June 2017
June 2017
June 2017
classif ieds Portable Toilet Rental & Waste Disposal Busi-
ness available for acquisition. In business
Septic business for sale, New York water-
shed. Includes trucks and equipment. 20+
see photos in color at www.pumper.com
over 30 years, excellent reputation, grow- years with same phone number. $150,000. 1991 International dump, DT466 motor, low
ing trade area. Approximately 850 portables, hacksaw12481@gmail.com (P09) miles. Everything works. 950 Stetco Crain
plus 75 roll-off units, handwashing stations, dump body is in good condition. No rust.
BUCKET MACHINES 7 pumper trucks, 2 roll-off trucks. Revenue Connecticut-based restroom trailer business $25,000 negotiable. Email for more info:
Sewer Equipment Company of America 9hp over $2M, EBITDA $800,000+ and growing. for sale. Successful, stable business in its dma1371@aol.com (P06)
belt-driven bucket machine. Includes 20' Well-trained and stable employees. Contact 11th year with many repeat customers and
trailer with side boxes. Asking $10,000 OBO. Phillip Wilhite, at Corporate Investment, events. Consistent revenues in $600-800K COMPUTER SOFTWARE
Fort Worth, Texas. john.webbesg@gmail.com pwilhite@corpinvest.com for more informa- with operating income of $130-180K. In-
(C06) tion. (P06) credible upside potential in a very lucrative Fr e e S e r v i c e R e m i n d e r S o f t w a r e . c o m ,
market! Units are currently kept in Southern Fr e e S e r v i c e D i s p a t c h S o f t w a r e . c o m ,
For Sale: 8 pumper trucks, 2013 and 2014 CT, with business coming from throughout FreeRouteManagementSoftware.com.
BUSINESSES models. F-550 1,100w/300f and (1) 2014 the New England market. Included in the (P06)
with 300w/150f slide-in tank, call for pric- transaction: 25 assorted trailers (10 stalls,
Sewer rehab contractor in Colorado is exiting
ing. We have 243 blue PJ3 portable toilets shower trailers, ADA accessible, two/three
the business. All assets are for sale at the
website: www.RMSRInc.com. Items include for sale, $250 each. (22) 250-gallon holding stalls), 3 delivery trucks, training, depend- Portable septic and grease receiving sta-
a Vac-Con combo truck, Vac-Con straight jet, tanks, $175 each. (111) 300-gallon holding able work force, website domain and man- tions, dual-screen design. Screens that really
Aries cutter truck, Hurst boiler truck, Thermo tanks, $187.50 each. There are also inside agement team open for transition period. work - simple, non-mechanical. Set it up any-
King refer truck, wet out table, air compres- wash sinks, outside free-standing wash No existing port-o-potties or sanitation. A where. 208-790-8770 screencosystems.com
sor, bucket winch, shooter and more. Contact sinks, single portable trailers, 10-unit por- great add-on addition to your business or sales@screencosystems.com (PBM)
John at 303-953-0210. All reasonable offers table trailers, etc. Call for details 956-842- a turnkey business for someone looking to
3603 or 956-330-5476. Selling due to retire- enter the industry. Please contact seller at DeWatering Solids Units. 1. Hycor Roto
will be considered. (C06)
ment. Located in Edinburg, Texas. (P06) 203-520-4397. Serious inquiries only. ( P06) Strainer Screen for removal of core solids.
It is stainless steel, 4 ft. long and comes
Well-established SW Florida business for Portable toilet & trash removal company www.RooterMan.com. Franchises avail- with 20,000 wedge wire screen plus a Hy-
sale. 900+ units on the street, 15 ADA, 30+ for sale in Hawaii. Service trucks, delivery able with low flat fee. New concept. Visit droscreen. Asking $10,000. 2. Roto Strainer
sinks, 20+ holding tanks, 7 trucks, 2 trailers. trucks, and toilets. Standard, ADAs, sinks. website or call 1-800-700-8062. (PBM) Screen. It is stainless steel, 8 ft. long and
Many long-term construction customers, Front load trucks, container delivery trucks, comes with Hydroscreen. Asking $25,000.
year-round event customers. Documented roll-off trucks, front-load dumpsters and Florida septic business for sale with two Please contact 734-722-8922 (P06)
yearly growth. Only serious buyers need roll-off containers. Serious inquiries only. trucks and all equipment. Established 36
to inquire. Email office@ronsjons.com or Email hawaiianpumper@mail.com (P06) 2003 1.2-meter mobile Ashbrook Klampress
years. Specializing in drainfields, tank instal-
portapottyrentals@yahoo.com (P08) belt press. Ready to work! Comes with poly-
lations and repairs. $289,000 negotiable.
