Excel Link
Excel Link
Excel Link
May 1, 2017
Type Package
Title Convenient Data Exchange with Microsoft Excel
Version 0.9.7
Date 2017-04-30
Author Gregory Demin <excel.link.feedback@gmail.com>. To comply CRAN policy
includes source code from 'RDCOMClient' (http://www.omegahat.net/RDCOMClient) by
Duncan Temple Lang <duncan@wald.ucdavis.edu>.
Maintainer Gregory Demin <excel.link.feedback@gmail.com>
Depends methods, grDevices, utils
Suggests knitr
VignetteBuilder knitr
OS_type windows
Description Allows access to data in running instance of Microsoft Excel
(e. g. 'xl[a1] = xl[b2]*3' and so on). Graphics can be transferred with
'xl[a1] = current.graphics()'. There is an Excel workbook with examples of
calling R from Excel in the 'doc' folder. It tries to keep things as
simple as possible - there are no needs in any additional
installations besides R, only 'VBA' code in the Excel workbook.
Microsoft Excel is required for this package.
License GPL (>= 2)
URL https://github.com/gdemin/excel.link
BugReports https://github.com/gdemin/excel.link/issues
LazyLoad yes
ByteCompile TRUE
NeedsCompilation yes
RoxygenNote 6.0.1
Repository CRAN
Date/Publication 2017-05-01 10:20:11 UTC
2 COMStop
R topics documented:
COMStop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
current.graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
excel.link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
xl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
xl.bind.range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
xl.connect.table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
xl.current.region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
xl.get.excel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
xl.index2address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
xl.property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
xl.read.file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
xl.sheet.add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
xl.workbook.add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
xl.write . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Index 28
For details about these functions see help for RDCOMClient package by Duncan Temple Lang
<duncan@wald.ucdavis.edu>: http://www.omegahat.net/RDCOMClient, http://www.omegahat.
COMStop(msg, status, class = "COMError")
createCOMReference(ref, className)
.COMInit(status = TRUE)
x[[i, j, ...]]
msg See RDCOMClient documentation.
status See RDCOMClient documentation.
class See RDCOMClient documentation.
ref See RDCOMClient documentation.
className See RDCOMClient documentation.
name See RDCOMClient documentation.
... See RDCOMClient documentation.
existing See RDCOMClient documentation.
guid See RDCOMClient documentation.
force See RDCOMClient documentation.
silent See RDCOMClient documentation.
appName See RDCOMClient documentation.
x See RDCOMClient documentation.
value See RDCOMClient documentation.
i See RDCOMClient documentation.
j See RDCOMClient documentation.
obj See RDCOMClient documentation.
.dispatch See RDCOMClient documentation.
.return See RDCOMClient documentation.
.ids See RDCOMClient documentation.
.suppliedArgs See RDCOMClient documentation.
X See RDCOMClient documentation.
FUN See RDCOMClient documentation.
simplify See RDCOMClient documentation.
USE.NAMES See RDCOMClient documentation.
drop See RDCOMClient documentation.
exact See RDCOMClient documentation.
current.graphics 7
An object of class integer of length 3.
Duncan Temple Lang <duncan@wald.ucdavis.edu>
Auxiliary function for export graphics to Microsoft Excel
current.graphics(type = c("png", "jpeg", "bmp", "tiff"), filename = NULL,
picname = NULL, ...)
type file type. Ignored if argument filename provided.
filename character. filename (or full path) of file with graphics.
picname character. Picture name in Excel.
... arguments for internally used dev.copy function
If argument type provided this function will save graphics from windows plotting device to tem-
porary file and return path to this file. Argument filename is intended to transfer plots to Ex-
cel from file-based graphics devices (see Examples) or just insert into Excel file with graphics.
If argument filename is provided argument type will be ignored and returned value is path to
file filename with class attribute current.graphics. So it could be used with expressions such
xl[a1] = current.graphics(filename="plot.png"). If picname is provided then picture will
be inserted in Excel with this name. If picture picname already exists in Excel it will be deleted.
This argument is useful when we need to change old picture in Excel instead of adding new picture.
picname will be automatically prepended by "_" to avoid conflicts with Excel range names.
