June 2017

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classif ieds Portable Toilet Rental & Waste Disposal Busi-
ness available for acquisition. In business
Septic business for sale, New York water-
shed. Includes trucks and equipment. 20+
see photos in color at www.pumper.com
over 30 years, excellent reputation, grow- years with same phone number. $150,000. 1991 International dump, DT466 motor, low
ing trade area. Approximately 850 portables, hacksaw12481@gmail.com (P09) miles. Everything works. 950 Stetco Crain
plus 75 roll-off units, handwashing stations, dump body is in good condition. No rust.
BUCKET MACHINES 7 pumper trucks, 2 roll-off trucks. Revenue Connecticut-based restroom trailer business $25,000 negotiable. Email for more info:
Sewer Equipment Company of America 9hp over $2M, EBITDA $800,000+ and growing. for sale. Successful, stable business in its dma1371@aol.com (P06)
belt-driven bucket machine. Includes 20' Well-trained and stable employees. Contact 11th year with many repeat customers and
trailer with side boxes. Asking $10,000 OBO. Phillip Wilhite, at Corporate Investment, events. Consistent revenues in $600-800K COMPUTER SOFTWARE
Fort Worth, Texas. john.webbesg@gmail.com pwilhite@corpinvest.com for more informa- with operating income of $130-180K. In-
(C06) tion. (P06) credible upside potential in a very lucrative Fr e e S e r v i c e R e m i n d e r S o f t w a r e . c o m ,
market! Units are currently kept in Southern Fr e e S e r v i c e D i s p a t c h S o f t w a r e . c o m ,
For Sale: 8 pumper trucks, 2013 and 2014 CT, with business coming from throughout FreeRouteManagementSoftware.com.
BUSINESSES models. F-550 1,100w/300f and (1) 2014 the New England market. Included in the (P06)
with 300w/150f slide-in tank, call for pric- transaction: 25 assorted trailers (10 stalls,
Sewer rehab contractor in Colorado is exiting
ing. We have 243 blue PJ3 portable toilets shower trailers, ADA accessible, two/three
the business. All assets are for sale at the
website: www.RMSRInc.com. Items include for sale, $250 each. (22) 250-gallon holding stalls), 3 delivery trucks, training, depend- Portable septic and grease receiving sta-
a Vac-Con combo truck, Vac-Con straight jet, tanks, $175 each. (111) 300-gallon holding able work force, website domain and man- tions, dual-screen design. Screens that really
Aries cutter truck, Hurst boiler truck, Thermo tanks, $187.50 each. There are also inside agement team open for transition period. work - simple, non-mechanical. Set it up any-
King refer truck, wet out table, air compres- wash sinks, outside free-standing wash No existing port-o-potties or sanitation. A where. 208-790-8770 screencosystems.com
sor, bucket winch, shooter and more. Contact sinks, single portable trailers, 10-unit por- great add-on addition to your business or sales@screencosystems.com (PBM)
John at 303-953-0210. All reasonable offers table trailers, etc. Call for details 956-842- a turnkey business for someone looking to
3603 or 956-330-5476. Selling due to retire- enter the industry. Please contact seller at DeWatering Solids Units. 1. Hycor Roto
will be considered. (C06)
ment. Located in Edinburg, Texas. (P06) 203-520-4397. Serious inquiries only. ( P06) Strainer Screen for removal of core solids.
It is stainless steel, 4 ft. long and comes
Well-established SW Florida business for Portable toilet & trash removal company www.RooterMan.com. Franchises avail- with 20,000 wedge wire screen plus a Hy-
sale. 900+ units on the street, 15 ADA, 30+ for sale in Hawaii. Service trucks, delivery able with low flat fee. New concept. Visit droscreen. Asking $10,000. 2. Roto Strainer
sinks, 20+ holding tanks, 7 trucks, 2 trailers. trucks, and toilets. Standard, ADAs, sinks. website or call 1-800-700-8062. (PBM) Screen. It is stainless steel, 8 ft. long and
Many long-term construction customers, Front load trucks, container delivery trucks, comes with Hydroscreen. Asking $25,000.
year-round event customers. Documented roll-off trucks, front-load dumpsters and Florida septic business for sale with two Please contact 734-722-8922 (P06)
yearly growth. Only serious buyers need roll-off containers. Serious inquiries only. trucks and all equipment. Established 36
to inquire. Email office@ronsjons.com or Email hawaiianpumper@mail.com (P06) 2003 1.2-meter mobile Ashbrook Klampress
years. Specializing in drainfields, tank instal-
portapottyrentals@yahoo.com (P08) belt press. Ready to work! Comes with poly-
lations and repairs. $289,000 negotiable.
Septic tank business for sale. Owner is re- mer makedown system, 4" sludge pump, and
Commercially-zoned house & office available
Septic Tank Cleaning & Inspection Ser- tiring. Two (2) Freightliner pump trucks in water booster pump. Refurbished in 2015.
for an additional $130,000. Serious inquiries
vice Business for Sale in Central Maine. excellent condition. Excellent income. Will $65,000. Call Tom at 423-240-9737 (P06)
only. Call for more info. 727-326-5044. (P06)
Owner is retiring and is motivated to sell. train new owners. Price $235,000 firm. Also
Profitable (Average 3-yr Gross $205K), turn- house for sale with acreage to expand busi- WIND RIVER ENVIRONMENTAL is actively
key business with 5,200 loyal customer ness. arlnjss@yahoo.com (P06) seeking opportunities to acquire companies
base. Two pump truck operation (1) 2000
in the septic, grease, waste hauling, drain CLEANING EQUIPMENT
GMC - 2,500-gallon capacity. (1) 2004 Pe- Fully-equipped Long Island, NY cess-
pool cleaning company for sale. Estab- cleaning and commercial plumbing service
terbilt 4,500-gallon capacity. Serious in-
lished 50+ years serving Nassau & Suf- lines on the East Coast. Join a winning team!
quiries only! Email septicbizsale@gmail.com
folk Counties with excellent reputation and Check us out at www.wrenvironmental.com.
or call 207-782-1620 (PBM)
high-repeat customer base. High volume of Email Dave@Klinesservices.com or call my
Septic Business for sale in central Florida, drain cleaning calls every week. Best offer. cell at 717-587-1909. (PBM)
truck and equipment, 40+ yrs., same phone 516-993-0446 (P07)
# 352-429-2426. $250,000. For more info, Looking to start your own septic tank
email tcraigseptic@gmail.com (P08) Portable restroom business for sale. Located business in Florida? I can help. Have li-
in Midcoast Maine for 20 years. Loyal cus- cense, will sponsor. Call 931-277-5541 or
Septic business for sale in the Central San tomer base, contractors and events. Fully 931-248-1284. (PBM) 2012 Vactor 2112 Plus: SN# 11-09V-
Joaquin Valley, California. Well known, es- equipped. $125,000. Call 207-449-8741 or 12769, 12-yard, 1,500-gallon, 80gpm @
tablished name. 2002 Sterling pumper truck, email portabizsale@gmail.com (P08) National Grease Recycling Inc. Let us
2,500. 150 ft. lateral Hydrox lance 16"
3,200 gallons, CARB compliant. Also a 1994 teach you how to recycle restaurants waste,
PD blower. Kenworth chassis. $205,000
International pumper, 2,200 gallons, low an- If youre interested in selling your grease trap fryer grease and oil (yellow grease) only. Big
nual mileage compliant, and a great backup service, used cooking oil or other non-haz $. Over 30 years experience, will guide you 803-465-1351, SC C06
truck. A jetter is included as well as a We- wastewater disposal business, we'd like to through complete process from collection to
eVac. Serious inquiries only, please email hear from you! Liquid Environmental So- processing to marketing to end users. Dont Used and rebuilt cable machines in stock:
cindy.alvarado1@verizon.net (P07) lutions is the nation's largest liquid waste lose your trap business to competitors that RIDGID K-7500, K-40, K-60, K-1500, Spar-
management company - providing service offer both services. We also buy cooking oil, tan #1064, #300, #100, Electric Eel model
West Texas portable restroom business for across the USA. Sell your business and enjoy unprocessed, anywhere in the country. Call #C machines. The Cable Center: 800-257-
sale, Odessa and Midland area. Small busi- retirement or join us - we can always use for information. References available - many 7209. (CBM)
ness has over 200 toilets and 3 new service great team members. Contact Dana King: success stories. Dewey Walker, 813-704-
trucks. We also carry trash trailers. I have
2 other businesses also and dont have the
dana.king@liquidenviro.com or call 858- 6599 or 813-758-2552. (PBM) DRAINFIELD RESTORATION
481-8106 ext 10. (P10)
time to oversee this one. On pace to do close New and used terralifts for sale starting at
to a $1,000,000 in sales for the year. Will Septic company for sale in Jacksonville, FL $20,000 used and $38,000 new. Financing
sell with or without the yard. For questions area. Owner will qualify if not licensed until Submit your classified ad online! available. Call John at AerraTech 413-298-
please email: joe@gincocorp.com (P07) you are. pumpr@comcast.net (P06) www.pumper.com/classifieds/place_ad 4272. (PBM)

