, that huge treasure is few tricks about cutlass use, giving Events
still there. the character +2 Ranks in cutlass skill
2 The pirate crew is captured and all but (or an initial Rank 2 skill).
the character are hung. The character 7 A raid on a particularly large treasure
escapes captivity, vowing to give up ship gives the character 1d6 x 1,000
crime forever. gold pieces of treasure.
3 The character learns how to sail a big 8 The pirate captain is known for treat-
ship at 1d4+1 Ranks of skill. ing captives unusually harshly and has
4 The pirate crew mutinies, and the one additional exotic personality trait.
character is voted captain by the Select this feature 523 Exotic Person-
mutineers. The old captain escapes ality Traits.
and vows revenge on the mutineers 9 Due to wide travel on the pirate ship,
and their leader. the character learns 1d6+1 additional
5 The pirates discover a lost island with foreign languages at Rank 1 ability,
a mysterious temple. All members of just enough to buy a stiff drink or a
the crew are cursed by the magic of sharp sword anywhere in the world.
the temple. The curse takes effect 10 The character becomes one of the
once a month. Only by finding the pirate captain's officers and learns the
temple again and making sacrifices location of many rival pirates' for
(GM's discretion) can the curse be tresses.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

Somewhat tentatively, you step into Lord Eddara's tent and look

632 about.
Lord Eddara's travelling quarters appear nearly as richly adorned
as his home in the castle. Thick furs cover the ground everywhere

Military except near a fire pit which sends up a thin wisp of smoke towards the
circular opening in the tent's apex. The tent has chairs for sitting, a
table for eating and another for writing, numerous chests, and three

Events servants who apparently wait on Lord Eddara every moment of the day.
Valuable streamers of silk and other fine cloths hang from the tent walls
and move gently from side to side.
When your eyes light on Lord Eddara, he smiles, artificially, and
then speaks, "I'm afraid we're under attack by your home kingdom, so
I'll need to know where your loyalty lies...."

Use this section only if directed to do so.

INFORMATION & Instructions: Follow the steps for each of to find out who runs the army.
the subheadings below: Select the leader Roll a d 1 0 . If the result
INSTRUCTIONS Select the service: Roll a d20 on table is 1-6, the character has entered the service of
632a: Type of Service to determine which the ruler of the land. On a result of 7-10, the
branch of service the character enters. Use the army serves another patron. Select the patron
column appropriate to the character's Cultural on 641 In the Service of.... Record this informa
Background and/or Social Class. If Noncombat tion on the Character History Worksheet.
Duty is indicated, select the type of service on Select the events: To determine the num
table 634a: Noncombat Duty. If a Special ber of Significant Events that occur during the
Force is indicated, select the type of service on military hitch, roll a d3. For each event, roll a
table 634b: Special Forces. The following is a 620 and match the result against table 632b:
brief description of service types: Military Events. These events occur in addition
Light Infantry: Lightly armed and armored to any significant events that would normally
foot soldiers. occur during the current period of the charac
Medium Infantry: Heavier armor and ter's life. Noncombat Notes: All Noncomba
weapons than light infantry, but not as well- tant troops add 5 to the d20 roll. Follow
equipped as heavy infantry. directions, record any relevant information, and
Heavy Infantry: Heavily armored foot return here until ad rolls here are complete.
soldiers & knights. Determine the year of service at which an event
Archers: Bowmen or crossbowmen. occurs by rolling a d4. The result corresponds
Chariots: Small, lightly armored carts, to a year within the hitch period. A roll of 1
drawn by two horses. Includes a driver and an indicates it happens during the first year, a roll
archer or javelin caster. of 2 during the second year, and so on.
Light Cavalry: Not heavily armored. In Duration of Enlistment: A standard mili
cludes lancers and horse archers. Typical of tary enlistment is four years. This time period
Nomadic warriors. begins at the age when the character enters the
Heavy Cavalry: Armored knights, usually Military. Events may result in an early mustering
Nobles or their retainers and squires. out or reenlistment. Military service that begins
Mercenaries: Any band of warriors for in adolescence can overlap into adulthood
hire. Usually followers of a charismatic leader. (requiring that the character then roll adult
Navy: Primarily sailors who may double as events). Military service beginning in adult
marines. hood may increase the "adult" years prior to a
Special Forces: Combat forces who per character's adventuring career.
form special tasks. Getting Out: When the character leaves
Noncombat duty. Those necessary and the military, he often gets additional benefits.
often dangerous functions that do not involve See Mustering Out benefits under 636 Military
frontline combat. For event rolls, roll a d20+5. Rank.
Select the rank: Go to 636 Military Rank Back Again?: If a significant event directs
and select the character's rank in the military. the character into the military again, the charac
Select the skills: If in a combat unit, go to ter retains his former rank (regardless of whether
635 Military Skills and select the skills which the or not he rejoins the same unit).
character learns while enlisted. The next step is
Primitive Nomad/Barb. Civilized Noble Service Branch
1-12 1-3 1 1 Light Infantry*
13-14 4-7 2-6 2 Medium Infantry*
632a: Type of
7-8 3-4 Heavy Infantry* Service
15-16 8 9-10 5 Archer*
9-10 11 6-7 Chariots*'
17-18 11-15 12-13 8 Light Cavalry*
14 9-16 Heavy Cavalry
19-20 16-17 15-16 17 Mercenaries*2
18-19 17-18 18 Navy*
19 19 Special Forces*3
20 20 20 Noncombat duty*4
* A Noble in this branch of service is always a commissioned officer.
Extremely Wealthy characters are also considered Nobles.
Chariots are found in Barbarian forces, but not in Nomad forces.
Reroll on this table to find the type of mercenary force.
Select specific activity on table 634b: Special Forces.
Select specific duty on table 634a: Noncombat Duty. Add +5 to all event rolls on table

d20 Military Event becomes the new ruler of the land. If

the character's side loses, all the troops
1-6 Combat! Character is involved in a
major battle. To find the battle's in the unit are declared traitors and
632b: Military
outcome, go to 633 Combat! are made outlaws. See entry #9 on Events
7-8 Character reenlists in his branch of table 865: Crimes for the punishment
service for another four year hitch for captured traitors.
and another 1d4 military events. Roll 15 The character is promoted one rank.
a d6. On a result of 6, he is also 16 A disease ravages the army. Roll a d6.
promoted one rank. On a result of 6, the character be
9 Character's prowess and obvious in- comes sensitive to the cold and damp,
telligence earn him a reassignment to as if he had an allergy to it (see tables
a Special Forces unit for the remain- 523d & 523e: Allergies).
der of his enlistment hitch. Select the 17 Character reenlists in a different
new unit on table 634b: Special branch of service for another four
Forces. year hitch and another 1d4 military
10 Character is transferred to a Noncom- events. Select the branch of service
bat unit for the remainder of his enlist- on table 632a.
ment hitch. Select the new unit on 18 Character learns a new weapon skill
table 634a: Noncombat Duty. (player's choice).
11 Character is made an officer (or pro- 19 The character's hitch is extended by
moted one rank if already an officer). 1d4 years because a major war breaks
Add 1d3 skill Ranks to character's out. The fighting is intense. Roll two
existing Military Skills. additional events for each year of the
12 Character's unit is involved in numer- extension. Subtract 5 from those
ous skirmishes. Roll a d10. On a event rolls due to the increase in
result of 8-10, resolve a battle on 633 battles.
Combat! 20-21 A fierce war breaks out. The situation
13 Character's unit is ambushed by a is grim. All Noncombat troops are put
superior force. Determine the out- in the field as light infantry. Deter-
come of the battle on 633 Combat!, mine the enemy by rolling a d10 on
but subtract 1d4 from the first d20 roll the subtable below. The character's
(character's side). unit is in the thickest fighting for
14 Character's unit is involved in a plot to months and sees more action than
overthrow the government and take most. 1d4+1 battles occur. Roll for
control in the land. A battle is fought. each battle on 633 Combat!
Determine the outcome of the battle 1-3 Enemy from a neighboring
on 633 Combat! If the character's land.
side wins, the commanding general 4 Enemy is an army of mon
(possibly the character) of the unit sters.
5-6 Civil war, possibly a war of plane of existence (Aliens?
succession to the throne; Demons?).
enemy is from the same land. 22-23 Character increases one occupation
7 Enemy is a peasant rebel- skill by one Rank of ability (player's
lion. choice).
8 Enemy is from a distant land. 24 Character's unit is assigned to accom
9 Holy war; enemy is op pany a military unit in the field. Roll
posed to the nation's main the event again, but do not add +5.
religion. 25 Roll one event on 641 In the Service
10 Enemy is an army of un of.... Assume the patron is the leader
usual monsters, perhaps of the character's unit.
undead or from another

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

From all around the canyon's rim, the war cries of hundreds of long
tooths pour down on you and the several score troops who surround
you. Looking up, you see wave upon wave of the hairy creatures spill
over the canyon's edges and run, leap and fall to the rocky floor. Those
beasts that survive that initial step rise quickly to their feet and charge
at you, swinging their primitive weapons and flicking their tongues in
and out between their fangs. Combat!
Behind you somewhere a trumpet sounds the call to arms, but almost
every soldier has already drawn a weapon and moved forwards to
engage the enemy....

Use this section only if directed to do so.

This section resolves any military clashes to the character's die roll for each previous INFORMATION &
resulting from a character's military career. You combat victory (that is, combats won using this
may also wish to use it as a quick means of table), up to a maximum of 3 points. INSTRUCTIONS
resolving large conflicts while role playing. 3. Win or Lose? The higher die total
Instructions: To resolve a battle follow the wins the battle. If the results are equal, both
steps below: sides are forced from the field without a deci
1. Battle Rolls. Roll a d20 twice and sive victor. Record the outcome on your Char-
write down each die result. The first roll repre- acter History Worksheet.
sents the character's forces. The second roll 4. Battle Events. Subtract the lower die
represents his enemy. result from the higher and match the resulting
2. Victory Bonuses. If the character's difference number against table 633 for addi
military rank is a captain or higher, add 1 point tional battle results.

Number Battle Event an officer. Roll a d6. On a result of 4

0-1 The carnage was horrible. Roll per 6, the character may improve one 633: Battle
centiles to represent the percentage weapon skill by one Rank of ability.
of the character's side that was killed. 11 Character is captured and imprisoned. Events
The character received a grave injury Military service ends with this event
and almost died. Roll a d6. On a (do not roll any more military events).
result of 6, the character's military Determine events of imprisonment
career ends. Determine the injury on on 638 Imprisoned.
863 Serious Wounds. 12 Regardless of the battle's outcome,
2 Serious casualties. Character was in the character is decorated for his hero
jured and has an impressive scar to ism.
show for it. Consult 861 Body Loca 13 Character was a coward in battle.
tions to determine where the scar is Roll a d6. On a result of 1-4, no one
located. else noticed, but he must live with his
3 The horror of it all causes the charac actions. On a result of 5-6 the charac
ter to develop an exotic personality ter is demoted 1d3 ranks for coward
trait from 523 Exotic Personality Traits. ice.
4 Character's best friend dies at his side. 14 Character fought well. Many foes
5 Character is the only survivor of his died at his hands. Roll a d6. On a
unit. result of 5-6, the character may im
6-7 Roll a d20 1d3+1 times on this table. prove one weapon skill by one Rank
Reroll conflicting and duplicate re of ability.
sults as well as any additional rolls of 15 Regardless of the outcome of this
6-7. battle, the character performed a suc
8-9 Character sees action, but nothing cessful heroic mission that did real
noteworthy. damage to the enemy's ability to wage
10 Character fought well and with no war. Because of this, the conflict ends
table heroism. Many comrades owe in 1d6 months and innumerable lives
their lives to his heroics. The charac are saved.
ter is promoted one rank for his valor 16 Character blunders horribly in battle
or made a commissioned officer if not and is personally responsible for the
deaths of (1d10 multiplied by his mili 19 Regardless of his performance in
tary rank #) of his comrades or follow battle, the character is accused of
ers. dereliction of duty and is court
17 An act of the character reverses the martialed and demoted one rank.
battle's outcome (a losing battle is 20 Character slays the leader of the en
won, a winning battle lost). Roll a d6. emy unit in a personal confrontation.
On a result of 6, he is recognized for 21 The victor's side suffers light casual
it (A loser is demoted 1d3 ranks, a ties. Roll 2d10 on this subtable for
winner is promoted one rank). one additional event (reroll results
18 Character's immediate superior of that indicate casualties that conflict
ficer is slain, and the character as with this table entry).
sumes command (effectively a field 22+ The loser's side is utterly destroyed.
promotion of one rank. If you roll this Character is promoted one Rank for
result again, the character advances personal valor.
yet another rank).

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

"Hear me!"
Your company of soldiers turns to face your captain as he joins you
for the first time since meeting with Lord Galron earlier in the morning.
The captain's jaw is hard set. His lips are taught. The news must be
worse than he thought.
He looks at you all, waits for everyone's attention and then shouts,
"I need several volunteers for a suicide mission!"
All of you look around, but nobody volunteers.
At last the captain speaks again, "Very well. All of us will go...."
Use this section only if directed to do so.

Not everyone in the military goes into military skills on 635 Military Skills as indicated INFORMATION &

battle like standard troops. Some serve by by the applicable footnote.

sitting and peeling potatoes, running errands, Role-play: Noncombat duty troops are INSTRUCTIONS

or guarding those who need guarding. Others often looked down upon, as if they weren't fit
perform special combat-related functions that for "real" duty. This is primarily the case when
provide better skill instruction than normal du they encounter combat troops or veterans. On
ties, but often place the character in greater the other hand, special forces, those who take
danger than mere combat. risks that would curdle the liver of a tested
Instructions: Roll a d20 and match the veteran, are often looked upon with awe, fear
result against the appropriate table below to of what the soldiers are capable of, or distrust of
select the branch of Noncombat or Special what they may have become.
Forces service that the character enters. Select

d20 Duty 11 Cook.1

1-3 A noncombat occupation within the
army. Select an occupation appropri
12 Embassy guard. Duty in a foreign

ate to the character's Culture Level. 13 Mage guard. Responsible for guard Non-Combat Duty

Use the appropriate section from 310 ing the military's contingent of wiz
313.1 ards.2,3
4-5 Medical corps. Character is trained 14 Prison guard.2
as a field chirurgeon (doctor). Begin 15 Payroll guard.2
with Rank 2 first aid skill. Gain 1 Rank 16 City guard.2
of skill for each additional 2 years in 17 Private body guard to leader of the
this branch of service.1 army.2
6 Recruiter. Character's unit recruits, 18 Palace guard.2
drafts, tricks and forces new recruits 19 Temple guard.2
into the military.1 20 Border guard.2
7 Quartermaster corps. Provides sup No military skills gained in this service
plies for combat troops.1 unless transferred to a combat unit.
8 Instructor (only if character has prior Character gains military skills from
military experience, otherwise, reroll 635 Military Skills as if assigned to a medium
on this table).1 infantry unit.
9 Engineer. Designs & builds camps, Character has a 50% chance of an
bridges, etc.1 Exotic Event occurring. Select event on 642
10 Messenger.1 Exotic Events.

d20 Special Forces 9-10 Monster squad. These troops are

1-4 Rangers. Wilderness masters who specially trained to deal with unnatu
can operate behind enemy lines.2,4 ral enemies.5
634b: Special
5-8 Scouts. Like Rangers, they are adept 11-14 Marines. These troops, often part of Forces
in the Wilderness, but they gather the navy, are trained for ship to ship or
information rather than fight.3,4 ship to shore fighting.2
15 Suicide squads. Although they do not 1d2 additional combat skills. Select skills from
necessarily have to die to complete 635 Military Skills.
their missions, they get the rough Gains +1 Rank to Wilderness Survival
missions, ones in which the chance of skill for every two years of service and plus 1d4
dying is high.2 forestry skills. Select skills from 635 Military
16-18 War machines. These troops are re Skills.
sponsible for the design, construction Gains skills as heavy infantry, but add
and use of catapults, onagers, ballistae 1d4 additional combat skills. For each hitch in
and other machines of destruction.1 this service, the character will have 1d4 en
19-20 Espionage. They infiltrate the enemy counters with monsters. Select each monster
and return with key information.6 type on 749 Monsters. Select skills from 635
No military skills gained in this service Military Skills.
unless transferred to a combat unit. Treat as light infantry, but gain one
Cains skills as medium infantry, but additional combat skill, the skill of disguise at
add 1d4 additional combat skills, selected from 1d4+1 Rank levels, and 1d4 Ranks of thieving
635 Military Skills. skills. Select military skills from 635 Military
Gains skills as light infantry, but add Skills.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

You watch as the scout sets down trap after trap after trap in the
darkening forest around your campsite. Some, like the spiked tree limb
set to swing like a scythe across the small trail from the main path,
clearly serve as a mortal threat to unwary intruders. Others, like the
piles of dried leaves and twigs scattered around the clearing, can
potentially notify the scout of an enemy's presence.
Your stomach growls discontentedly, but the scout refuses to allow
a fire until he completes his task....
Finally, the scout turns to address you.
"As to your question," he begins, " . . . Yes. I do this every night."
Use this section only if directed to do so.

Instructions: The type of skills a character The service listings also suggest the type of INFORMATION &
gains in the military depends on the branch of weapons and armor worn by soldiers of each
service entered. Use a die to select the skills branch of service. Officers wear the best type INSTRUCTIONS
indicated by the branch of service listing on this listed. Rich characters often buy better armor
page. A soldier learns one combination of as well.
weapon skills (such as javelin & short sword) at The player and GM must decide and agree
1d3 ranks of ability. All other skills (The ones upon the details regarding each skill. Be inven
chosen on tables 635a-635d) start at Rank 1. tive, but be fair.
Duplicate rolls improve the skill by one Rank.

Light Infantry: Skills: 1d3 Combat & 2 Forestry. Light Cavalry: Skills: 1d4 Horse, 1d4 Combat
Weapons: bow & sword; javelin & & 1 Forestry. Skills, Weapons &
sling; javelin & short sword; sling & Weapons: bow; sword & lance;
sword; javelin & spear. javelin & sword; lance & sword; lance Armor by Service
Armor: small shield; leather; studded & axe; crossbow & sword. Branch
leather. Armor: small or medium shield plus:
Medium Infantry: Skills: 1d4 Combat & 1 leather; studded leather; hardened
Forestry. leather.
Weapons: two-handed spear; two- Heavy Cavalry: Skills: 1d3+1 Horse, 1d4
handed axe & sword; axe & javelin; Combat & 1 Forestry.
spear & sword. Weapons: bow; sword & lance;
Armor: medium shield; ring mail; javelin, spear, & sword; lance & axe.
studded leather; hardened leather. Armor: medium shield plus: heavy or
Heavy Infantry: Skills: 1d3+1 Combat & 1 light scale mail; chain mail and/or
Forestry. partial plate mail. Knights (Nobles)
Weapons: two-handed spear; two- always wear plate mail (if allowed by
handed axe & sword; axe & javelin; Culture level and wealth).
spear & sword. Mercenaries: These professional freelance
Armor: medium or large shield; scale soldiers always have 1 additional skill
mail; chain mail; partial plate mail. (at Rank 2) of their choice from any
Archers: Skills: 1d3 Combat & 2 Forestry. category, even outside their own unit's
Weapons: longbow or crossbow skills.
and short sword or axe. Navy: Skills: 1d3 Combat & 1d4 Naval.
Armor: cloth; leather; studded Weapons: sword (cutlass); javelin &
leather. short sword; bow & sword.
Chariots: 1d2 Horse skills & 1d4 Combat skills. Armor: small shield plus: cloth;
Weapons: bow & sword; sword & leather; studded leather.
lance; javelin & sword; lance & Special Forces: See special instructions for
sword; lance & axe; crossbow & each type of force on table 634b:
sword. Special Forces.
Armor: small or medium shield plus: Non-Combat Duty: See special instructions for
leather; studded leather; hardened each type of unit on table 634a: Non-
leather. Combat Duty.
d10 Combat Skill 6 New weapon skill of choice at Rank 2.

635a: Combat 1 Weapon skill of choice. Improve by 7 Battle analysis. After 1d3 rounds of

one Rank. combat, character can see foes' weak

Skills 2 First aid. nesses and thus gain a +1 Rank attack

3 Disarm (opponent with similar bonus for each Rank with this skill.

weapon.) 8 Endurance exercising. For each 2

4 Shield handling (increases protection Ranks with this skill, the character can

by either another point of armor, or a improve his Constitution attribute by

higher armor class). 1 level (up to racial maximum).

5 Military strategy. Change die roll for 9 Repairing armor (all kinds).

all future Battle results under 633 10 Improve 1d3 Ranks of proficiency in a

Combat by 1 point (maximum 3) in skill. Reroll skill on this table.

favor of character's side.

d8 Horse Skill 5 Telling a good horse from a bad one.

635b: Horse 1 Increase horse riding/fighting skill by 6 Horse medicine (perform animal first

one Rank. aid).

Skills 2 Caring for a horse (clean, curry, etc.). 7 Training a horse for combat.

3 Breaking a horse to riding. 8 Improve 1d3 Ranks of proficiency in a

4 Trick riding (easily do dangerous or skill. Reroll skill on this table.

foolish things).

d10 Forestry Skill items.

635c: Forestry 1 Tracking (following tracks). 8 Making shelter (against cold, damp,

2 Finding food (plant & animal). etc.).

Skills 3 Hiding in cover (avoiding being seen). 9 Surviving in a specific environment.

4 Trailing (following someone unseen). (Choose forest, jungle, desert, moun

5 Camouflage (making hiding places). tain, winter, etc.)

6 Finding water (and knowing if it is 10 Improve 1d3 Ranks of proficiency in a

drinkable). skill. Reroll skill on this table.

7 Making traps & deadfalls with natural

d10 Naval Skill 7 Climbing (especially climbing up rig

1 Swimming. ging).

635d: Navy Skills 2 Handling small boats. 8 Navigation.

3 Sailing large craft. 9 War machines (particularly ballistae

4 Coordinated rowing (as in a galley or and catapults).

longboat). 10 Improve 1d3 Ranks of proficiency in a

5 Sail making and repair. skill. Reroll skill on this table.

6 Boat repair.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

Up ahead, hundreds of defenders line the walls of Castle Chelwith,
most with long range weapons trained on your troops, though for the
moment you remain far outside their reach....
Finally, after having left you to stand in place for most of the
morning, Sir Beanie returns, riding his heavily armored war-horse and
calling out loudly, "At the trumpeter's signal, charge towards the attack.
Let none stop before Chelwith is ours." Three times the knight rides up
and down your battle line and delivers his messages. Then, apparently
satisfied with your company's slow movement to ready weapons and
hoist shields, the man turns his horse back towards the rear of the army
and rides away.
"Wit' us up eer, wut's ee doin' slinkin' back dere?" a voice sharply
mutters somewhere close behind you.
Another voice answers almost as acidly, "Don'cha know? Ee out
ranks us, fool!"
The signal sounds and you surge forward . . .

Use this section only if directed to do so.