8 excel.link
Path to file with saved graphics with class attribute current.graphics. If used with argument type
than result has attribute temp.file = TRUE.
## Not run:
xl[a1] = current.graphics()
cos.plot = current.graphics()
xl[a1] = list("Cosine plotting",cos.plot,"End of cosine plotting")
## End(Not run)
The excel.link package mainly consists of two rather independent parts: one is for transferring
data/graphics to running instance of Excel, another part - work with data table in Excel in similar
way as with usual data.frame.
Transferring data
Package provided family of objects: xl, xlc, xlr and xlrc. You dont need to initialize these
objects or to do any other preliminary actions. Just after execution library(excel.link) you
can transfer data to Excel active sheet by simple assignment, for example: xlrc[a1] = iris.
In this notation iris dataset will be written with column and row names. If you doesnt need
column/row names just remove r/c letters (xlc[a1] = iris - with column names but without
row names). To read Excel data just type something like this: xl[a1:b5]. You will get data.frame
xl 9
with values from range a1:a5 without column and row names. It is possible to use named ranges
(e. g. xl[MyNamedRange]). To transfer graphics use xl[a1] = current.graphics(). You can
make active binding to Excel range:
xl_iris %=crc% a1 # bind variable to current region around cell A1 on Excel active sheet
xl_iris = iris # put iris data set
identical(xl_iris$Sepal.Width, iris$Sepal.Width)
xl_iris$test = "Hello, world!" # add new column on Excel sheet
xl_iris = within(xl_iris, {
new_col = Sepal.Width * Sepal.Length # add new column on Excel sheet
Live connection
For example we put iris datasset to Excel sheet: xlc[a1] = iris. After that we connect Excel
range with R object: xl_iris = xl.connect.table("a1",row.names = FALSE, col.names =
TRUE). So we can:
Live connection is faster than active binding to range but is less universal (for example, you cant
use within statement with it).
See Also
xl, xlc, xlr, xlrc objects are already defined in the package. It doesnt need to create or init
them. Just after attaching package one can write something like this: xl[a1] = "Hello, world!"
and this text should appears in A1 cell on active sheet of active Excel workbook. xl(*)n fam-
ily of functions creates new worksheet for output. You can provide sheet name and position via
10 xl
## S3 method for class 'xl'
x[str.rng, drop = !(has.rownames(x) | has.colnames(x)),
na = "", ...]
x One of xl, xlc, xlr, xlrc objects. xl - read/write with/without column and row
names, "r" - with rownames, "c" - with colnames
str.rng character Excel range. For single bracket operations it can be without quotes in
almost all cases.
drop logical. If TRUE the result is coerced to the lowest possible dimension. By
default dimensions will be dropped if there are no columns and rows names.
na character. NA representation in Excel. By default it is empty string.
... additional parameters. Not yet used.
value suitable replacement value. It will be recycled to fill excel range only if it is
object of length 1. In other cases size of excel range is ignored - all data will be
xl 11
xl object represents Microsoft Excel application. For convenient interactive usage arguments
can be given without quotes in most cases (e. g. xl[a1] = 5 or xl[u2:u85] = "Hi" or
xl[MyNamedRange] = 42, but xl["Sheet1!A1"] = 42). When it used in your own func-
tions or you need to use variable as argument it is recommended apply double brackets notation:
xl[["a1"]] = 5 or xl[["u2:u85"]] = "Hi" or xl[["MyNamedRange"]] = 42. Difference
between xl, xlc, xlrc and xlr is xl ignore row and column names, xlc suppose read and write to
Excel with column names, xlrc - with column and row names and so on. There is argument drop
which is TRUE by default for xl and FALSE by default for other options. xl.selection returns
data.frame with data from current selection in Excel. All these functions never coerce characters to
Returns appropriate dataset from Excel.