P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E
Terralifts - New and Used. Financing avail-
able for qualified buyers. For more infor-
mation call Dick Crane 800-223-2256 or
aalco@tds.net for electronic brochure. www.
youtube.com/watch?v=t8ApRUOasnY (PBM) Vac-Con industrial machine mounted
on a pre-owned 2006 Sterling cab and
New 3,200 U.S. gallon, carbon steel, chassis. $68,000. (Stock #8593C)
HAZARDOUS WASTE UNITS DOT certified, 407/412 vacuum tank,
2002 Vactor 2112: 2-stage fan, Ster-
ling chassis, 80 gpm @ 2,000 psi. Ex- www.VacuumSalesInc.com
dump type with full open rear, door and city, low hours, low miles! Work ready! (888) VAC-UNIT (822-8648) PBM
a Presvac PVB 750 vacuum-pressure ............................................... $48,900
pump installed on a 2017 Peterbilt 348
cab and chassis. Four (4) units available. 800-627-0778 C06

(888) VAC-UNIT (822-8648) PBM
2005 Sterling/Presvac PowerVac,
stainless steel, DOT certified, 3,500-gal-
lon wet/dry. Dump door with high rail gear
and boom, Hibon 27 blower with PV750
vacuum loading offloading pump. Tri-axle
Vactor 2100 PD Series: Vac truck
truck with CAT 435hp engine with Fuller 2001 International 4900 6x4 Aqua-
- Freightliner. Engine miles 51,342.
8-speed transmission. Runs excellent. tech B-52 combo truck: municipal-
Engine hours 7,506. Blower hours
KLM Companies 2007 International 9200i with a Prog- owned, 2,000-gallon water tank, 65gpm
- 2,846. Truck specifications: Make
617-909-9044 PBM ress aluminum 3,180-gallon 2-compart- water pump, 5-yd. debris tank, 6,200
-Freightliner. Year - 2013. Tandem axel
ment 2,950 waste (DOT 412) & 230 hours, 66,752 miles, 10-speed, work
(high dump). HXX kit installed. Debris
freshwater. Full-open rear door dump ready. FOB: Nashville, TN. ....... $69,500
body tank size 15 yd. Blower size - 18.
unit with a NVE vacuum pump, 3 trans- Call Terry or Chad Water tank capacity 2,000 gallons.
fer pump and high-pressure washdown 615-227-7800 C06 .................................. Asking $185,000
pump. (Stock# 2757C)
Dave Jaeger 916-442-5400, CA
djaeger@norcalpipe.com C08
(888) VAC-UNIT (822-8648) PBM

Pre-owned 2016 Presvac 5,500 U.S. gal-

lon, carbon steel, D.O.T. 412 (A.S.M.E.)
vacuum tanker with a hydraulic-driven
Fruitland RCF500 pump. (Stock# 5002C) Vactor 2100 Series: Vac truck- Ken-
www.VacuumSalesInc.com worth, blue tank. Engine miles 65,019.
(888) VAC-UNIT (822-8648) PBM Engine hours 9,456. Blower hours
1998 King Vac, 1998 Ford L8T, 8.3-liter
- 3,623. Truck specifications: Make -
Cummins, 3,000-gallon tank replaced 2007 Aquatech B10/1500: CAT 335hp
Kenworth T440. Year - 2012. HXX kit
4/2012. .................................. $49,900 (EPA 04) with Allison automatic trans-
installed. Debris body tank size 15
Call 800-535-8606, OH P07
yd. Blower size - 16. Water tank capac- mission. 88,000 miles. 1,400 hours.
ity 2,000 gallons. 80gpm H2O system New Roots 624 blower, 8" x 19' extend-
@ 2,500 psi. Sewer cleaner jetter truck. able boom, pump-off option, internal
tank flush, 6-function joystick. Excellent
HYDROEXCAVATING Dave Jaeger 916-442-5400, CA condition.
djaeger@norcalpipe.com C08
Pre-owned 2,300 U.S. gallon, carbon 617-909-9044 PBM
steel, D.O.T. certified, vacuum pressure
tank. Mounted on 2002 International
cab and chassis with a Presvac PV750 2012 Vacall Freightliner, Roots 18Hg PD
vacuum pressure pump. (Stock# 0529V) blower, 80gpm @ 2,500 psi, 1,500-gallon
www.VacuumSalesInc.com freshwater, 10-yard debris. Automatic trans-
(888) VAC-UNIT (822-8648) PBM mission. 100k miles. Clean truck. $140,000.
Call Bill at 813-489-3108. (C07)

2010 Vacall AJVR0812 sewer cleaner, 824

2016 Vac-Con HydroX: 12-yard, 1,300- Vac-Con V390LHA combination unit 18" Roots blower, General 85gpm @ 2,000psi
SUBMIT YOUR gallon. Freightliner 114SD, Cummins ISL, with Roots 827 blower, 1999 Interna- pump. 8-yard debris, 1,200-gallon water ca-
tional Model 2554 cab and chassis.
CLASSIFIED 370hp, 66,000 GVWR. Included 20gpm
(Stock #3918C) ....................... $48,000
pacity. Low miles: 47,000. Low hours: cleaner
@ 4,000psi Giant pump with diese-fired 2,194; chassis 6,975. On 2010 International,
ONLINE AT boiler. .................................... $285,000 www.VacuumSalesInc.com 410hp MaxxForce 13L engine. Pictures and
(888) VAC-UNIT (822-8648) PBM
www.pumper.com 803-465-1351, SC C06 spec sheets available. $130,000. Contact
Brian @ 303-898-9475. (C06)

P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E
Pressure Washers Replacement Engines
Pumps, Parts & Accessories
WaterCannon.com 1.800.333.WASH (9274)


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14.49 $
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129 .99 $
39 .99 $
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4000 PSI

259 EACH $227.92 10+
299 $
149 .99 $
3,899 7gpm @ 4000psi

Industry Trained Staff Water Cannon, Un contacto en Espanol: llama al: 1.800.917.9274
available from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
weekdays E.S.T.
Water Cannon
Orlando | Phoenix | Minneapolis | Hattiesburg | Melbourne | Toronto | Bogota is proud to be a
International: 1-321-800-5763 MWBE

all Today For SavingS
Professionals in the Vacuum Tank & Trailer Industry
Contact: Jerry Blake, Toll Free: 866-720-4999 or: Amanda: 401-339-9992
P.O. Box 8136, Cranston, RI 02920
Cell: 401-688-0043
Amanda Hensarling
Baytown, TX
Cell: 401-339-9992