In the military, rank is everything. Those normal purchase price for them (based on your INFORMATION &

who lead are superior to those who follow (in game system's or world's price list).
theory). In many cases, merit earns promotion Officer Benefits: Officers get the follow INSTRUCTIONS

to the position of officer, but this is not always ing benefits:

the case. Initially, Social Status may make the Training: Each time a character advances
difference. in military rank, he may choose one military skill
Instructions: Upon entering the military to improve by one Rank.
all characters must roll 2d6 and add the Comrades: If an officer's unit survived his
character's SolMod. Match the result against hitch in the military, he has a percentage chance
table 636 to select the character's initial military equal to his rank number (maximum 95%
rank. This system allows persons of high Social chance) of finding 1d6 veterans of his unit in
Status to "buy" positions of authority within the any major city (GM's discretion). If the
military. Ranks above colonel can only be character's rank number is greater than 100,
reached by one or more promotions. divide the 100+rank number by 100. The result
Rank Number: This value determines is the number of d6 to be rolled to find the
mustering out benefits (see below), and the number of former troops now available.
number of men the character's actions can Former comrades will remember the char
directly effect during some Military Events (as acter and, depending on the character's suc
listed under table 632b). cesses in battle, may be loyal to him, be willing
Mustering Out Benefits: Upon finally to become faithful henchmen, or may hate him
leaving the army (retiring), the character re for his actions and failures. Former comrades in
ceives a retirement bonus of standard coin of arms are not necessarily the character's friends.
the realm (gold or silver) equal to 10 + (years of Role-play: True leadership skills are not
service) times the character's mustering out found in everyone. Purchasing an officer's
rank number. Thus a character who leaves the commission does not make a character a leader.
army as a Captain after two hitches (8 years) is Is the character loved by his former comrades-
paid (10+8)x15 gold pieces (assuming gold is in-arms or hated for failures on the battlefield
the standard coin), or an additional 270 gold on and ashamed to show his face where ex-sol
top of his starting money. diers gather? If the character becomes king,
A character may also decide to retain his would he still leave to go adventuring? Why?
unit's weapons and armor for only half the

"Mistress, kindly direct me to Salty's Tavern."

"Turn sunward pas' th' dyin' oak n' find it pas' th' farrier's."

"Many thanks! After so long on the road, I so much look forward to a good meal and
comfortable sleep!"
"Really? Hmph. N' I thought y' was goin' t' Salty's."
Tomas Cendor and Jen Daisy
2d6+SolMod Rank # Army Rank Navy Rank
636: Military 2-13 1 Soldier Sailor
14-15 2 Corporal Petty Officer
Rank 16-18 3 Sergeant Chief Petty Officer
19 5 Lieutenant II Ensign
20-21 8 Lieutenant I Lieutenant
22-23 15 Captain Commander
24-27 25 Major Captain
28 100 Colonel Commodore
* 500 General1 Admiral1
* 1,000 Field Marshal2 Admiral of the Fleet2
* 3,000 Commander in Chief2,3 Commander in Chief2,3
* 6,000 King4 King4
* 10,000 Emperor5 Emperor5
* This rank can only be reached by Commander of all military forces in
promotion. the land.
This rank is that of a noncommis- The character is assumed to have
sioned officer. usurped the thronetaken it by force from the
A commoner who attains this rank is former kingor to have used the army to carve
made a petty Noble, lowest rank in the realm's out a new kingdom from the wilderness. Such
order of peerage. a kingdom may be held so long as the character
A character who attains this rank has has military backing. A character who "retires"
a chance to become a more powerful Noble. from being king may do so because he is bored
There is a 60% chance that the ruler of the land with "kinging it" and seeks a life of adventure
increases the character's Peerage rank by one again. Mustering out benefits are looted from
level (a knight would become a baronet, a the royal treasury.
count would become a viscount, etc.), but not This is a king who conquers several
higher than a duke. neighboring countries. See footnote * above.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

Seeing you lying prone on the floor with shackles on your wrists and
ankles, Baron Haecus smiles, congratulates your captors, and then
bends down on one knee to look more directly into your face.
"My Lord," he says. "A new line of succession to the throne has been
established tonight. You're out."
Haecus raises himself up again and addresses your captors. "This
one's not important enough for the axe. Throw him into the slaver's pit
tomorrow and see what he's worth "

Use this section only if directed to do so.

It is an unfortunate fact that sentient beings low the directions if the use of other tables is INFORMATION &
have an acquired tendency to treat other sen indicated. For each event you may select the
tient beings (particularly those who fit the "not age at which it occurs (within the period of INSTRUCTIONS
like us" category) as if they were property, to be enslavement), rather than rolling dice to deter
bought, sold, and bred like livestock. No cul mine the age.
ture has a monopoly on slavery. Primitives and Occupation: Slaves work. That means
Civilized beings alike own slaves. So long as they perform an occupation. If a slave does not
those with power can force their will upon already have an occupation that would be
those without, there will be slavery. useful to his owner (GM's discretion), he is
Instructions: For clarity, these instructions taught a new occupation (at Rank 3 ability) that
are subdivided by topic. Read all the instruc is appropriate to the Culture and needs of the
tions before continuing. owner.
Owner: Use the NPC creation guidelines Escape or Freedom: An event that indi
beginning on page 173 to determine details cates the character escapes or is freed by his
about the slave owner, but when determining owner can only occur at the end of the period
the owner's Social Status, add 83 to the result of of enslavement. If a character does not roll an
a d20 roll instead of rolling a d100. Make event that ends the enslavement period, then
certain you determine an occupation for the the character is freed at the end of the enslave
owner as well. ment duration without incident.
Duration: Roll a d6 to determine how Slavery & Social Status: Enslavement
long (in years) the character is enslaved. En causes the character's social status to drop to
slavement begins at the age determined for it Destitute while a slave and drop 1d4 levels
(see the instructions for 208 Significant Events below original status upon regaining freedom.
of Youth and 419 Significant Events of Adult Role-play: Imagine what it would be like to
hood). Enslavement that begins in childhood be someone's property, to have no control over
may overlap into adolescence, and enslave your life, to realize that you exist only at the
ment that begins in adolescence may extend whim of your owner. What would it be like to
into adulthood. Enslavement beginning in adult know that your children aren't yours, that they
hood may further increase the "adult" years could be sold like livestock at the next slave
prior to a character's adventuring career. auction. Is the character a "good" slave, or a
Events: Roll a d3 to determine the number strong-willed troublemaker familiar with the
of events that occur during the period of en painful end of a whip? What is the character's
slavement. For each event, roil a d10 and attitude towards slavery upon being freed?
match the result against the table below. Fol

d10 Enslaved! Event Relatives.

1 The character escaped with 1d6 other 3 The character was forced to 637: Enslaved!
slaves. Roll a d6 on the subtable kill the owner during the
below to determine the conse escape. If caught, his life Events
quences. will be forfeit.
1 A reward of d10x1,000 4 The character stole an item
pieces of gold is offered for of value during the escape.
the slaves' return. The owner (or his heirs) des
2 A relative of the owner perately want the item back.
helped the slaves to escape. Select the item from 858
Select the relative with 757 Gifts & Legacies.
5 The owner (if of the oppo 6 Add 1d4 additional years to the pe
site sex from the character, riod of enslavement and roll for one
otherwise the owner's additional Enslaved! Event.
spouse) is secretly in love 7 Character learns an additional occu
with him and without the pation at Rank 3 skill. Select an occu
character's knowledge, pation appropriate to the owner's
helped the character es Culture.
cape. 8 Character is made a gladiator, forced
6 Roll 1d2+1 times on this to fight to the death against beasts,
subtable. Reroll duplicates. monsters and other slaves for the
2 The character is freed! Roll a d4 on entertainment of the free populace.
the subtable below to determine the Cain 1d6 Ranks of ability in 1d4 differ-
cause: ent weapons (roll ability separately
1 The character's owner de- for each weapon). Also, gain one
cides to free the character. rank in Strength and one in Constitu
2 Slavery is abolished in this tion.
land. All slaves are freed 9 Character participates in a slave re-
and given d100X10 gold volt. Roll a d6 on a result of 6, the
pieces as a partial repara character leads the revolt. Roll a d6
tion by their owners. again. If the result is 4 to 6, the revolt
3 The character is able to buy succeeds. Otherwise i t fails. R o l l a d 6
his freedom. Because he a third time. If the result is 6, the
needs money to live, he re- owner is killed. If the revolt succeeds,
mains as an employee of the character escapes (determine
the owner for another 1d4 details by using event #1). If the
years. character was the leader of a suc
4 An exotic event occurs. cessful revolt, he now leads 1d6 low-
Select the event on 642 Ex- ability NPC followers (see table 753c:
otic Events. The event What Kind of Companion?). If the
causes the character to be revolt fails, the character is tortured
freed! (Figure out a good and receives a grave injury from 863
reason why.) Serious Wounds.
3 The character is the owner's favorite. 10 If older than 13, the character is used
He becomes the senior slave in the as breeding stock. Males will father
household. Several slaves hate the 1d10 children each year of captivity.
character for this and one becomes a Females will give birth to one child
rival. Determine details on 754 Ri each year of captivity. At player's
vals. discretion, determine the fate of these
4-5 The character improves his primary children.
occupational skill by 1d3+1 Ranks.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

Reckoning time proves nearly impossible in the dark confines of
your dungeon cell, but you are certain that it has been over two days
since anyone has approached your door and more than a day since you
have even seen the light of a torch from somewhere down the corri
dor. . . .
When the torch finally reaches your cell, your eyes squint with pain
and you cannot see to note the identity of your visitor. The voice,
though, is familiar.
"C'mon," Barghol whispers, "we're breakin' out."

Use this section only if directed to do so.

Barbaric societies have a simple way to Duration: The type of crime determines INFORMATION &
punish criminalsthey kill them and have it the number of years imprisoned. Imprisonment
done with. Prison is an enlightened society's begins at the age determined for it (see the INSTRUCTIONS
way of dealing justice to transgressors of the instructions for 208 Significant Events of Youth
law. or 419 Significant Events of Adulthood). Impris
Prisons are sometimes dungeons with dank, onment that begins in childhood may overlap
dark cells, sometimes walled compounds with into adolescence. Adolescence Imprisonment
no individual rooms or privacy, or even palaces may extend into adulthood. Imprisonment
where wealthy or influential prisoners serve as beginning in adulthood may further increase
"guests" until they serve their time or their the "adult" years prior to a character's adventur
relatives or followers manage to collect a ran ing career.
som. Events: Roll a d3 to determine the number
While prisoners probably deserve their of events that occur during the period of impris
fate, some are there who should not be. They onment. For each event, roll a d10 and match
were either at the wrong place at the wrong the result against table 638b: Prison Events.
time, looked like somebody else, or were on the Follow directions if use of other tables is indi
losing side of an argument with someone who cated. For each event (except escape or early
corruptly wielded political power. pardon), you may select the age at which it
Instructions: If the table that sent the occurs (within the period of imprisonment),
character here did not specify the crime, go to rather than roll dice to determine the age.
865 Crimes and select the crime and punish Role-play: Generally speaking, those im
ment (number of years to be imprisoned). Then prisoned for committing crimes deserve their
return here. punishment, but are not necessarily deserving
Prison Type: Roll a d10 and add the of other events that take place while impris
character's SolMod to the result. Compare the oned. If the character is imprisoned (justly or
total against table 638a: Prison Type to deter unjustly), imagine his attitudes toward fellow
mine where the character is punished or reha prisoners, the guards and those who run the
bilitated. prison.

1d10+SolMod Prison Type 13 Reroll, but do not add SolMod.

1-5 Horrible pit-like dungeon cells 14-15 Low security farm
6-8 High security cells 16 Reroll, but do not add SolMod.
638a: Prison
9-10 Low security cells 17+ Low security palace or estate Type
11-12 Medium security work camp

d10 Prison Event pieces of gold is offered for

1 The character escapes. Roll percen the character's capture.
tiles for the fraction of the prison term 3-4 1d6 other prisoners accom
638b: Prison
served. For example, 60 percent of an pany the character. Events
11 year sentence means a character 5 A guard aids the prisoners
served only about 6 1/2 years. Roll a in their escape.
d8 for additional consequences: 6 The character is forced to
1-2 A reward of d20x1,000 kill a particularly corrupt
guard during the escape. If 1 Character is a galley slave.
recaptured, the character's Add 1 point to Strength at-
life will be forfeit (work this tribute.
out during game play). 2 Character works in the
7 A prisoner who escapes mines. Subtract 1 point from
with the character is a pow- Constitution attribute.
erful criminal (Find type of 3 Character is placed in a work
criminal with 865 Crimes). gang. Add 1 point to
He goes relatively straight Strength attribute.
after escaping, and be 4 Character is sold in to sla
comes the character's pa- very for duration of sen
tron. Select details on 641 tence. Determine details
In the Service of ..., skip- with 637 Enslaved!
ping the first table. 6-7 Character learns thieving skills at
8 Roll 1d3+1 times on this 1d3+1 skill Ranks.
subtable. Duplicate results 8 Character escapes, but is caught. Add
indicate a doubling of the 5 years to sentence duration.
earlier roll (a reward is doubl 9 Character participates in a prison up
ed, two guards aid the es rising. R o l l a d 6 . O n a result o f 6 , the
cape, more than one guard character leads the uprising. Roll a d6
is stain, etc.) again. If the result is 4-6, the uprising
2 A general amnesty is declared. The succeeds; otherwise, it fails. Roll a d6
character is freed after serving only a third time. If the result is 6, 1d10
d10x10% of his sentence (do not guards are killed. If the uprising suc
make any more event rolls on this ceeds, the character escapes (deter
table). mine details on the subtable below
3 A disease ravages the prison. The event #1). If the character is the
character survives and gains fame as leader of a successful uprising, he
a tender of the sick. Surviving prison- continues to lead 1d6 low-ability NPC
ers and guards treat the character as followers (see table 753c: What Kind
a hero. of Companion?). If the revolt fails, the
4 Character is beaten frequently by cruel character is tortured and receives a
guards. grave, permanent injury. Select the
5 The character serves out his sentence injury on 863 Serious Wounds.
in a special type of punishment. Roll 10 Character is tortured and receives a
a d4 on the subtable below to select grave injury. Select the injury on 863
this punishment. Serious Wounds.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

The priest places his hands above your wound, and the pain of
broken bone and rent flesh gives way to a feeling of intense heat that
spreads first across your wounded leg and then up through your entire
body. No other sensation seems to exist, only a deep, comforting
warmth. You lose sight of the healer, of the Spartan monastery chamber
in which you lie, even of the bare wooden pallet beneath you....
When you regain consciousness, the priest sits nearby, studying a
religious manuscript. As you stir, he turns to face you, smiling. You look
at your leg, which is whole again, and then begin to offer your thanks.
Strangely, something entirely different emerges from your lips:
"Unless that which was lost rests once more in the hall of kings,
northern hosts will devour this land...."

Use this section only if directed to do so.

Being sent here does not necessarily mean find how it all begins. Then roll a d3 to select the INFORMATION &
that the character "gets religion" or becomes a number of events that occur. For each event,
member of a church, temple or cult. It indicates roll a d20 and match the result against table INSTRUCTIONS
a brush with the supernatural, an encounter 639b: Religious Events. Events occur in no
with the followers of gods, or in the extreme, a particular order.
personal awareness of a higher power's influ Role-play: The supernatural exists to many
ence in one's life. All events are assumed to people, and devotion to a deity is one of the
revolve around a single deity. strongest personality traits known. The influ
Instructions: First, go to 756 Deities, to ence of Cod, gods, or other powerful super
select the type of god with whom the character natural beings can easily dominate the life of a
interacts. Next, roll a d10 and match the result character for either good or ill.
against table 639a: The Experience Begins to

d10 Beginning 6 Parent's religion. The character has

1 Hostile encounter. Followers of the grown up with this religion, but is now 639a: The
god are persecuting unbelievers. ' personally confronted by it.
2 Evangelism. Priests of the god press 7 Friend's religion. A friend invites the Experience
their beliefs on the character in hopes character to come to his god's temple. Begins
of gaining a new follower. 8 Refuge. It was raining (or snowing).
3 Curiosity. The character hears stories The god's temple was the only warm
of the religion and goes to personally and dry place with an open door.
investigate. 9 A chance encounter. In a lonely
4 An inner need. The character feels he place, the character meets an intrigu
must seek out the god's religion. ing follower of the god.
5 Voices. The character hears voices 10 Healing. The priests of the god heal
inside his head, speaking of the god the character of an injury or illness.
and its religion.

d20 Religious Event to perform a sacred, but dangerous

1 Claiming divine inspiration, the char mission.
acter forms a new religion devoted to 5-9 Character joins the god's religion. Roll
639b: Religious
a previously unknown god (Create a d6 on the table below to determine Events
the god, using the guidelines pro the strength of the character's devo
vided in 756 Deities). tion to the god.
2 Character makes a pilgrimage to an 1-4 Merely a temple-goer, no
important but distant shrine of the serious devotion.
god. 5-7 Devoted follower of god's
3 Character has a vision of the god's principles of faith.
primary enemy. 8-9 Fervent believer, seeks to
4 In a vision, the god asks the character spread god's faith.
10 All-consuming, fanatical pas of an evil cult. Roll a d6 on the
sion. Entire life is focused subtable below to find the conse
on the god's religion, with a quences.
willingness to die for what 1 The cult seeks to have the
one believes in. character join them.
10 Character believes self to be a reincar 2 The cult seeks to kill the
nated hero or villain of the religion. character.
Roll for Hi/Lo. Hi=a hero. Lo=a 3-4 Because of the character,
villain. the forces of good were able
11 Others believe the character to be a to eradicate this local branch
reincarnated religious hero or villain. of the cult, and the charac
Roll for Hi/Lo. Hi=a hero. Lo=a ter becomes a hero.
villain. 5 As #3-4, but the evil cult
12 Followers of the god accuse the char now wants character dead.
acter of a crime against their god. If 6 Others shun character be
the character is a follower of the god, cause of this, possibly out of
he is excommunicated from the reli fear of the evil cult.
gion. 17 Enemies of the religion persecute the
13 Character makes prophetic state character.
ments. Roll a d10. On a result of 6-10, 18 The temple priests teach the charac
the character becomes quite unpopu ter a skill appropriate to the needs of
lar for what he says. the religion (an agricultural cult may
14 Character joins in a holy war spon teach farming, a war cult may teach
sored by the god's religion. Go to 632 battle skills, etc.).
Military Events to determine what 19 The character studies for the priest
occurred during the campaign. hood for 1d4 years. This improves
15 Character inadvertently desecrates a literacy skills by two Ranks and gives
holy shrine. Roll a d6 on the subtable the character 1d3 Ranks of religious
below to find the consequences. knowledge.
1-2 Deity's followers persecute 20 By reading a book in the temple, the
character. character learns more than he ever
3 Followers seek reparations. wished to know about evil powers
4 Followers shun character. and principalities. Roll a d100. If the
5 Most other religions shun result is 80 or higher, the knowledge
character. causes the character to develop an
6 Religious assassins seek exotic personality trait. Select this
character's death. feature from 523 Exotic Personality
16 The character uncovers the activities Traits.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

On bended knee you offer Raelinda the golden rose, the treasure
from your yearlong quest. Its fragile metal leaves catch light from the
setting sun and shine as if ablaze with, you might say, the strength of
your love.
640 Ah,
Raelinda takes the precious flower loosely in her slender hand and
smiles gently. "Thank you," she says, "but this won't change my feelings
for you."
Use this section only if directed to do so.

Romance often catches us off guard. While event (on this or other tables). Romances INFORMATION &
we are making plans for our lives, love has other beginning in adulthood are assumed to con
ideas. tinue unless ended by an event. Events on this INSTRUCTIONS
Instructions: The character's beloved has table that can prematurely end romances are
a 50% chance to be extraordinary in some way. preceded by a symbol ([E-#%]). The # indicates
If so, roll a d20 twice on table 640a: The the percentage chance that this event will end
Beloved, to select details about the character's the romance.
loved one. Next, roll a d3 to get the number of Age, Race, Social Status & Culture: As
events that occur because of the romance. For sume that the Race, Age, Social Status and
each event, roll a d20 and match the result Culture of the beloved are roughly the same as
against table 640b: Romantic Events. Follow the character's unless a table entry declares
any directions given and return here until all otherwise.
rolls on this table are complete. For each event, Role-play: If you have ever been in love,
you may select the age at which it occurs, rather you will have a good idea how love and ro
than roll dice to determine the age. Events that mance will affect the character's life. If not,
produce children may not occur prior to adoles imagine the character being devoted to some
cence. one more strongly than he is to his own life. The
A childhood romance lasts 1d10 months. loss of a beloved (or a love affair that ends
An adolescent romance lasts 1d4 years, but if a badly) can create emotional wounds that may
4 is rolled, assume that the relationship contin take years to healif they heal at all.
ues into adulthood unless terminated by an

d20 The Beloved from the character's. Roll a d6 for Hi/

1 The character's love is unrequited Lo. Hi=much older than character.
(the beloved does not return the Lo=much younger than character.
640a: The
character's affections). The character 10 The beloved is originally from a dis Beloved
can only love from afar. tant land.
2 The beloved is already married to 11 Beloved is noted for a personality
another. quirk. Select a personality trait from
3 The beloved is a widow or widower. 523 Exotic Personality Traits.
4 The beloved has children. Roll a d4 12 Beloved is noted for a strong person
for the number. ality trait. Use table 521b: Random
5 The beloved is a different race than Personality Trait to select the trait.
the character. Assume that the trait has a strength of
6 Beloved's Social Status is different d20+80 (use table 520d: Value
from that of the character. Select the Strength).
Social Status from 103 Social Status, 13-14 The beloved's appearance is excep
rerolling results that indicate an iden tional. Roll a d6 on the subtable
tical status. below to determine appearance:
7 Beloved's Culture is different from 1-4 Extremely attractive.
that of the character. Select it with 5 Rather unattractive.
102 Cultural Background, rerolling 6 Ugly, even repulsive.
any results that indicate a Culture 15-18 Beloved has an appearance quirk.
similar to the character's. Select the quirk on 867 Appearance.
8 Beloved is the sibling of one of the 19 Beloved is involved in a romantic
character's friends (or future adven triangle, in which another lover pulls
turing companions). at the beloved's affections.
9 Beloved's age is significantly different 20 Roll twice more on this table.
d20 Romantic Event 13 When together, the character and the
1-4 Character marries the beloved. beloved have a psychic power that
640b: Romantic 5-7 The character and the beloved are they do not have when separated.
Events intense rivals until they suddenly real- Select the power with 864 Psychic
ize their rivalry springs from their Powers.
mutual love. 14 [E-35%] Beloved is called to overseas
8 The families of the character and the military service.
beloved disapprove of their love. Roll 15 The character rescues the beloved
a d6 on the subtable below. from certain doom instigated by a
1 [E-65%] Beloved's family villain. Create an imaginative near-
forces beloved into an ar doom scenario. Use 755 Villains to
ranged marriage with some- develop the bad guy.
one else. 16 The beloved inspires the character to
2 [E-45%] Character's family greater accomplishments. Improve
forbids the romance. one skill by one Rank.
3 [E-45%] Beloved's family 17 The character has 1d4 children by the
forbids the romance. beloved. Roll for the occurrence of
4 [E-25%] The beloved's fam an unusual birth for each child on
ily sends the beloved away table 106a: Nature of Birth (do not
to live with distant relatives. add in any BiMods).
5 [E-25%] The character's fam 18 The beloved becomes the character's
ily sends the character away companion. Select details on 753
to live with distant relatives. Companions.
6 Roll two more times on this 19 [E-100%] Character and the beloved
subtable. end their romance, but remain good
9 [E-75%] Character is unfaithful to the friends. Roll a d 1 0 . On a result of 10,
beloved. the beloved becomes the character's
10 [E-75%] Beloved is unfaithful to the companion. Select details on 753
character. Companions.
11 A tragedy afflicts the beloved. Select 20 [E-100%] Character and the beloved
the tragic event on 624 Tragedies. bitterly end their romance, becoming
12 [E-50%] Beloved is kidnapped (a lead- fierce rivals. Select additional details
in for adventure?). of the rivalry on 754 Rivals.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

Lady Kaldey takes you past the guards who stand at the entrance to
the palace and calls for her chamberlain. Within a few moments, the
man arrives, accompanied by two lesser servants dressed in the Lady's
641 In the
"Parfirth," Lady Kaldey begins, "from this moment onwards, you
will show this young woman every bit of respect which is due to me. I
leave her in your care."
With that, Lady Kaldey departs, and you turn to face the chamber-
lain on your own. He looks over your ragged clothing for only a moment,
then falls to one knee with a whispered, "My lady."
Use this section only if directed to do so.