Septic tank business for sale. Owner is re- mer makedown system, 4" sludge pump, and
Commercially-zoned house & office available
Septic Tank Cleaning & Inspection Ser- tiring. Two (2) Freightliner pump trucks in water booster pump. Refurbished in 2015.
for an additional $130,000. Serious inquiries
vice Business for Sale in Central Maine. excellent condition. Excellent income. Will $65,000. Call Tom at 423-240-9737 (P06)
only. Call for more info. 727-326-5044. (P06)
Owner is retiring and is motivated to sell. train new owners. Price $235,000 firm. Also
Profitable (Average 3-yr Gross $205K), turn- house for sale with acreage to expand busi- WIND RIVER ENVIRONMENTAL is actively
key business with 5,200 loyal customer ness. arlnjss@yahoo.com (P06) seeking opportunities to acquire companies
base. Two pump truck operation (1) 2000
in the septic, grease, waste hauling, drain CLEANING EQUIPMENT
GMC - 2,500-gallon capacity. (1) 2004 Pe- Fully-equipped Long Island, NY cess-
pool cleaning company for sale. Estab- cleaning and commercial plumbing service
terbilt 4,500-gallon capacity. Serious in-
lished 50+ years serving Nassau & Suf- lines on the East Coast. Join a winning team!
quiries only! Email septicbizsale@gmail.com
folk Counties with excellent reputation and Check us out at www.wrenvironmental.com.
or call 207-782-1620 (PBM)
high-repeat customer base. High volume of Email Dave@Klinesservices.com or call my
Septic Business for sale in central Florida, drain cleaning calls every week. Best offer. cell at 717-587-1909. (PBM)
truck and equipment, 40+ yrs., same phone 516-993-0446 (P07)
# 352-429-2426. $250,000. For more info, Looking to start your own septic tank
email tcraigseptic@gmail.com (P08) Portable restroom business for sale. Located business in Florida? I can help. Have li-
in Midcoast Maine for 20 years. Loyal cus- cense, will sponsor. Call 931-277-5541 or
Septic business for sale in the Central San tomer base, contractors and events. Fully 931-248-1284. (PBM) 2012 Vactor 2112 Plus: SN# 11-09V-
Joaquin Valley, California. Well known, es- equipped. $125,000. Call 207-449-8741 or 12769, 12-yard, 1,500-gallon, 80gpm @
tablished name. 2002 Sterling pumper truck, email portabizsale@gmail.com (P08) National Grease Recycling Inc. Let us
2,500. 150 ft. lateral Hydrox lance 16"
3,200 gallons, CARB compliant. Also a 1994 teach you how to recycle restaurants waste,
PD blower. Kenworth chassis. $205,000
International pumper, 2,200 gallons, low an- If youre interested in selling your grease trap fryer grease and oil (yellow grease) only. Big
nual mileage compliant, and a great backup service, used cooking oil or other non-haz $. Over 30 years experience, will guide you 803-465-1351, SC C06
truck. A jetter is included as well as a We- wastewater disposal business, we'd like to through complete process from collection to
eVac. Serious inquiries only, please email hear from you! Liquid Environmental So- processing to marketing to end users. Dont Used and rebuilt cable machines in stock:
cindy.alvarado1@verizon.net (P07) lutions is the nation's largest liquid waste lose your trap business to competitors that RIDGID K-7500, K-40, K-60, K-1500, Spar-
management company - providing service offer both services. We also buy cooking oil, tan #1064, #300, #100, Electric Eel model
West Texas portable restroom business for across the USA. Sell your business and enjoy unprocessed, anywhere in the country. Call #C machines. The Cable Center: 800-257-
sale, Odessa and Midland area. Small busi- retirement or join us - we can always use for information. References available - many 7209. (CBM)
ness has over 200 toilets and 3 new service great team members. Contact Dana King: success stories. Dewey Walker, 813-704-
trucks. We also carry trash trailers. I have
2 other businesses also and dont have the
dana.king@liquidenviro.com or call 858- 6599 or 813-758-2552. (PBM) DRAINFIELD RESTORATION
481-8106 ext 10. (P10)
time to oversee this one. On pace to do close New and used terralifts for sale starting at
to a $1,000,000 in sales for the year. Will Septic company for sale in Jacksonville, FL $20,000 used and $38,000 new. Financing
sell with or without the yard. For questions area. Owner will qualify if not licensed until Submit your classified ad online! available. Call John at AerraTech 413-298-
please email: joe@gincocorp.com (P07) you are. pumpr@comcast.net (P06) www.pumper.com/classifieds/place_ad 4272. (PBM)
P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E
Terralifts - New and Used. Financing avail-
able for qualified buyers. For more infor-
mation call Dick Crane 800-223-2256 or
aalco@tds.net for electronic brochure. www.