New 2017 Hino 2017 567 Peterbilt

2017 Peterbilt 337
w/2500 gal. tank NVE 607 10-speed, 485 HP, tri-axle, aluminum wheels, 2010 MRU613 Mack
300 HP, Allison auto, NVE 607 Pack,
5,000 gal. tank, NVE 866 Max package 148K Mi., PR200 vacuum pump,
2800 gal. aluminum tank. IN STOCK
liquid cooled, all air, loaded 350HP, Allison 4500, NVE SS valves,
5200 gal. aluminum tank.
Excellent condition.
Self Contained Unit
600 gal. steel tank, 33.5 HP Kubota
IN STOCK diesel engine (choice of pumps),
4500 gal. aluminum tank 200 gal. poly tank, 6 gpm 3,000
psi jetter. Restroom Tanks
Stainless steel and aluminum available in various
7000-9000 sizes and compartments. IN STOCK
Trailers In Slide-In Units
Stock (2) 5,000 gal. 500-1,000 gals, 1 or 2 compartment;
aluminum tanks 2015 Harley Davidson select a pump package & engine HP.
IN STOCK Street Glide Special Standard units Always in Stock
8000 & 9000 Gal. Aluminum Tri-Axle Trailers, ready to mount our 17,000 miles, loaded $19,500 all light weight aluminum, many
Air ride suspension (tri-axle), pump platform, bright chassis or yours. available options.
finish, LED lights, Betts valves, IN STOCK SHINE ON
Products From

Pumps For Sale SHINE ON Products From
NVE 866 and 4307 Packages Available

Need Equipment? Contact Us We Can Get It. Conde


JET VACS 1987 Myers RJ 600 trailer-mounted sewer

jetter unit in operating condition. Needs
2007 Vactor 2115, 7600 Series International pump and tank work. Approx. 250 ft. of
chassis, 15-cubic-yard debris body, hydro- 3/4 hose. $2,500. 440-992-6401 or email
excavation kit. $155,000. Call for more de- carneyrooter@yahoo.com (C06)
tails, Matt 618-566-3003. (C06)
2016 American Jetter: 12/3,000psi, wireless
2007 Sterling Vactor 2100PD tandem-axle The Industrys Most Versatile Trailer remote, Warthog nozzle. 32.5hp Kohler mo-
combination cleaning truck. Ex-city owned, Jetter! Model# HJ2TA1030HW, tandem tor, 12 hrs. 1/2 hose, 3/8 hose, 200-gallon
well maintained, and equipped with Califor- axle trailer, 35 hp Vanguard 10 gpm @ 3,850 tank. $15,000. 423-290-4160 (C06)
nia Carb Compliant DPF System. See details 2016 OBrien jetter: 40 gallons per psi, 325-gallon water tank, 300' hose, Gen-
Sewer Equipment Co. of America 747-
of this unit and other cleaning and CCTV minute at 3,000 psi. Purchased new. 66 eral pump. Fully loaded! List $36,995.
FR2000 trailer jetter, 4.5L John Deere die-
inspection units at www.empireequip.com. hours. Has remote and several nozzles. On sale for $32,995.
sel with 288 original hours. 500' 3/4" hose,
Contact Craig at 714-639-8352. (CBM) Stored indoors. Truly brand-new unit. 800-213-3272, level-wind rotating reel. Ready to work.
Cummins diesel. Two (2) 350-gallon wa- www.hotjetusa.com PBM
1999 Sterling L9501 Vac-Con 2100: 19,700 $17,500. Contact buschbrosinc@gmail.com
miles. Automatic Allison transmission. Roots ter tanks. ................................ $44,600 or 219-863-4414 (C06)
824 PD blower. 80gpm 2,000psi jetter pump. Call 706-252-4743, GA C06
2004 US Jet 4018-300 trailer: Hatz 3-cylin- 1997 Sewer Equipment Model 747 jet-
10-yd. debris body. Hydraulic hose, dump,
der silent pack diesel engine, 1,560 hours. ter trailer, 2,381 hours, 500' of 3/4" hose,
and locks. $65,000. 706-798-8080 (P06)
500 ft. 1/2" hose. Very good condition. $17,500. Contact Matt 618-566-3003. (C06)
Jack Doheny Supplies Inc. offers a full range Newer control panel, new tires with spare, 2
of late model combo units and DOT industrial new aluminum tool boxes and fenders. New JETTERS-TRUCK
vacuum loaders. Call us @1-800-3DOHENY. steel antifreeze tank and new muffler. Good
Jack Doheny Supplies Inc. offers a full range
(PBM) running machine. $22,500 negotiable. 866-
of late model combo units and DOT industrial
889-3738, PA. mike@birosseptic.com (P06)
vacuum loaders. Call us @1-800-3DOHENY.
Harben 4016: New pump and gearbox. New,
2016 Sewer Equipment Model 545 trailer- heavy-duty custom trailer with only 120 1974 Ford F-600 jet truck 23,000 GVW,
mounted high-pressure sewer cleaner: 2010 PipeHunter jetter trailer: 25gpm, hours on it. Two (2) 300-gallon tanks, anti- 1,650 psi, 65 gpm. 300 CI industrial engine
500 ft. of 3/4" hose, 700-gallon tank, foot- 4,000psi. Over $5,000 in tips. 500 hours. freeze system, aluminum toolbox. Has large for pump with 500 ft. of hose on truck, reel
age meter, washdown system. Automatic ................................................ $28,000 hose reel, I have jump jet for it, but not in- plunger, Myers pump. Works well. Great
level wind, electronic water on/off. $55,000. Mike 443-235-5979, DE P06 stalled. $20,000 firm. Cash sale. Mike Bow- truck for sewer and drain company. $8,000.
Call Matt 618-566-3003. (C06) man 765-427-7575 (C08) 801-807-8335 (P06)
P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E
2012 Nissan Pathfinder, 4x4, 4.0L V6 gas, TRAILERS
73k miles, auto. Clean title, 1 owner, navi-
gation, full options. $9,500. Call 313-636-
4303. (P06)

PIPELINE 2001 Ford F650: Cummins diesel, Al-

lison automatic transmission, 700-gal-
REHABILITATION lon waste/400-gallon freshwater, HXL4
One trade-in model of Pipe Genie heavy-duty, vacuum pump. ........................ $29,000
2006 International 7500, Vactor Ram- pipe bursting equipment. Excellent condition, 231-690-2964, MI
NuConcepts upscale event restroom P06
Jet Model V8020-S, DT-570, automatic, looks new, 30-ton, 100 feet cable, full 2-year
40k rears. Southwest municipal truck, trailers for sale. Two (2) 4-units & two
warranty. 877-411-7473. (CBM) (2) 2-units. Excellent condition. $50,000
only 51,924 miles, 1,234 hours. .$53,975
cash. Rental income over $200k/yr. P06
814-696-4343 C06
PORTABLE RESTROOMS Call/text Richard 770-807-2446, GA