Wealthy patrons, men and womensome Next, decide an appropriate reason for INFORMATION &
times organizationswho expect service in ex why the character was given patronage. Take
change for their aid, often support, such people into account the nature of the patron, whether INSTRUCTIONS
as artists, musicians, craftsmen and explorers. the patron is a group or individual, and what
Patrons are a wonderful source of employment skills the character may have to offer.
for adventurers. Finally, roll a d20 a total of d3 times against
Instructions: To gain a picture of the table 641c: Service Events to find out what
character's patron, questions must be answered. happened during the patronage. Reroll dupli
Who is the patron? Why does the character cate results on this table.
give it or him allegiance? What notable events Duration of Service: A character contin
have occurred during their relationship? ues to remain allied to his patron to the present
Start by rolling a d100 against table 641a: day unless an event on table 641c: Service
Who Is the patron? An individual patron will Events terminates the patronage.
usually be 1d3 levels of Social Status above the Role-play: How does the character feel
character and always at least Well-to-Do. A about giving her allegiance to someone? Does
group patron will appoint a lesser official as a the relationship benefit both the character and
liaison for the character. After determining the the patron? What kind of favors and services
patron, roll a d10 and consult table 641b: might the character provide for her patron?
Scope of Influence to determine the patron's What kind of benefits are received in return?
level of power or influence.

d100 The Patron 38-43 Thieves Guild

1-2 Scientist 44-45 Healer
3 Scientific Society 46-47 Healer's Guild
641a: Who Is the
4-8 Knight 48-51 Government Leader Patron?
9-13 Order of Knights 52-56 Ruling Council
14 Rebel Leader 57-66 Noble
15-16 Subversive Political Organization 67-71 Lesser Government Official
17-19 Mercenary Leader 72-76 Government
20-21 Band of Mercenaries 77-84 Spell Caster
22-23 Religious Official 85-88 Mage Guild
24-26 Religious Society 89-96 Merchant
27-28 Guard Captain 97-100 Trade Organization or Guild. Select
29-32 Guards the type of business it promotes on
33-37 Master Thief table 309a: Occupation.

d10 Scope of Influence 8-9 National. Patron has influence

1-3 Local. Patron has little influence out throughout the nation in which the 641b: Scope of
side immediate area of residence. patron is based.
4-7 State/Province/Territory. The Patron 10 International. This patron is very pow- Influence
may be known but has no power erful, with ties and influence that ex
outside this area. tend beyond national boundaries.
d20 Service Event which the character is ordered to
641c: Service 1-2 Character travels widely for patron, perform.
sees the world. 14 Patron is outlawed. The land's secret
Events 3 Patron trains the character to 1d4 police watch the character closely.
Ranks in sword use. 15 There is a 35% chance that the char
4-6 Patron provides formal education for acter falls in love with the opposite-
the character. See table 309a: Occu sex patron (or liaison); otherwise, the
pation, entry #7. character falls in love with an oppo
7 Patron dies (organization is disbanded) site-sex ward of the patron. See 640
under suspicious circumstances. Now Ah, Love!
someone is looking for the character. 16 Patron decides that the character is
8 Patron has a rival who has threatened actually an enemy and drives the char-
the character's life. Select rival from acter away. Patron's agents now
754 Rivals. watch the character.
9-10 The character leaves the patron's en 17-18 Patron teaches character an occupa
tourage after 1d6 years, leaving with tion to 1d3 Ranks. Select occupation
a gift of fifty pieces of gold for each on table 313a: Civilized Occupa
year of service completed. tions.
11-12 Patron trains character as if he is in the 19 Patron appoints the character to run a
military. Select a "branch of service" business which the patron owns.
on table 632a: Type of Service, and Select the business on table 313a:
select appropriate skills from 635 Mili- Civilized Occupations.
tary Skills. 20 Patron introduces character to sev
13 Patron will do anything to achieve eral very influential people, the kind
his/its goals, including order criminal of people who often hire mercenaries
acts. Select 1d3 crimes on 865 Crimes and adventurers.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

You and Trog turn the last corner into the main market place of
Harntillit City-State and bump into a fat, round-eyed noble and his
retinue of hangers-on. The noble leaps back in alarm, then angrily
opens Ms mouth to protest your clumsiness but, instead, suddenly falls
642 Exotic
to his knees in front of you, snatching up your hand and kissing it.
"Your Highness!" the noble cries. "You're here! You have no idea
how long we've searched! Many have all but given you up for dead!
Please, come with me to the palace. Your parents will be overjoyed!"
Trog jabs you in the ribs with an elbow, then whispers, "Psst... play
along. This could be good!"

Use this section only if directed to do so.

Beyond the merely unusual, these events universe, asking things like, "Why do strange INFORMATION &
are the strangest of the strange things that can things like these happen?" "How can I correct
happen to a character, almost guaranteed to be the problem?" and "Will my friends ever believe INSTRUCTIONS
life-changing events. this?" Although all significant events shape the
Instructions: Roll a d20 to select the lives of characters, any one of these events may
unusual event. Record the event on the be cause for quests and adventures, if only to
character's worksheet. explain why they happened or to change their
Role-play: The events detailed here may outcome.
cause a character to question the nature of the

d20 Exotic Event use a magical spell as if it was a natural

1 A deity asks the character to become skill. The GM should select the spell,
its agent on earth, and the character one of minimal power and used at
642: Exotic
accepts. The deity gives the character Rank 3 (average) capability. Events
an unusual pet as a gift. Select the pet 6 The character survives a deadly en
from 752 Unusual Pets and the deity counter with a non-humanoid mon
from 756 Deities. ster. Select the type of monster on
2 The character befriends an intelligent, 749 Monsters. Because of the en
non-humanoid monster. Select the counter, the character learns tricks
type of monster on 749 Monsters. that give him a +2 Rank combat bo
3 The character stumbles into a magical nus against that type of monster each
portal and is transported to his cur time it is encountered.
rent location, a land far away from 7 A cross-planar rift opens and the char
where he was born. Select the Cul acter is abducted by humanoids from
ture level of the new surroundings on the other plane. Moments later, the
from 102 Cultural Background. Any character reappears, but he has physi
family or friends are left far behind, so cally aged 1d10+10 years, has no
treat a child or adolescent as if he was memories of that lost time, and has
orphaned. This event makes the char not mentally aged even a minute.
acter a foreigner in the land in which 8 While poking around in some aban
he now dwells. doned, ruined place that others of his
4 The character is plagued by incred people avoid, the character comes
ibly detailed dreamsso detailed that across a hidden cache of ancient trea
the character actually learns skills from sure. The value of this loot is enough
the people in his dreams, either by to raise the character up one full
interaction or observation. The char Social Status level. Destitute or Poor
acter learns 1d4 skills to Rank 1d3. characters will become Well-to-Do.
These skills are freeno gold to ex Double the character's starting money
change, no teacher to find, no points (as would be gained from the new
to sacrifice, etc. The character is Social Status).
beginning to suspect, however, that 9 The followers of an unheard-of-god
the dreams are REAL, and that his two from another land followed omens
worlds will one day collide. that led them to the character. The
5 The character discovers the ability to omens indicate that the character is
to be the mate of an avatar (earthly adventuring career).
incarnation) of their god. The charac 3 The missing offspring returns
ter disagrees but is still harassed by and reveals that the charac
the god's followers, ter is an imposter. The char
10 A potent conjunction of the stars and acter flees but is hunted.
planets occurs on the character's birth 4 The character is revealed as
day. He is struck by a falling star an imposter, accused of mur
which passes through his body like it dering the Noble's offspring,
was made of mist. The character feels and thrown into the dun
different, as if something has been geons. Go to 865 Crimes to
awakened from within. GM ONLY: learn the punishment for
refer to entry #642a on table 968: murdering a Noble, then go
GM's Specials. to 638 Imprisoned to select
11 The character befriends an Extremely the events that happen
Wealthy person. Roll d3 to determine there. After 1d6 years, the
the person's age: Noble offspring returns and
1 Much, much older than the pardons the character (even
character. if he has escaped from
2 About the same age as the prison).
character. 5 The heir never really disap
3 Much younger than the peared. The whole thing
character [maybe a child). was a setup by the Nobles.
12 While near a river after a mighty storm The offspring was an only
has passed, the character discovers a child and slowly went mad.
waterlogged old chest, sealed with In order to continue the
rusted chains and weighted with dynasty, the ruler brought
stones. Upon opening the chest, the in the character to keep up
character discovers the limp, be the appearance of a compe
draggled, and apparently drowned tent heir until another child
form of a young animal. The chest was born.
looks as if it has been underwater for 6 Reroll twice on this subtable,
years, but apparently the animal is ignoring results of 6. Com
only recently dead. Moments later, bine the two results together
the creature's eyes open and it begins in a logical manner.
to calmly and casually clean and preen 14 Return to the event table that sent the
itself. The character has acquired an character here and roll 1d3+1 more
unusual pet. Select the pet on 752 events. These events all happen within
Unusual Pets. a few days of each other and are all
13 Character is mistaken for the missing related in some mysterious way (best
offspring of the ruler of the land and is wishes and good luck to the GM on
taken to live in the ruler's household. this one). Suggestions: They all fore
Roll a d6. If the result is 6, the missing shadow another, greater event that
offspring is the ruler's heir. Initially, may need adventuring to solve; they
the character decides to maintain the involve the character and future friends
ruse. Then, after 1d6 years something and allies, bringing them together as
happens. Determine what happens children; or, they are the result of
by rolling a d6 on the subtable below. interference by someone else, such
1 The ruler is assassinated by as a rival or even a meddling god!
rivals. The character is 15 An evil, despotic ruler orders all per
named heir apparent, but is sons of the character's gender, birth
under suspicion of killing the place, and approximate age put to
ruler. Also, the character is death. As far as the character knows,
aware that the assassins may he is the only one to escape this
strike again! heinous act.
2 The character is pledged in 16 The character and another player char
marriage to an unpleasant, acter (or a notable or popular NPC in
older ruler of another land. the GM's campaign) become ac
Assume that the marriage is quainted with each other. Select an
supposed to take place upon appropriate character, then roll a d10
the character's reaching on the subtable below to determine
adulthood (or beginning his the details.
1-3 They become fast friends, acter to be a lycanthrope.
companions forever. 18 In a dark alley at night, the character
4 They are acquainted with is attacked by thugs. Before they can
each other, but never really take anything or cause more than a
develop a friendship. few bruises, they turn white with ter
5-6 They become rivals. If both ror and run away. At this point, the
of the same gender, they character discovers that he has a guard
compete for girl or boy ian ghost, a wise, benign spirit who
friends. They always seek accompanies him, but can never be
the same goals. seen or heard by the character's
7-8 If of opposite genders, they friends. To develop the ghost as an
become romantically in NPC, go to 745 Others to determine
volved with each other. On what the ghost was in life. Then go to
a d6 roll of 5-6 the romance 107 Parents & NPCs to develop a bit
continues until the present of background for the ghost.
time. If of the same gender, 19 There is a terrible accident and the
re roll. character is killed! However, the body
9 One saves the other's life. returns to life with two resident souls
Roll for Hi/Lo. Hi=this char the character's and that of an ancient,
acter saves the other's life. alien being. The character auto
Lo=other character saves matically learns an additional occupa
this character's life. Roll a tion (select from table 313a: Civilized
d8 on this subtable to deter Occupations) and 1d3 unusual skills
mine their relationship there one at Rank 7 ability, the others as
after. indicated by the 866 Unusual Skills.
10 They attend the same school The other spirit was awakened for a
or are apprenticed together. purpose, one that it keeps secret from
Roll a d8 on this subtable to the character's mind. There are occa
determine their relationship sional fights for control of the body.
thereafter. 20 A strange woman gives the character
17 A vicious animal attacks the character an ornate box sealed with wax and
on a moonlit night. Friends drive the hoarsely whispers "It's up to you now,
beast off, but the character finds that keep it safe, keep it from ... them." It
he is cursed with lycanthropy, to be is not until the woman drops dead at
come a similar beast under the full the character's feet that the dagger in
moon. The GM will select the type of her back becomes obvious. GM
beast the character becomes. Treat ONLY: refer to entry #642b on table
this as a nasty curse. Under no cir 968: GM's Specials.
cumstances should it benefit the char

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

Unfortunately, your hearty greeting of your long-lost friend spooks

643 Death
the lead horse of the carriage she arrived on. The entire team bolts,
charging forward and, again unfortunately, trampling the noble who
disembarked just before your friend. An old woman quickly kneels

down by the noble to offer assistance, but she is too late.
"He's dead!" the woman wails. "Lord Osram's dead!" Then, turning
to face you, she continues, "You're the one! You killed him!"
Lord Osram's stunned guards reach out to seize you

Use this section only if directed to do so.

INFORMATION & Occasionally a character or an important the term, "Someone" in the descriptions below
person in the character's life will cause the refers to the causer of the death, whether it is
INSTRUCTIONS death of another person or a person important the character or some other person.
to the character will die an untimely death. This Role-play: Responsibility for a death and
table provides a cause of death. the guilt associated with it can haunt a charac
Instructions: When this table is called for, ter forever, changing attitudes about death and
roll a d20 to determine Cause of Death. Then relationships. Even if wrongly accused of caus
roll a d10 to determine responsibility. On a d10 ing a death, the character can spend the rest of
result of 10, the character is linked with the his life proving otherwiseand still not suc
death in some unfavorable manner. The use of ceed.

d20 Cause of Death ture of the crime committed.

1 Victim died accidentally (fell from a 8 Victim was killed in self-defense.
643: Causes of ladder, was run over by a cart, fell off 9 Victim was driven to suicide by
Death a horse, etc.). No one is really to someone's actions.
blame (unless it was an arranged acci 10 Victim was driven insane by
dent). However, it is possible that someone's actions, then went away
people think the character is respon and died of disease and maltreat
sible. ment.
2 Premeditated, violent murder. Some 11 Victim dies of starvation. Roll a d6.
one wanted the victim dead and took On a result of 1-2, the victim dies due
personal, violent action to ensure that to circumstances initiated by some
death occurred. You or the GM will one (e.g., someone caused a crop to
need to create the specific situation fail, which beggared the family, which
surrounding the death, including caused them to have no money for
method and motive. food, which led to the starvation). On
3 Victim was killed in a fit of blind a result of 3-6, someone who knew of
passion. It's still murder, but the kill the situation deliberately withheld
ing may be defensible. food from the victim.
4 Assassination. Professionals were 12 The deceased sacrificed his life. Roll
hired to perform the act. Again, a a d6 on the subtable below to deter
motive will be necessary. mine the reason:
5 Victim died while dueling. A reason 1-3 To save the character from
for the duel needs to be constructed death.
(be creative!). 4-5 To save a relative whose life
6 Victim poisoned. This is not necessar was endangered by
ily murder. Roll a d 1 0 . On a result of someone's actions.
5 or more, it occurred accidentally 6 To save some other person
(see item #1 above). whose life was endangered
7 Victim was killed during the commis by someone's actions. Go
sion of a crime. Roll a d 1 0 . If the roll to 745 Others to determine
is less than 5, the victim was commit who was saved.
ting a crime when killed. If 5 or 13 Victim is thrown into prison because
greater, someone was committing a of someone's actions and later dies
crime when they killed the victim. Go there. Roll a d6. On a result of 3 or
to 864 Crimes to determine the na less, the victim committed a crime
against someone and was justly im actual cause of death.
prisoned. On a roll of 4-5, the victim 18 The victim's spirit cannot rest and
was unjustly imprisoned. If the result haunts the person responsible for the
is a 6, the victim was imprisoned in death. Some form of atonement may
place of someone else. be possible which will remove the
14 Victim was tortured to death by some ghost (at the GM's discretion). Roll
one. again on this table to determine the
15 Victim is sold into slavery by some actual cause of death.
one (or because of his actions) and 19 The person allegedly responsible for
dies while enslaved. the death is hated and reviled by all
16 Victim dies of a disease caught from who hear of it. Roll again on this table
someone. Roll a d 6 . On a result of 6, to determine the actual cause of death.
the contagious person is stigmatized 20 Upon death, the victim curses the
as a plague bearer. person believed responsible. Go to
17 Several friends of the victim actively table 862a: Curses and roll once (or
seek the death of the killer. Treat as indicated) for the curse. Roll again
them as 1d4+1 Deadly or even Ob on this table to determine the actual
sessive Rivals (see 754 Rivals). Roll cause of death.
again on this table to determine the

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

Again something catches your attention just at the edge of your

644 Death vision, and you kick your steed into a faster run over the midnight
darkness of Dead Man's Moor. Each time the fleeting image has
appeared to you it has been larger, somehow closer, bringing with it

of a Loved disturbing memories of the fortune teller's vague warning, "The dead
seek you."
An icy wind unexpectedly freezes the hairs on the back of your neck

One and reverberates down your spine, as if the coldest of souls exhales at
the base of your skull. Then a touch, feather-light but with the dead chill
of bare metal, sets on your left shoulder, and a deep, moaning voice
sounds in your ears.
"My child," the voice wails, "where is he who killed me? Where is he?
On his marble throne while I rot in the ground? Why is my murder
"You, my only child . . . you must bear my sword... ."

Use this section only if directed to do so.

A loved one is anyone who the character Other Events to select a significant event sur
cares for, a mother, father, guardian, brother, rounding the death of the loved one. Follow
sister, mentor or romantic lover. A loved one's directions given with the selected table entries,
death can have a drastic effect on a character's returning until all rolls on the table are com
life. There is the grief of loss, the possibility of pleted.
receiving an inheritance or of being saddled Note: If a spouse of a parent or guardian
with a financial burden, the chance that a survives, there is a 75% chance that the spouse
surviving parent may remarry ... and stranger retains possession of any property and most
things. money from the partner's death.
Instructions: Tables which send the char Role-play: How does the character feel
acter here should already state who has died or about losing a parent? How would you feel if
instructed you to select the deceased. If the (or when) it happened to you? Would the value
deceased was an adult, roll a d8 on table 644a: of an inheritance in any way compensate for
Inheritance to determine the character's inher the loss?
itance, if any. Then roll a d20 on table 644b:

d8 Inheritance condition selected by rolling a d6 on

1-3 The character receives 1d10 times his the following subtable:
644a: Inheritance
base starting money. 1 Character must first marry
4 The loved one's estate is liquidated to and produce an heir.
pay off debts. Roll a d6. If the result 2 Character must change life
is 6, the debts remain unpaid and the style (give up adventuring
character is liable for 1d100 times his career, become a priest,
base starting money. etc.).
5 The character receives nothing. The 3 Character must perform a
loved one's last will and testament task, mission, or quest de
condemns the character's life-style. scribed in the will (GM's
6 The character receives a map, a key discretion).
and a strange gift. The three are 4 Character must devote life
somehow related (GM's discretion as to championing the poor,
to how they are related). Determine the weak, and the down
the gift on 858 Gifts & Legacies. trodden.
7 The character is heir to the loved 5 Character must perform an
one's estate and may assume control act of revenge.
of any lands, money, properties, and 6 Character must make
possessions. amends for some real or
8 As described for #7 above, but with a perceived wrong.
d20 Event relatives (selected on table 104d:
1 Nothing unusual occurred. Other Relations).
2-4 Roll twice more on this table. 12 The loved one's ghost appears to the
644b: Other
5 Papers found in the loved one's home character and demands that an injus Events
reveal a secret. Roll a d4 on the tice be righted.
subtable below to learn the secret. 13 A journal found in the loved one's
1 Loved one was secretly a effects hints at the location of a lost
Noble living in exile. Select treasure.
the Noble title with 748 14 A mysterious stranger offers to buy
Nobles. any items inherited from the loved
2 Loved one was a powerful one for much more than they could
wizard. possibly be worth.
3 Loved one was the illegiti 15 A book found in the attic turns out to
mate child of a former ruler. be a spell book and contains 1d20
4 Loved one was not a human spells of various levels of power.
being, but a monster who 16 A charismatic, but mysterious and
could assume human form. obviously evil, stranger claims the
Determine the type of mon deceased's estate for him or herself.
ster on 749 Monsters. The character is convinced that some
6 The character visits the loved one's thing is terribly wrong about this.
grave only to find it open and empty. 17 If the character has living siblings,
Roll d6. On a result of 6, d3 events they fight over the loved one's per-
from 626 Horror Events start happen sonal belongings.
ing. 18 The loved one was declared dead
7 Deceased's surviving spouse (if any) after disappearing years ago, but the
remarries within 1d4 years. loved one may still actually be alive.
8 Deceased's surviving spouse (if any) 19 Upon dying, the parent collapsed and
remarries immediately. turned into a pile of melting snow.
9 A close friend of the loved one con- Apparently, a simulacrum had been
fides in the character that he believes substituted for the parent some time
the loved one was murdered. in the past.
10 Deceased's surviving spouse (or a 20 The loved one has been turned into
close relative) blames the character an undead creature. Roll a d4 to
for the loved one's death. Select the determine the type of undead:
cause of death with 643 Death Situ 1 A vampire
ations. 2 A ghoul
11 When character tries to collect his 3 A ghost
inheritance, it has already been 4 A barrow wight, wraith, or
claimed by one of the loved one's spectre

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

Contacts & Acquaintances

Need a nonplayer Other beings are sometimes the most in ous cultural levels.
fluential part of a character's history: they On page 134, 749 Monsters will provide
character? influence attitudes, change values, key events some of the more exotic encounters of a
You've come to and even provide opportunities for future ad character's history.
the right place! venture. Most contacts and acquaintances will Adventuring is not a new profession, and it
be little more than perhaps a face and an is not the exclusive domain of player charac
occupation or circumstance under which a ters. When a character's history calls for him to
meeting occurs. Choose a few, though, to meet one of these NPC adventurers, use table
develop more fully. Give them their own 750 Adventurers on page 135.
character histories, andif you are a GMmake Do you need a quick nonhuman acquain
them recurring figures in your campaign. This tance? See 751 Nonhumans on page 136.
will help make the player character's history Almost anyone can have a dog as a com
"come alive." panion, but how about a telepathic dog? See
For a random non-player character of un 752 Unusual Pets, beginning on page 137.
specified origin that can appear under almost Everyone, even an adventurer, can use a
any normal circumstance, use 745 Others on friend. When one is called for, consult 753
page 127. This section can be useful for creat Companions on page 139.
ing a random acquaintance on short notice 754 Rivals, beginning on page 141, will
during a campaign. create a character's foil, perhaps even his arch
When a random group is called for rather enemy.
than an individual, consult 746 Other Groups While rivals cause trouble specifically for
on page 129. characters, villains cause trouble for just about
Sometimes, for whatever reason, a everyone. See 755 Villains, beginning on page
character's parents cannot care for him. When 143.
this happens, 747 Guardians on page 130 will On page 145, 756 Deities creates just that.
show who did. 757 Relatives provides the identities of
748 Nobles, beginning on page 131, pro random family members. See page 147.
vides extensive information on nobles of vari

"Hey, Bertran, over by the hearth I was just introduced to Salty's cook and the man who earns
money by cleaning out filthy feed troughs all over town."
"Really? Which ones are they?"
"Don't you mean, 'Which one is he?'"
Jharsvend the Thief and Bertran Stoneback
After catching your eye, the strange little man charges across the
crowded tavern floor and, showing amazing agility, leaps through the
air and clasps his arms around your neck in a warm embrace before you
can dodge out of the way. In spite of the man's friendly attitude, you are
now absolutely positive that you have no idea who he is.
745 Others
Use this section only if directed to do so.