youtube.com/watch?v=t8ApRUOasnY (PBM) Vac-Con industrial machine mounted
on a pre-owned 2006 Sterling cab and
New 3,200 U.S. gallon, carbon steel, chassis. $68,000. (Stock #8593C)
HAZARDOUS WASTE UNITS DOT certified, 407/412 vacuum tank,
2002 Vactor 2112: 2-stage fan, Ster-
ling chassis, 80 gpm @ 2,000 psi. Ex- www.VacuumSalesInc.com
dump type with full open rear, door and city, low hours, low miles! Work ready! (888) VAC-UNIT (822-8648) PBM
a Presvac PVB 750 vacuum-pressure ............................................... $48,900
pump installed on a 2017 Peterbilt 348
cab and chassis. Four (4) units available. 800-627-0778 C06
(888) VAC-UNIT (822-8648) PBM
2005 Sterling/Presvac PowerVac,
stainless steel, DOT certified, 3,500-gal-
lon wet/dry. Dump door with high rail gear
and boom, Hibon 27 blower with PV750
vacuum loading offloading pump. Tri-axle
Vactor 2100 PD Series: Vac truck
truck with CAT 435hp engine with Fuller 2001 International 4900 6x4 Aqua-
- Freightliner. Engine miles 51,342.
8-speed transmission. Runs excellent. tech B-52 combo truck: municipal-
Engine hours 7,506. Blower hours
KLM Companies 2007 International 9200i with a Prog- owned, 2,000-gallon water tank, 65gpm
- 2,846. Truck specifications: Make
617-909-9044 PBM ress aluminum 3,180-gallon 2-compart- water pump, 5-yd. debris tank, 6,200
-Freightliner. Year - 2013. Tandem axel
ment 2,950 waste (DOT 412) & 230 hours, 66,752 miles, 10-speed, work
(high dump). HXX kit installed. Debris
freshwater. Full-open rear door dump ready. FOB: Nashville, TN. ....... $69,500
body tank size 15 yd. Blower size - 18.
unit with a NVE vacuum pump, 3 trans- Call Terry or Chad Water tank capacity 2,000 gallons.
fer pump and high-pressure washdown 615-227-7800 C06 .................................. Asking $185,000
pump. (Stock# 2757C)
Dave Jaeger 916-442-5400, CA
djaeger@norcalpipe.com C08
(888) VAC-UNIT (822-8648) PBM
P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E
Pressure Washers Replacement Engines
Pumps, Parts & Accessories
WaterCannon.com 1.800.333.WASH (9274)
59 .99
14.49 $
$ .99
129 .99 $
39 .99 $
15 .99 $
4000 PSI
259 EACH $227.92 10+
299 $
149 .99 $
3,899 7gpm @ 4000psi
Industry Trained Staff Water Cannon, Un contacto en Espanol: llama al: 1.800.917.9274
available from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
weekdays E.S.T.
Water Cannon
Orlando | Phoenix | Minneapolis | Hattiesburg | Melbourne | Toronto | Bogota is proud to be a
International: 1-321-800-5763 MWBE
all Today For SavingS
Professionals in the Vacuum Tank & Trailer Industry
Contact: Jerry Blake, Toll Free: 866-720-4999 or: Amanda: 401-339-9992
P.O. Box 8136, Cranston, RI 02920
Cell: 401-688-0043
Amanda Hensarling
Baytown, TX
Cell: 401-339-9992
Pumps For Sale SHINE ON Products From
NVE 866 and 4307 Packages Available
P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E
Keep stuff cold. Keep stuff dry. Keep stuff safe.