100 dark blue Synergy/Taurus units. Park/

construction grade. $300 each. Call 608- 28' Industrial Restroom Trailer - manu-
835-3459. (P06) factured by JAG. 5 stalls on women's with
double sink. 3 stalls, 4 urinals on men's
30 used PolyJohn portable restrooms. Blue side with double sink. Very little usage -
w/white tops. None older than 2006 - all in bought for a specific yearly project. $35,000.
good condition. 219-928-8962 (P06) carrie@outdooreventservices.com (P06) 2007 International 4200 VT365,
Non-CDL, 126K, 6.0 diesel motor, needs
Blue TSF portable toilets. From $75 to $250.. 2 Decons, 28' Tonto, 18' Royal, 2001 ASCI,
1999 SECA 747-SP: 40 gpm @ 2,000 work. Body/cab/tank in good condi-
Construction to good grade. Salisbury, NC. 30 16' Presidential, 26' Presidential, portable toi-
psi, 700-gallon poly tank. 4,940 hours. tion. New auto. transmission, Progress
miles NE of Charlotte. You pick up - no de- let hauler trailers. 315-437-1291, NY. (PBM)
Mounted on ex-municipal truck with 1,100w/400f tank, Masport pump.
livery. Email: myersseptictank@att.net; 704- ........................................ $15,000 OBO
37,400 miles. ......................... $14,000 633-3962 (P06)
608-835-7767, WI CBM PORTABLE RESTROOM Chris 609-234-4110, NJ P06
Portable toilets, rough, but usable, PolyJohns,
15 yrs+, $90 each. (minimum 10 units). Ken-
2002 Sterling L7500 Vactor Ram Jetter truck tucky. Contact eric@a1portables.com (P06)
Model V6015, CAT 3126 7.2L L6 turbo diesel 150 Olympic fiberglass units, white in color,
engine, 76,651 miles, 6,725 hours. 7,677 construction grade, $150 each. Please call or
hours on vacuum meter, automatic trans- text 712-433-1662, terrysseptic@gmail.com
mission, single axle, 300' of hose. Previous (P06)
municipal truck. Contact Matt for pricing:
618-566-3003 (C06) 100 construction-grade PolyPortables/Poly-
Johns. Miscellaneous green, tan, & brown. 2005 IH 4300 septic/toilet combination.
$275 each. Please call or text 712-433-1662. Under CDL, one owner. 1,100 waste/400
LEASE/FINANCING terrysseptic@gmail.com (P07) pressurized water. Dual service. 3
Complete Portable Toilet service rear inlet. 2-unit hauler gate. All hoses.
Western Equipment Finance, a bank- All the equipment and service truck for por- truck mount units (turn-key), mount- 270,000 miles, overhauled at 220,000.
owned direct lender, is committed to con- table toilet business for sale in Colorado. ed on your truck or ours. Tool boxes, Tires 80%. A/C, A/T, cruise. Excellent
tinuing to help you prosper. All equipment 149 units. $69,900. Call for more details. dual work stations, dc10 washdown condition. ................................ $34,500
types, new or used; we have the best rates 970-725-0126 (PBM) pump, reversible vacuum pump, hose
870-238-9481, AR P06
and terms you deserve. App-Only Financ- reel, set up complete, toilet racks avail-
ing and credit decisions within an hour. Call 200 PolyJohn porta potties - used for one able. 1100 waste/400 fresh: $21,000,
the team you can trust, Jim Stekl at West- event, great condition. $300 per pot or best 1700 waste/600 fresh: $23,500. Any 2007 International 4300 1,350-gallon
ern Equipment Finance 701-665-1647. offer. Email Desdoucet3d@hotmail.com or custom options or sizes available! $39,500; 2006 International 4300 1,350-gal-
jim.stekl@westernequipmentfinance.com (PBM) call 325-653-4975. (P06) lon $37,500; 2002 International 4300
TexLa Services
28 Tan PolyPortable Restrooms with wood 936-641-3938 1,350-gallon $21,000. 256-757-9900 or
Quick and easy financing for new or used www.pbsos.com (PBM)
skids for sale $300 each. Green, blue and www.texlaservices.com P06
equipment without all the headaches.
Credit is not an issue. We have working tank Integras mixed plastic and wood skids 2006 Ford F550, Satellite-built truck, 6.0 die-
capital available for commercial equip- $300 each. In quantities of 10 or more. sel, automatic, 600 waste, 300 fresh. 2-unit
2007 Isuzu NPR, 108,000 miles. 600-gallon
ment purchases $20,000 to $2,000,000. 920-322-3342 (P06) carrier, Conde Super 6 pump. Excellent run-
waste compartment, 350-gallon freshwater
BSG Services - Call 866-259-5370 or email 130 used PolyJohn restrooms for sale, compartment. 60 cubic feet of dry storage ning truck, good shape. $23,495 OBO. Call or
bsgfin@earthlink.net (PBM) construction grade. Best units (minimum space. Place to handle 4 portable bathrooms, text 712-433-1662 terrysseptic@gmail.com
10 units) @ $125 each, down to $90 each. lift gate. For more information please contact (P06)
Lexington, KY. 859-255-6605 (P06) rauny@thenet.com. (P06)
LOCATORS 2008 Isuzu NPRHD: Crescent flat tank, 550w/
2012 Ford F550: 89,000 miles, stain- 250f, 6-unit carrier, 120,000 miles. Diesel,
Used RIDGID NaviTrack, Gen-Eye Model 100 less steel 400 waste/250 water, electric- automatic, exhaust brake. Masport pump,
and Goldak Model 4400. The Cable Center Submit your classified ad online! start Honda PTO provisions. 2-unit carrier. Thieman liftgate. Dual side service, work-
800-257-7209. (CBM) www.pumper.com/classifieds/place_ad $50,000. 715-425-1025 (P06) lights. $37,000. Call 203-748-6906 (P06)

P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E
Keep stuff cold. Keep stuff dry. Keep stuff safe.



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TRUCKS Portable Restroom/Temp Fence experienced,
hands-on Director of Operations/Operations
Manager looking for new adventure. Proven
track record and excellent references. Willing
to relocate. 775-291-0340 (P06)

