Structure of The Book: 4 Strategies For Second Language Listening
Structure of The Book: 4 Strategies For Second Language Listening
Structure of The Book: 4 Strategies For Second Language Listening
awareness of three key areas, namely: L2 phonetic aspects that cause difficul-
ties to learners; the differences between expert and novice L2 listening; and
learner strategies that might support the listening process.
The structure of the book corresponds to our main aims in writing it. Our
overarching aim is to help teachers teach listening in a more principled way,
which we approach from three angles: bringing together in an accessible
format what research says about the underpinnings of effective listening in
a second language, with a particular focus on the role of learner strategies;
exploring more fully what teachers do indeed know and understand about
listening pedagogy and what they actually do in the classroom, as a neces-
sary precursor to making suggestions for how to address any gaps in teach-
ers pedagogical understanding and practice; and offering practical activities
for addressing those gaps.
As such the book is divided into three parts. Part I considers key issues
concerning the effective teaching of listening based on recent research find-
ings, including the role of listening strategies and the extent to which they
are teachable and worth teaching.
Part II then considers the extent to which those issues are reflected in
what teachers believe about how listening should be taught, in what teach-
ers actually do in the classroom, and in the textbook materials they employ.
Finally, in Part III we put forward practical suggestions for how learners
listening might be developed from a learner strategies perspective, including
how teachers might adapt textbook materials to make them more suitable
for teaching rather than doing listening.
The book focuses on a context that has received relatively little attention,
namely the teaching of languages other than English to learners who are not
adults, but we hope that the insights it provides will have equal relevance
for readers working in other contexts, and with a range of learners of dif-
ferent ages and proficiency levels. Indeed, we consider that the book will
be of interest to many audiences: teachers wishing to enhance their under-
standing of listening pedagogy, both from a more theoretical and more
practical perspective; teacher educators interested in helping the beginning
and in-service practitioners with whom they work achieve that enhanced
understanding; and researchers working in the field of second language
listening pedagogy, for whom the insights into teachers pedagogical beliefs
and practices will be of particular relevance.