This is a general listing of types of "Other" additional rolls on another table. Roll Hi/Lo for INFORMATION &

people encountered, people and creatures who the person's sex if necessary. Hi=female,
may act as friends or foes, antagonists or allies. Lo=male. To add more details to these "Oth INSTRUCTIONS

Many tables in this book require an identity for ers," refer to the section on NPCs beginning on
a foe, a victim, an instigator or a chance encoun page 176 and/or section 107 Parents & NPCs.
ter. This table provides that identity, acting as Role-play: Throughout life, the character
a sort of "central clearing house" for other lists will interact with other persons. Imagine the
of persons. character's reaction to this person within the
Instructions: Roll a d10 and match the context of the event in which he appears.
result against table 745: Others. This is either Imagine the other person's reaction to the
the general class of person or the specific character. Does the encounter have a good
person that has been met. Some entries require outcome, or does it generate ill feelings?

d10 Other Person join clubs, churches or

1 Friends and Family. These are people temples, secret societies and
with whom the character is familiar. social groups. This person
745: Others
Roll a d6 on the subtable below: is a member of a group to
1 A close friend, or possibly a which the character might
Companion (see 753 Com also belong. See 746 Other
panions). The GM should Groups.
decide who this will be. 3 Unusual People. These are strangers,
2 A relative. Select with 757 unknown to the character. Roll a d6
Relatives. on the subtable below:
3 The character's lover. Reroll 1 A criminal. Select type on
if the character currently has 865 Crimes.
no lover or spouse. 2 A professional adventurer.
4 A coworker. Someone who Perhaps this person directs
works with the character. the character towards his
5 A neighbor. This is some profession.
one who lives nearby. The 3 A retired villain. Once a
GM should decide who this name to be feared, he now
will be. lives in retirement. Select
6 A mentor. A wise person details on 755 Villains.
who guides the character. 4 A retired adventurer. This is
2 Known Folks. These are persons who someone who once traveled
the character knows, though they may the land seeking adventure
not be close friends. Roll a d6 on the but now lives a peaceful old
subtable below: age. The retired adventurer
1 A rival. Select from 754 tells some fascinating and
Rivals. perhaps extremely useful
2 A family friend, probably a stories.
friend of the character's par 5 A noble. Select title on 748
ents. Nobles.
3 Employer. Character's cur 6 An outcast. A street person,
rent employer (if any). beggar, bum, hobo, hermit,
4 A clergyman. leper, or prostitute.
5 Old friend. This is someone 4 Really Unusual People. These are
who the character has not very unusual Others. Roll a d6 on the
seen for a number of years. subtable below to determine more
6 A fellow member. Most details:
folks are "belongers." They 1 A villain. This is an active
bad person. Select details pation. Select occupation
about the villain on 755 Vil on table 313a: Civilized
lains. Occupations.
2 A monster. Select from 749 3 A young family. A mother,
Monsters. father and 1d3 young chil
3 A disguised deity. Select dren. Choose mother or
deity on 756 Deities, then father's occupation on table
roll again on this table to 313a: Civilized Occupa
determine the deity's dis tions.
guise. 4 A large family. Parents and
4 A deranged person. This 3d4 children of varying ages.
person has a strong mental Choose mother or father's
affliction (Driving strength occupation on table 313a:
or greater). Select the afflic Civilized Occupations.
tion on table 523b: Mental 5 An elderly person. A per
Afflictions. son beyond their middle
5 A powerful spell caster. years who has retired.
6 This person resembles the Choose person's occupa
character to such a degree tion on table 313a: Civi
that even their own moth lized Occupations.
ers couldn't tell them apart. 6 A couple. This is a man and
The Other, though, is decid a woman together. Choose
edly evil. occupations for the two on
5 Kids. These are generic young people. table 313a: Civilized Occu
Unless the character is also a young pations.
person at the time of the encounter, 7-8 A Foreign Race. Reroll the encounter
he may not know this other person. on this table. The resulting encounter
Roll a d4 to learn more: is of a race uncommon in this part of
1 An adolescent. the world. Use 751 Nonhumans to
2 An older child, perhaps on select the race. If one race is particu
the verge of adolescence. larly common in this part of the world
3 A young child. (a city dominated by elves, for ex
4 An infant or toddler. ample), then a result of that race
6 Just Folks. Roll a d6 to learn more should be changed to "human."
about these people. 9 A Group. Select the group from 746
1 Government worker. Use Other Groups.
315 Government Jobs. 10 Several Others Together. Roll 1d3+1
2 Someone known by occu more times on this table.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

You slow the wagon to examine the wreckage in the ditch at the side
of the road. Apparently, another wagon lost control on this sharp turn
and tumbled into the mangled heap you see below. There do not appear
to be any people down there, but an open chest catches the sun in a most
746 Other

intriguing manner....
You reach the bottom of the ditch, and as you suspected, discover
that a few silver coins spill from the chest out onto the groundbut only
a few.

A noise from up above causes you to look back towards your wagon,
and you see perhaps a dozen armed men beginning to rifle through your
belongings and toss sacks and chests out onto the road. A pair of the men
lift crossbows in your direction. "Stand and deliver," one laughs....

Use this section only if directed to do so.

These are groups, not individual NPCs, Instructions: Roll a d20 and match the INFORMATION &
though you may want to determine individual result against table 746: Other Groups.
characteristics for a leader or a spokesperson. INSTRUCTIONS

d20 Other Group 12 Soldiers.

1 Troop of entertainers. Actors, musi- 13 Young nobles. Out for a good time, 746: Other
cians, etc. either partying or exploiting the pe
2 Refugees. Victims of war, famine, onsperhaps both. They think that Groups
pestilence, political persecution, etc. they are above the law, and maybe
3 Pilgrims. Pious folks on their way to a they are.
holy site. They may be devout fanat- 14 Farmers or peasants. Normal folk
ics, or little more than tourists. going to or from a town, market or
4 Tourists. Visitors from afar, here to fair.
see the sights. 15 Raiders. Just stopping by to loot,
5 Migrant workers. Bands of unskilled pillage and plunder.
laborers, craftsmen, and possibly their 16 Strange wandering folk. Mysterious.
families travelling to find work. They come and go in the night.
6 Urchins. A group of kids. 17 Merchants. Buying, selling and trans
7 Rowdy mercenaries. Violence just porting goods.
looking for an excuse to happen. 18 Herders and beasts. Shepherds and
8 Bandits. Stand and deliver! their sheep or cowherds and their
9 Cultists. Members of a secret reli- cows, etc.
gious organization. 19 Guard patrol. Out and about to keep
10 Roving youth gang. Young toughs the peace.
looking for trouble. These are not 20 Roll twice more on this table and
good kids. combine the results in some reason
11 Vigilante gang. Well-meaning citi- able fashion.
zens out looking for troublemakers.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

"I remember the day well," the old woman begins, lowering her head

747 and folding herself into a chair nearly as weathered as her own old
frame, "the day when they brought you to me.... They told me that your
parents had both passed on, that you had no other relatives, that you

Guardians were at the mercy of the city. Of course I took you in and treated you like
one of my own.
"But if I had known that your parents were executed for treason....
Well, done is done, and now I'm happy to have you."

Use this section only if directed to do so.

INFORMATION & When a child's parents die or disappear, the guardian's background can be developed
someone must become responsible for his up- further. Refer to 107 Parents & NPCs for details.
INSTRUCTIONS bringing. This person, persons, creature, or Role-play: The loss of one's parents is a
creatures become the character's guardians. In tragedy that affects the rest of a character's life.
many respects, the guardians take over the However, the role of the parent may be re-
function of parents. placed (to some extent) by others who either
Instructions: Roll a d20 and match the willingly or unwillingly take up the responsibility
result against the table to find the character's of raising the character to adulthood. A guard-
guardian. From now on, when an event calls for ian might merely provide for the character's
something to happen to a parent, it happens to physical needs, or become a loving replace-
the guardian instead. If the player so desires, ment for lost parents.

d20 Guardian cable survival skills.

1-5 A relative. Select the relative with 757 14 Character is raised by beggars, thieves
747: Guardians Relatives (rerolling results of "86-100 and outcasts. Add 1d4 Ranks to
Parent"). Urban Survival skills. Drop Social
6-7 Character is raised in an orphanage Status to Destitute.
with dozens, even hundreds of other 15 Character is raised by a criminal. Se-
children. lect the criminal type on 865 Crimes,
8 Character is raised by some other then go to 631 Underworld Events to
person(s). Select the guardian from find criminal events that occur.
745 Others. 16 Character is passed from relative to
9 Character is raised by nonhumans. relative until reaching the age of ma-
Select the nonhuman race on 751 jority.
Nonhumans. 17 Character is raised by an adventurer.
10 Character is adopted by another fam- Determine more details on 750 Ad
ily. Beginning with 104 Birth and venturers.
Family, create this family just as you 18 Character mysteriously disappears for
would the character's birth family. 1d10 years, returning older, but can
11 Character is raised by monsters. Se- not remember what happened dur
lect the general monster type on 749 ing that time. GM ONLY: refer to
Monsters. entry #747 on table 968: GM's Spe
12 Raised by priests or nuns in a monas- cials.
tery or convent. Go to 639 Religious 19 Character is raised by beasts in the
Experience to determine 1d3 events wild (wolves, tigers, bears, or the like.)
that occur because of this background. 20 Roll twice more on this table and
13 Character has no guardian and fends combine the two guardian types to-
for himself. Add 1d6 Ranks to appli- gether in an imaginative way.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

The tavern door bursts open and a tall, wiry woman dressed in livery
enters and belts out in a surprisingly strong voice, "Prepare this room
for the entry of Count Corlaw, Commander of the Western Uplands!"
The woman then departs.
748 Nobles
After she leaves, everyone goes back about their business.

Use this section only it directed to do so.

The peerage of the realm usually have a and estates. A roll of 98-00, though, indicates INFORMATION &

specific rank or title. The ones provided here that the Noble's lands have been taken away
are representative of the Culture Levels in Cen and that the Noble's family is in exile, in disfavor INSTRUCTIONS

tral Casting. Use the title in your world that with the rulers of their land.
most closely corresponds to the selected rank Land Size: Roll the indicated dice. This is
of nobility. the number of square miles of land possessed
Instructions: To determine the title pos by the Noble or deeded to him by his liege lord.
sessed by an NPC noble, roll a d100 and match Role-play: Nobles exist and live by the
the result against the column corresponding to works of others, having social value only when
the NPCs Culture on table 748a: Noble Notes. they coordinate, represent and protect those
If the GM is creating an NPC whose Culture who do work. The justification of Nobility in a
Level has not been previously determined, se fantasy setting is often based on the assumption
lect the Culture Level with 102 Cultural Back that the gods have chosen a select few to lead
ground. If the character's gender has not been the people. The continuance of Nobility is
determined, roll Hi/Lo. Hi=female. Lo=male. based upon the facts that "them what has, gets
For player characters, go to 103 Social more" and "might makes right."
Status and reroll the character's Social Status, Primitive Nobles are leaders who normally
adding both the character's TiMod (see below) share the burdens and risks of their followers.
and CuMod to the roll. Remember, Nobles Nomadic Nobles are more accessible than
automatically add 5 to their SolMod. those in other cultures, but because they de
Titles: The Noble titles are primarily given mand much of themselves, they expect more of
in terms of western European and British peer their followers. Barbarian Nobles are often
age along with a number of tribal-type leader elected or appointed. Many hold titles because
ship titles, and they are listed (top to bottom) in of merit and service to their liege. Civilized
a rough hierarchy of most to least importance. Nobles received titles through the luck of birth.
Obviously, titles may have to be adapted to They pay others to perform their duties and
match your chosen milieu. often spend their time at dalliance and leisure.
TiMod: Each title has an associated Title Game-play Benefits: Unless it has already
Modifier (TiMod) to add to the character's die been determined that a character's parents
roll (and CuMod) when rerolling Social Status have died, a player character of Noble Social
on table 103. Before rerolling, however, roll a Status will begin as the child of an NPC Noble
d100. If the result is 95 or greater, do not add and will have no actual title himself (other than,
the TiMod when rerolling Social Status. Note possibly, something like prince).
also that some TiMods are created by rolling Due to their assumed importance to the
dice. scheme of things, Nobles may add 1d4 points
Special Titles: Many nobles have special to their Charisma attribute so long as it is
titles affixed to their names, honorifics that have publicly known that they are a Noble.
been bestowed upon them by their liege lords A Noble will usually have guards or other
or gained by conquering new territories. If a retainers with him at all times. The number will
type of die is shown in this column, roll it to be in proportion to the NPCs relative impor
obtain the number of special titles that the tance. At the GM's discretion, a Noble player
Noble character possesses. If a percentage is character may be able to command loyal retain
shown, this is the chance that the character has ers to follow him.
a single special title. Select special titles in three A Civilized Noble will have 1d4 hobbies in
parts: part one on table 748b, part two on table place of an occupation. Select these hobbies
748c, and part three on table 748d. For ex from 318 Hobbies.
ample, rolls of 11, 16 and 11 yield "Keeper of GMing Note: Players character Nobles
the Northern Marches." Rolls of 19, 4 and 8 who insist on being public figures should be
yield "Warden of the Heath." subjected to unwanted attention much the
Land Holdings: Nobles are landowners. same as a celebrity or popular political figure
The percentage shown in this column is the might be in our own society.
chance that a Noble possesses personal lands
Emperor or Empress: Rules over other single tribe.
kings and queens. Viscount or Viscountess: Rules over one
Possible Titles High King or High Queen: Rules over or more counts.
lesser kings and queens, perhaps an elected Jarl or Eorl: Barbarian equivalent of a
position. Common in Barbarian Cultures. marquis, count or baron. May be hereditary,
King or Queen: Ruler who is the supreme but often appointed.
authority in his or her land. A king normally Subchieftain: A tribal chieftain's lieuten
owes fealty to no other. ant.
Kahn: Powerful nomad. Rules a great Count, Earl or Countess: Rules over bar-
tribe or tribal federation. ons.
Archduke or Archduchess: Possibly next Baron or Baroness: Rules a barony, small-
in line for the throne, often a sibling of a king or est sized fiefdom.
queen. Baronet or Baroness: Below a baron,
Prince Royal or Princess Royal: Legiti- given to commoners.
mate child of the ruler of the land. A Crown Prince or Princess: Child of a Noble. Also
Prince or Princess will assume the throne. may be the ruler of a Principality (equivalent to
Duke or Duchess: Rules over one or more king or queen).
marquises. Knight ("Sir" or "Lady"): An earned title
Marquis or Marquese: Rules over one or which cannot be inherited. Usually granted by
more viscounts. a king.
Chieftain: Tribal leader, usually leads a Hetman or Hetwoman: A village leader.

Culture Level (d100) Special Land Land

Prim. Nomad Barb. Civil. Title TiMod Titles Holdings Size
748a: Noble _ 01 Emperor +60 1d4+3 100% 1d20x10
Notes 01 01-02 _ High King +5d10 1d6 85% 1d20x5
03-15 02-05 King +39 1d4+1 100% 1d10x10
01-10 Kahn +5d8 1d6 30% 1d10x5
16-25 06-15 Prince (royal) +4d10 1d4 70% 1d20x5
16-20 Archduke +4d10 1d3+1 75% 1d10x5
21-25 Duke +4d8 1d3 85% 1d10x5
26-35 Marquis +3d10 1d2 60% 1d20+12
02-30 11-40 26-45 Chieftain +3d6 40% 2d6+8
36-50 Viscount +3d8 50% 1d20+10
46-60 Jarl +3d6 70% 1d6+4
31-00 41-80 61-70 Subchieftain +2d6 30% 1d8
51-60 Count (Earl) +3d6 90% 40% 1d20+4
71-75 61-75 Baron +2d10 75% 60% 1d10+4
76-78 Baronet (Lord) +2d8 50% 30% 1d10
76-80 79-90 Prince special special special
91-00 Knight (Sir) +2d6 35% 60% 1d4
81-00 81-00 Hetman +1d6 85% 1d4

Roll a d100. If the result is less than 21, the prince(ss) rules a principality and is treated
as an archduke (or archduchess). Otherwise, the prince(ss) is a Noble's child with 1d10x10%of
the parent's TiMod. Any lands or estates are part of the parent's holdings.

d20 Special Title Position 11 Keeper of the

1 Commander of the 12 Preserver of the
748b: Special 2 Custodian of the 13 Marshal of the
Title Position of 3 Grim Sentinel of the 14 Ranger of the
Merit 4 High Champion of the 15 Regent of the
5 Honored Defender of the 16 Retaliator of the
6 Iron Tower of the 17 Swordmaster of the
7 Lord Protector of the 18 Vindicator of the
8 Liberator of the 19 Warden of the
9 Lord Governor of the 20 Watchwarder of the
10 Lord Guardian of the
d20 Special Title Location Locator 15 Seaward
1-10 (No Location Locatorcontinue with 16 Northern 748c: Special
table 748d.) 17 Eastern
11 Highland 18 Southern Title Location
12 Lowland 19 Western Locator
13 Upper 20 Frozen
14 Lower

d20 Special Title Location 11 Marches

1 Coasts 12 Moors 748d: Special
2 Creation 13 Mountains
3 Domain 14 Pale Title Location
4 Downs 15 Reaches
5 Fens 16 Shire
6 Forests 17 Steppe
7 Garth 18 Uplands
8 Heath 19 Wastes
9 Hills 20 Waves
10 Isles

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

A great scaly head rises from the fiery depths of the newly-opened

749 rift, blinking its eyes and flicking an immense forked tongue in and out
to test the air above the surface of the earth. Giant teeth, some more
than two hands long, border the tongue like the prongs of a portcullis.

Monsters When the beast turns towards your hiding spot, its mouth seems to curl
in a wicked smile and it inhales loudly, filling the giant bladders
beneath its jaw in preparation for a monstrous exhalation of flame....

Use this section only if directed to do so.

INFORMATION & Monsters are those creatures, intelligent specific type of monster from the rolled cate
or not, who often oppose adventuring heroes. gory.
INSTRUCTIONS Sometimes encounters with creatures occur Role-play: Monsters are usually the en
before adventuring careers begin. emy. However, if you think of them as charac
Instructions: There are two ways to pro ters, they can be as interesting as any human,
ceed here. You may either use the table below dwarf or elf. When playing the part of a
or use your own random monster tables, spe monster, imagine how the monster became the
cific to the game being played. To use (his table, way that it is. What motivates it? Would it be
roll a d20 and match the result against the table. possible for this creature to deal with humans as
The table gives only the general category of equals?
monster types. It is up to the GM to choose a

d20 Monster Type 12 Faeries, such as pixies, sprites, and

749: Monster 1 Evil humanoids, such as orcs, trolls, brownies.
goblins, etc. 13 Reptilian or batrachian humanoids (liz
Types 2 Icky blobs, globs, slimes or jellies. ard men, snakemen, dragon men, even
3 Dragons (in all your favorite colors). frog men).
4 Mythological or heraldric beasties, 14 Elemental beings (earth, air, fire, wa
such as unicorns, griffins, hippogriffs, ter, etc.)
pegasi, the phoenix, sphinxes, hydrae, 15 Horrors from beyond, alien to all
rocs, etc. known life.
5 Undead, such as vampires, zombies, 16 Evil elves, dwarves or humans.
wights, wraiths, spectres, skeletons, 17 Terrible plants, such as carnivorous
mummies, ghosts, and ghouls. trees, creeping vines, deadly flowers,
6 Part-beast and part-human, such as poisonous fungus, etc.
minotaurs, manticores, centaurs, and 18 Living statues or golems.
goatmen. 19 A Horde: hundreds, thousands or
7 Lycanthropes, such as werewolves millions of small beasts (mice, rats,
and werebears. cats, dogs, birds, bats, insects, fish,
8 Giants. spiders, frogs, etc.) acting as one.
9 Creatures of great evil, such as de 20 GM ONLY: Roll Hi/Lo. Hi=See entry
mons and devils. #749a on table 968: GM's Specials.
10 Giant animals or birds. Lo=See entry #749b on table 968:
11 Sea monsters. GM's Specials.

From here, return to (he section that sent you here.

The barkeep returns from the back room, not dressed in his ale-
stained tunic and worn leather cap but covered from head to toe in
glittering chain mail and only somewhat moth-eaten scarlet finery. A
long sword rests at his side and a water-damaged horn bow pins the
cloak to his back.
"Your task sounded so interesting that I decided to come out of
retirement," he explains.
Use this section only if directed to do so.

Player characters are not the only seekers for the type of adventurer. For NPCs, roll a INFORMATION &
after riches and adventure. Others follow or second d20 and match the result against table
have followed the same path. The people on 750b: Adventurer's Prowess to find the INSTRUCTIONS
this table represent general classes of adventur adventurer's skill or fame at his profession. If
ers, focusing on their primary talents, those for your gaming world does not allow a selected
which they have become best known. type of adventurer, reroll to get one that works.
Instructions: Roll a d20 and match the If the adventurer's gender has not been deter
result on table 750a: Adventurer's Profession mined, roll for Hi/Lo. Hi=female. Lo=male.

d20 Profession 16 DruidA priest of nature.

1-2 WizardOne skilled in the arcane 17 ShamanA priest of spirits.
arts. Also a magic-user, adept, sor 18 BardA wandering minstrel (and
cerer, illusionist, witch, warlock or more!) Adventurer's
mage. 19 Martial Arts MonkA priest of a reli Profession
3-6 PriestA holy man or woman, a cler gion that teaches unarmed self-de
gyman, cleric, or healer. fense.
7-11 WarriorA fighting man, cavalier, 20 A Nonhuman adventurer. Select the
paladin, knight, archer or man-at-arms. species of adventurer on 751 Nonhu
12-13 ThiefA rogue, a burglar, robber, or mans. Then roll again on this table to
second-storyman. determine the profession, ignoring
14-15 RangerA woodland warrior, a rolls above 19. Reroll if not compat
tracker, a scout. ible.

d20 Prowess skills are often Rank 6 or better. Not

1-5 A Rank Beginner. Adventuring skills someone to cross casually.
usually do not exceed Rank 3. 20 A Grand-Master of the Profession, quite
6-14 A Skilled Veteran. Adventuring skills possibly renowned throughout the Adventurer's
are usually Rank 4 to 5. world. Skills are at least Rank 8. They
15-19 A Locally Famous Hero. Adventuring may even be Mythical (Rank 11+).

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

Emissaries from all over the land stand in the great hall of the Queen,

751 ready to greet Her Majesty when she arrives home from her tour of the
Secluded Isles. Elves from the high country stand in one corner, clothed
in their woodland garb. Orcs, wearing roughly formed metal armor,

Nonhumans occupy the room's opposite corner. Dwarves linger near the entry way,
and even the Halflings have sent a small group of officials, though it is
often hard to find them in the crowded hall.

Use this section only if directed to do so.

