MG Zno Photodetector Grown by Chemical Spraying Pyrolysis Technique

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International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Research Technology (IJEART)

ISSN: 2454-9290, Volume-2, Issue-8, August 2016

than thermal detectors, and the response time of photon

MgxZnO1-x photodetector
detectorsgrown byto direct
is very short due chemical
interaction between the

spraying pyrolysis technique

Abdulazeez O. Mousa, Saleem H. Trier

incident photons and the electrons of the detector material.

Abstract In this research was prepared MgxZnO1-x/n-Si
This interaction is called photo effect. Photon detectors
photodetector by using chemical spraying pyrolysis (CSP)
include photoconductive (PC), photovoltaic (PV) and
technique, and different proportions volumetric ofMg-contents
photoemissive detectors. That certain materials have the
(0,30,50,70,and 90)%,at a temperature of (450)C, were power of changing their resistance at exposure to light.
constant thickness by fixing a number sprinkles and was Such materials are known as photoconductors. They
thickness of all films ranges between(805)nm, nitrogen gas represent the first type of semiconductor photon detector.
under pressure (4.5) bar was used. The crystal structure was The photoconductive detector consists of a single crystal of
examined using X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results showed semiconductor material of two Ohmic contacts, and a
that all the films of polycrystalline. As was studied the voltage applied between them. The semiconductor is
topography of the surface of the films by using field emission conducting, and therefore some current flows even without
scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), and energy dispersive light shining on the material (dark current). The incident
X-ray (EDS), where decreases grain size with adding Mg- photon energy creates free carriers in the crystal and
content. As well as that add MgO in the films lead to a changes the conductivity of the material. This type of
decrease in surface roughness. Also, (EDS) showed that the detector can be used for automatic light control in homes
films contain elements (Si, N, O, Zn, and Mg) as expected. As and office buildings to turn light on at dawn and off at dark.
were studied topography of the surface of the films by using Also, they are useful in optical signaling systems. Other
atomic force microscopy (AFM), and showed that the grain types of photoconductivity are possible which are not
size of the ZnO nanostructure depends on the ratio of Mg- associated with a change in the free-carrier concentration.
content of volumetric, where decreases the grain size with For example, when long-wavelength electromagnetic
increasing Mg-content. As well as the increase in the radiation, which does not cause inter band migration and
proportion of Mg-content in the films lead to a decrease in does not ionize impurity center, is absorbed by free carriers,
surface roughness. In this work we studied the spectral the energy of the carriers is increased. Such an increase
properties of the MgxZnO1-x/n-Si photodetector, and found leads to a change in carrier mobility and, consequently, to
that the values of the spectral response, quantum efficiency, an increase in electrical conductivity. Such secondary
and specific detectivity increases and shift toward the photoconductivity decreases at high frequencies and is not
wavelengths higher. While the equivalent power of the noise
frequency dependent at low frequencies. The change in
mobility upon exposure to radiation may be caused not only
increases randomly, with increase Mg-content.
by an increase in carrier energy but also by the effect of the
Keywords Photodetector, MgxZnO1-x, responsivity, quantum radiation on electron scattering in the crystal lattice [1]. The
efficiency, specific detectivity aims of this paper is to determine the spectral response,
quantum efficiency, and the noise equivalent power through
the uses of optimal conditions for the prepared MgxZnO1-
I. INTRODUCTION x/n-Si samples to manufacture photodetectors by chemical

Photon detectors are solid- state devices that operate under spray pyrolysis (CSP) technique.
the influence of photon effects. The photon detectors II. THE THEORETICAL PART
essentially measure the rate at which quanta are absorbed,
thus they respond only to those photon of short There are many parameters affecting the performance
wavelength; therefore, their response at any wavelength is of the detectors. These parameters are:
proportional to the rate at which photons of wavelength 1. Responsivity (R)
are absorbed. In photon detectors, the radiation is absorbed
directly by the electronic system to cause changes in the (R) is defined as the ratio between the output electrical
electrical properties [1]. Photon detectors have small sizes, signals (voltage or current) to the incident radiation power
minimum noise, low biasing voltage, high sensitivity, high or is defined as the (RMS) signal voltage to the (RMS)
reliability, and fast response time [2]. Therefore, they are value of the incident radiation power. The responsivity for
very useful in optical-fiber communications systems. monochromatic light of wavelength incident normally is
Basically, if a photon of sufficient energy excites an given by [1].
electron from a non-conducting state into a conducting

state, the photoexcited electron will generate current or = or = (1)

voltage in the detector. Most photon detectors have a
detectivity that is one or two orders of magnitude greater Where photocurrent flowing between the electrodes.