2005 International DuraStar 4300: PRESSURE WASHERS

2012 International TerraStar: Excel- DT466, 6-speed manual transmis-
sion with new 402 Wally pump. 1,500 Industrial Pressure Washer - New w/warranty
lent condition, under 142,000 miles.
waste/400 chemical. GVW is 32,000 $9,500. 2,000psi, 18gpm. 999cc Kohler & AR
Imperial Industries-built aluminum tank
and truck has approx. 85,000 miles. pump. Will deliver. 321-800-5763 (PBM)
with 900 waste/400 water. Truck is un-
der CDL weight requirements. Pictures ............................ Asking $27,000 OBO Honda horizontal GX engines, new in-the-box
4 types of portable handwash stations.
online. .................................... $54,700 Call Joe for details w/warranty. GX200QX - $399; GX270QAG -
46 units available. Some need minor re-
eric@a1portables.com 716-823-3606, NY P06 $579; GX390QA - $599 delivered price. 800-
pair. $75 per unit. P06
or 859-255-6605, KY P06 363-9855 or GXParts.com (PBM)
1999 International 4700: 1,100 waste,
400 fresh. Dual side service with Masport.
223,610 miles. Call 843-283-3749 or email PORTABLE SHOWER PUMPS
powellst@sccoast.net (P06)
TRAILERS Buy & Sell all makes and models, new & used
vacuum pumps & high pressure water pumps,
2006 Ford F550 4x4: New 11 flatbed, new Attention large outdoor events promoters and good used replacement parts. Call for an
950-gallon portable toilet slide-in tank - and seasonal campgrounds requiring show- inventory sheet and save. www.Vacuum
650/300. Conde SDS6, 9hp electric start ers, sinks and hot water availability: FOR SalesInc.com, (888) VAC-UNIT (822-8648)
2016 International Terrastar, 4x4, Honda. Bucket fill, 30 Tiger Tail. Ready to SALE: Two (2) 40-ft. shower containers. 14 (PBM)
50k, 3 cells (300 fresh/1,000 waste/ work. $29,995. Denver, CO. 303-789-9440 shower heads per container, handicap ac-
200 fresh) set up for portable restroom Ask for Matt. (PBM) cessible. Trailer and accessories included. 2011 Fruitland Vacuum Pump - Model 500
service & septic. Truck well maintained For pictures go to www.candsshowers.com. LUF; Ser: 517549; Location: 4008 Main St.,
2006 Freightliner M2, C7 CAT, 6-speed Dallas, TX. $2,200. Phone 214-824-7276
............................................... $85,000 712-428-6143 or cell 712-880-1250. (PBM)
manual, air brake, 26k GVW. 500/300 split (P06)
Call or text 785-477-2254 P06 aluminum Kee-Vac tank, 500-gallon plas-
tic chemical tank, AMT washdown pumper. POSITIONS AVAILABLE Honda model WP40X, 8 hp, 4" with hoses.
Carries 8 toilets, liftgate, Masport pump Honda 4 hp, 2" pump with hoses. The Cable
hydraulic drive, tool boxes. Low miles. Industrial/Environmental Vacuum Truck Center: 800-257-7209. (CBM)
$37,500 OBO. Text or call for info. Richard Contractor looking for Sales/Operations
620-629-7212 (P07) person. Must be highly motivated with 3
years experience. Opportunity is in the NY RENTAL EQUIPMENT
2009 Dodge 5500: 6.7 Cummins diesel, Tri-State Area. High compensation pack-
auto., 4x4, new aluminum vacuum tank, age with benefits. Please email resume to Liquid vacs, wet/dry industrial vacs, combi-
700w/260f, Masport pump. Honda engine. guzzler195@gmail.com (P06) nation jetter/vacs, vacuum street sweeper &
www.pumpertrucksales.com. Call JR. @ catch basin cleaner, truck & trailer mount-
2006 International DuraStar 4300: 720-253-8014, CO. (PBM) EN-TECH Corp is looking for Vactor, TV, and/ ed jetters. All available for daily, weekly,
DT466, 6-speed, non-CDL with 300 or Cutter Operators in NY/NYC/NJ. Lining ex- monthly, and yearly rentals. VSI Rent-
waste/150 water and a MEC4000 2005 Chevy Kodiak 4500: Duramax diesel, perience preferable. Please send resumes to als, LLC, (888) VAC-UNIT (822-8648)
pump. Hauls 8 units. Truck has 117,000 auto., 4x4, 13-ft flatbed, 52,000 miles. Like- genocamali@en-techcorp.com (C06) www.vsirentalsllc.com (PBM)
miles on it. ........... Asking $17,000 OBO new. Vacuum tank & pump can be added
for additional cost. www.pumpertrucksales. GapVax, Inc., a nationally recognized manu- 2016 Acro Vacuum Trailer: Stainless steel
Call Joe for details facturing business, is seeking a talented, 6,000 gallon, DOT certified double conical
716-823-3606, NY P06
com. Call JR. @ 720-253-8014, CO. (PBM)
highly motivated individual to fill a full-time with air-ride suspension. Aluminum wheels
Sales Position in the Midwest (Iowa based all positions, full hose trays, OSHA walkways
Selling International septic trucks and a In- PORTABLE SINKS preferred) region. GapVax is the leading and railings. Vacuum pump option either hy-
manufacturer of industrial and municipal draulic or self-contained. KLM Rentals, Inc.
ternational stake truck with 16-unit carry For Sale: Portable handwash stations, differ- vacuum units and hydroexcavation units 617-909-9044 (PBM)
capacity - $12,000. 300-gallon slide-in sep- ent makes and models. Some need repair. in the United States. We provide the most
tic tank for a pickup - $1,500. 3,000-gallon 1,500-gallon holding tanks. Call for pricing. reliable, comprehensive, and efficient mo-
septic International truck - $16,000. GMC 423-745-4863 (P06) bile vacuum units in the industrial and ROLL-OFF TRAILERS
TopKick with 700-gallon capacity tank - municipal markets. Specifications of the
$5,000. 1,100-gallon capacity septic truck 2001 ESP Roll-off trailer: Two (2) container
position are listed on our website, www.
- $16,000. Location: Brighton, Michigan. Call roll-off trailer good brakes, tires, frame. etc.
gapvax.com, click on the Now Hiring link in
Bart at 810-217-4639. (P06) KLM Companies 617-909-9044 (PBM)
the left hand column. Send resumes to or
SUBMIT YOUR betty@gapvax.com or 575 Central Avenue,
2007 Ford F550 4x4: New 11 flatbed, new
800-gallon portable toilet slide-in tank -
540/260. Conde Super 6, 70cfm, 5.5hp ONLINE AT Save on super-strong Black Mamba nitrile dis-
electric start Honda. Bucket fill, 30 Tiger Tail. www.pumper.com posable gloves at www.OrderMyGloves.com.
Ready to work. $27,995. Denver CO. 303- Submit your classified ad online! Also, latex and vinyl gloves from $3.99/box
789-9440 Ask for Matt. (PBM) www.pumper.com/classifieds/place_ad of 100. (P07)
P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E
Vacuum Sales Inc.
51 Stone Rd. | Lindenwold, NJ 08021
We Build
Trucks 888-VAC-UNIT | 888-822-8648 | Fax: 856-627-3044
That Suck! E-mail: sales@vacuumsalesinc.com | www.VacuumSalesInc.com

N E W E Q U I P M E N T C U S TO M B U I LT TO YO U R S P E C I F I C AT I O N S find us on

(8498C) Pre-owned 3,000 U.S.

(460C) Pre-owned 2004 Sterling gallon, carbon steel vacuum tank;
(2757C) Pre-owned 3,180 gallon, Acterra cab and chassis with a 2,500 with a Masport H75W vacuum- (0529V) Pre-owned 2,300 U.S.
two compartment, aluminum, U.S. Gallon aluminum vacuum tank. pressure pump installed on 2000 gallon, carbon steel, D.O.T.
D.O.T. 407/412 vacuum tank, Complete with a Masport HXL400W (8593C) VacCon industrial certified, vacuum pressure tank.
machine mounted on a Mack CH613 cab and chassis.
with a NVE Challenger 357 pump vacuum pump package. Mounted on 2002 International
package. Installed on a 2007 pre-owned 2006 Sterling cab cab and chassis with a Presvac PVB
International. and chassis Work Ready. 750 vacuum pressure pump.

(13671 A-C) NEW 3,200 U.S.

gallon, carbon steel, D.O.T. certified
412 vacuum tank; dump type with

full open rear door and a Presvac (3918C) VacCon industrial (4792C) Vacall AllVac AVRB -
(5002C) Pre-owned 2016 Presvac, PVB 750 vacuum-pressure pump (4101V) 2004 Freightliner FL70 machine mounted on a 18 yard debris body mounted
5,500 U.S. gallon, carbon steel, installed on a 2017 Peterbilt 348 low entry cab with a van body pre-owned 1999 International on a 2009 Sterling LT9500
D.O.T. 412 (A.S.M.E.) vacuum tanker. cab and chassis. and lift gate with a 1200 gallon unit. cab and chassis. cab and chassis.


1989 Ford L8000 with 10-speed,

2001 Sterling: ISM 330hp Cummins 1995 2,500-gallon Transway tank and 1999 International 8100: Cummins 1997 Ford L9000, 2004 Imperial
engine, 263,114 miles, 20,000 lb. front 250cfm pump. Little rust and runs great. M11 plus 3,500 gallons, Jurop 260 4,800-gallon, Fruitland pump. Good old
axle, 46,000 lb. rear axle, 4,500-gallon ........................................ $15,500 OBO pump, water jetting. ... Asking $27,0000 truck working daily. .................. $25,000
tank, Jurop LC420 pump. ......... $53,000 Call 716-417-5962, NY P06 Call/text 239-272-8238, FL P06 Dave 612-221-6355 P06