INFORMATION & This is a selection of the various sentient, human. Like humans, they have their own
nonhuman, humanoid, character races that motivations, but these will be colored and
INSTRUCTIONS commonly appear in many fantasy role-play skewed by their "alien" upbringing. Imagine
games. how one of these beings would react when
Instructions: Roll a d20 and match the encountering the character. Would their racial
results against the table below. Refer to 101 heritage cause them to be instant friends, rivals,
Character Race for additional role-play guide- enemies, or merely suspicious of each other?
lines for each particular species. Consider these things before playing a nonhu-
Role-play: Nonhumans are just that, not man like just another human.

d20 Nonhuman 16 Beastman

1-4 Elf 17 Reptileman
751: Nonhumans 5-8 Dwarf 18 Orc
9-11 Halfling 19-20 Half-orc/Half-human
12-15 Half-elf/Half-human

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

From somewhere in the darkness of the rat-infested barn a tiny
voice calls your name. You throw the barn doors open as wide as
possible to let in more of the bright moonlight, but nothing remarkable
stands out in the silvery glow....
Even after tossing about the pile of moldy hay and searching every
abandoned livestock stall you find nobody responsible for the voice that
incessantly calls your name.
Finally turning to leave, you hear the voice once again, "Where do
you think you're going? First you don't answer to your own name, and
then you rudely walk out without speaking? Perhaps I've chosen the
wrong person."
You spin around for one last look and finally you noticea lone rat
sits on a rafter high above you, staring straight at you and tapping its
claws impatiently.

Use this section only if directed to do so.

At some point in his life, the character has character is unaware of these abilities.) Finally, INFORMATION &
obtained an unusual pet. This pet has above- determine the special pet abilities on table
average intelligence for an animal, but unless 752b. Reroll duplicates. INSTRUCTIONS
specified otherwise the pet looks like its more Role-play: The pet is the character's con
common brethren. Most such pets will be stant companion and would probably rather
unusually long-lived, possibly even immortal. die than be separated from its master. To role-
Instructions: Roll a d20 for the type of pet play the pet, think of that special pet you may
on table 752a: Unusual Pets. Then roll a d3 to have once had, the one that followed you
determine the number of special abilities this everywhere.
pet has. (There is a 25% chance that the

d20 Pet 16 Puppy

1-2 Dog 17 A mini-dragon
3-4 Cat 18 A big cat (lion, tiger, etc.)
752a: Unusual
5 Rabbit 19 A bear Pets
6 Lizard 20 Something alien
7 Monkey
8 Raccoon * Roll a d6. On a roll of 5-6, the fish can
9 Rat or mouse survive out of water indefinitely. Otherwise, on
10 Snake a roll of 1-4, the character must construct and
11 Hawk care for a tank, bowl, etc. in which to transport
12 Uncommon rodent (Gopher, etc.) the fish or be resigned to only visiting the pet at
13 Ferret the body of water in which it was first discov
14 Songbird ered.
15 Fish*

d20 Special Pet Ability the following subtable:

1 Pet has wings (or extra powerful wings) 1 -2 Stone (granite, marble, etc.) 752b: Special Pet
2 Very Intelligentbetter than average 3-4 Wood
human sentience. There is a 60% 5 Precious metal with gems Abilities
chance of it being able to speak an for eyes.
understandable language. 6 Cloth (a "stuffed animal")
3 Telepathic. Can communicate by 7 Precious stone (gemstone)
mental speech. 8 Iron
4 Unusually colored. Go to 859 Colors. 9 Bronze
5 Pet is made of some substance other 10 Roll twice more on this table.
than flesh and blood. Roll a d10 on Reroll duplicates below 10.
6 Pet has a unique physical trait. Go to Ability attribute points each day to
table 862d: Unique Physical Traits keep the pet alive. (This is meant as a
and roll a trait appropriate for this minor burden, equivalent to the cast
species. ing of a minor spell. Adapt it for your
7 Pet can use magic spells. game system as necessary.)
8 Pet is naturally invisible to all but 14 Acts as a magical battery for master,
owner. This will probably lead people supplying magical power.
to believe that the pet is imaginary. 15 Pet's life energy (hit points or damage
9 Pet regenerates damage done to it. it can take) are added to the character's
10 When killed, pet's spirit possesses own as long as the pet lives.
nearest animal, transferring all its un 16 Can inflict minor but significant dam
usual powers or features. However, age against enemies by breathing fire.
in new form it is free to adopt a new 17 Can increase its size and strength
owner (which it will do 35% of the 1d10 times their normal value, once
time). each day for 1d6 hours.
11 Pet has unusual size. Roll a d6 for Hi/ 18 Can provide its master with 1d6 gold
Lo. Hi=pet is unusually large for its coins per day.
species (even gigantic). Lo=pet is 19 Can discorporate into mist at will.
unusually small, a miniature animal. 20 Reroll 1d3 additional times on this
12 Once per day, the pet may tempo table. A duplicate roll doubles the
rarily assume an attractive human form effectiveness of a duplicated feature.
(for 1d6 hours). The pet may not have more than four
13 The character must expend 1d4 Magic special abilities.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

In spite of your blatant attempts to get away from him, the kid
continues to follow you around town and try to be helpful. He offers to
carry a bag or two for you, to clear people out of your way, to shine your
armor for you when you decide to take it off, even to chip the mud out
of your boots when you sit down for a moment.
Dreig laughs at your plight and refuses to lift a finger against the
child. "Hey," he says, "you saved his life. Now he's your problem to deal

Use this section only if directed to do so.

This is the hero's companion, his trusted 5-6=opposite sex than character. INFORMATION &

right hand man, the faithful sidekick who has Next, roll 1d10 and consult table 753b:
joined the character on his adventures. The Why? to get the reason why the companion INSTRUCTIONS

companion may be a bumbler, a whiner, a bit of accompanies the character. Then roll a d10 and
comic relief, or a serious hero with his own consult table 753c: What Kind of Companion
destiny to fulfill. The character himself may to learn the companion's outlook on life. Fi
actually be the companion's faithful sidekick. nally, give the companion a name, develop him
Instructions: To develop a picture of the as an NPC with 107 Parents & NPC's and round
character's companion, questions must be an out his background.
swered. Who is the companion? Why has he Role-play: A companion can either be an
joined up with the character? What are the NPC or another player. He should not be just
companion's feelings toward the character? "cannon fodder." Give the companion per
What does the companion seek to accomplish? sonal goals that he can work out during adven
Roll a d10 and consult table 753a: Who? turing. It may be that once those goals are
to determine who the companion happens to accomplished the companion will part com
be. If the gender is not predetermined, roll a pany with the character to seek his own ulti
d6. A result of 1-4=same sex as the character. mate destiny.

d10 Who? est age for adolescence.

1 A childhood friend. 7 A sibling. Roll a d6 for Hi/Lo. Hi=an
2 A family member. Choose on your older sibling. Lo=a younger sibling.
753a: Who?
own or select one with section 757 8 An adventurer. Remember that if the
Relatives. companion is more powerful than the
3 A nonhuman. Select with 751 Non- character, the character may actually
humans. be the sidekickfor now. Select on
4 A stranger. Select with 745 Others. 750 Adventurers.
5 An intelligent, articulate, inanimate 9 A former enemy or rival. Select on
object, possibly a statue or a magical 754 Rivals.
item. 10 Reroll. If the result is 10 again, then
6 A kid. Determine the child's age, but GM ONLY: see entry #753a on table
no younger than one-half of the young 968: GM's Specials.

d10 Why? 6 The companion sees the character as

1 Character saves his life. a hero and wishes to learn from him.
2 They seek a similar goal (30% chance 7 The companion's original intent was
753b: Why?
to be friendly rivals in this regard. See to steal from the character.
754 Rivals). 8 Companion feels a need to protect
3 Parents were companions in adven the character.
ture. 9 Mysterious voices and feelings told
4 They share the same enemy (create a the companion to seek out the char
rival or a villain on section 754 or acter and join him.
755). 10 GM ONLY: see entry #753b on table
5 They happened to be in the same 968: GM's Specials.
place and in trouble at the same time.
d10 Kind of Companion adventure, willing to leap into the fray
1-3 Loyal Friend; Companion might lay and face unbeatable odds.
753c: What Kind down his life for the character. Will 8 Groaning Griper: He may follow the
of Companion? support the character in all he does. character to Hell and back, but he
4-5 Bumbling Buddy: A buffoon who doesn't have to like it and lets every
tries to be a hero and may inadvert one know about it. May be a wise
ently succeed more often than he cracking "smart mouth."
fails. Give him comical quirks. He is 9 Good ol' Boy: A down-to-earth type
intensely loyal to the character, but who enjoys simple pleasures like hot
not much help in a fight. May have an food, cold drinks, good company, tall
inferiority complex. tales, and fast action. Loves a good
6 Grim Ally: Doesn't talk much. Does fight.
what must be done to the best of his 10 Incurable Romantic: Imagines him
ability. Dislikes frivolity, especially in self to be always questing after some
the face of danger. Quite sure of greater goal. Always attempts noble
himself at all times. and chivalrous deeds. Always quot
7 Gung-ho: Enthusiasm is not his middle ing from something, usually obscure
name, it's his first. Always ready for poetry and songs.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

Grigerwick motions to his soldiers and they start to wrap heavy
ropes around you from head to toe, leaving just enough space between
the coils for your eyes to peer out at the hysterically laughing little
gnome. "At last!" Grigerwick shrieks between bursts of chuckling and
squealing laughs, "At last I have you! You'll never interfere in my plans
754 Rivals
If only you could remember the words to that teleport spell....

Use this section only if directed to do so.

Not everyone encountered during life is learn the rival's level of antagonism towards the INFORMATION &

going to be the character's pal. There are those character. If you wish, you may also roll a d8 on
who will covet what the character has, who will table 754c to determine the character's feelings INSTRUCTIONS

be jealous of who the character is, and who will towards the rival. Finally, if you wish, give the
seek the goals in competition with the charac rival a name, then develop him with 107 Par
ter. These people become competitive rivals, ents & NPCs.
unfriendly foes, or even deadly enemies. Role-play: The rival is essentially a plot
Instructions: To gain a picture of the element for the GM to use, an opportunity to
character's rival, questions must be answered. create a continuing bad guy to foil the character's
Who is the rival? Why is he an opponent? What activities. To develop the character's attitudes
are the rival's feelings toward the character? toward this foe, think about how you felt when
What does the rival seek to accomplish? you discovered someone didn't like you, espe
Start by rolling 1d10 on table 754a: Who? cially if you liked that person.
to find out who the rival is. If the gender of the Optional Rule: Each time the character
rival is not determined, roll d6. If the result is 1 has an encounter with the rival that ends with
4, then the rival is the same sex as the character. the rival's own plans being thwarted, roll a d10
If the result is 5-6, the rival is the opposite sex on table 754c. If the result is the same as the
than the character. rival's current level of feelings, that level in
Next, roll d10 and consult table 754b: creases by one. Thus a jealous relationship
Why? to find out why the rivalry exists. Then roll would become an intense hatred.
a d10 against table 754c: What Feelings? to

d10 Who? ling. Lo=younger sibling.

1 A former lover (if character is a child, 8 A professional rival who has the same
re roll). occupation as the character.
754a: Who?
2 A family member. Choose one or 9 A friend (rivalry other than "friendly"
select with 757 Relations. is kept secret).
3 A villain. Select on 755 Villains. 10 Reroll. If the result is 10 again, the
4 Select on 745 Others. rival is a deity; otherwise, use the
5 A former friend. result of the second roll. Select the
6 An enemy of the family. god on 756 Deities.
7 A sibling. Roll Hi/Lo. Hi=older sib

d10 Why? 7 Rival jealous of the character's pos

1 Love same person. sessions. 754b: Why?
2 Sporting event rivals. 8 Mutually jealous of the others' capa
3 Parents were rivals. bilities.
4 Rival didn't like the character's looks. 9 Distant ancestors were rivals.
5 An insult was perceived. 10 GM ONLY: see entry #754 on table
6 They seek the same goal. 968: GM's Specials.

"What's in the sack, Bertran?"

"This one? Uh, nothing. Nothing at all."

"You're not hiding halfling sweetbread in there? Why is there some on your beard?"

"Uh ... dunno. Musta belonged to someone else."

Jharsvend the Thief and Bertran Stoneback

d10 Feelings and can lead to no-holds-barred con
1-3 Friendly: Rival and character can still flict. The rival maximizes all opportu
754c: What be friends. Rival enjoys competing nities to thwart the character, hoping
Feelings? against the character. Rival may even to cause injury in so doing.
remain a good friend. 9 Deadly: This is a potentially fatal
4-5 Jealous: Rival dislikes the character, hatred. Severely injuring the charac
and takes secret pleasure in embar ter in any way is the rival's goal. He
rassing, thwarting or beating him. plots and plans the character's down-
Physical injury is usually not intended, fall as a part of his own path to suc
but if it happens, it happens. Rival cess. Given the chance, the rival will
may be appear to be a friend or an kill the character.
ally. 10 Obsessive: The rival's entire life fo
6-7 Intense: Rival hates the character, cuses on the character and his ulti
and goes out of his way to foil him. mate destruction. No risk to self or
Secretly hopes for the chance to in- others is too great in the rival's quest
jure the character in some way (physi to utterly destroy the character. In
cally, emotionally, financially, socially, this competition, there can be only
etc.) one survivor. See Obsession under
8 Fierce: Rival bates the character bit- table 523b: Mental Afflictions, entry
terly. This is an unhealable grudge. #14.
This rivalry often clouds judgement

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

Ragtarun practically glides towards you over the stone floor, spread
ing his black cloak back to reveal a belt glittering with several deadly
weapons. On either side of you, Ragtarun's henchmen hold you more
755 Villains
"You are left with only this choice," Ragtarun says, smiling wick
edly. "Join me in my progress of conquest, or die in your foolish
Use this section only if directed to do so.

Every hero needs a nemesis, or maybe follow directions to give the Villain more person INFORMATION &
even two! Every campaign needs an evil mover ality. If the gender of the Villain has not been
and shaker, one whose sheer vileness requires determined, then roll Hi/Lo. Hi=male. Lo=female. INSTRUCTIONS
the actions of men and women, good and true Role-play: Villains are not petty criminals.
to overcome. They are powerful people who seek more of the
Instructions: To create a villain, answer same and do so by chasing lofty, dangerous,
the following questions by following directions even insane goals. They work in extremes. They
or rolling 1d10 for each of the following tables. do not just murder someone, they annihilate
Record information as you go: table 755a: towns and cities. They do not rob banks, they
Who Is the Villain? 755b: What Are the Villain's bankrupt entire nations. They do not extort
Coals? 755c: What Is the Villain's Alignment? money from shopkeepers, they dominate cites.
755d: What Is the Villain's Scope of Operation? Worst of all, they sometimes think that they are
755e: What Are the Villain's Nasty Habits? doing the world a favor!
Finally, go to 107 Parents & NPCs and

d10 Who? ling. Lo=younger sibling.

1 A childhood friend. 4 A rival. Select details on 754 Rivals.
2 A relative. Select on 746 Other Rela 5-10 Some other person. Select on 745
755a: Who Is the
tions. Others. Villain?
3 A sibling. Roll Hi/Lo. Hi=older sib

d10 Goal
8 Right some imagined wrong.
1 Obtain immeasurable wealth.
9 Convert others to own point of view.
2 Achieve absolute knowledge.
Roll a d4.
755b: What Are
3 Obtain absolute power.
1 Religious the Villain's
4 Obtain some item from 858 Gifts &
2 Philosophical Goals?
Legacies. 3 Legal
5 Expand area of domination. 4 Scientific
6 Destroy everything. 10 Roll twice more on this table and
7 Humiliate/Punish others for imagined combine the results.

d10 Alignment 2 Apathetic

1-6 Total Darkside. Roll a d6 to select 3 Materialistic 755c: What Is the
attitude. 4 Anarchic
1 -2 Depraved 5 Egalitarian Villain's
3-4 Deviant 6 Conformist Alignment?
5-6 Diabolical 9-10 Mostly Darkside with tendencies to
7-8 Neutral (but still evil). Roll a d6 to wards Neutral. Select relevant atti
select attitude. tudes above.
1 Self-centered

"Chancellor! I want something done about this rash of guards gambling while on duty!"

"Sire, I shall put a stop to it immediately."

"No, you fool! From now on I want a percentage of all wagers!"

Duke Marquay and Chancellor Wear

d10 Scope of Operation 8-9 Villain is a world class problem,
755d: What Is the 1 -4 Villain is a "local" evildoer, and works whether the world knows it or not.
close to home. 10 If it is possible in your campaign for a
Villain's Scope of 5-7 Villain is a national threat. He hasn't villain to threaten more than just the
Operation? expanded his crime to other coun- world, then this is the villain to do it.
triesyet. Otherwise, see result 8-9, above.

d10 Nasty Habit 523 Exotic Personality Traits.

1 Villain tortures his victims for his own 6 Villain only pretends to be human.
755e: What Are pleasure. Select its real form on 749 Monsters.
the Villain's 2 Villain has a trait selected from 523 7 Villain sacrifices captured foes to ap-
Nasty Habits? Exotic Personality Traits with an ob pease some dark and horrible deity.
sessive trait strength. 8 Villain forces others to listen to his
3 Villain destroys all who cross him or rantings, ravings or tales of woe
who do not join him. often revealing his secrets and evil
4 Villain is noted for repeatedly com plans.
mitting a specific crime. Select it on 9 Villain is certifiably insane, and does
865 Crimes. anything he pleases.
5 Villain has 1d3 traits selected from 10 Roll two more times on this table.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

Before you stands an immense stone replica of the dwarven god of
war, complete with the giant, double-edged battle axe named "Death-
Bringer" and the powerful work hammer, "Reaper of Spoils." You know
a great deal about the dwarven god. What you don't know is how its
likeness came to be located in this chamber below the elven capital....
756 Deities
Use this section only if directed to do so.

Monotheism: "You shall have no other and the demented, and by those who seek to INFORMATION &

gods before me." (Exodus 20:3, R.S.V.). God wield power over others. Evil gods embody the
is the Lord and Creator of the universe. The concepts of power, disease, famine, cruelty, INSTRUCTIONS

good people of the land worship only one God. hatred, perversion, deceit, etc. They are often
All other "gods" are aspects of the great de characterized as the patron gods of evil mon
ceiver, Satan. ster races.
Polytheism: Many fantasy game systems Instructions: Roll a d20, add the character's
presume the existence of a polytheistic pan CuMod, and match the result against the table
theon of gods. Polytheism literally means "many below to determine the god. Use the deity in
gods." For each major aspect of daily life, there your own campaign that most closely matches
is a specialized deity. One god controls the the deity selected.
weather, another controls (or is) the sun, yet Role-play: The type of Culture will affect
another is lord over the waves. Each god has the nature of the gods. The gods of Primitive
priests, temples, and devoted followers (al and Nomad Cultures will often be deities whose
though it is often common for people in poly existence aids their mere survival. Barbarians
theism to worship more than one god). These may see their gods as heroic, waging constant,
are the "good" gods, the ones who are sup battle against the forces of evil. Civilized gods
posed to champion the causes of humanity. tend to embody philosophies, ideas and ideals,
Evil gods: Then there are the truly evil like Truth, Loyalty, Kindness, etc. Decadent
gods. Evil is opposed to good, and each good gods will embody passions, pleasures, and
deity will have a primary evil foe. Evil gods are cravings and may be nothing more than
worshipped by the selfish, the greedy, the cruel "cleaned-up" versions of evil deities.

d20+CuMod Deity 14 Sea (water) god: The master of the

1-4 Ancestor Worship: Ancestors made oceans and their denizens. He is the
it possible for people to exist. They patron of sailors and fishermen. To
756: Deities
are noble and holy. This may involve sea-folk, he is often the ruling deity.
summoning spirits. 15 Sun (fire) god: The sun dominates
5 Beast gods: Both wild and domesti men's lives. It warms the earth, gives
cated animals are ruled by divine light, and makes plants grow. Usually
members of their own kind. Worship male, often a ruling deity.
ping them gains their favor. 16 Moon goddess: The moon is gener
6 Hunting god: This wild, untamed ally typified as female and may be the
spirit taught the people how to hunt sister of the sun god. She is the
and survive. patroness of those who need her light.
7 Trickster: A clever imp, or a deceitful 17 Storm (air) god: This tempestuous
liar, but always playful and friendly. god brings thunder, lightning and
His games often bring wisdom and storms. He is a god of raw power, yet
special insight. he is also on the side of the people, a
8-9 Earth goddess (Earth mother): She is defender against evil and often a rul
often mother to other gods, some ing deity.
times the most ancient of ail deities in 18 Evil god. Reroll on this table, but
a pantheon. corrupt or reverse the god's function.
10-11 Agricultural goddess: This daughter A healing god becomes a god of
of the Earth goddess teaches the se disease, a luck goddess brings misfor
crets of agriculture. Each winter she tune, a beast god is a monster god,
dies, to be reborn in spring. etc.
12-13 Ruling deity: He is the master of the 19 War god: He is the patron of the
other gods, who gives his blessing to professional soldier, who requires
the leaders of the people and teaches strife to earn a living. Disliking peace,
them to be better rulers. this lusty, fiery-tempered god is often
known as a starter of wars. eign ventures.
20 Love goddess: To Primitives, No 25 Luck goddess: The patroness of those
mads and Barbarians, she is female who take risks, either physically or
fertility. In Civilized Cultures, she financially.
epitomizes romance, while in Deca 26 Night goddess: She is the sun god's
dent Cultures she is lust embodied. foe. They constantly battle for pos
21 Underworld god/goddess: This deity session of the skies. She is the patron
is the ruler of the land of the dead, the ess of those who "use the night."
caretaker of souls. Although not evil, 27 God of Thieves: This ally of the Night
he or she is the enemy of those who goddess is patron to those who live by
would steal souls and return them to taking from others, more civilized
life. version of the Trickster.
22 God of wisdom and knowledge: This 28-30 Decadent god: Reroll on this table,
deity represents the search for truth but modify the god's function to rep
through learning. resent the Decadent Culture's jaded
23 Healing god: He or she is the patron attitudes. A god of knowledge is a
of healers, physicians, and herbalists god of forbidden knowledge, a trade
and the arch-foe of the underworld god is the patron of slavery, a luck
deity, since the healer's arts may even goddess is strictly a gambler's deity,
bring the dead back to life. etc. A second result of 28-30 indi
24 Trade god: The patron of merchants, cates a disguised evil god (see #18
particularly those who must risk for above).

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

The warrior stands before you, baring his teeth and holding his
sword outwards, hilt up. A tap from behind alerts you that Denna has
advice. She leans close and whispers in your ear. "Whatever you do, do
not accept Harriet's challenge to a duel. Even if you win, every one of his
siblings will be obliged to hunt you down and exact revenge."
Denna pauses, and then as if anticipating your question she contin
ues, "Hamet is seventh of twenty children."
Use this section only if directed to do so.