See Also
cr, xl.current.region,
## Not run:
rownames(iris) = as.character(rownames(iris))
iris$Species = as.character(iris$Species)
xlrc$a1 = iris
xl.iris = xl.current.region("a1",row.names=TRUE,col.names=TRUE)
xl.sheet.add("Datasets examples")
data.sets = list("Iris dataset",iris,"Cars dataset",cars,"Titanic dataset",as.data.frame(Titanic))
xlrc[a1] = data.sets
## End(Not run)
12 xl.bind.range
xl.bind.range and xl.bind.current.region create sym in environment env so that getting the
value of sym return bound Excel range, and assigning to sym will write the value to be assigned to
Excel range. In case of xl.bind.range range will be updated after each assignment accordingly
to the size of the assigned value. xl.bind.current.region always returns data from current
region (Ctrl+Shift+* in Excel) of bound range. %=xl% etc are shortcuts for xl.bind.range and
xl.bind.current.region. "r" means with row names, "c" means with column names. Range in
most cases can be provided without quotes: a1 %=xl% a1:b100. Functions with = and with <-
in the names do the same things - they are just for those who prefer = assignment and for those
who prefer <- assignment. Assignment and reading may be slow because these functions always
read/write entire dataset.
xl.bind.range(sym, str.range, drop = TRUE, na = "", row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE, env = parent.frame())
sym character/active binding.
str.range character Excel range.
drop logical. If TRUE the result is coerced to the lowest possible dimension. By
default dimensions will be dropped if there are no columns and rows names.
na character. NA representation in Excel. By default it is empty string.
row.names logical value indicating whether the Excel range contains the row names as its
first column.
col.names logical value indicating whether the Excel range contains the column names as
its first row.
env an environment.
value character Excel range address. It can be without quotes in many cases.
xl.binding.address returns list with three components about bound Excel range: address, rows
- number of rows, columns - number of columns. All other functions dont return anything but
create active binding to Excel range in the environment.
Idea by Stefan Fritsch (https://github.com/gdemin/excel.link/issues/1)
See Also
xl, xlr, xlc, xlrc
## Not run:
range_a1 %=xl% a1 # binding range_a1 to cell A1 on active sheet
range_a1 # should be NA
range_a1 = 42 # value in Excel should be changed
identical(range_a1, 42)
cr_a1 %=cr% a1 # binding cr_a1 to current region around cell A1 on active sheet
14 xl.connect.table
identical(cr_a1, range_a1)
# difference between 'cr' and 'xl':
xl[a2] = 43
range_a1 # 42
cr_a1 # identical to 42:43
# make cr and xl identical:
range_a1 = 42:43
identical(cr_a1, range_a1)
xl_iris %=crc% a1 # bind current region A1 on active sheet with column names
xl_iris = iris # put iris dataset to Excel sheet
identical(xl_iris$Sepal.Width, iris$Sepal.Width) # should be TRUE
## End(Not run)
xl.connect.table returns object that can be operated as usual data.frame object and this opera-
tions (e. g. subsetting, assignment) will be immediately reflected on connected Excel range. See
examples. Connected range is current region, e. g. selection which can be obtained by pressing
Ctrl+Shift+* when selected str.rng (or top-left cell of this range is active).
xl.connect.table(str.rng = "A1", row.names = TRUE, col.names = TRUE,
na = "")
str.rng string which represents Excel range
row.names a logical value indicating whether the Excel range contains row names as its first
col.names a logical value indicating whether the Excel range contains column names as its
first row
na character. NA representation in Excel. By default it is empty string
x object of class excel.range
xl.connect.table 15
Subsetting. Indices in subsetting operations are numeric/character/logical vectors or empty (miss-
ing). Numeric values are coerced to integer as by as.integer (and hence truncated towards zero).
Character vectors will be matched to the colnames of the object (or Excel column names if
has.colnames = FALSE). For extraction form if column name doesnt exist error will be gener-
ated. For replacement form new column will be created. If indices are logical vectors they indicate
elements/slices to select. Such vectors are recycled if necessary to match the corresponding extent.
Indices can also be negative integers, indicating elements/slices to leave out of the selection.
xl.connect.table returns object of excel.range class which represent data on Excel sheet.
This object can be treated similar to data.frame. So you can assign values, delete columns/rows
and so on. For more information see examples.
sort sorts Excel range by single column (multiple columns currently not supported) and in-
visibly return NULL.