715-889-1544, WI P06

2012 Freightliner M2-112: Detroit

2008 Kenworth Paccar PX-8, 66,000 DD13, 10-speed, 20/44 full lock, only
2005 Mack CV713: 10-speed trans- miles, air ride, 10-speed transmission, 41,000 miles. Cusco DOT Duravac 820
mission, 5,000-gallon Transway tank new tires. 90-barrel stainless steel tank, vacuum unit, 3,600 USG, mint condition. 2012 Peterbilt 388: 4,200-gallon car-
with new RFC 500 pump. Truck has 4310 vacuum pump, National Vacuum We are located near Montreal, Canada. bon-steel tank, full-dump unit with 36-
many new parts and approx. 440,000 Equipment. NVE blower pkg, 5,600 hrs., We can take care of all the customs pa- inch rear manhole. NVE 866 pump. New
miles. .................. Asking $53,000 OBO heated valves, digital tank level reader. perwork. Take advantage of the money tires. 485hp Paccar engine. Abernethy
Call Joe for details ...................................... $68,000 FIRM exchange rate. ............... $135,000 USD body. 214,678 miles.
716-823-3606, NY P06 678-898-2928, GA PBM Martin Ratte 514-794-4631 P06 706-252-4743, GA P06

P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E

1990 Ford L8000: 3,000-gallon full- 1996 Kenworth T800, Cummins M11,
370hp, 10-speed RoadRanger, air-ride 1991 International, 221k miles, 3,600-
opening rear door with hoist. Built on 1996 Ford L8000: 2,300-gallon tank,
suspension. 3,500-gallon tank, 367 gallon tank, rebuilt Jurop pump. All new
jetter with 150-gallon water tank. Good MEC 8000 pump, heated valves, 33,000
Challenger pump, 3" and 4" valve, 6 valves, LED lights, hoses, brand-new
tires. Runs great, working daily. Low GVW, air brakes and seat, 8.3L Cum-
dump, heated valves. ............... $35,000 front springs. N14 Cummins, new paint.
miles 92,xxx. .......................... $27,500 mins, 6-speed. Good rubber. Current
Squires, Pierson and Sons, Inc. Tank has a non-corrosive chemical liner
Dave 612-221-6355, MN P06 DOT. Ready to work. ................. $22,000
631-283-1403, NY P06
in it. .......................................... $41,000
218-259-1542, MN P07
918-342-9072, OK P06

2010 International 5900i PayStar:

2009 International WorkStar: Interna- 525hp Cummins ISX engine, 188,000
tional engine, 225,000 miles, 4,200-gal- miles, J&J 4,600-gallon lined tank,
lon Curry vac tank, Masport pump. 1993 Ford L8000: Cummins, 10-speed, 2005 Sterling: 2,500-gallon Presvac
Fruitland pump. New red paint, loaded
................................................ $62,500 2,300-gallon steel tank & Moro vac vacuum tank, Challenger pump. 136,200
inside cab, like-new condition. Located
pump. Used daily. .................... $11,000 miles. .............................. $45,000 OBO
248-431-5899, MI in Michigan. ............... Asking $109,000
davidjanette@comcast.net P06 Call Brian 618-973-9165, IL P06 231-250-1483, MI P06
Call 810-614-9141
or 586-996-5552 P06

and Affordable
2000 Volvo septic truck, approx.
1999 Kenworth T300 with 1999 Lely
tank. 1,000 waste, 300 fresh. 396k
482,000 miles. New 4,000-gallon tank
installed in 2013. .................... $30,000 Options
miles, 33k GVW. Everything works. Truck Call 810-614-9141
located in Oregon. ............ $19,500 OBO or 586-996-5552 P06
Randy 408-455-2900 P06

Five (5) older pump trucks with full-opening

rear doors for sale. All are in good shape
and work daily. 3,000 to 3,600 gallons with
large Jurop pumps. Contact Joe Waters @
775-691-1403. (P08)

2002 Kenworth T800: 357k miles, 5,000-gal- Financing for

lon Progress tank, Wittig 150 water-cooled

2011 Kenworth, 5,000-gallon Pik Rite,

pump, heated valves. Tri-axle, 10-speed,
jake brake, pre-emission, air ride, loaded.
New and Used Equipment
Masport 400, 264k miles, new tires. Extra All new under carriage. One owner. $65,000 Trucks Tanks Trailers Toilets Cameras Jetters
Jurop pump (new) included. .....$102,000 OBO. 302-841-0323 (P07) Computer Hardware & Software
Mike 443-235-5979 P06
2000 Ford F750: CAT 6-speed engine, 7 Church Road, Hatfield, PA 19440
180,000 miles. 2,350-gallon tank with Phone: 800.422.1844
1999 International 8100, M-11 Cummins, Challenger pump that is about 2 yeas old. Fax: 888.883.9380
Twin-screw, air-bag suspension. 2,683-gal- Visit our website: www.libertyfg.com
336-870-1144 (P06)
lon Imperial tank, Masport HXL400 pump. Call Michael DeGroat (ext 812)
3-stage hydro-hoist, 3 ft. hydro-manhole 1991 Ford F700, 1,700-gallon, $6,900.
on back. Excellent condition. $37,500. 1988 Ford F600, 1,600-gallon, $5,900. NY.
Call or text 712-433-1662. (P06) 845-382-2112 (P06)
Commercial Equipment Financing Call 800-422-1844
P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E

2002 International, DT466, 150,000

2007 Freightliner: 2,650-gallon tank, miles, 2,500-gallon tank, new front tires.
Jurop pump, toolbox jetter. 70k miles. Ready to go work. ............ $20,000 OBO
2014 Kenworth T-270: Cummins Brand-new, extra Jurop pump included For more info call or text
2005 Kenworth T800: C-13, 385hp,
325hp, EF 8-speed,127k miles, Jurop w/truck. .................................. $40,000 912-383-7507, GA P06
184k miles, 13,600 hours. 4,000-gallon
RV360. New tires all around, new paint Mike 443-235-5979 P06 waste tank, 75 gallon water tank with
tank & frame. Great truck. ....... $68,500
jetter. Full hoist, full rear door. Good tires,
804-895-6355, VA P06 ready to work. ........................ $85,000
802-658-6243, VT P06

2012 Peterbilt 388: 550 Cummins,

18-speed transmission, 110 bbl. Pik Rite
1990 Ford LTL 9000 2-axle, double- tank, 248,000 miles. ............... $85,000
frame Hendrickson suspension, Cummins 2008 Freightliner M2: NEW Impe- Dave 724-747-3229, PA P06