MgxZnO1-x photodetector grown by chemical spraying pyrolysis technique

2. Quantum efficiency (QE) The MgxZnO1-x/n-Si phototedector were prepared by

chemical spray pyrolysis (CSP) technique under ambient
The (QE) is defined as the efficiency with which an
atmosphere, when the different Mg-contents
incident photon results in the excitation of an electron. It is
(0,30,50,70,and 90)%, temperature (450) oC, and under
a normalized value and is equal to the number of electrons
pressure nitrogen (4.5)bar. X-ray diffraction (XRD) is one
excited divided by the number of photons incident on the
of the most powerful techniques for qualitative and
detectors active area. Therefore, the (QE) of radiation
quantitative analysis of crystalline composites. This
detector is [3]:
technique has long been used to determine the general
h Iph
structure of solids such as thin films, including crystalline,
QE = (2) size lattice constants, interplanar spacing, orientation of
q Pin
crystals (single or polycrystalline),defects, etc. The X-ray
1240 R scans are performed between 2 values of (20-60). The
QE = (3)
(nm) FESEM study carried out by (S-4300 of Hitachi, S-4700
The QE for an ideal detector is unity. FESEM in Islamic republic of Iran/ university of Tehran/
Razi foundation) scanning electron microscope equipped
3. The noise in detectors
with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The
The noise is referred to the signal generated in the operation principle of an AFM- type (Nanoscope III and
detector at the absence of the radiation. The relation dimension 3100) the consists of a cantilever and a sharp tip
between dark current and noise current is [4]. at its end. The distance between the sample surface and the
tip is short enough, to allow the van der Waals forces
In = ( 2q Id f )1/2 (4) between them to cause deflection of the cantilever.
Typically, the deflection is measured using a laser spot
Where (f) is bandwidth reflected from the back surface of the cantilever into an
4. Detectivity (D) and specific detectivity (D*) array of photodiodes. Photocurrent is one of the most
important parameter in the spectral responsivety (R ),
The (D) is defined as the signal-to-noise ratio per unit quantum efficiency (Q.E), specific detectivity(D*), and
incident radiation power and it is defined as [2]. noise equivalent power(NEP).Spectral resopnsivity of
MgxZnO1-x /n-Si photodetector was measured using the
D = 1/NEP = R / In (5) system which is consisted of monochrometer in the range
Specific detectivity(D*) (normalized detectivity) it is (400-1000) nm, electrometer and powermeter for
the detector signal-to-noise ratio when one Watt of optical measuring the radiation power for each wavelength and d.c
power is incident on the detector with optical area one cm2 power supply to supply bias voltage on each side of the
and the noise is measured with a band width of one Hz. It is detector this was measured in the university of Baghdad/
used because it is normally dependent of the size of the college of science department of physics. From the
detector and the bandwidth of the measurement circuit (R),(Q.E),(D*),(NEP),and detectivity(D),were obtained
while (D) depends on both. The peak value of (D*) at using equations (1,3,7, and 8) respectively.
specific wavelength can be written as [2,4].
D* = D ( A f ) (6) Structural characteristics depended on knowledge of
Or materials and their characteristics, in order to understand
D* = R ( A f )1/2 / In (7) how to use the different materials which include:

The value depends on the wavelength of the signal 1. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of MgxZnO1-x/n-Si
radiation and the frequency at which it modulated . thin films

5. Noise equivalent power ( NEP) Figs.(1a,1b,1c,1d,and 1e) shows the XRD spectrum of
ZnO thin films grown on silicon substrate with different
(NEP) is defined as the root mean square (RMS) Mg-contents(0,30,50,70,and 90)%,and substrate
incident radiant power falling on the detector that is temperature (450) oC. There are three prominent diffraction
required to produce an (RMS) signal voltage or current peaks viz. (100), (002), and (101) which corresponding to
equal to the (RMS) noise voltage or current at the detector different angle(31.65, 34,5, and 36.31), respectively
output [2]. It is expressed as: belong to the hexagonal wurtzite structure of ZnO as shown
in Fig.1a. It can be concluded that the thin films deposited
NEP = In / R (8) in these experimental conditions show strong c-axis (002)
The detection capability of the detector improves as the orientation growth. When mixing Mg-content ratios
(NEP) decreases. referred to previously, and when certain conditions arise,
there are three phases, the first phase remains structure of
the hexagonal wurtzite, but down the intensity of the
III. THE EXPERIMANTAL PART diffraction peaks as in the Fig.1b, the second phase turns
into a mixture of MgO is incorporated with ZnO as in the