Whenever a section requires you to deter again for a different result, but instead you may INFORMATION &
mine the identity of a random family member, wish to consider working the difficult result into
roll percentile dice and consult table 757: Ran your character history. Perhaps your character INSTRUCTIONS
dom Relative, below. If the result you get from was mistaken about the relative's death. Per
this table either could not happen (the relative haps the relative has come back from the dead.
indicated is deceased, perhaps) or would be Be creative.
extremely undesirable, you may, of course, roll

Roll Relative 55-58 Great Aunt or Great Uncle (a grand

01 -03 Distant Relative. Choose any relative parent's brother or sister)
more distant than the other relatives 59-66 Grand Parent 757: Random
listed on this table. 67-69 Great Grand Parent (a parent's grand Relative
04-11 Second Cousin (a parent's first cousin) parent)
12-21 First Cousin (aunt or uncle's child) 70-75 Child
22-36 Sibling (brother or sister) 76-85 Spouse (husband or wife)
37-44 Nephew or Niece 86-100 Parent
45-54 Aunt or Uncle

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

Special Miscellaneous

Start Generating This heading contains a hodgepodge of found beginning on page 154 under 862 Exotic
extremely important tables that, quite frankly, Features.
Your Character do not fit any where else. As with Miscellaneous Start with page 158 to consult 863 Serious
Background Events and Contacts & Acquaintances, none of Wounds and find out the nature of any dire
Here! the sections under this heading are mandatory injury to the character or another.
for every Heroes of Legend character history, Similar to many manifestations of magic,
but any given character generated will prob psychic powers, beginning on page 160 in
ably require the consultation of one or more. section 864 Psychic Powers, often set a charac
Many characters receive special gifts dur ter apart as special, blessed or fearsome all of
ing their lives. Such gifts are determined using his life.
858 Gifts & Legacies, beginning on page 149. Has a crime been committed? If so, see
To choose a random color, consult 859 865 Crimes on page 162.
Colors on page 151. Any warrior can fight, but how many can
Birthmarks can be fascinating, beautiful, do so while simultaneously juggling three apples
horrific or bizarre. See 860 Birthmarks on page in their left hands? See 866 Unusual Skills
152. starting with page 164.
861 Body Locations, on page 153, will Perhaps you should never judge by ap
help determine the location for a wound, scar, pearances, but since very few beings are totally
mark, etc. on the character's or another's body. invisible, you may need to consult 867 Appear
Curses, Blessings and other unusual things ance on page 166.
that profoundly affect a character's life can be

"Cook made coupla' mistakes, so tell ya' what. Get this in ya' quicker n' it gets back out n' ya
eat fer free."
Jen Daisy
The girl who accosted you in the common room of the inn looks
around your personal room briefly before taking out the note that she
claims comes from your uncle. She shows you the seal as you take the
note from her.
858 Gifts &
You break the seal, unfold the note, then begin to read.
"My dear nephew, if you are reading this note, then I have, regretta
bly, passed on. As a token of my trust and love for you, I send you my

most prized treasure. Take care of it. Honor my memory." The note
ends with another copy of your uncle's seal and a brief salutation. You
look questioningly at the girl.
"What? His 'treasure'?" the girl asks. "That's me. Should I call you

Use this section only if directed to do so.

A character will sometimes be given a gift are hard to get rid of. INFORMATION &
at birth or later in life. These gifts are sometimes These gift ideas are only catalysts, and the
given by a mysterious stranger or they may be GM must bear the weight of deciding why a gift INSTRUCTIONS
a gift or inheritance from a relative, a friend, a is important. Gifts should be designed in such
mentor or a benefactor. The exact nature of a way that they serve as a motivation for a great
these items should be determined by the Game quest, or at least as an interesting adventure.
Master. They may be magic items (even if not Instructions: Roll a d20 and match the
rolled as such), artifacts, heirlooms or pieces of result against the table below to determine the
mysterious junk. They can be shrouded in nature of the special gift or legacy.
legend or merely annoying pieces of trash that

d20 Gift or Legacy kind of jewelry.

1 A weapon. Make a d10 roll on the 1 Amulet.
subtable below to determine the kind 2 Necklace.
858: Gifts &
of weapon. 3 Earrings. Legacies
1 An ornate dagger. 4 Tiara.
2 An ornate sword. 5 Torc (one-piece neck ring).
3 A plain sword. 6 Arm band.
4 A mace. 7 Ring.
5 An ornate spear. 9 Pin or brooch.
6 A well-made short or long 10 Roll again on this subtable,
bow. but the jewelry is extremely
7 An ornate battle axe. valuable, more so than its
8 A crossbow. appearance reveals.
9 An exotic weapon (GM's 5 A tapestry.

choice). 6 An anachronistic device (something

10 An anachronistic weapon from another time or place, like a

(something from another flashlight, a sewing machine, a radio)

time or place, like a pistol, a 7 A key.

laser rifle, a flint hand-axe, 8 A locked or sealed book.

etc.) 9 A shield.
2 The guardianship of a young ward. 10 A sealed bottle (determine contents).

This is an NPC. Create this person as 11 A tarnished old helmet.

if he or she was a companion to the 12 A bound wooden staff.

character. See 753 Companions. 13 A riding animal (usually a horse).

3 An unusual pet. Roll type of pet on 14 A deed to a property. Make a d20 roll

752 Unusual Pets. This pet will sur on the subtable below to determine

vive at least until the character starts what the deed is to.

adventuring. 1 An apartment building or

4 A piece of jewelry. Make a d10 roll on series of low-quality urban

the subtable below to determine the dwellings
2 An ancient fortress 14 Priestly garb
3 A country manor 15 A toga
4 A tract of jungle 16 Gloves
5 An old restaurant or tavern 17-20 Roll 1d4 times on this table.
6 A mill The pieces are part of a re
7 Theater lated set, possibly an un
8 Ancient ruins usual costume.
9 An island 17 A pouch of papers. Make a d10 roll
JO An abandoned1 mine on the following subtable to deter
11 An ancient (haunted?) house mine what the pouch contains.
12 Swampland 1 An ancient ancestor's letter
13 A farm to his descendants.
14 A small keep 2 A map.
15 A mountain 3 An undelivered letter.
16 A mysterious forest 4 Diagrams and plans for a
17 An old temple/church mysterious invention.
18 An inn (or hotel) 5 A scroll of magic spells.
19-20 The deeded property is on 6 A wild story of adventure.
the other side of the world. 7 A last will & testament: the
Reroll. character is an heir!
15 A musical instrument. 8 A treasure map!
16 A piece o f clothing. R o l l a d 2 0 o n the 9 The character's true (and
subtable below. colorful) family history.
1 A hat 10 Roll for 1d3 items on this
2 Shoes subtable. Reroll results of
3 A belt 10.
4 A cape 18 A sealed trunk. There is a 60% chance
5 A tunic that it contains 1d3+1 additional items
6 Pants from this table,
7 A pair of stockings or hose 19 A chain mail hauberk.
8 A robe 20 Roll again. The resulting item defi
9 Boots nitely has both magic properties and
10 A wig some great significance to the charac
11 An unusual coat ter's destiny and the overall scheme
12 A military uniform of things.
13 A dress or gown

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

The strange rock formations hanging in rippling waves from the
cavern's arched ceiling display several broad bands of colors which, in
the yellowish orange light of your torch range from red-violet to gold to
859 Colors
Use this section only if directed to do so.

This table is used when an exotic color is saturated, but modify this as necessary. INFORMATION &
required for a physical attribute or object. Colors Instructions: Roll a d20 to determine the
are generally assumed to be rich, bright and color. INSTRUCTIONS

d20 Color 12 Red Violet (also Magenta, Hot Pink)

1 Red (also Crimson, Scarlet or Blood 13 Pink
Red) 14 White (Snow White, Off White, Ivory)
859: Colors
2 Red Orange (Sunset Orange) 15 Black (Ebony, True-Black)
3 Orange 16 Gray
4 Yellow Orange 17 Maroon (Reddish or Purplish Brown)
5 Yellow 18 Silver
6 Yellow-Green (Citrine) 19 Gold
7 Green 20 Reroll the color, rerolling results over
8 Blue-Green (also Aquamarine, Tur 19, then roll a d6 for Hi/Lo. If the

quoise) result is Hi, the color is mixed with

9 Blue white to produce a pastel tint. If the

10 Blue-Violet (also Royal Blue) result is Lo, the color is mixed with

11 Violet (also Purple, Lavender) black to produce a dark shade.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

"What are you looking at?" the captain of the guard growls, but you

860 can't take your eyes off of the spider web-shaped birthmark on his left
"What is it? Are you looking at my mark?" the captain demands. You

Birthmarks ignore him.

The mark resembles the warning symbol etched above the ancient
prophesy in the Book of Doom so closely, it cannot be a coincidence. You
must do something about this man and his mark, especially since he has
just drawn his sword....

Use this section only if directed to do so.

INFORMATION & If a character is determined to have an mark possessed by the character. Then roll a
unusual birthmark (or tattoo!), that birthmark d10. If the d10 result is a 10, then the birthmark
INSTRUCTIONS will generally be brown or red (on humans is a color other than normal. Select the color
nonhumans may be different), unless another with 859 Colors. In addition, the body location
color is indicated. of the birthmark must be determined with
Instructions: Roll a d20 on the table section 861 Body Locations.
below to determine the type of unusual birth

d20 Birthmark Shape 15 Animal (you pick one)

1 Dragon 16 Fish
860: Birthmark 2 Skull 17 Geometric pattern
Shapes 3 Bat 18 Alchemical symbol
4 Sword 19 A Word
5 Hand 20 Weird: Rolf again on this table to
6 Fist determine what the birthmark looks
7 Cross like. The birthmark then has a unique
8 Spider Web aspect, such as it emits a faint glow or
9 Spider looks like the real thing, not just a
10 Heart mark on the skin. Possibly it is a focal
11 Monster (you pick one) point for a psionic power or special
12 Claw talent that the character may also
13 Eagle (or hawk) possess.
14 Star

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

The spell caster finishes weaving his incantation, and suddenly the
room is filled with the voices of the conspirators in the room four floors
below you.
"All right, it's settled then," comes the deep baritone voice of Lord
861 Body
Keeg, "we'll kill the High King with a poisoned dagger. Where do we stab
"In the chest, the heart," says the silky smooth voice of the high
counselor. "It's symbolic."
"No, across the neck would mean more," offers the deep voice of a
different man who you cannot identify.
"How about the back. That's what's really happening." A moment of
silence follows this second stranger's voice.
"I meant 'where in the palace,'" says Lord Keeg.

Use this section only if directed to do so.

This table determines the body locations Instructions: Roll a d20 to determine INFORMATION &
of physical features, such as birthmarks, tattoos, body location.
wounds, afflictions, etc. on a humanoid body. INSTRUCTIONS

d20 Body Location 9-12 Chest

1 Right foot 13 Right Arm 861: Body
2 Left foot 14 Left Arm
3 Right Leg 15 Right Hand Locations
4 Left Leg 16 Left Hand
5-6 Abdomen 17 Neck
7 Buttocks 18 Head
8 Back 19-20 Face
"You dare to mock me! You dare to mock ME!" The old woman

862 Exotic
approaches you like a tiger stalking its prey, and she begins to wring her
hands and mutter, perhaps to herself, though the words ring out clearly
in your ears, "From this time forward, let the beasts of ethereal darkness

know your scent and drape about your neck the lingering death of their
continual presence. Let it be so."
A horrible chill descends on you....

Use this section only if directed to do so.

Many characters of legend suffered under characters simply have other-than-normal attri
the burden of terrible curses or struggled to butes that set them apart from their fellows.
overcome unusual physical afflictions. Others Instructions: The table which sent you
benefited from wondrous blessings or took here should have indicated which table to
advantage of unique physical mutations. Exotic consult: table 862a: Curses, table 862b: Bless
features such as these helped define these ings, or table 862d: Unique Physical Traits. Roll
characters, making them special, unique, and a d20 and consult the appropriate table.
adding to their legendary reputations. Role-play: Curses set characters apart
Characters generally suffer from curses from the rest of humanity in a rather unpleasant
unwillingly, sometimes acquiring the curses at manner. Obviously, the character or a relative
birth, perhaps as the result of someone growing has offended someone, and often the mere
angry with their parents. Later in life, curses knowledge that a character has been cursed
often repay characters for real or perceived may turn him into a pariah, a social outcast to be
wrongdoings. hated or feared by all, since the curser's wrath
Curses should not be easy to remove. A could fall on a friend of the cursed, too.
simple spell should NOT suffice, while a quest Blessings are special gifts for special peo
or a special, powerful hard-to-obtain spell might ple. However, like many gifts, there may be a
do the trick. price tag attached to the gifta quest or a curse
Though characters with horrible curses to balance the scale. Additionally, while cursed
generally get the most attention, there are those characters may be ostracized out of fear, blessed
who receive wondrous blessings. When given characters may be shunned due to jealousy.
at birth, these blessings may point towards the Whether an unusual physical trait provides
character's difficult future and aim to make the a character with benefits or liabilities, it will, in
character's way a bit easier. Later in life, bless all likelihood, be visible for all to see and will
ings often reward heroic or selfless acts. mark the character as obviously different. Even
Many other legendary heroes are noted a good, kind, loving character normal in all
for their unique physical traits. Sometimes other respects may be subject to whispers,
these traits are limitations which the characters strange looks, and curiosity seekers throughout
overcome to become heroic. Other times, life.

d20 Curse (generally a werewolfconsult your

1 Take on 1d4 Darkside personality specific game rules for details).
862a: Curses traits. Select them on table 522c: 7 One body location is scaly and mon
Darkside Personality Traits. strous (determine location on 861
2 Subtract 1d6 points from Charisma or Body Locations).
Appearance. 8 Can only join chaotic or evil cults and
3 Character will be responsible for the religionsall others will reject the char
untimely death of his lovers. When an acter.
event indicates a love affair, go to 643 9 Character has an Unusual Physical
Death Situations to determine the Trait. Select the affliction on table
cause of death. 862d: Unusual Physical Traits.
4 Frequently fumble (seriously klutzed 10 Character has recurring nightmares
combat or skill rolls). A 10% chance (5% chance each night). Loss of sleep
each time a skill is used. deducts 1d3 Ranks from the
5 The character becomes tongue-tied character's abilities on the following
and cannot speak in the presence of day due to fatigue. Once the night
a member of the opposite sex. mares begin, the chance of having a
6 Character becomes a lycanthrope nightmare the next night increases by
5% (up to a maximum chance of more, while berserk, the character

95%). has difficulty distinguishing between

11 Character acts like a Bad Luck Talis friend and foe and has a 30% chance

man. Will cause friends to fumble to attack anyone in reach. The char

(klutz up seriously in combat or dur acter will also not use a shield to parry

ing skill use checks). Roll a d6 to find any incoming attacks (parries with

the character's Bad Luck rating. Roll weapon only) and will not use any

a d10 each time a friend misses a skill Dodging skills to avoid blows.

use roll. If the result is less than or If the character is a lycanthrope or a

equal to the character's Bad Luck natural shape-shifter, he automatically

rating, the friend has a serious acci slips into beast form when berserk.

dent, such as wounding himself or a The chance of a berserker rage occur

friend in combat, snapping a lock pick ring is as follows: Roll a d10. The

off inside a lock, etc. result is the strength of the affliction.

12 Character is attacked by fits of mad Roll a d100 when combat begins. If

ness or a mental disorder. The occur the result is less than the affliction

rence chance is same as for night strength, the character goes berserk.

mares (see #10 above), but occurs at If the character fails to go berserk,

any time. Co to table 523b: Mental make subsequent checks during com

Afflictions to determine the nature of bat when any of the following occur:

the affliction. The character is wounded.

13 All the character's children will be A companion is wounded
born under unusual circumstances or killed.
(see 106 Unusual Births) and with an The character or a friend is
unusual physical trait (select on table insulted.
862d: Unusual Physical Traits). The character remains berserk for 1d6

14 1d4 Tragedies occur to the afflicted combat round after all foes (not

character in rapid succession. Select friends) are dispatched. After going

the events on 624 Tragedies. berserk, the character becomes de

15 Character is the unaffected carrier of spondent and severely depressed for

a virulent and deadly disease. 1d10 days, unable to participate in

16 Character is subject to fits of ber the pleasures or life or use skills at

serker rage. When afflicted, the more than 50% of his normal ability.

character's effective hit points are 17 Condemned to a nomadic life. Can

raised by half and he ignores all ef never stay in one city, place, country,
fects of damage until killed. Further etc. for more than a year and a day.
more, the character is immune to any 18 Haunted and attacked by a ghost or
spells that affected the mind or senses. evil spirit once every d100 days.
Finally, the character's attack skills are 19 Will always be blamed for the com
all raised by 1 Rank and 1d4 is added mission of heinous acts that occur in
to all damage done. the same locale as the character.
At the end of the berserker rage, ALL 20 Roll a d3. Roll the resulting number of
damage immediately takes effect, times again on the table and combine
possibly killing the character. Further the results in a logical manner.

d20 Blessing with members of the opposite sex.

1 . Take on 1d4 Lightside traits (select 6 The character has an innate ability to
traits on table 522a: Lightside Per sense the presence of lycanthropy in 862b: Blessings
sonality Traits). anyone within a 20-foot radius.
2 Add 1d6 points to character's Ap 7 One body location (or matched pair
pearance attribute. of locations as in the case of a pair of
3 Love affairs never end with death of hands) on the character is incredibly
lover (reroll any results on other tables beautiful, even legendary in its beauty
that indicate such an event). (determine location on 861 Body
4 Never fumbles (messes up in a dan Location).
gerous manner) a skill roll of any kind, 8 Character can only join good or
including combat rolls. Lightside religions (see 521 Alignments
5 The character easily establishes a rap & Attitude)all others will reject him.
port of trust, friendship, or even love 9 Character gains a unique talent, some
thing that he can quietly use to his or the result of a die roll for any skill,
others' benefits when the need arises. combat or saving roll is within this
Select this unique talent by rolling percentage of the amount needed,
1d6 on table 862c: Unique Talents. the roll is successful.
10 Character is born with a natural talent. 15 Character is unaffected by disease.
He has one of the following skills at 16 Character has a natural immunity to
Rank 5 proficiency. Roll a d6: the effects of magic. Roll a d8 and
1 A weapon skill (player's multiply the result by 5. The result is
choice) the percentage chance that the char
2 Singing acter will be immune to the effects of
3 Artistic ability any magical spell or effect cast at him.
4 Money management 17 As a natural ability, can cause undead
5 Magic use creatures, including ghosts and spir
6 Mechanical ability its, to turn away and flee. The char
11 . Character acts like a Good luck Talis acter has a 60% chance to cause 1d6
man. He improves all the skill rolls of undead to flee from his presence.
his companions by 1 rank and adds a 18 For each blessing, the character also
+1 bonus to their non-skill rolls when receives a curse to balance the scales.
he is within 20 feet of them. Reroll the blessing on this table and
12 Character has a psychic ability. De- then select the corresponding curse
termine the ability on 864 Psychic on table 862a: Curses. Reroll incom-
Powers. patible curses.
13 Character is partially immune to the 19 Character has a natural aptitude for
attacks of evil creatures. Reduce evil learning. Whenever the character
creatures' attack skills by 1d3 Ranks. learns a new skill, the character al-
If they hit, 70% of the time they will do ways learns it at one Rank higher than
only the minimum possible damage would normally be the case.
to the character. 20 Roll a d 3 . Roll that number o f times
14 Character is naturally lucky. Roll 1d3 again on this table and combine the
and multiply the result by 5 to obtain results together in some logical man-
the character's Luck percentage. If ner.

d6 Talent The GM's answers should always be

1 Blind Trust. Other beings want to vague and allow some room for inter
862c: Unique trust the character as if he was their pretation.
Talents best friend. 4 Direction Bump. If the character asks,
2 Sense Evil. The character can detect he will always know which direction is
the presence of evil in a thing, a north, up or down.
person or a place. Evil beings can 5 Sense Magic. Character can detect
attempt to shield their nature from the the current or recent presence of
character. magic in a person, place or thing.
3 Insight. The character, should he think 6 Encourage Others. This talent can
to do so, can question the wisdom or encourage others to perform 1d3
advisability of an action (i.e. ask the Ranks above their normal skill, but
GM). Treat this as a skill that begins at temporarily restricts the character's
Rank 1 but never rises above Rank 6. own skills to a maximum Rank of 2.

d20 Physical Trait for any given attribute (Check this

1 Hunchbacked. Subtract 1d3 from the with the GM before doing so).
862d: Unusual character's Dexterity attribute and 2 Character grows to be much larger
Physical Traits subtract 1d6 from Charisma or than normal for his species (20 to
Appearance. Take the sum of those 60% larger than average). Subtract 1
two penalties and add it to one or point from character's Dexterity at-
more other attributes of your choice tribute.
(total points may be split up between 3 Character does not grow to a normal
attributes). The additions may take size (20 to 60% shorter than average).
the character over its species normal Do not go below species minimum
by more than 15%. If the character has an extra arm or
4 Character has glowing eyes which leg, reduce his Appearance attribute
allow the character to see in the dark by 1d4 points. If the character has an
without a light source (but not like extra head, reduce his Appearance by
infrared vision). There is an addi 1d10 points. Also, for each extra
tional 60% chance that the glow will appendage, roll 1d4. On a roll of 1,
be other than white and will convey the extra appendage is undersized
an additional power with it. Select and nonfunctional. Double the
glow color 859 Colors. For the addi character's Appearance reduction for
tional power, roll a d4 on the subtable any nonfunctional appendage.
below. 10 Character has the ability to modify his
1 Psychic Ability effect (See Appearance attribute. When he ex
864 Psychic Abilities). erts a conscious mental effort, he may
2 A magical spell effect (GM's raise his Appearance by 1d10 points
discretion). above its normal score. Otherwise,
3 Shoot a 2d6 damage heat the score is 6 points less than normal.
ray. This is a skill that the character must
4 See through walls like X-ray practice, starting from Rank 1 and a
vision. raise of only 1d3.
5 Extra eye in the middle of the fore 11 Born with bird or bat wings. Roll Hi/
head. This extra eye has a 50% chance Lo: Hi=bat, Lo=bird. There is a 25%
to give the character infrared vision chance that the wings are functional
(ability to sense heat patterns in the and can be used to fly at a high rate of
dark). speed, perhaps as fast as a large bird
6 Character is an Albino, with pale, of prey or fast enough to catch a
almost white skin and hair, and pink running horse. Otherwise, the wings
eyes. Subtract 1d6 from the are nonfunctional. There is a 50%
character's Constitution attribute and chance that nonfunctional wings are
add 1d6 (but not less than the Con small enough to conceal underclothes
stitution attribute loss) to the or a cape.
character's Magic Ability attribute. 12 One hand is a scaly claw. Roll for Hi/
Furthermore, the character takes 1 Lo. Hi=left hand, Lo=right hand. At
point of damage per hour if exposed tacks with the claw do +2 damage.
to strong sunlight. 13 Skin is an exotic color. See 859
7 Body is covered in fur, same color as Colors. Temporarily (1d6 days) sub
head hair. This adds 1 point to Con tract 1d4 from the character's Ap
stitution attribute and gives the char pearance attribute when he meets a
acter an effective 1 point of armor new person (for that person only).
protection on his body. However, it Then return the attribute to normal.
also reduces his Appearance by 1d4 14 Add 1d6 to Strength attribute.
points. 15 Add 1d10 to character's Intelligence
8 Character has webbed fingers and attribute and subtract 1d6 from his
toes. This adds 1 Rank to the Appearance attribute.
character's swimming ability. 16 Character has a psychic power. See
9 Character has an extra appendage. 864 Psychic Powers.
Roll d10: 17 Exotic hair color. See 859 Colors.
1 Left arm 18 Character has scaly skin that adds 2
2 Right arm points of armor protection to the en
3 Left leg tire body but subtracts 1d4 points
4 Right leg from his Appearance attributes.
5 Finger on left hand 19 Character has retractable, viper-like
6 Finger on right hand fangs. If he makes a successful bite
7 Toe on left foot attack, his fangs will inject a systemic
8 Toe on right foot poison equal to the character's Con
9 Roll twice on this subtable, stitution attribute. As long as no one
rerolling results above 9. knows about the fangs, they do not
10 Roll again on this subtable. affect the character's Appearance at
If your second roll is also 10, tribute. For those who know, reduce
then the character has an the attribute by 1d8.
extra head. 20 Roll 1d2+1 more times on this table.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

It takes a few moments before you realize what happened when the

863 Serious wind-lizard streaked by you on its lightning-fast attack run. There had
been a tugging, a pulling, then a cold sensation and a numbness in
youryour left hand is gone. Only a bloody stump remains.