400 Big Cam, Eaton 13-speed, 628,000 rial TMV2500 (2,500 gallons) with an 1995 Chevrolet Kodiak 454, 2,000-
miles. Runs good. Newer 3,600-gal- NVE607 (357cfm). 173,059 miles. Get gallon steel tank, Jurop pump. 126k
miles, new tires and upholstery. Monroe, 2000 Mack 600R: Mack motor 350hp,
lon aluminum tank, Masport pump. One this package for as low as $1,012.79 a
owner (non-smoker) ................. $20,000 GA. .................... $25,000 will negotiate 4,000-gallon Transway tank and pump -
month. .................................... $69,900
$27,000 or best offer. 1995 Freightliner Cab
805-226-8170, CA P06 Kyle 715-359-0200 P06 770-314-0501, GA P06
Over: Cummins motor 390hp, 3,500-gal-
lon tank with pump - $18,000 or best offer.
2004 Freightliner FL70: 1,200-gallon unit, Contact Dave at 484-274-1356 or email
low-entry cab with a van body and liftgate. dotterssepticservices@yahoo.com (P06)
(Stock# 4101V) www.VacuumSalesInc.com 2012 International 4300: 260hp die-
(888) VAC-UNIT (822-8648) (PBM) sel, auto., 95,000 miles. New 1,850-gallon
steel vacuum tank, new Masport pump.
2004 Sterling Acterra with a Progress www.pumpertrucksales.com. Call JR. @
2,500-gallon aluminum vacuum tank and 720-253-8014, CO. (PBM)
Masport pump. (Stock# 8460C) www.
2006 Kenworth T800: C-15, 485hp,
VacuumSalesInc.com (888) VAC-UNIT 2012 International 4300: 230hp, diesel,
10-speed, 211k miles, about 15,600
(822-8648) (PBM) auto. New 1,850-gallon steel vacuum tank,
Turn-Key Vacuum Tank Units: 3,600- hrs. 4,000-gallon waste tank, 200-gal-
gallon, unit mounted on your truck or lon freshwater with jetter. Full hoist, full new Masport pump. www.pumpertrucksales.
Pre-owned 3,000 U.S. gallon, carbon-steel com. Call JR. @ 720-253-8014, CO. (PBM)
ours; $23,500. 2,500-gallon truck units; rear-opening door. Good tires, ready to
vacuum tank with a Masport H75W vacuum-
$20,000. 1,500-gallon truck units; work. ...................................... $95,000
pressure pump installed on a 2000 Mack 2011 International 4300: 230hp, diesel,
$17,000. Self-contained vacuum skids, 802-658-6243, VT P06 CH613 cab and chassis. (Stock# 8498C) auto. New 1,850-gallon steel vacuum tank,
1,000-gallon; $11,000. 2,500-gallon
www.VacuumSalesInc.com (888) VAC- new Masport pump. www.pumpertrucksales.
painted tanks ready to mount; $13,000.
UNIT (822-8648) (PBM) com. Call JR. @ 720-253-8014, CO. (PBM)
PortaPotty trucks and any custom op- 1997 AutoCar/Volvo: Cummins N14 525hp
tions or sizes available! engine, Eaton 8LL 10-speed transmission.
TexLa Services 2009 PikRite 5,000-gallon vacuum tank with
Presvac LPK vac pump. Excellent running
FILL ITa job opening
www.texlaservices.com P06 condition. $29,900. Used Presvac PV750
vac pump for sale, recently overhauled.
BID IT OUTan upcoming job
1999 International 8100 with a 3,500-
$2,500. Contact Frank@ActionKingServices. ANNOUNCE IT
com or 978-452-7750. (PBM) contracted services offered
gallon steel tank. 10-speed transmission,
M11 Cummins 330 hp, Jurop pump. Ev-
erything still works, $5,500. Call 989-450-
New 2016 Freightliner M2, 33K, 300hp SELL ITused equipment
Cummins ISL, 3500 RDS auto., 2,500-gal-
9826. Michigan (P06) lon septic. Larry Towner 770-241-0989, OBTAIN ITa position wanted
ltowner@peachstatetrucks.com (P06)
2007 Freightliner M2, C7 CAT, 6-speed man-
ual, air shift, PTO shaft-drive Masport 75. 2004 Freightliner M2 with 2,500 gallon

1,800-gallon tank. 22.5 tires. 110k miles. tank/100-gallon water tank. 367 Challenger.
Send message for pictures. $29,500 OBO. Automatic transmission. ~150,000 miles.
In Pumper magazine and on the web. Pumper.com
620-629-7212 (P07) $43,000. Call 615-477-4741 (P06)

P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E
SEPTIC TRUCKS TOOLS TV INSPECTION IBAK Panoramo SI manhole inspection sys-
tem. Complete dealer demo unit in perfect
1995 Ford F800: 8.3 Cummins, 6-speed, Crust Busters: Portable, lightweight ma- condition. $115,000. Optional custom alu-
254k miles. NVE pump, 2,200-gallon tank. chine, guaranteed to mix up septic tanks and minum enclosure $5,500. 763-276-8335
$16,500 OBO. 951-830-4840 (P06) grease traps! Save time and money! www. kevin.prodoehl@titanmachinery.com (C06)
crustbusters.com, 1-888-878-2296. (PBM)
Spartan SparVision 200 color self-leveling
T&T Tools, Probes, Hooks: Probes feature
SERVICE/REPAIR steel shafts with threaded and hardened tips.
camera system with 512 Hz locating beacon
for sale. Excellent shape with iPad $3,300.
Dynamic Repairs - Inspection Camera The insulated Mighty Probe tested to Contact Mike or Corby at 801-266-8041 or
Repairs: 48 hour turn-around time. General 50,000 volts. Top Poppers open manhole 2007 Aries CCTV Unit - CUES Laser
Profiler: CCTV mainline, POSM soft- email mromano@electricdrain.com (C06)
Wire, Ratech, Ridgid, Electric Eel, Gator Cams, covers easily. Free catalog. www.TandT 2007 CUES Inspection Trailer: OZII pan-and-
tools.com. Phone 800-521-6893. (PBM) ware, joint/crack measuring capabilities,
Insight Vision, Vision Intruders. Quality service tilt camera on steerable transporter with lift.
TR3000 tractor. ....................... $40,000
on all brands. Rental equipment available. 2,000 ft. reel. LAMP 1 lateral-launch camera
For more info call Jack at 973-478-0893. RIDGID model #300 with stand, RIDGID tri- Call Rob 386-527-0998, FL P06
and transporter. Honda liquid-cooled gen-
Lodi, NJ. www.dynamicrepairs.biz (PBM) stand vises, RP 330 ProPress kit. The Cable
erator, arrowstick, 18 ft. Express trailer. Nice
Center: 800-257-7209. (CBM)
unit. $55,000. Accepting reasonable offers,
email me for more pictures. 269-585-5352
NEED TRACTION? We make aftermarket
mwilson@ceenviro.com (C07)
more aggressive pads and chain assemblies
Septic pumper and vacuum die-cast toy for all chain-driven camera tractors. Custom, 2016 IBAK Premium Mainline Inspection
trucks: In your choice of colors and logos, dependable, double-hole fabrication secured System for 5"-48" pipe. Includes: Orpheus
several cabs available. Call 877-450-2100, to high-quality carbon steel chain, or just pan & tilt, zoom camera, T76 mainline trac-
write to Granite State Collectibles, PO Box pads and rivets. Also available: non-gritted tor with remote elevator, 1,000' of cable,
440, New Ipswich, NH 03071; or www. pads. Samples upon request. Pipe Tool Spe- winch, control room, Onan 5.5Kw gen-
granitestatecollectibles.com. (PBM) cialties LLC: 888-390-6794; Fax 888-390- erator. Mounted in 14' enclosed trailer. Call
6670; www.yourtractionpads.com or email Mike or Robert at 800-294-0149 or visit
pts4422@yahoo.com (CBM)
TRAILERS- www.williamseqpt.com (C06)