International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Research Technology (IJEART)
ISSN: 2454-9290, Volume-2, Issue-8, August 2016

Fig.1c, the third phase turns into the cubic rock salt and NK lines). Lines did not show ZnK, ZnK in the
structure for the appearance of MgO diffraction peaks are (EDS) spectra. The adhesion between the MgZnO species
clear as shown in the Figs.(1d, and 1e). In the first case,( i.e. and the Si substrate was strong , resulting in higher growth
when the Mg-content ratio (30)%) do not show any peaks speed in the vertical direction, was the reason why the grain
additional, while in the second case, (i.e. when the Mg- size of MgZnO nanoparticles was lower than those on the
content (50)% we note the appearance of two peaks two Si [9]. Which led to increase the intensity of spectral lines
additional with directions(111), and (200) corresponding to by adding Mg-content.
the angles of diffraction (36.87oand 42.85o), respectively.
While in the third case,( i.e. when the Mg-contents 70 and Table1: Compound percentages of the
90)% we note to increase the intensity of new peaks and the MgxZnO1-x/n-Si heterojunction.
weakness of ZnO peaks and then vanish, these results are
consistent with research [5]. It remains to refer to the MgO contents
Compound percentage ( % )
diffraction peaks with increase ofMg-content shifted toward Si N O Zn Mg
larger angles.
ZnO (pure) 73.16 4.64 12.26 9.94 0 100
2. Field emission scanning electron microscopy Mg0.3ZnO0.7 72.29 6.82 10.55 6.64 3.70 100
(FESEM) for MgxZnO1-x/n-Si heterojunction
Mg0.5ZnO0.5 74.09 3.92 11.60 3.55 6.84 100
The composite MgxZnO1-x/n-Si films were measured
Mg0.7ZnO0.3 73.67 4.57 11.66 1.40 8.70 100
nanostructure in the Islamic republic of Iran/ university of
Tehran/ Razi foundation. Surface morphologies of Mg0.9ZnO0.1 73.18 4.69 12.16 0.52 9.45 100
(FESEM) images and their corresponding (EDS) spectra at
different Mg-contents(0,30,50,70 and 90)%, and
temperature of (450) C are shown in the Figs.(2A,2B, 4. AFM for MgxZnO1-x/n-Si heterojunction
2C,2D, and 2E) respectively, were all fixed thickness of the Fig.3 shows the surface topography of the thin films. It
films(80)nm. In addition, the measurement of concentration shows 3-D and granularity accumulation distribution of
ratio of (30)%, at temperature (450)C (best ratio of AFM images for the MgxZnO1-x/n-Si thin films at different
concentration). The morphology of the surface of pure ZnO Mg-content (x), at substrate temperature (450)oC, and
is a nanostructure cannot determine its kind, as irregular in nitrogen pressure (4.5) bar, with scanning area (20002000)
shape, as shown in Fig.2A. From the (FESEM) images the nm2. From figures shown can that describe the general
grain size values are found to be in the range of (30-63)nm. appearance of the MgxZnO1-x films prepared, as are
When you add certain compensatory ratios of Mg-content deposited vertical to the surface of the substrate silicon is
into ZnO reduced surface roughness gradually as shown in made up of nanorods (NRs), and when increasing the Mg-
Figs.(2B, 2C,2D, and 2E). Decrease the grain size in the content in the lattice ZnO line up the rails and turns into the
range of (26-54, 21-43,26- 58,15-24)nm corresponding to nanowalls (NWs) as shown in the pictures. It can identify
the concentrations of Mg-contents (30,50,70,and 90)%, the parameters that can be found through AFM technique
respectively. These results are comparable with other are the average diameter, the total number of granules,
results [5,6]. Grains with large sizes of (100) nm and above surface thickness, roughness average, the root mean square
represent drops of material deposited in the film, which is (RMS) of the average of roughness, and the average of
considered as a latent defect in the film and this seems height. We note average increase diameter with increasing
obvious when the ratio (90)% of Mg-content. Mg-content, which leads to a decrease grain size, and this is
due to the Mg ion radius smaller than the radius of the Zn
3. Elemental analysis for MgxZnO1-x/n-Si ion, these results are listed in Table2. These results are
heterojunction comparable with other results [10] . The roughness average
decreases randomly when the Mg-content ratio (90)% to
The energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDS) spectra of increase substantially, and is attributed to the dominance of
the MgxZnO1-x/n-Si thin films at (450) oC by (CSP) the Mg-content in the lattice of Zn and a phase transition to
technique with different Mg-contents (x)% are given in the cube structure and this is reflected on the (RMS), where
Figs.(2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, and 2e). Among the above ratios, the it depends on the roughness average and to behaves the
ratio (30)% is the best. Which show that all the films same behavior. While the height average is the other
contain the elements (Si, N, O, Zn, and Mg) as expected, exhibits the same behavior (RMS). The best Mg-content
indicating formation of the MgxZnO1-x films. Fig.2a shows ratio is (30)%.
the (EDS) spectra of the ZnO/n-Si film and it reveals that
the compound percentage for the (Si, N, O, and Zn) are
(73.16, 4.64 ,12.26, and 9.94) respectively. Fig.2b depicts
the (EDS) spectra of the Mg0.3ZnO0.7 film with compound
percentage for the (Si, N, O, Zn, and Mg) are
(72.29,6.82,10.55,6.64,and 3.70) respectively these results
are comparable with other results [7,8]. The remaining
percentages listed in Table1. The (EDS) spectrum for all
films are clearly observable (SiK ,ZnL, MgK, OK