Wounds Staring at your wound, you see the blood spurting from the torn
flesh. A strange, dual impression of awakening and dizzily losing
consciousness hinders your attempt to think about what steps you must
take nextthe necessary steps to save your life. You vaguely consider
applying a tourniquet, but cannot remember how to fashion one. As
blackness seeps into your vision, you realize that the wind-lizard must
be readying itself for another charge, but you cannot even remember
where you carry your spear....

Use this section only if directed to do so.

INFORMATION & More than just a skinned knee, a broken more than one footnote follows, apply them all.
arm or a clean knife cutthese are injuries that Role-play: These injuries are physical re
INSTRUCTIONS leave lasting physical effects, visibly scar, re minders of something in the character's past
duce physical attributes, or permanently re a war wound, the by-product of torture, the
move a body part. These injuries are not fatal, end-result of a mugging, etc. Along with the
but they affect the character for the rest of his physical scars, there also may be mental and
days. emotional scars. Imagine how the character
Instructions: Roll a d20 and match the will react if once again confronted with the
result against the table below to select the person, creature or situation that caused the
injury that has occurred. Unique affects for the injury.
wound are included with the description. More Also imagine how others might react to the
common symptoms and effects are indicated character's injury. Is he outcast, pitied, or
by the footnotes following each table entry. If possibly now known as "Claw" or "Scar-face?"

d20 Serious Wound tal Affliction. Select the af

1 Impressive facial scar.1 fliction on table 523b: Men
862: Serious 2 Impressive body scars. Use 860 Body tal Afflictions.
Wounds Locations to locate the most impres 4 The character develops an
sive scar. exotic personality feature.
3 Eye put out. Roll Hi/Lo. Hi=left eye. Select the affliction with 523
Lo=right eye. Depth perception is Exotic Personality Traits.
gone, so reduce all combat and visual 5 Reduce Dexterity attribute
perception skills by one Rank.3 by 1d3 points.
4 Lose 1d4 teeth. 6 Increase one skill by 1d8
5 Ear is torn or cut off. Roll Hi/Lo. Ranks. All other skills drop
Hi=left ear. Lo=right ear. Roll a d10. by 1d6 Ranks.
If the result is 7-10, a permanent hear 7-8 Roll 1d3+1 more times on
ing loss occurs, in which case reduce this subtable. Do not reroll
all listening skills by two Ranks.3 duplicatesadd the effects
6 Disfigurement. The injury causes ter together.
rible scars and/or rearranges the 8 Injury causes constant pain. Reroll
character's face in a manner which is type.2,6,7
unpleasant to look upon. Reduce 9 Knee injury causes slowness and con

Appearance and Charisma attribute stant limp. After strenuous physical

by 1d10 each. exertion (running, fighting, climbing),

7 Head injury causes brain damage. knee causes pain.7,8

Roll a d8 on the subtable below to 10 A body part is permanently severed.

determine the effects of the injury: Roll a d6 on the table below to deter

1 Reduce Intelligence at mine which body part is affected.

tribute by 1d3 points. 1 Hand. Roll Hi/Lo. Hi=left.

2 All skills drop one Rank. Lo=right.2,4

3 Character develops a Men- 2 Arm. Roll Hi/Lo. Hi=left.
Lo=right.2,4 to speak at all.
3 Foot. Roll Hi/Lo. Hi=left. 18 Back Injury. Reduce Strength by 1d6
Lo=right.2,5 points.
4 Leg. Roll Hi/Lo. Hi=left. 19 Magical Replacement. Reroll on this
Lo=right.2,5 table, the damaged part is replaced
5 Thumb. Roll Hi/Lo. Hi=on by a magical device that mimics the
left hand. Lo=on right hand. function of the original and may have
It is impossible to grip a other mysterious properties.
weapon properly with the 20 Multiple injuries occurred. Roll 1d2+1
affected hand. times. Discard duplicate results with
6 1d3 fingers. Roll Hi/Lo for out rerolling them, but reroll results
each finger. Hi=on left hand. over 19.
Lo=on right hand. If more
than two are lost on one Footnotes
hand, it is impossible to grip Roll a d100. On a result of 1-50 add
a weapon properly with that 1 point to Charisma attribute. On a result of 51
hand. 00, subtract 1 point from Charisma attribute.
11 An injury heals badly, causing loss of Subtract 1 point from Dexterity at
attribute points.2,6 tribute.
12 Liver damage. Constitution halved Subtract 1 point from Appearance
for protecting against poison dam attribute.
age. Alcohol becomes a poison.9 Reduce all skills requiring manual
13 Lung damage causes racking cough dexterity by 1 Rank.
and pain after physical exertion (run Movement speed is half normal, un
ning, fighting, climbing).7,9 less an artificialpossibly magicallimb is at
14 Stomach injury. Causes recurrent tached. Roll a d100 to find percentage of speed
nausea, particularly in stress situations, regained with artificial limb.
usually lasts 1d20 minutes (Subtract Subtract 1 point from Strength at
1d10 Ranks of ability from skills dur tribute.
ing nausea).9 7
Without some form of relief from the
15 Kidney damage. Character needs pain, the character must make an Intelligence
three to four times the amount of Check (usually a d20 roll less than or equal to
water normally needed, otherwise Intelligence attribute) to perform any action
body poisons build up, causing mod requiring concentration (such as reading, spell
erate, continual damage.9 casting, etc.).
16 Genital injury. Character loses all sex Movement speed is 3/4 of normal
drive. speed.
17 Throat injury. Roll a d10 for degree of Subtract 1 point from Constitution
voice loss, 10 being the worst, unable attribute.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

You focus your attention on the short-haired woman and call upon

864 Psychic your innate psychic powers for a determination of her surface thoughts.
At first, you find yourself unable to make the connection. So much rides
on your success or failure in this venture that nervousness causes your

Powers concentration to falter, and the woman's thoughts slide by just out of
your reach. A second try, though, proves more rewarding. In one
moment you have nothing, then in the next you hear conscious thought
as if the woman spoke directly into your heart. You know her mind as
your own.
Without a doubt, the short-haired woman is bluffing. You can safely
see her bet and raise as much as you wish....

Use this section only if directed to do so.

INFORMATION & Psychic abilities allow the character to the character must expend Strength attribute
manipulate the world through sheer mind power. points equal to the amount listed in brackets for
INSTRUCTIONS Traditionally "common" psychic abilities are the ability. At the GM's discretion, attempting
represented here (the GM may have to rule difficult feats burns off more Strength than the
whether or not these abilities are allowed into listed amount. Often, improving the ability's
the campaign). Skill Rank reduces a power's Strength cost.
Instructions: Roll a d20 and match the Expended Strength should be regained at
result against the table below to select a mental the rate of 1/4 of the character's total points per
power (or powers). Record relevant informa 6 hours of complete rest (sleep or bed rest).
tion on the Character History Worksheet. Active characters cannot regain Strength points
Using Psychic Abilities: If the game sys lost through psychic endeavors. If psychic
tem being used has rules for psychic abilities, power usage reduces a character to 0 (zero)
use the power or powers that most closely Strength, the character will collapse into uncon
match those selected from the table below. sciousness for 2d8 hours.
Otherwise, use the following guidelines. Role-play: Even in a fantasy world, psychic
Each psychic power should have a skill powers are considered weird, even evil, par
rating. Unless another table states otherwise, ticularly to the general populace. How will the
psychic abilities begin with a Rank 1 skill, and character deal with his new powers? Will the
psychic powers can be improved like other character try to hide them or flaunt them openly
skills. and fearlessly?
To use a psychic ability in a simple manner,

d20 Psychic Power Clairvoyance I, except that character

1 Spell-like Power: [variable] Use a may select what is wished to be seen
864: Psychic magic spell as a mental power (GM's and receives clear sensory impres
Powers choice: Strength cost to be deter sions from wherever the point of vi
mined by relative power of spell). sual reference is placed. Upon attain
2 Psychometry: [11 minus Rank] The ing Rank 6, the character may use
ability to learn the past history of an Clairvoyance III at Rank 1 ability.
object or person by touching it. 5 Clairvoyance III (Astral Projection):
3 Clairvoyance I: [11 minus Rank] The [17 minus Rank] Similar to Clairvoy
ability to see or sense things occur ance II, but character is able to create
ring at a distance not normally pos an impression that he is physically in
sible with normal senses. Character that area (creating an astral image)
gets a fuzzy view of what is occur and is able to change the point of
ring sound may be jumbled. Charac view, as if he was walking around the
ter may attempt to focus the power, place being viewed.
but more often than not, visions are 6 Psychic Healing: This is a Healing
random (at the discretion of the GM). ability that uses Strength points to
Upon attaining Rank 6, the character heal damage at the rate of 2 Strength
may use Clairvoyance II at Rank 1 points for minor damage and perhaps
ability. several days worth of Strength points
4 Clairvoyance II: [13 minus Rank] Like for the most severe damage. Psychic
Healing will also cure a minor illness two places without actually crossing
at the cost of 1d6 Strength, or a life- the distance that separates them. Rank
threatening disease at the cost of 3d6 increases distance.
Strength points. The character may 12 Mind Block: [5 + Rank] Character is
use his Rank with this skill as if it were able to shield against intruding or
extra Strength points. Thus a Rank 3 offensively-used psychic abilities. Rank
Psychic Healer could Heal moderate 1 blocks ESP. Rank 2 blocks Hypno
damage at the cost of healing minor sis. Rank 3 Blocks projected thoughts.
damage. Rank 5 blocks mental probes. Rank 7
7 Hypnosis: [11 minus Rank] Places blocks Mind Blast. Rank 9 blocks
victim in a sleep-like trance in which Mind Control.
the victim may receive suggestions 13-14 ESP: [11 minus Rank] Sense the
(within reason) from the hypnotist. At surface thoughts of other minds.
Rank 6 skill the character gains Per Detect the presence of others.
suasion at Rank 1 skill. At Rank 10, 15 Telepathy: [13 minus Rank] Rank
character gains Mind Control at Rank 1=ESP. Rank 3=Project thoughts into
1 skill. other minds. Rank 5=Probe into
8 Persuasion: [15 minus Rank] Mass other's minds. At Rank 7 may use
Hypnosis that may be used against Mind Blast at Rank 1.
one target plus one additional target 16 Mind Blast: [11 minus Rank, plus 1d6]
for each Rank of Persuasion skill pos Using mental power only, character
sessed by the character. At Rank 6, can do physical damage to a foe.
the character gains Mind Control at Damage increases with Rank.
Rank 1 skill. 17 Body Control: [11 minus Rank, plus
9 Telekinesis: [11 minus Rank plus an number of points added to attribute]
additional 1 for each 20 lbs of object With this power, the character can
weight] Allows character to move temporarily increase any attribute by
inanimate objects by force of thought, 1d4 points.
even making them fly. 18 Mind Control: [13 minus Rank] This
10 Suspended Animation: [8 minus Rank is the ability to take over the mind of
plus 1 for each day suspended] Char another for a short while.
acter enters a sleep-like state and 19-20 Roll 1d3+1 more times on this table
exists without food, water, air, or heat for additional mental powers. If sub
for up to Rank+1d8 days. sequent rolls duplicate previous rolls,
11 Teleportation: [16 minus Rank] Al add 1d3 Ranks to skill with that power.
lows the character to move between

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

You stop at the entrance to the moneylender's store and wait

865 Crimes beneath the sign bearing two open sacks of coins that advertises his
business. Your colleagues go inside to conduct their own "business."
Peeking inside to see why your friends are taking so long to get the
protection money and depart, you see all three of them bound, gagged
and lying on the floor surrounded by guards. One of the guards notices
your interest and starts to approach you....

Use this section only if directed to do so.

When someone intentionally injures an the crime is Wealthy, reduce the length of the
other, takes or ruins their belongings, violates sentence by 1d4 years. If the character is
their rights, or does anything that the main Extremely Wealthy, reduce the sentence by
power in society considers as wrong, that per 2d4 years. If the character is a Noble, and the
son has committed a crime. Society then takes crime was not committed against another Noble,
upon itself the burden of punishing the criminal, punishment is changed to a fine equal to the
normally fitting the punishment to the crime. number of years of imprisonment times 1,000
This table includes crimes common to worlds gold coins.
with a fantasy adventure setting. Role-play: The accusation or commission
Instructions: Go to 745 Others to deter of a crime can change a character's life forever.
mine against whom the crime was committed. If known, it brands the character as a criminal,
Select the victim's Social Status on 103 Social and he becomes known by the crime rather
Status, then return here. Roll a d20 and match than by his profession or other deeds. If pros
the result against the table below to select the ecuted, a character faces years of imprison
crime committed. The normal punishment for ment or even physical injury. Even after punish
each crime appears in footnote references after ment occurs, family, friends or allies of the
it; apply them all. If a character is imprisoned victim may seek compensation or revenge.
for a crime, determine the details with 638 Still, if a crime remains unknown it can gnaw at
Imprisoned! the character's conscience forever.
Notes: If the character who committed

d20 Crime 9 Reroll the Crime on the main

1 Burglary (Breaking, entering and Steal table. Character is tortured
865: Crimes i n g ) * and either 2 or 14
to reveal accomplices.16
2 Racketeering (running organized 10 Reroll the Crime on the main
crime operations).8 table. Another person suf
3 Heresy (religious wrong-thinking, fers in place of the charac
speaking, or doing).9 ter. Select this person with
4 Murder.*,10 745 Others.
5 A fraud or a con (Tricking, lying to or 9 Treason against the state or its ruler
misleading someoneor several (including spying).10,16,17
someonesas a way of getting money, 10 Failure to pay debts or taxes.4
power, influence, property, business, 11 Character was a member of a losing
a valued possession, etc.).*,2 or6or 11 faction in a political struggle.4
6 Offending an influential person.*,7 12 Violation of curfew.13
7 Trespassing.*,1 13 Armed robbery. Roll a d4 on the
8 There are special situations regarding subtable below:
the crime or its punishment. Roll a 1 Banditry.*-5
d10 on the subtable below to select 2 Mugging.* ,3
the situation. 3 Holding up a moneylender.5
1-6 Innocent of any crime, the 4 Freeing slaves at weapon
character has been framed point. 4,3
for something he did not 14 Piracy.
do. Reroll the Crime on the 15 Harboring criminals.14
main table. 16 Larceny (picking pockets, stealingfrom
7-8 Reroll the Crime on the main a shop or bazaar stall).1 or 14 or 15
table. Character is branded 17 Animal-related crimes. Roll a d4 on
for this crime.17 the subtable below:
1 Poaching.13 burned at the stake. For player characters, this
2 Horse theft.3,13 becomes 2d10 years of imprisonment.
3 Livestock rustling.2 NPCs are put to death. Player charac
4 Killing livestock.14 ters receive life sentences (1d20+20 years for
18 Assault and battery.*,1 humans).
19 Smuggling or selling illegal goods.7,12 Character has his tongue cut out and
20 Character committed two crimes that can no longer speak.
were linked together in some way. Add 5 years to length of sentence.
Reroll twice on this table. Character is pilloried, placed on pub
Footnotes lic display in the stocks for a week. Subtract 1d4
* If the victim was a Noble add five from Charisma attribute. Additionally, there is
years to the sentence. If the victim was simply a 10% chance that the character receives a
of higher social status, add 1d6 years to the serious injury from hostile onlookers. If so,
sentence. select the injury with 863 Serious Wounds.
1 14
1d3 years imprisonment. Character is publicly flogged. Sub
1d4 years imprisonment. tract 1d4 from Charisma attribute.
3 15
1d6 years imprisonment. Character has a hand cut off (see 863
1d8 years imprisonment. Serious Wounds, entry #10).
5 16
2d4 years imprisonment. Character is tortured. Roll a d6. On
2d8 years imprisonment. a result of 6, the character receives a serious
1d10 years imprisonment. injury. Select the injury with 863 Serious
2d10 years imprisonment. Wounds.
9 17
Heretic is imprisoned until heresy is Character is branded. The brand indi
renounced or, if unrepentant, the heretic is cates the crime.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

"So," Princess Murin says, "you claim to be a painter. Very well then,

866 take a likeness of me. I will pay handsomely for your work, unless I don't
like it, in which case I will have you put to death for spying and high

Unusual Eventually the Princess gives in to your insistence and agrees to sit
for you on the wide, open-air balcony adjoining her chambers. She
follows you outside and agrees that the lighting is "much improved" in

Skills full sight of the sun.

You position the Princess carefully, sitting her beside a railing and
angling her head downwards to a bouquet of flowers you ask her to hold.
This way, of course, she won't be able to see your co-conspirators as they
swoop in on the flying carpet. In the meanwhile, your true ability as an
artist continues to turn aside suspicion....

Use this section only if directed to do so.

INFORMATION & Sometimes the skills one learns are not selected skill. If the d6 result is 6, the character
immediately applicable to the job of being a is Rank 4 with the skill.
INSTRUCTIONS legendary hero, but they do add dimension to The player and GM must decide and agree
a character. Who knows, maybe a warrior's upon the details regarding each skill. Be inven
skill at wine tasting may save his companions tive.
some day. Role-play: Use the unusual skill to add a bit
Instructions: Roll a d20 on the table of spice to the character's abilities. The charac
below to select the character's unusual skill. ter may never have to use his architectural
Then roll a d6 (for each skill, if additional skills design skills in a life or death setting, but then
are selected), if the d6 roll is less than six, the again, who knows?
character has a Rank 3 competency with the

d20 Unusual Skill 2 Singing.

1 Social dancingboth formal and in 3 Song writing.
866: Unusual formal. 4 Acting and singing (musical
Skills 2 Professional gambling. theater).
3 Picking pockets. 5 Making or repairing musical
4 Gourmet cooking. instruments.
5 Sexual seduction. 6 Playing an exotic musical
6 Skiing. instrument of own choice.
7 Skating, 7 Playing by earhearing a
8 Artistic ability. Roll a d 6 o n t h e s u b t a b l e song then playing it instantly.
below to select the nature of this 8 Several talents. Roll 1d2+1
talent: additional times on this
1 Painting. subtable. A duplicate roll
2 Drawing. indicates skill is used at the
3 Sculpting. next higher level of compe
4 Jewelry making. tency.
5 Architectural design. 10 Ability with textiles. Roll a d6 on the
6 Several talents. Roll 1d2+1 subtable below to select the nature of
additional times on this this talent:
subtable. A duplicate roll 1 Sewing.
indicates skill is used at the 2 Weaving.
next higher level of compe 3 Tapestry design.
tency. 4 Embroidery.
9 Musical ability. Roll a d8 on the 5 Knitting.
subtable below to select the nature of 6 Several talents. Roll1d2+1
this talent. additional times on this
1 Playing a common musical subtable. A duplicate roll
instrument of own choice. indicates skill is used at the
next higher level of compe 3 Animal trainingexotic ani
tency. mals.
11 Mountaineeringprofessional climb 4 Clowningacting like a
ing. clown.
12 Opposite hand weapon use with 5 Musical ability (select on
weapon of choice. subtable 9 above).
13 Mathematical skillmental number 6 Disguisingappearing as
manipulation skills. someone else.
14 Model makingmake realistic minia 7 Horsemanshipriding and
tures of things. tricks.
15 Inventingall sorts of useful and use 8 Several talents. Roll1d2+1
less contraptions. additional times on this
16 Theatrical ability. Roll a d10 on the subtable. A duplicate roll
subtable below to select the nature of indicates skill is used at the
this talent; next higher Rank of compe
1 Actingall the world's a tency.
stage. 18 Miscellaneous skills. Roll a d10 on the
2 Artistic dancing. subtable below to select the nature of
3 Orationdynamic public this talent:
speaking. 1 Astronomystar watching.
4 Story-telling. 2 Astrologyfortune telling.
5 Musical ability (select on 3 Calligraphyformal or fancy
subtable 9 above). penmanship.
6 Disguisingappearing as 4 Lassoing with a lariat.
someone else. 5 Wine Tasting.
7 Circus skills (select on 6 Sailing small craftincluding
subtable 17 below). pleasure boats.
8 Voice impersonation. 7 Bargaining with merchants,
9 Juggling. etc.
10 Several talents. Roll 1d2+1 8 Negotiation and diplomacy.
additional times on this 9 Prestidigitationmagic
subtable. A duplicate roll tricks.
indicates skill is used at the 10 Imitate monster noises.
next higher Rank of compe 19 Dabbler at many skills. Roll 2d3 more
tency. times on this table to select the types
17 Circus skills. Roll a d8 on the subtable of skills possessed by the character.
below to select the nature of this 20 Enthusiast at skill. Roll again on this
talent: table to select the skill. Character has
1 Aerial Acrobatics, including +1d2 additional Ranks of ability with
flying trapeze. this skill.
2 Tightrope walking.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

The man seated in the first chair beside the tavern's roaring hearth

867 matches the description given to you by the halfling peasant who
directed you into town. You have never seen another man so thin and
still alive. Additionally, he bears the tattoo of a rattler wound tightly

Appearance around his right arm with its mouth opening towards his bony fingers.
At your approach, the man turns and confronts you, dispelling all
doubt about his identity with a rasped, "Wasss iss it you wansss wiss
me?" This must be the man known as "Snake."

Use this section only if directed to do so.