N E W E Q U I P M E N T C U S TO M B U I LT TO YO U R S P E C I F I C AT I O N S find us on
715-889-1544, WI P06
P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E
1990 Ford L8000: 3,000-gallon full- 1996 Kenworth T800, Cummins M11,
370hp, 10-speed RoadRanger, air-ride 1991 International, 221k miles, 3,600-
opening rear door with hoist. Built on 1996 Ford L8000: 2,300-gallon tank,
suspension. 3,500-gallon tank, 367 gallon tank, rebuilt Jurop pump. All new
jetter with 150-gallon water tank. Good MEC 8000 pump, heated valves, 33,000
Challenger pump, 3" and 4" valve, 6 valves, LED lights, hoses, brand-new
tires. Runs great, working daily. Low GVW, air brakes and seat, 8.3L Cum-
dump, heated valves. ............... $35,000 front springs. N14 Cummins, new paint.
miles 92,xxx. .......................... $27,500 mins, 6-speed. Good rubber. Current
Squires, Pierson and Sons, Inc. Tank has a non-corrosive chemical liner
Dave 612-221-6355, MN P06 DOT. Ready to work. ................. $22,000
631-283-1403, NY P06
in it. .......................................... $41,000
218-259-1542, MN P07
918-342-9072, OK P06
and Affordable
2000 Volvo septic truck, approx.
1999 Kenworth T300 with 1999 Lely
tank. 1,000 waste, 300 fresh. 396k
482,000 miles. New 4,000-gallon tank
installed in 2013. .................... $30,000 Options
miles, 33k GVW. Everything works. Truck Call 810-614-9141
located in Oregon. ............ $19,500 OBO or 586-996-5552 P06
Randy 408-455-2900 P06
400 Big Cam, Eaton 13-speed, 628,000 rial TMV2500 (2,500 gallons) with an 1995 Chevrolet Kodiak 454, 2,000-
miles. Runs good. Newer 3,600-gal- NVE607 (357cfm). 173,059 miles. Get gallon steel tank, Jurop pump. 126k
miles, new tires and upholstery. Monroe, 2000 Mack 600R: Mack motor 350hp,
lon aluminum tank, Masport pump. One this package for as low as $1,012.79 a
owner (non-smoker) ................. $20,000 GA. .................... $25,000 will negotiate 4,000-gallon Transway tank and pump -
month. .................................... $69,900
$27,000 or best offer. 1995 Freightliner Cab
805-226-8170, CA P06 Kyle 715-359-0200 P06 770-314-0501, GA P06
Over: Cummins motor 390hp, 3,500-gal-
lon tank with pump - $18,000 or best offer.
2004 Freightliner FL70: 1,200-gallon unit, Contact Dave at 484-274-1356 or email
low-entry cab with a van body and liftgate. dotterssepticservices@yahoo.com (P06)
(Stock# 4101V) www.VacuumSalesInc.com 2012 International 4300: 260hp die-
(888) VAC-UNIT (822-8648) (PBM) sel, auto., 95,000 miles. New 1,850-gallon
steel vacuum tank, new Masport pump.
2004 Sterling Acterra with a Progress www.pumpertrucksales.com. Call JR. @
2,500-gallon aluminum vacuum tank and 720-253-8014, CO. (PBM)
Masport pump. (Stock# 8460C) www.
2006 Kenworth T800: C-15, 485hp,
VacuumSalesInc.com (888) VAC-UNIT 2012 International 4300: 230hp, diesel,
10-speed, 211k miles, about 15,600
(822-8648) (PBM) auto. New 1,850-gallon steel vacuum tank,
Turn-Key Vacuum Tank Units: 3,600- hrs. 4,000-gallon waste tank, 200-gal-
gallon, unit mounted on your truck or lon freshwater with jetter. Full hoist, full new Masport pump. www.pumpertrucksales.