## Not run:
### session example
xl.sheet.add("Iris dataset", before = 1)
xlrc[a1] = iris
xl.iris = xl.connect.table("a1", row.names = TRUE, col.names = TRUE)
dists = dist(xl.iris[, 1:4])
clusters = hclust(dists, method = "ward.D")
xl.iris$clusters = cutree(clusters, 3)
pl.clus = current.graphics()
cross = table(xl.iris$Species, xl.iris$clusters)
pl.cross = current.graphics()
xl.sheet.add("Results", before = 2)
xlrc$a1 = list("Crosstabulation", cross,pl.cross, "Dendrogram", pl.clus)
# preliminary operations
rownames(iris) = as.character(rownames(iris))
iris$Species = as.character(iris$Species)
# dim/colnames/rownames
# sort datasets
iris = iris[order(iris$Sepal.Length), ]
sort(xl.iris, column = "Sepal.Length")
identical(xl.iris[], iris)
# value recycling
xl.iris$temp = c('aa','bb')
iris$temp = c('aa','bb')
identical(xl.iris[], iris)
# delete column
xl.iris[,"temp"] = NULL
iris[,"temp"] = NULL
identical(xl.iris[], iris)
xl.current.region 17
## End(Not run)
Current region is a region that will be selected by pressing Ctrl+Shift+* in Excel. The current
region is a range bounded by any combination of blank rows and blank columns. cr, crc, crr, crrc
objects are already defined in the package. It doesnt need to create or init them.
str.rng character Excel range. For single bracket operations it can be without quotes in
almost all cases.
drop logical. If TRUE the result is coerced to the lowest possible dimension. By
default dimensions will be dropped if there are no columns and rows names.
na character. NA representation in Excel. By default it is empty string.
row.names logical value indicating whether the Excel range contains the row names as its
first column.
col.names logical value indicating whether the Excel range contains the column names as
its first row.
... additional parameters. Not yet used.
x One of cr, crc, crr, crrc objects. cr - read/write with/without column and row
names, "r" - with rownames, "c" - with colnames
value suitable replacement value. All data will be placed in Excel sheet starting from
top-left cell of current region. Current region will be cleared before writing.
18 xl.get.excel
cr object represents Microsoft Excel application. For convenient interactive usage arguments
can be given without quotes in most cases (e. g. cr[a1] = 5 or cr[u2:u85] = "Hi" or
cr[MyNamedRange] = 42, but cr["Sheet1!A1"] = 42). When it used in your own func-
tions or you need to use variable as argument it is recommended apply double brackets notation:
cr[["a1"]] = 5 or cr[["u2:u85"]] = "Hi" or cr[["MyNamedRange"]] = 42. Difference
between cr, crc, crrc and crr is cr ignore row and column names, crc suppose read and write to
Excel with column names, crrc - with column and row names and so on. There is argument drop
which is TRUE by default for cr and FALSE by default for other options. All these functions never
coerce characters to factors
Returns appropriate dataset from Excel.
See Also
## Not run:
xlc$a1 = iris
identical(crc[a1],xlc[a1:e151]) # should be TRUE
identical(crc$a1,xlc[a1:e151]) # should be TRUE
identical(crc$a1,xlc[a1]) # should be FALSE
## End(Not run)
Returns reference to Microsoft Excel application. If there is no running instance exists it will create
a new instance.
xl.index2address 19
object of class COMIDispatch (as returned by COMCreate from RDCOMClient package).
## Not run:
xls = xl.get.excel()
## End(Not run)
Converts Excel address to indexes and vice versa.
xl.index2address(top, left, bottom = NULL, right = NULL)
top integer top index of top-left cell
left integer left index of top-left cell
bottom integer bottom index of bottom-right cell
right integer right index of bottom-right cell
str.range character Excel range address
xl.index2address returns character address (e. g. A1:B150), xl.address2index returns vector with
four components: top, left, bottom, right.
xl.index2address(top=1, left=1)
## Not run:
a1 %=xl% a1
a1 = iris
addr = xl.binding.address(a1)$address
20 xl.property
## End(Not run)
xl.property Excel constants and helper function for setting Excel range properties.
xl.constants is a list with (surprise!) Excel named constants.