MgxZnO1-x photodetector grown by chemical spraying pyrolysis technique

Table2:The average diameter, total grain No., surface thickness, Mg-content, due to the improvement in the structural and
roughness average, root mean square, and average height for electrical properties of this hetrojunction. Increasing Mg-
MgxZnO1-x/n-Si thin films at different Mg-content (0,30,50,70, and
90)%, and at temperature (450) oC. content to reduce structural defects and thus reducing the
recombination and reduce the noise generated in the current
Silicon Substrate temperature (450) C, thickness =(80) nm detector center and as a result increase significantly the
substrate (D*).The noise equivalent power (NEP) values were
Average Total Surface Roughness RMS Average calculated using equation (8) as shown in Fig.4d for
Sample diameter grain Thickness (nm) (nm) height
MgxZnO1-x/n-Si heterojunction at different Mg-content of
(nm) No. (nm) (nm)
ZnO (pure) 69.57 287 3.87 0.742 0.850 0.679
(x)%. We can observe that the minimum (NEP) occurs
Mg0.3ZnO0.7 98.31 175 1.41 0.228 0.264 0.220 when (R) has the maximum value as shown in Fig.4a.
Mg0.5ZnO0.5 93.99 122 3.83 0.617 0.719 0.617 From this figure we can notice that (NEP) decreases with
Mg0.7ZnO0.3 100.83 119 1.60 0.319 0.367 0.299 increasing of Mg-content.
Mg0.9ZnO0.1 101.10 114 6.00 1.150 1.320 1.088
V. FIGURES OF MERIT FOR MgxZnO1-x /n-Si Briefly,MgxZnO1-x heterojunction have been prepared
PHOTOCONDUCTIVE DETECTORS on n-Si substrate by chemical spraying pyrolysis (CSP)
technique, and an metal semiconductor metal (MSM)
The responsivity (R) of Al/MgxZnO1-x/n-Si/Al
structured photodetector was fabricated based on the film.
heterojunction detectors with different Mg-contents (x)%,
There are two regions of the peaks response, the first region
and at the temperature (450)oC to the proportion for Mg-
is located at visible spectrum, and the second located at near
content (30)% calculated by using equation(1). The (R) of
infrared spectrum (NIR).The responsivity, quantum
Al/MgxZnO1-x/n-Si/Al photodetectors increases with
efficiency and specific detectivity decreases in visible
increasing Mg-content measured for white light and bias
region and increase in (NIR)with increasing of Mg-
voltage equal to (3Volt) for ratio (30)% of Mg-content only.
content.(NIR) of the increase in high concentrations of Mg-
Fig.4a shows (R) change as a function of wavelength for content. We believe that much improvement in the
Al/MgxZnO1-x/n-Si/Al films. It is clear from figure that performance of the photodetector can be attained by
there are two regions of the peaks response, the first region suppressing the phase separation of MgxZnO1-x. The results
is located at visible spectrum (450)nm, and the second obtained in this paper confirm that MgxZnO1-x can be a
located at near infrared spectrum (NIR)(900) nm. The result strong candidate for photodetector applications.
of (R) means that the portion of light with higher energy,
such as (450) nm, is absorbed by MgZnO layer (region one) 60
50 a

and the portion of light with lower energy, such as (900) nm ZnO/ n - Si (450) oC