Pre-owned 3,000 U.S. gallon, carbon-steel com. Call JR. @ 720-253-8014, CO. (PBM)
ours; $23,500. 2,500-gallon truck units; rear-opening door. Good tires, ready to
vacuum tank with a Masport H75W vacuum-
$20,000. 1,500-gallon truck units; work. ...................................... $95,000
pressure pump installed on a 2000 Mack 2011 International 4300: 230hp, diesel,
$17,000. Self-contained vacuum skids, 802-658-6243, VT P06 CH613 cab and chassis. (Stock# 8498C) auto. New 1,850-gallon steel vacuum tank,
1,000-gallon; $11,000. 2,500-gallon
www.VacuumSalesInc.com (888) VAC- new Masport pump. www.pumpertrucksales.
painted tanks ready to mount; $13,000.
UNIT (822-8648) (PBM) com. Call JR. @ 720-253-8014, CO. (PBM)
PortaPotty trucks and any custom op- 1997 AutoCar/Volvo: Cummins N14 525hp
tions or sizes available! engine, Eaton 8LL 10-speed transmission.
TexLa Services 2009 PikRite 5,000-gallon vacuum tank with
Presvac LPK vac pump. Excellent running
FILL ITa job opening
www.texlaservices.com P06 condition. $29,900. Used Presvac PV750
vac pump for sale, recently overhauled.
BID IT OUTan upcoming job
1999 International 8100 with a 3,500-
$2,500. Contact Frank@ActionKingServices. ANNOUNCE IT
com or 978-452-7750. (PBM) contracted services offered
gallon steel tank. 10-speed transmission,
M11 Cummins 330 hp, Jurop pump. Ev-
erything still works, $5,500. Call 989-450-
New 2016 Freightliner M2, 33K, 300hp SELL ITused equipment
Cummins ISL, 3500 RDS auto., 2,500-gal-
9826. Michigan (P06) lon septic. Larry Towner 770-241-0989, OBTAIN ITa position wanted
ltowner@peachstatetrucks.com (P06)
2007 Freightliner M2, C7 CAT, 6-speed man-
ual, air shift, PTO shaft-drive Masport 75. 2004 Freightliner M2 with 2,500 gallon
1,800-gallon tank. 22.5 tires. 110k miles. tank/100-gallon water tank. 367 Challenger.
Send message for pictures. $29,500 OBO. Automatic transmission. ~150,000 miles.
In Pumper magazine and on the web. Pumper.com
620-629-7212 (P07) $43,000. Call 615-477-4741 (P06)
P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E
SEPTIC TRUCKS TOOLS TV INSPECTION IBAK Panoramo SI manhole inspection sys-
tem. Complete dealer demo unit in perfect
1995 Ford F800: 8.3 Cummins, 6-speed, Crust Busters: Portable, lightweight ma- condition. $115,000. Optional custom alu-
254k miles. NVE pump, 2,200-gallon tank. chine, guaranteed to mix up septic tanks and minum enclosure $5,500. 763-276-8335
$16,500 OBO. 951-830-4840 (P06) grease traps! Save time and money! www. kevin.prodoehl@titanmachinery.com (C06)
crustbusters.com, 1-888-878-2296. (PBM)
Spartan SparVision 200 color self-leveling
T&T Tools, Probes, Hooks: Probes feature
SERVICE/REPAIR steel shafts with threaded and hardened tips.
camera system with 512 Hz locating beacon
for sale. Excellent shape with iPad $3,300.
Dynamic Repairs - Inspection Camera The insulated Mighty Probe tested to Contact Mike or Corby at 801-266-8041 or
Repairs: 48 hour turn-around time. General 50,000 volts. Top Poppers open manhole 2007 Aries CCTV Unit - CUES Laser
Profiler: CCTV mainline, POSM soft- email mromano@electricdrain.com (C06)
Wire, Ratech, Ridgid, Electric Eel, Gator Cams, covers easily. Free catalog. www.TandT 2007 CUES Inspection Trailer: OZII pan-and-
tools.com. Phone 800-521-6893. (PBM) ware, joint/crack measuring capabilities,
Insight Vision, Vision Intruders. Quality service tilt camera on steerable transporter with lift.