INFORMATION & Instructions: Roll a d3. The result is the tions that he has developed, his physique, how
number of items to select on this table. For each he dresses, and how he speaks, are building
INSTRUCTIONS item, roll a d4 and a d10. The d4 represents the blocks that you can use to develop unique
"10's" digit, and the d10 is the " 1's" digit. A d4 characterization. While a character's outward
result of 2 and a d10 result of 0 would be 20. appearance can be symbolic of his inward
Modify descriptions as needed to be more nature, it can just as easily be a mask, hiding the
appropriate for a nonhuman race. true character within. Remember, appearances
Role-play: A character's personal affecta can be deceiving.

d4/d10 Appearance 23 Unusual speech. The character's way

10 Foppish clothing. The character of speaking sets him apart. Roll a d10
867: Appearance dresses in vainly inappropriate, dandi on the subtable below.
fied clothing. 1 Lisping voice. Replace "s"
11 Out-of-date clothing. The character's sounds with "th" sounds.
clothing is from an earlier time period. 2 Loud voice.
12 Military garb. Regardless of his past, 3 Commanding voice. Sen
he wears military-style uniforms. tences sound like orders.
13 Clothing reveals profession. What 4 Hissing voice. "S" sounds
ever the character does for a living is are dragged out.
readily apparent in his clothing. 5 Heavy accent.
14 Dresses simply. Wears plain, un 6 High-pitched voice (possi
adorned clothing. bly even squeaky).
15 Dresses well. Clothing is smartly tai 7 Deep, low, gravelly voice
lored and usually quite expensive. (also "husky").
16 Dresses poorly. Clothing is cheap, 8 Raspy, wheezy voice.
sometimes gaudy and usually inap 9 Soft, whispery voice.
propriate for the occasion. 10 Roll 1d2+1 more times on
17 Dresses severely. Wears strict, un this subtable.
adorned, no-nonsense clothing. 24 Tattooed. Has a prominent tattoo.
18 Flashy. Wears an excessive amount Use 860 Birthmarks to determine its
of jewelry and/or richly adorned cloth appearance.
ing. 25 Casual demeanor. Very relaxed.
19 Rebel. Dresses in a manner appropri Nothing can be so important that it
ate to someone culturally at odds makes him get upset or hurry.
with society. 26 Hyperintense. Obviously no one
20 Unkempt. Uncombed hair and a understands the importance of this
three-day beard (or unwashed for situation or they'd be upset too!
those who can't manage beard 27 Thin. Character is noticeably thinner
growth). than average.
21 Effeminate. The character exhibits 28 Cadaverously thin. Character is thin
attributes and mannerisms more of to the point of looking malnourished
ten associated with a woman than a or a victim of famine.
man. 29 Body odor. Character has a distinct
22 Macho. The character hides any per odor. Smell may not be bad, but it is
sonal weaknesses behind an "I-can readily apparent.
handle-anything," manly, tough-guy 30 Overweight Character is heavier than
demeanor. average.
31 Crossly overweight. Character is so 1 Hairless. No hair on head.
morbidly obese that normal motion is 2 Unusual hair style. Most
impaired. people do not and would
32 Unusually muscular. Character has not wear their hair this way.
large, well-defined muscles. 3 Close-cropped hair. Char
33 Unusually frail. Character looks like a acter wears hair much
slight wind would bowl him over. shorter than currently popu
34 Greasy-looking. Hair is oily, skin seems lar styles.
oily, mannerisms are oily. Looks like 4 Very long hair. Character
he might whip out either a knife or an wears hair longer than cur
extortion threat at any time. rently popular styles.
35 Impressive-looking. First impressions 43 Infirm. Character suffers from a dis
are important and this guy looks like ease that plagues him with recurring
he could be a hero or a superstar. and readily apparent symptoms such
36 Unimpressive-looking. At first glance, as a hacking cough, chills, dizziness,
this character seems hardly worth open sores, boils, crippled limbs, gan
noting; he is lost in the crowd. grene, or changes in skin color, etc.
37 Stoop-shouldered. Exhibiting bad 44 Visible injury. Character suffered a
posture, the character constantly serious wound at some point in the
hunches over. past. The wound's effects are still
38 Extremely tall. Character is much apparent. Select the injury with 862
taller than average, towering above Serious Wounds.
folk usually considered tall. 45 Attractive. Members of the opposite
39 Extremely short. This character is so sex find the character pleasant to look
short that he is considered to be a upon.
dwarf or a midget. 46 Unattractive. Character is unpleasant
40 Big (really BIG). Character is substan to look upon.
tially more massive than the average 47 Plain. Neither physically attractive
person, regardless of height. nor repelling.
41 Petite (really small). Character is 48 Strange-looking. Character has a
smaller, substantially less massive and weird, perhaps unreal appearance.
more delicate than the average per 49 Multiple features. Roll 1d2+1 addi
son (but would not be considered a tional times on this table. If two rolls
dwarf or a midget). contradict each other, use the first roll
42 Notable hair. Roll a d4 on the subtable and reroll the second.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

Game Masters Only

If you are not a This heading contains information that may heading. The first section, 968 GM's Specials,
hold extra surprises for players, and it would be begins on page 169. It contains information
Game Master, inappropriate for this knowledge to be read by referred to directly by other tables in this book.
skip to page 176 anyone but a legitimate Game Master. Sur The final section, 969 GM's Additional
or go back to prises and unexpected occurrences provide Specials, provides an area for you, the GM, to
much of the fun in role playing. If you are a record additional special information and sur
where you came player, do not ruin it for yourself. Do not read prises. To integrate these additional specials
from. anything further under the Game Masters Only into Heroes of Legend's other tables, simply
heading. footnote each table entry which you want to
There are only two sections under this refer to this final section.

"Beneath this stone, Welmon the Swift. A step too slow, now six too deep."

Headstone in the Traveller's Cemetery of Marinhone City-State

Ignoring the warning sign placed above the door to this room, you
proceed to pick the lock and step within. Immediately, a booming voice
rings out all around you with deafening power and palpable anger.
"Who dares to trespass upon these grounds? Who dares to lay eyes
968 GM's

upon these treasures? Who dares to go against the edict and ignore the
curse that hides these secrets away until the proper moment of their

Almost in the same moment, your torches all extinguish, and as the
voice fades away, you find yourself falling through a fathomless void....

ONLY GM's may use this section, and only if directed to do so.

This table is for use by CAME MASTER'S instruct you to come here. Read only the entry INFORMATION &

ONLY! Players stop reading this IMMEDI- for your table and then return directly to that
ATELY! table. Be honest, or you may spoil a later INSTRUCTIONS

Instructions: The numbers before the surprise for yourself.

entries below correspond to the tables that

Entry # GM's Special may or may not be a true living being.

104b All the character's siblings are un- Continue to roll his family history, but 968: GM's
known to the orphaned character. all rolls are fictional. You may even
His actual birth order, place of birth wish to go so far as to have the Specials
and time of birth are all unknown to character's entire background be noth
him. The GM should roll these se ing more than implanted memories.
cretly, then roll a d4 on the subtable The wizard who created the charac
below for further information. ter is automatically the character's
1 The character's parents are guardian.
not dead and still seek his 107 The NPC's money comes from some-
whereabouts. place other than a normal occupation
2 The character's starting or social position. Roll a d6 on the
money is the remnants of a subtable below to determine where
trust fund started by his par- the money comes from:
ents. 1 NPC has an adventurer's
3 Character will have 1d4 hoard of gold and treasure.
companions of a similar age 2 NPC is secretly a thief. In-
who are like family to him. come comes from stealing.
Select these companions 3 NPC's money comes from a
with 753 Companions. secret inheritance.
4 Roll twice more on this table, 4 NPC discovered a lost trea
rerolling duplicates. sure and loots it as needed.
104d The newly-discovered relation was 5 NPC receives money from
previously unknown to the charac investments.
ter, even possibly someone who 6 NPC counterfeits money,
should not, or could not exist now. even making fake gold.
Examples: The person encountered 419a Years later, a messenger should bring
is a long-lost cousin, the child of an a note to the character. Apparently
unknown uncle; or the person is the the person whom he helped was an
character's "real" mother; or the incredibly wealthy but eccentric noble
character's great grandfather who who has died and left a fortune to the
was supposed to be dead ages ago, character. Naturally, there are some
but has now mysteriously reap- relatives who will resist any attempt
peared; or as a child, the character by the character to recover this inher
meets his own grandson in some sort itance. The character may have to go
of time confusion. through quite an adventure to finally
105 Character was not born, but was claim what is rightfully his.
magically created by a powerful wiz 419b Roll a d10. On a result of 4 or less the
ard. At your discretion, the character property is haunted by a ghost. Roll a
d8 on the subtable below for more and set its sights on a terrible
details: reign of world domination.
1 The ghost is an unruly an 642a A dormant psychic ability has been
cestor of the character. awoken. Initially, the character's skill
2 The ghost is an evil, malig with this will be Rank 0, but it should
nant spirit. grow and develop with time and us
3 The ghost is playful, not de- age. Select the newfound ability with
structive. 864 Psychic Powers.
4 The ghost itself is benign, 642b The box contains an object that must
but it attempts to scare folks be selected from 858 Gifts & Lega
off the premises to save cies. Who the woman refers to as
them from a greater evil "them" and why the object is impor
within. tant is a mystery that you can develop
5 The ghost is a sham, a story into an adventure or even a cam-
created by locals to keep paign. "They" might be evil cultists
folks away while they look trying to retrieve an artifact, hired
for treasure here. . assassins sent to retrieve a valuable
6 The ghost is a murder victim heirloom, or inhuman monsters bent
who wants his or her mur on conquering the world. The woman
derer to be punished. could be a Noble, a prostitute, an
7 The "ghost" is actually other adventurer, or just a luckless shop girl,
types of undead, like wights, in the wrong place at the wrong time.
wraiths, spectres and zom- The object could be magical, cere
bies. monially valuable, historically impor
8 There is no ghost. The house tant, or just plain priceless.
is a gateway portal to other 747 The character is whisked off by beings
dimensions. from another planet or plane for study.
523a This character has a 50% chance to He is treated well, but gains an alien
have a powerful but latent magical perspective on life, almost as if he was
ability. This ability may come to the a nonhuman. Others will be able to
fore later in life or if the character is sense this in the character, even if the
exposed to another powerful magical character cannot.
being. 749a The creature encountered is not a
523b This character has a natural immunity monster, but the character's future
to magic. Anyone attempting to use self, usually as an adult. This should
magic against him must suffer a four not be readily apparent to the charac-
Rank level penalty, and the character ter. You may wish to replay the scene
receives a four Rank bonus for any during the character's adventuring
rolls he makes against magic. career, from the older point of view.
626 The unquiet spirit cannot rest until There should be some very important
one of the following conditions is met reason for the laws of time allowing
(roll 1d6): multiple versions of the same being in
1 It has drained the life force one time and place. Another possibil
of 1d100 people. ity is for the character to meet another
2 An ancient wrong is righted. incarnation of himself.
3 It is destroyed. 749b The encountered creature is success
4 Its undecayed body is prop- fully disguised or enchanted to ap
erly interred. The body it- pear human. Reroll the type of crea
self may be difficult to find. ture on 749. There is a 30% chance
5 Another soul agrees to take that the character will learn the
its place. This spirit stands creature's true nature.
guard against some unbe 753a The companion is really a god in the
lievable tragedy, and before guise of a mortal avatar. Select the
the spirit departs it must have god with 756 Deities. If the compan
another spirit to take up this ion's nature is ever discovered, the
guardian duty. god departs, leaving the character
6 It is destroyed. This spirit is with a parting gift. Select the gift from
an ancient horror entombed 858 Gifts & Legacies.
long ago by a prehistoric 753b The companion is secretly in love
shaman. The horror is only with the character. The companion
now beginning to reawaken will not reveal the affection to the
character, since the companion feels character. The rival will not reveal the
that the character will probably reject affection to the character, since the
him or her. rival feels that the character will prob
754 The rival is secretly in love with the ably reject him or her.

From here, return to the section that sent you here.

First one key, then another, then another flips into your palm from

969 GM's
the hidden pouch along the hem of your cloak. With the first key, you
unlock the outer door to the mystic keep, simultaneously melting the
deadly magics that guard against forced entry. The second key raises

the cantilevered inner door, moving its massive stone face skyward and
at the same time drawing the outer door closed once more.
You climb your way skyward along the keep's central stairway, and

as you do so, door after door gives way before you and your collection
of keys. Only the final door, the one leading to the mystic keep's topmost
level, needs no physical key. Instead, as you approach, the door comes
to life. It animates of its own accord and opens wooden eyes to scan your
face. At last satisfied with your identity, the door leans itself backwards
to grant you admittance.
Within, you find your treasures waiting untouched and undis
turbed. You cannot help feeling a little smug in your wealth and your
You voice your thoughts. "Such a fine collection!"

Use this section only if directed to do so.

This final section is for you to do with as histories without the players of the game know-
you please. If possible, fill it up with the secret ing.
details that you have added to your characters'

969: GM's



From here, return to the section that sent you here.

Appendix A: NPCs

Create Those Quite often, the GM or even a player will Instructions: These guidelines assume
need to create a supporting character for a that you know what type of character you wish
Special NPCs game. If you have rolled up one or more player to create. Rather than describe each detail of
characters with Heroes of Legend, then you an NPCs life, focus on the things that are
know that a good character can take quite a bit different or outstanding, the features of his life
of time. But not every character encountered or appearance that make him memorable. Each
during a game deserves an in-depth background of the categories below outlines major aspects
and history description. Those should be re of the NPC that could be different from other
served for player characters and major nonplayer NPCs.
characters (NPCs). Follow the steps below to create your
This section contains a set of suggestions NPC.
for quickly creating NPC backgrounds, focus First, select an archetype (a basic state
ing on "stock players" and "bit parts," the ment of who or what the character will be) from
almost stereotypical characters that one might the list of archetypes on pages 1 77-1 79, or,
expect to find in many fantasy role playing better yet, create your own archetype to fit your
games, regardless of their specific focus. particular needs or situation.
Remember, when creating quick charac Second, use table 107b: items of Note to
ters, shorter is better (not height, length of select some details about the NPC
description). Define only as much as is needed Third, review the suggestions below under
to give a good picture of the NPC. For example, NPC Special Features to jog your imagination
the full life story of the local hardware merchant with ideas for customizing the NPCs you create
may not be necessary, only that he has a glass with Heroes of Legend.
eye and tells stories of a ruined temple he saw Fourth, role-play your NPC to the max!
briefly while fighting in a border war. Make him memorable to the other players!

Country of Origin. Assume that 75% of all Remember, most people who perform an occu
NPCs encountered will be native to the setting pation fall into the low middle Rank values
NPC Special in which they are encountered. For the other (Rank 3-6). Use the guidelines found on page
Features 25%, choose a native land in your world that 9 regarding skill Rankings to select an appropri
corresponds to the NPCs Cultural and Racial ate skill Ranking.
background (as determined under sections 101 Culture. A typical NPC will be from the
and 102). culture in which he is encountered. Do you
Age. How old is the character? Be cre want the NPCs culture to be different? Use
ative. Not every ship captain is a wizened 102 Culture to guide you in your selections.
veteran nor is every serving wench young (or Social Status. A typical NPC could blend
beautiful). Use the suggestions on page 10 to into his surroundings. In a bad part of the city,
adjust the character's attributes for the effects he might be Destitute or Poor. In the profitable
of age. Consider giving older characters better merchant's quarters he might be at a Comfort
skill Rankingsabout one additional Rank of able or Well-to-Do level. Decide whether or
skill for each group of 10 years by which the not the character would be a part of his sur
character's age exceeds 20. roundings. Use 103 Social Status to guide your
Occupation. What does the NPC do to selections.
put food (or whatever) on the table? Use table Appearance. A typical NPC will have a
309a: Occupation on page 45 to guide you in face or clothing you could easily forget. Lose
selecting an occupation for an NPC who may sight of him for an instant and he could be lost
not already have one. in the crowd forever. A memorable NPC will
Professional Competence. How good is have an appearance that sets him apart from
the character at his primary occupation? De others. Use 867 Appearance to select unusual
cide whether or not your NPC exceeds his features for the NPC. To make him more
peers or is a poor example of his profession. unusual, select more appearance features.
Personality. An unexciting NPC will have to discover these.
a bland demeanor. His personality will do little Alignment. Most folk fall into one of the
to color his way of speaking or acting. A Neutral alignments. Choose an alignment if
memorable NPC will have at least one strong you think it might aid in role-playing the NPC.
personality feature that figures prominently in Use 521 Alignment & Attitude to help you
his words and deeds. Use table 521b: Random make your choice.
Personality Trait to randomly select a character's Naming Names. How is the character
most prominent personality trait, or choose called? It is possible that you may never need
one (or more!) from 522 Personality Traits. to know more about a character than his profes
Remember, the more traits you give to a char sion. You can call him the "bartender" or
acter (within reason of course), the more memo maybe he is just known as "the grizzled old
rable he will become. Try choosing a trait prospector," but many NPCs, particularly well-
strength as found on table 523g: Trait Strength known ones, will be known by their names. Be
to further adjust the character's personality. creative when giving NPCs names, but try to
Quirky Personality. In a typical NPC, even avoid giving them inappropriate or "joke" names.
one with a strong personality, these oddities of Background. Some NPCs are known by
behavior will stand out. An unusual character the things that they have done or experienced.
might have an equally unusual personality trait Use 107 Parents & NPCs to select additional
or two. If you want a character to be a bit quirky items from the NPCs past, particularly table
or be known as an "odd bird" or even a real 107b: Items of Note.
wacko, give him one or more traits from 523 Some NPCs will fall into general classes
Exotic Personality Traits. Again, try choosing a that have nothing to do with their archetypes.
trait strength as found on table 523g: Trait An old prospector or a frontier soldier can be a
Strength to further adjust the personality. good guy just as easily as he can a villain
Values. Everyone assigns some kind of (though the lawman may not be quite so open
value to things in their lives. What does the about his evil ways).
NPC consider to be important? Use 520 Values

Good Guys. These are NPCs that the Leaders. These characters lead or rule
player characters should be able to trust. They over others of their race, community, nation, General Types of
do not have to be saints or nobly heroic, but etc. They may be military leaders, Nobles,
they should stress their Lightside personality religious, political or business leaders. They NPCs
traits over Darkside or Neutral ones. may be villains, good guys or more likely just
Villains. These are the bad guys. They folks somewhere in the vast gray area in be
may appear to be allies at first, but their evil tween good and evil. To design a leader, you
nature eventually shows through. They never will need to know whom he leads and how
have the PCs' best interests (or anyone else's great his area of influence (for the latter, use
for that matter) at heart. They are typically table 755d on page 144 for some guidance).
followers of Darkside alignments, though char Decide whether his followers are especially
acters who follow some of the more selfish loyal or disloyal. For the most part, give the
Neutral alignments can easily be villains. De leader better attributes or skills than his follow
cide on the scope of their villainy. Are they ers, unless it would be reasonable for them to
small-time hoods or evil dark lords bent on be lower (as in the case with some hereditary
world domination? Also, use 755 Villains. leaders). Make leaders memorable. Decide
The more powerful a villain is, the greater whether or not the leader has some secret, a
will be his aspirations and evil goals (small-time "skeleton in his closet," that he may wish kept
hoods rarely dream of world conquest unless a secret. If the leader is a Noble, select his title
they have the power to obtain it). NPC villains (if you have not already done so) with 748
should generally have stronger Darkside traits Nobles.
than Lightside ones.

Archetypes are the classic characters one tavern or castle courtyard.

finds in many adventure stories. They are the Get more information on these NPCs, and
supporting cast in the PCs' quests for adven perhaps a couple of important notes, by con
NPC Archetypes
ture. While it would be impossible to list them sulting 107 Parents & NPCs.
all here, the types below are some suggestions Seedy Bartender. He serves drinks, doesn't
in case you need to quickly stock that seedy ask questions and rarely answers them in re-
turn. He has probably seen more of life than he about anyone or anything a zillion years ago.
cares to and may have some underworld events True or not, he sure has a lot to tell and is a good
(see section 631). source for information about the "old days."
Sheriff or Reeve. He is the law in his little Throw in a few notable adult events (see sec
corner of the world. More often than not he tion 419) and maybe a romance or two (see
enforces it equallyyet there are those few who 640 Ah, Love!) to flesh this one out a little.
work for the wrong side, or for themselves. Punk Noble. He has got a chip on his
Bounty Hunter. He doesn't earn his re shoulder the size of a medium dragon. He
ward until the one he seeks is physically ex broodily ventures into the seedy part of town in
changed for gold. He is clever, talented, tough search of an argument and fails to see how
and probably has little mercy for those he hunts. good his life really is. Get in his way and he'll:
He may have underworld experience (see sec A) cut you up, B) have you imprisoned, C)
tion 631), or perhaps he was originally a soldier malign your birth situation, D) all of the above.
(see 632 Military Events). See 748 Nobles.
Career Criminal. Crime is his life. He has Bookish Mage. He is always on the verge
never known anything else. He definitely has of discovering how to use some long-lost spell
experience from 631 Underworld Events in or searching fading records for clues to an
addition to any other character notes. artifact's location. If you can get his nose out of
Religious. He may be devoted whole his books, he can be a marvelous source of
heartedly to God, be filled with missionary zeal, information.
or be a disillusioned man searching for a truth Insane Mage. Magical power and the
he once believed in. Consult 639 Religious ability to alter reality has corrupted this indi
Experience. vidual to such an extent that he no longer sees
Explorer. His heart's desire is to make the meaning or permanence in anything. Get in his
big discovery, the one that will give him fame way and he just might turn you into an over
and/or fortune. Of course he usually needs a sized slug, then forget all about it only moments
bit of help. later.
Grizzled Old Prospector. He has either Seasoned Guide. He knows this country
made a rewarding "find" and needs protection like the back of his hand. He is tough, compe
or he has a "sure-thing" map to a fortune and tent and does not like the idea of anyone
wants to sell it to someone he trusts. He is a real moving in on his territory. He may be a former
character with at least Rank 9 skill at spitting the military scout (see 632 Military Events).
"juice" from a plug of cheap tobacco. Ship's Captain. His ship is his pride, the
Kid or Urchin. He is young, he is ener best ship on the seas.... or at least it would be if
getic, maybe even talented- Perhaps he hero- he had the money to get it out of dry dock.
worships one of the PCs, or maybe he has an Maybe the PCs are just the people he needs to
axe to grind against one of the PCs and issues get his ship seaworthy again, for one last ren
a challenge. Then again, he could be a victim of dezvous with destiny.
some villain, and needs the PCs' help to gain his Smuggler. He knows the ins and outs of
revenge. Try giving him a youth event or two the official and unofficial shipping lanes.
from section 208 and perhaps one or two Whether it's contraband or illegal refugees, he
events from 631 Underworld Events. knows how to get goods from point "A" to
Mercenary. This soldier-for-hire is rarely point "B" without running afoul of the lawor at
interested in much more than the bottom line. least so he says. This one certainly has under
The job and the reason for it doesn't matter, only world experience (see section 631).
the money is important This soldier definitely Drunkard. This pathetic character essen
has military experience (see section 632). tially lives in a corner of the tavern, always
Military Veteran. He has survived combat looking for a handout or a half-finished mug. He
situations that few others could. Some of his sleeps in an alley just outside and only gets a
parts may be missing, but he is just as good bath when it rains. With all the time that he has
without them ... most of the time. Roll a few spent nursing drinks by the fire, it is amazing
Military Events (see section 632). what be has managed to overhear.
Miner. He tirelessly works his mine, deep Weaselly Informer. Shifty and nervous, he
in the mountains away from normal society and knows the hottest news on the street... but can
such things as manners, cleanliness, etc. you trust him? He has information as well as
Impoverished Scholar. He pursues an underworld experience (see section 631).
cient knowledge and collects well-worn tomes. Vigilante. He is convinced that the town
Of course, there is very little money in what he guards or forces of the local sheriff have failed
does, and his ragged clothes prove it. in their efforts to bring about order and justice.
Old Coot (Codger, Cramps, Granny etc). So now he takes justice in his own hands. If you
This crotchety old person could have been just are not on his sideyou are part of the problem.
Adventurer or Mighty Hero. He may be land to buy goods in an area of surplus and sell
seeking followers, collecting mercenaries or them in a place of need, and one of his main
planning a daring exploration, but he certainly loves is gold. His favorite sport is haggling, and
has bold, rich plans to guide him. He may wind he may argue even on the rare occasions when
up as a rival for one or more PCs (see 754 an offered price is acceptable to him. Get more
Rivals). Get more details from 750 Adventur information from 314 Merchants.
ers. Townsperson or Farmer. This simple soul
Beggar. This poor soul waits in the shade cares most about simple, day-to-day living. He
near a busy road and calls out for alms from has little time for talk of adventure or wild tales
anyone who passes. He may have once had a of far-off lands, and, anyway, he actually finds
better life (consult 103 Social Status), and per the solid reality of his own mundane life far
haps a crippling injury forced him into his more interesting. Give a townsperson an ap
current situation (see 863 Serious Wounds). propriate occupation (see the craft tables in
Merchant. He enjoys travelling across the section 316 Crafts).
Character Name: Sex: Age:

(101) Race: National/Ethnic Heritage:

(102) Culture: Native: CuMod:
(103) Social Level: Starting Money: SolMod:
(748) Parent's Noble Title*: TiMod*:
Land*: Special Title*:
(104) LegitMod*: Family Head:
Siblings: Birth Order:
(105) Time of Birth: Place of Birth: BiMod:
(106) Unusual Birth Occurrences*:

(107) Head of Household's Occupation(s):

Other Parent's Occupation*:
Notes About Parents:

* If necessary.

Character Skill/Occupation Rank Personality Trait & Strength L N D

Trait Age Event

Most Important Values & Value Strengths

Person Thing: Abstraction:

Life Story

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