... names of arguments are properties as in Excel VBA, values are properties values.
An object of class list of length 2024.
list of class xl.property.
## Not run:
# create random matrix
rand_mat = matrix(runif(16), ncol = 4)
## End(Not run)
xl.read.file 21
xl.read.file Functions for saving and reading data to/from Excel file.
Functions for saving and reading data to/from Excel file.
xl.read.file(filename, header = TRUE, row.names = NULL, col.names = NULL,
xl.sheet = NULL, top.left.cell = "A1", na = "", password = NULL,
excel.visible = FALSE)
filename a character
header a logical value indicating whether the file contains the names of the variables as
its first line. If TRUE and top-left corner is empty cell, first column is considered
as row names. Ignored if row.names or col.names is not NULL.
row.names a logical value indicating whether the row names of r.obj are to be read/saved
along with r.obj
col.names a logical value indicating whether the column names of r.obj are to be read/saved
along with r.obj
xl.sheet character. Name of Excel sheet where data is located/will be saved. By default
it is NULL and data will be read/saved from/to active sheet.
top.left.cell character. Top-left corner of data in Excel sheet. By default is A1.
na character. NA representation in Excel. By default it is empty string.
password character. Password for password-protected workbook.
excel.visible a logical value indicating will Excel visible during this operations. FALSE by
r.obj R object.
xl.read.file reads only rectangular data set. It is highly recommended to have all column names
and ids in data set. Orphaned rows/columns located apart from the main data will be ignored.
xl.save.file can save all objects for which xl.write method exists - see examples.
xl.read.file always returns data.frame. xl.save.file invisibly returns NULL.
22 xl.sheet.add
See Also
xl.write, xl.workbook.save, xl.workbook.open, current.graphics
## Not run:
xl.iris = xl.read.file("iris.xlsx")
all(iris == xl.iris) # Shoud be TRUE
# password-protected file
xl.save.file(iris,"iris.xlsx", password = "pass")
xl.iris = xl.read.file("iris.xlsx", password = "pass")
all(iris == xl.iris) # Shoud be TRUE
## End(Not run)
Basic operations with worksheets.
xl.sheet.add 23
xl.sheet.add(xl.sheet.name = NULL, before = NULL)
xl.sheet.delete(xl.sheet = NULL)
xl.sheet.name character. sheet name in active workbook
before character/numeric. sheet name or sheet number in active workbook before which
new sheet will be added
xl.sheet character/numeric. sheet name or sheet number in active workbook
xl.sheet.add adds new sheet with given name and invisibly returns name of this newly added
sheet. Added sheet become active. If xl.sheet.name is missing default name will be used. If
before argument is missing, sheet will be added at the last position. If sheet with given name
already exists error will be generated.
xl.sheet.activate activates sheet with given name/number. If sheet with this name doesnt
exist error will be generated.
xl.sheet.delete deletes sheet with given name/number. If name doesnt submitted it delete
active sheet.
xl.sheet.add/xl.sheet.activate invisibly return name of created/activated sheet.
xl.sheets returns vector of sheet names in active workbook.
xl.sheet.delete invisibly returns NULL.
See Also
## Not run:
sheets = xl.sheets()
xl.sheet.add("First", before="Second")
for (sheet in sheets) xl.sheet.delete(sheet) # only 'First' and 'Second' exist in workbook now
xl.sheet.activate("Second") #last sheet activated
24 xl.workbook.add
## End(Not run)
Basic operations with Excel workbooks
xl.workbook.add(filename = NULL)
xl.workbooks(full.names = FALSE)
xl.workbook.close(xl.workbook.name = NULL)
filename character. Excel workbook filename.
password character. Password for password-protected workbook.
character. Excel workbook name.
full.names logical. Should we return full path to the workbook? FALSE, by default.
xl.workbook.add adds new workbook and invisibly returns name of this newly created work-
book. Added workbook become active. If filename argument is provided then Excel work-
book filename will be used as template.