TR3000 tractor. ....................... $40,000
on all brands. Rental equipment available. 2,000 ft. reel. LAMP 1 lateral-launch camera
For more info call Jack at 973-478-0893. RIDGID model #300 with stand, RIDGID tri- Call Rob 386-527-0998, FL P06
and transporter. Honda liquid-cooled gen-
Lodi, NJ. www.dynamicrepairs.biz (PBM) stand vises, RP 330 ProPress kit. The Cable
erator, arrowstick, 18 ft. Express trailer. Nice
Center: 800-257-7209. (CBM)
unit. $55,000. Accepting reasonable offers,
email me for more pictures. 269-585-5352
NEED TRACTION? We make aftermarket
mwilson@ceenviro.com (C07)
more aggressive pads and chain assemblies
Septic pumper and vacuum die-cast toy for all chain-driven camera tractors. Custom, 2016 IBAK Premium Mainline Inspection
trucks: In your choice of colors and logos, dependable, double-hole fabrication secured System for 5"-48" pipe. Includes: Orpheus
several cabs available. Call 877-450-2100, to high-quality carbon steel chain, or just pan & tilt, zoom camera, T76 mainline trac-
write to Granite State Collectibles, PO Box pads and rivets. Also available: non-gritted tor with remote elevator, 1,000' of cable,
440, New Ipswich, NH 03071; or www. pads. Samples upon request. Pipe Tool Spe- winch, control room, Onan 5.5Kw gen-
granitestatecollectibles.com. (PBM) cialties LLC: 888-390-6794; Fax 888-390- erator. Mounted in 14' enclosed trailer. Call
6670; www.yourtractionpads.com or email Mike or Robert at 800-294-0149 or visit
pts4422@yahoo.com (CBM)
TRAILERS- www.williamseqpt.com (C06)
100 - 2011 Wichita 500 bbl. (21,400 VACUUM/TANKER WANTED: WinCan Licenses - USB sticks IBAK Panoramo SI Manhole Inspection Sys-
gallons) portable frac tanks. Epoxy lined. for inspection software as used on Aries/ tem in enclosed aluminum portable skid.
Delivery available. Geneva Equipment, Inc. IBAK/CUES. Other software also considered. Pano SI Inspection System, interface card,
Call 815-341-0375 Call 407-702-7266. (C06) BE5 Pano SI controller, 300 feet of FO cable,
or tom@genevaequipment.com KW180 SI cable reel. Skid includes computer,
www.genevaequipment.com PBM PEARPOINT Mainliner buying & sell- monitor, and 1,000w generator. Call Matt at
ing used equipment. Canada & USA PEAR- 618-566-3003. (C06)
Imperial Vacuum Trailers: In stock, complete Pearpoint trucks. Will buy your 2016 Envirosight Rovver X installed in a
6,000- and 6,300-gallon aluminum single- old system. Do you need parts? 399, 599 2016 Ford Transit 250. Includes wheels
compartment Imperial vacuum trailers. reels; 420, 448 tractors: 494 digital and from 6" to 24" and power lift kit. 3,000-watt
Call Kyle zoom 420 light heads. Call 800-265-4298 or pure sine wave inverter, tool box, 15-gallon
800-558-2945 Ext. 424 PBM mainliner2075@hotmail.com (CBM) washdown tank with retractable hose reel,
Cheap, Used Vacuum Tanks - Late rack mount computer, and WinCan core li-
model, lined steel tank sale! 4,650-gal- GAIN TRACTION ON YOUR PIPE INSPEC- cence. $139,000. Call Brian for pictures
3,000-gallon vacuum tank trailer w/man- TION PROGRAM. Finally a flexible polymer
lon, many available. $8,500 - some with 303-898-9475. (C06)
hole. Dual-axle, constructed of heavy-duty wheel with carbide grit for added traction in
pumps. Also: Low-price plug-and-play
Moro and Fruitland pumps. steel. Solid mechanical condition. Located in all pipe types and conditions, fitting most USED Envirosight ROVVER Inspection Crawl-
Holland, MI. $4,000. 616-307-8226 (P06) major CCTV transporter brands. Patent pend- er System: Overhauled with lots of new parts
Call 269-751-5167, MI PBM
ing. Order today at trugrittraction.com, email and ready to run. Includes cable reel, cam-
info@trugrittraction.com or call 407-900- era, tractor and controls, plus accessories.