100 - 2011 Wichita 500 bbl. (21,400 VACUUM/TANKER WANTED: WinCan Licenses - USB sticks IBAK Panoramo SI Manhole Inspection Sys-
gallons) portable frac tanks. Epoxy lined. for inspection software as used on Aries/ tem in enclosed aluminum portable skid.
Delivery available. Geneva Equipment, Inc. IBAK/CUES. Other software also considered. Pano SI Inspection System, interface card,
Call 815-341-0375 Call 407-702-7266. (C06) BE5 Pano SI controller, 300 feet of FO cable,
or tom@genevaequipment.com KW180 SI cable reel. Skid includes computer,
www.genevaequipment.com PBM PEARPOINT Mainliner buying & sell- monitor, and 1,000w generator. Call Matt at
ing used equipment. Canada & USA PEAR- 618-566-3003. (C06)
Imperial Vacuum Trailers: In stock, complete Pearpoint trucks. Will buy your 2016 Envirosight Rovver X installed in a
6,000- and 6,300-gallon aluminum single- old system. Do you need parts? 399, 599 2016 Ford Transit 250. Includes wheels
compartment Imperial vacuum trailers. reels; 420, 448 tractors: 494 digital and from 6" to 24" and power lift kit. 3,000-watt
Call Kyle zoom 420 light heads. Call 800-265-4298 or pure sine wave inverter, tool box, 15-gallon
800-558-2945 Ext. 424 PBM mainliner2075@hotmail.com (CBM) washdown tank with retractable hose reel,
Cheap, Used Vacuum Tanks - Late rack mount computer, and WinCan core li-
model, lined steel tank sale! 4,650-gal- GAIN TRACTION ON YOUR PIPE INSPEC- cence. $139,000. Call Brian for pictures
3,000-gallon vacuum tank trailer w/man- TION PROGRAM. Finally a flexible polymer
lon, many available. $8,500 - some with 303-898-9475. (C06)
hole. Dual-axle, constructed of heavy-duty wheel with carbide grit for added traction in
pumps. Also: Low-price plug-and-play
Moro and Fruitland pumps. steel. Solid mechanical condition. Located in all pipe types and conditions, fitting most USED Envirosight ROVVER Inspection Crawl-
Holland, MI. $4,000. 616-307-8226 (P06) major CCTV transporter brands. Patent pend- er System: Overhauled with lots of new parts
Call 269-751-5167, MI PBM
ing. Order today at trugrittraction.com, email and ready to run. Includes cable reel, cam-
info@trugrittraction.com or call 407-900- era, tractor and controls, plus accessories.
TRUCKS - 1091. (CBM) $27,500. Call 973-252-6700. (CBM)
1,500-gallon aluminum Progress tanks, 2 MISCELLANEOUS
available. 300 water/1,200 septic. Ready CUES full outfit camera unit. 2005 E450 die- Used and rebuilt camera kits in stock: RIDGID
to mount on trucks. Price: $5,900 each. 1997 International Eagle: 3406 CAT engine,
sel CUES-built truck. Cameras, tractors, new Mini Compact, Mini Color, Standard Self-
832-914-2855 (P06) 425hp, air-ride. 3,200-gallon hoist tank.
parts, tools, gas monitors, EVERYTHING to Leveling, General Gen-Eye I, II and III, Aries
New paint, 380,000 miles (only 60,000
Vacuum Tanks - New: Sizes from 1,000- work. Owner retiring. Vactor 2100 and jetters Seeker, and SRECO kits. The Cable Center:
miles on rebuilt engine.) Recently inspected.
4,300 gallons. All complete! Delivery avail- available too! 204-688-5220 (C07) 800-257-7209. (CBM)
$29,000. Call or text 585-217-1652 for
able. www.JEagleTanks.com. Contact more info or photos. (P06)
Jerry: JEagleTanks@yahoo.com or 800- 2006 Aries lateral launcher + storm sewer
721-2774. (PBM) 1982 Ford vacuum truck, 2,500 gallons, setup. Includes 4 tractors, 3 cameras. Thou-
vane pump w/dump. 92,000 miles, 8.2L De- sands of misc. parts. Installed in a diesel
troit diesel, 4+2-speed, single-axle. Original International. Truck is fully functional and SUBMIT YOUR
TANK TRAILERS owner. $5,500 OBO. 616-307-8226 (P06) ready to work. 717-554-1715. (C06) CLASSIFIED AD
Two (2) 2005 Largo stainless vacuum pump 1989 Freightliner FL-112: C-12 CAT, 4,300- 2011 Chevy High-Cube TV Inspection truck: ONLINE AT
trailers, 2,100 gallons. $12,000 each. Excel- gallon aluminum dump tank. 139,605 odom- 18,000 miles, new cable. Reduced price www.pumper.com
lent condition! Call for pictures. Walt 570- eter. Witting RFW150DVR pump. Call Jerry - $48,000. Call for more information. 630-
278-9466 (P06) 865-617-9041. (P06) 333-3704 (C06)

P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E
TV INSPECTION 2014 Freightliner 114SD with a Vacall AVRB-
18 industial vacuum loader. (Stock# 9116C)
2002 Chevy 3500 RST van with new POSM www.VacuumSalesInc.com (888) VAC-
computer - $35,000. 2001 Chevy 2500 RST UNIT (822-8648) (PBM)
van with new POSM computer - $30,000.
Pictures upon request @ cdscar@aol.com 2006 International 7600 Guzzler NX Tech-
916-747-3819 (C06) nology Air Mover with boom. CAT C13,
227k miles. Guzzler vac pump. $150,000.
Used SeeSnake Camera Systems in all oilfieldtruckworld.com 832-914-2855 (P06)
sizes; Used General Wire Spring Camera
Systems in all sizes; Used machines in all 2009 Sterling LT9500 with a Vacall AVRB-
sizes. We want your trade! The Cable Center: 18 industrial vacuum loader. (Stock# 4792C)
800-257-7209. (CBM) www.VacuumSalesInc.com (888) VAC-
UNIT (822-8648) (PBM)

VACUUM LOADERS Pre-owned Super Products Supersucker

Sell your equipment

industrial vacuum loader, with a Roots TRI-
NADO blower mounted on a 2009 Sterling
L9500 cab & chassis. (Stock# 4366C) www.
VacuumSalesInc.com (888) VAC-UNIT
(822-8648) (PBM) in Pumper classifieds
1991 Western Star Model 4864F with a Cusco
Turbo Vac 2127, carbon steel 3,000-gallon
unit. (Stock# 8905) www.VacuumSalesInc.
com (888) VAC-UNIT (822-8648) (PBM)
Reach over 25,000 potential buyers
1999 International Guzzler vacuum
excavator: Totally refurbished, purchased VANES each month when you list your equip-
new for Big Dig Project. 27" blower, CAT
engine, auto remote. Special noise-sup- NEED a vane supplier? Franklin Fibre-
pression equipment. Tri-axle. High-pres- Lamitex Corp. is the premier American
manufacturer of composite vanes for pumps
ment in the classified section. Plus,
sure wash-down system - 300-gallon
water tank. $85,900 OBO. Also available and compressors. OEM tested and approved.
1997 Ford Guzzler vacuum excavator - Competitive pricing and reduced lead times. your listing is placed automatically
same features as 1999 International. 800-233-9739 www.franklinfibre.com (P07)
No washdown system. $85,900 OBO. online at the Pumper website.
617-212-0162, MA P06
We are looking to purchase used portable In addition, your ad will be placed
toilets and half-high toilets. Please contact
Lance at lance@redtoilets.com or call 561- in the Pumper e-Trader, an electronic
346-9296. (P07)

Wanted to Buy: Vactor 2100s and late model magazine that is e-mailed to readers.
Guzzlers. Cash. Phone 800-336-4369. (PBM)
Thats three ways to move your
1996 Sterling with Guzzler Clas- WATERBLASTING
sic vacuum loader - $65,000. 2007
Mercedes with Guzzler Classic vacuum For Sale: Two (2) Myers M1610K40 pumps equipment out of the yard!
loader - $75,000. Ready to work! only. www.waterjettingequipment.com or
phone 714-259-7700. (PBM)
Tom 423-240-9737, GA P06

20,000 - 55,000 psi Sapphire Nozzles, OS4,

Why wait?
OS6, OS7 replacements, UHP hoses & re-
placement parts. Excellent quality & prices.
772-286-1218, info@alljetting.com, www.
alljetting.com. (CBM)
Go to
1996 Ford Guzzler Ace: 27" blower, CLASSIFIED AD
new cyclone, good tires. Call for details.
Northwest Ohio. ............... $48,000 OBO ONLINE AT Scan the

419-937-8909 P06 www.pumper.com code

with your

P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m

2009 Vac-Con V312LHAE 2003 Vac-Con L312LHAE/1300

60,085 MILES / 7,342 HOURS 72,616 MILES / 11,009 HOURS

2009 Vac-Con VPD4012XLHAE 2009 Vac-Con VXPD429OLH/800
61,462 MILES / 7,259 HOURS 29,459 MILES / 3,284 HOURS


2013 Vac-Con LX312MHE/1300 2008 Vac-Con VX312LHE/1100

14,000 MILES / 550 HOURS 53,323 MILES / 4,952 HOURS
All used trucks/chassis have been through a thorough shop inspection.
These trucks are job-ready and have passed DOT inspection.

5206 East 9th Street, Kansas City, MO 64124

Phone: 816-231-2005 Fax: 816-461-8511

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