xl.workbook.activate activates workbook with given name. If workbook with this name
doesnt exist error will be generated.
xl.workbook.save saves active workbook. If only filename submitted it saves in the work-
ing directory. If name of workbook is omitted than new workbook is saved under its default
name in the current working directory. It doesnt prompt about overwriting if file already
xl.workbook.close closes workbook with given name. If name isnt submitted it closed
active workbook. It doesnt prompt about saving so if you dont save changes before closing
all changes will be lost.
xl.write 25
xl.workbook.add/xl.workbook.open/xl.workbook.activate invisibly return name of cre-
ated/open/activated workbook.
xl.workbooks returns character vector of open workbooks.
xl.workbook.save invisibly returns path to the saved workbook
xl.workbook.close invisibly returns NULL.
See Also
xl.sheets, xl.read.file, xl.save.file
## Not run:
## senseless actions
xlrc[a1] = iris
xlrc[a1] = cars
for (wb in xl.workbooks()) xl.workbook.close(wb)
# password-protected workbook
xlrc[a1] = iris
xl.workbook.save("iris.xlsx", password = "my_password")
xl.workbook.open("iris.xlsx", password = "my_password")
## End(Not run)
Methods for writing data to Excel sheet
26 xl.write
xl.write(r.obj, xl.rng, na = "", ...)
## Default S3 method:
xl.write(r.obj, xl.rng, na = "", row.names = TRUE, ...)
r.obj R object
xl.rng An object of class COMIDispatch (as used in RDCOMClient package) - refer-
ence to Excel range
na character. NA representation in Excel. By default it is empty string
... arguments for further processing
delete.file a logical value indicating whether delete file with graphics after insertion in
row.names a logical value indicating whether the row names/vector names of r.obj should
to be written along with r.obj
col.names a logical value indicating whether the column names of r.obj should to be written
along with r.obj
xl.rng should be COM-reference to Excel range, not string. Method invisibly returns number
of columns and rows occupied by r.obj on Excel sheet. Its useful for multiple objects writing
to prevent their overlapping. It is more convenient to use xl object. xl.write aimed mostly for
programming purposes, not for interactive usage.
c(rows,columns) Invisibly returns rows and columns number ocuppied by r.obj on Excel sheet.
xl.write 27
See Also
xl, xlr, xlc, xlrc, current.graphics
## Not run:
xls = xl.get.excel()
rng = xls[["Activesheet"]]$Cells(1,1)
nxt = xl.write(iris,rng,row.names = TRUE,col.names = TRUE)
rng = rng$Offset(nxt[1] + 1,0)
nxt = xl.write(cars,rng,row.names = TRUE,col.names = TRUE)
rng = rng$Offset(nxt[1] + 1,0)
nxt = xl.write(as.data.frame(Titanic),rng,row.names = TRUE,col.names = TRUE)
rng = xls[["Activesheet"]]$Cells(1,1)
data.sets = list("Iris dataset",iris,
"Cars dataset",cars,
"Titanic dataset",as.data.frame(Titanic))
xl.write(data.sets,rng,row.names = TRUE,col.names = TRUE)
## End(Not run)
xl.save.file, 25
xl.save.file (xl.read.file), 21
xl.sheet.activate (xl.sheet.add), 22
xl.sheet.add, 22
xl.sheet.delete (xl.sheet.add), 22
xl.sheets, 25
xl.sheets (xl.sheet.add), 22
xl.workbook.activate (xl.workbook.add),
xl.workbook.add, 24
xl.workbook.close (xl.workbook.add), 24
xl.workbook.open, 22
xl.workbook.open (xl.workbook.add), 24
xl.workbook.save, 22
xl.workbook.save (xl.workbook.add), 24
xl.workbooks, 23
xl.workbooks (xl.workbook.add), 24
xl.write, 22, 25
xlc, 8, 13, 27
xlc (xl), 9
xlcn (xl), 9
xln (xl), 9
xlr, 8, 13, 27
xlr (xl), 9
xlrc, 8, 13, 27
xlrc (xl), 9
xlrcn (xl), 9
xlrn (xl), 9