TRUCKS - 1091. (CBM) $27,500. Call 973-252-6700. (CBM)
1,500-gallon aluminum Progress tanks, 2 MISCELLANEOUS
available. 300 water/1,200 septic. Ready CUES full outfit camera unit. 2005 E450 die- Used and rebuilt camera kits in stock: RIDGID
to mount on trucks. Price: $5,900 each. 1997 International Eagle: 3406 CAT engine,
sel CUES-built truck. Cameras, tractors, new Mini Compact, Mini Color, Standard Self-
832-914-2855 (P06) 425hp, air-ride. 3,200-gallon hoist tank.
parts, tools, gas monitors, EVERYTHING to Leveling, General Gen-Eye I, II and III, Aries
New paint, 380,000 miles (only 60,000
Vacuum Tanks - New: Sizes from 1,000- work. Owner retiring. Vactor 2100 and jetters Seeker, and SRECO kits. The Cable Center:
miles on rebuilt engine.) Recently inspected.
4,300 gallons. All complete! Delivery avail- available too! 204-688-5220 (C07) 800-257-7209. (CBM)
$29,000. Call or text 585-217-1652 for
able. www.JEagleTanks.com. Contact more info or photos. (P06)
Jerry: JEagleTanks@yahoo.com or 800- 2006 Aries lateral launcher + storm sewer
721-2774. (PBM) 1982 Ford vacuum truck, 2,500 gallons, setup. Includes 4 tractors, 3 cameras. Thou-
vane pump w/dump. 92,000 miles, 8.2L De- sands of misc. parts. Installed in a diesel
troit diesel, 4+2-speed, single-axle. Original International. Truck is fully functional and SUBMIT YOUR
TANK TRAILERS owner. $5,500 OBO. 616-307-8226 (P06) ready to work. 717-554-1715. (C06) CLASSIFIED AD
Two (2) 2005 Largo stainless vacuum pump 1989 Freightliner FL-112: C-12 CAT, 4,300- 2011 Chevy High-Cube TV Inspection truck: ONLINE AT
trailers, 2,100 gallons. $12,000 each. Excel- gallon aluminum dump tank. 139,605 odom- 18,000 miles, new cable. Reduced price www.pumper.com
lent condition! Call for pictures. Walt 570- eter. Witting RFW150DVR pump. Call Jerry - $48,000. Call for more information. 630-
278-9466 (P06) 865-617-9041. (P06) 333-3704 (C06)
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TV INSPECTION 2014 Freightliner 114SD with a Vacall AVRB-
18 industial vacuum loader. (Stock# 9116C)
2002 Chevy 3500 RST van with new POSM www.VacuumSalesInc.com (888) VAC-
computer - $35,000. 2001 Chevy 2500 RST UNIT (822-8648) (PBM)
van with new POSM computer - $30,000.
Pictures upon request @ cdscar@aol.com 2006 International 7600 Guzzler NX Tech-
916-747-3819 (C06) nology Air Mover with boom. CAT C13,
227k miles. Guzzler vac pump. $150,000.
Used SeeSnake Camera Systems in all oilfieldtruckworld.com 832-914-2855 (P06)
sizes; Used General Wire Spring Camera
Systems in all sizes; Used machines in all 2009 Sterling LT9500 with a Vacall AVRB-
sizes. We want your trade! The Cable Center: 18 industrial vacuum loader. (Stock# 4792C)
800-257-7209. (CBM) www.VacuumSalesInc.com (888) VAC-
UNIT (822-8648) (PBM)
Wanted to Buy: Vactor 2100s and late model magazine that is e-mailed to readers.
Guzzlers. Cash. Phone 800-336-4369. (PBM)
Thats three ways to move your
1996 Sterling with Guzzler Clas- WATERBLASTING
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phone 714-259-7700. (PBM)
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placement parts. Excellent quality & prices.
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alljetting.com. (CBM)
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1996 Ford Guzzler Ace: 27" blower, CLASSIFIED AD
new cyclone, good tires. Call for details.
Northwest Ohio. ............... $48,000 OBO ONLINE AT Scan the
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2009 Vac-Con VPD4012XLHAE 2009 Vac-Con VXPD429OLH/800
61,462 MILES / 7,259 HOURS 29,459 MILES / 3,284 HOURS