(region two), can completely incident into n-Si substrate 20
and is absorbed. These results are due to the absorption 0
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
edges MgZnO and n-Si. At short wavelength incident 2 (deg.)
photon energy which is larger than the energy gap indicates 40 b

Mg0.3ZnO0.7 / n - Si (450) oC

a large increase in the (R) and this increase relates to the 30


high absorption coefficient. The (R) of the ratio of Mg- 10
contents (50,70, and 90)% are more decrease, is due to 0
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
increment of the barrier height and decrement of the 2 (deg.)
absorption coefficient. Quantum efficiency(QE) is a very 30 c


Mg0.5ZnO0.5 / n - Si (450) oC
important criterion in the photovoltaic devices which is is MgO

known as optoelectronic effect, it represents the ratio 10
between the numbers of generating electrons in the 0
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
hetrojunction to the number of incident photons on the 2 (deg.)
effective area of the hetrojunction.(QE) is related to the 30 Mg0.7ZnO0.3 / n - Si (450) oC d
is MgO


change of the spectral responsivity were calculated using 20


equation(3). (QE) was determined as a function of 10

wavelength for MgxZnO1-x/n-Si photoconductive detectors, 0
as shown in Fig.4b for different Mg-content. It is observed 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
2 (deg.)
that Mg0.3ZnO0.7/n-Si photodetector with(30)% from Mg- 30
Mg0.9ZnO0.1 / n - Si (450) oC e

content has higher quantum efficiency comparing to the is MgO


photodetectors for the remaining percentages of the Mg- 10
content due to the lowest barrier height and highest 0
photocurrent. Fig.4c show the variation of specific 20 25 30 35 40
2 (deg.)
45 50 55 60

detectivity (D*) as a function of wavelength for Mg xZnO1-

x/n-Si hetrojunction at different Mg-content of (x)% ,and Fig.1: XRD patterns for MgxZnO1-x/n -Si heterojunction with different
temperature (450)oC were calculated using equation (7). We Mg-content (0,30,50,70,and 90)% and at (450) oC.
can notice that the (D*) value increases with increasing

International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Research Technology (IJEART)
ISSN: 2454-9290, Volume-2, Issue-8, August 2016

A a a
ZnO/ n-Si (450)C
MgZnO/ n-Si (0.3) (450)C
MgZnO/ n-Si(0.5) (450)C

(Responsivity) %
MgZnO/ n-Si (0.9) (450)C

B b

400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
C 80
c ZnO/ n-Si (450)C b
MgZnO/ n-Si (0.3) (450)C

(quantum efficiency)%
60 MgZnO/ n-Si(0.5) (450)C
MgZnO/ n-Si (0.9) (450)C

D d


400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
e c
ZnO/ n-Si (450)C
4.00E+12 MgZnO/ n-Si (0.3) (450)C
MgZnO/ n-Si(0.5) (450)C

specific detectivity
MgZnO/ n-Si(0.9) (450)C

Fig.2:FESEM and EDS for MgxZnO1-x /n-Si heterojunction for
Mg-content (x)% prepared at substrate temperature(450) oC.

ZnO/n-Si (450)oC 0.00E+00

400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
2.4E-11 ZnO/ n-Si (450)C
MgZnO/ n-Si (0.3) (450)C
NEP (Watt)

MgZnO/ n-Si(0.5) (450)C

Mg0.3ZnO0.7/n-Si (450)oC 1.6E-11 MgZnO/ n-Si(0.9) (450)C


400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Mg0.5ZnO05 /n-Si (450)oC
Wavelength (nm)

Fig. 4: The variation of responsivity, quantum efficiency,

Mg0.7ZnO0.3 / n-Si (450)oC specific detectivity, and noise equivalent power as a
function of wavelength for MgxZnO1-x/n-Si
heterojunction at different Mg-content.

Mg0.9ZnO0.1 /n- Si (450)oC First Author: Abdulazeez O. Mousa

Department of Physics, College of Science, University of Babylon, P.O.

Box 4, Babylon, Iraq
E-mail address:*

Second Author: Saleem H. Trier

Fig.3: 3-D AFM image and granularity accumulation for MgxZnO1-x /n-
Department of Environment, College of Science, University of
Si heterojunction with different Mg-content (0, 30, 50, 70, and Al- Qadisiyah, Diwaniya, Iraq
90)% and at temperature (450) oC. E-mail address:*

MgxZnO1-x photodetector grown by chemical spraying pyrolysis technique

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